Tuesday, September 29, 2009
On Hell's Kitchen
So now they are accepting new contestants for next season's Hell's Kitchen. Sometimes I think I would like to get on that competition. But no. I'm not THAT good of a cook!!! I can cook and it's good enough for home and family, but not good enough for someone whose standards are as high as those of Chef Ramsay's! Besides, I'm really not used to hearing that much cussing first hand. I hate it when people use cuss words (like he uses) online! Much less would I like hearing it up close and personal. But I do admire the man. He's got a good head for gourmet cooking. Though I can handle criticism really well. Much better than most other people can, that's the truth! His criticism wouldn't bother me at all. Just his cussing would.
Well, Operation Repo didn't come on this week, which is a total bummer!! But Anna checked and she said it will be coming on again in November. I don't really know how she found that out, but I thank GOD she found out!! My ma is doing better here too. She found a job that she loves! So it's a good thing, she won't be moving back to Olympia! So if she's not moving then that means I don't have to move either. I'm so glad!!! Anna can move into the dorm at Bozeman, Ma's going to stay in town, though she says she might get a bigger apartment here. My stepfather may get himself a job out here, and I can stay here and remain living in this apartment. Or I might move into a one-bedroom apartment since it'll be just me here. But I don't know. I think I should stay in this one, because Anna would need a home to come home to during holidays and vacations.
Ma and I were talking and she told me everything is coming into play. Before she moved here, she said a prayer to GOD that he would guide her out here IF she was meant to stay here. I told her the funny thing is, I also prayed to GOD that she would make it out here. At first it was very rocky! She got a job at the Ramada, and lost it due to a completely stupid misunderstanding on the part of the supervisor. She was without a job all summer, and things looked bleek. But now, not only is she on a job she loves, but also the supervisor of this job wants to test her for something bigger and better!! I'm so glad!! Now, we are waiting for John to find a job out here. He should go back to work at the radio station. He's got really good credentials for a job like that! I think he should go for it! But ultimately the choice is his. But he has worked at radio stations before and he's got the voice for it. Much better than me! hehehe!! Well, we will see what happens.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Married AND Divorced
You could lose weight IF you wanted to? You're lying now chubs. Is it any wonder how I knew you were fat as shit based solely on your replies? Believe me, it was no random guess. I'll bet at one point you really were just a chub, but after an embarrassing attempt at a marriage you blew up like a blimp--leading to a divorce you truly believe you initiated. Am I right or what?
Just FTR: I KNOW how he found out I am fat, he saw my video about Vegas. After being stuck at 76 views for weeks, it jumped to 82 views just before he chose the nickname "chubs" for me. Which incidentally, I still think is a cute nickname. hehehe!! Looking at this, he sounds a lot like Viergacht. He thinks he knows me, but he is sooooo far off!!! I know what his problem is, he read my profile on YouTube and added some theories of his own that he thinks is true. But anyone who knows me and has read any little bit of my blogs would know, I am NOT like other people! Anyway, this is how I responded to his last sentence:
Nope. I weighed 100 pounds when I married AND divorced. It was my own decision, but enough about my ancient past...
Yep it's true, I only weighed 100 pounds when I married and divorced. And I divorced YEARS before I even started to put on weight. But like Viergacht, I'll entertain dustingrey, for the most part. I mean, in all realism, why I divorced is really none of his business, he's not family. He's not even my friend! I don't have to tell him anything about why I divorced my ex-husband. But I will say my ex-hubby and I are still friends, he's not the type of person to let something like a weight issue stand in the way of his own true personal feelings. I'd never have even been friends with him if he was that kind of person because I did have friends who were overweight back then.
Anyway, I want to also take this time to answer dustingrey in response to this comment he made:
You made the claim that people who own rats are friendlier, and then did nothing to prove that.
You want proof? I'll give you proof. Here's some random quotes from said person, all this aside from the quote I put at the beginning of this post:
1. Purse dogs are for cunts and fags
2. I have noticed [owners of small dogs] are generally overweight, ignorant women possessing an undeserved sense of accomplishment
3. fucking stupid
4. I never claimed to be friendly at all chubs
5. I don't pretend I'm not
6. The term "rat [dogs]" is used in this situation strictly in a demeaning manner
7. Yeah, but TimmyGal fits right into that fat, ignorant stereotype.
8. You might not be fat (can't tell as easily as I could with "Chubs" aka TimmyGal), you certainly don't come off as especially bright. (This comment was made to a 12 year old, so he hates animals AND children.)
9. spelling errors and grammatical fallacies, though certainly not a guaranteeing ignorance, is a definite cause for alarm. (Again, this comment was made to a 12-year old)
10. I'd sooner drag one [small dog] behind my car than allow it in my presence. (Sounds like a future Michael Vick, I think I'll notify the ASPCA about little mister Dustin Grey)
This is just the beginning. More to come I'm sure. LOL!!! :) Such a shame too. He's apparently studying music. With this kind of an attitude, he's more likely to be another Adam Ant. Nobody would buy music from an asshole. I saw his pic, he's not even that good-looking either. Believe me, I'm not just saying that! But it's people like him that is making modern music go all to Hell.
Well, now that I know what his deal is, I don't take it personally. Of course I didn't before, because I knew he was a teenager (at least), and I know how teenagers are (most of them). But now that I know this is just how he is, it makes it much easier to understand and makes me feel better about him. hehe!! When he mentioned that, I was like "OK, so you think you're an asshole. So I'm fat, and you're an asshole." I've actually seen bigger assholes than him, he's not the worst I've ever seen, but then it could be because he's young and inexperienced. hehehe! Anyway, I ended my statement to him with "You have my love and sympathy dude." Not that I expect him to understand why or what that means. Teenagers usually don't. Another complaint of his is that me and those who agree with me are ignorant. I said to him the only ignorant one his himself, and added "A person can lose weight (IF I want to), but you will always be ignorant." Frankly, I don't want to lose weight. If it happens, OK. If it doesn't, OK. But yesterday when my pa was here, and we walked down the beach, I found I could still walk a mile on the sand without even huffing and puffing. So, I may be a fat person, but at least I am a healthy fat person! :) And that doesn't bother me.
Anyway, that's what went on last night. I'd like to tell dustingrey more, but all I will say from now on is that he has my love and sympathy.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Open Heart Surgery
The Battle Continues
Anyway, I told him the only thing he's got right in that comment is that I am overweight. The rest is his own opinion. Like I posted on here before, people rarely see genius in someone who has offended them. Obviously I offended dustingrey. So all he's going to see from now on is a fat woman who owns rats. I'll keep you all informed of what happens next. I'll bet you by tomorrow, I'm going to have this guy calling me "fat-ass"!! LOL!! Wait and see if I am not right! He's losing the battle, and he knows it. The only thing left for him to do now is resort to childish-level name-calling. He's already called me "chubs", so I can feel it! A storm of name-calling will be coming from him soon! But I promise I will still be keeping my cool. I've heard so many fat-names over the years I'm used to it. So don't worry about me snapping or being hurt by him. It ain't a-gonna happen!!! Maybe I'll tell him that I'll sit on him!! LOL!!! I've ALWAYS wanted to say that!! Just to see what kind of a response I get!! LOL!! Maybe I'll say something to the effect of "How'd you like my fat ass to sit on you!?" LOLOL!!!!
Well!!! He did start it!!!! It's not like I provoked it in any way! Anyway, this is good practice for me. I haven't got all freaky or irrational on this guy. I just called him a jerk and said that he needs his dog to make him feel like a man. And I never would have even said that if he hadn't chimed in and called me a cunt just because I have small dogs. But let's see if I am not right about what happens next. I usually am, because I know the type of person he is.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Big Dog vs. Little Dog
There is apparently a typical stereotype going on that people who own "purse dogs", or little dogs, dress the dogs up and carry them around in their purses. Well, as anyone who has read my blogs in the past would know, I am not a typical person. I love being an eccentric. Or different, or kooky, crazy, call it what you will! I love it that I am not like everyone else. I have never dressed my dogs up. Occasionally I have put a Santa hat on our dogs, but it doesn't stay there. I used to put Vegas in a little jacket to keep him warm when it's cold out, but then I found out that if you do that, it messes up the natural development of their undercoat during the cold months. Vegas has a very nice plush coat, and I want to keep it that way. Odessa has a lovely full coat and I don't want to ruin that either. Minnie, I don't know yet. When I first got her, she was shedding like crazy!! I want her to grow a nice, full coat. So I'm leaving her hair alone to see what it does.
As for carrying my dogs in purses, well, I don't do that either. The only dog I have that would fit in a purse is Vegas. And I'd be scared to carry him like that!! I'd be afraid he would jump out! So that is why I don't do those typical things. I remember a long time ago when I had my chihuahua forum, there was a man who joined and he was this big, tough, motorcycle guy, and his main companions were his little chihuahua dogs. I thought it was so cute!! And he seemed like a very nice guy. I've seen it happen over and over again, people who like smaller dogs are indeed nicer folks. I think it may be because we don't see dogs as "status symbols". Don't get me wrong now, I'm not dissing the bigger dogs! When I was younger, skinnier and had more energy, I prefered the big dogs too. I used to raise Australian Shepherds. And I had a collie and a blue heeler that I was very fond of! But now that I am getting older and have less energy, smaller dogs are my thing. I can say though that I've never owned any dog because it was a status symbol for me. I never looked at bigger dogs as being more "macho". I am actually more impressed by little dogs that think they're bigger than they are! Just like my chihuahuas! Kinda like my comparison of larger wild animals. A leopard can kill a female baboon. Big friken deal!!! They won't touch the males, and females are a lot smaller than the leopards are, and a lot less aggressive than the males. But when I saw this video of baboons facing off against a 6-foot long crocodile, THAT was impressive to me!!
Well the one thing that clinches the debate about big dogs vs. little dogs with me, the one and only thing I completely despise about dogs is the fact they like to sniff our butts!! I hate that!! Even though to dogs it's their only way of identifying who is top dog, I still hate it! And that is the main reason why I like the smallest dogs, because they're too small to just reach up and poke their nose in anyone's butt. You can surely train a bigger dog not to do that, it takes a while though for them to get the message. My bigger dogs always learned never to do that with me! They always went to Anna and did it. LOL! Anna never learned how to completely keep a dog from doing that to her. She's too slow on the draw! Anyway, that is the main reason why I always keep the smallest dogs. Don't be fooled though, there are some dogs that are just about big enough to reach that high. Like miniature poodles, and poodles are very notorious butt-sniffers!!! I'm not saying chihuahuas don't do that, it seems to be rare though! My chihuahuas don't do that at all. Even when I am lying in bed with them. I never even trained them not to do that. Minnie doesn't seem interested in that at all either. My other papillon, Andy, used to do it all the time however.
Well, I truly believe that most people who have bigger dogs have them as some kind of status symbol and I don't think that's a good thing. Dogs are not status symbols. They were not bred to make the owners feel "macho". And any dog will defend it's master, no matter what size it is. Cats on the other hand are different. Most of them will save themselves before they'd save their owners from any intruders. I've met some nice cats, I don't completely hate cats. But those cats are few and far between.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Repo Drama
I remember when I was going to the voc school, there was a man, about 10 or 12 years older than me, named Craig Pajares that I had somehow befriended. That friendship did not last! I should never have become friends with him in the first place! My first indication that he was not the right kind of person I should have as a friend was how he used to bad-mouth about my sis Anna. He didn't even know her! Yet he had a very bad attitude about her. The final straw was one day he came staggering in to the classroom drunk, I shared a seating area with him at that time, and he STUNK to high heaven!!! Made me sick just to be around him that day, so I took my stuff and moved away from him. I stayed away from him all day that day. Ever since knowing him, I've had little sympathy for drunkerds! I figure they do it to themselves. Craig was a jackass who thought getting drunk was fun! Ya know I saw that idiot about 4 years later, still driving the same ugly old pickup truck, probably still living with his father and always getting drunk! He looked terrible! He looked like he had aged 30 years worth, but I did not feel sorry for him. I figure he got what he deserved. He saw me, and I saw him as he drove by while I was standing at a red light. I recognized him mostly by his truck and his face.
I'll tell you, if I'd known back then what I do now, I would NEVER have befriended him. But I was only 17 back then. Teenagers have very little sense of danger. But Craig was one of those types of people that was a total jerk and seemed to want to stay that way. He didn't want to change at all. He liked it that he treated people with disrespect. He didn't even care what he did to himself, much less to others. I don't even know if Craig is even still alive. He smoked like a smokestack, drank like a lumberjack, cussed like a sailor, abused everyone around him for no apparent reason except that he just got a kick out of it, probably started doing drugs after he graduated from the voc school. Who really knows? I haven't seen that guy since that time at the intersection and then it was only a passing glimpse and I was all for keeping it that way!! But as I've said before, we all get what we deserve. I know sometimes people change. Craig could have changed and is now a model citizen. But honestly, the guy I knew, the chances of that even remotely occuring are about a billion to one. He didn't even want to change, he admitted that. He actually loved being a jerk! He even went as far as to help me create a new character for my stories, based on himself, that is also a colossal jerk. I only used that character in a very few stories though.
Anyway, that was who Frank reminded me of. I was certain he wasn't going to last on Operation Repo! Same pattern as I used to see in Craig: stinking of alcohol, hitting up inappropriately on the pretty girls, lazy, thinking everyone is against him, etc. When I first saw Frank on Operation Repo, I actually thought he was kinda cute. The only thing that threw me off was his drinking. Anyway, now that he is not working for the team anymore, I do hope he gets into rehab. See how I too can get into these reality shows? LOL!
Well the ending to this particular program was unique. Luis had what looked like a heart attack! I don't know. Maybe we'll find out next season what happened. The show didn't end in the usual way. Kinda left me on the edge of my seat! LOL! Speaking of reality shows I've gotten hooked on, I do hope Hell's Kitchen comes on tonight! It didn't come on last week, and I was grumbling about it all week long! We'd just come back from our trip to Bozeman, and I watched what we recorded while we were gone, and I was looking foreward to seeing the next episode of Hell's Kitchen. Then, BOOM! It doesn't come on at all! That totally SUCKED!!! More to Love did come on and apparently Luke found himself a woman. I kinda wonder who it was now. I didn't watch it last week because I didn't feel like watching it. I was mad cuz Hell's Kitchen didn't come on. Now I'm upset because I missed the finale of More to Love! It's always good to see a man who doesn't care how large a woman is, but sees her for the person she is on the inside. Though Luke has surprised me and let go of some women on that show I thought would have been great for him! But it is his choice. Much like on Rockstar: INXS. If I were Luke and thought like I do now, I wouldn't want a woman that is too gabby. I don't know what it is with me, I never get along good with people who talk too much. May be because I'm more of a listener than a talker. You would think that would be a good combo, but no. People who talk a lot, in my experience, tend to want to only draw to others who talk a lot too. That's been my experience anyway, I've seen it happen typically over and over again.
Well, tonight's another night.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
No Wonder
And ma wants me to make Uncle Martin and the Gang go modern. I don't think I want them too modern!! I don't think I want to see Martin with a banana-shaped nose, big, round, bugged-out eyes, and 2 crooked, protruding front teeth! Yet I am also sick of this pixar-style animation too. I miss the old ways of animation. I know though that to call his group a "gang" nowadays is not too good an idea, but he's been in this "gang" since 1988. They're just a group of friends, they don't go out and cause trouble. Though they always get into trouble. Like now, Kathy and I are working on a new story and it involves Martin and the gang getting into something they shouldn't. They get in deep trouble for it too. I don't want to give the story away, but it will become available on the site. And it is full of good values. It's the kind of story that shows children that everything you do, good or bad, comes with consequences. Kathy is good with stories like that!
If only everybody had those kind of values, the World would be a better place. People think I'm dishonest, but no. I say what I know, what I've seen, and what I've heard. I cannot always guarantee authenticity, unless I am talking about what I personally know for a fact. That is, things I've seen with my own eyes or heard with my own ears. I cannot make anyone believe anything I say, and I don't even try. All I can do is state what I know. Whether the listener believes it or not is their own business. Sometimes, I admit my info may be outdated, it has happened before. I'm referring to a post I made on Metazoica, that discussed scientists discovering that an asteroid alone was not completely responsible for killing off the dinosaurs. Apparently that was discovered several years before I made that post and one of my readers told me so. I said to them that I only post the blogs for the scientific value, I don't guarantee the info is fresh or out-dated. Though it is always nice when I get fresh info posted on my blogs.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I'm Not Alone
I remember when Elmo first appeared on SS back in 1985, during that time they were having quite a surge of new muppets, most of them came and went. I really thought Elmo was going to be one of those that went. But no. Of all the muppets that appeared at that time, he was the only one that stuck around. Kindof like an unwanted stray cat, you feed it once and it won't go away! But at least a cat isn't nearly as stupid as Elmo is. The most annoying thing about Elmo is how he talks about himself in the third party. That's always irritating. I don't even like when real people do that, and Elmo does it constantly! If it wasn't for that, he may not be all that bad. In a lot of Sesame clips I found on YouTube, I made comments about how they needed to bring back the old SS, and get rid of Elmo. Or change his behavior a bit. And I found I am not the only one who feels that way. Lots of people agree with me. Apparently they are bringing back new episodes of Sesame Street. I hope they take some of those comments into consideration. I know Elmo has many fans the way he is now, and personally, I don't know how those people can stand hearing him talk the way he does! They must have a great deal of intestinal fortitude!!! Every time I hear Elmo saying something like "Elmo do this, Elmo do that, Elmo want this, etc." it makes me cringe, and even with my little nieces and nephews here watching that BS, I just want to turn him OFF!!! I've saved a lot of classic Sesame skits, and put together a compilation DVD. But NONE with Elmo!!!! I won't have any Elmo on my computer!! None in my TV set either or even in my house!! NO Elmo PERIOD!!!
I think Sesame Street should go back to the classic characters who've been there since the beginning. Like Big Bird, and Oscar. I've always loved Oscar, and Ernie and Bert. Oscar can be so negative and yet make it sound so funny!! Almost like me. Ernie is so funny in how he just always tricks Bert, and Bert falls for Ernie's tricks every time! LOL! Sometimes I almost feel sorry for Bert, but it's so funny!! Elmo is just annoying, and makes me want to rip his head off at the wrist! But Oscar, Ernie and Bert are so much fun, and would still make watching Sesame Street worthwhile. Big Bird has always been kindof silly, but at least he's not as annoying as Elmo is. Actually among the monsters on Sesame Street, Harry was always my favorite. He's scary, but sweet.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Apartment Hunters
Our first stop was in Missoula, where we looked through some apartments, about the only apartments that we saw that had built-in air conditioning!! The apartment it's self was nice and cozy. It was mostly living room and dining room, with entry-ways to the bedrooms and bathroom. The kitchen was fairly nice and big and it came with everything. The kitchen was right by the entry to the apartment. And none of the apartments we visited seemed to mind that we have 3 dogs! If they did, we wouldn't have looked into them!
We saw 3 in Bozeman, one of which was a branch of the same apartments we saw in Missoula. I liked their built-in air conditioners better though. They were bigger and filled the room better. It was beautiful!!! The kitchen was bigger and more pantry space, and a walk-in pantry in the hall way. The scenery out the windows of this apartment was beautiful too, the lake glittering in the sunlight with the mountains surrounding the background. When we move there, and it is inevitable, I am going to miss the ocean for sure. Though a lake cannot compare to the ocean, it's not too bad for a start.
We also fell in love with another apartment that also had a computer room, and they paid for the cable! And I could take my computer into their room for the internet! How cool is that?! But they didn't have air conditioning. Not that I couldn't get it if I wanted it, but they don't have it built-in. But the fact they pay for the cable is a major plus!!
The last apartment we looked at was this one that had a big book shelf in the bedroom. Of course the bed room was on the sunny side, so I wouldn't want that room. The one I would want was featurless! But one good thing, I could keep both my pets, Anna can keep Odessa, and I can get some curtains on the windows. I made sure of that! I want some room-darkening curtains.
Well, the good thing about this place is the majesty of the scenery out there. And all kinds of wildlife. I saw pronghorns, white-tailed deer, foxes, squirrels like I'd never seen before, it was great! What I didn't like was the altitude and the dryness of the area! It SUCKED!!! Played Hell on my sinuses!! My hands came out dry, and right in the middle of apartment hunting, my nose started to bleed! UGH!!!! That was embarrassing to say the least! I was afraid the people in the car next to me was going to think Anna was beating me! Anna said it's the altitude that does that. A fact I am fully aware of, but why hit me out on the road??? Why not hit me while we were in the hotel room? That was what sucked!
Last time we went through MT, there was a doughnut shop in Livingston, it was a Krispy Kreme doughnut shop. Well, we tried to go back to the same place again, and they did not have that shop anymore. Which was a shame! I tried some buttercream filled doughnuts there that were out of this World!!! I was saying how when we move there, I was going to get some regularly. But now I cannot. They said Krispy Kreme had gone out of business!! I don't know who to blame more, the health-food maniacs, or those damn Baptists at that Land Over Baptist Church! Don't ask me, they were the ones complaining that Krispy Kreme were some kind of evil company and all that jive. I don't know, I don't care! I didn't believe them anyway. But it sucks that they are out of business now.
Well, we stayed in Bozeman for 2 glorious days and we made the treck back home. I did most of the driving over and back. Anna slept all the way home. Except when we got to Olympia, I was so tired, I made her do the driving after we finished our shopping for the month. I managed to capture some zzz's on the way home, but by the time we got home, my neck was hurting like Hell!!! But we had to unpack the car and the groceries and head on in. I'm surprised my little car managed to make the trip all the way to Bozeman and back!!! It doesn't appear to have made the trip unscathed. It's making a funny sound now. But it made it over and back really well!!
When we got home, Vegas had a little accident. He decided he was going to jump out of the car on his own, and he landed and broke one of his toenails and was bleeding. So, there was another expense this month. We had to take him to the vet and they had to operate on his foot because the nail was still attached and broken. I was fortunate I found a vet that would accept a payment plan, because I didn't have all the money for the operation. That was difficult to find!! Because of irresponsible people, most other vets have stopped doing that. Even our regular old vet in Olympia and we'd always been good about paying back our vet bills to them! To me, the vet bill is the most sacred bill!! I may go without food for a month, but I would never go without paying my vet bills!! My babies are my life. I told Anna before irresponsible people change this vet's mind, we MUST get pet insurance!! Especially for Vegas because he seems to be the most accident-prone!
Well, that was our week. We found apartments and got to know Bozeman and Missoula a little better. But I still cannot see myself living there! I keep thinking maybe when we move out there, I'll feel a little better about it. They have some good-looking men out there! That's a plus! But I just love Ocean Shores so much! I cannot see myself living anywhere else. But I've got to do this. Just one final plea to INXS: PLEASE do not come to the USA until the summer months! PLEASE!! Otherwise I'll never get to attend one of your concerts. Once we move to Bozeman, we're going to be pretty much trapped there during the winter. We'll be surrounded by treacherous passes that I won't want to even try navigating during the winter months.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
New Singers Announced For Next INXS Album
Another singer announced is Kev Temperley from Eskimo Joe. I've heard his singing too, he sounds pretty good! He sounds more like someone who would fit in with INXS's music. I have no idea yet which tracks these singers will be singing, but once I do hear anything, I will post it here. It's about time this Timmy fan whispered something new about INXS. I haven't said much about them in a long time. I am actually quite excited about this new venture of INXS's but I don't see why they are so hush-hush about it. But I'm used to it. I never like to reveal my projects until they are complete either. That's one thing I've learned over the past few years of being on the internet. It is so much better to just do what you want, and keep your mouth SHUT to the rest of the World. Otherwise you have a bunch of jealous nincompoops who point at you and say "Oh don't talk to her, she's delusional!" But sometimes it is just SOOOOOOOOO much fun to prove those people wrong. But sometimes, if you let them, they can really discourage you. Which is why I learned to keep my mouth shut on some things. Especially when they are as big as a new album, or a celebrity interview (your first yet), or even a World tour!
Boy! I sure would love to do an interview with INXS about this album. Inquiring minds want to know more!! Maybe someday. hehe! Well, surely they aren't going to say anything about it until the album is released I'm sure. Gotta love INXS in all their secrecy.
Shoot! There I go, doing what I said I wasn't going to do! But it's just a dream so I think I can talk about it here. Well, I've been thinking of working on a banner for this page. The one I have is so boring! So I thought I would pep it up a bit.
Friday, September 4, 2009
My Very First Celebrity Interview
Anyway, here is the results of the interview we conducted. Enjoy!
1. What got you interested in speculative biology in the first place?
Always interested in dinosaurs, since about 5 years old. From there it was a small step to other strange-looking animals. And if the strange-looking animals had some scientific plausibility then that would fit in better with my scientific education.
2. How often have you thought about speculative biology?
3. What was your goal with your first speculative biology project?
AFTER MAN was a popular level book on evolution. But whereas all popular books on evolution look towards the past, and see what has happened, I wanted to look towards the future to see what might happen. Not a firm prediction but rather an exploration of possibilities. The result is a picture book of funny animals, but with each funny animal telling some story about evolution or ecology. Fictitious examples of factual processes, so that the novelty would draw people in to find out more.
4. What other sciences do you study?
Two degrees in geology, with a special interest in fossils and evolution. Masters thesis on palaeogeography - tracing the history of the landscapes of the British Isles throughout known geological time.
5. Among those, which do you find yourself most drawn to?
6. And why?
See above.
7. Are you currently working on anything new in the speculative biology field?
Second series of THE FUTURE IS WILD.
My novel GREENWORLD will be published in Japan this year. Again it deals with fictitious examples of factual processes - in this case the relationship between Homo sapiens and the natural environment - but set on an alien planet. A planet with a whole thriving ecosystem, based on the same biochemical principles that we have here on Earth. Human settlers - evacuated from an overpopulated and polluted Earth - arrive and set up a civilization. We follow the first thousand years of settlement, in which every environmental disaster caused by humans on Earth is repeated. Every incident has its counterpart in Earth's history. Told as a series of short stories, dealing with subsequent generations of a few principal families, and the whole thing building into a kind of a dynastic epic. Illustrated by excerpts from field guides, herbals, bounty notices, recipes, zoo advertisments, scientific papers - all aimed at the characters, not the reader. The reader is an eavesdropper here.
8. Do you consider yourself tops in the growing field of speculative biology?
Others do! I seem to be the go-to guy when it comes to that.
9. What would you say is your greatest accomplishment in any scientific field?
In my case, from my day job as a science writer, to inspire others to take an active interest in the fields of science.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
MJ Finally Being Laid to Rest??
Well, anyway, I have some wonderful news, a very elite project is in the making. I will be revealing it as soon as I am 100% finished. Though my Facebook buddies know already what it is. I guess though I can say this, it's the first of its kind I will be doing, hopefully will lead to more like it. I hope! But one never knows. hehe! I could never be like Catsredrum and her friends, or like CrystalK on the Pluba forum, I could never call someone delusional because they have dreams. I'm the kind of person who says stranger things happen all the time to people. And those who dream big may someday become big. If this project goes as well as planned, I may soon head up that proverbial ladder. I'm very excited about this!!!
Well, one of the secrets to my success is I don't ask for or expect too much. If it happens, it happens. I just start the wheel rolling. When this project is finished, I will be posting the results here AND on my Metazoic blog. My Metazoica fans are going to be thrilled with this project too. Shoot, I might even post it up on my website!! I know I don't expect much, but I think it would be cool if I were to become the internet's own Oprah Winfrey. hehehe!!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Cigarette Smoking
Not every smoker is like Paul was though. Most of them have a very nasty disposition and are only considerate of themselves, no one else. And would you believe there are still dumb shits who defend smoking cigarettes??!! To me, that is the ultimate stupid act! You want to smoke that's your business. But if I say I don't like to smoke, don't make yourself look stupid by trying to convince me that I'm disgusting because I don't like smoking. I remember in my High school German class (which I failed miserably, LOL!) there was a girl named Danielle who sat across from me, and she asked me one time if I smoked cigarettes. I told her no, to which her response was "why?" I looked at her like the dimwit she was, and said "Why?? Because I think it's disgusting." Without a word, she turned to this boy named Mark who sat in front of me and repeated to him what I said. To which his response was "Well it's disgusting to be an asshole too!!" Danielle snickered, and I said "Well, I guess Mark is disgusting then. He's the biggest asshole here." Danielle stopped laughing pretty quickly after I said that. But I didn't care. Believe me, if I did care what Danielle and Mark thought, I would have started smoking, but no. I didn't care about them, so I never started smoking, and I am glad!! LOL!!
I never even took a puff of a cigarette until 3 years later, when I turned 18 and my ma told me I was now old enough to smoke. She had taken up smoking at that time, and she asked me if I wanted to try it. I took one puff and that was it! I'd had enough. I hated it!!! I was right all along, cigarettes are indeed DISGUSTING!!!!!! But at least now I can say I tried it. I couldn't say that in high school.
One night at Walmart, I had gotten a craving for some chocolate, and on the way out there was this man who had been smoking and blowing smoke in other peoples' faces. His girlfriend told him not to do that and he said "As long as I'm not doing it to you, I don't care about anyone else." People like that are so lucky that I am so easy-going, because I wanted to go back and say to him, "How about if I break your nose, would you still not care if you blew smoke in someone else's face?" LOL!! I wish I could do that to all smokers, but if I go around threatening people like that (whether I mean to do it or not) I might go to jail and they are not worth it. People these days take threats too seriously. But then again, how can you not?? More people today carry out their threats, it's no longer 'just words' anymore. That guy didn't know me, he wouldn't have known that when I threaten someone that it's mostly just bluff-tactics. I could have flattened him if I wanted to, but I usually prefer not to. Not just because of jail time either, but because I wouldn't have wanted him on my conscience. LOL! Pity sometimes.
Well, that's my views of smoking cigarettes. Because wouldn't you believe they put a drive-thru cigarette store in this town?? Someone needs to have their heads examined. Put down the cigarettes and try picking up a chocolate bar. There's a lot less danger in a chocolate bar than in cigarettes. And it makes you a lot less irratable! Take a lesson from me, I don't get irratable unless someone pushes my buttons! And they would have to really push the wrong button to get me that irratable.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Celebrity Deaths
My post today is all about celebrity deaths. I don't normally weep for celebs when they die. I've said it before and I'll say it again, they're just PEOPLE!! Seems kinda silly to weep for someone you don't even know. The last celeb I wept for was Michael Hutchence. And well, I wept for him because I loved him a lot growing up as an INXS fan. I had fantasized about marrying him when I was a teenager. Of course I knew it would never come true for the simple fact that rock stars never marry fans! I've only heard about maybe one or two that have married fans. But mostly they are just average people, most of the time the girl (or boy) friend knew that celeb before they became famous. But anyway it was a fun dream! I think Michael Hutchence's death more meant to me that the dream (thus my childhood) was over. I never formally met Michael, though I did kiss him at a concert, but I did weep for that man for several years even after his death.
Well, in 2005, when I sort of "re-discovered" INXS, for some reason unknown to me to this day, I became more sweet on Tim than on Michael. Usually it was Michael who drew me in after rest periods from INXS. This time, it was Tim. Before then, Tim had always been a second favorite after Michael. It did something to me though, it helped me get well over Michael, and I stopped weeping for Michael so much.
Anyway, during this week, it seems Michael Jackson's death overshadowed everyone else's. I don't remember there being this big a fuss when MY Michael died!! I cannot deny MJ had talent somewhere. I mean, a lot of people thought his music was good there was something there. Just that I didn't see it myself. Well!! I cannot really say he didn't have talent, I do like a few of his songs. But the man was seriously disturbed. I didn't like whole albums of his like I did with INXS. In fact, I thought his Thriller album SUCKED personally!!! But the public made it his most popular album ever. Leave it to me to be different!!! But in order for me to say I LOVE a singer/group/band, I would have to hear far more than 3 or 4 songs from them and like them a lot. INXS had an advantage that MJ didn't. INXS are handsome men!!! Especially Tim!! MJ used to be quite good-looking (I wouldn't go so far as to call him handsome), until he ruined his looks with those dumb plastic surgeries!!!! Really, he was messed up!! Ya know it's funny, when a celebrity is messed up, people tend to more excuse their behavior. But when a non-celeb is messed up, people say "Oh stay away from that person, he's crazy!" I tell you, I'm different. If I had seen MJ coming towards me, I'd have turned and ran as fast as I could the opposite way!! In my eyes, he was that scary!!! I give no one special treatment, not even celebs!! Not unless I like them and I would have to like them a LOT!!!
Yep, you guessed it! It takes a lot to get me star-struck!! LOL! I've been to Hollywood a few times now, and I may have walked by several celebs, and not even know it. I wouldn't know today's celebs if they had stopped me and told me who they are! Brad Pitt could stop me on the street and say "Hey! I'm Brad Pitt!" and I'd be like "Yeah. So?" LOL!!! I don't know him! I don't know what movies he's in. Big freaking deal there! But Tim Farriss I know, and so far he's the only one who can catch my special attention. Well, him and Jon! All I have to do is look in Jon's eyes and I'm under his spell!
Anyway, here I mostly talk about how MJ's death seemed to overshadow everyone else's that week and IMO, there were more important people who died that week. But maybe I am saying that because I was never a huge fan of MJ's. I was never even a minor fan of his! I was never a fan at all! Now, Farrah Fawcett was more important to me because I loved her performances. I've seen many of her movies and I always felt what she felt in the movies. That is why I liked her. MJ only had that effect on me once and that was with the song played after the Free Willy movie, which was one of my most favorite movies of all time! I love whales, what can I say?!
Anyway, here's my views on this subject.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Moving Out
But ya know, that's another thing about living here, Anna and I have got to know so many people and most everyone here is so nice and friendly! Most everyone. There's always going to be bad apples everywhere and I have seen a few out here who were not transients. But the majority of the people here are friendly. Partly because it's a small town and the nearest big town is 25-30 miles away. Bozeman is a much bigger town than this one. While it has more in the way of 24-hour shops, the people there I am afraid might be like they were in Lakewood. Of course ma said Lakewood got worse because of the immigrants from California were slowly and surely settling there. And California is a high-crime state--a good indication the people are going to be irratable. And yes a lot of them did settle in Lakewood, Tacoma, Seattle and neighboring towns. There are almost no Californian settlers in Montana. I guess that's a good thing. Hopefully the people in Montana will be like they are here in Ocean Shores--laid back and friendly. Ma said that that area around Puget Sound is where most of them settled. I don't know though about there being nicer people in eastern WA. I went to Yakima once and saw several really nasty people there too. Of course Yakima is not Montana! But still! It's pretty far east and no doubt Montana has to have some jerks like the ones I saw in Yakima. I guess I should be grateful we aren't moving to the midwest.
Well, MSU is one of the top 10 universities in the country, and I want to help Anna get ahead. In case I am interested in going to school, they also have a film-making course there. hehe! Well, this year, I've been heavily into film-making, and I enjoyed it. So if I get into anything at all, it'd be that. Winning that film-making competition told me a lot! I do have a talent for it. No room for modesty there, just honesty. Imagine me winning that competition out of all the people that entered. Many of them were film students themselves. And I won! Not even a college education in that field and I WON!!! Told me a lot about myself there. And should I choose to go back to school, that would be the field I'd want to get into.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The Senility Prayer
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, The good fortune to run into the ones I do, and The eyesight to tell the difference.
One bad thing about leaving to move to Bozeman, I'll be leaving behind all my family and friends I made in this state. Like Katrina. I may never see her or her husband and kids again! I may never see ma and pa again! Anyway, I always try to forget the people I met that didn't like anyway, and remember the ones I do like. The problem is EVERY ONE, good or bad, has some impact in some shape or form, in my life. If the experience with that person is not a pleasant one, I tend to take it out on other people I meet, because I learn not to trust anyone. Though at the same time, I always try to give people I don't know a chance. Sometimes it's hard though when a person has been burned as much as I have.
I was watching Operation Repo last week, and the new guy, Frank, doesn't seem to get along with any of the old crew. Matt was complaining mostly about how Frank reminds him of the Dueling Banjos song. I got a look at this guy on the show, and I didn't think he was going to last very long on there. For one thing, I remember Lyndah saying how he acts tough but he really isn't. I know in the business of reposessions you have to be tough and ruthless. Look at Matt. He's as tough as they come! I like his fire! Well anyway, in the show I saw last week, Matt and Frank were on a job and Frank screwed up by breaking open the wrong car and it pissed off both the car's owner and Matt. Matt got so mad, he took Frank in a headlock to the ground and then he jumped in the car and drove off without Frank. I felt bad for Frank though, he tried to hitch a ride with the camera crew, but they have their own van and they would not let him in. So the whole Operation Repo gang drove off and left him there. I felt for him! I kinda wonder if after the show was all over he did manage to get a ride somewhere. But I don't believe we will be hearing from him again.
Ya know that's always been my one big fear, is I'll get dropped off somewhere and not be able to get back home again. I remember when I went to LA with a perfect stranger. My whole family and my friends didn't really want me to go. My ma especially was like "Oh my GOD!" I was like "I know!" She told me to keep my cell phone with me at all times and I promised her I would. And I did. Even if I had been left somewhere on that trip, I knew I could contact any one of my friends and family here and they would gladly have come and got me and brought me home. I once met someone who had that happen to her 35 years ago, and she wound up living in the state she was left in. So she came out OK in the end! LOL! Who knows? Maybe if I had been left in LA, I could have taken up residence in Hollywood, maybe even would have been discovered by some big name producer. LOL!! Hey! Stranger things have happened. hehe!! Or at least would have gone to school and learned to do animation so I could work at Disney Studios or something.
Well, so much for big, wild dreams. Now, to return to reality. Over the past month I've been struck with a hard decision, whether to return to the SE forum or not. Well, today I decided not to. I found out I still have some supporters there, and I appreciate them asking me to return. But I decided not to go back. The reason is simple. I am not ready to go back to any forums yet. The way I snapped at that guy on YouTube a week or so ago, told me that I am not ready to go back. If I go back, and JohnFaa starts his usual BS again, or shit-talks someone I like, I'm going to eventually wail on his head!! Maybe not at first, but who knows how long it would take me to snap. All I have to do is have one bad day and that's it! I could make him sorry he was ever born! And I don't want to do that. When I do go back into the SE forum, when I am sure I am ready, I want to be much more forgiving. Believe it or not, I can be a monster. So far no one on the internet has ever seen that side of me. No one has ever seen me at my worst. That's because this is the internet. I have time to cool off before I post anything. Sometimes I post on here to blow off a little extra steam, but that's it. If you want to imagine me at my worst, think of what I have written in my blogs in the past and multiply it to the 10th power. Usually though I'm good about keeping my cool.
Well anyway, I won't be going back to the SE forum because I am just not ready. Sorry to those who said I should return. And one person really wanted to show me his project. All I can say is, they know where to find me and they are always welcome. Another showed me his work. One problem, he is working with Viergacht. Well, I saw a dragon that Viergacht did for this person, and I've got to tell you, he doesn't draw that badly. I'm not like Viergacht, I'm not going to lie and base my opinions of his work on how I feel about him personally. And I'm not interested in making friends with him at all, so in no way am I saying this to appeal to his graces (which is what he'd probably tell you). I'm just being honest, as I always am.
Well, he thinks my drawings are shitty, LOL! But that's OK. Those drawings are my style. A lot of people today seem to prefer manga or anime-style drawing and that just is not my style. No matter what these modern anime fanatics tell you, there are other ways of illustration that are just as good. And my ways are the old fashioned ways. Every artist has their preference and mine is old fashioned, Bugs Bunny style animation. I don't go for the modern manga and anime style drawings. In fact, I am downright turned OFF by anime style drawings!! I hate them with an intese passion!!!! I can look at manga style drawings a lot better than I can look at anime drawings!! That's just my POV. However, an anime artist is no less an artist. Just an artist with a different style. That's the funny thing about art, one thing I learned a LONG time ago!!! There are many different styles and tastes. I hate anime, but I don't mind simple drawings. I don't mind manga as much, but I don't expect I will ever learn it. LOL! Basically the main reason I hate anime so much is they are scary looking for one thing. They have bugged-out eyes, and the motion really sucks in those anime cartoons! Hurts my eyes because it is so unnatural.
I guess my style of drawing can be described as innocent, child-like, simple drawings. I don't put much shading in my drawings (part of the reason for that is because I've gotten lazy in my old age!) I put some details in my drawings, and I emphasize the word "some". I don't put a lot. But I try to put enough detail so the onlookers can tell the subject from the scenery. I always prefer to make my animals look like they're supposed to, even though most of the animals I use in my stories are animals from my Metazoic site. I'm just not into drawing like I'm working for an anime cartoon company or in manga style, like they do in comic books. I realize I could do better, but I just prefer the simple, innocent type of drawings that I've grown accustomed to doing.
Gee in this note alone I managed to stop myself from making an idiot of myself! I was about to call someone a psycho. I'm glad I caught it and erased it in time! I said to myself "Well that makes me sound like Catsredrum and Mayday06! And the last people I ever want to sound like are Catsredrum and Mayday06!!!" Mayday06 may have even changed her name by now. She probably calls herself Mayday09 now! LOL!!! I kinda wonder if she is still following me around the internet? Well, my one old informant decided she didn't like me anymore, which I guess is just as well. Ehhh, I was kinda hurt at first, but I get over things like that really quickly! :) Especially when I barely know that person and that person turns out to be a supporter of someone who is baaaad news anyway. Now, I guess it's up to me and my closest friends to keep an eye on those from the delusional mods forum!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Politically In-Correct
Now, I admit, some political correctness is good. Then I don't have to walk down the street and hear some jerk shouting racist names, or "fat-ass" or something like that. But too much of it is really getting OLD!!!! They are cutting out some of the best and funniest scenes on these old cartoons because they want to wipe "typical stereotypes" out of the public mind. Nevermind that what some overly politically correct people refer to as "typical stereotypes" is just plain and simple FACTS!!!! I mean, look at the oldest Tom and Jerry cartoons from 1940, there was an African-American woman in those cartoons and today they cut her out of the cartoons because she had a thick African-American accent. But I mean let's face it, a lot of African-American people do talk like that!! Even today. It's not stereotyping, it's truth. It's just the way it is. Personally, I hope nothing changes, I really find that African-American accent sexy!! My first boyfriend Paul had it, and I loved it!!!
I call people who are overly critical about political correctness the biggest crybabies on the planet!! Like I said, some is good, but you can have too much of a good thing, and I think political correctness has gone overboard. To a point where it's attacking people who just don't give a crap, the kids. Kids are never going to be politically correct! They're always going to be just kids. And really, if the producers want to edit out something, then edit out the cartoons where kids are just plain disrespectful to their parents and adults! Don't send kids to school, instead, keep them under wraps because the World is still full of political incorrectness! Don't take kids to the supermarket! Don't let your kids go out and meet new people because the other person just may have different beliefs of what is politically correct! Don't let your kids watch television, instead show them the World is a flowery place where they will never learn to deal with their troubles and everyone out there is all going to like them and have a kumbaya love-fest with them. Show kids that it is not OK to speak your mind and tell others how you really feel, so instead they will learn to only be nice to peoples' faces and then talk slam behind their backs! Great way to get yourself a lot of false friends!! Teach your kids that it is not OK to get angry, and to always be happy no matter what and keep the anger bottled up inside them. You will soon hear about that child on television, the nightly news, after he's committed terrorist acts against his school! Censor the things that have no proof or foundation to back them up!! Don't censor the things that are just plain and simple FACTS!!!!!!
Honestly, if people want to be politically correct, then think about it. The World is full of it. I'm not saying all of it is bad, but don't do too much of it. Don't attack the TV shows and cartoons that were once fun. My vision of political correctness is very different from those of others. But then I've always been more flexible and forgiving than most other people.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
In the case of chihuahuas, as long as the breeder isn't breeding for Taco Bell lookalikes, they are good. I actually had a chance to study the papillon's breed standard for AKC, and Minnie comes pretty close. The only thing she doesn't have is the long hair, and she is starting to develop that now that she lives here. She also doesn't have the tight-curling tail of the show-quality paps. But that's OK now. She's just my pet and that's all she is now. No breeding involved with her at all. Not with me. She is slowly getting used to home life. I think the former owner's constant moving to and from Arizona took a toll on Minnie. And that is why she was not used to home life. We're still working on her house training.
Well, it is Minnie's birthday today, and I want to wish her a good one. I've been swamped this month with birthdays!! First Jon's, then Tim's, now Minnie's. Tomorrow is my sis Eva's birthday, and the 28th is my ma's. I sure do love it when August comes around!! LOL!
Well, not all the news on this front is good. Right now, I am having to make a very tough decision, probably the toughest decision of my life. I may have to leave Ocean Shores! It really SUCKS!!! I don't want to leave here! This is the best place I've ever moved to, I love it here. But I may have to leave. Hopefully it will only be for a few years. My hands are tied in such a way I may have to go, whether I want to or not. Heck, my hands are not only tied, they are twisted and tied behind my back. I feel like life has a bayonet in my back and is telling me to GO!!! I have no choice. But if Anna is moving to Bozeman and establishing residency, and my ma and stepfather are moving back to Olympia, I cannot stay here by myself for the next 4 years, so I may have to move with Anna to Bozeman. There is this family that keeps coming back here to their property across the road from me and they have 3 kids! To me, that's bad news! When we first moved here, they only came once a year, now I see them here every weekend and I hate it!! Their kids are noisy (as all kids are). It used to be quiet here, now it's loud! That was one of the reasons I loved it here so much. But if they are moving in, I am definitely moving out. Well, I can always come back here 4 years from now, and find a quieter neighborhood. Maybe one right on the ocean next time!
Well, one thing about living in MT, they are much more animal friendly there. So I heard. But the sad thing is I may either have to travel 500+ miles to see INXS concerts, or forget about them altogether. I don't really want to do either! I love going to concerts. I don't always care to see other fans, now that they are forming cliques I don't trust anyone, but I still love seeing Timmy!! I wonder though if we are allowed to carry pepper spray to concerts. I may need it!! Aw heck that may not work with people like Catsredrum and her friends, they probably carry guns!! LOL!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Happy Birthday Tim!!!!!
Well, every year I try to do something for Tim's birthday and this year, since film-making is my thing, I decided to try a video blog for him. I was going to do a roast because I've never roasted Timmy before, but I decided against it. The video explains why. The beginning is quite long, I wanted to add a birthday song to the beginning, like I did with Vegas's video, but I wanted it to sound more grown up. That was the best song I could find. I took the first verse and added it to the beginning, if I had included the whole thing, it would have been a lot longer. I shortened it as much as I could.
I even included a little happy birthday wish from Vegas and Minnie. Vegas decided to become vocal during the making of this video. I call Vegas "Boobah", and Minnie "Mumah". Yeah, I know, I'm a little on the corny side when it comes to my babies, but I thought it'd be cute to have them on here to say happy birthday to Tim too. You wouldn't believe this either, I found a pic of Catsredrum!! It shows up when I mention the delusional mods. hehe! The resemblance is uncanny!! The pic looks just like the young lady I saw standing next to me at the INXS concert in Lincoln City!!! Well anyway, I posted this here in hopes that maybe Tim will see it and enjoy it. And as the ending goes, he's probably still the most handsome man alive at 52!
Hello and welcome! That's the name of this new blog. Well, that's the name of this temporary blog. My last blog, timmyfan.com, was ...
No, I haven't "switched over"! That will never happen. I'll always be a dog lover. But there is a Facebook page devoted to...
A while ago, I wrote a post about the stupidest reasons people think cats are better than dogs. Well, let's face it, anyone who thinks c...
Official "Felon"
Well, the judge has declared Trump an "official felon". Well, he's a corrupt judge, we'll probably hear some deep shit on...