Friday, February 13, 2009


Now to a subject I know I love! INXS! Especially Tim!!!! Anna and I were talking last night about how we got into music in the first place and I was reminiscing about my very first encounter with INXS. Well, it was an indirect encounter. But I was in my first year in middle school and I'd heard about how kids in middle school are more interested in rock n roll. Well, I was in my first period desk, and the person who had sat there the day before wrote all their favorite rock groups on the surface of the desk. There was U2, Van Halen, Duran Duran, Motley Crue, but the one name that caught my attention more than any other was INXS. For some reason, that word fascinated me. But at first I thought it was pronounced "inks", LOL! I never heard of INXS back then, so I didn't know. Anyway, I just went about my day.

Most people believe that because I am an INXS fan, that I must be a fan of U2 and Duran Duran. I like a few songs of U2's, but only a very few. And most of those are from the 80s. Particularly from their Joshua Tree album. I have some of their songs on my little player here. I won't say I dislike U2, not in any way, shape or form. I like them, I just don't love them like I do INXS. And Duran Duran is exactly the opposite of U2. I only liked Duran in the 90s, I don't like any of their 80s stuff at all! They totally sucked in the 80s. But I do have a couple of their 90s songs on my little MP3 player. And the men in those bands are no where near as attractive as the men of INXS. INXS is the only band so far that I've ever known where almost all the members are so handsome! Well, all but Kirk, poor guy! Most people went for Michael, and I confess I did too at one time. I even saw Michael perform in concert once in Seattle and that is where I kissed him. hehe! So yeah, I can understand other peoples' affections for Michael. I even loved that man a lot for a long time after he died. I admit then he was not that attractive to me anymore, I didn't like his hair, I preferred the long, curly hair on him. That slicked-out look well, he just didn't look like himself anymore. That took a lot of getting used to.

Well, for a long time after Michael died, I felt bad about that. But aside from kissing him at a concert, I never formally met the man. I could tell he was a good man though, I have a natural knack for that! You can imagine my shock when I found out he had killed himself. There are many rumors surrounding the circumstances of his death. The most popular rumor is that he died of auto-erotic asphyxiation, but a lot of people believe that was not true. Many people believe, as I do, that he just got burned out in life's problems and couldn't handle it anymore. It is sad when someone feels that there is no way out of such situations and take their own lives like Michael did, very sad! When I heard the news, well, I could sit here and punch out a novel describing that horrifying 6 seconds when I heard the news. I had so many things go through my mind, and one of the biggest things was how much I loved that man when I was younger. LOL! I loved him so much back then I used to fantasize about marrying him. Of course I knew it was nothing but a fantasy, even back then I knew that rock stars never marry the fans. But it was fun to dream. I grieved for a long time after that. I went through a neutral period with INXS between 2000 and 2005, then early in 2005 something happened. I was up early one morning because I was nervous about going in for a second surgery in less than a year. I don't know why but I was thinking about INXS and I started looking for INXS forums. After some amount of searching, I found one, but it took a while.

Well, to make a long story short, I had turned my attention away from Michael and started eye-balling Tim, the band's guitarist. I saw one pic of him that someone had posted on the forum and he was so handsome in that pic, made me fall head-over-heals in love with him!! That wasn't an entirely new concept though. Even though for the most part my love for the band leered more towards Michael, Tim was always a second choice. I always thought that if anything happened to Michael, there is still Tim, who is just as handsome (and now in my eyes, even more handsome) as Michael, plus, Tim always had a way of making me laugh. He has a cute sense of humor, and he can make anything funny. One fan, who'd met him long before I did, suggested sometime when I meet him to ask him to do his impersonation of Al Pacino in Scarface. Well, I have since met Tim several times, and never got around to asking him that. When I see him, I just get so excited like a puppy dog, all I can think about is he is there standing right in front of me. Not in front of me standing in an album cover, but the real thing, in the flesh!! Yeah, I may get a wee bit star-struck but when it comes to Tim, well, let's just say he is even more handsome in person than he is in pictures. Some day I may get up enough gumption to ask him to do his impersonations, but for now no soap. I'd like to get to know him as a person first. But I can imagine he would be just as successful at making me laugh with him doing those impersonations as anything he's done in the past.

I was extremely lucky at a concert in Seattle to have met him in a dark alley. I'll tell you all right now, I hate Seattle!! I hate the city with a burning passion!! I hate city people too! When I was there all alone, I was scared to death walking up that dark alley on my way to the concert. Then all of a sudden, out pops Tim, my favorite band member! I know that is hard to believe me just happening to be in the right place at the right time to see him, but there it was. I'd say it was a plan created by the Almighty HIM self!!! Before leaving my car on that little walk, I said a prayer to GOD that if I happened to bump into Tim to give me the courage to ask him for a photo op, and in that case, HE responded in my favor. Believe me, I never would have been able to do it without GOD's help. The end result of that night is the pic in my profile. And whether you like how I look or not, it is a pic I am particularly proud of! It was a great moment in my life and I was walking on air!

The only thing I find frustrating about being an INXS fan in today's world is that most other INXS fans are cat-people! I'm not a cat person! I don't dislike house cats in general, but I don't like having them in my house at all. I wish I had become a fan of the band when I was 5 years old! I loved cats back then. But INXS was not even heard of back then. Not in this country anyways. Funny thing, when I was 5 years old, and heavily into cats, I was hard-pressed to find another person who actually liked them at all. Everyone else but me liked dogs, even other girls my age or close to my age. Now, I feel like I am the only INXS fan who is not into cats. I like dogs, but I only like tiny dogs like chihuahuas and papillons. I don't like big dogs like golden retrievers or irish setters and stuff like that. I like a few herding breeds like shepherds, but that's all. The thing that turned me off to dogs was their butt-sniffing behavior, but really, cats are no better! They're just daintier when they do it. Anyway, I feel out of place. But then at the same time, I know I am who I am--a very individual person. But then I am also turned off by cat people. Not INXS fans, necessarily, but the cat-people I used to encounter on the YouTube site. Most of them said the reason they hated dogs was because dogs kill people, yet they somehow seemed to forget about the many people who have been killed by wild felines, especially children. And dogs don't kill people, only people kill people! Hate the message, not the messenger!! Those dogs that kill people are only doing what they were trained by their owners to do. Or lack of training by their owners. Lack of love as well! My dogs are loved, and they wouldn't attack anyone unless I told them to. My pa's got a retired police dog and she is sweet as pie until he gives her the attack command. Then she does what she was originally trained to do. But that's all a totally different story. LOL!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

This Question Needs An Answer

I was checking some resources e-mailed to me, and one of my friends came upon this post on LiveJournal where someone was griping about me. This person created a fantasy world full of centaurs, trolls and other mythical animals, and another friend told me about it, but didn't tell me (because he himself didn't know) that the project was supposed to be a fantasy world. Well, this person (who calls himself Viergacht) has been griping about me all day. Him and about 7 of his friends. One of my friends found this post and e-mailed it to me.

Well, one person made a comment on the post and I have to answer it. Without any roasting (because I already apologized to Viergacht this morning for saying the things I did after I realized I was wrong) I wanted to let this person know something.

This is a comment from someone calling themself Wapsie:

I think she might be psychologically disturbed: else to explain taking your masturbatory blog that nobody ever read, printing its posts it out to make a "book" that is "published" by your very own "publishing company", and charging 35 freakin' bucks for it? Now that's some powerful pathological narcissism, there.

Words spoken from someone who does not know me at all, and obviously never read that blog. That link leads to a book titled "How A Dog-Girl Turned Rocker", and he thinks no one ever read the blog and that I am crazy to charge $35 for it. Well, maybe so, but there is a reason the price is so high. It was very sought-after!! Ask Catsredrum and Netrage. They wanted to read that blog so bad, they were willing to sneak people in there after I made it private to copy and paste it onto their forum. So I said if it's such a popular blog, I wanted to publish it, but if Catsredrum and Netrage were going to get it, they were going to pay dear for it. So that is why I charge $35 for that book.

Well, this was Viergacht's response:

Wow . . . delusions of grandeur? Seeing that almost makes me feel bad for mocking her. Almost. Not quite.

My response is: Oh! Don't feel bad hunny! I'm tougher than you will ever know! Neither you nor your friends have said anything I ain't never heard before. Like you said on your forum, if you were someone I know and respect, my feelings might have been hurt. But you're not, so it doesn't bother me. But obviously I bothered him more than he is letting on in his journals!!
This is another quote from that same post:

She, on the other hand, has taken her obsessions waaaaaaaaaay into the creepy zone.

Keep in mind, I do not know this guy, never have I spoken to him, and only made ONE post about him on ONE journal, until I got this e-mail from a friend, and felt that first comment needed a response. Seems he is the obsessed one by posting about me on 2 different journals, and the SE forum.

I already made my apologies though, and have forgiven him. So I will not carry this any further. So from now on, any displays of obsession are on his head. Not mine. And that is not narcissism. That's honesty! I think you will find I am always honest no matter what. It is a cross I must bear. The inexperienced may think that is narcissism, but I'm just doing what I am programmed by nature and my parents to do. And Viergacht, before you go on making statements about someone you don't know and could spend the next 100 years trying to understand, I am too complex of a person for you hunny. You were the one who thought I would reject your comment this morning because you said I struck you as the type who deletes comments that don't prop up my ego. Well, maybe that's what you would have done if you were in my place. But not me. Believe me, I've been insulted worse by people who know far more about me than you ever will. Viergacht is the main reason why I never get chummy with people right away. Metalraptor tried being nice to him, and he just completely ignored him. Whereas I always answer all my fan mail.

Well, one might think this would put a damper on my efforts to change. But no. I am still working on it. I didn't think it was going to happen overnight. If Viergacht does keep this up and does not leave me alone, I'm going to have to do with him what I did with the delusional mods. Believe me, he won't like it!! He's obviously not as tough as I am and I can get really nasty!! He ain't seen NOTHING yet! I can make posts about him that would make the one I made about him before look like it came from a children's story. But I will back off now and give him and his friends a chance to do the same. The apology is up, I have forgiven him, and have for hours now. It's all up to him now.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Octuplet Mom

I have been following this story all week. There is a woman named Nadya Suleman in Los Angeles who went and got pregnant on purpose, even though she is unmarried, has no job and is living with her mom in a small, 3-bedroom home, and she is on welfare. She admits she did all this just to get on welfare. I don't want to pass judgement seeings I don't know the woman, but I must say I think she must be a very selfish person to do this to her mom and to the taxpayers!! Then to openly admit it on the news. I think Dr. Phil was right tonight about that woman being very unstable mentally. I feel bad for her. I know what she is going through because after my Groucho died, I went through the same thing. She needs to put some of those kids up for adoption because those kids need a better life than what she could ever give them.

This is the kind of thing I think we need to write to our congress about. People who go out and get pregnant on purpose just to get the money from welfare should be banned or punished. If she had the kids BEFORE getting on welfare that would have been different. But she admitted to having those kids just so she could get the welfare money, and I find that sickening! The only problem with congress passing a law like that is how many people are actually really going to admit they got pregnant just so they can get on welfare? None really!! In fact, this woman is the only one I've actually seen do that. Now I am not saying people on welfare should not have children, a lot of poor kids grow up to contribute a great deal to the World. Look at Bill Gates. Well, I know his family were struggling, I don't know if they were on welfare. But anyway, people who are being supported by the government should not be having kids, and especially not 8 at once with 6 small kids already underfoot!

And what this is all doing to the girl's mother is also crazy, stupid and selfish! I would NEVER ask my ma to support me along with 14 kids! I stopped getting help from my parents when I was 20. Since then, none of my parents have ever bought me groceries, never paid my rent, never paid my household bills, and I would never ask them to. Occasionally I may have asked them for help now and then, but I always gave them that money back whenever I got paid. This woman's mom needs to figure how much her daughter owes her for children's clothing, food, rent and extra heating and electricity each month, keep a record and when the daughter graduates and starts working, hand her the bill and tell her that she owes her that much and make her pay it. Only then will she see how tough it is to raise kids, and how expensive it is. That is why I never had children. The cost is too much! I pay out the ears for my little dogs, and that is enough! They are a lot more fun and a lot less noisy than children (and a lot less disgusting---kids tend to pick their noses, touch parts of other peoples' bodies that should be left alone, and in general are usually crude to each other).

But then looking at the young woman's point of view, the media has been unkind too. But I am sure she saw this coming (I hope) before going public. While I do agree she should be sterilized, and some of those kids should be put up for adoption, and this is a very selfish act she has committed, and she doesn't seem to know what she is doing, she should not be getting death threats!!! I don't agree with that! This is a woman who needs help obviously. So sterilize her, adopt out some of her children, and send her to rehab! But don't make death threats! That's stupid!! I'm personally just giving my views on this subject. I think the Chinese had the right idea, put a limit on the number of children a family can have and make that a LAW! Like a single mom should only be allowed no more than 2 children. After that number, it should be mandatory that she be sterilized so she can have no more. And if they are on welfare before having children, that number should be reduced.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

PETA Connections With the KKK?

Oh my, PETA has gone over the line in their campaigns before, they have yet to disappoint me with their level of stupidity!! Now I heard they were in NYC at the Westminster Kennel Club dog show dressed as KKK members. I find that highly offensive! The KKK stands for negativity, and so does PETA, and they do NOT help the cause of animals by doing stupid stunts like that! They said that they were against the AKC promoting purebreed dogs because they claim it's unhealthy to breed purebreed dogs. Once again, I find something that PETA and I disagree with! Of course that isn't new, I disagree with just about everything PETA stands for! I like purebreed dogs, I prefer them over mixed breeds. With mixed breeds, you never know what you're going to get. With purebreeds, there is no question. Besides most of today's mixed breeds are ugly. They're all either mixed on purpose with poodle or labrador or some other 2-bit breed. Besides, most breeders today are breeding very healthy pure breeds. As usual, PETA is full of information that has no sanction. Just assumption.

I may have bad-mouthed show breeders in the past, but that didn't mean that I didn't think they knew what they were doing when they breed their dogs. More than anything it was their personality I found disagreeable, not their breeding ethics. Though I do find their people skills rather questionable too. I still say it's safer to buy from pet stores!! Until there is some kind of class to send show breeders to where they can learn to treat people with respect and kindness, I'll continue searching the pet stores!! I've been in good luck with them so far! Well, I've since forgiven the show breeders who've done me wrong. I even looked and saw that there was an old sussex spaniel that took 1st place at Westminster tonight. Not to offend the sussex spaniel people out there, but that just isn't my breed. I don't care for them. But I do think it's cool when a breed that has never won like that finally wins big. And an old dog at that, he was 10 years old! I liked it when Kirby won at Westminster, and such a lovely animal he was!! I grew up with a papillon, I like them a lot! I was one of few people back then that owned one! He came to us out of pure luck. We got him from someone who was a breeder and their dog had an oops litter, and she didn't know who the father was. She didn't want to register them apparently, so she gave Andy and his sister away. They were the only 2 pups in the litter. This was back when paps were still kinda under the shadows of the more popular breeds. I was just lucky to be in the right place at the right time, and I never regretted it.

Anyway, PETA just never seems to draw the line anywhere. There they were at Westminster taking up a booth and passing out more of their stupid fliers full of more of their BS urging people not to buy or breed AKC registered dogs! Sometimes I just want to give PETA a good slap in the face!! They are so stupid! Anyone who agrees with or supports PETA is stupid!! Enough said there! I say don't listen to people who talk out their asses as PETA does! If you enjoy purebreed dogs as I do, then by all means, go out and get one!! But the thing I hate most about PETA is that they force their beliefs on others, and I'm the type that the harder someone tries to force their beliefs on me, the more I will just push away and keep going with my own beliefs. They're always doing these stupid campaigns that give animal lovers such as me a bad name!! I really wish I could say I will wash my hands completely of PETA, but that won't happen soon. As long as PETA continues to do stupid promotions like this, I'll always have something to say about them. If you want to summarize the stupidest promotions PETA has done, check these out:

Calling fish "sea kittens" and trying to get everyone and everything associated with fish to do the same.

How about PETA getting Ben and Jerry's to stop using cow milk and start using human breast milk instead!

Forcing veganism on others. I once subscribed to their stupid magazine, of course it was by accident. But that was how I learned about their idiocy.

Picketing KFC and other fast food restaurants to ban the sale of burgers and fried chicken.

Halting the migration of Mexicans into the USA because they said that Mexicans will be leaving behind beans and rice, as if Mexicans do not even eat meat. Believe me, Mexicans EAT MEAT!! A lot of meat!!! I should know.

Taking advantage of the death of one bus rider in Canada who was killed and eaten by another bus rider, saying that if those people hadn't been meat-eaters that would never have happened. Hello? A lot of psychos are vegetarians!!! In fact, more criminals are vegetarians now than meat-eaters. Almost as if their bodies are going crazy craving something.....meat!!! BWAH!!

I don't enjoy going to PETA's website, but if I wanted to find more of these moronic campaigns I'd have to go there and find it and I'm not up to it now. I have a big enough headache now as it is.

Here is the article anyway:

Monday, February 9, 2009

Natural Fires or Mass Murder?

I was just reading an article about the brushfires in Australia. Now people are saying that they may have been caused by arsonists! Not Nature herself. That makes me feel worse! I hope it's not true because that would be much harder to excuse than if the fires had been caused naturally. Thankfully one of my favorite internet buds is OK, and so is her family! I thank GOD for that anyway. But I still am thinking of the people down there, and hope that one of my favorite guys from INXS does not get caught up in it. Even though I know it's many miles away from them, I still worry!!

According to this article I found, the death toll is now at over 160. Bodies were found in crashed cars that had tried to escape the fires, it's terrible! The flames are moving so fast that people were getting desperate! One man jumped into his pool, one woman hid her children in a wombat burrow, etc! It's just terrible!! One officer said that if this was started by arsonists, it is nothing more than mass murder! I must say I agree. Seems that way. It'd have been different if the fires were started naturally. That could have been easier to get over. But to think some people started the fires just for fun, well, it's horrible to think about. The fires were further complicated by 60 mph winds and 117 degree weather. That's why it's going so fast! Before this, the worst fires to hit the state of Victoria occured in 1983, when 75 people were killed. That's only half though of what is being found now.

If anyone wants to read the full article, here is what I found: I sure do wish everyone well who has survived to now. And I hope it is really not caused by humans! I'm in denial here though. Most likely it was caused by humans. The sad thing is that it was also probably done deliberately.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Brushfires in Australia

I cannot believe wait, I CAN believe it! Australia is famous for having some weird occurings. Brushfires are actually quite common there as they are in California. When I first saw an article about Brushfires in Oz, the first thing that popped into my mind was my favorite men of INXS are there! Then I was praying to GOD that they and their families would be OK. But the fires are is southeastern Australia, I don't know if any of the guys live there, but if so, I do hope to GOD they and their families are OK. I think someone once told me one of the guys (I think it was Garry?) has a home in Melbourne. I don't know if that's true or not, or even if I heard correctly, but if it is true, I hope all is well with him. When I met him he was such a nice man! Though not a lot of fans would agree with me. But he never snubbed me, so I have no reason to think he's anything less than a good man. I loved the guy!! He was actually one of the guys that I hunkered to right off the bat! Him and Andrew. I don't think I would like Garry's new wife though, she's one of those ARA folks, probably supports PETA. But until I meet her, I cannot say with absolute certainty if I wouldn't like her. But if I do meet her, at least I know she's one of those ARAs, then I can at least have a little bit of an idea about what to expect. Forewarned is forearmed. Simple as that.

I do know some people (via online) who are from Victoria, the state that is on fire in Australia, and I do hope they are all OK. So far 14 people are dead, and that was what scared me. That and the fact that at first I thought the fires were in Sydney, because at the beginning of the article, it said "SYDNEY" in all caps! So it had me frozen in my seat there for a minute. I was just worried sick about my favorite men and their loved ones. Yes, their loved ones! The ones that keep them ticking. The ones that really encourage them to get out and make music, plan tours, chat with the fans, and more. I thought about them as well. And well, Timmy's youngest is such a nice-looking young man! hehe! When I saw his most recent pic, I realized how much he looks like Timmy, it made my eyes pop out!!! hehe!

Well, on a positive note, I did manage to create another little movie. It's another advertising movie for The Mischievous Mongoose on our UMG site. GOD I hope I spelled that right!! Came out pretty darned good if I do say so myself. Take a gander at this:

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Video Blogging

This is something like what my video logs would be like...

This is a video I've known about for years, it features the comedian Dane Cook talking about experiences working at Burger King. I'm not sure if this guy has ever thought about going into movies, but he is funny sometimes. This is just one example of the funny things this guy says. I like this video too. This is how I would do my video logging, because I mean really, who wants to see me just sitting in an easy chair talking about the problems and solutions of this World? That'd be BORING!!! And let's face it, I'm not Cameron Diaz!!! I'm a wishy-washy, ugly old hag! So images like these would be more interesting to see on the screen.

Anyway, this guy is funny! And I know I can do something like this, even add video in between still pictures to sort of illustrate what I am talking about. Even put music in the background.

Today's Quote...

Oh boy! This is nothing if not veracious. This is today's quote of the day.

"Misquotation is, in fact, the pride and privilege of the learned. A widely- read man never quotes accurately, for the rather obvious reason that he has read too widely. - Hesketh Pearson"

That's me. I feel like this person quoted that saying in my honor! It describes me to a T. I have a tendency to misquote all the time. I am also well-learned, well-read and you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who takes in information better than me. I get comments all the time on how observant I am, both good and bad. Some people I drive crazy because I'm always pointing out little details they were hoping I'd miss. Some people I fascinate because I see things others miss. You should have heard the compliments I got from some of my ma's friends who saw this statue of a polar bear that I did for her. Most people would make it look like a white grizzly bear or kodiak bear. But I didn't. Polar bears look different from grizzlies or kodiaks. The neck is longer and more slender, the head is also more slender, the body is quite a bit more streamlined, and the feet are broader. They are better built for an almost fully-aquatic way of life.

Anyway, I think I've found my second calling. Film-making! I made a film of my sis Anna and the dogs for her school. No matter what the outcome is for the film at the school, I really enjoyed making the film!! I enjoyed mostly playing with the gadgets on MovieMaker! Oh it was so much fun! I got a huge thrill from putting the captions on each scene, and at the beginning and the end of the movie. Then the end result of putting it on a disk and watching it on television, it was so enthralling! Some time this year, I will be offering some of my stories on DVD, I am in the works with that project now. I am having so much fun with it too!! I learn the most by just doing. Thinking of a project and just going foreward. Playing with gadgets, getting to know them and use them continually. Eventually I will be making professional-style DVDs. It is learning this that will make getting this project out an achievable and easy task.

Who knows maybe some day I will start vlogging instead of blogging. Vlogging BTW is video blogging, also known as "video-logging" for those who don't know. If I like making these movies I'm going to really like vlogging!!! Then instead of typing about my day, I can video tape it and post on here.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Get the Boobles!!!

This is a video I took of Vegas playing with bubbles. Anna was blowing the bubbles and he was catching them. He is so cute when he does that! I wanted to show off his little antics. We call them "boobles" in front of him because it makes him go wild. His nickname is "Boo-Boo", so that was the derivation of the word "boobles". But he loves it. This is a typical game we play with him every once in a while. Not every day, but once in a while. He gets a lot of variety for playing. He also has his rope, and his doll, and he gets the hair pieces I don't want anymore. He likes to fetch them. They're just the cloth hair bands with a little elastic inside. I don't give him anything dangerous. He just likes to fetch those things. But what he really loves is his doll. He also likes to grab things off the table and bring them to the floor so he can closely investigate them. I like to let him have his fun! So please don't mind the clutter.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

In Need of Recruits

I just thought of something. I need to find some people who will read my stories and give their opinions. I need unbiased opinions on these stories. So I would rather the recruits be people who are not familiar with me or UMG Productions. It's strictly a voluntary deal, I only need volunteers to read these stories, rate and give a comment on them. I need to somehow get the ball rolling for my site. I'd like to keep the number of volunteers to a minimum, like maybe about 25 people. I'd like the audience to be mixed, it could be people who have children, grandchildren, young adults, people who just enjoys stories made for the young at heart. For this assignment, I can give away copies of my stories, but only to these selected volunteers.

If anyone reading this is interested in volunteering their time to read our stories, you can fill out the form below and e-mail it back to me at, with your info is important. I need your name, the ages of your children or grandchildren, if you have any. If you are going to do this yourself, you can submit your age. I also need to know where you are from. I will only be printing your state, city and country (for those outside the USA), but I will need your full address. For the sake of copyright protection, what I will be doing is printing copies of each story and sending them out to the recruits. So this is why your address is important. Don't worry, I'm not the type that will give your address to any third parties. I only need it so I know where to send the copies of the stories. I would send them in the form of PDFs, but I don't want them posted on any other sites. If I sent the e-books via e-mail, it would have to be only sample copies and I want the whole stories evaluated by average people. This is why I only want a small number of volunteers. I also need to know the age of the people volunteering so I can pick the perfect story (or stories) to send to them. I don't want to send a story that is made strictly for adults to someone who wants to volunteer to read these stories to 5 or 6 year olds. Yes, I get to pick which one(s) to send to whom. They're FREE!! Pretty soon here, we will be getting some new ones available. These are lovable stories with lovable characters. Trust me! You and your children will LOVE them!!

If you would rather remain anonymous online, you can put that in the name and address field. We'll allow that. But we MUST have your name and address on the application. It's a simple app, basic questions. The entries marked with the red asterisk (*) are mandatory fields. Again, you can write "anonymous" after your name and address if you do not want those printed on our site. Any wise-guys who put "NOYB" will not be accepted. hehe! Sorry. I'd even prefer those kind of people not try to contact us at all because that is necessary info. Anyway, here is the form. It's compatable with MS Word and you just fill it out and send it as an attachment to the address that I posted on this blog.

UMG Volunteer App
SHIT!! I guess it's not compatable with MS Word!!! Well! Just send me an e-mail and I will send you all a copy of the file that IS compatable with Word. You can fill that out!

Saturday, January 31, 2009


OMG!! Now, PETA has crossed the line! Not that they have never done it before, but they want to change the collective name of fish to "sea-kittens", in an attempt to get people to stop hooking, catching and eating fish! I read their article, I even flipped through their online "book" about "sea-kittens" and it is all so ridiculous!! This one I think even beats the campaign they were doing last year to stop Mexican immigrants from coming to this country because PETA said they would be "leaving behind a healthy diet of beans and rice". I tell you, I've been laughing at PETA for years now. They are too stupid for words! I am sorry to my supporters to say all this, but PETA just gets too silly sometimes. I have to air these feelings! Anyone else want to see the redundant article, go to I cannot believe people are actually still supporting this organization! I only hope INXS has stopped supporting them. Far as I know though, PETA forced themselves on INXS. But while you are on that page, get a load of that stupid online book they present.

PETA isn't going to ever stop me from eating meat, I love it. Including fish. I've had tuna steaks before and they are so GOOOOOOOOD!!!!! Believe me, I love animals. But some animals were made to be eaten. Like cattle. That's why they have such high reproductive rates. That's why it's natural for meat-eaters in the wild to feed on them. So I wonder what is going to be next? Maybe PETA will go to Africa and pass out fliers to all the troups of lions and hunting dogs begging them not to kill anymore antelope because they think lions and hunting dogs can benefit better by learning to eat a "healthy diet of grass and leaves". I can just see it now. The dogs and lions would be looking at PETA and saying "You've got to be kidding me!" Then they would say "kiss my ass!" just as I would!!

Yesterday when I was putting the dogs out, I noticed a dead mouse on our porch. Must have been killed by one of these stray cats prowling around out here. I don't mind them getting the mice if that's what turns them on, but I wish they would not leave their prey on my doorstep! They aren't even my cats!!! But that's not even the worst of it! When I got a closer look at the unfortunate animal, it looked like a deer mouse. The species famous for spreading the Huntavirus! That was scary! There has got to be more around here. That is really scary! One dry summer here and that disease could spread like wildfire. Already we had bulldozers break down the bushes around here and I knew that would mean trouble from the get-go. That's also a terrific way to spread huntavirus spores, and that can kill in a matter of hours. I just hope that no more construction goes on around here.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Save the Gorillas!

I have joined the DFGF and FirstGiving last night to help raise money for the protection of the mountain gorillas. I plan to help raise $10,000 by 2011. When you get the chance, please sponsor me. I am doing this on behalf of Metazoica and the animals. I want to do all I can as this is a charity that means a lot to me. I try to give to the DFGF every year when I can because I do not want to see the mountain gorillas go extinct. Plus I am a great admirer of Dian Fossey's. I know $10,000 is a small amount for the next 2 years, but hey! The gorillas deserve it.

For those who may be suspicious, I will not be pocketing any of these donations. They all will be going to the DFGF. They will help pay for park rangers, veterinary care, recovery and protection for the mountain gorillas, which is still a critically endangered species in central Africa. I'm merely helping them by looking for sponsors. The internet is just one way of doing it. I think I will also go around town here and post up fliers looking for sponsors to help me in my plight. But every little bit helps. Even if you only donate $5, or even $1, it all helps. I have until 2011.

One has to admire a woman who died fighting for what she believed in, and that is exactly how I feel about Dian Fossey. I am the type that would probably do the same. The only thing that would get me down about all this is knowing that Dian Fossey would have died in vain. That's not a good thing to me. So that is why I really want to do this, for her, for the gorillas she loved, and for the organization she founded. And it isn't just the gorillas who will benefit from all this, every species threatened with extinction in their range will also benefit as well. There are tons of animals in the park now. There's hyrax, bushbabies, antelope, chevrotain, monkeys of all kinds, buffalo, elephants, all kinds of animals! Every single species will do greatly with the goal I am setting out to reach.

Well, I helped Kirk on his quest to walk the Great Wall of China. Maybe some of that good karma will come back to help me. Anyway I did try to help him!! Kirk is not even among my favorite members of INXS. But I wanted to help him anyway. He was doing the walk for the erection of a cancer treatment center. And that is something I also hold dear. I have friends who are battling cancer now, so any center devoted to battling the disease is helpful. Maybe they will find a cure for the disease.

Anyway, please donate today! Go to the widget on the right of this page, click the donate button and it will take you to my page on the FirstGiving website. There, you can click the donate button and give. They take credit cards. Not sure if they take PayPal, but you can surely check!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Site Repairs

I did a wee bit of repairs of my own on my UMG site. I had to put my knowledge of HTML to use today. But I fixed it so all the character intros can be accessed easily. The pictures and thumbnails have always been accessable, but you could not access the introductory paragraphs about each characters. With the exception of the first 10 or so on the front page. Now, you can see them all. At the base of each introduction, there is a link that says "To Next Character", just click on that and it will take you to the next character in the line-up. All the way down the line. It was actually easier to do that than I thought it would be!

I almost flew off the handle again! But I stopped myself. I joined this group devoted to INXS, and it was asked which band member do we love and why. Of course I said Tim because he is the sexiest and sweetest member of the band. So this other girl took my words I used to describe Tim to say Michael was the most sexy, sweetest and hottest soul ever and said "everyone knows it". Then started dissing JD's talent as a singer. I wanted to have words for her, and for a brief minute I did. But I took them back. I said to myself, "Nah! What I have to say would be considered cruel." So I just chalked it up to it being just her own opinion, deleted my comment and said nothing else. Besides, everyone knows Tim is the sexiest, and has the sexiest buns!! Michael was like me, he had no buns at all.

Odd Jobs

Once I am through scanning this story I have been working on, I have to get started on another one, and that one is one of my favorite stories of 1997! It came from Cathy's genius mind and mine combined. Cathy and I often collaborated in a lot of our stories, but this one is one of the best ones. It's called "To Work or Dress?" and it's about Candi and her husband Leopold. It's kinda based on a few of my own life experiences, with a little twisting and stretching here and there. Candi goes and buys a dress worth $500 and she is terrified her husband will find out. So she has to get the money back before the credit card bill comes. She and her friend and neighbor try to figure out a way that she can get the money and the only logical way is for Candi to get a job. So she looks in a newspaper and sees an ad that reads "Earn $100 per night". So she calls in and gets an interview for the next day. The story is not that great for small children or young teens because Candi "bares it all" in this story. LOL!! But then again I don't know. I remember when I went to see Titanic back when it was in the theaters, Kate Winslet bared it all and Leonardo DiCaprio drew a picture of it. Not so ironically, there were often people in the theater watching that movie that had children and teenagers with them! So maybe I'm a little old fashioned.

The story is based on the struggles I faced once I was out of High school and wanted desperately to begin making money. So I applied for several jobs. I looked in the paper and I saw an ad that read "Earn $100 per night, call *this number*" and nothing else. Did not even have one word saying anything about the job it's self. So I called and the person on the line gave me the address and told me the best time to come down was after 5 PM. I had to catch the bus but I went anyway, just out of sheer curiosity about what kind of a job this was. Well, I knew where the street was the business was on, and I knew how to get there on the bus. When I got to the road, there was a hot dog stand, a big gray building with no windows, and a produce market. The only place that matched the address I was supposed to go to was the big gray building with no windows. So I went there. The door was solid and also had no windows. It looked like a factory of some kind! Really! But when I opened the door and walked inside, I saw a bunch of naked women on the stage doing dances! I was like "Oh my GOD!!!!" I was so embarrassed!! I was only 17 at the time! That was the first time I ever saw a strange, naked woman!!!! Made me uncomfortable, even the manager I was supposed to see sensed that. But I went ahead with the meeting. I just grabbed an application and went home. I never did fill out the application and send it back.

My next job was a telemarketing job, and I hated it!!! They wanted me to sell lightbulbs. And I am not the best salesperson in the World!! It was a commission-based job, so I didn't make much! Plus we had to catch the bus there, and it was late at night, and I got a little worried. I remember after that job ended at about 11 PM, I had to walk a mile up the road to catch the bus and I said I cannot do that every night!! I was worried I wasn't going to be able to get home! It wasn't the walking that bothered me, it was the hour. Some buses don't run to some places after certain hours. I was lucky that night! My bus ran on that particular night until 1 AM to my place. But it didn't run that late every night. So I had to quit that job.

I remember out of desperation in 1997, I got another job doing telemarketing. But not selling anything, this time it was just doing interviews over the phone. The first one I did was for Eddie Bauer, the clothing store. They wanted me to ask their regular shoppers how informal or formal they are living! I had to ask strangers things I wouldn't even ask my closest friends!! But I could not tell the customers the interview was for Eddie Bauer. I was a lowsy interviewer! I was no better at that than I was at selling lightbulbs!! It made me very uncomfortable asking these things of strangers. But at least it was a paycheck every other week! I remember early on this job, I called a woman and I was just getting the interview started the way I was supposed to. I said "Hello, I'm calling to conduct an interview to find out how formally or informally you're living...." and she replied, "That's none of your business!" and hung up! LOL!! I wanted to say to her "Do you really think I personally give a shit how you're living or even IF you're living??!!" I laughed about that for quite a long time really. I swear a lot of people seemed to think I was doing these interviews for myself, but I wasn't. But I couldn't get mad at anyone because I could not get my mind off the fact that I probably would say the same thing if I were them.

I was no damn good at that job, and the supervisors seemed to know it! One woman who was one of the supervisors was a woman named Karen. She was the same age as my father! She was also very obese. I didn't like her, not just because she always copped an attitude with me, but also because she smelled bad!! She always came to work with armpit odor, her hair always greasy, and I swear her underwear was also always dirty because you could smell that too!! I didn't like her to even come near me!! I would have liked it a lot if she was not on that job either!! I never said anything though because she didn't come near me that often. Whenever she did though, she was always loud and overbearing and cruel to me. I swear I did nothing to her!! I never even told her about the body odor she had!! I don't know what her initial problem with me was. I guess she was just nuts.

As bad as that job was, it wasn't the worst one I ever had! The worst job I ever had, by far, was working for the rides and concession stands at the Puyallup Fair. Not just because I didn't like the supervisor there, but also because I just never wanted that job!! I don't know to this day how I got it! I applied for a totally different and unrelated job there working with a man who was going to sell tropical fish. But he never showed up. Somehow though the rides and concession company must have got their mitts on my application and offered me that job instead. Some kind of conspiracy, I think. I hated that job with a passion! Like I never hated a job before!!!

That's what Candi does in the story though. She goes through several jobs. I don't want to give away the ending, it's too good! All I will say is watch for this story! It should be up on the site soon.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

No More Timmy!

Well, last night was the last night, and I miss him already!! But I am almost finished with this story, then I can scan it. I'm going to wait though to put it in book form till I can collect a bunch of stories like last time. It's a slow, arduous process. But it can be fun once I put the whole thing together. This is a cute story too! It's a story with Caroline, the lemur. She's cute, just slightly annoying, but someone you just cannot help but love! She was one of the first creations of my supervisor. She has evolved slightly over the years, in appearance. But her personality is the same. She's supposed to display the image of someone who is innocent, clueless, the kind who cannot get on by themselves and loves the company of her friends.

In reality, Caroline is hard to describe, one has to see her stories in order to get to know her. She is quite comparable to Grover, the monster on Sesame Street. Well, at least she's not like Elmo!! Grover at least is somewhat cute. Elmo tries to be cute, but is nothing but annoying!!! I have to put up with his BS when my sister comes over and brings the nieces and nephews!! They like Elmo! I cannot understand that! Elmo's a pussy! Big Bird ROCKS!!!!

Well, one of my buds suggested I join G-mail. While it is a good idea to have a lot of space to store e-mails (one of the reasons I gave up Hotmail), I really do not like G-mail!! Every time I click to access my e-mail box, my screen goes blank!! Then I have to refresh! I kinda wonder if I cleared my cache files it would help? If not, to this buddy: please don't expect me to sign on to G-mail very often. Just a bit of acknowledgement there. I do enjoy e-mails from this guy, he's very knowledgable. We also discuss things that make my day. Something I'd better not mention here, as I want to keep this clean, not roast anyone. I'm roasting enough people here in this post! But Elmo really shouldn't count, he's nothing but a silly puppet. He's not even a real animal of any type. Just a make-believe monster. If he was a real kind of animal, I might actually like him better. Maybe if he were a monkey, a dog, or a rabbit, or a koala even, he'd be better.

How about that Hotmail though? Bill Gates is really turning into a stingy old fart!!! But then again, you got a better way to become one of the richest people on the planet? Last time I was on Hotmail, they only allowed you to have 2 MB of storage space in your e-mail inbox. Stingy, stingy, STINGY!!! My regular e-mail program gives me UNlimited storage space!! I love it!! MSN doesn't even offer you free web sites.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


A bad year for me. Well, the first half of the year anyway. It was the year after I lost my Groucho. But I picked up once I moved to Ocean Shores, a place I had always wanted to move to. It calmed me a little. It was also the last year I would see INXS. I hope it's not the last time ever I see INXS! I want to see them tour the World again. It may not be soon, but I don't want them not to tour again!

I also noticed another thing, Gwen Steffani CAN'T SING!!!! She SUCKS!!!! She should have stayed with No Doubt! At least they sounded good, well! At least Don't Speak sounded good! I didn't much care for their earlier song. To think before I heard Timmy's show tonight I would have considered putting up an app on this blog that would have given the latest biggest hit albums available. There's one problem, it would have seemed I was endorsing Brittney Spears and I HATE that bitch!!!! Face it, I have never been that fond of female singers. Especially not any of these ugly, squaking young sprigs. Nobody sings anymore. I listened to the whole program, and I didn't hear a single song I liked. Nothing sounded good at all. Anna likes this new music, but I surely don't. I guess as far as music is concerned, at least until INXS comes out with another album, real music ceases to exist. I just cannot find anything I like anymore. And I love music.

Seems these days all music is either too slow, or too rappy. Nothing really rocks anymore.

Calmed Down

OK, I have calmed down now. I don't want my regular readers to think I cannot be trusted again. But you know what I just found out tonight? I found out JohnFaa ripped off my idea for the Monodactylopterid bats from my site. That pretty well proves to me that I was right all along, that the only reason he hates my project so much is because he thinks it kicks ass! He just won't admit it. But again, let them have their fun.

Well, I am back to work on my UMG site, and I even did a few more pages of size-charts today for my Metazoic site. These size-charts are hard to work on, but they are fun! The hardest part is drawing them to scale up against an average-sized human (approx. 5 feet, 5 inches). I have to use a bit of eye-measurement to figure out how big like say a 20-foot long animal would look against an average-sized man. The mammals of my site are very large, most of them. The megacollids I just completed today are among the largest land mammals on my site.

I missed Timmy today, if he came on at all! It hasn't been 25 days yet. Tomorrow, in his homeland though, it will be. I miss him, and I don't want to miss the last program. I would have listened in, but something suddenly came up. A program came on that every time it comes on, I always miss it!! One time it came on, and I caught it in the middle of the program, but I missed the beginning. Well, today it came on again and I caught the whole thing. Finally!!! It was a program called Primal Fear, and I enjoy documentaries like that. But I know of some people who are podcasting Timmy's show, so I hope to get the programs I missed from them. Primal Fear even discussed the incident with the band Great White in 2004. In case nobody knows, Great White put on a performance in a small, intimate nightclub in RI, I think it was. Well, they made the mistake of using pyrotechnics in this small gig. So, when the pyrotechnics machine erupted, the whole place went down in flames. Some of the band members were killed in the fire. So were a lot of fans. That's one thing I can say about INXS, they never did explosions during their concerts, not the ones I have been to anyway. Not sure what they do when they play "The Gift". Maybe that's why they never played it on stage. The song is supposed to be explosive.

Well, I am thinking of decorating this blog with some lovely pics of Timmy from my extended collection. We will see though.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm Gonna Do It!!!!

I'm about to do something I shouldn't do, but I almost cannot resist the urge!!! This just had to happen now that I am trying to go for a complete change. I almost cannot help it.

To explain a little of what is going on, I was once a member of a Speculative Evolution forum, and the owner and administrator is a guy who calls himself Proletarian. He used to be on my own Metazoica forum, now out of service. He told me and several people on his own forum that it was my site ( that got him interested in speculative biology in the first place. Actually he has changed that story several times. First he said I was the one who inspired him, then he said it was Paul Valkov that inspired him, then he said it was The Future is Wild that inspired him. He cannot even make up his mind about that!! I consider Paul Valkov a pretty good friend, he's good in biology and speculative evolution and even has his own site. He is even friends with some real good biologists in his native land, Russia. And Proletarian when he was in my forum, got pissed off at Paul when Paul would not agree with Proletarian's ideas about future evolution. That apparently is how he is!! I told Proletarian Paul is a good person and knows all about biology and I made them make up. But I did it nicely. After that, Proletarian was saying Paul was the one who inspired him. I was glad they had made up. Bottom line, when he was in my forum, I always treated him like an equal. Just like I do with everyone else.

Well, my forum is now down, and Proletarian has his own forum. He also has his own group of amateur biologist wanna-bes that go into his forum. Basically, I recently found out, they are the only ones who agree with Proletarian's work. Otherwise they wouldn't be there. I joined there because Proletarian invited me to. When I got there, I found JohnFaa and a few others on that forum actually sneer at my website. At first, Proletarian was defending it. But as time went on, I noticed a little bit of a change in his attitude. An attitude he never had when he was on my forum. I just started going in less and less, didn't think much of it. I thought at first maybe Proletarian was just drunk with the powers of administration. Now, I left the Speculative Evolution forum when Proletarian started acting like Adolph Hitler, which was recently. He and I had a little disagreement. Now, if I had been arguing with a normal and sane individual, it would have ended with 'You have your opinions, and I have mine. Let's just agree to disagree', but Proletarian is not like that. He kicks, fusses, bashes and throws the F-bomb at all who disagree with him. He was definately NOT like that on my forum!! Except that one time he cussed Paul out for not agreeing with any of his ideas. I thought surely he was over that! But I think I know why the sudden change of attitude. An anonymous person has told me that JohnFaa has influenced Proletarian. Not only has JohnFaa influenced Proletarian, but I understand he has been privately e-mailing other forum members and getting them to agree with him that my site in inaccurate and unscientific. Last I heard (I haven't looked in), someone calling himself Pousaz Power is also allowing himself to be influenced by JohnFaa and Proletarian. And they are all dissing my project.

My opinion of all this? I knew when I left the SE forum there was going to be some turmoil. Proletarian is trying to head up the popularity list, he has been ever since I joined there. And since I left, they are absent one member and that just drives them CRAZY!! Well, I am grateful I have some supporters. In fact, I have a lot. Some of my supporters are pretty World-renouned biologists and palaeontologists in fact!! That's COOL!! I get e-mails from them all the time. I've been getting e-mails from people I've only heard of in books and on television! I was like "WOW!!" Proletarian unfortunately cannot say the same. All his supporters are high school students who do not even have a certificate of completion in a 2-year community college. None of them even have their own website, just a free space on Deviant Art. Most people I know would not touch Deviant Art with a mile-long pole. I went there once and I got so frustrated because it was so hard to navigate, I just said "Screw it!" and looked away and never went back!

Well, Proletarian, JohnFaa and those who support them, are the only ones apparently who think my work is inaccurate and unscientific. None of the biologists, palaeontologist nor any one in similar feilds thinks it is, and it is them who keep me going on my site. In fact, it has encouraged me to work even harder on my site! I don't want to disappoint these people! That is why I was up all night last night, I was working on stuff for my site thanks to the encouragement of all my wonderful supporters. And I am sorry, but I would listen to people who have degrees in biology and have been at it for many years LONG before I would ever listen to Proletarian, JohnFaa, Pousaz Power or any of those dip-shits!! Why? Because...
  1. Everyone knows Proletarian is one of the biggest hypocrites and liars there is on the internet. He has bipedal spec mammals (Therizinotapirus in his own Deviant Art page) and his biggest argument with me is mammals will never become bipedal.
  2. JohnFaa is also one of the biggest hypocrites there is. He is bashing my project, but his own projects seem to have a lot of the same ideas mine does. ie, 18-foot tall bats with long necks.
  3. JohnFaa is only 16 and some have told me his own projects are nothing more than collections of video game creatures with only a little bit of science added.
  4. If you don't agree with Proletarian, he will cuss you out and yell at you until he is blue all over.
  5. Proletarian believes mega-squids will walk the Earth and monkey-like squids will swing through the trees.

JohnFaa complains that my ideas are unscientific, yet look at what one person has to say about Mr. Faa's projects. Seems people who know better believe his ideas are nowhere near as scientific as mine are! These are quoted by one of my biologist supporters all about JohnFaa's projects:

Okay, here it is. Firstly, What If World has anurognathid pterosaurs surviving into the Cenozoic. Anurognathid pterosaurs, in case you're not a pterosaur expert, are small, big-headed pterosaurs like Dimorphodon, who lived from the Late Triassic to the Late Jurassic. Like the rest of the rhamphohyncids, they were replaced in the Late Jurassic by birds and pterodactyloid pterosaurs. All of them. There is no evidence for any anurognathids from the Cretaceous (except some possible fossils from the J-C boundary), and NO evidence for non-ornithocheiroid and azdarchid pterosaurs after the Turonian. When confronted with this, they merely said that they were small and inconspicuous, and could have avoided notice. Wrong. Small insectovores have the highest rate of change among ANY group. That's why shrew and rodent genera change like crazy from the Late Miocene to the Pleistocene, while the mastodon never even changes its genus once. In that area, if you aren't competitive, you die. They also state that anurognathids had no competition, WRONG! There was tons of competition from birds and pterodactyloid pterosaurs. (they also state that voltaicotheres were true fliers in the Late Cretaceous, which is wrong). In fact, trilobites, due to the fact that they could survive in deep water, are more likely to survive to the present day than anurognathids.

Secondly, Terra Avis has gigantic ground sloth-like hoatzin in the Americas. Just one problem. Hoatzin don't even appear in the fossil record until the Late Miocene, and the closest thing that can be considered to a proto-hoatzin is still Eocene in age. There were no Cretaceous hoatzin. On that note, please notice that all of the birds of Terra Avis have no fingers. Even the hoatzin descendants, even though fingers and claws would be beneficial to them. Finally, in Terra Avis there are apparently no marsupials or placentals, just basal therians, despite the fact that placentals are known from the Late Cretaceous (Purgatorius, and even if you don't agree with that there is still Gypsonictops). So, did they just magically vanish?

Then, Terra Alternativa. Not counting the boring name, there are many problems with this Spec project. First, JohnFaa is unimaginably unimaginative with this project...aetosaurs take the place of stegosaurs, dicynodonts take the place of ceratopsians, etc. And not to mention he has several herbivore groups (ctenosauriscids, effigian rauisuchians) being carnivores, and many adaptable groups like prestosuchids die out. And then he has Therocephalians existing in the Late Triassic, even though they already went extinct. And THEN he somehow has mosasaurs and azdarchoid pterosaurs reappearing out of the blue. And if mammals only evolved because of dinosaurian competition, then how did cynodonts survive the K-T if they produced no small, scurrying forms. In fact, a crocodile (crocodilians were the weasels of the Triassic) works better than Terra Alternativa's current set-up.

Finally, their latest project, Dragons of the Ice Age. So, I think they might have scrapped What If World, and now are creating a post no-K-T world where dragons take over....that's right, dragons....gigantic monitor lizard descendants somehow drive dinosaurs mostly into the ground, and then take over...what the heck.

What the heck is right!! Seems JohnFaa only believes what he wants to believe, not what is true or scientific! The same person who said all this about JohnFaa, has been mentoring me a little bit in tweaking some of my ideas around. I like him a lot!! He is the only person in history who has ever been able to talk me into putting felines into my Metazoic project!! NOBODY has ever been able to do that!! In the 17-or-so years I have been working on this project! This guy is pretty convincing! He is so convincing, if he asked me to jump off a cliff, I would do it! With little or no argument! That is how convincing he is! Few people can get me to bow to their command like this guy can! He just has a natural way with the art of persuasion. Except to people like Proletarian, and Pousaz Power. But then again, those people have no brains! And the SE forum is nothing but a cult of stupidity. I'd say the same thing about JohnFaa, but I have this strict personal rule against attacking children. But looking at the layout this guy gave me of his projects, and the stuff he said about my project being unscientific, and going around e-mailing people with threats that they'd better think his way about my project, or else. Well, you can pretty much guess what I think of him. I just won't say it until he is 18! LOL!

I told one of my supporters yesterday that I actually love it that JohnFaa hates my project so much! Especially now, knowing about his sanctimonious beliefs. It shows just how much ass I kick with my project!! So, I'm just letting them have their fun! But I am telling you, if they go too far it could put a damper on my efforts to change!! I really do not want that to happen!!

Happy Birthday Michael Hutchence

Today is a special day it is a day to remember Michael. Though I can say I am not attracted to Michael anymore, and the feelings I do have for him are too complicated to put into words, I must remember him this day. My feelings for him are nothing like the feelings I have for Timmy, which is really not that complicated! No more than saying I love the guy!!! But I never formally met Michael, so I cannot say I love him in that way or not. Though he did let me kiss him! LOL! He didn't even know I did it though. But by "love" I don't mean like a "lover, boyfriend-girlfriend" type thing. Though I cannot deny in the case of Tim, Jon and Andrew, there is some physical attraction involved. I mean love as in how I love and adore my friends. Since I didn't meet Michael in a formal manner, I never spoke to him nor nothing, I cannot say I love him. I do however love his singing. One doesn't have to formally "meet" singing in order to love it. One just has to listen to it. And I do love his singing.

I've been busy, I finally finished a 160-page book I've been working on. In between that I managed to work on 4 size-charts for my Metazoic site and a herps page. By "herps" I mean vertebrates that are not mammals or birds. Though the phrase really only refers to snakes. A reptile is a reptile to me though. I am still tired but I managed to make up a page for herps. Took all night and all morning, and I haven't even eaten yet!! Not good! But I wanted to punch out that page and wish Michael a Happy Birthday. This is a day to celebrate!! As for the herps page, don't expect it to be spectacular, but it will do for now. If there are any herps fans out there who would like to see one woman's notion about the future evolution of these creatures, you can view the page here:

I'm going to bed.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I Want Something!

I have this incredibly ugly feeling that I want something right this minute and I don't know what it is!!! I HATE this feeling!!!! It's like a fire churning the pit of my belly! But it's not really hot. Just creates an anxious feeling I have to do something!! My head feels fuzzy, and full, and it's trying to think, but it cannot. It takes over my body and my mind, and I cannot control it. The nagging part is I don't know what it is I want! So I cannot get it to get rid of this feeling. No, it's not a snake-charmer! LOL! I can feel it is something within reach..... I just cannot identify the thing I crave.

Ever have this feeling before? It is depressing! I'm not hungry, I'm not tired, everything I need is right here. Just that there is something I need and I need it now, and I don't know what it is. I feel like I am a 1970's computer trying to run Windows Vista. My head is so fuzzy, I'm looking around a very familiar room and I'm going "what?" My legs want to get up and go somewhere, but I don't know where. This is the worst feeling in the World! I kinda wonder if listening to music will dull the feeling. I missed Timmy last night, Monday nights are my TV time. Not even Timmy could take me away from my Monday night programs. But I am sure it isn't Timmy I want!!! Because I know all I have to do is get up, go into my room, grab a pic of him and come back out here. Or I could just open up the Timmy folder on my computer here and I have Timmy-pics a-plenty! I really don't know what it is I want, but it is driving me nuts!!!

Official "Felon"

 Well, the judge has declared Trump an "official felon". Well, he's a corrupt judge, we'll probably hear some deep shit on...