Tuesday, January 17, 2023

You Might Be Vs. You Are A Liberal

Liberals are annoying! They're crazy, their little tantrums are very disruptive on our streets, and they are delusional. I would say the delusional mods forum should make fun of the liberals. But ya know, I bet you Catsredrum was out there, running along with Antifa, wreaking havoc. If she was, then any shit she said about INXS fans on that dumb forum of her's is totally irrelevant. But it does prove what a hypocrite she was. Boy! Wouldn't Fat Vicki with the tattoo of INXS all up her arm, be disappointed?! LMAO!!! Before she disappeared, she said that she cannot stand liars, hypocrites and delusional people. But seeing as how Vicki was indeed a leftist, she was totally unaware she was describing herself, and Catsredrum, whom Vicki considered to be a "friend". Funny. She doesn't like liars, hypocrites or delusional people, but she'd make friends with them for the sake of dissing everyone in her own forum.

Anyway, that is what this post is about. There are moderate liberals, and there are hardcore liberals. Vicki was obviously a hardcore liberal. Those are the worst kind. The hardcore liberals are the ones I now most often refer to as "leftists". Moderate liberals are kindof in between being liberal (without the violent protests and the TDS) and libertarian. That is how I look at these categories. You might be a liberal is for moderate liberals. You are a liberal is to describe the hardcore liberals. So here we go! Note the difference in the key words "you might be" and "you are".

You might be a liberal if...

You believe our government is big enough
You want the government to stay out of personal affairs
You believe in more freedoms
You've never been to a BLM protest, but you still believe black lives do matter
You hear the leftist media say the authorities are going after Donald Trump, but you check all media sources to hear both sides of the argument
You find pride parades disgusting and inappropriate
You think children should not be sexualized
You believe in LGBTQ rights, but not in special rights for them
You believe the idea of "protected class citizens" is silly
You may prefer Biden over Trump, but you don't have Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)
You respect everyone's right to have an opinion.

You are a liberal if...

You want total government control over people
You talk about woke movies and think "this will really make conservatives shit their pants!"
You go to Antifa and BLM rallies, ready to kill or maim any conservatives who oppose
You vote for anything at elections as long as it has a D by it's name
You listen to one side of a story (usually the leftist point of view) and never even consider there are 2 sides to every story
You viciously defend people you don't even know as long as they are colored or LGBTQ
You would give your right arm to see Trump thrown in jail or any conservative's reputation ruined
You use terms like "cisgender" or "cis"-anything
You allow total strangers to dictate to you what pronouns to call them
You say you hate liars and hypocrites, never realizing that everything you do coincides with everything you profess to hate
You believe cows know they are being raped and PETA is your god
You get outrageously mad when someone disagrees with you
You find racism and homophobia or transphobia in places it really does not exist
You think there's nothing wrong with sexualizing children

See. Hardcore liberals do not like moderates. To them, moderate liberals are no greater than conservatives. I used to be a hardcore liberal. I know how they are. But I changed. Some of my buddies on Facebook talk about other INXS fans and say they are OK people. But not me. I'm extremely cautious of INXS fans now! I don't trust most of them. I tell my buds those people are all hardcore liberals. Some disagree, but I say no. ANY fan who jumped on the anti-TimmyHutchFan bandwagon is indeed a hardcore liberal. I'd say it to their faces too! They're a damn liberal!

If they really weren't hardcore liberals, they wouldn't have jumped on the anti-TimmyHutchFan bandwagon. Libertarians don't do that. Neither do conservatives. This is the point I made in numbers 5 and 10 under "You are a liberal if". Moderate liberals, libertarians and conservatives would have asked me my side of the story. Instead of just listening to one prejudiced person's story and leaving it at that. And yes, Kelly Poulter was prejudiced against me. I just never talked about it before to anyone because I really don't care how she feels about me. It's her problem. Not mine. And I never had two shits to give.

Well, I cannot say I wasn't warned about INXS fans being hardcore liberals. Not all of them, mind you, but most are. Thankfully those most are people who I will never welcome onto my Facebook page again. Anyway, this is my take on what I learned about the difference between moderate liberals and hardcore liberals.

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