Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Are You Happy Now?

Last night I saw a news clip. The leftists keep riding Trump that he did not turn in his tax returns and shit all those years he was president. They kept on complaining that Trump was "making money off taxpayers". They thought for years that Trump was giving himself a huge salary, as if no other president ever elected had drawn a presidential salary before. They griped that Trump used all that money he got from his presidency on playing golf. The left is nothing but a bunch of dumbasses!!!

I knew all along that Trump did NOT draw any salary being president. That was one of the first things I heard debunked. Trump didn't need a presidential salary. He was already wealthy!

In fact, when Trump did turn in his income tax statements, they proved he did not make money at all during his years of presidency. He lost about $20 million per year. So, looks like the Trumpettes were right all along. And again, the leftists were wrong. So, they can stick that theory up their asses. But guess who did enter office just so they could get more money. I'll give you 3 guesses. That's all you'll need! Three names: Biden. Obama and Cortez!! Do you honestly believe AOC was going to make the same salary as a bartender as she is as senator? No. And she's dumb! She would never have gotten any high-paying job anywhere else with the low IQ she has! Strike one!

Obama apparently did not do too well as a lawyer, because he ran for president just so he could get a high-paying job. And yes, he also used tax payer money to play golf. More than once. Seemed like every weekend, Obama was out there playing golf somewhere. He didn't even have enough respect for the Queen of England to bow before her when they met. He's also laundering money that he gave to his mother. Strike two!

And Biden? Ohhh Biden is in DEEP SHIT!!!! Even deeper shit than he pushes in his pants! He was caught falsifying his taxes, laundering money from Hunter Biden, and sending money overseas to China. He used to have a website up to publicly display his tax records. But he took that website down almost immediately when some discrepancies were pointed out. There's a lot of money that Hunter Biden sent Joe-blow that was never accounted for in his returns. So it won't be long before the IRS goes after him. Strike three! You're out of there leftists!

And what did Trump do now? Collusion with Russia? False. Withheld tax returns? False. Laundered money from the government? False. Became president just to fill his pockets? Falso! It seems everything the leftists think Trump did are all things their own party's candidates did. Trump did nothing. And they still want to see him behind bars. Not going to happen I'm afraid! LOL! You leftists need to stop. You are the reason the world is laughing at us! Even we real, solid Americans are laughing at you because you guys are acting like clowns!

Sadly I don't think the leftists will learn anything. They're going to keep on blaming Trump, saying he did all the shit the democrats are doing to ruin our country. Most of them don't want to learn. They just want to keep their ears closed. Recently on Quora, someone asked me to give him my favorite right-wing talking points, and he would debunk them. I said "OK, debunk them if you can". I told him a few very popular right-wing talking points, and he could not debunk any one of them at all! The only one he tried was that I said Kyle Rittenhouse shot a man in self defense. The leftists HATE that one! This guy tried to tell me that he was not being chased. But I said yes, it's been proven in court. So, leftists lose again! Really leftists need to expand their mind and watch something else besides CNN and MSNBC and stop getting their news from Twitter!

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

You Might Be Vs. You Are A Liberal

Liberals are annoying! They're crazy, their little tantrums are very disruptive on our streets, and they are delusional. I would say the delusional mods forum should make fun of the liberals. But ya know, I bet you Catsredrum was out there, running along with Antifa, wreaking havoc. If she was, then any shit she said about INXS fans on that dumb forum of her's is totally irrelevant. But it does prove what a hypocrite she was. Boy! Wouldn't Fat Vicki with the tattoo of INXS all up her arm, be disappointed?! LMAO!!! Before she disappeared, she said that she cannot stand liars, hypocrites and delusional people. But seeing as how Vicki was indeed a leftist, she was totally unaware she was describing herself, and Catsredrum, whom Vicki considered to be a "friend". Funny. She doesn't like liars, hypocrites or delusional people, but she'd make friends with them for the sake of dissing everyone in her own forum.

Anyway, that is what this post is about. There are moderate liberals, and there are hardcore liberals. Vicki was obviously a hardcore liberal. Those are the worst kind. The hardcore liberals are the ones I now most often refer to as "leftists". Moderate liberals are kindof in between being liberal (without the violent protests and the TDS) and libertarian. That is how I look at these categories. You might be a liberal is for moderate liberals. You are a liberal is to describe the hardcore liberals. So here we go! Note the difference in the key words "you might be" and "you are".

You might be a liberal if...

You believe our government is big enough
You want the government to stay out of personal affairs
You believe in more freedoms
You've never been to a BLM protest, but you still believe black lives do matter
You hear the leftist media say the authorities are going after Donald Trump, but you check all media sources to hear both sides of the argument
You find pride parades disgusting and inappropriate
You think children should not be sexualized
You believe in LGBTQ rights, but not in special rights for them
You believe the idea of "protected class citizens" is silly
You may prefer Biden over Trump, but you don't have Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)
You respect everyone's right to have an opinion.

You are a liberal if...

You want total government control over people
You talk about woke movies and think "this will really make conservatives shit their pants!"
You go to Antifa and BLM rallies, ready to kill or maim any conservatives who oppose
You vote for anything at elections as long as it has a D by it's name
You listen to one side of a story (usually the leftist point of view) and never even consider there are 2 sides to every story
You viciously defend people you don't even know as long as they are colored or LGBTQ
You would give your right arm to see Trump thrown in jail or any conservative's reputation ruined
You use terms like "cisgender" or "cis"-anything
You allow total strangers to dictate to you what pronouns to call them
You say you hate liars and hypocrites, never realizing that everything you do coincides with everything you profess to hate
You believe cows know they are being raped and PETA is your god
You get outrageously mad when someone disagrees with you
You find racism and homophobia or transphobia in places it really does not exist
You think there's nothing wrong with sexualizing children

See. Hardcore liberals do not like moderates. To them, moderate liberals are no greater than conservatives. I used to be a hardcore liberal. I know how they are. But I changed. Some of my buddies on Facebook talk about other INXS fans and say they are OK people. But not me. I'm extremely cautious of INXS fans now! I don't trust most of them. I tell my buds those people are all hardcore liberals. Some disagree, but I say no. ANY fan who jumped on the anti-TimmyHutchFan bandwagon is indeed a hardcore liberal. I'd say it to their faces too! They're a damn liberal!

If they really weren't hardcore liberals, they wouldn't have jumped on the anti-TimmyHutchFan bandwagon. Libertarians don't do that. Neither do conservatives. This is the point I made in numbers 5 and 10 under "You are a liberal if". Moderate liberals, libertarians and conservatives would have asked me my side of the story. Instead of just listening to one prejudiced person's story and leaving it at that. And yes, Kelly Poulter was prejudiced against me. I just never talked about it before to anyone because I really don't care how she feels about me. It's her problem. Not mine. And I never had two shits to give.

Well, I cannot say I wasn't warned about INXS fans being hardcore liberals. Not all of them, mind you, but most are. Thankfully those most are people who I will never welcome onto my Facebook page again. Anyway, this is my take on what I learned about the difference between moderate liberals and hardcore liberals.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Harry and Meagan and This Dude's A Troll

So much has happened over the past year, I barely have time to fit them all in a single post! But I'll try! First, Harry and Meagan. Ya know, I remember when I was an older pre-teen, lying on the floor of our living room, watching our big screen TV. It was September of 1984. I saw Princess Diana and her husband walking down the stairs with a toddler on one side, and a tiny baby in Diana's arms. That was the first appearance of Prince Harry of Sussex into the world. I was never a huge fan of the Royal Family, but I was happy for them that day.

I didn't know why at the time, but I kinda felt a spiritual connection with that baby. I know that sounds strange, but I guess it was because as the youngest sibling myself, I knew what that felt like. Sometimes, as the youngest sibling, you can feel like a second-class citizen at times. Like the older sibling has a bigger purpose that even the younger sibling has to live up to. I guess that makes sense. But it can be confusing because you're also seen as the cute little "baby" of the family, and you're expected to stay like that. Anyway, that can also explain why when Harry married Meagan, I was a bit leary. I knew she was going to ruin his life!

Face it, Meagan is not royal material. The only thing Meagan is made for is to be a Z-list celebrity that no one really knows, and no one cares about. Part of what bothered me about her was that she was half black. Now, I know there are some decent black people out there like Candace Owens. But Meagan is a liberal! I don't trust liberals. And they can even be worse when they are black. Especially nowadays that black liberals are acting like no rules apply to them. I never felt as deep a connection for William as I did for Harry, I guess because I was not watching when he was born. But when Kate joined the Royal Family, she accepted what she was getting into. She at least, assimilated gracefully.

But with Meagan Markle, I knew exactly what was going to happen. It's like a vision I had. Really it's not, I just know what today's black liberals are like. I've seen it too many times. For one thing, liberals have some kind of problem with traditions. They call them a "white colonizer thing". So I knew Meagan Markle was going into the Royal Family already not willing to follow tradition. Sure enough, I was right. I once heard Kate Middleton said in an interview that Meagan was told how things were going to go, and she said "No! We're going to do this MY way!" She wanted everything her way! And see! I have been watching liberals long enough to know that was going to be Meagan's response! Liberals ALWAYS want everything their way. That's why they get so mad when they are hit with cold, hard facts. Like men can never become women. If you say that to a liberal, the liberal will call you a "transphobe". No one else in the world will! Only a liberal.

I hated to see Harry marry Meagan. I knew she was going to ruin everything he ever knew. Having watched as baby Harry was carried out of the hospital in his mother's arms, and feeling that connection, I almost felt a need to be a big sister to him. Feeling that way now, watching Meagan ruin everything about Harry, I want to tell Harry to leave that woman in the dust! I didn't ever want it for him more than last night, when I saw an interview where Harry said "Before I met Meagan, I never knew how racist I was before." Which is also bad news! It's a major red flag in fact. Liberals have a knack for finding racism in places where none really exists. They tend to over-interpret everything. They keep searching and searching everything until they find something that is barely meekly offensive, which they call "micro-aggressions". When they find them, they raise the biggest possible stink about it, to a point where it brainwashes those around them.

I predicted exactly this when Harry and Meagan got married. Then when they announced they were going to leave Britain, I was not surprised! Not in the slightest! I knew Meagan would brainwash Harry to a point where she would take him away from his family, and his home, and everything he ever knew. Then she sits on her little shitty-ass diaper in front of Oprah to do an interview, doesn't let Harry speak hardly at all, and cries to Oprah how horribly she was treated in the Royal Family! I never believed for one second that the Royals were concerned about what color Meagan's baby was going to be. Nor how her baby would fit in with the British people. I believe there may have been some talk about it, maybe even in a humorous manner, but I doubt they were dissing Meagan's baby the way she described.

I don't think that marriage is going to last. And if it does, Harry is going to be a miserable man throughout. I know celebrity marriages never last. But I have a feeling William is going to be married to Kate much longer than Harry is going to be married to Meagan. And he is going to be miserable. Besides, once Meagan does leave him, what's he going to do then? The Royal Family may not welcome him back. If he does decide to move back to Britain, I can't say much, but I can bet he'd better go on his knees with his lips puckered, ready to kiss some serious ass! Meagan will never grow up. Liberals NEVER grow up! She'll always be a little girl who sees nothing but racists and big meanies everywhere. Harry has tried to grow up, but I have a feeling it's Meagan who keeps pulling him back. If he stays with her, he will never grow up either! She'll just brainwash him and make him her little toadie.

The exact same thing happened to my little brother, Johnny. Johnny always only dated black women. Back when he started in 2002, it didn't bother me. Back then, Obama had not become president, bringing his racist, brainwashing, pea-brained wife of his to resurrect racism in this country. Yup! She did that! She is why I am so against black liberals today. I don't mind black conservatives. They, at least, have good sense. But black liberals just parrot all the racist remarks, and thoughts and feelings that Michelle Obama had. They believe there's a white, racist witch behind every road sign, tree or building they pass.

Anyway, Johnny married this black girl named Ciarra. Now they have a child. I was so happy for Johnny having his first child. Until he called the child a "king". At the exact time he said it, I didn't think much of it. It wasn't until much later that I realized why Johnny made a comment like that. It's because BLM had this thing about calling black men "kings" and black women "queens". These were their made up "titles" they imposed on black people so that [hopefully] white people will see them as rulers. After I found that out, I was thinking "That's very disturbing!" Shoot anything BLM stands for is going to be disturbing and disgusting. They're working towards a world of black supremacy.

Anyway, I read a lot of Ciarra's posts on her Facebook page. I wanted to thank her myself for making my little brother happy. But the more I read her posts, the less I liked her. Johnny will always be my little brother. But Ciarra is CRA-ZY asf! Something about her posts rubbed me the wrong way. I didn't see anything about black supremacy on her page, but I could clearly tell she was a liberal. An absolute hard-core liberal! I withheld my thanks to her. I didn't really want to touch her with a 200-foot pole! I knew somehow, she was going to ruin Johnny. Just like how Meagan ruined Harry. Sure enough, after only being on my Facebook for less than a month, he deleted and blocked me because I did not agree that George Floyd didn't kill himself. Johnny believed the police is what killed him. But I said Floyd had Fentanyl in his body. Even a few grains of that is enough to kill several grown men. So, he killed himself.

When Johnny deleted and blocked me from Facebook, I was a bit shocked, but not surprised. I had the feeling his crazy wife told him to do that. It bothers my mom, but not me. I really couldn't care less if Johnny has me blocked on Facebook. He's still my little brother for one thing. And for another thing, I think it's better anyway. Because I really do not want to see Ciarra ruin Johnny's life, and I know she will eventually. Johnny chose this kind of lifestyle. Ciarra is going to mess up his head, and I don't even want to know about it when it happens. As a big sister, I want to tell him to get away from Ciarra. But also I think he needs to learn his lesson. I just hope he doesn't wind up dead in a ditch somewhere. That's what scares me. You cannot trust black liberals! The conservative blacks will see him as just another person. The liberal blacks will always see Johnny as a mere white, racist, trophy boy. He will never be fully accepted by them.

Anyway, on to my next story. Remember this guy...

I haven't written about him yet on this blog, because I believed this to be a troll. He's a man, dressed like a woman, with HUGE prosthetic boobs. He's a workshop teacher at a Canadian high school. And one day he came to school looking like this and saying "I'm a woman now". Matt Walsh once said he is a fetishist, and just enjoys seeing himself dressed as a woman. What can you think with those highly-exaggerated knockers he puts on?! A few conservatives believed from the beginning, that he's trolling. The school even made it illegal for students to take pictures of him. Well, last week I heard on a podcast that this teacher was indeed, just trolling the school. It's a kind of a protest thing. I guess he too doesn't like the idea of a man suddenly one day, coming to school and say he's a woman, and it be taken as the truth without question.

Well, ya know, you can blame that airhead Justin Trudeau for that! He made it easy for any man to claim he's a woman. All they have to do is just say so. I don't know if it's because Canadians are just particularly dim-witted, or if it's just Justin Trudeau is dim-witted. Justin Trudeau does a lot of fucked-up shit! It was his idea, remember, to freeze the bank accounts of truckers who protested this Covid act thing they had going. That's about as fucked up a thing as I have ever seen! I'm sure Bottle Biden saw that and said to himself "That's a good idea! I'd like to do that!" So it won't be long before he tries! Look at PayPal. They said later last year that if you're a conservative, they will charge you $250 per month to use their service. That's how very dumb liberals are! They just think they're smarter. But really, they're not. It's the media that is smarter. The media is smart enough to fool the liberals!

Friday, January 13, 2023


Remember when Michelle Obama called white people moving out of predominantly black neighborhoods "white-flight"? Well, I am calling this trans-flight. It's not switching from one flight to another in your route. No. Because trans people are losing representation in this country, they've decided to leave the country. I say good! Go on! Get out! Good luck finding a place that is going to accept you goons for very long. One tranny who is leaving the USA has decided he wants to move to Iceland. He says it's because they are "more accepting" there. Iceland does look like a nice place. I wish this guy well. Well, he's a trans-"woman". But I still wish him well in Iceland. I wonder how many other trannies will be moving there with him.

Ya know, a group of owls is called a parliament. A group of crows is called a murder. A group of hyenas are called a clan. I think a group of trans people should be called an annoyance. Sure, Iceland will be accepting towards them when they first arrive there. But wait until those dumb trannies start giving them shit like they've been doing to Americans. Like force them to use "preferred pronouns" or they'll run off, sit in the corner and cry. Or get drag queens in preschools to twerk with the children. Or start teaching kids from Kindergarten and up that they can change their sex, and mutilate said children without parental consent. Wait until the people of Iceland have to put up with all that shit for a few years. They won't be so accepting anymore! They'll probably be calling the USA crying "how do we get rid of these weirdos?" There's only ONE sure-fire way to get rid of them. That is to stop affirming them!

Dear Iceland, you have my best wishes that all that doesn't happen to you! Take my advice, weed out the fakers immediately! They are the ones that will ruin your lives, and your children. Like I've said before, you can tell the fakers by the way they act. Fakers are always the ones who tell you what pronouns to use to describe them. And they get upset when you don't. Real, legitimate trans people don't care what pronouns you call them. Because they are not trans for attention or any kind of affirmation. To the real ones, it's really a mental disorder they'd rather not have. The fakers are just mocking the real sufferers of gender dysphoria.

What I think should happen to the fakers is ship them off to Antarctica. There, they don't have to work, the penguins aren't going to "misgender" them, and if they do, the fake trannies can go off to a corner and cry all they want. They won't be distracting the other workers, because they wouldn't have a job. The only problem they might encounter that will enrage them (or endanger them, whatever they want to call it) is the snow is white. So, they will be surrounded by "whiteness" everywhere! That's bad for them, because any liberal hates whiteness. So they are going to be crying "that snow is RaCiSt!" But then they can do that, until the penguins get tired of hearing that same bullshit every day and put the liberals on a raft and send them back out to sea.

Then there will be no other place for them to go, but back here. But before they came back here, I would make them write "America is the greatest country in the world" 1 million times. If they fail to, or don't want to, I'd send them to Africa. There, if they bring up the idea of transgenderism, the people there will laugh and tease them again. Only much more mercilessly. Maybe it would be the best thing in the world for them. It may teach them that their identity does not rule over everyone else's. It may even humble them, if liberals are capable of such a thing. But don't come back here to the USA!!! We've already seen what you guys do to our society, and we don't like it! We won't tolerate it anymore!

Sunday, January 8, 2023

New Year's Present

HA!! This should teach those dumb imbeciles on the left that no matter what, Nature ALWAYS wins in the end!!! Us mere mortals cannot change nature, no matter how much we scream and cry. I'm a naturalist, far and wide, and I never believed people can change nature. Nature is the one who sets the rules for this world. She does not care about leftists crying about colonization, or telling what is fair and what isn't, or compassion for the brain-sick individuals, or even about leftists crying "transphobe"! Now, I am not saying it's not good to have compassion for these individuals, but the leftists carry it too far. Too far to a point where it blocks out whatever compassion they felt for other people who have feelings too. For example, women. Women's sports have been infiltrated by men who just think they're women. And when a woman, who has worked hard for her titles her entire life, gets them taken away by a biological man, and says anything about it, all the leftists cry "transphobia"! And the girl is shunned, or told to keep her "opinions" to herself. That's not right!

For the past 8 years, trans-allies have been saying that "trans-"women" are women and trans-"men" are men. But yet, they cannot define what a woman, or a man, really is. They say "anyone who identifies as a woman", which means nothing at all. As Matt Walsh puts it, how can someone identify as something they don't even know the meaning of? To me, a woman will always be someone who is an adult human female, that has the capability of bearing children, and has 2 X-chromosomes. I've known women who had hysterectomies, but they are still women. Having a hysterectomy does not make a woman a man. Again, it's Nature's call. Just as chopping off your penis does not make a man a woman. I've known some men to even have fake vaginas made into their body where their penis was. Unfortunately for them, this open slit always heals it's self. And ya know why? You can probably fool the public and yourself, but you cannot fool your DNA. It's the DNA that tells your immune system "Hey! This man has a big gash where his penis was. We need to fix that!" so it sends the immune cells over to close up that wound. You cannot stop it. You cannot convince your DNA that you want that gash to stay there so you can pretend to be a woman.

The only way you can get that gash to stay there is to get rid of your immune system. But then if you do that, you will develop an infection. Even sepsis. And believe me, you don't want that! You might as well not get the surgery done. Because one way or another, Nature is going to win this argument. Either you will have to go to surgery once every 2 months and have that wound reopened, or you will die of an infection. Seems to me like it's more trouble than it's worth. I'm glad I'm not a radical transgender!!!

Well, after fighting it for 8 years, scientists are now beginning to admit defeat. They probably were never defeated in the first place. They were just paid off by crooked politicians to tell people that transgenderism is real and will solve all their problems. But again, Nature wins! Better to listen to these guys! They know! The leftists and trans-activists will say these scientists are delusional or unreal dinosaurs. But this is Nature's way. There is no transgenderism in nature. It does not exist. It's a ploy set up by dummycrats to get rid of the human race. That's all it is. It's not meant to help anyone. And if leftists really want to show compassion for transgender people, they will convince them that the majority of them are not really transgender, because no such thing exists in Nature. You know something is unnatural when a person has to take hormone blockers, which is now proven to cause early onset arthritis and osteoporosis. That's what happens when a person fucks with Nature! How is letting someone get away with taking these drugs equal to being "compassionate"?

Anyway, this was a very interesting article I found this morning. It makes sense anyways.

Transgenderism is experiencing a crisis of scientific legitimacy (

It's the best New Year's present I've ever had! Hopefully our society can rebuild on that. We can get back to a normal way of thinking!

Tigerlily Bud

Well, Tigerlily is no longer a little bud. She's now a blossom in full bloom. Take a look at this pic... That is Tigerlily herself with ...