Monday, September 19, 2022

Big Talk, Big Signs, No Action!

I'm loving Ron DiSantis more and more these days! He made a genius move this past weekend. Biden talks big about letting illegal immigrants cross our borders freely. Well, Ron DiSantis put Biden's words to the test. He boarded about 50 illegal immigrants onto a plane and sent that plane to Martha's Vineyard, a small, almost completely leftist-run island off the coast of Massachusetts. They have a big sign on the island that reads "we stand by immigrants" and "Hate has no business here". The most used phrases leftists spew everywhere. So, DiSantis just gave them what they wanted; 50 non-white Venezuelan immigrants. Apparently, the residents of Martha's Vinyard are always complaining because their demographic on the island is "too white". So, DiSantis also said "here's 50 Venezuelans. Now, your demographic is even!"

So, you'd think the rich and privileged residents of Martha's Vineyard would be grateful, welcoming the illegals with open arms, inviting them into their big, multi-roomed homes, complete with beds, food, a bathroom, and maybe even new clothes. The way they are always spewing "immigrants are welcome here" and "this country is too white, and whites are evil", you'd think they'd be happy there. But if you knew the hypocrisy that is inbred into the leftists, you'd know you're wrong! The moment the plane dropped off the illegals, the residents immediately began to complain about them! They gave the immigrants cereal, and then put them on a bus to send them to Cape Cod, on some military base. One woman who was interviewed from Martha's Vineyard claimed "We've got a housing crisis already on this island. So sooner or later [the immigrants] will have to go!"

Now, wait a minute! I thought liberals loved immigrants. I thought the sign on their island says "we stand with immigrants" and "hate has no business here". I also thought the residents were griping about their island being "too full of white people". Also, I thought Martha's Vineyard had big homes with many rooms. They can afford to take in some immigrants. As for this "housing crisis", I copied this off AirBnB's website. There's LOTS of empty homes there:

It says there's over 1000 homes there. The people who live there, or have a home there, are wealthy people. Why can they not spare their rent payments and house a few immigrant families for free for a while? That does not sound like the people of Martha's Vineyard stand by immigrants at all. And they send the immigrants all to Cape Cod! An almost entirely republican town! Well, I thought liberals said republicans hate immigrants? Why would liberals send non-white illegal immigrants to an area where they're gonna be 'hated'? We don't really hate immigrants, as long as they are here legally. But we never started this bullshit! We never said illegal immigrants are welcome here. We never complained about an area being "too white". Republicans never did any of that. Only the leftists have done that.

And once we try to give the leftists what they say they want, they turn right around and send the non-white immigrants away. That's gratitude for you! But this was a genius move on Ron DiSantis' part! Because it shows, loud and clear, all those talking points the leftists spew out, is nothing but words. They don't really welcome illegals here. They don't really want areas that are more colored people than whites. They don't really care what happens to people who just walk across the border illegally, as long as they don't have to deal with them. Now was the time for leftists to put their money where their mouths are. And they actually proved they can't! They're not willing to. They just want other people to deal with the problems they cause.

If I were the governor of Cape Cod, I'd send all those illegals back to Martha's Vineyard, and remind them how they complain about their island having too many white people, and how much they welcome immigrants. I'd remind them that these illegals are not our problem! If the people there don't want the immigrants around (and they don't!) then tell them to take their money and send the immigrants back to Venezuela. Or else, take them into their own homes. But don't send them back to Cape Cod! Because we'll just send them back to Martha's Vineyard.

So from now on, when I hear leftists complain about how this country is too white, or if I hear them talk about how "no person is illegal", or how "immigrants are welcome here", I'm gonna remember this story of how they had the chance to prove to the USA those weren't just words, and they lost it! My big question is always "Why say something when you really don't mean it?" I'll never understand that. Whenever I say something, I mean it! If I ever said "immigrants are all welcome here", the first thing I would be willing to do is allow them to come into my home and stay. But I never said that. I'm the kind of ogre that says "If you want to live here, learn to speak english, leave your home-based cultures at the door, and come here legally!" I think part of the reason people these days don't communicate anymore is because we can't! Illegals come into this country, bringing their own culture from their country, and refuse to learn english or assimilate to us, and that makes it impossible to communicate with them!

And not all illegals are good people, just because they're not white. Some may be seeking asylum, but most could be running from the law! I've heard of many illegals coming into this country and killing our citizens! How can Biden keep allowing that to happen?? I'll tell you how. Because he blames everything on Trump. Or he blames everything on white supremacy. That's how he can view all this shit happening to this country, and still be able to sleep at night! And worst of all, the mainstream media will always hide it, and steer the blame away from Biden. But really, when you really think about it, there is no one to blame but Biden. You can't blame Trump anymore, because he's not even in office anymore. And supposedly, Biden un-did everything Trump did during his presidency. So, blaming all this on Trump is rather pointless.

Posted by Dee TimmyHutchFan at 3:02 PM

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