Thursday, January 7, 2021

Stupidity Among Good Breeders

Every once in a while I get a notice about this purebred snobs group I am on. The group is more OK than good. I need to stop socializing with these libtard breeders! I left another purebred dogs group recently because I found out the admin did not like Trump supporters at all. She just up and said one day "If you support Trump, then delete yourself from this group because we don't want your RaCiSt AsS here!" I said "Fine! And if you're a Biden/Harris supporter then I don't need you, because you sniff kids' hair and touch them inappropriately!" Those kids you see in pictures with Biden sniffing their hair, and putting his hands on them, they've all been reported saying Biden made them feel very uncomfortable. I've never heard a kid saying Trump makes them feel uncomfortable. And the pics that are going around the internet of Trump holding crying babies, those apparently have been photoshopped. But the kids in Biden pics, you can see the discomfort in their eyes for sure.

Well, there was this post that, by the time I saw it, the commenting had been shut off by the admin. I sometimes like to look and see why a post has been shut off, because those are usually the juiciest posts. This post began like this...

Nothing much really. I personally have never seen tattooed dogs, but I have seen plenty of tattooed rabbits. Mostly those participating in 4H activities. But this isn't the dumb part. For that, we have to scroll down to an answer by Ellie Lang...

Not only is this stupid because she is generalizing Trump supporters to being racists, but also because she brings up "my privilege" in the last sentence. I'm sitting here thinking "What the hell does that mean?!?!" She says she wouldn't have thought about it 5 or 10 years ago, which pretty much proves how Obama divided this country. Because I know Trump never has mentioned anything about privilege. That didn't start even becoming a thing until Obama was butthurt that he couldn't get elected for a 3rd term! Then he started talking about "white privilege" and other such bullshit!! I didn't hear that coming out of Trump's mouth! Then the leftists just started parroting Obama's notion and adding their own ideas about what it means.

Anyway, I took a step back and said "So THIS is why this post is now closed down!!" This is how a reasonable non-Trump supporter would act...

Now, her belief I can understand and accept. She's not generalizing, she's not judging, she's not clumping all Trump supporters as "racist bigots". She also doesn't imply that shooting black people is something only Trump supporters would think is funny. Because that is simply not true. I support Trump and I am not a racist or bigot (unless it's possible to be a bigot to asshole people). At least I am not under the real meaning of the word. Not what leftists believe the word "bigot" or "racist" means. They've been trying to change the actual real meaning to fit their vision of what Trump and Trump supporters are like. That's why they say things like "milk is racist" or "math is racist" or "homework is racist" or "snow is racist". Really it's nothing more than an excuse lazy black people make up so they don't have to do anything but cause chaos. And I don't find any people getting shot as being funny. I don't know anyone who actually does. Except BLM members. But I don't know (nor do I want to know) any BLM supporters. I've seen what those people actually do! Believe me, it doesn't make black people look any better to me. In fact, it makes them look worse. And that is all BLM's doing! I never had any problem with black people until they started rioting, looting, and killing or assaulting white people just for being white. I didn't like it when the democrats did it to blacks in the 1800s or earlier 1900s, and I don't like black people doing it to white people today! Two wrongs do not make a right!

But Ellie Lang's post is definitely different. She is lumping racists and Trump supporters together. I cannot accept her point of view. As I have said before, I have never been one of those kinds of people who judges anyone based on their political beliefs. Or I would never unfriend anyone based on their beliefs and I believe people who do are the very lowest quality friends anyone can have. Both me and my sis are more conservative than liberal, and we have friends who support Trump and who support Biden. I also have friends who hate Trump. Doesn't bother me. Although because of what I have seen in the past 4 years from leftists, it's beginning to bother me. 

Anyway, I wanted to see this Ellie person. All leftists look the same. They usually have weird colored hair, big-rimmed eyeglasses, pale white skin, and some other weird body characteristics, mostly from having a totally soy diet. So, I went to her Facebook page and noticed this...

Oh my GAWD!! It's a whole fricken family of libtards!! Well, at least her and her husband, whom I assume is the wimpy-looking dude standing on the left. The sad thing is there's a kid between there! I don't post pics of other peoples' children, so I blotted out the baby's face. I always feel sorry for kids of libtards. It makes me sad when liberals have children. That poor child is going to be raised in a home where the parents hate kids (she's all for abortion), confusion (more on that later), and judgement (since mom there thinks all Trump supporters are bigots and racists). Most likely violence too, since they are leftists and think it's OK to go around assaulting Trump supporters.

So anyway, I read on...

I don't know about this, as I haven't seen the context in which this was posted. But she doesn't sound like she's lumping Trump supporters in with shooting people. Most of the people I've seen shooting others have been leftists and those who have been bullied all their lives. Conservatives normally don't shoot people. They'd rather save their ammo for hunting animals for food.

Someone she considers to be "morally abhorrent". Hmm. Is she implying Trump supporters are "morally abhorrent", having tagged Ellie Lang in her comment? This is why I don't like leftist libtards. What has buying a dog got to do with supporting Trump??? I'm a Trump supporter and I LOVE my dogs!! My dogs are my world. You can say what you want about my beliefs, my actions, my wasted life, but you cannot say I don't love my dogs!!! That's treading into very dangerous territory! Remember when my ex-stepsister implied I don't take care of my dogs. If she had been in the room with me and said that to my face, I'd have ripped her another butthole!!! I know of a very good miniature american shepherd breeder who is a big time Trump supporter. I'd buy from her before I would buy from someone who is going to judge me because of my political stance.

Well! I got Mya from a hard leftist, who believes all the bullshit. She hates Trump and doesn't want to hear any good about him. But then again, so did I back when I got Mya. But I got Mya now, nothing I can do about it. But since the lady I got her from has blocked me on Facebook (because I became more educated about Trump), she doesn't exist to me anymore. She's as dead as a doornail to me now. LOL! I just tell people I got Mya from her mom, Donna. 😁

Anyway, a patriot steps in...

This is another thing I hate about leftists, they generalize and don't care who they offend. I will admit that I tend to generalize too. But I don't listen to the kind of generalizing CNN, MSNBC, TYT, Vaush, Vice, Buzzfeed or any of those other extreme leftists push out. I do my own research. And not Twitter research either!!! I find reliable sources. I offend a lot of people too, mostly with facts. And if I do express my opinion, I base it entirely on facts. Not on what I see on Facebook, Twitter or other left-leaning social media networks! Unless I am looking at facts posted on Facebook by my Trump supporting friends. Then I can believe it.

And then this goes on...

A refreshing breath of air!! Although BLM and people like Ellie Lang would say her husband is a 'self-hating racist'. They have dumb arguments for everything!! Everyone is now using the term "racist" to make people feel guilty about doing things the libtards and soy boys don't like. Even vegans have begun adopting the term "racist" to describe meat-eaters. I'm shitting you negative!! I've actually heard some say that. Anyways, Ellie goes on...

In fact, yes she did say Trump supporters are racists. Sue Maxwell pointed out Ellie's mistake...

And I would definitely not sell to Ellie, supporting a domestic terrorist group like BLM!!! But she doesn't seem to have any breeds I am interested in, so it doesn't matter. I hope she's not into my breeds either!

Anyways, here's a shadow of Ellie's beliefs. Some hack named Jay...

He says he's interested in a rare breed that very few people breed in the USA, but he won't go to the one close to him because the breeder is a Trump supporter. When I picked Mya, I didn't give a flying pig's patoot what the breeder supported. I picked Mya out because I liked her. I wanted a mahogany sable sheltie, and under the grace of GOD I got one! And I love her! She's not going anywhere! Not without me. She's going to be mine until I die. Then if she's still alive she goes to my sister.

Anyway, you will see this dude again. Ellie goes on again...

Well, I also took it personally. The only reason I haven't commented is because the thread was shut down by the time I discovered it. And ya know what's funny about these leftists saying things like "Trump is racist" or other bad things? Not a single one of them, when asked, is able to call up anything Trump has done that is racist. Or as bad as they say he is. All they tend to say is "there's too much to name" or "I can't think of anything offhand" or they tell US to go look it up on Google, when the only sources on Google that say Trump is a racist are those unreliable sources I mentioned a couple paragraphs up who take things said out of context, or mish-mash different things said in different speeches Trump has given and make it look like he's saying it all in one speech. Anyway another libtard steps in...

I had to laugh at this comment because like I said before, to the leftists, EVERYTHING is racist!!! Those of us with sense in our brains cannot follow what is now "racist" anymore. It used to be that a racist is someone who thinks their race is better than the others. That was the definition I grew up with and still believe today. But the leftists keep changing the meaning of the word "racist". If you didn't cry when George Floyd was killed, you're a racist (and I didn't!!) But not because he's black. It was because he didn't mean anything to me! I didn't know him! He never did anything for me. The only things that I do know of that he did were not good things! So, no. George Floyd was a nobody to me. I'm not saying I laughed when he died, but I'm not gonna cry over him either! I save my tears for people I know and love. Not a stranger who had no impact on my life whatsoever, and was a bad person anyway!

Anyway, this was Ellie's response...

Again, all the same old talking points the leftists use, and all of it means NOTHING!!!! I'll bet she cannot think of one single thing Trump has said or done that is "racist", "homophobic", "xenophobic" or takes away womens' rights. However, I can think of a hundred things Biden, Kamala, Pelosi, Cortez and all the other swamp monsters have said that is all that and more! Plus the lies people like Ellie keep spouting as if it were all true.

Let's go back to Jay...

Remember when he said he wouldn't buy from a CCR breeder near him because the breeder supported Trump? Here's what one patron had to say...

Then another libtard steps in...

And believe me, since she said this, I wouldn't sell to her either! I just don't like her attitude.

I think she means here "I am fine with RINOs". Those are the "cowardly lion" republicans as I call them. They aren't real republicans. They're the ones whose only interest is in pleasing the left, or trying to be "cool". I start to get a little worried when I see where she wrote "some rights I hold to be fundamental". Especially knowing leftists the way I do and the fact this one has a child! Here was another response...

Hmm. Is he talking about Biden here? I know he's a rapist. Or Clinton? He was for sure a rapist! Or is she spreading more misinformation about Trump? I always ask "who did Trump rape???" Leftists never have a good answer for that. They always bring up where Trump talked about "grabbing women by the pussy". They think that is actually raping someone. That's like someone saying "I want to punch [so-n-so] in the gut" and another person spreading around "that guy actually punched [so-n-so] in the gut!" It never happened. It's just chatter talk! I don't take it seriously. Only someone dumb would take that seriously. But then that's what leftists do. To them, everything is to be taken seriously.

Anyway, these two finish up here...

Then this is the post that shocked me the most...

Oh my GOD!!! And she has a child!! She put her pronouns on her email signature!? So, this is why I am afraid for that child. It'll grow up thinking it can change it's pronouns any time it wants to. If the child grows up and happens to like boy things, it's parents will tell it that it may really be a boy. But no wonder she is the way she is! She works at a university. Where they [supposedly] want all students to feel included and safe. That is, unless you are a christian student, or a white male student, or a conservative student. Then they don't want you to feel safe. "University" means nothing anymore, now that BLM, gender studies and all that other useless bullshit has bombarded out the real learning! If they'd just leave the students alone, they'll learn for themselves to treat people the way they'd want to be treated. Makes no sense. And I've never heard of dreamers not being welcome here. We just don't want illegal immigrants here. EVERY country on the planet is like that. We should not be any different.

Anyway, Jay comes back in with an answer for Diane Stille...

What say now??? "Biden doesn't want me dead in a ditch"???? Are you kidding me??? Maybe after 3 years of Biden being president, you'll learn different. He DOES want you dead! He wants you locked up in a concentration camp and gassed to death! And don't give me that bullshit that that's what Trump wants. I never once heard Trump say that! Not even with all the doctored Trump speeches the leftists put out. But I have heard Joe Biden and Kamala Harris say that numerous times!! And if you have never had anyone with a Biden flag threaten to gun you down, then it's only because you have not disagreed with Biden supporters before. They are the only ones I see threatening anyone. It's never Trump supporters. If you have been threatened by Trump supporters, there must have been a good reason. Maybe you assaulted them, or threatened to harm them or their families. Or threatened to harm their belongings. Those are the only time I have ever heard Trump supporters threaten anyone. Anyway, he goes on...

Well, that's why this post was shut down. The mods must have gotten sick of the political posts. As for my answer to the original question what would be a weird or uncommon deal-breaker for me when buying a dog from a breeder. My answer is breeders who constantly throw their weight around, looking down on newbies. I cannot stand people who think they are better than others, and breeders are especially no exception!! Remember John Cippolina? He threw his weight at me saying he was better than me because I haven't been showing dogs as long as he has. But I've actually been studying animals a lot longer than he thinks! Besides, he had a bad attitude. He got angry at little things and I didn't like that about him. He didn't even seem to really want to discuss things calmly with me. He just kept shitting his pants and disrespecting me. Of course I later found out why. It's because he raises Taco Bell dog lookalikes too, and sells them to people who agree that he's the "greatest chihuahua breeder in the world".

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