Sunday, November 8, 2020

The SpecEvo Community Still Has It's Crazies!

I didn't want to put this on my Metazoic site. I don't want to bring this kind of shit there again. I made that mistake back in 2009 with JohnFaa and Viergacht. Now, I will admit observing, I did not think JohnFaa was crazy. He was just immature and full of rage. But Viergacht was definitely crazy! LOL! Well, we've got another one. This little piece of work is named John Dailey. The reason I say he's crazy is because he and I got into an argument about purebred dogs. Yet AGAIN!! I run into these anti-purebred lunatics!! He's just like all the others too, he cannot accept the fact that not everyone wants to own a mongrel of unknown origin. I just happen to love purebred dogs. But John Dailey was not happy just letting me have my own opinion. He wanted to fuss and argue about it. I have a purebred dog, Mya. And I love her. I intend on getting another purebred dog too. Maybe a cavalier next time. I've been admiring them. John Dailey is not going to stop me from getting the animal I want. And I don't feel the need to explain myself to him or anybody else! If he wants a mixed breed dog then that's fine. But like all ADS-fags, he's not content to just live and let-live. He has to probe his nose into my affairs and tell me what kind of dog I should own. He even looks like a leftist, commie fag...

The funniest part of his argument was when he asked me if I thought he was a bad person because he prefers mixed-breed dogs. I never said that! To ANYONE! I'm not like the ADS fags. I'd never judge a person based on their preference of dog breeds. I'd never judge anyone based on any of their preferences. I think that's dumb! And I think people who do that are of the lowest quality that does not value any sort of friendship. One of my very best friends approached me on Facebook yesterday and just out of the blue said "I just wanted you to know I didn't support Biden." He said he doesn't like Trump, but he doesn't like Biden either. I wondered where this was leading. He told me how some of his Facebook friends deleted him and even blocked him because he doesn't support Biden. I told him I thought that was stupid of those people. He could have voted for Biden, and I still would be his friend! I don't care!!! I don't care what a person likes, who they vote for, what kind of dog they have or where they got it from. Though I am cautious about people with cats, because cats are demons. But I do have friends with cats. That's their preference. As long as they don't expect me to tell them their cat is "cute". I never compliment cats (for the most part). There are a few breeds I like, and I will compliment them. But for the most part, I don't comment on cat pics. Especially if it's a gray tabby!

However, I'm not going to call someone a bad person just because they own a cat. Not unless they prove they really are a bad person, like Karen Boegli did. Though I kinda always had a feeling Karen didn't really like me or my sis. But I liked her dogs, so I hung around her. LOL!

Anyway, what made John Dailey's remark about me thinking he was a bad person so funny was that right after I told him I didn't say that, he got himself off my Facebook friends. He never responded, nothing. Just deleted himself. I was like "OK then! Don't care!" and went on with my life. I never thought he was a bad person for owning a mutt. But apparently, he thought I was a bad person for owning a purebred dog. That was the end of that conversation as far as I was concerned. But then a few weeks later, he comes into my Speculative Evolution group on Facebook and posts a picture of his dog and talks about how mixed breed dogs are better than purebred dogs. And I'm sitting here thinking "What the Hell has this got to do with speculative evolution????" His dog was surely cute, but animals in the wild do not breed with each other and get mixed results in order to evolve! Forming a new species is like creating a new breed. It has to breed true to type. One monkey does not mate with another monkey and have babies that come out looking like aardvarks!! Mixed breeding gets mixed results. Say for example, someone breeds a chow chow with a dalmatian. Some of the puppies born will have more of the chow characteristics, others may have more of the dalmatian characteristics. Some may show characteristics of both. That's the beauty of mixed breed dogs. The same cannot go for wild animals. In order to be a true species, they have to breed true. Like purebred dogs.

Well, after I asked him what his dog has to do with speculative evolution, he didn't answer. He just deleted his post and left the group. Again, that's fine by me! I'd rather the crazies weeded themselves out than stick around and cause a ruckus. Well, just recently, I caught John Dailey talking about me on another group. One of my friends posted a link to my group and John Dailey commented saying "I gave up on [Metazoica] when I found out the owner was pro-pedigree." Again, has nothing to do with anything. I said to this friend "Yes. Sadly John Dailey needs to grow up. He thinks everyone in the world has to think the same way he does!" which is true. When I first met John Dailey, he seemed OK. But for some reason, over the years, he just went loony. Maybe he got stuck in the wrong crowd. Maybe his parents didn't teach him that other people can have different opinions. Maybe he got one too many participation trophies as a child. Which is why I do not agree with giving kids participation trophies. It teaches kids a little too much, that the world will always go their way. But adults today give kids those tropies just so their little feelings won't be hurt when they lose the game!

Well, apparently he went to the University of South Dakota. But that really doesn't mean anything these days. He's not a scientist. All these colleges and universities these days teach kids is critical race theory and that their gender can change from hour to hour.

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