Thursday, August 15, 2019

Proof of What Bullying Does to People

I was just talking about this concept yesterday! With Carlos Maza, he admits to having been bullied as a child going to school. Some people are able to overcome it while others are not. You know who else has often been the victim of bullying? Show breeders. I'm almost positive that's why they have such trouble communicating with non-show people. Today's subject comes courtesy of a young sprig by the name of Lily McPhee. Or so that's the name she uses on Facebook, from South Australia. And we all know how touchy Australians are. LOL! Well, at least the liberals are. This one is no different. Now, before I go on, I am not making fun of this person. I can't even say for sure if the actions I will display from her are of those of someone who has really been bullied, or if it's just typical young girl libtard ramblings, but it's similar to what I've seen from people who have been bullied all their lives.

This was posted in a purebred snobs forum I am on in Facebook. She starts it like this...

OK, she admits this dog is from a BYB. The first thing she asks is for critiques. Now, I'll start here by saying it is a nice-looking husky. I think all huskies are good-looking. But something around the belly caught my eyes. It could be the shadowing hiding it, but it makes the dog look very skinny. So, that's what I thought she was. So, that is what I pointed out...

She thought it was funny I said that. So I'm thinking "OK. At least it didn't offend her." as I was really not trying to be offensive. Just saying what I'm seeing and I was sure there was an explanation for it. And she did ask for critiques. But she says the dog is not "too skinny".

It's either the backline or the lighting, but when I saw the first pic, I thought her belly stuck in more than usual. I liked the pic she posted, as it is a pretty dog anyways. I gave it a thumbs up. I said though it just looks like (in the first pic) the belly is concave, like it sticks in a little too much. Again, it could be the shadowing underneath, but in the original pic, it just looks weird. Anyways, it goes on...

Well, what the heck! It's her dog. Not mine. She'd know if it's skinny or not. But I was just saying in the first pic, it looked skinny. But she says it's a well-conditioned working dog. She gets 3 cups of food per day (which is good for that breed), and runs 6 miles, which is very good. Husky dogs do love to run! I know! I know a starving dog would not be able to do that, although a skinny one would. Mya used to be fat, but now has lost a lot of weight. I'm proud of her! But I am also taking her on longer walks now that my leg is all better. 😀👍 So now, I call her "my skinny dog". Anyway, it looks like Ms. Lily McPhee is not taking this critique too well (typical 20-something year old, or typical purebred snob, take your choice), so I call my own dog "my skinny dog" in the post, basically to show her I'm not trying to single her dog out.

Now, notice I never said that she is "abusing" her dog. Never once. But look at this response I noticed this morning...

I have a sheltie. She can do basically anything a husky can. Only on a smaller scale, which is why I like shelties, and I have one instead of a husky. I like smaller dogs. But she totally misinterpreted what I said and called Mya my "underweight dog". I told her I didn't say my dog is underweight, I said she's skinny. Yes there is a difference. "Skinny" can refer to a dog that is just skinny, thin, even lean. "Underweight" denotes a dog that is underfed. But in the first pic, one must admit, her dog did look skinny. Mya was fat for a while, but she lost the weight, and now is skinny. And no, she never tires! I love that about her! Even when she's not feeling well, she goes and goes and goes. Never tires!

Then she adds "I never asked for weight critiques in the first place". Umm, yes you did! You asked for critiques. You did not put limits on it. Learn to put a limit on what to critique if you don't want to hear about weight. But hey! I'm not angry at her. I'm not trying to be offensive or anything. Just calling it as I see it. Maybe she sees Mya as being "underweight". That's OK. Though I don't really show a lot of pics of Mya on the group. I just don't share many pics on Facebook. I learned my lesson with the INXS fans! But just as her dog is a good weight for it's breed, Mya is a good weight for her breed. I didn't want to go on, as I didn't want to further hurt this person. I'm not in the group for that.

Anyways, I've let it go. That is until I saw this post later this morning...

It made me laugh! Can anyone besides me smell the butthurt in this post?? I mean really! It's so thick it shows! But this post literally made me laugh. I was sitting here thinking "My goodness girl! Get over it!" This is the same person who asked for critiques, and then gets butthurt when we give them to her. And looking at the rest of the comments on her post, it looks like I wasn't the only one to notice something strange about her belly. Though one person said it is due to the pelvic angulation. That could be what I was seeing in the first post too. Something was indeed strange about the belly area. And what is she saying about the dog being "AbUsEd"? Looking back in the original post, I'm not able to find where anyone said she is abusing the dog. So, I don't know what the point is in even mentioning that here. But it does show something is wrong with this Lily McPhee, if she took critiquing to mean she is AbUsInG the dog. I guess that's just a typical young person, who has probably never had much attention from her parents, or was bullied all her life.

But seriously, my big point here is don't ask for critiques if you can't handle them. Because you are inviting all opinions when you do; good and bad. I ask for critiques on my stories from people who actually read them. I was trained to accept all opinions. My boss used to tell me we can even learn from negative opinions. I'm not even allowed to respond, or like any comments on the UMG Productions website. We're not to play any favorites. I can't even say "thank you" for their comments. I was trained to handle all critiques with a grain of salt because there's so many different opinions and everyone has a right to express their's. That's what we believe at UMG Productions.

This is the problem I have with the people on this group. You can't really express an opinion without some crazy cunt misconstruing everything. It happened with that Gabby Guthrie, and it's happening with this person too. I wasn't even talking at all to Gabby that time. She was the one who butted in and made it into a bigger thing than it really was. But this Lily did ask for opinions. I studied huskies before (because at one time I did want to own one), and so I was able to draw some handy conclusions out of the pic she posted. I never said the dog was ugly, or AbUsEd. I just said it looked too skinny. Well, something in it's rear looked off, and I was thinking it was the belly being too small or something. That was my POV and I am sticking to it.

But ya know, I have seen this kind of behavior so much from pet people, it makes me lose faith in them. I just cannot believe or trust anything they have to say anymore. When I see someone like Lily ask kindly for critiques, what I believe she's really saying is "Go ahead and talk shit about my dog. I'll just procrastinate and twist everything you say to make it sound like you're accusing me of AbUsInG my dog!" Same with Gabby, only she was saying "If you don't agree with me, then I will twist your words to make it sound like you don't know what you're talking about!" And she deflects while doing it. Then she accuses me of "deflecting". 😆😆😆 Really! Pet people are the most annoying people! But I think there is something much deeper there. It could be a tribute to the rise in fatherless families now. Or parents who are both there, but not really there for the children. Or perhaps too much bullying in schools. Who knows? No one except the pet people.


I just heard back from Ms. Lily McPhee, as I knew I would. She is accusing me of being rude. Maybe I was too nice to her for too long on this post? Anyways, she still cannot handle my criticism. This is what she said...

"A skinny dog is underweight" 😂
So, she was saying when I call Mya "my skinny dog" that I am actually saying she is "underweight"? That's kinda funny! I guess the same thing will happen when I have my surgery. She asked for a critique in conformation, that includes everything you can see and feel. I saw the dog looked too skinny. Just because she didn't like it, she thinks I was being rude. Well, I wasn't trying to be rude. She asked for opinions and I gave her one. I pointed that out in my response to her...

I pointed that out earlier in this blog too, there were like 3 other people on that pointed out almost the same thing on her thread. I just thought it was because the dog was skinny. So, I told her not to ask for opinions if she cannot handle all of them. That should always be a rule in groups like this. Makes no sense whatsoever if you ask for other peoples' opinions and then can't handle what they say. But it is actions like this that always lead me to believe show breeders have something deep inside that bothers them. That's not my problem. That's their's. So she goes on about how I was rude to her...

No I don't have any idea what she went through to get the dog back to health. I never claimed to know either. All I know is she asked for critiques, and I felt generous, so I gave her one. I think I need to stop talking to teenagers and 20-something year olds on this group! This would be my final message to her...

And as long as she keeps her mouth shut, I will stay backed off.

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