Monday, June 11, 2018

"Asshole In Training"

As you know, I'm new to this new philosophy I have now of being an asshole to everyone. So, I need practice. I've practiced a little on libtard INXS fans, but they are not that great. My goal is to be so bad ass, my name becomes a household word, spewed with anger and hatred. Well, like I said before, people didn't like me being nice. At least if I am mean to everyone, it'll give them a real reason to hate me. I'm sick of being so nice, sweet and giving to people, only to have them shit on me eventually. Like the old saying goes; No good deed goes unpunished. So, I'm not doing good deeds for anyone in the INXS community anymore. I don't even post any of my INXS pics anymore. Not in the groups. The reason for that is I don't want to be giving anymore. Fuck that! I'll keep my pics to myself!

Well, I consider myself to be an "Asshole in Training". I'm new to this lifestyle, so I need practice. Well yesterday, I got some of that practice with a vegan fag who considers himself to be an asshole. He admitted it in the beginning. This dude's name is Matthew Brosnan. It started on a vegan video, where some dumb vegan chick talked about the "real" reason we eat meat. Vegans don't know why we eat meat. But what I really love is how they think we don't know where the meat comes from! This was my quote:

The next day, I've found little mister Brosnan had replied to my comment. This is what he had to say...

When I woke up that morning, I saw this comment in my inbox for YouTube. Since he admitted he's an ass, I decided to see if I could now stand up to another asshole without feeling bad. I've always spoken my mind before, but it was usually to help people back then. Nowadays, I don't do that anymore. Now, I wanted to practice speaking my mind to match his attitude one for one. This was how I responded...

I've quoted the Gin Blossoms before on here. Always because of liberals. I was having fun with this character. It felt awesome to treat a vegan like the human trash he is! Well, he didn't keep his word, he wanted to try and "educate" me anyway. I didn't listen though. I only gathered enough to make him look stupid. He said...

It actually made me crack up when he said "Where have I shown evidence for me being a fool". LOL!! Oh GOD!!!! So he's a fool and doesn't even know he's a fool! So much so, he has to ask me for proof!! Classic stupid libtard behavior! Well, I had to respond to him...

He said he liked being an ass to assholes. I responded with "So do I". Funny thing is, I'm new to this asshole thing, and I seem to be better at it than he is!! I guess because I'm older and have a thicker skin. With this layer of blubber underneath. LOL! And in the end, he displays the same behavior I've seen in many vegans before him. That same "I am superior to you" complex! I see it over and over again in vegans! Think about this, if he was "superior to me", he wouldn't be bothered by me eating meat. And he'd probably be eating it himself. I called him a blind sheep, because he is. And I called him stupid, because that's what blind sheep type people are. They can't think for themselves (just like the blind sheep libtard INXS fans), so I call them stupid! LOL!

Anyway, he responded this way...

I say LOL all the time!! Because I was loving this. It actually made my day! I'm not bothered by vegans calling me names anymore. As an asshole in training, I cannot allow that to happen. So, I am not bothered by anyone anymore. This was how I responded, and this was too long to capture with the screen printing on my computer...

"Lol, you get baited so easily." Baited? Nooooo. I'm just having some fun on you. LOL!! "Sadly, everything you said was just a straw man/ad hom " So is your so-called "logic". Again, nothing no other vegan hasn't said before you toots. And just like the others, you're really not worth listening to. "with you jerking off yourself saying LOL at the end. " Yeah. So what?! I'm loving this, because you're so dumb you're funny! LOL! I'll say it again and again, just because you're so fricken loony and ridiculous.... "LOL!!" " You didn't even clear up my only point on the nature fallacy" Because I cannot make a point on something that has no point. Cannot argue with nature. LOL! "so you've already lost." I guess that makes two of us then. LOL!! :) "Not that much fun to refute something so weak sadly. " Hmm, that's funny. I guess you're not an experienced asshole. Because I'm having fun refuting you, and you're weak. LOL! :) "Takes a sentence where I'm basically already repeating myself." And that is what makes YOU stupid!! LMAO!!! I never asked for your petty opinions. I'm just having fun. You're just providing the material. LOL! " you have to answer my questions though" HAHAHAHAHA!!! I don't "have to do" shit for you! I'm the adult. You're the child. But I will yet again, explain why for one more stupid vegan who will never get it just for the hell of it. LOL!! :) "otherwise you'll always be stupid, okay?" Yah yah yah, keep on typing that dude. LOL!! No matter how many times you type it, it doesn't make me any more stupid than you are. LOL!! I've heard it all from vegans. In the end, they prove to always be the stupidest beings in the world. "How about you tell me why you eat meat?" I eat meat because I like it. It makes the meal. To you, that may be stupid or pathetic. To me, it's life. LOL! "any info you provide I can probably fuck you with so go for it." You probably can try. But I'm not a libtard and I'm not a hippie. I may be "easily baited", as you think. But I am not easily convinced. Like I said, I've heard it all from vegans before you. There is NOTHING you can say I haven't heard from others before. It has NO impact on my life. I'm just having fun because I am an asshole in training. So, keep it coming. You've been excellent practice. LOL!!!! :) And I'll say it again, LOL!!! LMAO!!!!! KMFFA!!!!!! :) ;)

For the record, KMFFA means "Kiss my fat, funky ass". LOL! This is where I call myself "an asshole in training". My newest title. I also said he's not an experienced asshole. I guess this is new to him too. I wonder if he's an asshole for the same reason I am? Because he spent his life giving, being nice, and kind to others, only to have them shit on him in the end? In that case, I cannot blame him. That is why I fricken HATE people!!!!!! Anyway, he actually kinda softened up by now. This was his response to me...

Again he says "So if I eat you and your family..." And again I say that is exactly why normal people tend to threaten vegans. Every vegan I've ever met has said that, or something to that affect. Personally, I say if you like the taste of human flesh, go for it! But always remember, you could get in serious trouble. Humans have rights. Animals don't. Where animals are concerned, it's everyone for themselves. Vegans still don't get that. They want to change nature. This was my response to him...

Even animals that are supposedly herbivorous are not completely herbivorous. Somewhere on YouTube, there is a video of a cow eating a bird. Do you think that cow cared if the bird wanted to live? Do you think the cow was thinking "Well if I eat this bird, it's going to be cruel because his life will be gone so I can get sustenance"? Do you really think the cow was thinking that? No, it wasn't. Cows are not even carnivores. But they do eat meat occasionally, because grass and other vegetation is not really as nutritious as vegans like to portray. They have to supplement (just like us) by eating meat.

I may be fat, but I am doing something right. My blood pressure is perfect! I have no affects of diabetes. I am rather active, as much so as I can be considering I have other things I work on. The only thing wrong with me is that I am fat, and this is all water. It can be sweated off.

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