Wednesday, September 6, 2017

New MH Doco On The Way

Well, been hearing about it all week now. It's exciting! Michael's older sis is in on it. A lot of fans do like her, and respect the fact she is Michael's older sis. So why is everyone so uptight about this new documentary coming out??!! Just because it's not Richard Lowenstein's?? Oh please!!! I'm sure Lowenstein's movie is going to be wonderful. But there are other points of view besides his. A lot of people are complaining because this documentary was not endorsed by either INXS or Richard Lowenstein. Well, I don't really give a flying fuck who or what endorses it. I'm going to watch it anyways when it comes to the states! I've never been one for following the crowd. I heard INXS does not endorse this statue for Michael either. But that doesn't stop me from wanting to see it come to fruition. The fact is, I've always been open to new ideas.

I just want to see some new shows about Michael. I don't care who puts it out! I want to see it! And this documentary is said to have some rare home footage of Michael. Not that I think the fans arguing is going to stop this documentary from being shown worldwide, but just in case, I don't want to see this idea ruined by some stupid blind sheep followers who are just not happy unless they are moaning about something. So, my advice to these people is to just shut the fuck up, enjoy what's coming and stop acting like a bunch of whiny little bitches!!! Each day, I learn to hate the fans more and more. Especially when they start acting like a bunch of spoiled little cunts! To the rest of us who are just happy that some new footage of Michael is being released, this is not about you. And don't follow the blind sheep! Just sit back and enjoy the documentary that is about to come. I know I will. I might even get it on DVD! Even if I have to pay for the privilege to see it.

Well, I will be watching both this documentary as well as Richard Lowenstein's. I'm sure both will be good. I don't care who endorses what. I truly don't! And fuck the fans!! I'm just happy to see Michael remembered as he should be. No matter who it is from.

I bet I know who is the mastermind behind this new division in the fans. I bet it's Rosanda and her band of merry dumbass thugs! UGH!!! And to think, I used to like that woman! I used to look up to her. But she used to be a good person before she took up with that phony-baloney Vincent Lamaro! For all I know, he could be feeding her these dumbass ideas and she's just stupid enough to take the bait! Thank GOD I have both of them on ignore on Facebook! I don't want anything to do with either of them. At all! I don't associate with dumbasses.

But things like this is the main reason why I don't want anything to do with the fans. It's all become so political. I'm tired of politics among INXS fans! Nobody just comes together anymore and admires the music and the men of INXS. No. Now, they want to say "If you're not with us, then you're not a real fan". I HATE that kind of mentality. But that is what the INXS community has become! It's no longer about the music. It's no longer about the band. Now, it's all about who can get who on their side, and turn against the other. There's no place in INXS fanhood for that! And Michael would despise that kind of attitude being displayed. I can just picture him turning in his grave now. If he had one. But I do know this; Michael was all about peace and love. I see very little of that in the fans now. It's like the shit-throwing I used to see in the delusional mods' forum, except this is coming from people who profess to be "true fans". Makes me mad! And I'm sure Michael would agree with me.

Well, I've only got this to say to those people: GREAT WAY TO DISRESPECT MICHAEL'S NAME YA DUMB TWATS!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up!! In the end, it's the fans like me who will prove to be the better people!

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