Sunday, March 15, 2015

Missing Michael

I miss him so much!! Sometimes it brings tears to my eyes how much I miss him! Almost anything can set it off. For the past week, I've been running my Beavis and Butthead series, and well this morning I played the last episode in the series, the one where Beavis and Butthead are dead. It made me feel sad. Not for Beavis and Butthead! But because the one thing I remember about that episode is that it aired around the same time Michael died. Since I've been grieving all over again for Michael for the past year or so, watching that episode just brought back some painful memories, and it made me feel sad. I felt sad that Michael is gone, and he won't be coming back. That episode ends with I'll Be Seeing You sung by Frank Sinatra, who Michael also admired. It's a beautiful song too! He sings it like this:

"I'll be seeing you in all the old, familiar places
That this heart of mine embraces all day through
In that small cafe, the park across the way
The children's carousel, the chestnut tree, the wishing well

I'll be seeing you in ev'ry lovely summer's day
In everything that's light and gay
I'll always think of you that way
I'll find you in the morning sun and when the night is new
I'll be looking at the moon but I'll be seeing you"

Ya know, I don't think that episode has ever been aired since! I haven't seen it. It was supposed to be the last episode ever of Beavis and Butthead. But back in 2012, they actually came back. Though it was only a few episodes, still it was good to see Beavis and Butthead make a comeback. Unfortunately the same thing cannot be said for Michael. There will NEVER be another Michael. I think I found his lookalike though when I discovered Kit Harington! I swear he looks exactly like Michael. Though how good his song-writing skills are, I have no idea. But this has kinda given me an idea.

When other people hear that last theme song from the final episode of Beavis and Butthead, they simply think of the closing images of them from over the previous seasons. But today, when I heard the closing theme of that last episode, this was what went through my head:

And that made me feel sad. Even tonight, just now as I was working on this, it made me feel sad. I just miss Michael so much! I totally regret only seeing him live once! I wish I had never gotten that job with Patti and Chris! I may have still been a fan of INXS enough to go see them more often in the mid-90s. Yes I did use the closing theme to the last episode of Beavis and Butthead in this video, that's the exact same song they closed the series with. But today, because I've been thinking of Michael more often lately, it made me think of him today. I remember this was big news on MTV, the same week Michael died. So, I started thinking of him the moment this episode began.

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