Sunday, December 7, 2008

Complaining Christians Without A Cause

And without a LIFE!!!! Oh my GOD! This is why I have NOTHING to do with organized religion! This is from a Baptist church site, They seem to have nothing better to do than to pick on Disney movies and blame them for all the evils in this World!! I will admit I am getting a bit bored with Pixar-style animation, as I do tend to miss the old ways, but the things these people accuse Disney film makers of doing is silly! I have to comment!! I mean, these people just get downright ridiculous!! I tell you, I'd be kicked out of this church fast! I cannot see things the way these people do. I would be considered "unsaved" because I don't believe that dinosaurs look like penises, or because I believe ALL fish are supposed to only be green in color. And if you'd notice, their motto on the top of the page says "Unsaved are not welcome". It also says "the largest, most powerful assembly of worthwhile people to ever exist". They sure are full of themselves, aren't they!!?? And these are supposed to be Christians!! Sounds more like a demonic cult. Well, I decided to roast this site for today. Let's look first at these people tearing down the movie "Dinosaur", which came out in 2000.

Here is the link:

They say: "Dinosaur," the latest propaganda film from the Disney company, tries to indoctrinate America's children with the idea that it's "a-ok" to have disgusting sexual relations outside of a Christian marriage.

My response: This is a movie about ANIMALS!! Since when have any animals had to put on a wedding suit, go to a church, stand before a preacher and say "I do" just to prove they are together? One of the worst cases of anthropomorphism I've ever seen!!

They say: Barney taught our youngsters that it was just fine and dandy to be a big flaming sissy who wears outrageously homosexual colors like purple.

My response: Everyone knows Barney was a drip!! But it wasn't because he was purple!! And that must be something new, I never heard of purple only being for homosexuals, and I went to church my whole childhood.

They say: Coyly voiced dinosaurs spew lewd and licentious double (sometimes triple) entendres and give each other “come and get me” looks that would make a streetwalker blush. Indeed, even the most radical liberal can see the unGodly intentions of this filth.

My response: You know, I'm as liberal as a person can get and I didn't see anything unGodly in the film!

They say: It is a well known fact that no one alive today has ever seen a dinosaur, since God killed them all off in the Great Flood.

My response: Really? I always thought it was an asteroid that killed them, since more proof of that has been found. *rolls eyes*

They say: But this doesn’t stop Hollywood from making most of them look like big long male sex organs.

My response: I had to laugh at this statement!! Dinosaurs looked like penises?? LOL!! No more than a giraffe or a sea lion looks like one!! So are these people going to say anyone who goes to a zoo is lewd and crude??

They say: Even the caves in which the dinosaurs live are made to look like the orifice of a woman's most sacred region.

My response: This person either needs to get glasses or get a life!! It looked like nothing but a regular cave to me!!

They say: now parents have to monitor "G" rated films because Hollywood homosexual cartoonists are once again blatantly attempting to recruit innocent children into their evil lifestyle through the big screen.

My response: Geez man, SHUT UP!!!!!

They say: This vicious attack on America's youth is the last straw!

My response: I think your attack on these cartoons is the last straw! If you all say this about Disney cartoons, I'd be interested in seeing what you all say about such cartoons as Spongebob, which I think is a stupid cartoon!!! And the drawings are MUCH more crude than those of any Disney movies.

They say: As if the sex wasn't enough,

My response: So far, you have not been able to accurately point out one single scene in this movie that involved any actual physical sexual acts.

They say: the script writers also made certain that the film was as historically inaccurate as possible. Christian creation scientists have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that human beings walked the earth at the same time the dinosaurs did

My response: I swear I choked when I saw this line! What a riot!! I still have not been able to find anyone who believes in creation that can show me dinosaurs buried in the same rocks as giant sloths, mammoths, saber-toothed cats, rhinos, or even people. Proven?? By WHOM??? I'd like to meet the person who has proven that theory!! I have a great number of questions for him (or her).

They say: yet there is not one human being in the entire film.

My response: Even if it were true that humans and dinosaurs were around at the same time, the movie is called "Dinosaur". Not "Humans". If you notice, Bambi also had no humans pictured in the movie, yet deer and humans ARE indeed walking the Earth at the same time.

They say: If you can stomach this, then your intestines must be made of solid lead.

My response: Well, I guess I'll be giving my "solid lead" guts a workout, because of all the diarrhea I've had to read in this article.

They say: The satanic plot involves a young dinosaur who is continually seeking ever-greater sexual thrills through multiple partners, not caring whether its sexual perversion is carried out with a male or female dinosaur

My response: As far as I know, the dinosaur only found one partner, until then, he didn't want a mate at all. Just the animals he considered his family.

They say: It just wants to commit unnatural acts.

My response: Once more, we are talking about ANIMALS!! How much more natural can it get??? IMO, marriage is UNnatural!!! One reason why I don't want to get married.

They say: We don't even know if the main character is a male or female,

My response: Are you crazy or just DUMB??? I would think the manly-type voice (and the fact it is always called "he" or "him" throughout the movie) would give that away right off.

They say: During its journey, it meets three little monkey-birds

My response: Huh??? What the heck are "monkey-birds"??? I don't think I remember seeing anything like that in the movie.

They say: These little monkey-birds attach themselves near the dinosaur's anus. It is never explained why.

My response: Maybe it is never explained why because it never happened in the movie.

That does it!! Trying to understand this idiot is like trying to read posts on the delusional fans forum by Catsredrum or Mayday06!! It seems everything this guy thinks about the movie is taken out of context and the meanings twisted around so he can give the plot meanings of his own. He goes on to say things in the article like "They just hang there through the whole movie, and sexual acts are implied when the characters are off screen." What makes this dipshit think he knows what kind of "acts" is going on offscreen?? Did he help animate the movie??? I wouldn't listen to a word he says!! He doesn't know SHIT!!!

Well, someone called my attention to another article on that site, this one about Finding Nemo. I will admit the movie was something of a mistake because people were going to fish stores and buying clownfish without knowing anything about them, that was probably the worst thing about that movie. But listen to what this idiot says on this site.

Here is the article:

First of all, check out the caption under that picture. Has anyone else seen the movie? If so, does anyone remember any place in the movie where it can be interpreted in the slightest that Nemo's father was telling Dory that he was homosexual??

They say: Christian pastors here at Landover Baptist thought their tireless efforts to warn Americans about the carefully disguised homosexual agenda targeting toddlers through Disney cartoons was working.

My response: No, not really. But then again let's face it, no decent person cares what you all say!

They say: They thought that since President George W. Bush, a devout Christian who attends a Bible church regularly and believes in the same three-headed God (Father, Son, and flying side-kick, The Holy Ghost) took office, that Americans were finally waking up.

My response: So that explains Bush's stupidity! Also, "flying side-kick"? I went to church a great number of years as a child, and this is the first time I've heard anyone refer to The Holy Ghost as "the flying side-kick"!!

They say: Our pastors took for granted that Americans understood that Jesus is not above sending little children straight to Hell for watching cartoons.

My response: I guess I'm going straight to Hell. So are all cartoonists, including the ones who made the movie "The Prince of Egypt".

So this is what their Pastor Deacon Fred said about Finding Nemo:

Fred says: Walt Disney would be spinning in his grave if he knew his animation studios were full of giggling homosexuals,

My response: Did you actually know Walt Disney?? And here we go again with the "homosexuals" comments.

Fred says: But as we all know, Walt Disney never made it to Heaven.

My response: We know that?? How? I would think that would be between Disney himself and GOD. Nobody else's business!!

Fred says: Although he hated Jews almost as much as the Apostle Paul did, he never took the time to accept Jesus Christ as his personal savior.

My response: If he hated Jewish people so much, why did he use a lot of Jewish actors to illustrate his cartoons? Almost all celebrities with any amount of character back then were Jewish, and they were enjoyable.

Fred says: So Mr. Disney is burning in Hell right now and God melted his eyes right out of his head.

My response: Is this how Christians are supposed to talk? How shameful!! Sounds more like something that would come out of the mouth of a teenager hooked on video games! Not a Deacon of a church!!!

Fred says: The poor fellow can't even see that his wholesome empire of family entertainment is overrun by prancing homos, skipping through its echoey corridors like clomping herds of wild ponies.

My response: Here we go again!! Same shit, different asshole!!

Fred says: Some folks don't think they need Pastors like myself to tell them what to think, but apparently they do, otherwise, they wouldn't be letting their children keep seeing these disgusting Disney cartoons

My response: I don't need you!! I don't need people like you!! I have my own thoughts and my own mind!! Just cuz I don't think the way you do, don't think for one minute means I need people like you! I like Disney cartoons.

Fred says: Just in case you ain't a Christian person, and can't see that Satan and the damn liberals and homos are behind just about everything that is wrong with this country, let me clue you in.

My response: "Damn liberals"?? Hm. So because a person has a mind of their own means they are evil homosexuals? (And once more, here we go again with the "homosexual" comments).

Fred says: The movie, Finding Nemo incorporates an exaggerated use of unnecessarily bright colors, and hues (especially pink and yellow).

My response: I will admit they could have used less colorful animals to illustrate the story with, but listen to his reasons against these colors....

Fred continues: As True Christians™, we know that these colors are like a trail of poop leading right up to the rabbit hole of homosexuality.

My response: Oh brother! Again with the "homosexual" comments. These people never tire of spewing that BS!! And what's with the trademark symbol after "true christians"? Only us INXS followers are allowed to trademark ourselves ;) hehe!

Fred says: Do they take us for fools?

My response: You? Noooooo! You're doing a much better job of presenting yourself as one on your own.

Fred says: I've been to the fishing hole before, my friends - and I've never had a tug on my line from any orange or yellow striped demon possessed looking fish.

My response: Have you ever caught an actual clownfish? Wouldn't exactly give your line much of a tug I wouldn't think!

Fred says: Everyone knows that fish are green!

My response: Well, I didn't know that, and I've worked with fish all my life. *rolls eyes* I think he's confusing fish with frogs!!

Fred says: Every time I see a commercial for this movie, it makes me want to scream and smack my giggling little grandson in the head!

My response: I'm glad you're not my father or grandfather. I'd smack you in the head for smacking my child in the head over something as small as that!! And if I was your grandson I'd hate you for life!!!

Fred says: And it wouldn't be my fault if I did smack him! It's them damned homos who forced me to do it!

My response: Yeah, blame everyone else for your stupidity except yourself. FYI, it IS your fault you're stupid!!! To quote your own words: "Praise the sweet name of Jesus!"

Fred says: Since I don't have to lift up a sewer lid, to know it stinks down there - I also don't have to see movies to know that they are about.

My response: Maybe you should try seeing a movie before critiquing it, then you'd actually know what you are talking about! Trying to critique a movie without having seen it just makes you look dumb! Then, you can lift the lid of that stinking sewar, and crawl back in it where you belong.

Fred says: Aside from the homosexual cartoonist's calling card of high budget glitz and glamour that accompanies each new Disney/Pixar release, there is a more sinister agenda at work here. This film is about a young fish boy from a single family fish home.

My response: Again, we are talking about FISH!! Who gives a shit if it is from a single-family FISH home, or if both parents raise it?? This is as dumb a statement as the "dinosaurs who aren't married" comments!!

Fred says: He rightly runs away after finding out his daddy fish is a flopping homosexual.

My response: Here we go again, and again, and again!! Children occasionally defy their parents, it's normal behavior. So you're logic is implying a parent who tries to get their child to mind them is doing it because they are homosexual, and the child who is defying them is just trying to run away from their "homosexual" parent?? That makes a lot of sense (NOT!!!) First, I'm beginning to wonder, do you even know what homosexual means???? I'm starting to believe you don't!

Fred says: His daddy fish wants him to come back home and live with his boyfriend!

My response: I don't recall the father fish even having a boyfriend!

Fred says: This homo-fish intends to marry outside of his own fish race by taking up residence with a male blow fish.

My response: Huh??? You haven't seen this movie have you, bub? I don't recall the father fish taking up with a male blowfish!

This dude is nuts! And I mean too crazy for me!! Too, TOO crazy!!! I can't even think of an equal for this guy, except maybe people already in prison or the looney bin!! I cannot read anymore. You all can read it and interpret what you want. I'm finished!! But just to give you a clue to the stupidity of this website, I wanted to post my responses.


  1. oh my god that would be funny if it wasnt so scary!!!! nemo wasnt raised in a single parent home his mother died i love that film and i have seen it hundreds of times and i have never got a homosexual elemant to it either????

    im not religious and i have to be honest its people like this that make me glad of that....i always thought god was an all loving all forgiving person if you repented and i dont remember being gay being evil!!! and correct me if im wrong because as im not religious i may be wrong but is their not a bit in the bible that tells you to love thy neighbour....i dont remember ever learning at thy neighbour unless their gay!

    good grief!


  2. Some christians are still against gays, that doesn't make it right though. These people admitted they haven't even seen these movies, so they are taking what they 'know' from commercials and movie trailers I believe. But yeah, this is why I never got involved heavily with christianity either. They contradict the Bible too much. It's disgraceful.

  3. I totally agree with you:

    First, christians are DUMB!!!!! They tend to have a vague perspective on the way the world works. Thats why they make up things and problems that never existed. Remember how they use to say that heavy metal was the Devil's music? I never believed that for one bit. And the fact that those bands were satan worshipers themselves....the only one who was truly a satan worshiper was Ozzy. But just because HE was, doesnt mean that all other heavy metal bands were. And thats what christians do...they like to base things on what they heard rather than know.

    And second whats with the homosexuality crap? Where are they getting their information from? I know that homosexuals do gross and disgusting things, but they have a right to exist as much as everybody else does. I dont put down christians just because they accept Christ in their hearts. I may not like the way think and some things I can be very controversial about.

    Third, why pick on Disney movies? If they want to rant and rave about something, why do it with those Nickelodeon cartoons. I mean those cartoons are much more violent and gross than all those Disney movies put together....and then some. If I had kids, I would much rather let them watch Hanna Montana or High School Musical than Spongebob or Rugrats. Hell, even I like High School Musical and I'm over 40 years old.

    What is that one comandment? Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbors.

    If they are suppose to live by the 10 comandments they are certainly breaking this one.

    To sum it up: These christians need to either get a life or shutup. I dont know anyone who would believe anything they say.

  4. Ya'll. You need to understand. This website that you've posted is a parody. Have you heard of "The Onion"? It's a website that makes fantasitcal news stories for a laugh. That's basically what this website is doing. They're making fun of Baptists.

    I'm sure it's because of the hateful Baptists that were picketing U.S. soldiers' funerals. They have a grand total of LESS than 100 people in that WAY OUT THERE church.

    The website that you've posted doesn't represent the views of Christians. They represent the views of Christian haters that want people like you to hate Christians more than you already do.

    Please don't post this stuff as if it's fact. It's NOT.

  5. Just because Christians want to protect their children from SICKular EVILutionist garbage like the movie Dinosaur does not make us ridiculous or stupid! This country is headed for the Fires of Hell in Hollywood's handbasket and it's people like YOU that are helping them carry the load.

    As for talking fish voiced by admitted lesbian perverts, my kids will be skipping that rubbish as well!

  6. Why do you people hate Jesus so much?

    The Bible says that homosexuality is an abomination, and that its practitioners are to be stoned to death.

    Have you ever bothered to READ the Bible, or do you just guess at what it would say, if only it said what you WANT it to say?

  7. It breaks my heart to see sinners who reject JESUS getting ready to follow in the steps of Walt Disney, Barry Manilow, Democrats, France, the Krispy Kreme company, goths, wiccans, catholics, muslims, qweers and all the rest who are feeding SATAN'S furnaces right now.

    REPENT! Accept JESUS into your heart! Accept JESUS NOW and get a FREE GIFT with your first tithe over $100!

    Pastor Al

  8. Why do you hate Jesus ? It is a fact that He walked with dinosaurs which eventually sacrificed themselves so we could have oil for our Godly SUV's®.

  9. The publishing world needs more people like you who have the courage and insight to take on crazy religious types and warn the rest of us about them. Your perception is your greatest asset!

  10. Dear Girl, A member of my congregation sent me a hyperlink to your page, and I "hiked" right over here to see what the fuss was all about.

    I have to say, you seem to have an unhealthy attitude towards evangelical Christians -- IMHO.

    But, Now, now, don't get sore at me. I'll be the first to admit that Landover Baptists can be a little "out" there (and I don't mean in a homosexual way, LOL), but still, their hearts are so pure and full of love for our Lord Jesus Christ. There's simply no reason for you to be as abusive of them as you are.

    Why don’t you consider posting an update to your original, unkind post and take the time to mention that, while you may disagree with the Landover Baptists on the merit of a secular movie or two, you -- in no way -- doubt their sincerity in furthering the work of our hung Savior.

    I hope you'll pray on this -- In Him, your friend Pastor Ray from Salem VA

  11. FTR, I do NOT hate Jesus!! But I agree with Wendy, doesn't the Bible say to love thy neighbor? Why hate your neighbor (or anyone) just because they are gay? Is that what Jesus would do?

  12. Timgal, you wrote:

    "Why hate your neighbor (or anyone) just because they are gay? Is that what Jesus would do?"

    Yes, it is.

    Jesus is God.

    God says:

    Leviticus 18:22
    Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

    Leviticus 20:13
    If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

    Oh no, you say, Jesus invalidated all of His Law when He came and wrote the New Testament! (You say that because you have never read the Bible, and merely imagine what it MIGHT say . . . and have no idea that Jesus wrote nary a word.)

    Fine. Paul writes in the New Testament:

    1 Corinthians 6: 9-10

    9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

    10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

    Get it yet? Sodomites are Hellbound. We are commanded to stone them to death. However, we, as loving humans, try to convert them to God's Will.

    Again, why do you hate Jesus so much that you make His Will of no effect?

  13. Paliban Mom said: "You say that because you have never read the Bible, and merely imagine what it MIGHT say . . . and have no idea that Jesus wrote nary a word."

    My response: You know, up until today, you never even heard of me. Don't tell me what I have or haven't read! You don't have a clue!! I am not gay myself, but I do have friends who are gay. I don't shun someone just because I may not agree with their lifestyle. Ever hear of Judge not lest ye be judged?

  14. Judge not? We don't judge, God has done it for us and laid out his laws very clearly. Remeber, Jesus came not to change the old ways!

    5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
    5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled
    10:21 And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.
    10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

  15. Lets get one thing straight:

    I never put down Jesus. I love Jesus and I do believe that he died for our sins. And I DO believe in God and that he rules over all.

    But the truth is I dont like to talk about it. Religion is not my favorite topic of conversation.

    Last summer, I was on my way to Yellowstone, and the bus stopped at a resterant so that everyone would get something to eat. I was in line when a woman came up to me and said that she overheard me saying that I was on my way to Yellowstone and that I was going to spend the summer working there. She asked me the name of the company that hires people for those kinds of jobs and I told her.

    She came up with this story of how she did that same thing years ago and that the company tried to poison her. Then she told me that she was a born again christian and that I should accept Jesus Christ into my heart. She was asking me to do that and in my mind she was bothering me. I do except Jesus in my heart, but I dont go around getting others to do it. What other people do is their business not mine.

    I just wanted to get my food and get back on the bus before it left.

    Jesus loves EVERYBODY, even gays. A man could be setting him on fire and he would still love him. Jesus does not hate anyone.


  16. I'm a member of the Landover Baptist Church, and this whole column, not to mention most of the comments, show just how far people with liberal, Christian-bashing agendas will go to slander us.

    Everything we believe comes right from the Bible. If you believe that Jesus came to Earth to bring peace, then you simply haven't read the Bible. Here's what Jesus had to say about that: Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. Matthew 10:34. So, if you think you have a problem with us, you really have a problem with God and with the Bible.

    If you really want to learn something about Jesus and his mission on Earth, or to have a respectful and civil discussion of our deeply-held religious beliefs, why don't you stop by our forums at and ask us, rather than slinking around behind our backs criticizing us for our religious beliefs. That sort of thing is positively unAmerican.

  17. "Jesus does not hate anyone."
    That's not true. God hates the sin AND the sinner, and Jesus is God (John 10:30 I and my Father are one.).

    Lev 20:23 And ye shall not walk in the manners of the nation, which I cast out before you: for they committed all these things, and therefore I abhorred them.

    Hosea 9:15 All their wickedness is in Gilgal: for there I hated them: for the wickedness of their doings I will drive them out of mine house, I will love them no more: all their princes are revolters.

    Please read the WHOLE Bible before it's too late.

    Before you complain about the the fact that the verses I cited were from the Old Testament, as if that somehow makes them worthless, consider this:

    In the Old Testament, it says that God hates "all workers of iniquity" (Ps 5:5).

    In the New Testament, what does Jesus say that he is going to do to these workers of iniquity? Is he going to love them? Is he going to be their pal, and tell them that it's ok to be themselves? Let's see...

    Matt 13:41-42 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

    I pray that you have found this enlightening.

    Pastor Billy-Reuben

  18. Well Pastor, I guess your idea of what is evil and my idea of what is evil are 2 different things. Different cultures praise different Gods, and I understand that. Native Americans had their own Gods, but I doubt the LORD Almighty meant for them all to be stoned, hated and scorned. Many of them still practice their beliefs.

    My religion allows for improvement, thus acceptance of ALL who worship whatever God they are allowed to. And live what ever lifestyle they want to and still be accepted.

  19. "Well Pastor, I guess your idea of what is evil and my idea of what is evil are 2 different things."
    That's true. My idea of evil is disobeying God. If the Bible counts an action as sin, then I believe that action is an affront against God and is therefore evil.

    1John 5:2-3 By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.

    "I doubt the LORD Almighty meant for them all to be stoned, hated and scorned."
    I agree, and I don't stone, hate, or scorn anyone. We are living under the new covenant, which means that anyone can be saved, provided they repent of their sin, accept Jesus as their savior, and become born again.

    There is one way to be saved, and I'm about to share it with you. Anyone can get to Heaven if they follow God's plan of Salvation:

    1) Admit you are a sinner. (Romans 3:23, Romans 5:12, 1 John 1:10)

    2) Be willing to turn from sin (repent). (Luke 13:5, Acts 17:30)

    3) Believe that Jesus Christ died for you, was buried, and rose from the dead. (John 3:16, Romans 5:8, Romans 10:9)

    4) Through prayer, invite Jesus into your life to become your personal Saviour. (Romans 10:10, Romans 10:13)

    Please take note of this: step 4 doesn't work if you haven't done step 2. You have to really be willing to give up any part of your life that is sin. That includes homosexuality (Lev 20:13), worshiping other Gods (Dt 32:16), or anything else the Bible counts as sin.

    People can't get saved if they don't repent, and they can't repent if they don't understand that their sinful lifestyles are wrong and an affront to God. As a pastor, I have to help them recognize their sin so they can repent of it. That's love, not hate. "Tolerance" is the opposite of love -- tolerance is standing by and watching people condemn themselves.

    "My religion allows for improvement, thus acceptance of ALL who worship whatever God they are allowed to."
    Then your religion is not Christianity, and you are not a follower of Jesus.

    John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

    Mark 12:29-30 And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

    Pastor Billy-Reuben


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