Sunday, May 29, 2016

A Perfect Pig

LOL!! Oh GOD Yvette, why don't you give up?! Before you get kicked off of Facebook again, you're going to lose all the people you want to collect as friends. She's probably still bashing me, but I don't care. I said to one of my friends she can disrespect me all she wants to, I don't care. She'd just better not say the wrong thing! There are indeed places I draw the line at. Actually not many, but a few things I will not tolerate. And if I ever find out she has said any of them, she'd better make sure she's got a lot of good back-up! Trust me, she's not even begun to see how easily I can ruin her life! I won't mention what those things are someone can say about me that I will not tolerate, but there are clues back in the past blog posts I've made on this site. Everybody has their breaking point, even me. Don't push me beyond that point or you will see the wolverine in me come out.

I still say to everyone, stay away from Yvette! She is indeed no good! What she did to me, she's been doing to everyone. Oh I guess there's still a few people she has not attacked, but she attacks for almost no reason, or for petty little reasons. Things that don't offend anyone else on the planet offends her with a passion. I still say she's lying when she said she's met Michael before. Michael would not want anything to do with her! Neither would Timmy. Neither would any of the guys. Yvette is purely evil. There is definitely something wrong with her! Don't join her groups either! She was never a part of my group! Actually at first, I did think about inviting her, but I decided against it, mostly because the fact that she is a possible feminazi. Feminists are radicals and I don't want any radicals in my group! I was pissed off enough when I found out that Matt Burney was still in my group. Apparently he was only in there for a minute though, because I did not see his name on the member's list afterwords.

As I have mentioned before, the unfortunate thing about Yvette is that she is the classic example of what INXS fans are becoming now. I've noticed over the past few months that INXS fans are getting more and more evil. You know who I blame for that? I blame all those damn Yatesfags! Any time you see radicals moving in, they dominate and take over. Next thing you know, every one else wants to become them. It's like a cult. I had people whom I thought were my friends, suddenly drop me for no reason at all. All most likely because of the influence of some stupid Yatesfag radicals. Before, when the Rockstar era was going on, it was JD who was the cause of the dividing among INXS fans. Now, it's Paula Yates. And you'd think the evil fans would be over it. Paula Yates has been dead for 16 years! No amount of radicalism is going to bring her back. She's now sleeping with the dinosaurs. I have nieces and nephews who have not been on Earth for as many years as Paula Yates has been dead! Really!! But the fags still want to kiss her ass, and they think those of us who don't are being "disrespectful".

Michael was all about peace and love, and those of us who have met him, even spent a split second with him, want to carry that tradition of his on. So no, there is no way in the world Yvette will ever be able to convince me that she's met Michael. Not a snowball's chance in Hell! And Michael would be furious with her lying. I love that man! He means the world to me! Always did, always will. Even if other 'fans' want to go on behaving in an evil way, I won't. I will continue to spread Michael's peace and love with other fans. Just be very choosy about who I spread it to. Well, after seeing what Yvette has done to another fan that I hold very close to my heart, I would say Yvette is a pig!! But ya know, pigs are intelligent. Yvette is not. So to call her a pig would be an insult to other pigs. I'm glad Michael did not live to see what INXS fans today have become. I think the shame of it alone would have killed him.

All that being said, I still do not hate Yvette. I think she's crazy and needs to come to terms with that so she can get help. But I do not hate her. I can't hate someone with a mental disorder. I think again about my Michael. Would I have turned my back on him because he had a mental disorder? I heard Michael could be sweet one minute, and totally lose it the next. He had rages for a while, after his accident. He could be so nasty and hateful sometimes, so I heard. Would I have turned my back on him? No. I couldn't. I love that man. In my eyes, he was the greatest thing since sliced bread! Even better! The greatest thing since putting peanut butter on bread! He may have been crazy, as any artist is, but I love him more than anything in this world! I would never turn my back on him. I could never do it. I'd try to help him as much as I could. On his sad days, I'd try to comfort him. On his happy days, I'd laugh with him. Just like I do with all my friends. I'd never call Michael "crazy" out of hate. I would never hatefully say "You have serious mental issues". I'd never connive him. Everything I'd do, would be out of nothing but love for him. That is how I feel. That is why I cannot turn my back on someone with a mental illness.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Fatty Phrases

I thought this would be an interesting subject. Since the world is so damn politically correct these days, it'd be nice to take a break from being so politically correct. Well hell, I am never politically correct anyways. With me, it's more like "politically CORRUPT", and I love me that way! I am fat. I admit it! Being called fat does not offend me at all. Because that is what I am. Maybe even obese. Though I am trying hard not to get too big. I've even begun losing the weight. I have this big, fat, ugly double chin I want to get rid of, which I HATE. Funny that, now that I am older, I am beginning to take a bit of interest in my appearance, where I never have before. But I recently made a video where I showcase some of my most favorite videos of all time, and I did some commentary of my own. Looking at that video now, I saw my damn double chin and it almost made me cry! I look so UGLY!!!! I want it GONE!! Then I saw pics of Twiggy Puff or whatever the fuck her name is!! And I compared her to myself. She's a fat ugly feminist, much like Yvette Dowdy. I thought to myself "I don't want to spend the rest of my days looking like her!" Besides I want to remove all this weight before I take that trip to Australia with my partner.

Well, in light of this fat ugly feminist bullshit going on today in an overly-PC world, I thought I would show off some of the comments I get as a fat chick myself that other fat chicks find offensive. Every one of them except me. Believe me when I say I've heard every fat chick on the planet object to these comments.

"You're face is so pretty if only you'd lose weight."
I get this all the time! It does not bother me at all! In fact, I like it. At least it is true. I was thin once, and I was beautiful!!

"Real men are only attracted to thin women."
There is actually a science to this. The purpose of sexual attraction is to reproduce with the healthiest females. Thus, fit and thin females. Let's face it, most fat women are reservoirs for diabetes, heart disease, and ovarian cancer. That's a known fact. These kind of women would not be stable enough to carry a baby. Diabetes can also be passed on to the baby, and can cause the baby to be born oversized or with some kind of birth defects.

"All feminists are fat and ugly."
Well! It's TRUE!!! Either way, you never see supermodels out there promoting feminism.

"If you're fat, you can't be healthy."
I hear this a lot, and I am finding it to be true. I am just now coming to terms with it. And because I am, I am a much happier person now than I was a year ago at this time.

This is a catch-all term I hear a lot. Not usually by it's self though. But most fat people are offended by the term "obese". I am not! I am obese! I admit it! If you can admit something, it does not offend you so much when other people say it.

"You're fat!"
My response is always "So?" It's like "what else is new?" But I am not offended by it. It's more like I wonder if these people are really so dumb as to believe I don't already know that! LOL!

"Fat bitch!"
Well, I am fat, and I can be a bitch. So yes, I am a fat bitch. But I don't think I am any more a bitch than any other woman. And I am less of a bitch than any feminist!

Well hell, I'm probably going to get a lot of hate because of this post. But anyone can change their lifestyle. I'm working on that now as you read this. I've added a morning hour workout period to my day, and I am going to do that every day! I can even do mornings on the upcoming 90 degree days, though I cannot do afternoon or evening workouts. Too hot!!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

So This Goes On...

LOL!! I'm loving this one. Yvette apparently loves to rant. She rants about everyone under the sun. I swear, I think she's one of those kinds of people that if you look crosseyed at her, she'd write a 2-page rant about you. While I am all for free speech, Yvette needs to stop acting like a martyr. Well, this was forwarded to me...

Yes I am mad because you blocked me from your group, especially after you boasted so loudly about how we were all free to speak our minds on your group. To kick someone out because you don't like what they have to say is not allowing us to speak our minds. That's one thing NO ONE can ever say about my group. I've never kicked anyone out of my group for speaking their minds. When I say "You are free to speak your mind", I mean it! Even if it's something I don't want to hear. But then again, I am not overly sensitive like you are Yvette. I heard you've been kicked off of Facebook many times before. I have never been kicked off of Facebook. That alone should tell you something.

Actually only one time I can remember I turned down someone from my group. But it was because she was not a real INXS fan. She was a known Yatesfag. My group is not to celebrate Paula Yates. It's to celebrate Michael and Timmy. Yatesfags are not welcome. There are other groups they can go to to ogle Paula Yates.

Yes I said Boner looked fat, because he did. Sorry but I am not used to seeing him look that chunky, and I am going to say it. In Michael's last video, which you also put up on your group, people often say he looked too thin. Does that also piss you off? No, of course it doesn't. Because to you, to say someone looks fat is the only offense there is. But I guess that's something you can relate to, right? Do you look at yourself in the mirror and think "I look too thin"?

I was respectful in your group. The problem is you are just too sensitive. Don't blame that on me. That is your problem. Not mine.

As for the calling Bono "Boner", I do that all the time. That was not a unique thing I did on your group. Knowing the man the way I do, most likely he'd think it's funny too.

So what if your friends believe me? This is true. And Yvette has some serious issues. But I guess she's no worse than any other fag out there. Anyone who doesn't believe me are the ones I would worry about. I've always been a good judge of character. Just because I like to give people a chance does not mean I cannot judge them correctly. And there is definitely something wrong with Yvette. Look at this post. She contradicts herself before the last sentence. She says "Oh well, it's a fun read" and then ends with "If you believe her..." which I am sure goes on to end with "you are not my friend anymore" or something to that effect. Knowing Yvette and her kind the way I do, I would not be surprised.

But ya know, I do not hate this woman. Really, I don't. I feel sorry for her. Something really, really, REALLY bad must have happened to her in the past to make her act so hatefully. I heard she griped because someone needed a wheelchair. I thought "If I had known she was like that from the beginning, I never would have accepted her as a friend!" But me being the person I am, I always have to give people a chance. Just in case I am wrong. I have been before, but definitely not about Yvette. I am not going to say to my friends though that if you are friends with Yvette, you cannot be friends with me. That's not my style! LOL! That's something people in 2nd grade say. If you are my friend, and you want to stay friends with Yvette, that's fine. But don't force me to socialize with her, because I truly think she's messed up in the head. I mean, TOO messed-up for me! LOL!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

I Think I Found It!

LOL! I got to tell you, I think I've found a worse group than the MH and His Life Fan Page. The group is another Michael Hutchence group run by a chick named Yvette Dowdy on Facebook. What makes her group worse is that she boasts about giving everyone the right to speak their mind. So, I thought "OK. I'm well-known all across facebook by now for giving my opinions in no uncertain terms." So, I joined her little group. I knew this should be interesting. I got a little uncomfortable when I saw a post Yvette made on that group saying something to the effect of "If you leave this group, then please unfriend me as you leave" and on and on and on. I thought about saying something in response to that, but then I thought I would be over-reacting. So, I left it alone. But it did make me feel uncomfortable that she'd say something like that. She also talked about banning someone on her other group (which I never asked to be a part of, but she added me anyways), a group called "Empowering Women", which makes her sound like a radical. A feminist radical. I hate feminists!!

I always hated feminists. Anyways, everything about this Yvette chick made me uncomfortable, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt. Just because that is my nature to give everyone a chance. LOL!! I tried communicating with her, but she never responded, or ever even seemed to acknowledge my posts to her. That also made me a bit uneasy. I began to wonder if this Yvette chick only asked to become my friend just for the numbers. Or just because she wanted every INXS fan at her command. It was just plain weird! When I make a friend on Facebook, it's never just for the numbers. I get involved in their Facebook existence as much as I can. When they're happy, I am happy. When they feel sad, I feel sad. I try to cheer with them, or comfort them when I can. That's why it was so tough having 400 friends! LOL! Too many for me to keep up with.

I was not the only one who noticed these inconsistencies about Yvette. Many other of my friends did too, and the friends I have left are people I trust completely. If they were also seeing what I was seeing, then there was definitely something wrong with this chick. Yvette claims she's met Michael before, but personally, I think she's lying. I highly doubt she's gotten within arm's reach of Michael. No radicals I believe have ever met Michael. Michael was all about peace and love, and it shines through. If she ever did get close to Michael, I'm sure, with her radical attitude, Michael would have ordered his security guards to take her away. That's something she wouldn't tell anyone.

Well, I was on her group for a while. Today though she posted this picture of Michael with Boner. Boner from U2. It was a pic from 1994, and Boner looked fat then, and I said so. Yvette says to me "Don't you think that's kindof rude?" It's the first real conversation we've ever had. I said "Well, it's true." Yvette then retorts with "And you look like a supermodel. Right?" I looked back up at what I had just stated and asked her "Did I say he's ugly?" I mean really! A person can be fat and attractive too. And they can be skinny and ugly. But apparently in Yvette's eyes, being fat is the equivalent of being ugly. Which is another weird fact about her, seeing as she herself is fat, and definitely does not look like a supermodel. Not even a plus-sized one. Well, Yvette never answered my question, just blocked me from the group, which is fine! But it proves that no matter how many times she states it, she does not allow anyone to speak their mind.

Well, the MH and His Life Fan Page was at least a little bit better. I did not get kicked out of that group after the first time I spoke honestly about what I felt. But Maria and Karin are assholes, and even Yvette has stated that too. But they are probably less assholes than Yvette is. Like one of my friends said, Yvette is a shady character! My advice, stay away from her!! I think she "collects" INXS fans so she can control them.

INXS Archives

Anyone else know about this? INXS is having a big event at the end of the year. They've started a contest to see who has the most INXS stuff, and the winner gets VIP tickets to this event. I wonder what the event is. Well, I don't exactly know what they want, but I sent in the pic of me and all my INXS pics surrounding me that I just randomly shot one morning when I was awake at 6AM and had nothing better to do. It's just me with a bunch of my pictures of the guys pinned up on the wall behind me, and hugging my favorite pic of Timmy.

And that's it! That's my pic of (part of) my INXS collection. Of course there is more pics, videos, cds, and what is on my MP3 player. But I didn't have the space to put all that in the picture. But there I am in all my ugliness, with my collection. I sent this to INXS, just because. But no, I do not expect to win with this pic. Or at all. I know there are people out there with much bigger collections than what I have. But I thought I would give it a try. I had no idea what they were really looking for. That is, what their idea of a collection is. This is my idea of a collection. Though I wish I had caught the pics and magazines that were next to me in this pic.

I look terrible!! I had just woken up, it was very early in the morning. I hadn't even brushed my hair yet, so it's sticking out everywhere. But doesn't Timmy look good in that pic??? That's one of my favorite pics of him! I thought it was a cute touch to have me holding that pic. But no, I don't expect to win anything at all. I just sent this pic in to participate. It is a collection of sorts. But I wonder what this VIP event is? I'll probably never find out because there is little doubt in my mind that it will not come to the USA. Which is just as well, I won't be able to attend anyway.

I've been hearing for some time that INXS are thinking of turning their life story into a musical. Like the musicals you see on Broadway. I wonder if that is the special event? Maybe. Good thing I won't win. There's no way I can make it down to Australia now and see that. I can't go to Australia now at all. I'm saving that for this other special event I want to accomplish. For when I make this movie. Yes, I do still want to do that. I'm kinda juggling between that and going to this INXS gathering, which is happening the same year. It looks like I will not be moving to Coos Bay. So, if I do decide to go, I will not have such a long trip over and back. I'd like to go to this gathering, but I really want to make this movie. Of course I could make the gathering part of the movie too. I just hope I don't see any radicals. But then again, my movie needs some bad guys. LOL!

My movie cannot be all good, every good movie has to have some bad guys, and the fags are just perfect to play that role. I intend to put everything on camera. If the fags heckle me, it'll be on camera. If one of the men of INXS shows up, it'll be on camera. When the band plays, it'll be on camera. When I go up for food, it'll be on camera. I just hope there is stuff there I can eat. I'm not a vegan or vegetarian. I love chocolate, but not on strawberries or some kind of shit like that. Well, I can't have strawberry anything! And I like MILK chocolate. I can't stand dark chocolate! I am a little worried about the menu. Shoot if they just bring in KFC, I'll be a happy camper! Or BK. LOL! As long as there is some kind of American cuisine. If I am going to go to a party, I want there to be some real party food!! It's like when I go to a buffet-style restaurant. I don't go to those places to sample, I go there to EAT!! I go there to pig-out!! If I am going to pay $8 to $10 to enter the place, I'm going to get food I wouldn't normally be able to get! Fuck sampling! And fuck etiquette. Fortunately, I don't go to buffet-style restaurants very often. About once a year since I moved here.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

"You're Bitter"

Oh man! I get this all the time. Especially from catfags. People think just because you don't like something that you are "bitter" about that thing. Well, I guess in a way I am bitter about cats because they cause the extinction of many small mammals and birds all over the world. I am bitter about cats because they mess up peoples' brains and cause autism and schizophrenia in children. These are things that are causing a rise in things like school shootings, road rage and bullying. That is the only reason I would be bitter about cats. But mostly, just because some people don't like something does not really mean they are "bitter" about that thing. Unless that is to say that the people who do not like me only do not like me because they are bitter too. You think that could be the case? I mean, I know I am cuter than they are. LOL! So, maybe they are bitter about me. hehehe!

LOL!! OK that was my fun for this post. But there are lots of reasons someone may not like something. I don't like people. Doesn't mean I am bitter about them. Just means I do not like people. I've had too many bad experiences with people. I just prefer to stay away from them at all costs. If someone seems friendly, I may approach them and give them a chance, at a safe distance. But they are not my friends until I feel I can truly trust them. Though there have been times I've let my guard down. Usually, if I am in a new area and trying to make friends I'll let my guard down. I shouldn't, but I do. Fact of life! But once I do trust someone completely, I will be the most loyal friend that person will ever have. Or at least among the top 5. There are exceptions. Like if someone hurts someone in my family, then that person is dead to me. They no longer exist in my mind. Like when Kim H. in Bozeman talked shit about me and my sis behind our backs, and then lied to our faces about it. It bothered my sis, and I decided Kim was not the kind of person I wanted to have as a friend. I wouldn't have minded so much that she said that stuff, if she had come clean and admitted to it. But she lied about it to our faces, and I don't like that.

You think that's being bitter? Maybe it is. I was bitter because Kim did not have the guts to come out and tell me the truth. But instead blamed her rude behavior on someone else. If that's being bitter, then I don't care. I say, So be it! If I were caught being rude to someone, and they asked me if it was true, I would confess. And if I feel I was wrong, I would definitely have said "Sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." That's just how I am. I would never put off my own rude behavior on someone else when I know I did wrong. Or maybe I wouldn't say sorry. LOL! Remember Roger, Dee! Don't let that happen again. But in the case of someone I truly liked, I would definitely confess and apologize if need be. Especially if I discovered the person I was targeting was truly hurt by what I said. And my sis was hurt. I was hurt too, by Kim's dishonesty. I thought she was a better person than that.

Anyways, that's one of those cases I was in a new place, trying to make friends, and I let my guard down. It happens all too often. Especially when we move to a new place. Speaking of which, I've been thinking of just staying here. Though Coos Bay sounds very flowery and attractive, the rental market is just too fierce. Besides, I cannot find anything in the price range I'm allowed that will let me have a pet. Not even a bird. So, the only thing I can think of to do is wait here, possibly stay here, until I am ready to buy a house of my own. That should only take a couple of years. (Insert "OH GOD" comment here with loud sobbing). But I think I am the kind of person who would be better off owning my own home. I love pets, and most apartment owners do not like pets. I also still want to run my pet shop. I've been on pins and needles ever since I began reliving that dream in my mind again. Maybe it'll become a reality one day.

Monday, May 23, 2016

I Can't What???

There is a new trend going around Facebook now. It's a trend I thought I left behind in grammar school. I never thought I would encounter it as an adult. But I have been seeing it a lot lately. And I think I know who it was that got this trend started. Its the trend now that says "if you are friends with so-n-so, then you can't be friends with me". Seriously?!?! Come on! Just because you don't like someone does not mean that I have to not like them as well. I like to maintain loyalty to all my friends, for as long as I can. How is my being friends with someone you don't like hurting you? Just because I like them does not mean I don't like you. They have their opinions and I have mine. When that person says something bad about the other, I may acknowledge what they say, usually by clicking the "like" button, but that does not mean that I agree with what they say. Especially if the person they are talking about never did me any harm. And most times, they haven't. If I agreed, I would be clicking "like" AND commenting to them "I agree with you", or something to that effect. That's how I operate on Facebook...

I click "like" it just means I acknowledge what that person says, and I respect their right to have an opinion.

I click "like" and comment saying "I agree", it means I agree with that person.

I remember back in the days of the old forums, Devil Doll mocked me saying something to the effect of "I agree with everyone to keep the peace on the forums. Oh god that sounds retarded just typing it!" LOL! I had to laugh at that. For one thing, I liked playing those kind of games with her. Another thing, I know that is what it looked like because I usually did only say "I agree" when I actually did agree. I wouldn't have said it if I didn't agree. But it wasn't to "keep the peace on the forum", I just say what I feel. If I didn't agree, I wouldn't be saying "I agree". LOL!! Yeah I know that may sound retarded, but it's true. I hope that makes it clear if nothing else. If I didn't agree with something someone says, I would either say "I disagree" and say why I disagree if it's something I feel passionate about, or just not say anything at all. My purpose is not to change someone else's mind. Just to let someone know how I feel and why, if I have a reason. Yeah, some things have a reason for being the way they are, and some things don't.

I have a lot of friends who are friends with people I don't like. Doesn't bother me. I don't care! I truly do not care. That's their friends. If they want to remain friends with that person, that's their business. As long as I don't have to associate with that person. Most times I am not forced to. And I always have the option to walk away, and I know that. Like recently, one of my good friends invited me to a group chat. One of the people in the group was a fag, whom I used to like, but not anymore. Not after I found out she's a fag! But I did not hold it against this friend because she's friends with the fag. Her friends are her business. Not mine. I will say watch out for that person. Especially knowing that person is a possible Yatesfag, and this friend of mine also hates Paula Yates. Like me, she believes whole-heartedly that Paula killed Michael. In truth, everyone who truly loves, knows and cares about Michael believes Paula killed him. Because she DID. Michael was a happy guy before he met her, those who knew him can definitely attest to that. Even Michael's own sis knew she was tipping off the press to their whereabouts.

But really, to say something like "if you are friends with so-n-so, then you can't be friends with me", don't you think that's kinda childish?? Even my own sis has friends that I do not like. But she's not going to stop being my sis, and I am not going to stop loving her. Those are her friends. They don't need to be mine. As long as they are good to her, that's all I care about. And apparently they are, or else I am sure they would not still be on her friends list. And this is behavior that is coming out of supposedly INXS fans. I'm beginning to not like INXS fans anymore because of this new trend. And I always thought INXS fans were the best fans. They are beginning to become the worst. Worse than Duran fans. Worse than U2 fans! Even worse than Elvis fans! And that's pretty damn bad!!! Seriously, I think Michael would be turning over in his grave if he could see what INXS fans are now becoming. And I believe I know who it was that got this started. It was that asshole Jannah. After Maria How met her and brought her into the MH and His Life Fan Page, she started to become Jannah. After Jannah came to that group, it was no longer the fun place it was when I started going in there. She turned that group into a war zone. She turned INXS fans into assholes. She needs to grow up. But unfortunately, I think she's just a teenager, or early 20-year old. I just feel sorry for her.

I wonder if Jannah was this character Mystify that used to get into the old INXSweb forums, and would constantly gripe about someone calling themself Cherry Baby. I remember that person ruined INXS fanhood back then, after the chat room went down. Any newbie who wanted to be a part of the forum would get the same greeting from Mystify, or Jannah, or whatever else she called herself on that forum; "Hello [person's name]/Cherry Baby!" I wouldn't be surprised if they are one in the same. Well, I hated her as Mystify, and I hate her as Jannah too. For the same reason. She ruined INXS fanhood! I will continue to be a fan of INXS, and keep only a few fans close to me, those that have not given in to this new trend. Michael was all about peace and love. I'll stay friends with those who still believe those wise words of his.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

My Wonderful Friends

I've got to say, I've got the most awesome friends on the planet! I love you guys!! I totally appreciate the prayers you sent in this rough period, or well-wishings or whatever it is you believe in. I won't say what it is I needed prayers for here, but I will say the prayers were well-received and worked great!! And no, this has NOTHING to do with the damn nazis. LOL! I will see to it they are rewarded. I still have that pic of Michael I never shared. I might share it with my friends. But I want to make absolutely sure all the fags are gone. I don't want them getting their dirty paws on my pic! Well, I have them blocked on my other facebook account. Maybe I'll post the pic there.

Speaking of which, I found someone I think I am really going to like, a new friend who not only breeds and shows chihuahuas, but also loves INXS. This is the kind of show breeder I know I would enjoy meeting! So far, she's been really nice! Who knows? Maybe someday I might meet her for coffee or something. It'd be great! If I met more show breeders like this one, I might learn to like them again. Meeting other INXS fans is exciting enough (as long as they're not the nazis), but to meet someone who shows and breeds chihuahuas as well is double-exciting! We both have a chihuahua named Vegas, after the song Pretty Vegas. Mine is TG's Li'l Pretty Vegas. TG's was my kennel name, and I added "Li'l" because most of the dogs in his pedigree have the word "Li'l" in their names too. Unfortunately he was the first and last in our line. Though maybe someday I might decide to start up again. But some things have to come to an end. For one thing, I'd have to ease up on the book productions. Another thing, I'd have to get over losing Groucho. When I lost her, I lost all hope for the future of our kennel. She and Odessa both were my last chance to get our own show line started. Then Groucho died and Odessa had her one litter and was deemed unfit to breed. She was spayed. So, that became the end of our line. Vegas is now neutered too. At first I was going to show him, and use him for stud service only, but that completely fell through. I wanted nothing to do with breeding. I didn't want to go through losing Vegas too.

Well, as soon as I develop a tougher skin, I might begin again. I have a tough skin when it comes to people. Not so much when it comes to animals. I don't care as much about people as I do about dogs. I actually feel sadder when I lose a dog than I do when I lose a human friend. Well, a friend you never lose. Even in people. If you lose them, they were never your friends in the first place. Ma made up with her friend Nancy, whom she has been friends with for over 40 years. She was angry at her for a while because Nancy stole from her, but ma decided it just wasn't worth losing her over something like that. Not when they've been so close to each other for so long! I'm glad too. Those two have always been like sisters. It'd be like if Katrina and I stopped talking. She is one of those kinds of people I can tell anything to and she'd understand. Katrina is who I learned to be loyal from, she is who I learned to laugh and smile from. Katrina taught me what true friendship is all about. What can I say? I thank her for that!

Katrina is younger than me, but she is not irrational like others her age. Yes she F-bombs sometimes, but the way she carries herself, like she just doesn't care. Reminds me of that song "Hot Child In the City". She always finds something funny about everything. This is the same girl that idolizes Beavis and Butthead. LOL! We used to get online and make jokes amongst each other using Beavis and Butthead terms. Like, I would say "I need to go to the garbage dump", Katrina would say "You need to go take a dump?" LOL! We'd both laugh. She still does that too! Even though now she is pregnant with her 4th child. HA!! Her oldest looks at us like we're crazy, and he's right! LOL! Come September or October, he's going to have one potentially silly little brother or sister in the house. Katrina wants a baby girl though. She likes dressing them up. So far, she has one boy and 2 girls. I can't wait to see what this next one will be. Katrina even laughs like Butthead, got that long, drawn-out, airy laugh. Although it sounds more feminine.

Oh well, anyways, it was lovely of my friends to send prayers and well-wishes. Thank you all! Love ya to death!!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Not Far From The Tree

My ma is in town, has been for a week now, and we've been up and down the coast looking for me a place to move to. Well, I am not here to talk about whether or not I've had success. hehehe! The fags/radicals/nazis don't need to know that!!! LOL! This isn't here for them anyways. My ma and I do a lot of talking on these long trips. My ma is a very smart chick. She's always been one who's had a good head on her shoulders, and I'll tell you, the apple did not fall far from the tree! We kindof always talk about this and that that goes on in our lives. She told me about her job, I told her about the drama between me and the fags. Hey! It keeps us busy on those long drives! Besides, it's fun to laugh at what dumbasses the radicals are. I told her about the Yatesfags, like Maria How and Matt Burney, and how they fuss because I don't like Paula Yates. Not surprisingly, my ma even said they've got to be the stupidest people on the planet to stop being friends with someone because they don't like the same things they do. And we both had a good laugh over that.

I mentioned how Maria banned me from her group because I blacked out Paula's face in a lot of pics and she didn't like it. Of course Maria had to make up something to get back at me with, so she made up this thing that I fuss at people who like Paula Yates. Of course she never did tell me when I ever fussed at anyone for liking Paula Yates. She never told me because that's one thing I never did in my life. That is what's funny! Maria was just grasping at straws. I've never yelled at the Yatesfags for liking Paula Yates. Ever! At least not for that reason. If I ever did yell at them, it was because they act like whiny little wussies and think we all have to agree with them, and then get all fanatical when we don't. That is why I yell at the fags. I say, to each their own. They say, if you don't agree with me, then I don't like you!

Well, the reason I brought up the fags at all is because my ma keeps talking about taking a trip to England. I told her to be very careful!! Those people are some of the biggest bellyachers I've ever met in my life! Not just in England, but the whole of the UK! There was that idiot Craig from Wales, I was his Facebook friend for a while, eh! Only because he made me laugh once. And I do mean once. Never again after that. So I kinda felt funny about asking him to become my friend after that. He was a writer, but he thought he was so "normal", and even quit the MH and His Life Fan Page one time because we were all "too crazy". LOL! For someone who is a self-proclaimed writer, he sure was a queen wuss! I guess it was that dumb cat of his, got to his brain too. I'm not interested in reading the works of a "writer" who is afraid of being crazy. A writer is supposed to be crazy. Ask any of them. I got friends who are well-established authors, and they will all tell you they are the first to admit they are crazy. And proud of it too! I'm double-crazy, a writer and an artist. LOL!! I admit I am crazy! Oh well he's gone. LOL! I actually knew that friendship wasn't going to last, and I knew he would not be a loyal-type friend. So, eh. I don't miss him either. But I will hand him one thing, he proved I can still judge people pretty well!

I told my ma I dread just going to Australia, because the people there are almost as bad as they are in the UK. I've still got some friends from Australia, and this is not a reflection on them, but like the Yatesfags from Australia (and yes, both Australia AND the UK are big on Yatesfags) they are indeed the biggest bellyachers outside the UK. Of course my ma has no interest in going to Australia. I told her I am going there for one reason only, she knows what it is. I told her. She doesn't understand it, but it's very important to me. I am not going there to see anybody else, but my Michael. However, if I do happen to meet Timmy there, that'll be OK too. Don't know if I'll be saying hi to him though. I'm sure he'd want to be left alone. And I don't want to make him miserable. But yes, I do dread going to Australia for fear of coming face to face with such radicals. Hell, that's why I am bringing my partner. He's strong, I'm not. LOL! Ahh piss on it! I think if I leave the radicals alone, hopefully they'll leave me alone. Like I said, I am not going there to see anyone else but Michael. Fuck the radicals!

Another subject that always comes up, politics. HA! My sis is now more into politics than I've ever seen her before. Ma likes Donald Trump! I can't stand him! I told ma how he says demeaning things about women. Oddly enough, she unfriended Johnny on Facebook for the same reason. Johnny is my stepfather's son. Both he and my ma raised him for most of his growing up years. But I don't like Hilary Clinton either. Ma says Hilary will win. I believe her now. Many people are voting for her just because she is a democrat. But what they don't know is Hilary wants to turn this into a muslim country. UGH!! The last fucking thing we need in this country is another group of religious fanatics pushing their beliefs down others' throats!! But I guess every country has to have groups like that. In the UK and Australia, it's the Yatesfags who do that. In Iraq and soon to be here in the USA, its going to be muslims! Watch for bus bombs, airplanes falling in flames and other such disasters once Clinton gets in the White House! Ma thinks what is going to happen is Clinton will become president and let in all the muslims, while Sanders becomes her vice president and turns this country into a communist country. The Dreadful Duo, I decided to call them!

Ma said Obama is the predecessor of the devil. Hilary is the devil herself. I didn't like Obama from the beginning, because he looked shifty. Plus, he did not say the Pledge of Allegiance properly. While the other candidates stood with their hand over their chest, Obama stood there with his hands over his crotch. Not appropriate, IMO, if you want to become president of the USA. I remember I brought that up on here before Obama made it to the White House and I got scorned. People thought I was giving in to media hype. Well, at least it was from reliable sources. Not like tabloids or other such nonsensical bullshit. But I know what I saw, and while the pledge of allegiance was being said, Obama's hand was not where it should have been! That is what I saw! That to me presented the picture of someone who does not respect this country he wants to run. So no, I never liked Obama.

I remember back in those days, I used to get in the Pluba forum, and one woman who got on there was a breeder of GSHPs. At first she did not like Obama either. Then she decided she liked them. Well one of my sis's was also on there and someone was worried about Obama becoming our president, and this GSHP breeder said that she knows how to tell a good person from a bad person, and she could tell Obama was a good person. I read that myself and I said to myself "She can eh? She's friends with people like AnkhuIGs and MarpranPWCs! Those are two people I wouldn't trust with my eyes open in a well-lit alley! Anyone who is friends with people like them you think I'm going to trust that person when they say someone is a good person??? NO WAY!!!" But it's true. I remember AnkhuIGs and MarpranPWCs were two of the worst people I've ever met online or off! They were show breeders, but they were the uber-snobby, stuck-up, judgmental, sappy, hate-now-ask-questions-later type show breeders. They would judge people before getting to know them, and until they got to know that person (if they ever would at all), they would refer to that person using child-level insults and innuendos. Anyone who thinks those two are good people, I would not trust that person at all!! So, she did not make me feel better when she said "trust me".

These days the radicals behavior is always you're either for someone or against them. There were those who voted for Obama just because he's black, or half black. Those that did not vote for him were called racists. UGH!!! That makes me sick! Now, Hilary wants to open up American borders to muslims. Those of us who oppose are also going to be called racists. Well, I am not anti-race. I'm just anti-taking-our-basic-freedoms-away. This is why I am so ficking sick of radicals!!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Mount St. Helens Active Again?

Wow! This is something. Swarms of earthquakes have been detected over the last few days under the mountain. I'm not sure whether this is cool or if it sucks. Of course I love Mount St. Helens, and it'd be cool if it were to give off some more puffs of smoke, I'd bet I could see them from here. But I would hope no one would get hurt in the process. I remember our family barely survived the mudflow from the mountain in 1980. We were living in Toutle at that time. I had just enough time to go into the house and save Midnight and her kittens. Because of that, my sis named one of the kittens Ashley. LOL! I remember it was my favorite kitten too, mostly white with black spots on the head and tail.

Well, I saved Midnight only to have my ma and pa give her away to the humane society when we got to Lakewood. I don't even know why they did that. That was MY cat! But that's how my parents were back then, they thought of animals as throw-away items. So, I want to see what happens now. It'd be cool if St. Helens blew up again. It'd be a cool sight. I'd love to go and get as close as I can to the eruption! That is, as close as I can without getting caught in the ash cloud. St. Helens I don't believe will have another eruption like the one in 1980. It's top was already blown off. So, it doesn't have that vacuum-seal effect that it had before. My sis knows more about this than I do, but I believe if it does erupt again, it won't be nearly as strong. Now is about the time they also begin to open the monument buildings. I guess they won't be doing that for a while now.

So, what happens if Mount St. Helens does erupt? The only animals that will survive in the blast zone will be the animals that live underground, like the gophers. They survived the last major eruption. But bigger animals like deer, elk and goats, will most likely all die out. But that also depends on how big the eruption is. In the last eruption, even a lot of birds died out. 57 people also died out in that eruption. Though the toll on animals will be unavoidable, let's hope that no people get caught up in this next eruption.

Most people get caught in the eruption because they just didn't believe the mountain would blow anyways. Those that did believe never thought the eruption was going to be as badass as it was. I remember back in 1980, even though I was only 6 years old, even I believed it was going to erupt. Though what I had in mind was more like it was going to totally black out the sun everywhere, not just in eastern Washington. But even at that age, I knew nature, and I just had this feeling that it would blow. Do I believe it's going to blow now? Honestly yes. It could very well blow again tomorrow. We don't know for sure though. I need to go there and get the feel again. Mount St. Helens gets earthquakes all the time, even when the mountain is seemingly quiet. Its how they feel that you can tell if the mountain is getting angry or not. I discovered that from the last eruption.

Maybe St. Helens is angry. Angry for the same reason I am; it doesn't want to see Trump become our next president!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Fags or Nazis?

Hmm, which do you think sounds better? Some time ago, a loyal friend said I should stop using the word "fags" when referring to radicals. Well, juggling the phrase around for a while, even though I am not referring to gays when I mention the word "fags", the only other word I can come up with to describe the way radicals behave is the word "nazi", and few people get offended by that word. I guess because everyone hates nazis. I don't know though if  I can get used to using the word nazi. Surely enough, it does describe the attitude I've seen in radicals. But how does this sound...

Catfags to catnazis - a person who argues with you because you don't like cats.

Yatesfags to Yatesnazis - a person who argues with you because you don't like Paula Yates.

Pantherfags to panthernazis - a person who argues with you because you don't like panthers (or, what they like to call, big "cats").

I don't know if I can get used to that. LOL! I've been calling them fags for so long. Well, ever since I read some of Encyclopedia Dramatica. I personally do not care which one the radicals prefer, but I would wonder what my loyal friends would think. No matter how many times I explain it, people still think when I say "fags" that I am referring to gay people. Not my fault! It was society that put that word on gays. I've never called gays "fags", not even when I was a kid. For some reason, I thought that was an ugly word, and not all gay people are ugly. Some are, but not all. When I say "ugly", I don't mean in looks either. I mean ugly in character. Like that guy spkenn36 on YouTube. He was gay, he admitted that. But he was also an ugly, hateful person. Not just to me, but to everyone. I saw how he interacted with others. It was not pretty.

I also think "retarded" is an ugly word. I don't use it. I remember the delusional mods used to call all of us who loved INXS "tards". I assumed that was the shortened version of "retards". OK I admit I have used the word "retarded" and "tard" before. Mostly to get at today's childrens' levels. They call me "retarded", so why not return the compliment? Anyways, that was my attitude back then. Well, what I call a "fag" is indeed reminiscent of what defines a nazi. I'm not sure what the kids today refer to when they call someone "retarded", but most of the time what it means is someone who is slow. Only recently has it taken on the meaning of someone who is mentally disabled. Funny how words switch meanings with the generations. I personally go for the original meanings. They may be outdated, but they were the actions that gave those words the meanings in the first place. It's people today that have made those words to mean something they were not intended to mean. One example is the word "idiot". I think I read somewhere it was derived from the Latin word "idium", or something to that effect, which means "different". So, when someone says I'm an idiot, I say "thanks!"

The same with the word "fag". Originally it did not refer to gays. Still in some countries, it refers to a stick that is used to light a fire, or a cigarette. It's only modern society that made that word refer to gay people. Now, the word "nigger" is different. I don't use it at all, because I think it's an ugly word. But, it is a real word, and yes, it does mean "black". Several animals with "black" in their name will have "niger" appear in their scientific name. That's the Latin word for "black". But that's one word I just never use. I even feel uncomfortable typing it. I feel uncomfortable when other people type it!! Even if they are black (African-American).

Well anyways, to make my friends happy, I might start referring to radicals as "nazis", simply because that's what they remind me of. I don't want to get in the good graces of the radicals. In fact, I don't care if they don't like me calling them "fags" or not. But I don't want to make my friends uncomfortable. So, I've been thinking of calling the radicals "nazis". I'm still debating whether I want to go to this INXS gathering. But I feel like if I don't, then it's going to let my friend down. But I must have a dog with me. I don't want to go without one. It'll give me a deterrence away from the radicals that might be attending. Then at least, I still won't have to look at them.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

42 Things About Me

I thought this would be interesting. I'm going to be turning 42 this year, and so I thought I would make a post listing 42 interesting (and maybe shocking) brutally honest facts about myself. Some of these things I have NEVER mentioned on this blog before, or anywhere else. If you think this will be too disturbing for you and you are a radical or have some other form of weakness, you can stop reading right now. Ready? Here we go...

1) I was climbing like a monkey before I could walk.
It's true! My mom told me that before I could even walk, I was climbing up the stair banister and sliding down like a baby monkey. It scared my grandma one time when she came to visit our family and I was 6 months old. My ma told her I do that all the time.

2) I've been drawing animals that looked like animals since I was 1 year old.
My grandma kept the first drawing I ever made, at 1 year old, it was a drawing I made of a rabbit. And by the standards I go by today, it did not look good, but it does resemble a rabbit. My mom has it now still in grandma's photo album.

3) The first human I ever drew was an imaginary friend I had named Bob.
I was thinking about Bob recently!! LOL! I still remembered the original drawing I did of him when I was about 5 years old! I tried to reconstruct that drawing recently, but it came out totally different.

4) I am an introvert.
I know I have mentioned this on here before, but I am an introvert. I like being alone. I don't like people very well. I've always had trust issues with people that stem back from my childhood days. If I could communicate better with my family and close friends without it, I wouldn't even have a Facebook account.

5) When I love something or someone, I love them to death!
That's true, and NOTHING can break that bond! Except myself. Case in point: INXS. You all know I love those guys! I talk about them a lot, and think about them a lot. Not a day goes by that I don't think about them at least once.

6) I don't like talking on the phone.
This one drives my friends and family CRAZY!!!!! It takes a lot of thought from me to pick up the phone and dial a number, even if I love and trust the person I am calling. And I absolutely loathe talking on the phone!!

7) My first pet was a cat.
Yes it's true. The one animal I like the least now was my first pet as a child. That is if you don't count a fishtank we used to have. But the cat was not ours. It was a stray that just took a liking to us. I named him Pepper.

8) I used to hate dogs.
Yes, I admit it! I used to hate dogs a LOT! Up until I was about 8 years old, and got my first dog, a skye terrier we named Sir Knight. He was such a sweet puppy! While today there are some things dogs do that I still hate, I've learned to appreciate dogs now of all kinds.

9) I prefer animals over people.
I have also mentioned this on here before too, but I've always preferred animals over people. It may even be hard to believe, but this also includes the men of INXS. The reason being animals don't judge you, and animals know who the good people are. I always trust my dogs' instincts. If they don't like someone, then neither do I.

10) My absolute MOST favorite animals are birds.
I've never seen a bird I didn't like!

11) I despise children!
About as much as any person. But most especially little kids that cannot verbalize properly yet. I am most uncomfortable around kids 4 years old and younger. Though I do think they are cute at a distance.

12) I have 4 kinds of mental disorders.
I have been diagnosed with depression and social anxiety. I also have a mild case of Asperger's and a form of dyslexia.

13) I'm a germaphobe.
I refuse to touch anything that even remotely looks dirty. Or that I believe other people have been touching. I use my shirt to open public doors, and hold the railing when I climb stairs. I tend to wash my hands more than 20 times in an hour, especially if I am cooking.

14) When I see a road-killed animal, I always have to look.
Not for grotesque or morbid reasons, but I do always look when I see an animal killed on the roadway. Mostly because I like to know what animals are in the area. The most unusual kill I ever saw was in 2007 on my way to Michigan to see INXS, I saw a huge black mass lying on the side of the road that turned out to be a black bear! Then in 2009, I saw a dead spotted skunk in Ocean Shores. And I never thought spotted skunks lived there!

15) I collect dragons.
What can I say? I love dragons!

16) I also collect lighthouses.
I love anything to do with the ocean.

17) I'm afraid of spiders more than any other living thing, besides people.
I think though I am more scared of people than I am of spiders.

18) I don't like being touched.
Though I don't mind a handshake, I don't like people touching me in any other way. Especially by strangers. Not even to hug. Though I loved being hugged by Tim Farriss. He's the only one I'd excuse. LOL!

19) I've been writing stories since I was 8 years old.
Sir Knight inspired my very first story. My first books were little 6-page booklets, folded drawing paper, stapled in the center, with words and pictures like comic books. But I remember taking them to school and all the kids loved them!

20) I first learned to draw better by tracing the work of other people.
Needless to say, my first attempts at drawing were recognizable, but not up to acceptable standards. I got a comic book when I was about 8 years old and traced some of that person's work, which eventually led to me being able to draw on my own with a little more detail.

21) My drawings got better after a dream I had.
At around 1989, I had this dream that I made a big mural on my wall of a gorilla. Then I left the room, and I came back and someone that I knew and loved, Dian Fossey, was making some adjustments to the drawing. Ever since then, I've been drawing not only gorillas better, but a lot of other things better too.

22) I love INXS, but I love Dian Fossey more!
Though for a different reason. The men of INXS are the most handsome I've ever seen! But Dian Fossey was a strong person! I admire her for laying down her life for something she believed in. If I have to go, that's the way I want to, for the sake of something I believe in! Though she burned down poacher's huts, whipped them in the genitals with stinging nettles, and killed their cattle, I still find Dian Fossey very fascinating! And I love her! Been a loyal admirer of her's since 1988! In fact, I learned a lot of what I know today about standing my ground from watching and studying her.

23) I could easily walk 10 miles a day if I wanted to.
And I have done it before! I went to the docks every day (when I had a car) and walk 4 to 5 miles. Then in the afternoon, I'd get on the treadmill and walk another 3 miles. Then again in the evening, I'd walk another 2.5 to 3 miles. All in one day!

24) I have eaten dog food before.
It was disgusting!! I don't know how dogs love it!

25) My IQ has been officially measured at 149.
I know it's hard to believe, but yes, my IQ was originally measured at 149. This was an official IQ test given by the state for a job I was applying for and almost got. I did try a couple of internet IQ tests, and they measured my IQ at 160. You'd never know it to look at me, because I am often too tired to use all my brains.

26) I do most of my best activity at night.
I am a night owl! I always seem to be more awake when the sun goes down. Though when I go walking it has to be during the day, because I am afraid of meeting "night strangers".

27) I have a knack for adding numbers, but I suck at math.
This may be a little hard to believe, but I was told on my IQ test that I have a strong leaning towards numbers, which surprised me, because I've always sucked at math. Don't worry. I can't explain it either!

28) I still have "imaginary friends" but I only talk to them through my stories.
Up until I was about 10 years old, I had imaginary friends I would talk to regularly. When I felt I got too old to have stuff like that, I began just writing about them, and only "communicated" with them (so to speak) by way of my stories. Some of those "friends" I still have to this day, and some new ones have been added over the years.

29) I've been cooking ever since I was 5 years old. None of my immediate family could cook as well as I could.
That's probably why I started cooking. My mom wasn't a good cook, my dad was not the greatest, and my grandma was not a good cook either. So, I taught myself how to cook. At 5 years old, I was already cooking things like cookies, cakes, killer cheese omelettes, bacon, grilled cheese sandwiches, and pies.

30) I am a St. Helens survivor.
Yes, myself and my family survived the eruption of Mount St. Helens in May of 1980. I even managed to save my cat Midnight and her 3 kittens.

31) I've been studying animals since I was 5 years old.
I've always been fascinated by animals, but I really started studying animals when I was 5 years old. And I've always been more comfortable around animals than people. In 1986, I picked up a real animal book: Walker's Mammals of the World, and studied that book up and down. It became my "bible" of mammal knowledge. Today, I know about as much about animals as many zoologist scholars.

32) I see all humans as enemies until proven otherwise.
I know I have mentioned this before, but I tend to see all strangers as enemies until they have proven to me they are good friends. But as we've recently seen, even that is not always accurate.

33) I am descended from royalty.
On my mom's side, her grandma had British and European royalty going all the way back to the days of Jesus. I also found out there really was such a person as Old King Cole, and I am one of his descendants.

34) I have many top favorite animals.
Lemurs and birds are not the only animals I favor. I also love rabbits, squirrels, otters, mongooses, horses, cows, kangaroos, gorillas, foxes, elephants, giraffes, reptiles and pteropod bats.

35) The more popular an animal is, the less I like it.
I don't like cats, panthers or koalas. I think all of them are clumsy and lazy creatures.

36) I don't like condiments.
LOL! I can't stand radish, I absolutely LOATHE mustard!!! I only like ketchup on fries and sometimes hot dogs, I get ill at the thought of mayonnaise, I'm not fond of raw onions. When I get a hot dog, the only thing I'll put on it is chili. Occasionally ketchup, but only if there's no chili around or the chili has chunks of tomatoes and peppers.

37) I don't like tomatoes.
But the paradox is I like tomato products. Like soup, sauce, and ketchup.

38) Princess Diana and I are distant cousins.
Part of my royal background. I found out that Princess Diana and I are closely related. Just don't ask me what number. I am not sure.

39) My best friends, when I was a kid, were children and grandchildren of celebrities.
My mom cleaned houses in LA for many years, and used to hob-nob with celebrities, which is how I met most of them. I even played with their children and grandchildren. For example, two of my best childhood friends were a couple of boys who were the grandchildren of actor Fred MacMurray.

40) My ideal man is the cowboy type.
IMO, cowboys are the manliest men of all! When Timmy donned the cowboy outfit, it melted my heart! He looked so handsome to me! Nothing looks better to me than a man with a horse and a dog!

41) I hate walking on grass!
I avoid it at all costs if I can. I hate the thought of walking through something that animals leave their piss and droppings on.

42) I am half Mexican, but I hate spicy foods.
I can't stand anything with jalapenos or any other kind of overly-hot and spicy food.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Who Says So???

Who says my blogs do not make a difference? OK, so I am not sure if my blogs had anything at all to do with this, and not sure if AKC would admit it if they did, but I found out AKC is now offering classes about how to breed and show dogs. I was reading about it on their website. This is amazing, whether or not my blogs had anything to do with it! I've always said one of the things I hated about show breeders is the way they treat newbies in the field. I've always said it does not do their breeds any good to sit around on their asses, griping about people who "ruin their breed". Instead, they should do something to help newbies understand what breeding is all about (and not in a hostile, snobbish way), how to do it the right way, and what should and should not be done. Though I was thinking more along the lines of a canine university type deal, AKC is now offering breeding and showing classes on their website.

I think this is wonderful! At last! Someone is doing something to educate people before breeding! My sis got in the show ring with Odessa once and had no clue what she was doing, because she was going in blind. We had no mentors, no one to look after us, or help us, no one to tell us how to show, or even how to groom. I thought "This isn't right!" I had no idea back then how to get a mentor to help us out, or anybody! We paid good money to show our dogs, and got absolutely nothing in return except humiliation and grief. Yes it was a lot of hard work, but that much I expected. I think a lot more people would get involved in showing their breeds and breeding the proper way if only the process was not so complicated! I'm hoping this is what these classes on the AKC website is striving to accomplish. I tried to steer some people in the right direction in breeding, and they thought I was just being an asshole. But I was far more forgiving than a lot of show breeders would have been to them. Most show breeders, if they had to deal with people like the ones I tried to push correctly, would have been a lot more aggressive with them, and I just never saw the point in that. Anger and aggression is not the way to get people to do the right thing. Of course I know that does not work on everybody! The people I was trying to encourage to do breeding right, I was never aggressive with them, and they still bitched at me because of it. But then again, those people probably should never have been breeding anything.

I always say, everything happens for a reason, and one day we will have the answer. Mcgillicutty posted the link to my MySpace blog on the Pluba forum, mostly in an attempt to embarrass me. The 12 mob became mcgillicutty's little flunkeys, and posted to as many breeder sites and groups as they could for the same reason. I thank them all for that!! Maybe in those attempts to try and bring me down, they improved the hobby of breeding. Perhaps the right people caught on to my blog and read what I wrote and thought "Hey! She's got a good point there! Maybe AKC should start some kind of program or class to help new breeders learn to do breeding the right way." AKC even gives you certificates of completion for each course. It costs $25 to take the tests and get your certification, but it might be worth it in the end! I think this is a miraculous idea! Even some veteran show breeders have stated that they learned something from it. If my blogs were the inspiration (even just a little bit), and it has helped some new, and even veteran, breeders, then I am happy! I'm so glad! I always wanted to make some kind of difference in the hobby of animals, and I knew the CFA has programs like this. I always knew AKC should start something like this too. It'll really help the breeds.

But I was thinking more of a Canine University type thing, but I guess AKC does not have the funds for that. But in a Canine University type setting, people can learn not only about good breeding and showing, but also about the breed they choose to show and breed as well. Have specific classes devoted to each breed, taught by a certified show judge. Then the judge/teacher can tell the students what he (or she) looks for in that breed, what faults to look out for, and how to avoid the biggest problems with that breed. Talk about specific lines to look out for in that breed. That way, everyone who goes to those classes can learn the same thing. When I bred chihuahuas, I tried to find a mentor, and was turned down by one whose dogs I did admire. The reason I was turned down was silly. She turned me down because I did not buy a dog, or stud service from her. Then she turned around and said she would never sell me any dog or stud service. I thought "How is that supposed to help me, or the breed??!" She was a jerk! What got me was she was not the only one I've ever heard say something like that. A lot of show breeders will say that too. I wanted to breed chihuahuas, I was going to do it with or without anyone's approval. When I get an idea I want to do something, I trudge ahead with it. No matter what anyone says. So, if I am supposed to get some help, someone might as well help me out. I'm going to do what I want to do regardless.

That's another thing about show breeders that I wish they would stop doing. I wish they would stop saying that they won't ever sell to someone for whatever reason. I wanted to show dogs, I just never had that push to do it. I went in a couple times, not having the slightest ghost of an idea of what I was doing, or supposed to do. It was scary and confusing. I wasn't even sure I had good enough dogs for showing. If I ever do decide to get into showing again, I hope to GOD I have better luck getting started. If I don't, then I feel it's the show breeders' problems. People are just going to breed if they want to, they might as well be properly educated. That is why I like that AKC is now offering this course. I think I myself am going to take them! Watch me!

What's Up With Millennials?

I watched a video this morning about Millennials. Actually 2 of them. One my sis posted on Facebook that was more on the fun side. But oh so true!!! Another one this morning by a group on Youtube called The Young Turks. They are mad because the older generation believes all Millennials to be the same. That they are lazy, entitled, arrogant people with no good morals. Well, one thing people need to stop believing is when someone states the majority of something is true, that it covers all individuals in that category. I'm sure not everyone who is a Millennial is lazy, arrogant and stupid. Just like I know not all cat lovers are fags. There are exceptions to every rule. If there wasn't do you think we would be seeing so many cops driving 80 to 100 MPH on joyrides? No. We wouldn't. Cops are exempt from the rule of speeding. They are the exception to that rule. Anyways, that was my introduction to this post.

What The Young Turks need to also understand that people do stereotype for a reason. I've said this before, we as humans are pattern-seeking creatures. We typically look for patterns in something, which is why people group the majority of Millennials under the category of being lazy, entitled and obnoxious, among other things. This woman in the group, I think her name is Ana, or Anne, lost her shit because one Millennial was commenting in a video about others. Well, I say good for that girl. She hit the nail on the head!! She's smarter than a lot of the radicals I've dealt with! She came to terms with herself being a Millennial and how the others of her generation are generally looked upon. That's more than I can say for the dumbass radicals I've had to deal with!! Most of them have not come to terms with themselves, so they argue, kick and fuss because of how people like me sees them.

I think technically I am a Millennial. But I do not fit under the whole category of being a Millennial. I am not arrogant, I can be really sweet if I want to. I may not be the smartest person you've ever seen, but I ain't totally stupid. Just not as smart as my sis. LOL! I'm not too lazy, my mind is always going. Plus, I work out every day. I have no sense of entitlement, although there are things I would love to have. But I also know it's going to take a lot of hard work to get those things. It's also going to take a lot of know-how and I am aware of that too. I just hope my partner does not come here with the intent on getting me involved in his business, because I know NOTHING about IT work! And I would not be happy in a business like that. I want to do something I would have fun doing.

Sometimes I wonder about my partner. He's a very intelligent person, I know that! But he keeps moving to California, and then complains because the prices in this country are too high. Then it makes him have to go back to his homeland!! UGH!! Is he going to survive this? I'm not going to India. I never wanted to, I never had the desire to, nothing. I'm happy where I am. If I move anywhere outside this country, it'd be to Australia. And only in southern Australia, where it's cooler. Or New Zealand. But New Zealand doesn't have any animals anymore. The humans and feral cats have wiped them all out.

Anyways, check out this video. This is the one I am talking about...

Thursday, April 28, 2016

A Breed I Hope Goes Extinct Soon!

I hate bullies. Everyone knows that by now. I was bullied as a child. Sometimes even as an adult, I find there's still bullies everywhere. Mostly on the internet. I don't get out enough to find bullies out in the real world. Though I would guarantee you a lot of the bullies I have met online would never say the shit they say to anyone in real life. Only I would, because I know my rights. I know what I can and cannot do. I know what would or wouldn't get me in trouble. I saw a video recently of a white woman who got irrational with a group of black men and was calling all of them the "N" word. One of the guys filmed her and asked her why she would call his friends something like that. She then proceeded to spit on his camera, and in response to that, he slapped her. She would have been better off just sticking to calling them the N-word. Spitting is assault, every bit as much as hitting someone. So, that guy had a right to slap the shit out of that woman. I'd have done exactly the same thing. It's self-defense. She was going to phone the cops on him, but I think the cops would have sided with that guy instead. Cops don't like getting spat on either.

Well, that's different than what I am here to talk about today. There is one good side to being bullied all my life, it's helped me to develop a tough skin. It wasn't pleasant going through it, but I really think that is what has helped me to become the person I am today. Believe me when I say when I was growing up, I pretty much left everyone alone. If they bullied me at all, it was because of their own ignorance. I did not speak my mind back then like I do now, I kept to myself most times, and left everyone else alone. The only difference was I was more prone to depression and crying when I was a kid, and bullies love that! The only people I ever lashed out at when I was a kid were those who would lash out at me first. In fact, it is still that way with me today. I just don't cry anymore. LOL! Well, at least not because of some dumbass bullies anyways. I cry when I miss my dogs. I cry when I miss Michael and Timmy. I cry when a friend passes on. I do not cry anymore because of bullies. I've actually become somewhat accustomed to bullies, even on the internet. But it is because I've developed this tough skin that I can take everything in stride now.

This is exactly why I hate radicals! Radicals are pushing political correctness. They want to turn the whole human race into spineless pansies. It's gotten to a point where you can't say anything anymore or else someone's little feelings are going to be hurt. Ghetto people are the worst! You look at them cross-eyed and they'll do everything they can to beat the shit out of you. I've seen videos where one person slams down on another person just because that person said something bad about the first person. With me, people can say what they want. It's when they decide to touch me that it's going to get out of hand. I don't like to hurt anyone myself, but I may indeed lash out in self-defense. I've been known to do it without thinking. I'm that unpredictable.

I remember meeting my first bully, a girl named Penny. I was 5 years old and she was 4 years older than me, and I tried to be friends with her. I had some mutual friends with her. But she associated with a boy who was the big neighborhood bully, named Rusty. Yes, that was his name. I remember Penny and Rusty pushed me off a cliff once. I never told my ma though. I just woke up at the bottom of this cliff, climbed back up to the top, went home and took a shower. I never played with Penny after that again. Penny was never remorseful for what she and Rusty did, but then I never brought it up to them. I just didn't want to be near Penny again. I think she was a little psychotic. LOL! But after we moved from that area, I didn't have any more problems with bullies until I was 8 years old. Then I met this girl named Deeanna. She and I shared the same name so that is what attracted me to her. I went to play at her house right after I met her, and I was willing to be her friend. But aside from our name, she and I had absolutely nothing in common, so she did not like me at all. Which is OK. So, I left her alone. It was Deeanna who turned it into a constant bitchfest every day. I always tried to stay out of her way. She was the one who kept approaching me every day just to remind me of how much she hated me. LOL! I became something of an obsession for her. She would even come onto my family's property sometimes and shout "I hate you!" at me. My oldest sis chased her away one day when she decided to do that, and that was when she finally stopped coming to our property. But she still hassled me in school.

All that just because I didn't want to play with her dolls. Well, I eventually kicked her butt for being a smartass one day, and then she really left me alone. I look back on that stuff now and laugh though. It would not bother me today like it did back then. If I were to see Deeanna again, and she were to be like that with me now, I'd be more like "OK, so you hate me. So why keep coming up to me, getting in my face every day, just to tell me you hate me? Why stand in front of my house and shout it at me and my family? Why not just leave me alone? I'm not in your way. So stay out of mine!" That's not the radical approach, and if she had had an ounce of brains rattling around in her big head, it would have made her think about what she was doing. I dunno, I think Deeanna was kindof a sick person. Poor girl. I thank GOD I am not like that. I may talk about people I don't like on here, like the dirty dozen mob. But I would never stand outside their house and shout "I hate you" at them. Nor would I constantly get in their faces and say "I hate you" every day. Just on this blog. But this blog is my ranting place, and I'm not in their faces every day about it. If I don't like something or someone, I steer clear of it. It's the radicals that get in peoples' faces about things and force people to see things their way. Then they are like "If you don't do as I say, then I hate you!" A lesser person will follow them too, and they know it. I've seen it happen. Last month, when the radicals on Facebook all conspired against me, I saw people I thought were my friends lose their backbone and side with the radicals. Most likely out of fear of the radicals. They don't want the radicals to hate them, so they turn against the one person who is not afraid to stand against the radicals... ME!

People these days are too soft. They're becoming like jellyfish. They have no backbone anymore, they live in fear of being scorned or hated, they have no guts anymore, their feelings are too easily hurt now. There is a phrase that says "Only the strong shall survive". Looks like humans are indeed doomed. Our species did not survive as long as we have by being wussies! The ancestors like me are the ones who pushed those damn lions aside, speared them and said "Back off bitch!" The radicals would have just tried to reason with the lions. Or would have just blocked them on Facebook and speak to them through blocked accounts. But they would have eventually got eaten. It's the ancestors like me who learned how to make fire. The radicals would have burned their hands once and said "I'm never trying that again!" The ancestors like me are the ones who build skyscrapers. The radicals would have just been like "Well, they're too tall. I don't like buildings that are too tall!" Its the ancestors like me that build civilizations. The radicals would have just rallied against civilization and said "We were meant to live in the woods!" Truly, if everyone were radicals, we would not be where we are today. Progression would have been much slower than it was, and would have been much more violent.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

My Everything Man

I feel like posting a blog today, I don't know why. So, I'll just ramble on about something. I did hear from my partner the other day and he still wants to get married. I said fine. So when? LOL! He can only tell me now "very soon". I said to him whenever he is ready, I'll be here. Or in Coos Bay. One of my Facebook friends is looking out for me. I love her to death for her concern. I'm very grateful. But she believes he may be a scammer. But I don't believe he is. I've known him for several years now. He's never asked me for money, and in fact he's given me money several times before. He comes from an upper middle-class family, and he knows I'm broke as shit. So, even if he asks for it, he knows I can't give any money to him. If he wants to marry me, then that is fine. It's all up to him. I'm in no rush, believe me! But he also knows I will not move to California, where he always winds up at. I told him if he wants to do this, he'll have to come here. I don't like California, and I won't move there!

I am actually exactly where I want to be. I'm a coast girl. But I hate heat. That's why I don't like California. It's OK to visit, but living there for me is out of the question. It gets WAY too hot there. Too hot for me to tolerate. So, if we stay on the west coast, we have to live in Washington or Oregon. If we move to the east coast, I either want to stay in Connecticut or Maine. I'll settle for Massachusetts, as long as it's by the ocean. All I care about is if it's by the ocean. I want to live in a little seaside cottage, with a house full of dogs. Dogs and birds. All kinds of birds. I want to be able to take those dogs on hikes down the beach in the mornings and afternoons. He's a great guy though. He's always been a great friend. I do love him. I'll do most of what he says, but where we permanently live is where I have to stand firm. Oh yes, and he'll probably be coming to Australia with me too. I told him he can be my cameraman. While I am touring the town, I need a camera guy. I cannot always hold the camera myself.

He said he wants to be my "everything man". LOL! Well, if he comes, he is in luck because I plan to go to that little Indian restaurant Michael went to with his pa and stepmom on his last night. My partner can lead me through what would be edible to me. GAH!! I'm not into Indian food! I'm really not into any kind of ethnic foods. I just like good ol' American. I was born to be American, that's the way I'll live. But for one night at least I will bite my tongue and try some Indian cuisine. But I won't like it. I tried chicken curry before, back in 2005 and I hated it! Normally I like chicken, but I hated chicken curry! I am indeed the pickiest of eaters.

I've been seriously thinking of going into business for myself. When my partner gets here, he wants to open up his own IT company. But I would not be happy with that. He can have his company, I want to open up a funsy-type business. Well, I love animals, so I think I want to open up my own pet store. It was a dream of mine when I was a teenager and in my early 20s I even took a correspondence course on how to run a pet shop. I might go through with it. Of course I am not going to sell puppies and kittens, but things like birds, fish and other small animals would be great. But I think what I am going to have is a space for breeders to rent and post their own available puppies and kittens for sale. I think I'm going to turn a whole wall into a bulletin board and rent spaces on that board, charging people per week to keep their ads up. Of course people will argue "Why do that when you have Craigslist?" Well, in my store, I'll guarantee no scammers will be allowed to post, and most likely no scammers will contact the advertisers. I think what I'll do is keep the board in a locked room, and only allow access to people who want to view. I might even have a viewing room to rent to people who want to show off their pups or kittens to potential buyers, so the buyers don't have to go to that breeder's home. The breeders can keep their privacy and still allow buyers to come to the store and view what they have available, and the breeders can still get to know the potential buyers. It'll be fun!

That's one good way to run a pet store and still be able to offer everything to customers. Of course pet supplies will also be available. But I don't want to limit to just pet-supplies or run-of-the-mill birds and fish. I want to offer unique things. Unusual things. Things you cannot find at any old regular pet store! I want to pride myself on having things that no other pet store has. Birds, fish and herps that you cannot find anywhere else. All I need now is a storefront. And someone who knows how to fix it up to have what I want it to have. What I've always wanted was to have a store that has living quarters above it. Then that would be awesome!!! I can live and work all in the same place. Just me, my partner and the animals.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Slander Off

LOL! OK I never have been one who cares what someone else says about me. I just overlook it. I've never even dreamed of suing anyone for slander because I personally have always believed in freedom of speech. That includes freedom of expression. Sometimes, it is not always a nice thing to hear when someone is saying bad shit about you, but I'm always like "Oh well! So n so has a right to their opinion". But yesterday on Judge Judy, I saw a case that would make the dirty dozen mob leap for joy! You all know the 12 mob loves to accuse everyone of slander, well, everyone except themselves. Their attitudes are always like "If one of us didn't say it happened, then it didn't happen!" Well, this case I saw yesterday would be very interesting to them. One woman was having a car fixed by a man she hired over the internet, and she said he didn't complete the job. Well he said he couldn't finish the job. Then he said that she posted something about him on the internet like "Beware of Meth Mechanic". LOL! Judge Judy was then like "How dare you say something like this?!"

Well anyways, when all was said and done, the judge awarded that guy $5000 for slander. That's actually the first time I've ever seen a slander case win anything. But I knew the plaintiff's fate was sealed when she called him a "meth mechanic". That's one thing I am very careful not to do! No one can ever say that I have stated positively that anyone I have a problem with has used meth. In fact, the only person I have speculated using any kind of drugs was Patti. But even with her I've always stated that I was not sure, and did not have any proof of it. That's a disclaimer I used in that, because anyone can speculate. As long as I didn't state it like it was absolute facts. There are just some places a person has to draw the line at. Accusing someone of using meth with no proof is among those. Accusing someone of having AIDS is another. Accusing someone of raping babies is another. If one has proof of this, that's fine. They can state it. But if you're just saying it because you want to "get back at" someone, that's illegal. That's why I am very careful not to say what I don't believe is true.

I've never sued anyone for slander. I never had the desire to. And no matter what the 12 mob says, I've never slandered anyone. Nothing I've said about anyone in the past has been any less than speculation. But they love to go all around the internet and tell everyone that I slander people. But they do that without knowing the whole truth themselves. The only reason they target me the way they do is because I said that I don't trust them and I don't like them. I still don't! I never will. The more they target me, the more I'll say I don't like them. They're never going to shut me up. They'll never take down my blog. Even if they succeeded in that, I'd just go and make a new blog. In fact, since the 12 mob loves my blogs so much, maybe I might switch to another blog host. One that charges people per view. And when I do that, believe me! There will be no way they can copy and paste posts to other places. People will have to pay me if they want to see those posts. Some sites have that feature! I might start taking up with one of them. I might as well! I might as well get paid for this.

They should not be surprised that I have not yet been sued for slander. I'm sure a lot of people have talked to their lawyers, but so far, I've never been asked to appear in court for a slander charge. Know why? Because I know what I can say and what I cannot say. And I never say what I know I shouldn't say. I've always been very careful not to do that. Yet the 12 mob still accuses me of "slandering" people. But at least I know what my rights are, and they cannot overwrite the laws. They can go around telling people I "slander" others till the cows come home. But I think in the end, they should learn the real meaning of the word "slander". I know they also want to see me grovel, which I will never do! Again, I gave up giving apologies to anyone that I don't feel deserves it. Sorry! LOL! You're like 4 years too late on that one. Before that incident with the note on my sis's door, you might have had a chance. Today, it ain't never going to happen. Ever! Never ever ever! No matter what.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Why Mourn For Rock Stars?

Why do we do that? Why mourn for someone we barely know, except in most cases, through their music? I felt a little sad when Prince died this past week. I did not cry, but I did feel a little bit of loss. Not much though. I probably would have felt more if I had been a bigger fan of his music. But I wasn't. I am aware of the influence he had on music in the 80s. Even INXS admitted to being influenced by Prince. But why do people feel sad at the loss of a rock star? I remember when Michael died, I was incredibly sad. I was in my 20s and had not yet experienced a loss like that before. I knew about death and I had had friends that died before then. But for some reason, no one's death affected me the way Michael's did. Even to this day, I've still never felt a sadness like I felt when Michael died. I cried like I'd never cried before. I cried for days! My ma wonders why, because I hardly knew the man. Only met him once, and then took a break from INXS fanhood for several years before he died, and I really only knew him through his music. So why did his death affect me the way it did?

Well, it's kindof hard to explain unless you have actually felt it before. When Michael died, one of the first things that crossed my mind was that a piece of my childhood was gone. My entire later teen years was spent listening to Michael sing over and over again. I did a lot of admiring him too. I fell in love right there. In a sense, Michael became a part of me. He filled a piece of my mind and heart that, before I saw him, was virtually non-existent. His singing showed me things that I never knew existed before. He took my imagination in directions its never seen before. When he sang, I felt like he and I were the only 2 people in the world, and that he was doing it just for me. I spent countless hours watching him adoringly, looking at pics of him, reading magazine articles, listening to his singing, watching his videos. Everything about him made me feel good, even when things in the real world got dark, evil and gone asunder. Michael had become a part of my life and I loved that. It was a great feeling! It was like I was in this car going along on a long, steady, flawless road. And then when Michael died, suddenly, it was like that beautiful road ended and my car went over a cliff without me. I was left standing on the edge of that cliff, wondering "how the hell am I going to get home now?" It was a real feeling of being lost and alone.

Anyways, that is what it's like. That is why I mourn for Michael even to this day. I still find myself quietly weeping for him. I wish he could come back. But I can say this, the world is a better, more enjoyable place because he was here. Even if his time with us was brief. I still enjoy all the things he left us. I enjoy his singing, his music, his moves, his beauty, his memories. Everything about him. But that is why we feel a loss when a rock icon passes. For me, it was Michael, and only Michael. I never have grieved for any other celebrity like I did for Michael. Not even to this day. But I did feel a sense of loss when Prince died, even though I was not even the slightest bit interested in him. I just wonder who is going to be next? Not my Timmy I hope!!! I want Timmy to live to be 100. Maybe even beyond. I just don't want him to go in my lifetime. LOL! If he happens to, I need to save my tears for him. I love him so much, I want him to be here forever. Or at least for the maximum that GOD will allow. And I want him to be happy in that time too.

I'm tired of our most talented people leaving this world. What are we going to be left with? If GOD wants to take someone else away, please make it the Kardashians!!! Or some other nudnik that has no talent whatsoever!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

New! Disclaimer!

I decided to put up a new disclaimer on this blog, for those who come here and are disturbed by what I write on here, now there is a fair warning. I make no apologies for what I say. You notice I never apologized to any of the fags who bumped me off last month. And I am not going to either. No way! I gave up giving apologies to people that I don't feel deserve it when I said I was sorry to Roger for accusing him of putting a nasty note on my sis's door. I was indeed sincere, and he said he forgave me. But I could still tell he carried a grudge, I could see it in his eyes. Then I realized I made a big mistake by doing that. So I swore I was never going to apologize to anyone ever again that I don't feel deserves it. And the fags don't deserve it. I may have taken one post down (one that I, myself, really didn't feel comfortable posting in the first place), but that does not mean I am sorry for what I said! That girl did betray me afterall. So no. I am not the least bit sorry for what I said about her on here. Don't think for one second that I was! And yes, it does happen. Sometimes, when I make a post like that, I get an uncomfortable feeling after I post it. It's happened many times before. Part of the reason is because I know how it feels to suffer through depression myself. So, believe it or not, I do have something of a conscience left.

Well, I put the disclaimer at the top of the page. It warns anyone who comes in here that if they are offended by sheer honesty, or if they think me having my own opinions is "being negative", then this is not the blog for them. I recommend they turn away and go find another blog, because this blog is mostly about ME. It's here for me to put my thoughts and opinions up on. I'm not a run-of-the-mill type person, so I don't go with the mainstream. So many people find that offensive, and I say that's their problem! I know my rights. So I am telling them if they find me offensive, then leave. Go find another blog that is going to be the way you want it to be. Not even the dirty dozen mob can make me give up what I am doing. No matter how many people they alert here. And yes, I bet it was them who told the fags what I said about the fags. No problem. I adjust very well! I'm a Google partner, I get paid every time someone reads this blog. So I don't mind, really. And not everyone is going to go just by what they post on a forum. Many of them are going to come here to see for themselves, IF they are smart.

Oh well hell! Who says radicals are "smart"? LOL! I guess the 12 mob knows to play on that too.

OK so now for the subject change. HA! My sis says she doesn't want to go to this gathering. So either I am going to have to get a dog before I go there, or just not go. I really can't get a dog right now. I want to go to Australia, more than anything, to celebrate Michael's 20th anniversary of getting his wings. That's very important to me. I want to do this movie too. I just hope I don't run into any problems along the way. I've been hearing a lot about Australia becoming more violent. I heard some thugs knocked down my Timmy, and all he was doing was walking by, minding his own business. I wish I had been there, I'd have wanted to rip that guy's eyes out that pushed my Timmy! Well here, in the meantime, I am at work at home on my book of birds of the world. I want this book to be the most complete and comprehensive work on the world of birds. I've been working on this book since 1988 and this book is my legacy. It's the one thing I wanted to accomplish before I leave this world. I say I should have worked harder from the beginning. Anyone know about the book Walker's Mammals of the World? Well, I want this bird book to be just as informative as those books about mammals. I know a lot about birds, been studying them all my life, and I've even had birds as pets. What I don't know, I got some friends who can help me. So, watch for this book. It may take a long time to complete, but I am hard at work at it.

Official "Felon"

 Well, the judge has declared Trump an "official felon". Well, he's a corrupt judge, we'll probably hear some deep shit on...