Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu Alert!!!

As most of you have probably read the swine flu is spreading to this country. It has worked it's curse throughout Mexico, and now has spread to this country. It's really scary! And a few years ago we all thought the avian flu would be the scurge of this country! Well, turns out we were wrong. If you've ever thought about getting a flu shot, now would be the time to get one. I just hope that there is no pandemic as is being predicted. But this is really scary!! I'm staying here, in my little corner of the country as yet untouched by this menace!

Here's an article I found:

WHO Raises Swine Flu Alert to Next-Highest Level
Lauran Neergaard, Associated Press

April 29, 2009 -- The Geneva-based World Health Organization on Wednesday raised its alert level for the fast-spreading swine flu to its next-to-highest notch, signaling a global pandemic could be imminent.

The move came after the virus spread to at least 10 U.S. states from coast to coast and swept deeper into Europe.

"It really is all of humanity that is under threat during a pandemic," said WHO Director General Margaret Chan. "We do not have all the answers right now but we will get them."

In the United States, President Barack Obama mourned the first U.S. death, a Mexican toddler who had traveled with his family to Texas. Total American cases surged to nearly 100, and Obama said wider school closings might be necessary.

In Mexico, where the flu is believed to have originated, officials said Wednesday the disease is now confirmed or suspected in 159 deaths, and nearly 2,500 illnesses.

There were no other deaths confirmed from the flu. But health officials in the United States and around the world braced for them.

Dr. Richard Besser, the acting chief of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said in Atlanta there were 91 confirmed cases in ten states, with 51 in New York, 16 in Texas and 14 in California. Two cases have been confirmed in Kansas, Massachusetts and Michigan, while single cases have been reported in Arizona, Indiana, Nevada and Ohio.

State officials in Maine said laboratory tests had confirmed three cases in that state, although those had not yet been included in the CDC count. And the Pentagon said that a Marine in southern California had tested positive for the disease.

WHO has confirmed human cases of swine flu in Mexico, the United States, Canada, Britain, Israel, New Zealand and Spain.

Germany and Austria became the latest countries to report infections. Germany reported four cases on Wednesday, Austria one.

In Washington, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano was questioned closely by senators about whether the U.S. should close its border with Mexico, where the outbreak apparently began and the casualties have been the greatest. She repeated the administration's position that questioning of people at borders and ports of entry was sufficient for now and said closing borders "has not been merited by the facts."

The WHO said the phase 5 alert means there is sustained human to human spread in at least two countries. It also signals that efforts to produce a vaccine will be ramped up.

Just Monday, the WHO had raised the alert level from 3 to 4. The organization is part of the United Nations.

Asked for advice for ordinary citizens, Chan, the WHO chief, said: "Continue with your business but try to pay special attention to personal hygiene."

Dr. Keiji Fukuda, WHO's top flu expert, said vigilance was all important because it was not known how severe the outbreaks would become.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Message To Viewers

Here I just talk in a detailed way about what has been going down on here the past couple of days. This same thing happened last year, and I went for it then. This is mostly for the person who commented on my INXS All Over Again blog. Now, if I am wrong, don't take this personally, but the thing is this same thing happened last year, and it turned out to be an imposter. I want nothing more than to believe this time it's the real thing, but I just cannot. But on here, I explain how it can be proven. It's not an all too tough request, I mean, I know KP has a MySpace, as I do. I also know he writes to some of the fans, so it wouldn't be too hard for him to write to me just this once. IF that was him. And I hope he understands I know that's a BIG "if", but after what happened last year I just want to be sure.

It's not that I don't want to forgive Kirk, I would love to and put all the old feelings behind me. But this happened last year too, and sure I felt good for one day. Then I found out it wasn't him and my feelings were back to square one. I don't want that to happen again. I didn't blame Kirk for what happened, but strangers put celeb names in their signature all the time. I hope he and everyone understands that I am not trying to be mean or act stuck-up nor nothing. That's not me. I'm not asking him to turn night into day to show me that was really him nor nothing either. Just shoot me a simple little message on MySpace. But just in case it is him, I said a little message for my one favorite band member of all as well on here. hehe!

Well, I want to be forgiving, but I don't want what happened last year to happen again. So, until I hear from him on MySpace, I am not going to say anything further about this. (Damn fans!!! Sometimes I can understand why Catsredrum didn't like the fans! Just that she chose the wrong one to make fun of). When I first saw those comments, I wanted to write something to the practical jokers on the Rockband forum. It wasn't going to be pretty! But then I thought about Kirk and my favorite men of INXS, and again thought "Well, what if this really is him?" Again, part of me said yes and part of me said no. So I just didn't say anything at all. Aside from approving the comment, as I always do, I didn't even want to let on that I acknowledged them. But here I describe how it can be proven. Just write me on MySpace and say hey, that was me. Nothing fancy, don't have to go into details nor nothing. As soon as I hear from whoever this was, I'll accept his apology, and if he wants I will also make a public apology of my own to Kirk for the things I said about him.

Monday, April 27, 2009

I've Got A Gun!!

LOL!! Nah, just joshin' there. Actually I do have one, it was an old squirrel-hunting rifle I inherited from my grandpa, but it's so old, you can't get ammo for it anymore. I just keep it cuz it's an antique. And I need to learn when to keep my @#$& mouth SHUT!!!! LOL! Anyway, the reason I'm calling this blog this is because I was watching The Smoking Gun on TruTV. One of my favorite stations! There was a segment where a woman came into a convenience store and said to the male clerk "I've got a gun, gimme all your money!" The male clerk kept asking her to show it to him and she kept saying "it's in my pocket." But never showed it to him. The clerk didn't believe her, and he walked off. A female clerk approaches her and says "Can I help you?" The woman says "Yeah, I told him I've got a gun and he won't believe me." The female clerk also asked the woman to show it to her, and again the woman said "It's in my pocket." But she would not take it out. I think by now it'd be pretty obvious this woman doesn't have one at all. She knew the clerks didn't believe her so she just walked out of the store, frustrated. LOL!!!

That is what I love about these shows, they are too funny, and shows the stupidity a lot of criminals display. There was one guy some time ago on that program who was trying to hold up a puppy store with a toy gun. When the clerks would not be fooled by his prank, and became too much for him (by locking him inside the store until the police showed up) the would-be robber got scared and begged them to let him out. They wouldn't though. They held him there until the police came and arrested him. That's probably one of the all-time stupidest criminals I've ever seen. The funniest segment was actually not on Smoking Gun, but another show called Most Daring. This segment had me laughing hard all night long. I wish I had recorded it on tape!! Some young man was trying to break into a liquor store at night. First he tried to leap for the window to get in, and kept falling on his ass. Then when he finally did reach the window, he was walking through the ceiling, and you could see shingles falling to the floor, one at a time, then finally a big piece of the roof fell into the store, with this young man along with it. LOL! Then he grabs a cart and pushes it through the store and grabs liquor left and right. Then he tries to get out through the front door and finds that he can't. That's when he picks up the cart and tries to break the glass doors. LOL! They're plexiglass man!!! Finally the cops release him and get him out of the store and haul his clumsy ass to jail! LOL!!

That was probably the funniest segment, without using too much commentary, I've ever seen on any police documentary show. Got me and my sis laughing for several hours afterwords. I just wish I had recorded it because I haven't seen that clip since then in it's entirety.

Anyway, I went on to watch Operation Repo, looks like Matt has his fire back. I'm glad to see that. Boy! That realtor was nasty!!! Tried to rip off Sonia's dress and all!! LOL! Matt I think was a little in love with her though. LOL! He was saying he wanted to get her phone # off the paperwork and call her because he believes they have a lot in common. hehe! That would have been sweet, but since he was with the gang that repo'd her car, she'd have probably been like "Sorry man, you ain't my type!" hehe! Leastwise not unless he'd have brought her car back.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

INXS All Over Again

Well, here's another video to kinda touch up on the last one I did about INXS. Basically here I talk about my meetings with these guys. For the most part I loved them, all but one. Now, this one forum I am a silent member of is doing interviews with that one band member I don't care for. Well, they I hope have fun, but I describe on here how I will just be sitting this one out. Sorry people. I sure do hope Tim is doing well though. I really do love that guy.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I Hope This is a Joke!!

I heard about this yesterday, and I don't know about the authenticity of this, it almost sounds too stupid to be real. I don't want to think the man who is now our country's president is this dumb! Or if so, I hope he thinks about this before he does it. Both Anna and I had something to say on this matter. She does part of the story, she is an expert in volcanoes. So she gives her opinion. But honestly, I think this is a bunk story. But here I give my thoughts on this, just in case it is so, and Obama wants to try something like this. Not the best idea!!

I have friends who support Obama, so I am not referring to them in this speech of mine. Mostly I am referring to those who thought the reason I don't like Obama has something to do with being racist. Nope, it was reasons such as the one I am discussing here. This is a doomsday in the visionary stage. I just hope it is a joke. I cannot really see it being anything else if this guy is as smart as he has led everyone else to believe. I still don't like McCain any better!! But I wonder what he would have done in this situation.

GOD help us now!!!

In other news, the Hutch's Strangest Party forum is having their questions answered by Kirk. I am a silent member of that forum, but I think I will sit this one out. If it were Tim, I wouldn't hesitate to submit something, but Kirk? No. For Tim I would even get out of my anonymous outfit on that forum, and just say hey. I miss him so much!!! But Kirk, I don't even like him. I'd never say hi to him. Not ever again. But for those who want to submit, I say go and have fun. I don't go in that forum much myself, and a couple of weeks ago, I got a message saying that they were going to start deleting members who have not yet posted. I say OK. Sorry, but I am not the biggest Hutch fan. I don't see Michael like I do Kirk, but Tim is just my main INXS man. I'm afraid that through the years, my eyes only see him.

Monday, April 20, 2009

What Happened to Matt?

I think Matt, on Operation Repo, has lost a lot of his spunk. I saw tonight's new episode, and I was a little bit disappointed. This is like the third time he's been floored. I'm wondering, is he losing his fire? I hope not, but ever since that one episode where he wrecked that car, he's been in a daze or something, I don't know. He mentioned in an interview that he's mellowed out since that incident because he didn't want to do anything to lose his job again. I can't say I blame him! I'm just sorry to see him lose so much of his fire.

Well, I've been having a lot of fun working on my voice and video blogs, hope my readers have been enjoying them. I also posted up a voice blog on the side of this page that I also keep at Snapvine. Now that is fun! I have more fun with these voice blogs than I have with these long, drawn-out typed blogs. Somehow the words sound different spoken rather than written. When words are written, people seem to take them the wrong way. I am currently working on a voice and video blog about PETA. I hate PETA. Few things in this world irritate me more than a stupid PETA jerk getting in my face because I refuse to stop eating meat. That's none of their business anyway! So far, no one has been able to convince me that I shouldn't have meat on my plate, and I cannot think of enough veggies I like to make a whole meal out of. Believe me, I tried. I tried going vegan once, I gave up my regular diet to feed on nothing but the veggies I like, like corn, peas, carrots, some lettuce, some cauliflower, celery, potatoes and that kind of stuff. I supplemented with fruits, like grapes, apples, bananas, and that kind of stuff. Then eating nuts for the protein. Believe me, I could not switch!! By the middle of the week I was screaming uncle for some meat!!! I like my veggies, but only as a side-dish. I love my nuts, but only occasionally, and usually in something like chocolate, cookies or brownies. I like my fruits, but only if there's nothing chocolatey around. And I found out that week, that maybe some weak-asses can live without meat, but I am not one of those weak-asses!! I must have meat!! Even just a little bit would satisfy me for the day. I favor chicken most, but beef is a second fave. So is turkey, lamb and some kinds of fish. Not all kinds of fish though, I can get along great without eating swordfish, sturgeon or shark. I mostly like tuna and salmon.

Fish is probably my last favorite when it comes to meat, and I've never tried goat or rabbit. Though I've heard rabbit tastes like chicken, I just never tried it. All I could think of was Shaggy, who was my only pet as a child. He was my first pet rabbit. I've had a couple more since then, but eating rabbit just never crossed my mind.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Voice And Video Blog: Remembering INXS, the Way They Were

This is a rather long video I made a lot like the last one I made about our trip to Astoria. I did the same thing I did with that one, I used a lot of images from Google Images, and some from my very own collection of INXS pics. I decided to tell the whole story here in a cute way of how I got into INXS. Maybe telling it this way will help everyone understand. Who knows? This is a long one, over 20 minutes. I don't dare put it on YouTube!! I'm working on a couple more now. I'm steadily working on one that describes another hobby I want to get into. It'll make, what? About my 10th hobby! LOL! I pack them in, you can bet I don't get bored on weekends, except when I'm trying to find something on television!! LOL! I just wish Anna would find other hobbies, she continuously pesters me to do something with her, and I'm always busy doing something else, I can't!! Doing these skits is FUN!!! I try to make each one different. Providing that I can find different graphics on Google Images. You'd be very surprised what kind of images you can find by just googling certain key words! I found images of things I never thought I would find!! Like single images of letters and numbers. It gives me a cute idea of how to put a new twist on an old classic! I'll do that sometime down the road, but I am really into this voice and video blog thing. This particular movie took me 2 days to make. It wouldn't have taken so long except yesterday I had to do something important, so I had to take a break for a few hours to do it. But by about 10:00 last night, I finally finished this.

I don't know how INXS would feel about this, but unless they tell me they don't like it, who cares? It was fun to do anyway. I'm constantly thinking up new stories to tell, and new ways to present them image-wise. My main goal is to be either one of 2 things: funny or accurately descriptive. That's the whole point. I like being just a little bit corny, that's what makes each of these films funny. You might say I have become the reincarnation of Tex Avery, who was a comical genius. It was him who made some of the funniest cartoons of all time back in the 40s. When cartoons were truly GOOD!!! Not like the crap that is around today. To make this funnier, I even made fun of myself and all my "umms" LOL!! I say too many of them I think. I need to cool down on those. Or I need to do more yawning. You know yawning actually is done to refresh our brain? It's true. Discovery News did something on that a couple of months ago.

Well, in other news, I got my little MP3 player back! I sent my old one to Creative Labs, and they sent me an all new one. I'm glad, I missed it!! It finally gave out, I knew it was too good to last, so they sent me an all new and improved player. The one company I am mad at is JazzCameras!! They have NO contact info whatsoever!! I bought a video camera put out by their company for Katrina, my best friend. She said it stopped working. So I took it back to the store I got it from, and got my money back. I gave it to Katrina so she could get another camera or whatever with it. I felt so bad! I looked on Jazz's website, and there is NO contact info at all! No e-mail address, no contact form, no phone number, not even an address to where the company is located so I could write to them. The website is nothing more than a showcase for their products. You can't even order a product on their site. There isn't even a feedback form on their site. There is NO WAY to contact Jazz Cameras! So I said that I am NEVER getting anything from that company again!! I'm avoiding them like the plague next time. Anytime you see a company that you just cannot contact, it should raise a red flag. That video camera was faulty, and it did not say that it was created for one-time use. Believe me if it was, I would never have consented to pay as much as I did for that camera!!! Katrina said she was only able to use it one time, and she could never use it again after that! It would not even recharge again, and it was brand new!! I got it for her for her birthday which was last December.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Voice And Video Blog: Trip to Astoria

Well, last Friday me, my sis Anna and my ma went on a trip to Astoria to do some shopping, as we typically do when we want to purchase rather large, expensive items. With the exception of furniture. I made a voice blog about the trip. But this time, I decided to try and do something a little bit different. This is a voice blog that I kinda turned into a skit, with some video to it as well. I always knew I could do good doing movies and stuff. This came out funny as heck!! The pictures do not really move, but just them being there makes it funny! I found all the pics through Google Images, and I found enough of them to make this a very funny clip. The story it's self is not really funny when you hear it, but the way I put the pictures in the movie to what I was saying makes it phenominally funny!
My ma said I should put it on YouTube. Maybe I will. It's funny enough everyone who sees it may like it. Who knows? I was working on it most of the night last night. I had to search Google for all the pics, and then I wanted to pick out the funniest pictures about each thing I wanted to illustrate. It made this movie unbelievably funny. But this is how I make a voice and video blog. I wanted it to be just a little bit corny, as everyone knows I'm always a little bit corny on here, or any of my blogs!! But it's enough to make a person laugh, either with me or at me, I don't care. Funny is funny! But this movie depicts a little bit of how I think people see my blogs.
Now, I am not the best narrorator. In fact I sound retarded!! But it's my story so, I thought I should tell it. I don't have the clearest voice, and in fact when I recorded this yesterday, I even had a bit of a cold. So, sorry if it's not loud enough, or my voice sounds echoey and far off. Anna said she wants to do something like this about her trip to Bozeman. I said sure, if she can record the story, I'll find some good pics to illustrate it with. I've always wanted to do something like this! Now, I am so glad that I have finally. I'm just sitting here thinking about what else I can do a voice and video blog about. I want to get a whole collection of them, put them on a DVD disk and pass them around. I've got a very good, funny mind, I know once people start playing them, they'll love them! It's one thing to just hear them, it's very different when they have pictures attached to them. Maybe I can talk about my experiences with chihuahuas, or maybe my up and coming venture, or maybe my trips across country to see INXS. The first time I've ever been to that part of the country, it'd be worth writing about!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Voice Blogs!

I've been having some fun with posting voice blogs. But finding the right provider has been difficult. Most providers only allow you to talk for 3-5 minutes. Sometimes it's not easy to fit 35 years worth of ideas in 5 minutes, maximum. I have too much to draw back on. Well, I finally found a voice blog provider that gives me unlimited minutes per blog. It's a site called Snapvine. I even tried MyVox, and it SUCKS!!! MyVox used to have where you can make up voice blog boxes that you can put on any blog, I used to use them all the time. I'd record my message over the phone, get a code and put it up on my Timmy-love space. But they don't do that no more. Now, they only have where your friends can leave you voice messages and that's it.

Well, I've been working with Snapvine, and it's been fun. If nothing else, I may start posting voice blogs on here. It'd be awesome!! A lot of time at night, my sis Anna and I will get into deep discussion, and sometimes that would lead to some interesting before bedtime pillow-talk with Vegas later on in my bedroom. I thought instead of just telling these stories to Vegas, who can probably hear me, but cannot answer back, or really understand what I am saying, I can put all my late-night discussions on my blog, and let the world know what goes through my mind before bedtime. So far, I've done discussions about INXS, which usually compensates about 90% of my nightly discussions, pets and animals, Metazoica, and today I did a blog about road rage, based on an incident that went through my mind last night. An old memory, that was actually resurrected by another incident I encountered yesterday while picking my sis Anna up at the college.

I'm getting a great kick out of creating voice blogs. There is nothing like it. I don't know why, but for some reason, I feel like voice blogs are easier to understand. If someone hears the tone in a person's voice then what seems like a hostile or sarcastic post, sounds more like a post that isn't meant to be taken that way. It might help if people could see my face as well, but I don't think anyone is interested in seeing my fat, ugly face on the screen of their computers!! The only thing is I could not post multiple pictures per recording. I thought they had a slideshow feature, but I was wrong. I'm afraid the only way I could get anything similar to that feature is to create it myself on my computer. There's got to be a way! Maybe I'll find it someday.

Monday, April 6, 2009

JD and Jon on 16x9

I don't know this show, but JD did an interview with 16x9. He is still working on his new album, and even looking for members to form a full band with. He can play the guitar very good. Maybe he could be like the lead singer on Green Day, he does both at once. Well, this company also caught up with Jon Farriss and he made a comment about JD's release from the band (I don't like to say termination or firing). Seems all Jon said is JD is an interesting character and cannot wait to see what stories come up next. He said it in a laughing way though. Oh well. JD is still willing to help INXS. But INXS has also said that they will be releasing something big. I cannot wait to see it!! Though I think by now the World already knows what it is. A tribute album to Michael. Which is really cool!!!

I just cannot for the life of me figure out why JD is still listed as INXS's lead singer on the website. Even with the updates and stuff going on. Well, I can say I still love INXS. Even if to them this is all a big put-on. I'll still always love these guys. Every time I see a new article, I just have to let them know that I still support the band. Well, even though this friend who referred to this clip is no longer an INXS fan, I still must say thank you to her for linking to it. I needed to hear something fresh. I notice a lot of her so-called "friends" dumped her when she announced she is not an INXS fan anymore. Some I would fully expect to do that. It happened to me. A lot of people dumped me when I announced I didn't like Kirk anymore. I'm still an INXS fan, just not a Kirk fan. But I figure, if that's the kind of people they are, then no one needs them as a friend! I like this person because she is a sweet person. I never even hinted that the only reason I liked her was because she was an INXS fan. I have friends who are not INXS fans all over the place. Except for her liking Jon and JD, Katrina is not an INXS fan, and she is one of my best friends. But her absolute favorite band is Green Day. I only like Green Day for a couple of their songs. And even one of those I'm not sure I like anymore. LOL! But she finds the lead singer hot, and I don't. I'm afraid as far as rock n roll icons go, I only have eyes and ears for Timmy.

Anyway, here is the article:

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Cute Bums

I'm a bit bored today, so I am writing about the first thing that pops into my mind. Cute male behinds. As anyone can tell, I'm a butt-woman. I love a man with full buns! My attraction to Tim Farriss should give that away, the man has the best buns I've ever seen in a caucasian man.

There is a reason I always use this pic, I love it!! It shows off Timmy's buns very well. This was from the video that made me a Timmy fan in the first place. Personally, I vote Tim has the best buns of any man. But there are other men who have buns just as fine. Here I wanted to give each of them a little bit of credit.

Here's a rather cute young man, Milo Ventimiglia, he appeared on Gilmore Girls. He doesn't really look like much above. But I guess that's just me. He's got a nice face though, but check out this pic below:

I wouldn't mind being in the same pool with this guy. As long as I wasn't in a bikini. I'd want to be friendly with him, not scare or disgust him!! I'm secure with my figure, but not that secure! LOL! But this guy's got nothing to worry about his buns are not half bad at all!

Well, here's another, a man whose name is Stephano. Good looking guy. At least bum-wise he's not bad.

Picture removed

Here he did some model work for Jockstrap Central. He has a nice full set of buns! These people though are just a bit too young for me. I prefer men a little more my own age. I don't know, I have this thing against falling in love with men younger than me. That's my thing. But there's nothing that says I cannot say someone looks good.

Anyway, here's another candidate.

This is Matthew McConaughey. He did a performance on King of the Hill. But he is probably better known for his movies. He did quite a few in the 90s. He did a part in Glory Daze and Larger Than Life. Anyway, he's got good buns. His are so good, you can see them real good through those shorts!!

Now a little something for the men looking at this:

Picture Removed

This is a young model I think her name is Milani Rose. Anyway, that's her autograph up above there. But I think any guy would look at that and say she's got a cute bum. Personally, I don't slide on that side of the fence. But I didn't want to leave the men reading this hanging.

Now back to tantilizing myself, and other women:

Picture Removed

I don't know this guy's name, but his buns are simply delicious!!! And speaking of buns, want to see the most useless earrings on the planet?

Picture Removed. Who wants to see an ugly cat's ass anyways!

Ta-da!! Check out these "cat-butt" earrings. The stupidest earrings ever. As if feline butts were something to write home about. UGH!! I always said if I were an animal, I'd make a great feline, because I have the weakest, ugliest butt of any human!! That and the fact I'm just plain lazy! Just like a common cat, I have no buns either. In fact, I envy people who do. Anna does, she has a major set of buns!! And I'm jealous of her because of it. Oddly enough, she envies me because I don't have them. So I wish there was a way to switch bodies, but there just isn't. I often wonder if cats or panthers look at animals like these:

and wish they had that. Not that I slide on that side of the fence either! But you know what, if you google cute butts, there will be pics like this all over the place. Some people actually see that when they look at some animals. I guess if you were going to say an animal has really cute bums, zebras would be a good choice. But for me, nothing shouts "cute butt" more than Tim Farriss showing off. You go get um baby!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Writer Or Not?

I don't know what is with some people. I remember some time ago when I started up my UMG space on MySpace, one of the first bulletins I got was someone who was saying that big name writers think people who choose to self-publish are not as good as they are. I told her I used to encounter that same attitude all the time with dog show people. For some reason, people are like that. Things like that lead to stress in a person's life, and that's why I do not go into chat rooms, forums and e-mail groups anymore. I don't need to hang out with people like that just to feel validated as a good breeder. Of course I don't breed anymore, not since Groucho died. But if I did, I still would say the same thing. I prefer to self-publish because I do not like the big-name publisher standards. I have my own way of writing, and thus my own method of publishing. If a publisher accepts my work the way it is, then fine. I'll accept their offer to publish my book. But I don't need them to make me feel validated as an author. These days, anyone can publish a book. I just wish they had self-publishing companies like Lulu when I was a teenager!

It seems to be more about acceptance and snobbiness than anything else. I don't publish my books for those reasons at all. I publish them because I want to get them out into the World. Not for ignorant reasons, but just because people I grew up with (friends or not) all enjoyed my stories, so I think the World should relish in them as well. Believe me, not everyone who liked my stories were my friends!! Even people who were my complete enemies enjoyed them. That's how good they were. And that's being honest. Don't think that it was just friends and family that enjoyed them and I am going by that. That wouldn't really be fair. Friends and family is going to tell a person anything just to be nice. Nevermind that constructive criticism is needed. That's why I most often listened to people who are unbiased when they critique my stories. If I'd had kids, I would have kept my stories here in the family. But since I never did have children, the only thing to do is get these books out into the World.

Well, I was told I need some kind of search engine optimization for my site, because it is not showing up in search engines at all. I thought that by having the listing here on my blog that it would help, and talk about the stories. But it doesn't seem to be working. I just completed scanning and layout of several more stories as well. I want to get them onto the site. I need more cover designs and that is not my department. That's Cathy's doings! She's not like me though, she doesn't work fast because she has 3 kids and a husband she juggles with every day life. Then I still need ISBN numbers!! I haven't got those yet! LOL! Not having any is almost the biggest embarrassment here. But I never needed any until now. I never thought I would be getting these stories out to the World like I'm doing now. I've hit my peak in this venture. Most of the stories coming out now are my own. Between 1997 and 2000, I was having ideas flowing from my mind like water!! I even made my own version of a tribute to Mount St. Helens. Several times over. I'm going to be censoring a little on that story, but Anna surely wants me to put it out. I even made a story about the future of Mount St. Helens. Usually when I wrote a story about Mount St. Helens, I always made sure it was completed before May 18 of any given year. It's a thing that is sort of in my veins. If I start a story about the mountain, it has to be done by the 18th of May. And I have faithfully kept up that tradition. I have several stories about the mountain. One of my favorites (and probably the most heart-warming) is about a chakawati lemur (listed on my Metazoic site as Dyscampturus) mama and cub who live near the mountain in the year 2180--200 years after the 1980 eruption. Yeah, I know that is too soon for an animal that I portray as being After Man, but it helps to have humans in the story as well. For rehabilitation purposes. Well, mama is taken by the eruption and the cub survives and is taken for rehabilitation to a wildlife center. There he meets another young cub, a girl. She's kindof a bully, and she laughs at him because he has his hands and feet all bandaged up. I have an idea for an advertisement film for this story, and I am going to try my luck with a little Hollywood-style animation. It's going to be the best advertisement film I ever made.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I Think Danny Will Win

It's either going to be Danny or Andrea now. I was leaning toward Ben, but I think I would more like to see Danny among the 2 finalists. Carol was eliminated tonight. I knew she was going to be because her performance tonight was pissy. I could tell she really gave up. I'm kinda glad that Carol is gone, she was almost as big a wimp as Lacey. Almost, but not quite. She just gives up too easily and she wasn't the best team-player.

Well, I don't want to give the ending away, I don't know it anyway. Chef Ramsay may decide to can both Danny and Andrea. It's his choice, he knows what he's doing. But those two are who I am leaning towards now. Both are good and have talent. If Gi was still there, I'd have said she would have won for sure. She was good too. Too bad she got hurt in the second episode. I could not believe it that Chef Ramsay actually told a customer in his restaurant that she looks more like a dog than he does!! Oh my GOD!!! I was almost floored when he said that! He could get sued for saying something like that to a customer. Talking to his chefs is one thing, but talking that way to a customer could get him in trouble!! Personally, I would have just laughed at him if he said that to me. I like dogs. Though not all of them are as cute as chihuahuas are.

Well, I just heard about someone killing animals in Point Defiance Park! 2 raccoons and a fox were killed this week. Poor things. I like foxes and raccoons too! Why couldn't that person have killed a bobcat? I hate those things!!! Or a cougar? I hate those too! Why target the country's most endearing animals for killing? People like that make me sick!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Killers and INXS

Well, I heard the latest news about INXS, and apparently the Killers are helping them record their latest album. That's pretty darn cool!!! The new album is going to be a tribute to Michael. What I heard is they are going to be doing a bunch of songs from their back catalogue with the Killers. I can't wait to hear it!! I bet it's going to be awesome!!

I am still loyal to these guys. Always will be. Call me crazy if you want to, but I will always love Tim, Jon, Andrew, Garry and yes, even JD. I haven't forgotten about him. I'm just saddened by the fact that there seems to be no reconciliation on the battle between INXS and JD. But it's their business I guess. I'm just a mere fan, I cannot tell them what to do or what to think. I can only speak from a mere fan's point of view.

Anyway, here is the article:

In other news, Married With Children was taken off the Spike channel!! So is this how that channel works? They play a series until it runs out of episodes then take it off and put that darned CSI show on instead?? That really SUCKS!!!! That series is beginning to get on my f***ing nerves!!!! That channel put that show on when they cut out Unsolved Mysteries, and they are playing that now instead of Married With Children!! Makes me so MAD!!! What is with the people who run that station?? They must have a fetish for CSI or something!! But I hate it! It SUCKS!!!!! And it pisses me off even more now that I can no longer watch Unsolved Mysteries and Married With Children! My ma used to ask "Why do they always take off the good shows and put on the shitty ones?" Such a question applies here as well!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pit Bull Attack

People like this should never be allowed to own pit bulls! I've seen this video before, and this is a sick woman!! After she threatens the animal control officers she stands at her door and does a little dance. Of course here they cut that out. Oh GOD!! How old is she? She must be at least in her 30s or something. I can understand people treating their dogs like children, but this woman is indeed sick! Reminds me of Mcgillicutty, who incidentally is also a pit bull owner. At least she was when she was on my chihuahua forum.

I don't know why it is the sickest people own pit bulls. Not saying all pit bull owners are sick in the head. Just those types seem to be the ones who tend to want to own dogs like that. I've never owned a pit bull before, and I never want to. I don't dislike them, I don't blame dogs for their attacks on people. But I do get nervous with pit bulls in the same house with chihuahuas. Only the seriously demented would do things like that! That's almost like asking for trouble. Anyway, this woman has a pit bull and has ordered it to attack her landlord and his daughter, a young child!! Anyone who would make their dog attack a small child is no more than scum!! How is a little girl going to defend herself against a pit bull?? Then she makes the dog attack an animal control officer. Then she has no remorse until she finds out that she is going to jail! I'd be surprised if they let her have the dog back! But the only thing she felt bad about was that she got arrested. Nothing else. No remorse for letting her dog attack a child, no remorse for letting her dog attack the landlord or the officer. Nothing. As any true criminal type person, she only felt bad because she's going to jail. She should have been in there for a full year!!

This is a graphic video, and it makes me angry!! People like this woman give pit bulls a bad name! They are the ones who make pit bull owning illegal. Though I don't understand why it is pit bulls get all the bad press. There are worse breeds, and they are breeds that generally no one thinks is worse. Rottweilers are stronger and have been known to bite harder than a pit bull. The only thing a pit bull has that a rottweiler doesn't is jaws that interlock, and that is a typical trait for all terriers. Yet, rottweilers are not illegal anywhere that I can think of. Anyway, that woman's stupidity and desire to harm others is going to cost the dog it's life! The dog is going to be destroyed all because the owner gets such a maniacal pleasure out of making her dog attack people. I feel bad for the dog. The dog she supposedly loved. I love all my dogs. I would not send any dog to attack anyone unless I really felt my life was in danger, like a man with a gun or something. But I certainly would never deliberately send my dog to attack my landlord or an officer!! They just do their job, simple as that. There is no reason to get a dog to attack them. This woman not only gives pit bulls a bad name, she also gives fat people a bad name!!! She really pisses me off!!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Feeding Newborn Puppies

Now for something for my TG Chi's site. I got an e-mail yesterday where someone had pups and one of the babies is fading. A strange and cruel phenomenon called "Fading Puppy Syndrome". No one really knows what causes it. It has been suggested that it was caused by lactose intolerance. I remember when I bred my first litter of chihuahuas, Bambi had 5 puppies, and all were born very healthy. Then one day in thier first week, the puppies started not feeding. The first one was a pup I named Tippy, he had an attack of diarrhea and then got off the nipple and retreated to a corner and constantly yelped. I was under the impression that he was just sick, but he never got back on the nipple. Just cried and cried until he got too weak. I didn't know it at the time, but he was suffering from fading puppy syndrome. Nothing I could think of could save him. The vet told me it must have been a congenital thing.

Well, someone on an old forum gave me a cure that he had for fading puppy syndrome, and it consisted of egg, goat's milk, chicken livers and plain yogurt. I thought that was too much, especially the egg. I just made up a formula with 5 parts goats milk and 1 part acidophilus yogurt. It helps! Make sure the yogurt is PLAIN!! No flavoring of any kind. You could go with like 1 cup of goat's milk and 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt. Mix it together, heat it to just about room temperature over the stove on low heat, do not let it boil or simmer. The idea is to keep the good bacteria in the yogurt working, not kill them. In the meantime, boil a large beef liver in a seperate pot with just enough water to cover the top of the liver. Make sure it is filtered water. Boil it until all the blood seeps out and the water has turned brownish in color, take out the beef liver (I just toss it away), strain the water into a bowl and allow to cool completely. Once it is cooled, mix in 1/3 cup with the yogurt mixture real well, and this is your formula for your fading puppy. Some breeders swear by it! Some add corn syrup to the mixture too. But I don't really recommend this unless the puppy is weak and limp. If that happens, add about 1 tablespoon of corn syrup to about 1/3 cup of filtered water and give the puppy 1 drop directly on the tongue. Do not tube feed the corn syrup formula.

Now, how much to give. Well, give it to the puppy every 2 hours for the first week, then every 4 hours for the second week. The puppy must be weighed. If you know the weight of your puppy, you can give it the proper dosage of formula. This is a chart I got from a book called The Joy of Breeding Your Own Show Dog. It's a very highly recommended book if you are going to breed.

Weight of puppy....................Amount of formula at each feeding
60 g........................................................................4 cc
90 g........................................................................6 cc
120 g......................................................................8 cc
150 g.....................................................................10 cc
180 g.....................................................................12 cc
210 g.....................................................................14 cc
240 g.....................................................................16 cc
270 g.....................................................................18 cc
300 g....................................................................20 cc
330 g....................................................................22 cc
360 g....................................................................24 cc
390 g....................................................................26 cc
420 g....................................................................28 cc
450 g....................................................................30 cc
480 g....................................................................32 cc


I've heard about some fans stalking their favorite celebs, for most people, it's just a bit of harmless fun. As long as they keep it clean and remember that famous people have private lives too and want them to stay that way. Well, today I heard about a man who had been stalking Shawn Johnson from Dancing With The Stars, and he was caught at her home by police with a shot gun, a hand gun and duct tape! I saw that and I was like "WTF??" It's obvious what this man had on his mind, and I thank GOD he didn't get a chance to pull it off! I just don't see how someone can claim to love their favorite celebs so much and then turn around and do something like what this man was probably going to do to this young lady! I just don't see the logic in that at all!! GOD I hate men!!!!! LOL! When most women (unless they are gay) stalk a male celeb, they don't want to kill them. But when a man stalks a female celeb, all they ever want to do is kill them, or torture them!! Why is that??? I'll tell you why. Because men are disgusting and stupid!!!

All I know is I love Tim Farriss! I love him so much though but I never want to see him dead or tortured. I feel so much better just seeing him happy. That's all I would care about. If shooing me away from him and telling me to get lost would make him happy, believe me I would not hesitate to grant that wish for him. LOL! So far he hasn't done that but you never know. I thank my lucky stars that Tim has always been so sweet to me when we've met. Believe me I know I could never be more than a fan to him and that is OK by me! I'm not going to hang around outside his home, or call him every 5 minutes on the phone, or send him 100 e-mails a day. I just don't do things like that! I don't even have his phone # or his e-mail address and I don't even want it!! I remember on the delusional fans forum, the person called incognito tried to make me jealous by telling me she had Tim's e-mail address. LOL!! But no. I don't have it and I don't want it. She probably pestered him for it anyway. I couldn't do that. It's his choice if he wants to give it to me, nothing more. Knowing the way I am, even if I had it, I'd never use it. What would I say in an e-mail to him? Nothing he hasn't ever heard before, that's for sure!! LOL!!

Well anyway, Robert O'ryan was Johnson's stalker. He is in jail now. I think he was the one that said that he was able to communicate with Johnson through ESP and she told him that way that she wanted him. In O'ryan's case, ESP would mean Extra Stupid Perception!! I would think Johnson would already have a guy!! O'ryan claimed he traveled all the way from Florida to LA to be with her. Very different from me traveling from WA state to LA to see INXS. Because at least I am fully aware Timmy is not in any way, shape or form, interested in me!!! So I am not doing my travels to steal him from his family. I just like seeing him perform. I like seeing his face, and that is the extent of it. Nothing more. I've had people left and right accuse me of being a stalker for Tim Farriss, but I figure those people are only judging me based on what they themselves would probably do. But as I've said many times before, I am not like them, or any other people you could meet!! I'm a true individual!! If you want to truly predict me, think of what the average stalking fan would do, and then contradict it with the complete opposite. That's me. Where other fans would walk up to Timmy, I'd be moving away. I only approached him that once because I wanted that photo op with him. Then the second time because I had a dare to settle with Katrina!! She won that bet BTW.

Anyway, this is sure a crazy world we live in!! Men need to learn to get a grip!!! Take a lesson from most women. Most women are gentle and sweet, and would not hurt our favorite celebs!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Lacey Is GONE!!

I wondered how long it was going to take Chef Ramsay to eliminate this parasite. He told her before she left to give everyone a proper goodbye. She did but her team mates didn't seem to care she was going. No one said good bye back. She commented before she left that her mom told her before going there not to make enemies. And that is exactly what she did there. She made nothing but enemies. By the time she left there, everyone despised her. I was like no wonder!! She's not a team-player!! In the first episode that her group lost a competition, while everyone was taking their punishment, Lacey took to her bed and cried. Who could like someone like that?? How could chef Ramsay even think for one week that she would be able to adequately manage a huge restaurant like the Borgata? Lacey was worse than me!! I've never taken to my bed and cried just because I've lost a competition! If I did that every time I lost a competition, I'd never get out of my bed and my eyes would never be dry. But I don't. I just pick up the pieces and say "better luck next time". That's how you learn to deal with things like that.

In all honesty, I think I know who is going to win this competition. I hate to give away the name, but I think the 2 finalists are going to be Andrea and Ben. Let's see what happens. Though I'd really hate to see Danny go. He is a very good worker. And he's kinda cute besides. He kinda reminds me of how Timmy looked during the FMDH era. Except for those big, Kirk-like ears, he looks great!!! But Ben is the bigger leader type. But I sure do wish I was a teenager again, I'd love to get Danny on a sofa made of Corinthian leather!!! Him and all that lovely, dark, curly hair and those deep, blue eyes. Have to do something about those ears though. Give them back to Kirk!! Give him Timmy's ears. hehe!!! If he doesn't make it good at Hell's Kitchen, he'd make a great model. Of course he wouldn't really want a fat-ass like me. But I wasn't fat as a teenager! And that is where I would be at if I were falling in love with this man.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

What's In The Mix

Have you ever had a dog that you just cannot figure out what breeds it is mixed with? I'm not a mutt person, but I used to work at the Humane Society and I've encountered that many times. Well, if you are interested in knowing, there is now a DNA test that can be given to determine what is in the dogs' background. Of course I have a knack for being able to look at a dog and tell what it is for the most part. In most cases you can. In this video for example, these people figured the primary breed in their mixed breeds. The primary is the dominant breed, and that is usually easiest to tell on first glance, especially if you know dogs like I do.

A good example is when I was 7 years old, we had a dog that was half collie and half St. bernard. She had the face of a collie, the coat of a collie, and the hefty body of a st. bernard and the markings of a typical st. bernard. Anyone who knew anything about dogs back then could tell what she was mixed with because they showed up so evenly on her. But in this video, these people could not figure out more than the primary breed. Of course, usually if a dog is half german shepherd dog or pit bull, those breeds usually dominate. But you'd be surprised to see what else is in the mixtures of these dogs. No one would have ever guessed had it not been for the DNA results.

I can imagine these cost a pretty penny! But if you're like me, and know dogs very well and can get an idea what is behind them by just looking at them, you can go for that. Of course even I would never have guessed that undersized pit-bull looking dog would have had bernese mountain dog as well!! Nothing but DNA results would have revealed that!

Official "Felon"

 Well, the judge has declared Trump an "official felon". Well, he's a corrupt judge, we'll probably hear some deep shit on...