Saturday, January 30, 2021

HAHAAA!!!! So The Saga Continues!!

 Remember Rhodonna Wright from a couple nights ago. Well, I heard from her again! LMAO!!! This is too funny!!! She sent me a PM through Facebook. I'm still trying to decide if I want to give her a break and take the last post down. We'll soon see about that. Anyway, this is what she wrote...

It's so pathetic that you couldn't be woman enough to talk about me on Facebook Cassandra Rivera, you had to post about me on your blog Timmyfan or whatever that thing is... How small of a "woman" you are that you felt the need to insult my looks, First of all I don't care what you think, you just proved how shallow and ignorant you are... I'm glad you lump all of us "leftists" in one category, but anything is better than being a rwnj...Anyway I'm gonna need you to take that "story" about me down, or I will get a lawyer and make you take it down... Since I know your real name, it will be so much easier to find you... You are ridiculously ignorant and in love with a singer that died years ago, and you call me pathetic? So anyway bye Candi or should I say Cassandra🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 you have a great night 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

Well, first of all, let me say thank you for the view!!! LOL! That'll look good on my report. Let's see, let's break down what she says here...

It's so pathetic that you couldn't be woman enough to talk about me on Facebook Cassandra Rivera,

I did come to you, but you ran and hid like leftists always do. And my friend deleted the post. So, the only thing I could do was come to my blog. Besides, I like to show off dumbasses like you to my friends and family. And yes, they look in here too. 😛😛😛

you had to post about me on your blog Timmyfan or whatever that thing is...

So she doesn't know what a blog is? Ummm, OK. Just about every business, big and small, has a blog these days. But what the hey, that's on her to not know what a blog is. LMAO!!

How small of a "woman" you are that you felt the need to insult my looks,

Heck yeah!!! LOL! Because when I saw your face, the first thing I thought of was this guy...

Now tell me, doesn't that look just like Rhodonna??? LMAO!!! The resemblance is just uncanny!

First of all I don't care what you think,

Oh boy! I wish I had a nickel for every internet dumbass that has said this to me!! 😂😆😂 Apparently missy, you DO care! LOL!! Look how threatening you get in your message!! Especially toward the end. If it didn't bother you, you wouldn't have got so angry. Wouldn't you?

you just proved how shallow and ignorant you are...

So what?? I'm a grown-ass woman who is having some fun.

I'm glad you lump all of us "leftists" in one category, but anything is better than being a rwnj.

And it must suck to be you darling. UGH! I'm glad I'm not a leftist.

Anyway I'm gonna need you to take that "story" about me down,

In your dreams!

or I will get a lawyer and make you take it down...

Neither you nor your lawyer can make me take it down. Even if you succeed, I'll still just put it right back up! It won't stay down forever.

Since I know your real name, it will be so much easier to find you...

Soooooo, what are you going to do to me once you find me? And you'll have to act fast. I go between family members a lot.

You are ridiculously ignorant and in love with a singer that died years ago,

Yeah. So what?! Wanna make something out of it??? That singer was my friend. And we were friends since before he died. Do I need to stop being friends with him just because he died? Do I need to stop loving him? I don't think so. But again, you believe what you want to.

and you call me pathetic?

Well, looking back on the post I wrote about her, I'm trying to find where exactly I said she's "pathetic". Hmm. Interesting how she reads into things that isn't there. Kinda like she says in this post she made on her page that she directed at my friend...

LOL!! Plus she also brings up other people "playing the victim" here as well. That was what made me leave the laughing emoji. It's so ironic coming from someone who believes in that black lives matter organization.

Anyway, this was the last post...

So anyway bye Candi or should I say Cassandra🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 you have a great night 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

Call me whatever you like, sweetheart. I really do not give a shit. And I am not going to threaten you either. No need to even if I wanted to. I've had my fun. But ya know, I don't threaten ANYONE. I never have. I'm not like you. Not even you are worth going to that much trouble. Besides I believe in freedom of speech. I think you'll find your lawyer would have to agree with me too. LOL! But go ahead and call him. Or her. LOL! I'll be more than happy to tell him why I wrote that post. And I'll do it just for you honey. Have a nice night yourself.  😁😁😁

Anyway, am I going to take the post down? Most likely not. LOL! I see no need to since I did not threaten her or call for violence. I'm not a leftist afterall. hehehe!

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Remembering The Challenger

 I remember this day back in 1986, that was the day the Challenger launched and also sadly exploded. I was in middle school, and it was probably my worst year in middle school. I was also the only kid in my class that had any good sense.

I remember hearing about this on the news and feeling bad for the 7 people aboard that flight. As the days went on, I remember hearing about it more and more. I heard the cause was due to some frozen O-rings. NASA was warned against launching that morning because it was too cold. But I believe it was because President Regan was going to be there that day they decided to launch anyway, which was the dumbest idea ever! Regan could have come back another day. Or later on in the day when it would get warmer. The safety of the astronauts should be of prime importance. I guess even a genius corporation like NASA is entitled to make some mistakes. But that one cost 7 people their lives. One of which was a school teacher. She volunteered to go on this trip and her students were watching the event from their own classroom, cheering her on. I can only imagine the look of shock on their faces when the rocket exploded.

I also remember the students in my class talking about it and actually laughing about it. I was mad! So was my teacher, Mrs. Andrews. She asked how anyone can watch the video of the explosion and laugh. I wondered the same thing. But then again, these were the same kids who thought it was funny that Carlos Stewart would assault me every day in class. So, it's not a really big surprise they would think the death of 7 innocent people just doing their jobs was funny. Mrs. Andrews likened it to the video games back then being too violent. I didn't play video games back then, and I was the only kid to show compassion towards these astronauts. That's probably why I have a lot of compassion today, because I did not play video games. I notice a lot of the nastiest trolls I've ever met on YouTube were all video gamers, and also heavily into anime. So, those two things do something to ruin kids' brains. But back in 1986, we did not have the volume of anime cartoons back then that we have today. But also, I noticed kids these days are worse than they were back then. I don't know if Carlos was a fan of anime.

I never did find out what was Carlos's problem with me. I never did anything to him. All I know for sure is my father and I went to a small convenience store on base one evening, and I saw a girl I knew there named BJ. I knew her, and knew she was OK, but we were not really friends. But my dad insisted I go say hi to her. I didn't really want to, but I got out of the car anyway just to see if she'd recognize me. I saw her waving passionately at someone. She was looking my way from inside her car, so I thought she was waving at me. I did what I always do in a case like that, I stood still and waited to make sure she was waving at me. Then I saw Carlos Stewart approach her car, then I figured she was waving at him, so I walked into the store to catch up with my father.

Well, I don't really remember if it was the next day or 2 days later, but very soon after that evening was when I began having problems with Carlos for the first time ever. I'd seen him in class for 2 years before then, never had a problem with him before. So, I never really gave him a second thought. I often wondered if BJ said something to him about me. I also noticed around that time BJ's attitude toward me changed as well. I never considered her a friend, per se, but I thought she was a nicer person than what she was showing towards me now. BJ was one of those uber-popular girls. I think she got angry with me because I said another girl was more attractive than she was.

Well!!!! It was TRUE!!!!

Maybe BJ told Carlos I said that and he didn't like it. Or maybe BJ lied, and told Carlos that I was gay. LOL! Well, I am not gay. I just call them as I see them! Gay was not as well accepted back then as it is today. But I can surely tell you I was not gay. The other girl did just happen to be more attractive than BJ, and BJ's boyfriend dumped her for the other girl. Not my problem! LOL!

Carlos's rampage started small enough at first. He called me names, made fun of my drawings. Which, as anyone can tell you, is fine by me. Some people don't like my style of art and that is OK. And Carlos didn't call me any names I'd never heard before. So, when Carlos found out I wasn't getting mad enough at him for those little things, he started assaulting me every day in class. And the other kids thought it was funny. Especially Jason Ellis, Perry Barnes, and Mark Lewis. Which was a shame, because before Carlos began this tirade against me, I actually liked Mark Lewis. I thought he was cute. And he used to make me laugh. But one event would turn me off Mark Lewis (and boys in general) forever.

I had had it with Carlos's assaults and downright degrading me. Yes, I said BJ was ugly. But not EVERY single day!!!! If that was the hair stuck up Carlos's ass, he was carrying it way beyond what I had done to anyone. And I never assaulted BJ either! Carlos would grab whatever he could and throw it at me when he thought I wasn't looking. He'd get pebbles from outside, or he would chew off the metal tips of pencils, or he would bring little pieces of glass from art class, that was doing sand-blasting at that time. Those were the kind of things he would just randomly throw at me. He didn't throw them at me for me to catch either. He was trying to harm me. He actually revealed that one day in front of the whole class, and they still laughed about it.

Anyway, I told all this to my mom, dad, sis, a few friends, etc. My mom was the one who decided to do something about it. She went to the school to ask my teacher if it'd be OK if I defend myself against Carlos. She was shocked to hear Carlos was throwing metal pencil ends and glass at me. When Carlos was confronted about it by the teacher, he decided to play dumb. And because he played dumb, so did all his fuckwit friends. Next thing I know, I am getting mocked for telling my mom Carlos was throwing glass and metal at me in class. It was the glass and metal I mentioned that got them going crazy. But like I said, I call it like I see it! And it was metal pencil tips and glass he was cracking up and assaulting me with. Even kids who were not involved in this got themselves involved just to laugh at me. My only regret is in not saving the shards and pieces Carlos was throwing at me, so I could show the teacher some proof. As well as the rest of the kids.

My dad, as a cop, could have also got Carlos's DNA off those pieces too, so we'd know for sure those things were not made by me!

Well, one thing I noticed, even Mark Lewis joined them in jeering at me. That was when he showed me his true colors. And I didn't like what I was seeing. Up until then, I thought Mark was a nice guy. But when he took Carlos's side against me, I wanted nothing more to do with him. That especially became finalized when I found out Mark was STILL talking about it all to kids in high school!! These kids sure as Hell had nothing to do with that incident. I said after learning that, that I will NEVER forgive Mark Lewis for that. It's one thing to keep bringing it up when we were in middle school, to Carlos and his friends. But to bring it up in High School, after the whole incident was over, and the kids Mark was telling it to had NOTHING to do with that. No, I was never going to forgive Mark Lewis for that! That was proof enough for me that he was not a good person.

So, the same kids who did all that to me, for no good reason, it didn't surprise me in the least they would think the Challenger disaster was something to laugh at. I cannot help but wonder if those kids still laugh over things like that.

A funny footnote to this story is my second year in high school, I used to spend almost every day in the library after lunch break. Mark Lewis would also be in there with some kind of chess club. I remember one day he was in there, and he and I locked eyes for a few seconds. He smiled at me and nodded his head as if to say hello to me. But I didn't return the greeting. I still didn't trust him! I was thinking "Yeah man, act all nice now. But underneath that smile, he's waiting to tell lies to these students about me and Carlos again! No thank you!" With me, once that trust is lost, it's almost impossible to get back. I don't forgive easily in some cases. Especially when it comes to some idiot boy assaulting me. I didn't trust Carlos either. But in high school, I hardly ever saw him. He and Mark did not hang out with each other as much as they did in middle school.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Another BideNutcase!

And every bit as delusional as that old bag! This one's name is Rhodonna Wright and she was friends with one of my friends. I won't mention that friend's name though in this post. BTW, what the fuck kind of name is Rhodonna??? She must have weird parents. Or her mom must have been drunk when she named her. Well, the only positive thing I can say about this person is she's polite. She referred to me as "ma'am". So that's not bad. But my goodness!! I've seen it all from these Biden fags, but this woman opens up her mouth and nothing but bullshit spills out. But honestly, it ain't nothing I haven't heard before from them. It's all the same talking points. I managed to save a little bit of the conversation before my friend deleted the whole post.

First of all, I usually like to see whom (or what) I am talking to. All leftards look the same. They're usually ugly, with big glasses, milky-white skin and buzzcuts. Well, Rhodonna did not disappoint me at all! LMAO!! These are some pics of her I saw on her page...

Well, she has squinty glasses here, but you get the picture. Not all of them I guess wears big rimmed glasses. But the important thing is she's wearing glasses, like all leftards do. Not to mention, she is ugly and has a buzzcut. But this is actually an old pic, from 2017. Here's one from last year, 2020...

She's got longer hair here, bigger rimmed glasses, and slightly more ugly. She looks like an old tortoise here! Honestly! I'm not even just saying that to be mean. That was the first thing I thought of when I saw her face! I mean really! Look at this pic and try to tell me they don't look like twins...

Well, the tortoise has a smaller nose, but the rest looks like Rhodonna. Oh well, enough of that. I'm not here to rag on her looks. Just showing off once again, that ALL leftards look alike. I won't say Trump is any better looking, though he does throw some beautiful kids and grandkids. It makes me wonder if the leftists have a bit of jealousy because Trump supporters/patriots are better looking than they are.

Even the dude on the far right with the big-rimmed glasses looks better in them than any leftist I've ever seen! But anyways, here's my encounter with Rhodonna.

It started with this post on a friend's wall...

Apparently those stores have stopped selling MyPillow because well, here's what Rhodonna said...

Notice right here, right now, Rhodonna was the first one to bring up politics. Because this is what I said that got this particular thread going...

I was talking about the stores black-balling people. And how I think that is unprofessional. This is all I said at first, and I was content to let it go at that. This was my friend's response...

I can believe this because for the past 4 years, I've seen nothing but leftards trying to get conservatives banned left and right from everything! And for doing nothing except being conservatives. People like Rhodonna do not believe it happens more to conservatives than to liberals, but indeed it does. Liberals control Silicon Valley. Everyone else knows it. That's why they are a lot less forgiving toward conservatives. I'm not saying banning liberals doesn't happen, I'm just saying it happens more to conservatives, and for almost no good reasons at all. Here's an article to shed further light into what this subject is about. Tap the pic below...

Twitter apparently does not want anyone claiming the election was a fraud. Nevermind that the leftists have been talking about Trump colluding with Russia for the past 4 years all over Twitter. Nothing was done then. Twitter just said "Oh that's free speech! They have a right to talk about that!" Well, by that same standard, I can indeed say this election was rigged!! Why else would the liberals completely close off the office to right-wingers while they count the votes??? Twitter calls it "misinformation". And Trump colluding with Russia has been proven false and Twitter still allowed the leftists to talk about that. Such hypocrisy coming from the left!!

Anyway, this is what my friend says next...

Yes they did! The left is always changing rules so they can come out ahead! This was Rhodonna's response back...

So she believes the lawsuits Trump brought up were dismissed. I wonder how she feels about the democrats in office now carrying on with Trump's impeachment? I'd be curious to hear her response to that. Should that be dismissed too? Because Trump honestly did NOTHING that is an impeachable offense. But even though he is out of office, the democrats still want to see him impeached, for NO REASON!! I just want to tell them to leave the poor man alone and let him enjoy the next 4 years in peace!!! Well, this was my friend's response to her question...

You can see here how republicans are nothing like democrats. She said she would still buy Garth Brooks' music if she was a fan of his before. Where other conservatives have apparently given up on him. Democrats are nothing like that! If you did anything for Trump, you're nothing but dead to them. I even heard some leftists were trying to get the lawyers who wanted to defend Trump disbarred. For no reason either! They were just doing their jobs. In the eyes of the democrats, the only wrong-doing they did was defend Trump. But to them, that is a capital offense. I mentioned this before, the democrats have been doing everything they can to get Trump out of office, and they will do underhanded things to accomplish it. I might actually agree with Rhodonna's claims if the leftists in office hadn't tried everything possible to get rid of Trump for the past 4 years! It's like, when one thing they tried didn't work, they'd try something else. Every time I turned around, they were trying something different, thinking it would get rid of Trump. Its like all the signs were already out there, this past election was indeed rigged!! Nothing else they tried worked, because Trump is as clean as a whistle!

I don't understand how leftists don't see that. Maybe they're all wearing the wrong kind of glasses. Or they all have very poor instincts.

Anyway, this was Rhodonna's response...

Well, this was the post Rhodonna did that is probably the most interesting. It started like this post from my friend...

This was Rhodonna's response to that...

Hmm, here she is talking about people "playing the victim" when they get put in Facebook jail. I've been there a few times myself, and yes, I've questioned it. Because I see people on the left posting MUCH worse than what I posted that got me in Facebook jail. But you'll soon find out why I see the words "playing the victim" coming from her face as being hilarious, as well as ironic.

It seems she is one of those who thinks it was Trump who divided this country. Like I've said before on here, it was not Trump. It was Obama. Obama stepped into office ready to divide this country, just like Biden is. I knew something was wrong with Obama the minute I didn't see him stand properly for the pledge of allegiance back in 2008. Even Hillary Clinton did it better than him! Of course, thanks to him, I'm sure Hillary Clinton would not do it right anymore. Like Colin Kaepernick. He kneeled for the flag back in 2015 and he was the only one who did then. Trump wasn't even president back then! He says he did it because of the racism still practiced in America. Funny how that was in nobody's mind until Obama became president. So, don't tell me it was Trump's administration that divided this country!!! This was my response to Rhodonna's last sentence...

This is where it gets ironic with Rhodonna talking about other people "playing the victim"...

This whole ideology about "white privilege" is nothing but based on the victim mentality!! And here she is complaining about it 😆😆😆!!! The reason racism seemed to become more popular under Trump's administration is mostly because of the leftists. It had nothing to do with Trump! Or very little!! It's because Trump is white, and only marries white women, and the leftists got butthurt because Obama couldn't run for a third term! Trump never brought up skin color. Obama did. Another cause for racism is black lives matter. That phony organization that pretends to do good for black people, when really they do NOTHING for black people!!! They only favor black people who are killed by cops. Well, if black people would stop resisting arrest and breaking laws in the first place, they wouldn't have so many deadly encounters with the police!! Black people cause their own misery. White people did not do that to them. This was my response to Rhodonna...

Unfortunately, I was not able to capture the rest of this conversation. But I'll tell you how the rest of it went. The laughing emoti was left by Rhodonna while I was waiting for her to tell me what Trump ever did that was racist. I was still waiting. She demanded answers earlier from my friend, so I wanted her to be the first leftist to answer properly what Trump has ever done that is racist. Normally, the only answers I ever get from leftists are "Look on Google" or they can't recall anything right off hand, or they talk about the border wall or the muslim ban. Neither one of those things is racist. Trump put America FIRST on his list of priorities. That's why the left hates him, because they hate this country. The border wall would be a good thing. Trump didn't build the wall because he hates Mexicans. He built it there as a barrier to keep Americans safe from the druggies that come across the border illegally. And the muslim ban, that's not a bad thing either. He didn't ban muslims. My partner is a muslim, and he was welcomed here with open arms. Including mine! Trump didn't ban all muslims. Just the radical extremists. Just like Rhodonna was calling Mike Lindell earlier because he disagreed with the election results.

Just like the border wall, we don't put locks on our doors because we hate the people outside. We lock our doors because we want to keep the people safe inside. Biden now wants to tear down that wall and allow all those drug-related gangs into this country illegally. Thank GOD the supreme court voted against it!!

Well, later Rhodonna responded exactly the way I expected her to respond. She said some horseshit about "your comment is not even worth responding to" and blah-blah-blah. I was laughing my ass off because that's what leftists ALWAYS do when I ask them the tough questions! They can't answer! They can't answer because they know they don't have any answers! They know everything they've been brainwashed into believing is a lie. But instead of admitting they lied, they turn away with their tail tucked between their legs! 😂😆😂😆

HAHAAAAAAA!!!!!! I love it!!! I love it so much!!!! The only thing that would have made my night even better would have been if Rhodonna had blocked me on Facebook!!! That would have been absolutely DELICIOUS!!!!!! 😂😂😂 But as of this morning, she hasn't blocked me yet. Bummer!

Monday, January 25, 2021

"Pick Of The Litter"

 LOL! Well, kinda. I'm looking for another puppy sometime this year. I'm checking out all options, including the local paper. Though it's tough finding a good breeder who has all I need to offer in the newspaper. But I want to get a little playmate for Mya (and myself) before she gets too old to play. Though she is still very spry. This time, I am looking for a really good breeder. Like I got with Mya. I want to find one who does all the health tests for the breed I am looking for. Showing is not necessary, but favored. This next pup is just going to be a pet. Nothing more. But I've got a registered name already picked out for her. Yes, I want a girl. I also have a call-name and it is a girl's name. I'm keeping up my tradition of naming my dogs after INXS songs and lyrics. This one that I am choosing will be named for the song "Elegantly Wasted". I had that planned for years now.

When looking for a puppy, there are some things (besides health testing and showing) that I look for. Most have to do with the breeder themselves. For one thing, I will never buy from anyone who cannot even spell the name of the breed they are breeding. Ie, "german shepard". I see that all the time. Mostly in the newspapers. Someone who can't even spell the name properly of the breed they are breeding probably doesn't know many other things about that breed either. So that is a definite NO for me!! It's supposed to be spelled "German Shepherd". The word "shepherd" comes from an abbreviated version of "sheep herder". And who ever heard of "arding" a sheep!? That one drives me crazy every time I see it!

Another no for me is off-color breeds. Meaning people who breed dogs in colors they were never meant to come in. Like blue merle cocker spaniels, or merle french bulldogs. Those are really a no for me. Because it tells me the breeder is breeding more for color than conformation and health. So, a definite NO!

Another kind of breeder I'll never buy from is one who has a history of mixing breeds. Some mongrel breeders will even breed purebreds, I've seen them before. Some even show their dogs. I've seen that too. But someone who will allow breeds to mix from their kennel is a red flag for me. It tells me the breeder is in it for the money and the fads, and not because they love the breed they are breeding.

Another thing that is a no for me, breeders who charge more for females, or a special kind of coloring. Though I know it's a personal choice, and in some cases, a special looking puppy is like a prime rib beef steak from a store (like blue merle, blue-eyed australian shepherds), but it's harder for me to accept breeders who charge more for female pups, or pups of a special look. It leads me to think the breeder is breeding for money and looks, and not temperament, health or proper conformation.

Another kind of breeder I won't buy from, is really not that bad though. But I would rather not buy from someone who does not know the proper name of the breed they are breeding. Such is the case with people who call miniature American shepherds "miniature australian shepherds". But for that particular breed, I can overlook it because "Miniature american shepherd" is actually a new term for the breed. They were called "Miniature australian shepherds" up until 2012, when AKC accepted the name "Miniature american shepherds". But any other breed, I would not overlook it because it tells me that the person breeding either is too lazy to learn the breed's name, or just doesn't care. Therefore, does not care about the dogs they are breeding.

Another kind of breeder I won't buy from is actually quite obvious. I won't buy from someone whose dogs do not look like good versions of the breed they are supposed to be. Now, I admit I love all dogs. But if I bring a puppy into my home, I want it to look like the breed it's supposed to. I don't want like a cocker spaniel that looks like a golden retriever-poodle cross. I like it when I am walking my dogs and someone says to me "Lovely sheltie", or something like that, and I don't even have to tell them what breed she is. Very rarely.

Well, this time when I was looking for a breed, I did something rather different. I chose to get my Facebook friends involved in the choosing process. I had it narrowed down to about a half dozen or so breeds. And yes, I've researched them all. For the past 40 years! So I posted pics of the breeds I've been steadily thinking of, and asked my friends to take a vote. I was going to choose based on the number of likes on that breed. Some people voted more than once, so I didn't count their votes. But the one that got the most votes was the beagle. So now, that is what I am looking for. I'm in no hurry though. I'm still saving for it. But that's going to be my next baby. I can hardly wait to start posting pics!!

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Now's The Time To Panic

 So now Biden is our president. Well, since he won fraudulently, I'll not accept him as my president. But just like Obama, let's see what he does. I can almost guarantee it's a big mistake to let him run rampant in the White House. Already I miss Trump. I voted for Trump. I wanted him for another 4 years. I did not want Biden. I hate that guy! Already, Biden moved into the White House with his pen in his hand ready to sign everything Trump worked hard to accomplish over the past 4 years away. Already, Biden reversed the funding for the wall. Already he's signed a bill to let anyone who wants to move to America automatic citizenship. Already he's reversed the ban on teaching Critical race theory. Already Biden signed away the 1776 project in schools, which would teach kids to love America. Biden did all this in one day! If it wasn't so sad, it'd be amazing. It proves Biden wants today's kids to hate America. I hope Biden is going to put up the money to send all those new patriot-hating wastes of life to China. Or Pakistan. Or some place where they will learn to appreciate the freedom this country offers them!

Instead, Biden is all for the 1619 project, which will train kids to believe this country was founded on racism against black people. What it won't teach kids is that it was the black people themselves, who sold those slaves to Europeans. Going back before 1619, black people don't even belong here. And I say to those who only see America as a "racist nation", if you hate it so much here, then move to Africa!! And don't let the door hit you as you leave! I'm sick of hearing their constant whining about how "racist" America is!! I know not all of them complain. The conservatives don't complain. But like the members of BLM and Antifa, they are ALWAYS complaining!! We're all getting sick of it!! None of it is even founded on facts. Just some belief a couple of lazy, lesbian, black, leftard bitches have whose only goal is to divide America.

If black people think I'm going to bend down and praise every black woman I see, they've got another think coming! I ain't praising someone that I don't know, and who doesn't even deserve it, and BLM does not deserve it!! Never going to happen! There was a video going around of a woman who forces her children now to praise "Hail Mary" to every black woman they see. A woman like that should not even have kids!! That's abuse. The only person who you should kneel to is GOD. This is why I dread reincarnation. I don't want to wind up with a mom like that. I would never risk my own childrens' lives for that. Black women get violent, especially if they are traveling in packs. I won't force my children to praise a strange woman whom I don't know what they'll do to them, just because of flesh color. No way!

This is exactly what Biden wants to see. I'm just counting the days till Biden steps down and puts Kamala Harris in charge. Who wants to bet how long that's going to take? I give it about a year, and that's stretching it. This was the plan all along. This is the only way Kamala Harris would become the first female president. Once that happens, watch this country go completely under. Kamala Harris also wants to see all conservatives dead. She fully intends to gather all of us up and carry us all to concentration camps. Those who fully conform to the left are spared. But those like me, who refuse to fall for leftist bullshit, would get gassed to death. I don't trust Facebook's so-called "fact-checkers". They claim Kamala Harris never said anything like that. But I think they're lying. Kamala is so hated, no one would have let her in the White House. The only way she could get there was to ride on Biden's coattail! And she's always talking about destroying Trump supporters. I would not put this concentration camp thing past her.

And this critical race theory thing, all it's going to do is turn people against each other based on skin color. They're teaching white kids that they are inherently racists and that black people should be afraid of them. Like I said, if the teachers would just leave the kids alone, they'll learn on their own to treat people the way they'd want to be treated. But they want to teach kids that they are racists, this is a racist country and their parents are racists. This is only going to divide the country worse than it was when Obama left it. It might also teach white people to absolutely HATE black people, because nobody with any ounce of brains is going to want to live that kind of life for long. Black people are always whining about inclusivity. Then they demand african-american icons like Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben be taken off their respective brands. The SJWs are never satisfied.

There is this new cartoon studio calling it's self Pencilish. They are a company that is going to be run by the fans and they are asking for donations to get started. They are also allowing clients to buy stocks, which is something I'd like to do. But already I am seeing the SJWs asking about "diversity" in their studio. They want them to hire people based on gender, race, color, and sexual preference. I told those people to shut up! And told the owner of the studio not to listen to them because those kinds of people are never going to be satisfied. I informed them to hire based only on merit. That is what I would do. I'd never hire someone who is colored, or gay, just because they are colored or gay. I'd hire based on that person's ability to do the job I am hiring them for. If they just happen to be black, mexican, transgender, or gay, well it wouldn't make any difference. If they know the difference between a protein skimmer and a power filter, I don't care what color or gender they are! However, I won't go along with someone who wants to change their gender every day. I won't allow that because that is a distraction.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

RIP Chris Murphy

 The world of INXS is in mourning right now. Chris Murphy, the man who single-handedly rose INXS to worldwide fame, has passed away peacefully in his sleep. I admire Chris Murphy for what he did for INXS. The man had almost god-like determination and ingenuity. When INXS almost failed in 1987, Chris Murphy helped them get beyond that with his quick wit, valor, and even a little bit of deception. The Kick album almost didn't make it out of the studio because the big wigs offered Chris Murphy $1 million to burn the album. He refused to do it. He saw a lot of potential in the album. So, he kept pushing until someone would agree to sponsor the album, going for the school kids first. It really is the kids and teens who decide who gets big, and I'm sure the sexy men in the band also had a lot to do with getting that album sold. Especially with Michael's sexy voice and sexy moves!!!

Sadly there are no more sexy men in music. Nothing like my Michael. Everyone today either does that rap or RnB music, which I can't stand. There are very few good songs out today, and very little good music.

Well, I found out Chris Murphy died from Lymphoma. That's cancer of the lymph nodes. Good GOD cancer SUCKS!!! Cancer claimed my father 4 years ago. I'll never forgive it for that!!! I wish we could completely eradicate the disease! When I first heard the news about Chris Murphy, I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. The only good thing is now, he is reunited with Michael. And I am sure all his questions he had in his head about how Michael died have all been answered. At least he has that now. But it's still sad that he's gone. He could have done so much for so many other Australian bands coming out now. He didn't go into his business as a manager. He actually started out as a booking agent. Basically nothing more than a secretary. But he did awesome work as a manager for someone who didn't start out into the managing business!

As for the men of INXS, I cannot even begin to imagine the heartbreak they feel. Chris Murphy did so much for them. They considered him to be a 7th band member. I once heard Michael refer to him as the band's "alter-ego". LOL! That was cute too. And Chris Murphy also left behind a wife, kids and grandkids. He also had the largest collection of INXS paraphernalia anywhere! He had so much, he had a special shed built on his property to house it all. I wonder what'll happen now to all that stuff? I heard something about a couple years ago about an INXS museum. That would be AWESOME!!! And maybe even worth going to Australia for. UGH!!! I'm grunting because I hate flying! If only I can get to Australia by train, or boat! I'd be at that museum the minute it goes up!! And of course I cannot go anywhere without my moo-moo!!! And my next dog when I get it.

I almost cannot handle this. I'm still in shock! It's hard feeling all these emotions at once. As if what I am going through already wasn't difficult enough. First I lose my Michael. Then my grandma. Then my Groucho. Then my dad. Then Chris Cornell. Then Marie Fredriksson. Then a Biden/Kamala Harris presidency. And now it's Chris Murphy. This is why I hate getting old. This last week was Per Gessle's birthday. I wished him a happy birthday. Katrina was visiting and said to me "I think you are starting to like him again!" I said to her "Well Katrina, he's all I've got now!" And he is! He's all I got from my childhood. He's all there is left of when I originally got into rock n roll music. I'd better enjoy him while I still can. Kinda harder now than it was back then, knowing Per Gessle is a cat person! I told him myself only wimpy men prefer cats over dogs. Though he did say he had a traumatic experience with their family dog when he was 4 years old. What is ironic now is Per Gessle owns a little toy poodle dog. And no cats at all. He says he loves it, and it is a cute little dog! He has also said he kinda hates his dog too, and I said to him "If you don't learn to love that baby, I'm gonna come over and take him from you!" I was joking of course!!! I would not really do that! But I say that to people who have dogs they don't want to love. And I do like poodles, they're good dogs! Especially toy poodles. That little sweet of his deserves a LOT of love!!!

Official "Felon"

 Well, the judge has declared Trump an "official felon". Well, he's a corrupt judge, we'll probably hear some deep shit on...