Friday, May 17, 2019

My Best Quora Answers

Well, I decided before I leave Quora altogether, I wanted to collect some of my best answers. These are answers I posted that got more than 1,000 views, and more than 10 upvotes. So, these are my very best.

Dee Dee Finch
Dee Dee Finch, Author/Illustrator at UMG Productions, Inc. (1989-present)
Wow! I’m such an animal lover, it’s hard to pick the most beautiful. I guess I’d have to say (in no particular order)…
  1. pretty-much ANY bird. I even find the beauty in such birds as vultures. I love ALL birds!
  2. Foxes. I love everything about foxes. I love all species of foxes, but my most favorite are these:
3. Kangaroos. They are my favorite marsupials. Probably my most favorite Australian animals. Other people think koalas are cute. But not me! Give me a good ol’ kangaroo any day of the week! I’ll take it. My favorites are these guys…
4. Lemurs. I could go on all day long about how much I love lemurs. They are my #1 favorite animals. I’ve always dreamed of going to Madagascar someday just to see these treetop beauties.
5. Guenon monkeys. NO mammal is as colorful and exotic as the guenon monkeys. Africa is so lucky to have these jungle jewels in their country!
6. Martens. Pretty much any mustelid really. But martens seem to take the place of monkeys in the USA. And the prettiest of them all is perhaps the pine marten…
7. Otters. Again, pretty much any mustelid. Otters are not only adorable, they are also so funny to watch as they move on land, or swim through the water.
8. Wolves. I love most members of the dog family, including dogs themselves. After foxes though, I’ve gotta confess I really love wolves.
9. Horses/zebras. I like a lot of hooved mammals, but probably my most favorite are the horses and zebras. Well, they’re closely related. I think they are so majestic and I love to watch them work out. Every move is like poetry in motion.
10. Last, but not least, elephant shrews. These are charming little creatures that are not too well-known. But their secretive position in the animal world does not detract from their absolute beauty. And sooooo much potential for the animals of the future!
Dee Dee Finch
Dee Dee Finch, Author/Illustrator at UMG Productions, Inc. (1989-present)
Not my story, and not totally a happy one, but this happened to my mom a long time ago. My mom was pregnant with me, and my sis was in 1st grade. She lived close enough to the school that my sis could walk to school alone, and very often did. There was one other girl on the block who would sometimes walk alongside my sis.
One night, my mom had a dream that my sis was taken and dragged into someone’s car and drove away, and later found in a field dead. Mom said she never saw the guy’s face in the dream, it was just blackness where his face would have been. But that dream scared her. It scared her enough that she kept my sis home from school that day.
That afternoon, the other little girl’s mom was looking for her child. This was the other little girl who lived on the same block and sometimes would walk to school with my sis. But nobody saw that other little girl that afternoon, and the mom was very worried.
Later that evening, the other little girl was found in a field. She had been raped and murdered. The guy who did it was caught soon after and confessed to waiting in the neighborhood, and he grabbed her as she was on her way to school and dragged her into his car and drove her away to that field. He actually parked his car and waited for a little girl to come by between where my family was living and the school. He knew there were a couple girls from that block that walk to school alone. That was scary!

Dee Dee Finch
Dee Dee Finch, Author/Illustrator at UMG Productions, Inc. (1989-present)
One day my sis and I were standing in the self-checkout line at Walmart. The few people ahead of us had gone in. It was a particularly busy evening. Suddenly, my sis and I were the next ones in line and just as we were about to take the next available checkout stand, some dumbass guy walked past the entire line (which could clearly be seen standing there) and walked ahead of me and took the stand me and my sis were going to take.
I have no idea if that guy had even been standing in line, but I wanted to go up to him and push him off the checkout stand he took from me and my sis. He never even asked anyone if he could go in ahead of them, he just snuck in without a word to anyone.
To this day, I still refer to that guy as a dumbass.
In another incident at a Winco, my sis and I were shopping. We had just begun, got our carts and my sis went to grab something off a shelf. Some idiot came up behind her, and started to drag her cart away, which had her purse in it too. My sis called out “Excuse me, sir! That’s my cart!” The guy never turned to see she was calling him, and in fact, acted like he didn’t hear her at all. He didn’t let go of her cart until she and I both were almost on his tail. I was going to run him down with my cart. It’s possible he could have just been flirting with my sis, I probably would have thought that if I could see his face and see if there was any hint of humor in his eyes. But he just kept on walking briskly down the aisles. Not even so much as looking back. So, I knew he was up to no good.

Dee Dee Finch
Dee Dee Finch, Author/Illustrator at UMG Productions, Inc. (1989-present)
Someone I “met” at a concert who apparently was sitting right next to me. It was a concert in Lincoln City, and I had gone to see INXS performing. Who else? Well, I didn’t think much of her at the time of the concert, because I was busy concentrating on my main man Timmy. The only thing I thought about her was that she had terrible underarm odor. It wasn’t until a couple days later that I discovered the person who sat next to me at the concert, was a very disturbed person. She was so disturbed, she started a closed forum to talk about other INXS fans and mock them and make fun of them. She would silently stalk the other fans and copy and paste their comments and stories onto her forum, and allow others to make fun of that person. They would get nasty on that forum and make their own assumptions about the other fans, calling everyone “psycho” or “lunatics” or “tards”. But I honestly don’t believe anyone on that forum was older than 25 years old.
Another disturbed person I met, well I didn’t know her name, but I was 10 years old at the time I saw her. She looked to be about 35. My grandma, me and my sis were together on the bus, and coming home from the mall. Well, this woman who was 35 years old, insisted on sitting next to me, and my grandma was sitting across from us. She was tall and skinny, never smiled, had very long, black hair, she wore what looked like cowboy duds. A very ugly woman really. Both inside and out. I started talking to grandma, not paying any attention to the strange woman sitting next to me. When my grandma started responding to me, this strange woman said “Would you just shut up lady. I’m trying to get downtown to see my father, IF you don’t mind!” I looked at her like “What the Hell?!” Grandma whispered “She’s just crazy!” Yes, she was!
The bus ride continued, and I still was talking to grandma. But she didn’t say anything more, just nodded. I guess she didn’t want to set this strange woman next to me off again. When we got close to home, I told grandma we were getting closer. She said “Yes, we are” and this strange woman just shouted at my grandma “SHUT UP!” My grandma said “I’m not going to shut up! I don’t have to!” GOD bless grandma, she was too kind to this strange woman. I wanted to punch that woman in the face, and I would have if I wasn’t only 10 years old at the time. My mom always taught me, no matter what, that I was to always treat adults with respect. Even when we got off the bus, and I told her to fuck herself, and she told me to “Shut up!” My sis didn’t care though. As we were getting off the bus, my sis said to that woman “Don’t you tell my sister to shut up!” That woman told my sis to shut up and I saw my sis stick her fist up in that woman’s face and said “Don’t you dare tell me to shut up! I’ll punch you right in your ugly face!” Made me laugh! My sis had no fear at all! LOL! That woman, as far as I know, didn’t say another word after that. I did see her flinch when my sis stuck her fist up at her.
Anyways, those were the 2 most disturbed people I ever met. Even though that last woman didn’t say much, the few words she did say made her sound very angry inside.

Dee Dee Finch
Dee Dee Finch, Author/Illustrator at UMG Productions, Inc. (1989-present)
I know I’m going to get flagged for this, but what the hell. I’ll answer anyways. It won’t be the first time!
  1. SJWs: Basically the basis of the kind of people I hate most, but still deserves a mention of it’s own. They always have to label EVERYTHING!!! And they call anyone “bigots” and “nazis” that don’t agree with them. Or whomever is a conservative. SJWs are the biggest liars of all! They are the real scum of society!
  2. “Adopt don’t shop” (ADS) crowd: Yes, those annoying idjuts that wants everyone to adopt their dogs/cats from a shelter, and bad-mouths anyone who prefers to buy their pets from good breeders. Basically, they are nothing but SJWs for animals.
  3. Vegans: Now, I’ve had vegan friends, but they were not the types that tried to convert me. It’s the preachy vegans that I hate. The ones whose philosophy is if you eat animals, then you hate animals. The ones who say humans evolved to be herbivores. The ones who say we meat eaters are hypocrites, yet they have cats running around their house. Those are the vegans I hate the most.
  4. Cat-f*gs: (I can't call them fags on Quora) Cat-lovers don’t bother me much. It’s the f*gs who do. Those are the people who get preachy if someone doesn’t like cats. When they realize they can’t convert someone into a cat-person, then they get insulting. They start calling people names who don’t like cats. They are the ones who gripe “dogs are dumb” but don’t realize cats are even dumber. And most of them judge all dogs by the gundog breeds. The breeds that are basically bred to be “dumb”, or clingy. They are the ones who do not see the beauty and diversity in dogs, but think gray-tabby cats are “gorgeous”. YUK!!!!!!
Dee Dee Finch
Dee Dee Finch, Author/Illustrator at UMG Productions, Inc. (1989-present)
My mom tried that crap once when I was about 14. By then it was really too late to enforce JW rules on me and my sis. But she did try. We were already so used to celebrating Christmas and birthdays. Well, that year our mom told us that she did not want to see anyone in that house celebrating Christmas ever again. So me and my sis, being teenagers, rebelled against what mom said, and had a private party of our own.
We went to the mall one day, like we sometimes did on weekends, and just pretended that we were just going to hang out. But we went around and bought Christmas presents for each other ourselves. We had to keep it all secret from mom when we got home and started wrapping the gifts.
Well, Christmas came and the first thing I did was go into my sis’s room, where the presents were stashed. We opened gifts and sang Christmas songs, all while my mom and dad were in the living room not celebrating Christmas. Ya know, I think that was the most fun Christmas holiday I ever had. Mom never did find out that we celebrated Christmas anyway, even though it was against her rules. It sure was fun though!

Dee Dee Finch
Dee Dee Finch, Author/Illustrator at UMG Productions, Inc. (1989-present)
Nope!! Humans are getting uglier.
Most women today either want too much to look like those chicks you see in sitcoms, or they are gay. Gay women are rarely beautiful. Or they are feminists and feminists are always ugly!
And the men, all the best-looking men are either old now or dead. Men today are again, either gay, queer, fat, bald, or cat-lovers. None of which would be the alpha-male type.
You know what I blame for this surge in ugly people? I blame cats. Yes, cats. Those furry little squatting bastards that have now infiltrated almost every home in the world. You notice how ever since cats have surpassed dogs in popularity (since the mid-1990s) people have gotten uglier? At the same time, we’ve seen a rise in obesity, mental illness, and general physical ugliness. I’ve never seen a man (or woman for that matter) that preferred cats that was in any way even remotely physically attractive.
I remember on Facebook, there was this guy, a young guy, and he was always complaining “Why can’t I get a girl to fall in love with me?” Well, I got a good look at his picture, and though he was kindof a nice person, he was unfortunately very UGLY!!! Well, through the months I realized why he was so ugly. He was a cat person, who never had a dog in his life. And I noticed this in just about every person I knew that was born into a family that preferred cats over dogs. Their kids always came out looking ugly, or were autistic. I think this guy unfortunately had both.

Dee Dee Finch
Dee Dee Finch, Author/Illustrator at UMG Productions, Inc. (1989-present)
Several incidents actually.
Let me begin this by saying I used to be a sweet person. I used to be very compassionate, caring, giving, loyal to people I considered friends (even online friends), I had an attitude like “Nobody is perfect, so we should learn to love each other the way we are”. Back in those days, I accepted everyone, people of different races, genders, I used to would go along with this “the world has 1000 genders” business. I accepted gays and lesbians. However, I was born with one handicap... I was too trusting. I believed (too much) there’s good in all people. I believed that no one was all bad, and that their word was the gospel. Back in my innocence, before the conversion, I was one of the nicest, kindest, most caring person you’d have ever met. NOTHING like I am today!!!
It all started when my family moved from Fircrest, WA to Lakewood, WA. Living with a father in the military, my family moved around a lot. But I managed to make friends everywhere we moved to. My best days was when we lived in Fircrest and before. I had NUMEROUS friends in that school. I had my Brownie troup meetings, and I was a member of the Girl Scouts. So I made a lot of friends in that school. In fact, there was only one person I had any kind of problems with and that was a girl named Deanna. She always made it a point to tell me how much she hated me every time she saw me. But she was only one person. She never touched me though, I can hand her that much.
Well, the day came we had to move away from Fircrest. So, we moved to Lakewood, a little house on Farwest Drive. Well, the school I went to there for 3rd grade was predominantly African-american. But that didn’t matter to me at first. But my first day at that school went like this…
Student X: Do you have a sister?
Me: yes.
Student X: Is your sister retarded?
Me: I guess so?
Student X then walks off, laughing. I stand there not knowing why Student X was laughing.
Until that first day at the new school, I’d never even heard the word “retarded” before. But I heard that word, and was asked the same question all day long by many different students. I had no idea what the kids in this new school were talking about when they asked me if my sister was retarded. I went home and asked my mom what the word meant. She asked me first off where I’d heard that word. I told her about the kids in this school asking me if my sister was retarded. That was when my mom told me it was a vulgar word used to describe someone who was handicapped.
Well, my sister did not go to that school, so she didn’t have to worry about that. But kids in the school would relentlessly tease me every day about my sister being “retarded”. FTR, my sis had asperger’s when she was a child. For the most part, she’s grown out of it now.
Well, one day the teasing took a violent turn, when a girl named Melody moved in. There was this one girl named Valerie, who met Melody before me. At first, Melody looked innocent enough, like someone I wanted to make friends with. But that is where the saying “appearances are deceiving” comes in, Melody was a monster! Valerie fed Melody a bunch of bullshit about my family, saying we were all retarded. Melody ran with that, and from her first day there, began tormenting me physically and relentlessly. I would endure beatings by her that did not cease until after Melody finally moved away to California. I tried my best to stay away from Melody! But she always approached me, with her dukes up! Basically, Melody beat me up because she thought my whole family (including me) was retarded, and she figured I was easy prey for her. I was! Not only was Melody older than me, she was bigger too. I was the shortest kid in my class!
Well, Melody had acquired a gathering of other people who would take her place after she left. One of those was a much, much older girl named Crystal. I had made what I thought was a “friend”, named Melissa. Melissa was kindof fat and pudgy, and she would play ball during recess, and I got to like her quite a bit. One day, the game broke up early. She took the ball and headed toward the swings. I followed her, thinking she would start playing again. But no, she went to the swings. Crystal was there. I hung back far away. I didn’t want anything at all to do with Crystal, knowing she had been a friend of Melody’s. I waited for Melissa to finish, she was there talking to Crystal, and I would periodically see her looking at me as she was talking to Crystal. She would look at me with a smirk on her face that I later came to know as the kind of look someone gets on their face when they have a sinister plot at hand.
Next thing I knew, Melissa called me over to the swings. Some red flags had gone up, but I thought I could trust Melissa. She led me to Crystal, who was sitting on a swing as she talked at me. She yelled at me for telling my mom and my sister on Melody for beating me up, even after Melody told me she would beat me up if I told anyone. I was petrified. I knew this was going to lead to a beating! Next thing I know, I am slammed across the head by Crystal. She says “That’s for making trouble!” I stood there, perplexed. I looked at Melissa and she was just standing there smirking. Crystal then said “Now move! Or you’ll get kicked!” So, I tried to move. As I did, Melissa came up and kicked me so hard, it knocked the wind out of me.
Well, I wasn’t mad at Crystal. I’d come to expect that from her. But I was mad at Melissa. I didn’t even want to see her again. Oddly enough, the very next day, Melissa asked me to come play ball with her again, and I refused. When I said no, she just brushed it off “ok”, like nothing ever happened. I went off and found some other kids to play with. That was my first brush with learning to distrust people. But it didn’t last long. I still continued to make friends here and there. Not a heck of a lot, but quite a few.
Forward to the internet age. At 40, I moved from Montana back to Washington state. When I got back, I needed to find a place to live. My mom was supposed to have gotten me some applications before I got there, but my mom is a bit on the selfish side. So, I needed to find a place. I put an ad on Craigslist looking for someone with a rental home or room. I got quite a few that sounded great, but led to nothing prosperous. Then someone named Patti contacted me. She lived in Brady, which was close to Ocean Shores, where I lived for many years before I moved to Montana. So, I thought it would be great to move back there. It’s not Ocean Shores, but it’s somewhat close.
When I first met Patti, she seemed like a nice person. She was 15 years older than me, she was shorter, had the old lady hairdo, she was by no means attractive or graceful, but she did seem like just a nice, grandmotherly type person. She was looking for a roommate, and I thought it could work out. Being older, I figured moving in with her would be like moving in with a friend. Well again, appearances were deceiving! For one thing, Patti did not have any kids of her own, let alone grandkids! All she had was a couple of stupid cats and a mongrel dog that was half husky, german shepherd and rottweiler! And here I was with a chihuahua and a papillon, living with a dog mixed with 3 breeds that have the highest prey-drive in the canine kingdom! Not only that, but the dog’s mother had bitten people twice!! Not a good sign! That’s why the dog’s mom was at the shelter, to be put down for biting people. Now you know that’s gonna rub off on the pups! And Patti had one of those pups. For now, the dog was nice, but only because he was 4 months old at that time.
Another thing I noticed about Patti, she liked to drink. She told me before I moved in that she drank only on occasion. I figured once or twice a week. That was the impression Patti gave. Well, she had one glass of wine that I saw. Then she ran out. When I moved there, she had a half full bottle. I only saw her take one glass of wine. That said a great deal. She ran out of booze, and then she became the crankiest, most obnoxious and hateful old buzzard you’d ever hope to meet! One night, after we went shopping and she tried to get me to buy her a $15 bottle of booze and I told her I couldn’t, she just started yelling at me for every little thing. She’d yell at me for putting the groceries away where she would want them one minute, then change her mind the next minute. She yelled at me for looking at her while she was talking. She yelled at me because I was drinking a can of soda. She yelled at me for walking, talking, putting up grocery bags, a fly flew by her head, just every little thing that went on would set her off.
I didn’t want to be around someone like that, so I spent the evening in the room I was assigned just so I wouldn’t have to listen to Patti. I came to the conclusion that Patti lied to me about how often she drank booze. A person does not generally get this out of control angry when they have maybe one or two drinks per week.
Well, that night, after spending a half hour in the bathroom, getting sick, I went to the kitchen to fix myself a snack. Patti came down while I was fixing my snack. I thought I had disturbed her. Well, she started yelling because the lights were on. Then she started yelling because I was eating without her. Then she yelled because I was having the kind of sandwich that she did not like! Then she started talking about how her brother was going to kick me out (it was his house really and he was in the process of moving out). Patti added “And I will have no control over it!” Well, at this point, I was so sick of hearing Patti’s pissing and moaning that I actually would have welcomed being kicked out! I was ready to embrace being kicked out! I actually could not wait for her brother to come and kick me out! Aside from Patti’s attitude problem, this was an unstable arrangement anyways, since the owner of the house was moving out and putting the place up for sale.
Well, sure enough, the next day Patti’s brother came. I saw her talking to him for a long time. No doubt telling him what she thought of me. Who knows what she said! The next thing I knew Patti told me we needed to talk. She told me that her brother said “instead of moving in, maybe you should be moving out.” I said “Cool!” I was actually happy! Again, Patti said “And I have no control over that!” I called bullshit, because those were the exact same words she used the night before. I knew damn well she pushed her brother to kick me out for one reason and one reason only; because I didn’t buy her that $15 bottle of booze she wanted so bad when we went shopping the day before. She wouldn’t cop to that, but I knew that was the real reason Patti was kicking me out. But now I was like “Who cares! I’m outta here!” I felt like I was being released from prison! Or being released from a communist country!! That was what living with Patti was like and it only would have gotten worse. Patti may have even gotten physical had I stayed there any longer!
I tried to make that arrangement work. I put the effort in, but Patti was not interested in even trying to make it work. When my mom took me back to her place, we were talking. Mom told me I should have defended myself better than I did. Mom kinda got the feeling that Patti was a bit of a bully and I just let her walk all over me. I was concentrating too hard on trying to make that work out that I did not defend myself from Patti’s attacks. After that, I got angry, and for quite a while I became hostile. But I softened up and began making friends again.
Forward ahead again a couple of years later. My dad is gravely ill with a rare form of cancer. I am beside myself with worry. By now, I had made some friends with some other INXS fans online. INXS is my favorite band! I had about 400 INXS buddies on Facebook at this time. Again, I had become a sweet, kind, giving person, and I gave my all to all these people. I liked seeing my friends happy and I did all I could to make them happy. I even went out of my way more than once. One person saw a video I made of INXS and it had a picture she had never seen before and she wanted a copy of it. Well, at that time I didn’t have a computer, so I made a special trip to the local library just so I could get that picture and send it to her. I was loyal, I never judged them, always friendly, I even always would post videos, pictures and things to make them laugh or smile every day. I even created a group specifically to share my vast collection of INXS pics. Some of which were very rare and even very personal.
Well, in September, I moved in to my new apartment, where I am living now. But it was bittersweet. My father was at this time, on his deathbed. I had to go from Oregon to Arizona to see him. He was barely clinging on when I got there. He could not talk, he could not move, he was in a coma-like state. Occasionally he moaned because he was in pain, but that was the only sounds he uttered. He died the day after my visit. I had to ride the bus home, and I cried all the way.
When I got home, I announced it on Facebook and thanked my friends for all their prayers and well-wishings. I also told them to bear with me, because I knew that the emotional roller-coaster was about to take off. I told them I may say some things I don’t mean. I told them not to take it personal. I knew it was going to happen because it happened before. Twice.
Well, forward to November. I’m still mourning my father, but at least I stopped crying every 10 minutes. I had joined several groups devoted to small dog breeders, where they come in and discuss things about showing, breeding, all that stuff. While I am there, I get the news that someone I used to know in those circles was in the hospital with diabetes and a bladder infection. I knew this person from many years before, and that person said some awful things about me and my family and spread it around all over the Chihuahua breeding world. So, I said “Karma finally caught up with them!” I wrote about the incident, not naming any names, and not even divulging what this person was sick with. I just said karma came around and bit them! I didn’t even mention why I was angry at this person. Well, that person did make it through OK.
About 2 days after I wrote about that, I began to notice I was losing friends on Facebook. Not only that, but my INXS group was also losing members in record numbers. I figured something was going on, but I didn’t know what. Then one of my friends PMd me, and told me what I wrote about Kelly having cancer was very disturbing. I was like “Who having what??” Kelly was someone that all the INXS fans knew. She was one of the moderators for the Statue For Michael Hutchence group. I didn’t care for her personally, I only spoke to her a few times and at this time, she had me blocked on Facebook for whatever reason, I didn’t care. But apparently, she made a big announcement on the group that she had cancer. Well, because she blocked me, I did not see the announcement. So, I had no idea she had cancer.
Well, I had 450 friends at that time, but by the end of that day, I had gotten down to about 411. Kelly’s rumor spread fast! I gotta hand her that much! LMAO! I was surprised, even people who I thought were very good friends deserted me. Again, FTR, I knew Kelly from 2005, when the old INXS forums were up, but even back then I never spoke to her much. She was friends with the “uber-popular” people, the stuck-up crowd that I don’t ever even attempt to make friends with! Then there was this one woman that Kelly liked that I sure as hell didn’t like, and Kelly has been trying to destroy me all over the INXS community ever since then. I believe that is what got this started. So now, all the INXS fans are acting like Social justice warriors, and turning against me. One person that I liked a lot and I thought liked me equally as well, turned against me in spades. And she was one of those people I never thought would believe bad rumors spread about me! She proved me wrong!
Well, you can imagine how this made me feel, as if dealing with the loss of my father wasn’t bad enough! Now, I had to put up with dumbasses spreading untrue rumors about me all over the INXS community. I didn’t even know how they could accuse me of making light of one person having cancer, when I just lost my father to the disease 2 months before. Especially people who were still on my friends list when my father died. And also especially knowing Kelly had me blocked on Facebook, so there was no way I could have ever read the announcement. I have the distinctive feeling that Kelly conveniently left out the part where she blocked me on Facebook so she could tell her friends that I must have read her announcement. It was a scheme to make me look bad.
Well, after that happened, I realized I needed some time to heal. I got off Facebook and deleted that account. I didn’t want to go back on Facebook until I got myself a dog. I knew a dog would give me that extra boost to deal with the ding-dongs in the INXS community. But more than that, it was just the final slap in the face that told me I needed to stop getting so close to people. One of my very best friends told me that I am too caring and too giving to people. When that happens, you’re gonna get kicked every time! It’s best to stay aloof and not consider anyone on the internet a “friend”. That was when I changed. I used to be loving, caring, never did judge anyone. Now, I am not like that anymore. Now, I am mean, nasty and hateful. I hate all people equally. I have NO desire to make friends, especially on the internet. I’m much more brutal now than I used to be. If someone asks me to share a picture with them, I say too bad! Google it! If someone tells me I need to apologize, I tell them to fuck off. Talk to the hand! I no longer care if other INXS fans like me or not. I’m not a friend of the fans anymore. Now, I hate them. All except a very few elite. Extra bonus points if they’re dog lovers. But that’s it. I’m only in 2 INXS-related groups, and even in those I don’t post much and I do not interact with the fans.
As for Kelly, well I found out later she had faked having cancer. Of all the INXS fans, I hate Kelly the most. I hope she does get cancer for real next time! She caused me all that trouble and didn’t even have cancer! I totally believe she somehow heard that my father had just died of cancer at that time, and Kelly, being the attention-seeking whore that I always knew her to be, was upset that I was getting attention from my friends that she was not getting. So she made up the cancer saga just to get that attention focused back on her. But anyways, that is why I am unfriendly to this day, and I’d rather keep it that way. I do not want fake friends anymore!

Dee Dee Finch
Dee Dee Finch, Author/Illustrator at UMG Productions, Inc. (1989-present)
  1. If someone calls you, and you’re busy, don’t pick up the phone and say “I’m busy”. Just let the answering machine/service answer it. If it’s important, they’ll leave a message.
  2. If you are with a friend and you have a snack, offer some to them.
  3. If you have something you don’t want to share, then don’t let anyone know you have it.
  4. Always be polite, even if you’re facing someone you really don’t like.
  5. Apologize first. Show everyone you are the better person.
  6. If you know you’re right, you don’t have to argue.
  7. Name-calling is a last resort of the weak-minded.
  8. Forgive those who have wronged you. Again, show others who the bigger person is.
  9. Don’t lie to be accepted. Be yourself and the right people will like you.
  10. Don’t procrastinate others. It only makes you look like a desperate fool.

Dee Dee Finch
Dee Dee Finch, Author/Illustrator at UMG Productions, Inc. (1989-present)
What happened to you on the day you were fired from your last job?
I went home and celebrated!!!
My father urged me to apply for a job at the Puyallup Fair when I was 20 years old and out of high school. I decided to give it a try so I went and applied. There was one job I was particularly fond of, someone had an opening for a tropical fish display. But when I applied for that job, they gave me a phone number to call. It was someone in Canada, and I was not able to get ahold of anyone.
Next thing I know, someone calls me and asks me to come to an orientation. I thought it was about the tropical fish job. So, I went to the orientation the next day. To my surprise, there was a lot of people at this orientation, and it was not about tropical fish. No, this job was for working the rides. “I didn’t apply for this!” I said to myself. But I thought I would stick around anyways to humor my father. I didn’t like it though. The speaker at the orientation was a short, dumpy woman with black, stringy hair, and she was talking to the audience like we were a bunch of children! It gave me bad vibes. But I didn’t say or do anything because I thought if I refused a job that my father would be angry with me.
For the record, I was warned about the rides employers, they treat their workers like shit, so that’s why I didn’t want to work for them and did not apply for a job with rides. I could definitely see that in the woman giving the speech at the orientation. She looked very full of herself.
Well, 2 days later, I was to start. I was given a jacket, a time card and an ID number, and that was how I was known. This was also when I met Tracy. She was a skinny, red-headed scarecrow who always looked angry. She saw me and said I looked disoriented and scared. Well, I was. I did not know what to do first. They put me as an operator of a ride that the man already working there said only needs one person to operate. Again, I got a bad feeling that these employers don’t know what they’re doing. Then I knew this was not my place.
I worked for 10 hours that first day and hated every single second of it. I really did not want to go back the next day, but then I remembered my father wanted me to get this job. So, I almost felt obligated to keep it. Besides I really did not want to be a quitter. I turned in the jacket and clocked out.
The next day started off kindof cloudy. I figured I should get my jacket again. So, I went through the time office, like I did the morning before, to clock in and ask for my jacket. The lady who was working behind the counter at that time asked for my ID number and looked for the jacket. She could not find the one with my number. She looked twice and still could not find it. But I know I turned it in the night before. The lady told me to take it up with Tracy. So, I did. I told Tracy that for some reason, no one could find the jacket that was assigned to me. Tracy’s response to that was “Well, we’ll have to charge you for it!” I told her “I’m not the one who lost it though.” She asked me if I turned it in and I said yes. She asked me who I turned it in to, and I didn’t know anyone’s name so I just said “Some blond woman.” So Tracy told me I need to find “that blond woman” and ask her what she did with it.
Well, I looked in both offices for that mysterious blond woman, and I could not find her. So, I did the only thing I could think to do; go back to Tracy and tell her I could not find that blond woman. I saw Tracy walk briskly out of the time office, and I caught up with her, and I asked her if anyone turned in my jacket yet. Tracy stuck her finger in my face saying “No! Do I look like I have time? Huh?! Do I?” I told her “Well, I cannot find that blond woman!” Tracy turned and walked away saying “I don’t have time for you! You must think I’m crazy!” I said under my breath “No. I know you’re crazy!”
Needless to say, I went to my post angry. The little old man who worked that ride with me the day before, and one of the maintenance men was there. They both noticed I was upset. They asked me what was wrong, and I told them about Tracy’s bad attitude with me that morning. The maintenance guy cracked up laughing. He knows all about Tracy’s bad attitude. He said she’s like that with everybody. I totally believed with that, that Tracy probably lost my jacket on purpose just so she could keep my paycheck.
Well, I was not going to go down without a fight. I waited until the line at the time office went down, so I could get Tracy’s full attention. Or so I thought. My sis even passed by and came with me for moral support, and the fact that she is my ears. My hearing has never been very great, so I figured my sis could hear things that I couldn’t hear.
When we got to the time office, right away, Tracy began attacking my sis, thinking that I could not speak for myself. Well, I never told Tracy my hearing is not that great. I told her “Certainly I can speak for myself!” Tracy then made up some bullshit just to make herself look better. She said “I told you to come back after the line went down and we would discuss it.” I reminded Tracy that she never said that. Which she never did. She just made that up so I would look bad. Next thing I know, this became like a shouting match. Tracy would yell at me, and I yelled back. Tracy would call me names, and I would just throw it in her face that she never asked me to come back. I don’t do name-calling.
I felt like I was back in high school, only here I was, 20 years old, arguing with a woman in her 30s with the morale of a 12-year old!
Well, even the dumpy, black-haired woman who I originally saw giving the orientation got in on the act, calling me and my sis both “retarded” and other names. Tracy looked at her and laughed at the names she was calling us. I said to Tracy, “You can laugh if you want to, but stop lying! You did not tell me you’d discuss it later!” Tracy was shocked! She said “OK, I’m terminating your employment here because you are just being so rude!” I laughed at her assessment! She was the one being rude first. But it made me feel rather good that I made them feel like they had to call me names (you know what they say about name-calling; people who resort to that know they’ve lost the battle!)
And I felt good that I no longer had to work there! I was hoping to lose that job, because I never wanted it in the first place! So, I went home and celebrated! I even bought myself a bottle of sparkling apple cider to celebrate!! LOL! That’s how much I hated that job! That’s how happy I was to be let go! And being terminated from that job did not hurt my future employment. I got a great job after that, that paid a lot better and treated me a lot better! They didn’t see me as being at the level of a small child!
To this day, I still believe Tracy lost that jacket on purpose! I just wonder if she had done that to anyone else? Maybe she does it to a different employee every year. That might be how they make their big money.

(What's also funny is the comments to this post...)

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

No Ma'am!

The women's community is happy! The LGBTQ community is angry! LOL!! Why? Because it has been established that transgender "women" competing in sports made for biological women have an unfair advantage. YES!! That's what I've been saying all along. Men have much more upper body strength than women. Men run faster because they are designed to run after prey. Men have denser bones than women. I knew all along the reason transgender "women" wanted to compete in biological womens' sports is because they cannot beat other male athletes. I knew that was the motive of these peoples' from day 1. The first time I heard of a tranny "woman" who wanted to compete in real women's sports, I knew it was only because the tranny knew it was a loser where men's sports are concerned. They couldn't beat other men. So competing in womens' sports was their quick way to fame, without any training or hard work.

Yes, that was their motive. And it should not be allowed. I've always said let the trannies compete against each other. Let trans "women" compete with other trans "women". And let trans "men" compete against other trans "men". That's the only fair way to do that. But no. The stupid trannies didn't want that. They considered it unfair to them, and discrimination and "violence" against them to keep them from competing with the group they identify with. But it is also very unfair for biological women to have to surrender their well-earned title to someone who is NOT a biological woman. It is an act of violence for a biological man to compete against women, especially when it comes to such contact sports as wrestling. That is violence and should not be allowed! That I would consider violence, more so than if a trans "woman" were not allowed to compete against real women. That's violence, in the truest sense of the world! And just common sense!

Don't listen to the leftists! They're just stupid! For once, use your own brain! And another prediction I had was this was all about control. Well, it seems like I was right about that too. The leftists may not like to admit it, but they are being controlled by LGBTQ people. The leftists are like how I used to be; so easily swayed in the wrong direction. But for me, it was like "OK, well let's give the person the benefit of the doubt until we learn different." Then once I learned different, I was no longer swayed so easily. That was one of the things the dirty dozen mob used to tease me about. But I couldn't be like them, and immediately suspicious and shit-talking about everyone. Of course I am not like that anymore. LOL! Now, I hold grudges against all of humanity. But the leftists do not learn different at all. Even after everything has been proven to them. Now, they are going to call everyone who supports this act "transphobic" and "bigoted" until they see the leftist's way.

I hope those who do support this act do not cave into the leftists' name-calling again! If I were a woman who wanted to compete in sports, I would be shouting, picketing, boycotting, doing everything I can to keep trans "women" from competing against me. And as you all know, I don't care if someone calls me a "transphobe". That means absolutely NOTHING to me! The LGBTQ community can come after me all they want to. I will not cave in. I will always say let the trannies compete against each other. They say no, but I say yes. It's not fair to women. I'm shocked the feminist community hasn't taken on this cause! Because this is about biological men joining women's sports and competing against women. It's unfair to the women! But of course this just proves that feminists are hypocrites.

And as for libtards being pro-choice. I said this afternoon, if the libtards want abortions, let them get it! Survival of the fittest. Think about it, if libtards did have more babies, they would be raising a new generation of confused tranny, genderless, white-hating racist children, and we don't need more of that in the world. So, if the leftists want abortions so badly, then I say go for it! Knock yourselves out! I hope you never have another kid again. And I hope the one(s) you have does not reproduce either. Survival of the fittest! Kids whose parents start giving them hormone blockers early will never be able to reproduce. Survival of the fittest! Again, we don't need anymore gender-confused people in the world. So, I say go ahead! Have your abortions if you want them so bad! That way we can see the number of conservative/libertarian people rise and eventually overpower, while the number of libtards diminish. I usually am against abortion too. But not when it comes to libtards reproducing. To them, I say go for it!

Monday, May 13, 2019

The Face Of True Evil

Look at this guy above. Almost a psychotic look in those blank, glaring eyes. He looks almost robotic! Like he's not human or something. And he's FAT!! An ugly, fat fuck. He also looks old. Probably too old to be doing what he's doing. This motherfucker is a member of Antifa. He lives in Seattle. Man! He makes me feel ashamed of being from WA state!! He is also a member of the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, which is basically a meeting place for murderers. There is a possibility this dude is also a pedophile. He's been caught loitering outside of a private residence with a concealed weapon, he peeked in the house at someone's little girl. Why was he there? No, he's not a security guard for the guy. He's there for nothing more than intimidation.

The guy he targeted is a member of Identity Evropa, which is also an activist group for white supremacy. The John Brown Gun Club considers Identity Evropa "violent" and "fascist" and "bigoted". The problem is those people may be "white supremacist neo-nazis", but they are not a violent group. I admit that when I heard they are "neo-nazis" and march for white supremacy, even I felt a little uneasy. But these people have never held violent protests. If you're a peaceful person, I say go ahead and be proud to be white. I don't care. As long as you are not violent. But it wasn't the conservatives that were violent neo-nazis. Once again, it was the liberals. Liberals today just don't see that. Unfortunately. But you do see it in their new organizations, like Antifa. But that's no different. The only ones who don't think Antifa is violent is Antifa. Probably the neo-nazis of the 1990s and before thought the same thing. And they too were liberals. Like I said in my last blog post, liberals do not see the evil in other liberals. They only see it in conservatives. And having dealt with liberals before, I know what they are like.

Remember the SJW INXS libtards? The same ones who attacked me right after my father died, with false claims of their friend having cancer as well? When I tried to tell my side of the story, they would not listen. In this case, Tess O'brien was the "mainstream media" telling the other libtards not to ask me anything. To just delete me without saying anything. And like true libtard fascists, they obeyed Tess. That's why I call them the blind sheep. Rosanda was actually the only one who PMd me. She said she no longer wished to be associated with me. I said "fine!" I don't care. It's not like I didn't see that day coming months before, when she took up being friends with that Vincent Lamaro. But I wasn't going to let her turn away without her knowing the TRUTH. She got Tess's side of the story, and I let her have my side. Tess wasn't even a part of that story! Tess is just a dumbfuck who poked her big nose in where it doesn't belong. Whether she believed it or not is entirely up to her. But being a libtard, I'm sure she didn't believe it. That's OK too. Me, my family, my real friends, and GOD knows the truth. They are the only ones I really have to answer to.

Oh that's another thing. Libtards don't believe in GOD. LOL! Well, that's on them. That's between themselves and whatever they believe is their maker. But I would rather live my life like I believe in GOD rather than live life like an atheist, only to find out too late there actually was a GOD. You never know, maybe HE really is up there. I'd rather believe now than find out after it's too late. I don't live my life the way the WBC wants us to, thinking about and obeying GOD every second of our lives. But I do believe HE is up there, and I do what HE says.

Anyways, back to the subject. I think Antifa has gone WAY too far! It's one thing when they stalked Tucker Carlson at his home, and threatened his family. He has money for private security guards. But not everybody does. But now they are going to the homes of private people, stalking their family. This fat clown in the picture above, was even looking in the window of his victim's daughter, looking in at her. That would be my worst nightmare come true! If I were a teenage girl, I wouldn't want some fat soy-knocking pedophile with a gun looking in my bedroom window!! Even as an old fart, I wouldn't want some crazed libtard looking in my bedroom window! I often ask myself how would the libtards like it if conservatives did the same things to them that they do to us? I guarantee they wouldn't like it. They would be going to the press crying about it, and next thing you know, the mainstream media would have a field day blowing it all out of proportion!

But since this is a member of Antifa stalking a conservative's home, it's not covered in the media. I only heard about it through a YouTube video. I looked on Google, and there is indeed NOTHING about it there! So, why is that? Maybe that's why libtards don't see the evil in other libtards; because it's not as well publicized as it would be if it were a conservative attacking a libtard. I swear! A conservative slaps a fresh libtard in the face, it's all over every mainstream news outlet all over the world saying "Violent conservatives blow libtard's face off with a [non-existent] rifle". But a crazy libtard with a gun stalking an innocent conservative at his own home, threatening his family and looking in a window at his child, does not even get a mere mention on Google. How is that fair? How is that possible?

I swear people piss me off! Oh! By the way, here's that caricature I did of Tess O'brien as promised...

When my sis was here, we saw a Mel Brooks film called Spaceballs. It's a parody of Star Wars. There was one character on there they called Pizza the Hut. LOL! They said he was half man, half pizza. That's what this drawing of Tess reminds me of! LMAO!!

Saturday, May 11, 2019

What The Far-Left Liberals Do

OMG! I wondered how the leftists were going to counter-attack the demise of the Trump-Russia collusion. Well now I know. Now, they are going to downplay illegal immigrants. Trump has been saying for a long time that there has been a crisis at the border. The leftists have denied it all those months, saying "There's nothing wrong at the border". Well, now they are finally admitting there is something wrong at the border. They've denied it for so long, why are they now just getting the message? Well, first reason is because leftists are dumb. They all have been living with cats for so long they have cat shit for brains! Second reason is because they know that now admitting this makes Trump look bad. I just saw a video about this. This is the same kind of virtue-signaling I've been seeing from leftists for as long as I've been on the internet.

See, this is why I just cannot be friendly towards leftists. They do this kind of shit all the time. When one theory of their's is proven wrong, they turn to something else to make the conservatives look bad. The leftists cannot get Trump on the Russia collusion, so they find something else and blow it up all out of proportion to make Trump look bad. Even if it's a problem that Trump told them about years ago. Another YouTuber I saw likened the whole act to that of a dying fish. When one plan they have fails, they create another one so they don't have to gasp for that last breath of air. But Trump admitted a long time ago there was a crisis at the border, so this is obviously a desperate grasp at straws from the left. The leftists have ALWAYS been like this. I've even seen this kind of behavior from INXS fans.

I remember back when INXS was touring after the Rockstar era. I used to go into the Switchboard. Well, that board's owner was a girl named Vicki. She was a fat, ugly, blond chick who was definitely a true leftist libtard. She acted just like the left is now. One might argue that because she didn't live in the USA, she could not be a leftist. But she was! They do exist in other countries. This one lived in New Zealand. All one has to have to be considered a leftist is the reasoning skills of a gnat and a 2-year old toddler's mentality. Vicki had both of those. Well, where she comes from, those people still believe the earth is flat and vaccines cause autism in children. I guess she could not help it that her stupid cat gave her shit for a brain. In fact, her attitude inspired me to make a little portrait of her...

I told you all before, cat people are usually ugly. Vicki certainly was! LMAO! That and the fact that she's a liberal. Liberals are always ugly people. I wouldn't be surprised now if she's even gone bald, just like all other liberal women.

Anyways, I'm not here to talk about Vicki's looks. In the Switchboard, which was her forum, she started acting like Adolf Hitler. I remember mentioning that on my old MSN blog. I had a feeling about it but I was not sure. So, I posted about it on my blog, like I always do when I am unsure of something, yet almost sure. I added "MTMTE" to the end of the post. Well, Vicki saw that post, and just like all leftists do, she took it and put it on her profile on the forum. Only she made it out to mean "Mighty Terrific Moderator To Everyone". LOL!!! I know she posted that in hopes it would piss me off. But it didn't. See, the libtards are always baiting the conservatives like that. Vicki was hoping I would see that and get angry, or apologetic. And when she saw it didn't work, she took that down. I didn't care! I said she can take those initials and make them mean whatever she wants to. Really, it meant "More Than Meets The Eye". LOL! I didn't want to spell it out though because I was not sure of my hunch that I had about Vicki. I believed she was being especially hostile to me because I don't like her friend DonnaG. I still don't! Vicki did not change that. And I still believe I was right about Vicki acting like Adolf Hitler for that reason. DonnaG too is a libtard. And just like Vicki, has a bad attitude. Vicki did not see that though. Libtards never see how evil other libtards are. They just want to see it in us conservatives.

Shoot! Instead of MTMTE at the end of that post, I should have posted AH. LOL!! I wonder if Vicki would have understood that meant she is Adolf Hitler? LOL!! She could have put that on her profile on the forum. Let people there know the real Vicki.

Well, I knew I was right about Vicki when the delusional fans forum went up, and they started attacking me. Catsredrum was the leftist to end all leftists! She even lived in Portland! That alone said a lot. Vicki came in under the handle "incognito". I used to think it was DonnaG, but no. I know DonnaG coached Vicki into doing that though, but it wasn't Donna herself. Vicki posted a picture on that forum that came from DonnaG's Photobucket account. It was the pic of me with Garry Beers. Not that I care! The pic actually did look better without DonnaG in there. It was the sneaky behavior that made me question Donna's and Vicki's integrity. I referred to Catsredrum as "A rogue INXS fan gone mad". LOL! That pissed Catsredrum off! I could tell. Her words said "I just love that nickname". But the attitude behind it said "How dare she call me a rogue madwoman".

Anyways, at one point in the delusional fans forum, I said I hope Catsredrum and Netrage do not find the Switchboard. They'd never fit in! Next thing I knew, there was Catsredrum and Netrage on the Switchboard. The first words out of Catsredrum's mouth when she got there was "I'm the 'rogue INXS fan gone mad'." She said it with something of a snarky attitude, just like Vicki had, and just like all leftists have. I thought they were there to troll, based on their behavior on the delusional fans forum. Then Vicki said she invited them there. Then I figured out "Ohh OK. Vicki just did it to piss me off!" Then I was onto her bullshitting. That's basically all it was, was bullshitting. And I see the same actions in leftists EVERYWHERE!!! When one thing doesn't anger the conservatives, or prove the leftists wrong, they turn to something else to put on conservatives to make them angry. They want us to get angry, so they can call us the angry, unaccepting, violent people. They'll keep poking the bear until they finally get something to hold against the conservatives and make us angry.

The problem with that is, it will eventually backfire. It did with Catsredrum and Netrage. LOL! For 6 months, they talked about me nonstop on their forum. Even long after I had stopped talking about them and giving Vicki any attention whatsoever. Then Catsredrum made one big mistake on her forum; she let someone post that I let my dog Groucho die just so I can attend a concert. I could actually sue her for that. I wanted to go to her house and blow her brains out with my rifle. But that would accomplish nothing. So, I decided to give her a taste of her own medicine. I did nothing any different than what they did to me for 6 months. I wanted them to know what it felt like to have someone spread a bunch of bullshit about them. Believe me, they didn't like it! LOL!! It took several months of doing that to them, but I got the result I wanted. They started calling me "the stalker" on the delusional fans forum. When I heard they were calling me that, I was tickled pink! It proved my point. They never saw what they were doing as stalking (typical libtards). They only saw it as stalking when I did it to them. Again, typical libtards!!

Shoot! I should have warned Stephanie to leave me the fuck alone. She started attacking me almost immediately after my father died. And I had never done anything to her or Jennifer (or Kathy for that matter). But I didn't think anything of it at first. Not until she wrote that angry message to my mom. I should have said right at the beginning to Stephanie "You'd better back the fuck off bitch! I'm not the kind of person you want to fuck around with!" When I hit back, I can hit back pretty damn hard! Don't mess with someone who has the mind of a fox and the attitude of a wolverine! And I don't give up. I may be a conservative, but I am a conservative with attitude. I'm not as gentle as the others. Especially when I am attacked by someone I never did any harm to. I can pretty quickly go from 0 to 60.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

What Is "Hate Speech"?

So, what is "hate speech"? What constitutes it? My answer is well, nothing. There is no such thing as "hate speech". People dislike something. That doesn't mean it's hate speech. People disagree with something another person says, but that still doesn't mean it's hate speech. I've been called a "racist" because I described someone who did something bad as being what she was--Asian. Is that hate speech? No. I described a great many things about that person. One of them just happened to be that she was Asian. Another happened to be she was 35 years old. Does that mean I am prejudice against 35 year olds? I also described her as being chubby. Does that mean I am prejudice against chubby people? I'll tell you, I was as fat as she was. LMAO!! None of that was hate speech. The accuser who said I was "racist" just took one word out of context and blew it up all out of proportion. That's what liberals do. Now, any opposing viewpoints are considered "hate speech".

I do not believe in hate speech. I believe everyone has a right to their opinion. And I believe that in the truest sense of the word. There are some speech that I do not like and do not accept, but nothing to me is "hate speech". Like for example, someone comes to my videos on YouTube, and they start viciously calling me names. That's not hate speech. That's just them being an asshole. They have a right to be an asshole if that's what they want. I just have gotten to where I do not accept their comments because now YouTube has taken away my monetization privileges. I'm no longer paid to put up with creeps and dumbasses. When I get my monetization back, I'll accept dumbass comments again. Until then, I monitor every comment that comes in. Though I never expect to get my monetization back again. LOL! One has to have 1000 subscribers at least, and I don't, probably never will. And frankly, I don't ever hope to get that big. I don't want to be too big on YT. I've seen what being bigger does to people. I've seen it ruin their lives. Not something I need (or want) in my world today.

Anyways, the only speech that I believe to be unacceptable is a call to violence. I'll never accept speech like that. Those are threats, someone telling another person to kill themselves, or telling other people to kill (or harm) someone. I don't accept those kind of comments. I also don't accept just outright name-calling. I can tell when someone just has a nasty disposition. I've seen it all too often. Though I do not consider name-calling "violence" or "hate speech". Like I said earlier, it's just people being assholes. Normally, I do not call others names. It's not in my nature. My best battles are me actually being passive-aggressive. I let them do the name-calling. They're only making themselves look like they lost the battle. LMAO!!!

That's precisely why name-calling doesn't bother me. LOL! Name-calling is a last resort. If a person cannot have what they want, they call the other person names. If a person cannot change another person's mind, they call the other person names. That's not me. In fact, I know I am right when the opposer calls me names. I look upon it like a sort of badge of honor. Some of my favorite names I've been called are "bitch", "transphobe", and "dumb fat bitch". LMAO!! People resort to personal attacks on another person when they know they cannot present a good argument. I see it all the time when Ben Shapiro does a speech at a liberal college. I see it all the time on Jessie Lee Peterson's show. I see it all the time on InfoWars videos. And I myself get it all the time from liberals. Especially from liberals. This is why liberals lynched a lot of people in the 1800s and up to the mid-1900s. In fact I think they are still lynching people today. You don't hear about it much though. But they do talk about lynching conservatives. Or harming conservatives in some way.

But that is still not hate speech. That's still just people being assholes.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Speech = Violence?

I'm a little miffed today because for many months, I've been hearing about free speech being equated with violence. I saw the Michael Knowles show yesterday and I heard him going back and forth with this liberal "professor", whatever you call them! He was talking about free speech being banned, and she was telling him that some speech is violence. Ya know the first time I heard bullshit like that was with Riley J. Dennis. Apparently this idea that speech is equivalent to violence got started with trannies who did not want to hear the truth that they were not the gender they think they are. So they made up the "speech is violence" movement in hopes that it will catch on and get free-thinkers arrested. Well the hell with that! Speech is not violence!

If speech really was equal to violence, then I could have soooooooo many people arrested for things said about me. I mean really, you think I don't ever hear all the so-called "violent" speech? I get talked shit about a lot, especially by liberal SJWs! They hate me because I am an alpha-girl who is not afraid to speak her mind. But do I ever call their speech 'violence'? No. In fact, I am the first one to agree they have a right to their own opinions. Only if someone specifically says "If you see this person, then shoot, punch, rape, or kill her." That is the only speech that is not protected and I do not condone. And the closest thing I ever had to someone saying that about me was with Tess O'brien telling every one of the liberal SJWs to delete me from their Facebook friends. And I don't even consider that violence. Although I do not deny that if they showed up on my doorstep, they probably would try those things. But I am not going to panic unless they actually do show up on my doorstep. But thankfully, that is not likely to happen. LOL! Liberals are too cowardly to show up at one of their victim's homes.

Anyways, that is the only time where speech and violence coincide. I believe this whole "speech is violence" idea is stupid! It's basically a way libtards figure they can have opposing opinions silenced. So they don't have to face the truth. You know libtards! They are spineless cowards! Personally, I welcome opposing viewpoints. I can agree or disagree. So can they. I don't call it violence, and I am not afraid to hear opposing viewpoints. But if there is one thing I am not, it's spineless. Don't listen to the dirty dozen mob. LMAO!!! They think everyone is spineless except themselves, and they are the most spineless people I've ever met! Sometimes I even surprise myself with how ballsy I really am! Shoot! Maybe that's why people think I'm gay. No other woman has the guts I have to do what I do. So, I guess that's why people think I'm really a man, or gay. LOL! Though Katrina says it's probably because I don't ever talk about being with a guy.

Anyways, at one of Knowles's speeches on a college campus, he was saying men cannot be women and women cannot be men, which is indeed true. They can't. I can never really be a man. I can dress like a man, I can be tough like a man, I can even have a manly voice, but I can never actually be a man. Not that I want to. I enjoy being a woman. LOL! But when Michael Knowles said it on this campus, some idiot came out with one of those super soaker kiddie rifles and sprayed him with some kind of strange chemical. Fortunately the perpetrator was taken away in handcuffs, but he said he did it because Michael Knowles's speech was inciting violence against trannies. That is so stupid! It was not!! It was violence perpetrated by a tranny person against Michael Knowles. Knowles did not call for it. That person did it on his own. And his actions were violence. Speech it's self is not violence. OK! If people take aggressive action against trannies because Michael Knowles said men can never be women and women can never be men, then that is on the people who took aggressive action. It's not on Knowles!! It had nothing to do with his speech unless he said in his speech "Go out open season on trannies. Find them and destroy them." But no, he didn't say that at no time during that speech.

I swear, people today are so stupid! They think everything is racist, offensive, violent, hate speech, fascist and all that stupid crap. Well, everything except the shit they're doing. To them, what they do is none of that shit. The rest of us sees it though. They call all conservatives "far rightwing extremists" and say we are the "violent, angry" ones. The left is just full of dumbasses. I'm glad I am not on the left. They are going to get their's very soon. Just wait! It's already starting to come. Conservatives are beginning to fight back. I'm glad too. We're all getting sick of the "leftist act".

Monday, April 29, 2019

Quora Is A Liberal Site

I might quit Quora soon, it's way too liberal. Usually, since I've been on there, if I disagree with someone, my comments get deleted. I guess most of the people there cannot handle me. Well, I admit I am straightforward. I've always been that way. I didn't used to be mean, that is until I found out being nice to people on the internet gets me nowhere. But these dumb liberals are always saying things to me, and when I respond, my comments get deleted. Even though they are not really very mean. Shoot! They are meaner in their comments towards me than I am with them. Not that it bothers me. But it bothers me that I cannot say what I really feel without Quora moderation constantly deleting my comments. Apparently the people who comment on my things cannot take it that I am such a straightforward person. But I am not on Quora to make friends. I never have anyone's comments deleted that are directed towards me. And believe me, I have gotten some hateful comments. LMAO!! But it doesn't bother me. I wouldn't be making comments or asking questions on there if I thought it would have bothered me.

One example of a hateful comment I got was from one of those ADS fags. I am a partner now, so I have to think of at least 10 questions to ask per day. I figured "Well Hell! Just ask any old thing if it makes Quora happy!" I heard about people making up to $4000 per month just asking questions on Quora! I wanted to try and go for that. Although now I've slowed down on that, because a lot of the things I ask gets merged with questions that were already there. I'm still kinda new to the site. Anyways, this one question I asked was

Are you one of those fanatics that tell people to adopt don't shop a pet? Why are you fanatical about it?

I got an answer from someone named Trish Phillips that was probably one of the most hateful answers I've ever seen on Quora! LOL!! She said

Yes, you dumb shmuck, I am. There are thousands of cats with no homes because morons don't spay or neuter and then they abandon the kittens.
Puppy mills are disgusting places that don't give a Tinker's dam about the dogs that are breeding. They just want to sell the puppies to idiots for as much money as they can.
I be
t they see you from a mile away.
Naturally, such a hateful response comes from someone who is not only an ADS fag, but also a catfag. Shoot! Even the thumbnail she uses makes her look angry and depressed...

Well, catfags are usually ugly anyways. But you get the picture. LOL! I'm not completely positive what she means by "I bet they see you from a mile away." Maybe she means I scare puppymillers. Shoot! I hope so! LMAO!! Anyways, notice I did not report her answer, nor do I have any intention of doing it either. She has a right to her opinion. I wouldn't have asked the question if I was really afraid of getting even hateful responses. Seriously, it doesn't bother me at all. But just about every answer I put on Quora gets deleted because some fool cannot handle me giving my opinion.

Its funny too. I remember where someone asked if Quora was a conservative site or a liberal site. Most answers said it is a conservative site. I said "Are you kidding? I've never been on a more liberal site than Quora!!" They follow liberal rules and liberal guidelines, and usually only the liberals get to have their say. Conservative views often get deleted. Of course I warned everyone when I first got on Quora that I am not there to make friends. I think most people get that by now. But I am going to give my answers in an honest way. Whether the liberals like it or not.

Anyways, I wanted to share this. Someone asked the question What are some things you just can't understand about people? I've talked about this a lot on this blog! But this gave me a chance to put down a lot of the things about people that I will just never get straight in my mind. People are harder to understand than animals. This was my response to that question...

 Just about everything!

  1. People say often “I hate liars!” You tell them the truth about something, they’ll hate you for being honest with them.
  2. People often say “I hate hypocrites!” Then turn around and practice their own hypocrisy. People are naturally hypocrites, BTW. It’s part of our nature.
  3. Liberals say “Let’s let all illegals in this country” thinking we can support them. Trump invites illegals in, sends them to so-called “sanctuary cities”, and the liberals there now say “we don’t want them here!”
  4. People love cougars, but hate wolves. I don’t think I’ll ever understand that!
  5. People say GOD isn’t real, but being able to change your sex/gender is very real.
  6. Women fall in love with the bad boys, then 10 years (and hundreds of beatings) later, wonder why there are no good men.
  7. People listen only to one side of a story against someone they don’t really like or beliefs they don’t agree with, and believe that’s the only side there is. Then when it benefits their beliefs, or someone they like better, they’ll say “there’s always 2 parts to every story”.
  8. People say “you have a right to your opinion”, and then decide they don’t like someone who doesn’t like the same things they do.
  9. People love someone who treats them like shit, but hate someone who treats them with kindness.
  10. People think it’s their personal duty to stick their noses in everyone’s business.
  11. I had one person, who was a former “friend” and found out I don’t like one of her friends, say to me “You mess with my friend, and you’re fucked!” And I was thinking “Well, I thought I was your friend!” Apparently it’s only her other friends that counted. Not what they did to me. (kinda goes along with my #7 point).
  12. People call someone they don’t even know “stupid” just because they don’t agree with them. I get this a lot, and it’s always from people who prove to be dumber than I am! LOL!
  13. If you don’t want to know, then DON’T ASK! I had one person do this and when I answered her, she backed off saying “I’m not gonna get involved…” and Blah-blah-blah. Then I was like “Well, if you really didn’t want to know then why the hell did you ask me?!”
There’s more but that’s all I can think of for now.

I'll probably add more as I think of them, but this is basically the things I'll never understand about people. I mean really, I'm not like most of these.

1. I admit I'm not fond of liars either. I have much more respect for a person who is honest with me. It's better than leading me on for months, or years.

2. Yes, I admit I am a hypocrite! So is everyone who has ever called me a hypocrite. Hypocrisy is a natural part of human behavior. NO ONE is immune. No person I know lives 100% by their exact words. And no, I don't hate hypocrites, but I will call them out.

3. I am still laughing about that one. The liberals say Trump is stupid and a whiner. But he's smarter than they are! LMAO!! Think about that one!

4. This is kindof like saying people love serial killers, but don't like people who are upstanding people. Besides, I love wolves. I hate cougars too.

5. I believe GOD is real, whether other people believe in HIM or not. But people don't get (especially liberals) that a human CANNOT change their gender just because they say so. Only lower vertebrates can change their gender. Humans are not in that category.

6. I'm not like that. I cannot fall in love with mean guys!

7. Fricken libtard SJWs! I see this all the time among them.

8. I can't be like that either. But it makes it hard to be loyal to people, even those I don't always agree with, when they are the ones who are like this.

9. I get this a lot too, I try to be kind to everyone. Or I used to try to. LOL! Yet I was still hated and scorned. I can't understand that. It seems the nicer you are to people, the more they hate you.

10. Yes. People are nosy! They get involved in things they shouldn't, instead of letting the people who are involved work it out for themselves.

11. #11 and #7 are pretty much the same point. I can only guess those kind of people have never really seen me as a friend. Which is why I am no longer nice to other people.

12. I get this a lot too. My hunch is those people are the ones thinking "You make some valid points but I don't want to tell you that. So, I'll call you stupid instead because you're making me look like a fool!" LMAO!!!

13. I had a woman do this many years back. I think her name was Rachael. She was from the UK. Back on the old forums, this Hutch fan who called herself Bittertears and I got into it. I finally told her what I thought of her. I never liked her. There was something about her that always bothered me. I couldn't put my finger on it before. Well, I wrote about it on my old MySpace blog, and Rachael asked me what Bittertears did. So, I told her. Then she cut me off saying "Oh I'm not going to get involved in this!" and blah-blah-blah. I don't really remember the whole argument she gave. But then I had to wonder if she didn't really want to know, then why ask me in the first place? Rachael sadly was kindof an airhead. If I really don't want to know, I just don't ask. Besides, it's none of my business anyways. I always figure those in the battle will figure it out or not. It's up to them.

Well, fortunately I haven't seen Bittertears in years. She doesn't get into social media. And even if she does, I have nothing to do with the fans anymore. So, no chance of running into her at all. LOL!

Thursday, April 25, 2019

How I Judge A Real Man

Well, this is all just my opinion, but based on what I've seen so far in my life, I want to express what I think makes a man a real man. The other day, I got into a disagreement with someone on Quora. I said that men who prefer cats over dogs are not real men. I've found that to be mostly true. Most men who prefer cats over dogs are usually ugly, whiny-voiced, liberal men. Though there are some conservatives that also bears those characteristics. It's not always liberals. But the majority of liberals prefer cats over dogs. One example of a conservative that prefers cats is a guy on YouTube who calls himself Red Pill Philosophy. You can't miss him. He's a kindof ugly guy, he says he's part Cuban, but he has blue eyes. He also always has a thick, black beard and mustache, and thick eyebrows. But he also has a whiny voice. Now, I have nothing personal against Red Pill Philosophy, although he does say all fat women are hideous. Hell that's his prerogative! But I remember one time he critiqued a video of a guy who was being cussed out by an Uber driver. He talked about how that guy had a high-pitched whiny voice and the whole video was RPP making fun of this guy's voice. I listened and watched the video, and I even compared the voices of both men. And I am sorry to say, that RPP has a much higher voice than that guy in the video he was critiquing. I believe it's because he has those stupid cats all over his house.

Anyways, I was in a little disagreement with someone on Quora because I said pretty much the same thing. It's been my personal experience. But then again, the liberal world has been expanding, and I remember a time when men were really men. Anyways, this woman told me about her husband, whom she adores a great deal (obviously). She claims her husband is the best hubby in the world. Which I remember a time when ALL women said the same thing about their husbands. That was nothing unique in my generation. She told me her husband prefers cats too, just like her. But he's the kind of person who people walking down the street fear, because she says he looks like a motorbiker. My first impression of her husband (judging only on the fact he prefers cats over dogs), was he may be one of those types that looks mean, but when he talks, he probably sounds like a 10-year old boy, even though he is in his 70s.

Personally, motorbikers do not intimidate me. I've met some who were nice, and some who were mean. But looking intimidating does not make a man a real man. First of all, a man should have a manly voice. I have yet to meet any guy who prefers cats over dogs that even remotely sounds like a grown man. I got a look at this woman's husband, and I told her even, to me he looks like a tiny, bald missy-man with a long beard. Plus, he was shorter than she was. And skinnier. So, he would not intimidate me if I was to just see him walking down the road. Second, real men do not shave their heads. Though some might, most real men keep their hair. To me, a man who shaves his head is just a guy who is trying to look tough, when really he's not. Third, men should have some meat on their bones. Not obese, but a little meat is good. Fourth, a man should know how to treat a lady like a lady. Whether he thinks she's pretty or not. And real men generally do not get into fights. Back when I was in the voc school, I learned something. I learned a man is more of a man if he walks away from a fight than if he gets into one. And I believe that to be true. Only sissy men use their superior strength to gain power. I've seen men who start battles with others, and bully others, but those are not the kind I see as real men.

This woman said to me "He knows he does not have to walk into a room with 3 big rottweilers to look tough." Personally, I don't agree with that either. I don't like men who use their dogs as a status symbol. Chris Cornell had pugs, not necessarily a rottweiler, and he could scream in his videos and not sound like a girl doing it! Like Katrina said about him once. LOL! So, the size, ferocity and reputation of the breed has nothing to do with what I am saying. This woman's husband could have owned a yorkshire terrier, or a chihuahua, and I would still see him as more of a man than he is preferring cats. There's just something about men preferring cats over dogs that makes them not even seem like real men. And I have seen the same thing over and over again. It's not like her husband was the first.

Maybe it's just that sissy men are naturally more attracted to cats, but there is just something about men who prefer cats over dogs that just does not make them seem like real men. Most of them don't even look like real men. Having a mustache and beard does NOT make a man a man. I've seen a lot of manly men who did not have whiskers. And I've seen a lot of missy men who did. In fact, I've noticed it's always been the sissy men who think they must have a mustache and/or beard to look like a real man. Well, Bin Ladin had a mustache and beard and to me, he did not look like a real man. He just looked like a fool with a mustache and beard. And he was such a sissy, he used bombers to do his dirty bidding! He didn't even have the decency to use himself.

Another thing I learned about what makes a man a real man, when they do something wrong, they own up to it. Not like these libtard men who hit and run, or hide themselves. A great example of that was that dumb old Matt Burney. Remember him? LOL! He shit talked me and someone I was once friends with because neither of us liked Paula Yates. Then he accused us of being "jealous" of a dead slut. LMAO!! Then he ran and hid. By "hid" I mean he blocked us. Usually only sissy men do that. He couldn't take it that we may respond to him, so he hid. That, to me, is not a real man. A real man wouldn't have made accusations and then ran and hid. He would have tried to work it out. Of course a real man wouldn't have picked an argument in the first place, with 2 women just because we don't agree with him.

Ya know, I heard Lily contacted the moderator of one of the 2 INXS groups I am on and yelled at her for allowing people on her group to talk bad about Paula Yates. The main problem I have is Paula was a celebrity. People are going to not like her. Whether Lily likes that or not. If she doesn't like anyone talking bad about Paula, then she needs to stay off social media. Stay off the groups. Or learn to get over it. Because there are some people who are not going to like her. I am one of them. And there is nothing she, or anyone else, can do about it. I can't stand Paula. I still believe she had something to do with Michael's death. The only respect I have for Paula is she was a dog lover, and she obviously taught her kids to love dogs. But that's so far the only brownie point she's earned from me. But even though she is dead, she was still a public figure. People who put themselves out in public do not have any rights against criticism. To suggest they do, is a seriously leftist snowflake ideal. And I do not listen anyways to leftist snowflakes. Most often I just tell them to shut the fuck up! LOL!

Well, snowflakes are not real men either. Actually, the men I find to be the truest of men out there are cowboys. I have a saying going on now. Fake men love cats. Real men love dogs. Ultra men love horses! The ugliest people love cats. More handsome people love dogs. The best looking people love horses! There's just something about people who love horses and dogs that makes them the most attractive people of all. I guess it's because those people get out more and move around. Cat people don't have to do anything. They can just sit around the house all day long and get lazy, fat and ugly. In fact, I saw on Quora someone asked the question "What makes you prefer cats?" I saw one person's answer, and except for the loud barking (which even I agree I can do without), she did not list any good reasons to not like dogs. Most of her reasons were things like "dogs have big penises" or "dogs have hair, where cats have fur", or "it's fun having a miniature hunter around the house". Ya know, stupid shit like that. I personally love dogs. Dogs have buns, cats just have a big, ugly anus that sticks out like a sore thumb. The dog family is much older than the cat family, so I love having a living fossil around the house. I love it that dogs come in 6 different coat-types, 50 different patterns and over 400 official breeds where cats only come in 2 coat types, about 5 patterns and only 200 official breeds. Dogs also come in a variety of shapes and sizes. With cats well, you see one cat, you've seen them all.

Well, in other news, I am working on another videobook. This one is for the story called Growing Up Is Hard to Do. It's the first videobook I've worked on in a long time, 2 years at least! I really need to work on more of these! I'm doing the stories that are considered UMG masterpieces first. Then I will get to the other stories. This time, I am getting more voices involved because I've used up all my tricks masking my own voice. I wanted fresh new voices. I even got my sis involved and one of her friends. LOL! Hopefully it'll be done and up in a week. We will see.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

You Made Your Bed!

Now lie in it! Donald Trump is giving the liberals a taste of their own medicine. The liberals wanted to let illegal immigrants in this country. They would not give Trump the go-ahead to build the wall. They wanted to declare "sanctuary states" and cities all over this nation. Well, Trump has been more than patient with the liberals. Now, he's saying "OK fuck you all! You wanted illegal immigrants in this country so bad? You got them! You wanted sanctuary cities? You got them! So, now every illegal immigrant that comes into this country will be sent to your 'sanctuary cities'." HAHAHAHA!!! Libtards are always doing this kind of virtue-signaling to rational-thinking people. But now that Trump is giving them their way, the libtards are having a FIT!!!!!

It's been a bad month for libtards. This is so funny! I'm having a blast watching liberals get what they deserve. First the Mueller Report tries to find any sign of a collusion of Trump with Russia and the voting polls. They didn't find anything. But the liberals are still waiting. They think something against Trump is going to magically pop up, even though it's been proven Trump had NO collusion with Russia. But guess who they found out DID have collusion with Russia? That's right O-Fucking-Bama!!!! LMAO!!!!! They found evidence that Obama DID collude with Russia!!!! This is so funny!!! The libtards were so positive Trump did it! But no. Their "hero" Obama did it. LMAO!!!

Then Ilhan Omar downplays 9/11. She doesn't even know what the fuck she's talking about! She said Care was "founded after 9/11 because some people did something". What a fucking tard!!! Care was founded in 1994. She showed NO sympathy for the 3000 or so Americans who died in 9/11. But she demands we all feel sympathy for the muslims that were killed in the New Zealand shooting. Fuck her!! I told you dumb dems you would regret the day you voted that muslim rat into congress!!! She's not only unsympathetic about Americans who were killed en mass, but she's fucking dumb as a fruitcake!!!

And then they find out Joe Biden is not the nice guy they thought he was. Some chick came out and said that Biden sexually harassed her some years ago when he worked with Obama. Some have accepted that. But a lot of libtards have yet to accept it. So, what happened to the "me too" movement? Why aren't those liberals saying Biden is a scumbag? They sure were quick to say it about Kavanaugh when he was accused of raping a girl in college, many, many years ago! Which never happened, and it's been proven. Just like the dumbass SJW INXS libtard fans who mashed me after my father died, the "me too" supporters don't want to know the truth when its a conservative being accused. They just believe the accuser, even after the accused has been proven innocent. Biden even admitted he molested women!!

Now, Trump is sending all illegal immigrants to these so-called "sanctuary cities". They can commit their crimes there. Have at it! I hope they whip those dumb liberals. It may be the only thing that opens their eyes to how those illegals are not just illegal for no reason!

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Bye-Bye Boo-Boo

After all these years and many trials and tribulations, Vegas has been called back to Doggie Heaven. I've been thinking about him all day long. It was a difficult decision to make, and my sis almost didn't want to make it. But I told her it's what is now best for Vegas. I hated seeing him suffer. But a couple nights ago, it got worse. My sis took him out on Tuesday to go potty, and she was only gone a minute. But when she came back in, Vegas was growling at everything, and he would not stand up on his own. When we tried to touch him to comfort him, he growled and nipped at us. He didn't hurt us. He had no teeth. But it was enough to worry me.

We couldn't do anything about it right away, so the next day, he was still not walking on his own. So, we took him to the vet. Unfortunately we had to take him to a vet in Lincoln City because all the vets in Tillamook were all booked up into next week! How does that happen??? How can a vet in a small town be so booked up they cannot squeeze a little dog in until the following week??? Especially if it's an emergency! So, we had no choice but to go to a vet in Lincoln City. That vet diagnosed Vegas as having a ruptured ligament. OUCH!!! She put him on anti-inflammatory medicine and told us to keep him immobile for the next 8 weeks. So, we took him home, prepared to do what the vet said.

Well, last night, it got much worse. He started puking up the anti-inflammatory medicine as well as his regular medicine. After that he started a deep decline downward. Ya know they say a good mom can feel when her child is going to get better, or going to get worse. I began feeling the night before that Vegas was not going to get any better. So, I started talking to my sis about having Vegas put to sleep. It took some coaxing, but I talked her into ending Vegas' suffering. Believe me, I didn't want to put him down either! It broke my heart to even discuss it. But I knew it was what was best for Vegas. From the looks of him at this point, I didn't think he was going to last the night. He had puked too much, and he could barely keep his head up. The only vet we could go to was all the way in Beaverton. So, even though we had not much money and very little gas to get down there, we drove all the way to Beaverton in the dark.

By the time we got there, my sis was taking Vegas out of the car, and he went limp in her arms. I was like "I was right, he wouldn't have made it through the night." I knew then he was already on his way out. We carried him into the vet's office. The vet took him right away and carried him back to the IC unit. My sis and I waited in a room for the vet to come and speak to us. When she came, she told us that he wasn't going to make it through the night. And even if he did, he would not have a very good quality of life, and that would be the most important thing. So, I said I really believe it's his time to go. So, we said our goodbyes to Vegas, and we stood there as the vet gave him his final shot. It was sad to watch, but again, we knew it was the best thing for him.

We got home this morning about 2:30 AM. It had been a very sad night. I missed Vegas already by the time I got home. My sis and I were talking about how Vegas was as a baby. We helped bring him into this world. We remembered the day he was born. I kept pics going of him, and showed them off to my buds on the forum. I was so proud of him. I even showed him off to some other Chihuahua breeders in the old Pluba forum that I knew. But now, he's no longer with us. It was a sudden shift in lifestyle.

Well, he's resting in peace. We ordered an urn to put him in, and I have a plan for his favorite toy, and his little pawprint. I managed to get Minnie's ashes back. But I now have a plan for Vegas's ashes. I'm going to get one of those display boxes from a craft store, and set it up as a memorial to Vegas. I didn't do anything like that for Minnie because first of all, I wasn't there to help make the decision. Second, there wouldn't be much to put in that memorial box! Minnie didn't play with much of anything. She wasn't a player. But Vegas had this Bumble stuffed toy that he absolutely LOVED!!! I thought it would be only fitting and proper to put his ashes in with his toy and his pawprint. I'm going to hang it up in my room. I bought him that toy, and he was my dog at one time, so I think I should have this. I might even put Minnie's ashes in the box with Vegas's.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

I Got My Car!!!!!!

I got myself a car yesterday, with the generous help from my sis! I went around yesterday from Salem to Portland and back to Tillamook. I love the car!! It runs as smooth as glass! It's not a newer car, it's a 1999 model. But I bet it was one of the first vehicles to have heated seats. The window locks are very cool too. You push a button and the locks are mechanical, they all go down. I just love this car! I'm still learning it though. It'd be so much easier to learn if it wasn't raining!!! UGH!! Whenever I want rain I can never have it. But now that I have a car and don't want it to rain, it rains all the time. Oh well. Anyways I am a happy girl now. It still needs some work, but I do love it. In time I'll get it all done. When I do this car will be a champ!!

Well, in an odd twist, I got an anonymous message some time ago actually, but I just noticed it yesterday. Someone told me Rosanda is back on Facebook under a different name. I think I remember seeing that name on my list but I couldn't figure out who it was. But oh well. Stay gone from Facebook, come back on Facebook, I could care less either way! LMAO!! Rosanda is fucked as far as I am concerned now. What she did will never be forgiven by me. Like she said, the damage is already done. 😁

Shoot! I used to be such a forgiving person. But that was back when I was a nice person. I'm not that person anymore. That person wasted nearly 10 years being sweet to INXS fans. But you can't be nice to libtards and this person has now finally realized that. So the days of being good to other INXS fans is over. I still love INXS, and a very few select fans. But I am no longer a fan of the fans. I only have a few INXS fans among my friends now on Facebook. And I want to keep it that way. Besides, most other INXS fans are catfags. Especially the liberals. I only accept INXS fans who like dogs. Dog people are better in every way. Cat people are almost always liberals and act accordingly.

I remember back in the days, I used to be a fan of The Amazing Atheist. Yeah I know, he's an atheist, but I thought he was funny anyways. But then recently, I found out he's a liberal. However I also found out he's a dog-lover. Well, he's one of the few liberals I know of who is a dog person. He's still funny. But I recently unsubbed him. I'd been a subscriber of his since I lived in Ocean Shores. I don't dislike him, but what made me unsub him was he kept calling Ben Shapiro "stupid", which is a tactic used by all liberals. But Ben Shapiro is FAR from being stupid! I've been listening to his broadcast now for several months and he is NEVER stupid!!! He's only stupid to liberals and liberal point of views don't count! They call everyone who disagrees with them "stupid". But to be seriously putting the name "Ben Shapiro" and the word "stupid" in the same sentence is a fallacy. And I told him that. Anyone who takes the time to know Ben Shapiro, would never refer to him as "stupid". When he argues, he makes some very valid points. He's been able to convince me to become more conservative.

Ya know I found out recently the liberals are supposed to be open-minded. They admit the word "liberal" refers to open-mindedness. But you know what? I've never met a liberal who was open-minded. They're all very closed-minded in fact. But they are very good experts at being brainwashed! But that is not the same as open-mindedness. Open-minded means you are open to other points of view. You take other people's opinions into consideration. That's not how I would describe a liberal. Liberals are people who listen to one side of an argument and run with that. They do not bother to listen to the other side because it may prove the side they agree with wrong. That is what being brainwashed (aka; Manipulated) is all about. Ben Shapiro is not like that. He'll listen to both sides, and he says he would accept any reasonable argument to disprove what he says. He listens to both sides. That's what conservatives do. And conservatives don't argue with rage. They're the more rational class.

Well, just because Ben Shapiro does not agree with every argument liberals throw his way, does not mean he is stupid. It just means he hasn't heard an argument meaningful enough to change his mind. If you try to tell him that gender is a "fluid" thing, he'll say no. You're either a man or a woman, a boy or a girl. It is not non-binary. Because it isn't! There is no scientific proof that gender is non-binary. That's something the libtards made up to accommodate people who have a mental disorder. Some women today would rather be men. Some men would rather be women. But none of us can truly become the gender we were not given inside the womb. There is no scientific way that is possible. The liberals even want to change science to accommodate this delusion. Thus they call people like Ben Shapiro "stupid" in hopes that if they cry loud enough, science will kneel to their wishes. But you cannot change science. You can only change people (and then only if they want to change). I'd like to have a million dollars and live in a huge house by the ocean. But I don't have it. So, I have to make do with what I have. You cannot make the world give you a million dollars. If you are a man who thinks he's a woman, you cannot make everyone agree with you. Same if you are a woman who thinks she's a man. You can't make me see you as a man, because you will always be a woman. That doesn't change just because you get yourself a mastectomy and a fake penis.

What pisses me off is the people who do bend their ways to give in to liberals. Then those of us who are stronger, and don't care about being labeled "racist" or "transphobic", have to work harder to push against those libtard beliefs. The words "racist" and "transphobic" mean absolutely NOTHING to me! Because to libtards, EVERYTHING is 'racist' and 'transphobic'. I even saw a video now where someone is calling time it's self "racist". The word just doesn't mean anything anymore. It's become more of a weapon than a word with meaning. Gotta hand it to libtards! I can only hope soon the remaining conservatives learn not to make laws just so people will stop calling them "racist" or such names as that. That should not be what makes laws. Laws should be based on reason, not on what names the opposers will be called.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Katrina Hates You

Ahh!! She's here! I finally relented and added Katrina's videos to UMG Productions, with her permission of course. YouTube won't let me or her monetize our videos, so I'm putting the videos up on a paid platform. That way, anyone who wants to view them would have to pay to see them. There are mostly videos that she has up on YouTube and/or Facebook. However, there are some she never put up as well. Like all our collections, we have a few new videos unique only to the UMG Productions website and DVD. If more people could see Katrina's videos, they'd love them. She's funny! I taught her everything I know. I've even been working on a little sample video as well. I am also working on exclusive Katrina Hates You merchandise. I think she should at least have her own stuff.

The reason I am doing this is, I am thinking of quitting YouTube. YouTube cut off my monetization capabilities, and I would rather not silence anyone. Even trolls. Although I really need to practice again dealing with trolls. It's been a bit harder since my father died. I am still just a wee bit weak from that. But I do get better every day. But I already took down my Dogs videos, and now they are available at UMG Productions. I also took off the documentaries I did about animals. They are also available only on UMG Productions. But I stopped accepting troll comments because YouTube doesn't pay me any longer to put up with them. So, I had to shut off automatic acceptance of any comments. Now, on YouTube, I only accept comments that are non-hostile. I accept critiques. But I do not accept comments that are hateful or just flat-out rude and obnoxious.

Katrina's latest video "Katrina Hates Cats (But Loves Dogs)" may get a lot of catfag attention. LMAO!! But she doesn't care. Knowing Katrina the way I do, she doesn't ever give half a shit what people on the internet think of her. I do admit to helping her a bit with that one. I even added Michael and Timmy's pics on that video, because they too are dog lovers. Timmy even has a dog. I did it to illustrate that dog people are more attractive than cat people. And you should see the doozies of cat people I've seen!! UGH!!! So ugly!! Almost all of them were ugly. I probably have more cat people pictured in that video than dog people. It was not hard to find the ugliest cat people I could find. Google is full of them. That's because cat people in general are ugly. Dog people are usually always the more attractive ones. I spent too much time as a cat person. That's why I am an ugly dog person. But I am not the norm. It's only been in the past 16 years I've been strictly a dog person. No cats.

I remember back right after I moved to Bozeman, some teenage chick on YouTube didn't like it that I said lions are ugly. She said to me "Hey you're pretty ugly yourself, just like all dog people." LOL!! I really couldn't say anything then because first of all, I'm not saying she was wrong that I am ugly. LOL! But back then, I had not really done any comparisons that would prove whether she was right or wrong about all dog people being ugly. But I will say this; she did inspire me to dig deeper into that theory. See, sometimes even teenagers can be useful! LOL! But my research proved exactly the opposite of what she was saying. I found more dog people to be attractive, and less cat people to be attractive. In fact, NO cat person is anywhere near as attractive as any dog people I know, or have seen. Like I said, having cats turns men into women and women into men. And it's actually kinda funny! Catfags always see cats as these "sexy, sensual" beasts. LMAO!!! Perhaps that is what makes cat people so ugly. They get cats because they are too unattractive to get the opposite sex to fall in love with them. That's probably why catfags are so hateful towards people who don't like cats. Because maybe they believe their cats are the equivalent of the spouse they cannot get.

Now, I am not talking about people who only have cats because they have too many health problems to handle a dog. Those people don't count. It's not really fair to put them under the same cloud of judgment. I'm talking about people who only get cats because they cannot stand dogs. Those are the people who are usually not attractive. I don't know what it is about cats that makes people so unattractive. But just about everyone I've ever seen that is a certified cat person has been ugly asf! Almost 100% of them were. Including that teenager who said I was an "ugly dog person". Yep, she was ugly too! She looked just like a chimpanzee. I saw one of her videos. They were only a set of still pics posted as a slideshow, but I saw her. If you want to know what she looked like, picture a chimpanzee in a long, black toupee. That's what she looked like. I remember her name was Kristi, and she had a video about saving the amur leopard. But I don't remember what her screen name was.

Well, I hope to have Katrina's merchandise up by tomorrow in our UMG Productions store. I just finished creating the design. So, watch for them! And if you want to check out Katrina's page on UMG Productions, go to this link:

Katrina Hates You

Saturday, March 23, 2019

New Movie Improvements

WOW!!!! I've been working on this movie since Wednesday, non-stop and I am EXHAUSTED!!!! I advise anyone to not cross me. LMAO!! Well, I'll just stay away from social media today. But I am finally finished with this movie!!! It is sort of a remake of the Timmyfan In Montana movie. Thank GOD I still had the original clips. But when I looked back and looked that movie over, I did not like it! Besides, it was way too long! And had so many meaningless scenes. So, I took all those out and just kept up with the subject of the movie; apartment hunting. I also threw in a few stray scenes. But I think I improved it.

Back when the movie was first made, in 2009, my skills as a cinematographer were not completely honed in. But lately, I've been doing a lot better in editing for my YouTube films and other movies I've made recently. So, I decided to put that to work cleaning this movie up. I think I made it 1000% better. I took out a lot of boring scenes, scenes that mean nothing to the movie, and a lot of long, silent pauses. I also cut out nearly an hour of this video. It's just slightly longer than 2 hours now. I even added a bonus comedy clip at the end, from one of the leftover clips that I didn't use in the actual movie. But I knew I could make something funny out of it. Consider it a bonus clip. It's funny. I've been doing that a lot lately with my movies. I remember back in the late 90s and early 2000s, Disney did the same thing at the end of it's movies. You have to watch past the credits to see them, but sometimes they were funny. Like the clip at the end of Hercules. The clip at the end of Brother Bear was sad and a little brutal. But the clip at the end of my movie is funny! I think, VERY funny!

Well, I will have the video available for streaming, probably tomorrow. But I will have it available as a DVD tonight. No problem.

I almost lost my DVD provider. The man is kindof a dick, but oh well. Some big business tycoons usually are. I maintained my professional position though. And I'm not really saying he was rude, it's just his messages leaked with anger and kindof snobbishness. I don't want to speak badly about an associate though. I will continue to use his service. But I must tell you, it's not as good as Kunaki. At least with Kunaki, they didn't nickel and dime you on everything. That's why I had to raise the cost of my DVDs. They used to be only $14.99. Now, because of costs, I had to raise it to $16.99. I didn't want to, but I had no choice. This company even charges for customer service. And believe me, you don't even get enough customer service to make it worth the $25 he charges! He doesn't even give refunds. I wouldn't even associate with this company if I didn't have to. I never had the problems with Kunaki as I am with this company. But Kunaki only keeps my videos on file for 180 days. With no sales, they take the DVDs off. I cannot have that. I don't expect to get any sales. So, I need a permanent solution. It's either this, or I make the DVDs and store them in a warehouse.

Well, next year my sis and I have a bit of a solution that just might work. I'm going to give it a try, but it's going to take some money. A lot of money! And I have to put off the idea of the pet store for a while.

Yesterday I said to myself I'm going to finish this movie, even if it takes every part of my waking hours. And believe me, it did! I didn't finish it yesterday though. But I did work on it until I could no longer keep my eyes open. All in the name of being funny. Who wants to sit through 2 hours of boring movie!!?? So, that's why I made it funnier, and shorter. Well anyways, if you are interested, you can go to the link down below to view, or purchase, this movie.

Timmyfan In Montana

Saturday, March 16, 2019

AHHH!!!!!!! I Am Finally Done!!!

I am FINALLY done with my documentary DVDs! And they are now available on the UMG Productions site. What took forever was the Kangaroo documentary. I wanted to do a full-length documentary of kangaroos. I have a full-length documentary already about Madagascar Lemurs. So, I thought why not do a full-length documentary about my second most favorite group? I had to wait for Katrina to get off work to come over and record with me. I wanted 2 narrators. I wanted it to be funny. Knowing how Katrina was so influenced by Beavis and Butthead, I knew adding her on as a narrator would make the movie funny, as well as educational. That's the trademark of my documentaries. They are funny as well as educational.

The kangaroo documentary is the last one in the series. I also have them available as well as a DVD. The same thing with the dogs series. Those were based on the posts I made on this blog. Now I have them all in one collection that is available on the site now. For anyone who would like to check them out, here are the links...

TimmyHutchFan Documentaries: All About Animals

TimmyHutchFan Discussions: Dogs

Now all I have to do is create little sample videos. Those will be pretty easy. Once I can get a good idea. I think I have one for the All About Animals series.

************************SUBJECT CHANGE*****************************

My heart does go out to the victims in Christchurch, NZ. Apparently some eco-terrorist attacked a muslim mosque. Now, I know I don't care for muslims very much. I've never forgiven them for 9/11. The liberals might forgive them, but I won't. But this attack is a shocker. Some people said the shooter was a far-rightwing radical. But then he said he was not a supporter of Trump. But the thing that gets me is people are blaming Trump for the attack. Well, you know what I think, I think it sucks how people are pointing their fingers at Trump and Trump's supporters. The person who did this admitted he's not a Trump supporter. But they blame Trump because the person who did this was a far-rightwing radical who admires people like Candace Owens. I like Candace Owens. That doesn't mean I am going to go shoot up a group of people. That's terrible!

This is what makes me sick about leftist liberals. They all believe in "guilt by association". They are so DUMB!!! I remember before Trump became president, this woman I was friends with went catshit loony and started aggressively deleting people from her friends list. The reason? She didn't want anyone who would be voting for Trump among her friends. She even deleted me. I never was going to vote for Trump. Anyways, this woman had a friend who goaded her to do that, saying "People who like Trump are racists, homophobic, xenophobic, rapists and they need to be eliminated", and this friend's philosophy was "that is a fair assessment", which I also believed was stupid! What a dumb friend this woman had!!! I'm glad I don't have dumb people like that as friends. I mean that would be like me saying "if you like panthers, then you must love to murder, eat and mutilate other animals for fun".

I've met a lot of Trump supporters, none of them were racist, homophobic, xenophobic rapists. In fact, the worst people I've ever met were liberals. They are the ones who react to conservatives with violence, anger and harshness. And the poor conservatives are always like 'WTF????' I even saw a documentary about college students who talked about how liberals say "it's OK to make conservatives not feel welcome on our campus". You never see conservatives saying that. Or I never have. And liberals say conservatives are violent. I want to know where these "violent" conservatives are. I've never seen them. It's always the damn liberals who act out in violence. If anything, it's the conservatives who are the gentle, accepting party. They are also the smarter ones too. The liberals are the stupid ones.

You know what's funny about that? One time on Quora, someone asked the question "Are liberals smarter or are conservatives smarter?" One person's answer was "I worked at the polls one year, and the liberals knew right where to go. The conservatives would always ask where is the republican poll?" I read that and I figured there had to be more to that story than what he was telling!! I have the feeling the Democrat polls were clearly marked while the Republican polls were not. I don't know that for sure, but after meeting the conservatives I've met, I cannot imagine them being that stupid! I would have had to be there in order to know that for sure, but I have a distinctive feeling that's how it was! Almost all the liberals I've ever met were the dumbest of the dumb. That's why I make a mockery of them on this blog, and I have such fun doing it! I mean really. An intelligent person would not be harassing someone they don't even know, calling them names or physically harming them.

I may actually be the exception where conservatives go, I hate people so much. I've been called "scum", "evil", "vindictive", "dumb fat bitch", "stupid" "a horrible person". You name it, I've been called it. LOL! Well, the "stupid" and "dumb fat bitch" is nothing. They were usually said by people who could not admit I was much smarter than they are. That seems to be the way it always is. You notice the people who throw around the word "dumb" and "stupid" are always people who themselves show they have the lowest IQ? Especially when they call someone smarter than they are "stupid" or "dumb fat bitch". If they had a higher IQ, they wouldn't need to call someone else names. LOL! But I do admit to being a horrible, evil, scummy, vindictive person. Simply because I hate people. And I hate cats too. But that's a different story. LOL! My first impression of any person is I hate them. Unless they are family. I love my family. Those who are still family anyway. Only when they prove otherwise do I think they're OK and then I stop hating them.

Well, that's what happens when you've been let down too many times by people. Especially people you thought were friends. That's why I thank GOD for my family. And wonderful lifelong friends I have like Katrina. She's young enough to be my daughter, but she's a damn good buddy. I have another friend who is younger than me who has a child older than Katrina! LOL! My friends may be few in numbers, but they are the best of the best! Quality over quantity, I always say.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Another Petition to Sign

OK, so I was watching a video and someone mentioned about a transgender person desecrating a statue of the virgin Mary because the Catholic church was protesting "drag queen story hour" in book stores and libraries. This is a new trend going on now. Something the LGBT community made up as part of their "take over the world" agenda. They are starting with kids now. You know, this is how I know that being gay/trans/queer is now nothing but a fad. When a group like the LGBT community starts indoctrinating small children (as young as 3 years old) who should not know anything about sexual preference, you know they're gay just for attention and not because it's their natural sexual preference. But there is an even bigger problem, the violence and blatant disrespect these people are now showing the world. Now that gays/trannies/queers have all the rights they would ever need, they want to push it to the limits.

And to think, I used to be a supporter of the LGBT community!! UGH!! Well, I still support their right to exist. I still support their right to marry whomever they want to. But I will not support them luring children into their lifestyle. That is where I draw the line! Kids should remain being kids. The sad thing is, this is what creates these little confused children. And parents forcing this bullshit on kids. Yeah I used to support the LGBT community, until they started getting ridiculous! I used to support PETA. That doesn't mean I still support them today. PETA started acting silly and now so is the LGBT community. So, I no longer support them. It's like that saying that goes "give them an inch". We gave it to them. The LGBT people are now taking a mile. When they start preaching their bullshit to kids as young as a year old, that is when I say it's time to stop the support!! Because the next thing you know, they're going to allow pedophiles. They say they won't ever accept them, but in some circles, they already are accepting them! That is unacceptable to me!

I know I said I don't like kids. I still don't. LOL! But at the same time, I don't think they should be robbed of their innocence. Gender confusion brings on thoughts of suicide later on in life. I don't want to see that take over. Besides, transsexuals are never very attractive. LOL! Transgender "men" still have a vagina, and transgender "women" still have a penis. I know I don't want to have sex with someone with a vagina! I don't want to fall in love with someone with one either. To me, that's gross! I understand there are lesbian women and gay men out there who are attracted to the same sex, and that is fine for them. But don't force it on me! I would be absolutely furious if I was dating a nice-looking man, and he turned out to really be a woman inside!!!

So, you can see where I am getting at with this. I don't want to see another generation of gender-confused people. Let's leave the kids alone and let them grow up in their own time. It's bad enough we got channels like TLC that is glorifying this kind of bullshit! If you ask me, TLC needs to go back to having cooking shows and nature shows. Get rid of this Desmond Is Amazing bullshit!!! It's hard knowing there are women like his mom in the world that is having children and abusing them! So I say, go sign that petition!! Here is the link:

Friday, March 8, 2019

Good News for Beavis and Butthead Fans!!!

I've finished it!! I finished uploading all my Beavis and Butthead episodes online!! YES!!!! I even got some new ones. This is a good thing for B&B fans. You try to upload any of those episodes to YouTube or some place like that, and it will immediately be censored. Or even taken down. But I now have found a platform that will always allow me to save them online. LOL! I'd also like to make all these videos available to other fans.

I have almost every episode of Beavis and Butthead available. Well, except where Beavis pretends to be that Cornpolio dude. I don't like those episodes so I never saved them. But I have 99% of all the Beavis and Butthead episodes, with videos included in place. There are 2 sites out now that offers the episodes of Beavis and Butthead, but NONE of them include the videos. Even the Mike Judge collection doesn't have videos in each episode. Sad as that is. Some of those were the funniest scenes in the episodes. These episodes are UNCUT!!! I am happy to offer these episodes to anyone. They are in 2 folders on 2 websites. One is accessible with a link, the other, I have to add your email address to allow you access.

However, there is a catch. I am not going to give the web address to just anyone. First, you have to make a donation to this website. And no, I am not charging for the episodes! Once a person has access, they can go in and download (or watch) as many episodes as they want to. What you are paying for is the link. Nothing more. And I consider it more of a donation. So, for as little as a $10 donation, I will allow you access to the first episodes of Beavis and Butthead. So, if you're interested, click the link below and donate today!

Also included will be directions you can use to access the rest of the episodes. But you have to find it. It is on that site though. Kinda fun really. Like a scavenger hunt.

In other news, I had to change my DVD carrier at UMG Productions. I had no idea Kunaki deletes everything after 180 days of no sales. I don't ever expect to sell anything, so I don't expect to go through 180 days with any sales. So, I had to switch to a better provider. I switched to They are more permanent. I think. I didn't see anything on their site about deleting after not selling anything for any amount of time. I only really offer DVDs on the UMG Productions site for those who want physical copies, instead of simply streaming on the site. Though that is also available.

Ya know, I've been thinking of something. I want to try something with my YouTube videos. I might put them on disks and offer them available as DVDs on the UMG Productions website. I might even go so far as to add some videos that I never put up on YouTube. For a while back in 2014, I made some mini documentaries. I added comedy to knowledge. But there's some I never got around to putting up on YouTube. I might complete them and put them up on UMG Productions, and even make them available on DVD disks. Might be worth a try. I'll give it a shot!!

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Attacking Deceased Musicians

So this morning I looked around my Facebook and I found someone mentioning how Michael Jackson's music was going to stop being played by radio stations because of the allegations about him being a pedophile. Well there is no denying he did rape little boys, 3 boys admitted to it while Jackson was still alive, but were silenced by his publicist after he died. But to say that his music is no longer going to be played now because of those claims??? Oh man! The SJWs are going too far with this one!!! See why I absolutely HATE SJWs??? This is also why The Cosby Show stopped being played on TV. Now, the only way you can see it is to get the DVD set. And even that is no longer available. You'd probably be lucky to find a used set. But that show was FUNNY!!! I don't care what rape charges were brought on to Bill Cosby! Those shows were funny!! Just like Michael Jackson's music was good!

I'm not a fan of Michael Jackson, never was, never will be. But let's face it, the man was slopping over with talent. He has some great songs out there. Just because I don't like MJ as a person, does not mean I can't like his songs, or admire his talent. Talent and personality are 2 different things. So what is accomplished by not playing his music on radio stations?? What does it fix?? Absolutely NOTHING!!! His music is still out there, and people who like it are going to listen to it no matter what the radio stations do, or what the SJWs say! A lot of upcoming generations are going to hear his music and enjoy it. As well they should! You're never going to find talent like that in any of today's artists or musicians!

Geez! And here I thought the SJWs were going to start pushing for pedophile rights. Seriously though, I hate pedophiles as much as the next guy. But it's too late to do anything about MJ. He's gone. Dead and buried. Let all this rest! We keep denying peoples' talent because of something that happened ages ago, then we're going to have nothing left of the classics. I have to put up with enough shit now that TV stations took off the antique cartoons. Is the music from the 1980s going to go out the same way? Keep this up and everyone will want the 80s back. But we won't be able to bring them back completely, because everything we saw in the 80s is going to become unavailable. And it's all thanks to SJWs!! I can't even believe they are now attacking MJ. TEN YEARS after his death!! Saying things like because he raped children, they are going to stop playing his songs and videos.

UGH!! People!!

Official "Felon"

 Well, the judge has declared Trump an "official felon". Well, he's a corrupt judge, we'll probably hear some deep shit on...