Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Westboro Baptist Church Getting Smaller!

Oh boy this is hilarious! Megan Phelps has left the Westboro Baptist Church, and she took her younger sister Grace with her! OMG can you see the irony in that!? Megan was the last person I would ever have expected to leave that church. I saw the documentaries by Louis Theroux, and Megan was the most outspoken among the children of the WBC. According to an article I found, she was also the one responsible for the WBC's internet media. Now, Megan's own mom, Shirley, is calling Megan and Grace "betrayers". I bet though Shirley is not unhappy to see them go. Or at least she pretends she's not. I think Shirley puts up a big act about everything. She smiles a lot, but her smiles always look so fake. You can tell there is a lot of hurt behind them. The way Shirley smiles reminds me a lot of a crocodile smiling. Crocs smile because the look is fixed on their faces by nature. Maybe Shirley is made the same way. LOL! A lot of people smile to hide the hurt inside. I truly believe this is the case for Shirley Phelps-Roper. She is also a classic example of a person who hides behind religion.

It would be funny if they lost ALL their children! So far, most of the children that have left the WBC have been the girls. Well, let's face it, women are quicker to spot BS than men are. I don't think the WBC realizes all the shit they spew. And when you try to discuss the New Testament with them, they laugh at it. It's obvious that they do not believe in the New Testament. I'm surprised they even preach anything about Jesus. The WBC compares themselves to Noah. It would be pointless though for them to be in the same class as Noah if the only clingers-on left in their church are the boys. The boys are not even allowed to date. How do you know if you want to be with the girl you like if you don't date?? Dating gives both the boy and girl a chance to get to know each other. Thus know if they really want to be together for life. But the members of the WBC don't believe in dating. They say "there are no boyfriend/girlfriends. It's one man, one woman, one bed, one life" I'd like to know if Shirley just met a man, grabbed him, pulled him into marriage immediately, didn't even get to know him, and her present husband is staying with her against his will. That would be an interesting question to ask her. But I bet the person who asks that question of Shirley will get a big "That's none of your business!" from her. That would prove my theory is correct. Shirley probably did date before she got married. We all know she has a child out of wedlock. I would not even be surprised if the man she is now married to is not even that child's father.

The truth is they CANNOT compare themselves to Noah. Noah's children probably dated to find the men/women they wanted to marry. But the children get kicked out of the WBC if they even think of dating, or having a boyfriend or girlfriend. It's a shame too. A lot of their children are quite attractive. But they're so full of hate, you cannot see it until they leave the church, like Megan and Grace did. They confess to still loving their parents. I kindof wonder how the parents feel about the children that left. Do they still love those kids? According to the article I found, the parents have already cast them off. One person said that is the mark of a true cult, when those who leave are immediately cast-out. Well, anyone can tell the WBC is a cult. They think all the things they do is loving. Well, they don't seem loving to me. They say they love gay people. I don't think they do. The way they talk about gay people is a lot like how I talk about panthers, and I don't like panthers at all. In a video I saw, one guy (who was acting) talked to Fred Phelps, Jr. like he wanted to make love to him. All of a sudden, Shirley and a lot of other women (including Megan) started to call the guy a "filthy pervert" and told him to go away. If you love someone, you don't call them names like that and tell them to go away. If that guy were truly homosexual, I would have loved to see Shirley embrace him, give him a kiss, and tell him that GOD forgives him. Because HE can. But they don't do that. They only believe in GOD's hate--which I looked in the Bible, and I could not find anything that talks about GOD's hatred, except in context. I saw plenty about GOD's wrath, but not about hatred.

There are people that I hate, and I am working on that! Hate is supposed to be bad for the soul. I gave myself a bit of practice on Sunday. On Facebook, I only commented on things that I loved, and left only positive comments. It's obvious I am never going to like panthers again. Those days of me loving panthers are LONG-time gone!! So on Sunday, I just didn't look at any panther pics. I just scrolled quickly past them. That was my way of ignoring them. I still believe it isn't gay people the WBC should be looking at, I truly believe it is panther fanatics that are ending the world. I will always believe that because look at the damage that has gone on since panthers have become unexceedingly popular. And I highly doubt all those people who were smitten in those disasters were gays, or gay supporters. The truth is that gays are still not universally accepted. Sad as that is, it's still true. But even sadder is that most everyone loves panthers, and will even turn against people who do not like them. Panther fanatics themselves seem to be in some kind of cult. A cult that wants to war against people who hate panthers. Like Shirley said, we may be few in numbers, but we will prove to be stronger in the end. I always love it when I meet another person that hates panthers as much as I do. Makes me feel good, makes me feel like not all the world is doomed.

Well, it would definitely serve the WBC right if ALL their children left the church. And all that is left of their church is some young boys, unmarried (because we all know that's the way they want it) and the adults too old to repopulate the world after the next biblical disaster. I am truly glad to see Megan came to her senses. Now if only others can follow in her footsteps. Here is the link to the article I found:

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Disagree Vs. Disrespect

This afternoon, I commented on one of my friend's status on Facebook. He asked "Why do you take a life to eat when you don't have to?" Well, I said to him that I cannot think of anything we eat that was not once living. Usually I leave the vegans alone. They have their beliefs and I have mine. I don't get into any arguments about their beliefs with them. If they don't want to eat meat, I feel that is their right. As long as they don't try to push their beliefs on me. I was not trying to be mean to this person, or push any of my own beliefs on him, but it is a fact that just about everything we do is going to cause harm to some life form. We cannot escape it. It's impossible. Every time a house is built, animals die. Every time we drive a car, animals die. Every time vegetables are harvested, animals die. The vegans call those of us who eat meat "hypocrites". But I don't think the hypocrisy is in the meat-eaters. I think it's in the vegans. Especially the militant vegans. Meat-eaters are at least honest about their lifestyle. We understand that animals die for human comfort, and we have accepted that, even when it comes to our diet. Vegans however, hide behind a lot of propaganda. I don't think I know a single vegan that does not live in a house or apartment, does not use the phone or electricity (yes, phone and power lines kill animals too), or goes out and finds fruits and veggies in the woods for every meal. Then they want to ask "What is the alternative to these things?" Simple! Go live out in the open, do not build yourself any shelter because when you do, you are taking another animal's home or killing another animal. Do not use electricity, humans lived well before it, and can indeed live without it. Do not use a phone, again, we lived without it once before. And when you are hungry, don't go to your refrigerator, go out into the woods and find your food. That would be the only way I can think of that vegans can live a non-hypocritical life. But a person who eats meat, we can own a home, use the phone and power and not have to worry, because we are already "hypocritical" anyway, according to the vegans.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not here to tear-down vegans or their lifestyle. But I do think a lot of their beliefs are just plain silly. The only one I absolutely, totally agree with is that we should not wear animal skins. That always pisses me off, especially when I see people wearing the skins of animals we do not eat, like foxes, mink, chinchillas (although we probably could eat chinchillas). I think that's a total waste of life!! Because all you are doing is taking an animal's whole life away for only one part of it's body. That is not fair! I will whole-heartedly stand with the vegans on that issue! But when we kill a cow, pig, or chicken it does not bother me because we are using almost every part of that animal. So I don't see that as being as much of a waste. A lot of vegans ask how I can eat a cow, pig, or chicken and cuddle with my dogs and love them like I do. Well, that answer is also simple. My dogs are my family. The vegans may see cows, pigs and chickens as being members of their family, but I don't see them as members of mine. Not saying I do not love these animals, I'm just saying I do not think of them as my family. I do not cuddle with them or play with them. I do not take them into my home, I do not buy toys for them, I do not treat them like my kids. With dogs I do. The day I do see pigs, cows and chickens as my family and still eat them, is the day I will have earned the title of "hypocrite" by vegan standards. That's the way I see it. And as I told my friend on Facebook that I always do bless the cow, pig or chicken that was sacrificed for me to consume. That, in a way, is my way of balancing the chain.

Another phrase I commonly hear from vegans is "poor, innocent, defenseless animals". I always have to ask "Defenseless"? How are animals defenseless?" I fail to see where animals are in any way defenseless. In fact, animal defenses are a lot better than those of humans. I admit baby animals are almost defenseless, but adult cattle, pigs and chickens are by no means defenseless. I told this friend that cattle can give a person a very good kick. They also have horns they defend themselves very well with. Even if they are cut down, they can still hurt a person very badly. Pigs have tusks they use to gore people with. And chickens, well the expression "angry as a wet hen" does not exist for no reason! Chickens can be very aggressive. Birds in fact, are the most aggressive animals on the planet. They can afford to be! It's almost foolish to say any animal is "defenseless". Even mice are good at defending themselves. Rats too, their jaws are as powerful as a crocodile's. In my experience, there is no such thing as a defenseless animal. Not all animals are innocent either. I have been chased by geese that have come after me with no provocation. When I used to go walking by a lake that was a few miles from my home, I used to see these huge geese, almost as tall as I am! They chased everybody! Finally one day I saw one come after me, and I turned the tables and started chasing him. He ran away too! LOL! Well, animal control finally came and removed those geese from the lake. Apparently someone had them as pets and dumped them there when they decided they did not want the geese anymore. They were nasty though! Not innocent.

Vegans always claim humans are herbivores. Not many primates are complete herbivores, and we all have the same dental structure. They say we cannot chase and kill our own food. Well, really neither do raccoons, and they are not herbivores. And a lot of herbivores are more swift than we are. We cannot run like gazelles or deer. Humans are built like omnivores. We are not complete carnivores, but we are not complete herbivores either. If we were built like the true herbivores, then the vegans would have pot bellies like all herbivorous animals do. I've explained this to vegans until I am blue in the face. They just don't get it. Yet they want to compare our teeth and fingers to that of herbivores. They think our digestive tract is designed for a completely herbivorous diet, but it is not. It's designed for an omnivorous diet. A diet of BOTH meat and veggies. Proportionately, our digestive tract is not anywhere near as long as that of a true herbivore. I wish the vegans could see that. But they don't because they are biased.

Now, for the disagree vs. disrespect part of my post. There is a difference. The reason I do not usually comment on the vegan's posts about diet and killing animals for food, is not because I agree with them. It's because I respect them. I can agree to disagree. They always equate eating meat to raping, pedophilia, child pornography, slavery and all that kind of stuff. I hear it all the time, the vegans ask "You agree with eating meat. Do you also agree with raping children? Slavery? The Holocaust? etc" Well, no I do not agree with those things. I don't condone them either. But they are not the same as eating meat. What I do agree with the people who do those things have their rights to their beliefs. I may not agree with them doing it, and I don't even have to respect them. But I do respect their rights to do what they do. That is their right, afterall. Just because I don't believe it's right to rape women, does not mean they have to feel the way I do if that's what floats their boat. We have freedom of choice in this country. I feel it is my choice to eat meat. I love it! I love the taste of it. I love how it makes me feel. Yes the same thing can be said about a lot of things, like street drugs and alcoholic beverages. I don't think we should drink alcohol or use street drugs, but those who do it, if it gives them pleasure, let them do it! It's their life's choice. As long as they're not living in my house. LOL!

Well, that's about all I have to say on this subject. I sleep plenty good at night, even though I eat meat. Doesn't bother me. I'm sorry if it bothers my vegan friends, but hey, that's my choice. I don't push it in their faces, and I don't want them pushing their beliefs in mine.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Things I Love, Hate, Indifferent, ETC.

People always accuse me of being negative, so this time I am going to make an unusual post talking about what I love, hate, am indifferent to, dislike, whatever. Just a bunch of lists basically. I thought about making a post like this as I was watching some old videos I downloaded a long time ago. If you are one of those people who read this far and are thinking "Who cares!?" then I might advise you to stop reading this post right now. This post is not for you. And I bid you good day. This post is for those people who always think I am so negative and talking about things I hate, or always saying "I hate this and that". Well, I am here to show that I am not one of those kinds of people. I am just very passionate. I admit that is something I have to work on, it's not always easy to keep my mouth shut when other people are pushing things I don't like in my face all the time. So if I don't like it, I'm gonna say it.

Things I love:
My family (dogs included)
my friends
most animals (with a few exceptions)
walks on the beach
the ocean
the mountains (though I don't really want to live there again)
getting new pets
seeing new places
meeting new people (sometimes)
looking at homes I may one day purchase
eating (yes, I admit it! I love to eat)
a good steak
going to see new movies (sometimes)
visits from family
filming new movies (the REAL fun is in the editing)
long showers
Going walking
learning new things
rock music in general
Good movies and TV shows (haven't had any of those lately though)
Being fat and ugly (Yes it's true, I love that)
Classic cartoons and TV shows

Things I hate:
Andy DiSanti (or maybe I should say "DiStinky")
Roger Melvin (and his fat shadow, Leon)
Kim Hedges
ANY wild felines over 20 pounds (with a possible exception of snow leopards)
Being sick
when a friend dies
Paris Hilton
Bad singing
when someone thinks I should love something and I just don't.
pushy people (especially if they are vegans)
People who want to take away my free speech rights
Talking to myself (though I do it all the time)
big, butt-sniffing dogs
Living in Bozeman, MT
Body odor!! (Yuk! And double YUK!!)
Elmo on Sesame Street (though I think Kevin Clash is very handsome!)
The Westboro Baptist Church
rap music (or ANY slow crappy music)
vampire insects (like fleas, mosquitos, etc)

Things I neither love nor hate:
all else outside the former categories

When you boil it all down, there are really more things I am indifferent to than anything else. But that's just to show my friends that I am not totally negative. Those things I hate I believe I have a very good reason for it.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Prayers For Irma

A very sweet person is in the hospital tonight. Irma Dun from back in Bozeman, slipped on a curb yesterday and hit her head on the cement very badly. Last night she had a major stroke and today is unresponsive, doctors are giving her only less than 1% chance of survival. It is a shame, she is a very sweet person, everyone there loved her. She is also a firm believer in GOD. I am praying to GOD tonight to take care of her, and do what is best. I personally would prefer she doesn't die. I told Anna to give me daily reports on how Irma is doing, and the next time she goes to see her in the hospital, give her my love. Irma is one of the sweetest people in that building, she does not deserve to have this happen to her. Before I left Bozeman, I was discussing with Anna the people she could turn to if she needed someone to talk to, Irma was one of them.

Anna went to see Irma in the hospital tonight, I wish I could have been there myself. Anna wound up comforting Irma's family. Anna is such a good person. If Irma does die, it's going to be a very sad event. I have asked all my Facebook buddies to say a prayer for her. I hope it goes well. Anna called me and she really sounded like she was in tears. I was too, I was at a total loss of what to say. The words kept coming out of my mouth all jumbled and mixed up. I was saying why does this have to happen to Irma? Why couldn't it have happened to Andy? Or Roger? Or some other dumb-cluck like them? If Andy would die tomorrow, I'd be celebrating that he is in Hell where he belongs. If Roger were to die tomorrow, same thing! I'd be celebrating. But if Irma dies, I'd be truly upset. She is indeed a good person. Well, at least I know she'd be in Heaven. She did a lot of good to a lot of people, so I know she will be sitting in the hands of GOD.

I guess this is proof that when GOD picks HIS angels, he always goes for the best people first. It's unfair though. Why kill off the good people and leave the crappy people here? As for Irma's family, I will pray for them as well. It would be a great loss to that place to lose a wonderful person like Irma. I just wish I could overnight her a get-well card. If anyone reading this can offer a prayer, please give it. I will be praying tonight. Hopefully, even though I know it's a big wish, Irma will get through this and be OK.

*********************************UPDATE 3/16/13************************************
Irma passed away yesterday morning. It was a sad moment when I found out. Yesterday was actually a very bittersweet day. I got to spend time with my father and I was so happy. But then I found out Irma had died and I once again became sad. It was awful to find that out. She will be very much missed. I wonder if there will be funeral services, and if her friends at the apartment complex will be able to go.

Gritty Grandma

This morning I was just remembering my grandma. I usually try to just let her rest in peace, but today, I was thinking about her a lot. Something just sprung into my mind and I started thinking about her. My grandma passed away in 2001, and it will be 12 years this month that we lost her. She was always a spry person, acted young for her age. That was one of the things I loved about her. I miss that. She was usually very meek, and gentle, but she would surprise you in a heartbeat with her feist and grit. She was from the south, so that was commonplace for her. The one thing that I always loved about grandma was she was always there when I needed someone to talk to. She was never "too busy" to listen. I remember when I was relieved of that job at the Puyallup Fair, and the way I was treated upon being let go, I went to grandma to release some steam. Grandma and I talked for a long time. She felt my anger and rage. Well, I tried not to let it slip in to rage, but I was ready to ring Tracy's neck when I left there. She was the time office supervisor at that time and a spoiled little brat! And get this, she was older than me. She made me feel like I was back in high school, and I had just got out of high school at that time. I did not want to go back!

I remember when I was let go of that job and I was taking my sis back to her booth where she worked, ol' Tracy told me to come back and pick up my check, and I never did it. I was afraid if I saw her again, I was going to kick her ass. That would have really landed me in jail and Tracy was not worth it.

As much as I loved my grandma, she had her dark side too. One of the things she always did that I did not like was accuse everyone of stealing things from her home. She would just randomly get up in the middle of the night, and I would be trying to sleep. Grandma would be searching the entire house for something and she would be saying "I bet these people next door got my stuff!" Sometimes she would even accuse my ma, or me or my sis of stealing things from her. And they were always small, invaluable things. Never something valuable like her valuable silverware, or her antiques. It was always something of her's that no one else but her cared about, like rotten food, or her Writer's Digest magazines or her socks. One time she accused me of stealing a load of broccoli she had cooked and put into the refrigerator and I found that very insulting!! I hate broccoli!! What possible use could I have for broccoli??

Another thing about my grandma that I found unlikable. She was overly sensitive. And she did not understand it very well when you would use slang, or a figure of speech, with her. For example, one time she started crying because I mentioned that she phones our home all the time. Well, for me I was just using a figure of speech, but she took that to mean that she calls our house 24/7/365. But it's just like my saying I shop at Walmart all the time. I'm not there 24 hours a day, it's just when I choose to go shopping, that is where I go. But grandma flew off the handle, thinking that I meant she is constantly calling us and she started crying. So I had to apologize for her misunderstanding.

I remember a long time ago, she had this friend named Debbie. Well, grandma had a habit of putting images of people she liked on her clothing, and she put a picture of Debbie on a sweatshirt. It's one thing to do that with pictures of your family, or even your favorite celebrity, but not someone you are friends with. I have a few really good friends, I would never put their facial image on a t-shirt. I found that to be a little bit disturbing. I think Debbie's mother did too. Debbie's mom, as I heard it, did not like my grandma, and I think that's why. It was disturbing, but not the end of the world! Now, if grandma had gotten a tattoo of Debbie's face that would have been bad! LOL! Sweatshirts come and go. Tattoos are forever. Well, my grandma told me that after she went to a Christmas party at Debbie's house, Debbie stopped speaking to her. Grandma had a dream one night where she met with Debbie again, and Debbie told grandma in the dream that she likes her but she can no longer have anything to do with her. Grandma told me about that dream and said "I wonder if that's true?" I didn't know what to say to her. I'm not even sure if Debbie ever got word that my grandma is now deceased. My ma didn't like Debbie, I don't think she would have called and told her. I never met Debbie, so I had no idea how to get in touch with her.

Well, the last time grandma spoke to Debbie was quite a few years before she passed away. I think it was in 1995 was the last time they spoke to each other. Well, Debbie missed out on a good friend if she really could not have anything to do with my grandma anymore.

My grandma was also from the old south, so she also used a lot of racial slurs. She always called black people "niggers". That was another thing I always hated, but it was easier to forgive her for it because she was from the old south, and she'd never known to call them more appropriately "black Americans" or "African Americans". Now, my ma is another story. She never used to use the word "nigger" until very recently. Now, she never calls them African-Americans. She always calls them by the "N" word. Now, that does make me angry! Especially since she's never used that word before and she knows I hate it when she uses that word! It makes my skin crawl just typing it.

But all-in-all my grandma was a good person, and I do miss her. I miss going there when I have a problem, and regardless of everything, my grandma would always lend me an ear. Plus, she was my grandma, the only one I had.

Grandma had some secrets that she also carried to the grave. After grandma passed away, ma got a call from her sister, my aunt Pat. Pat told her about an incident that she remembered clearly but ma only remembered very hazily. Grandma also had a baby boy she named Jerry. She had the baby a couple years after she had my ma. But almost immediately after she had that baby, it was kidnapped. After that, grandma essentially went crazy and had to be institutionalized. Grandma never discussed this. So somewhere out there I have an uncle that I never would have known. Ma believes that was why grandma would always accuse people of stealing from her. But stealing a baby is WAY different than stealing a magazine that no one cares about. If grandma had gotten National Geographic magazines, that would have been different. People do steal those. But Writer's Digest??? I cannot even find that magazine in news stands. No one I know subscribes to that magazine except grandma. Not sure what to say there. I'd like to know if that baby boy is still alive. He'd be a grown man right now.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Barbecued Leopard

Someone referred me to this video, and I dunno, I find it to be funny. A leopard being burned alive. As you all know I hate leopards. Always did. Even when I used to like panthers, I still hated leopards. I don't think they are attractive at all. Well, this video shows people in an Indian village setting a live leopard on fire, and burning it nearly to death. They did this all wrong! They should have first doused the creature with gasoline or lighter fluid, then set it on fire. As for the leopard, people think felines are smart? Well, this leopard obviously was not smart enough to know how to drop and roll.

I would not feel bad for the leopard, it probably deserved this fate. It probably killed a person or someone's livestock or pet. I hate leopards anyways. They should all meet this fate. I cheered when I first saw this video and saw that ugly beast panicking when it caught on fire. All I could feel bad for was the animal or person it probably killed that made it meet this fate. I don't feel bad for the leopard at all. I say go out, trap some more and set fire to them too! And while you are at it, catch some tigers and do the same to them. That would really be funny!

Hey! I wonder if that one idiot who called himself "WhyIAmAwesome" ever found any pics of dead lemurs to create his video with? If not, then I am WAY ahead of him! LOL! This is kindof my crowning glory video here. hehehe! Bet he does not succeed. There's some good in lemurs being placed on the back burner, so to speak. hehe! Pun on this video intended. Anyone for barbecued leopard?

"Yes! Bring us barbecued leopard!"

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

King of Beasts!

Well, when someone mentions something about the "king of beasts", what is it most people think about? You guessed it. They think of lions. Personally, every time I hear someone calling lions "the king of beasts", it makes me laugh hysterically. Why? Because lions are no more the king of beasts than I am! And I am a woman. I cannot be the king of anything. LOL! Lions are not even the "queen of beasts" though. Lions have done absolutely NOTHING to deserve that title. You know who calls lions the "king of beasts"? I'll tell you who; very biased cat-people, that's who. But when you get right down to it, what have lions done to earn them that title? All they do is lay around all day long. The lions you see in documentaries, hunting prey, that constitutes about 10-20 minutes in a 2-3 day period. The rest of their time is spent sleeping and lazing around. Lions are not the best hunters in Africa, they're not the largest animals in Africa, they're not even the largest carnivores at all. And worst of all, lions kill for fun. In all realness, instead of being called "the king of beasts", lions should have the title "the coercer of beasts". They deserve that title more. Kings are usually fair with all in their domain, unless they are sociopaths. A coercer is nothing but a bully, and I hate bullies!

Well hell, King James was said to have been a sociopath. King James liked lions. He glorified them in the Bible. No doubt as undeservingly as he was to be king. He was why the pilgrims ran away from England. I just don't see how lions have come to earn the title of the "king of beasts". I know animals better than the average person, and I can tell you, lions have nothing in their history, or even present day, that would inaugurate that title to them. Lions have only been around for 2 to 3 million years, and they are becoming extinct already. If they were truly king, they would be able to survive. So, what animal does deserve the title of the true king of beasts? Well, here are some great runners up that probably deserve the title more than lions do.

African elephants are the largest of all land animals. That alone would designate them to have the title of "king of beasts". Before lions went psycho, elephants ruled their domain. Even lions would not touch them. I read once in an old book a story of a matriarch whose calf was killed by a female lion troup, and the matriarch took revenge on the lions by killing their cubs. I believe it! Elephants are not only big, they are intelligent too! And that old cliche about elephants never forgetting is not a myth! Elephants have an excellent memory.

African leopards are larger and more aggressive than the Asian leopards. Just to show, though I do hate leopards as much as I hate lions, I will not be biased in this. They probably deserve the title of being the king more than lions do. Leopards generally do not scavenge, only occasionally if they have to. They sometimes kill for fun, though not as often as we see in lions. Plus, they are more powerful, pound for pound, than lions are. Though sometimes even leopards meet their match. I've seen incidents of fully grown adult leopards being killed by crocodiles, rock pythons, and occasionally even cape hunting dogs. Even lions will kill a leopard if they can capture it. Though the leopard fanatics refuse to believe leopards do have enemies that will prey on them, it does actually happen.

The cape hunting dog is a medium-sized dog, but they are Africa's most skilled hunters that I truly believe deserve the title of being "king of beasts". Dogs are never as muscle-bound as felines. Dogs sacrificed strength for speed. They may not be able to bring down a giraffe alone, but they can chase one down to exhaustion without tiring themselves out. The success rate of hunting dogs is a phenominal 85%. Whereas lions only have a 35% hunting success rate. Leopards have slightly more, about 55% success in hunting rate. But neither one is as skillful a hunter as the cape hunting dog. Cape hunting dogs have been hunting the African plains for more than 30 million years, far longer than there have been lions! And yes, George Schaller, who spent his entire life studying animals in the wild, witnessed a group of cape hunting dogs bring down and kill an adult male leopard in 1966. And again yes, the leopard was a healthy animal.

The nile crocodile is the largest of all reptiles. They can grow to 21 feet long, and there are sightings out there of even larger individuals. I think if any creature deserves the title of the "king of beasts", it's this one. They are larger than lions, and in fact, lions often fall prey to crocodiles. I have seen lions bring down crocs before, but they are usually the puny 5-to-10-footers that are still quite young and have not developed the power we see in 14-to-21-foot crocs. Crocs actually can go for up to a year without eating, which I guess would also give a lion an advantage over them. But given how hungry they would get, one-on-one, the croc would win in a fight against a lion, without question! Crocs have also been around for about 350 million years, before there were dinosaurs or lions! And it is apparent as a collective group, crocodiles are not going anywhere! This alone I think earns crocodiles the title of the true king of beasts!

Crocs are not discriminatory either. They even take on elephants single-handedly, like this 20-foot monster!

Bears are the largest of all carnivores, and this polar bear is the largest of all, and also the most carnivorous. Though bears are not very old as a family, they have achieved a great size and hunting skill that would put lions to shame! I've even heard of polar bears that bury their dark noses in the snow so they won't be seen by seals, which is their favorite prey. An adult polar bear stands 12-feet tall. Lions only stand about 6 feet tall on their hind legs. This makes polar bears an excellent runner-up in the title for the true king of beasts.

The kodiak is second in size to polar bears, and are not quite as carnivorous. They have enough food around them to give them a good variety of things to feed on. But they are still larger than the largest lions. There is a video of 2 siberian tigers that have brought down a russian brown bear, but it took 2 tigers to bring it down, and I would have been willing to bet the bear was old and worn out already when the tigers encountered it. Never in history has a tiger or a lion ever been able to bring down a brown bear. In fact, up to the 1300s, there was a sport known as "bear-baiting", where bears were brought into the ring to face off against a tiger or a lion. It was always one-on-one. Sometimes the tiger or lion would win, but most of the time, the bear would clobber and kill the felines. Truly, no feline ever has the power the bear has! Earning bears the title of the true king of beasts.

Killer whales, or orcas, are the final runners-up for the title of the king of beasts. They are the largest flesh-eating mammals on earth. Adult killer whales measure up to 30 feet long, and they hunt in packs. They are known as the "wolves of the sea". Like wolves, killer whales have strength in numbers. Though they don't need it. Surely a single killer whale could easily hunt and kill it's own food. But as a group, killer whales have the ability to bring down larger whales, seals, porpoises, and even large great white sharks. But killer whales are not limited to a fixed menu. They are opportunistic, and I have even heard of deer crossing the strait here falling prey to killer whales. Killer whales are very intelligent animals as well. They usually do not harm humans, though some captive animals have become aggressive in the past, probably due to stress. But in my opinion, killer whales are the perfect candidates for the title of the king of beasts.

Well that's my point of view. I will NEVER refer to lions as the king of beasts. I don't even call female lions "lioness", because to me, that is like giving in to this idea that lions are the kings of beasts. I just call them "female lions". I will also continue to laugh at people who do give in to this ridiculous propaganda that lions are in any way connected to royalty. When I personally feel lions have indeed earned the title of "king of beasts", then, and only THEN, will I follow through with believing they are. But so far, they have done NOTHING to earn that title, and there are other animals out there that I feel have earned that title more than lions have.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Mansfield Dog Already On Death Row Attacks Again « CBS Boston

This is for all the people out there that think breeding mixed breeds is OK, and that no mixed breeds ever have bad temperaments. We are taught this by unknowing parents and uneducated people that mixed breed dogs are better than purebreeds. That's not true, especially in the case of backyard breeders who are only out to make a dollar off their pets and give in to this hybrid hype. They are so focused on making money that they don't stop to think about the bad that can happen when you breed 2 dogs with bad temperaments just to create pups to sell. Now that people are actually willing to spend large amounts of money on mixed breeds, everyone is crossing breeds to create hateful mongrels like this dog Milo.

I would not let this dog's cute face fool me. It is an evil dog! The dog is a mix of basset hound and pointer. Two breeds you really do not expect trouble from. But if the parents had been bred by backyard breeders, chances are good they also had bad temperaments too that very easily had passed on to this dog. That could be partially why this dog turned out like it did. That and the fact that I think the owners are stupid! Milo is already on death row for biting a 6-year old boy. You should see how the boy looked! Awful! This is why when someone tells me that mongrels have better temperaments than purebreed dogs, I always call bullshit! Some of the worst dog attacks I've ever seen have been by mixed breeds. I am not totally blaming the owners. I do feel the owners have a hand in making their dogs mean, but the owners cannot always be to blame. With children I am sure these owners have socialized that dog very well. Like I said, this dog is most likely the victim of bad breeding practices.

That's one thing about show breeders, most of them do breed for the good of their breed, and that includes temperament. Some are not good in that department, but most are. If show breeders only were not so stuck-up. They would be wonderful to hang around. But a lot of them act like they are a separate species or something, that don't want to associate with the average pet owner. That's why I don't like most show breeders. Though I am trying to get over it. I do know they do good by their breeds.

Mansfield Dog Already On Death Row Attacks Again « CBS Boston

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Geez, I must be going out of my mind! People! Last night, I joined a group that shows wildlife portraits, there was a picture of a leopard, the animal that I hate more than any other in the world. I said that thing is an ugly bitch, and it is! I can't stand looking at leopards, and if I see one, I'm gonna say it! I can't stand them. Boy! I sure am feisty about it though! LOL! Well, today I got a message on the Causes page from some idiot named Christina Barton. A total ass, trying to make me feel guilty about hating leopards by calling them God's creatures. Well, MY GOD is trying to eliminate those evil beasts. I don't know who her god is. Well, she went on to say shit that I was looking in the mirror and I was the ugly bitch, and blah-blah-blah, she's never even seen my pic and she can already tell what I look like. LOL! And she said "How dare you call one of God's creatures an ugly bitch!"

Well, you all know me if you'd been reading this blog. I looked at her profile pic. The first thing I noticed was she is not an attractive person herself. She hides her homely face behind mounds of make-up. Even with that, she's still an ugly fucker! She looks like Stan Laurel with long, black hair. A real donkey-face. Oh wait a minute. That would be an insult to donkeys. And to Stan Laurel for that matter! LOL! Well anyway, then I kinda thought about it before I said anything. I kicked it around for a while because I said that I was not going to respond to trolls. And little miss Barton is indeed a troll. But then on the other hand I said to myself "Ya know, that was exactly the same attitude I took with Patti, and I've regretted it since then that I did not stand up to her like I should have." So, I finally decided to have a little fun with little miss Barton. I decided to troll her right back! I called her an ugly bitch. I told her "Yep, you're an ugly bitch! Just like me!" I told her the only thing is I'll be the first to admit I am ugly. And I am. I can have fun with it too. Anyway, I said to her "And how dare you tell me what I can and cannot post! And also how dare you follow me here with the intent to troll! Ugly bitch!"

Well, I gave her one of these :p I really have no hard feelings, I just don't like being told what I can post and what I cannot post by a total stranger. But then I said something really far out! I told her that her kid (also in her profile pic) is ugly and fugly too. LOL!! I was like OMG! You know I never really like to attack a person's children! That's not right. But you know what? I'm not apologizing for it either. She started it with her trolling. But it also got me thinking how screwed up that is. Geez!! I never do shit like that! I must be going out of my mind here. My throat hurts, my eyes hurt, my nose hurts, my chest hurts. My asthma has been bothering me a lot lately. You know what, I think it's because of the formaldehyde fumes in this place! I was warned about them. But they are making my asthma act up, and I think it's making me go crazy. I mean crazier than usual. LOL!

I first noticed something was very wrong when I tried to take a nap, and a pain in my chest shot me awake. I've been having shortness of breath lately, and today, this pain just woke me up. I thought I was having a heart attack. But no, a heart attack does not give you pain. And my breathing was not that shallow. I've been reading about people living in campers having exposure to formaldehyde, and it's worse for people who have asthma. Well, I have asthma! It's scary! Well, as for Ms. Christina Barton, I blocked her butt. So I cannot receive any more notices from her anymore. It's better than attacking her children again! Or going against my word to completely ignore trolls.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Bible Hates Dogs, Why Shouldn't We?

Well, I found that group. I won't give reference to it here, because I do not want them to receive any more publicity. But today one of the members asked me this question. If the Bible hates dogs, why shouldn't we? Well, I truly do not believe the Bible hates dogs. Like I said in my post yesterday, if dogs and humans were not meant to be together, why do dogs love us unconditionally? Yet cats seem to hate us. One popular thing known about the Bible is that dogs (ie. wolves) are depicted as being evil, while lions are given a great deal of glory in the Bible. Yet lions only see humans as food. More people in the past have been killed by lions, leopards and tigers than anyone has been killed by wild dogs. Not saying people have never been killed by dogs, I'm just saying more people have been killed by large felines than dogs. So, why don't we hate them more than dogs? I think it really does boil down to Biblical roots.

You know who translated the Bible? Spanish monks in the 7th century. Their language back then was a lot more different than it is now. I was doing a little bit of research on the subject. Lions have literally many words in Old Hebrew that refers to them. One of the words that interested me the most was lavi (= Akkadian lābu), and the Spanish word for wolf is lobo. Look at the Akkadian word for lion, it so resembles the Spanish word for wolf that I kinda wonder if there may have been a mistake in translation there. I do know a lot of things that are in the Bible are a mystery. I even question some things. Not that GOD said them, I think they were very loosely translated by the monks. I cannot believe eating pork will send you straight to Hell when it is proven pork is healthier than beef. I cannot believe raping children will get you to Heaven faster when we know today that this is wrong. I cannot believe being gay will send a nation into disaster. Gays have been around forever, and even exist in nature. I even once saw a film about 2 gay lions living together. Why would GOD create something just to destroy it? HE is the all-perfect being, HE knows all and sees all. HE makes no mistakes. HE always is supposed to do what is best for us. Why would HE create gays and then destroy nations because of them?

I know the Bible was first written (before being translated) in actually several different languages. I think the Spanish monks who were the first to translate the Bible, made several mistakes because of this. Akkadian was less used before the birth of Christ, but it did exist in the biblical days. Today it is extinct. It was extinct by the 7th century, so it is my guess that this language was used quite a bit in the old Bible scrolls, and the Spanish monks that translated the Bible did not recognize the language. So 'lion' became 'wolf'. It could be all those bad references to wolves in the Bible were probably meant to refer to lions instead. A lot of things give clues to this being possible. Wolves will run from people, very rarely will they attack a person unless there is a famine with their normal prey. Lions will attack people, whether or not they have enough game to hunt because lions are opportunistic feeders, and they do tend to see people as food. There are several stories in the Bible of wolves attacking and killing people, which we know today is absolute nonsense because it rarely happens today. In Biblical days, the people would have encountered the Iranian wolf, which is smaller, faster, but less powerful than the European gray wolf. It is unlikely this animal would even attempt to bring down an adult human. Even dingoes won't attack an adult human and they're smaller, but stronger, than wolves. Though there have been a couple of cases of dingoes bringing down children. Usually though dingoes are very shy.

I just cannot believe that an animal that loves us more than it loves it's self is meant to be associated with evil in any way. I cannot believe an animal that gives so much joy to it's owner is somehow of the devil. To say dogs kill people is the same as saying guns kill people. Or knives kill people. Neither one kills people by themselves. Only people kill people. If a dog harms a person, chances are good it is because the dog's owner trained it to be mean. Or the owner did not properly socialize the dog.

Now, on the humorous side of my finding last night. There was this girl named Melissa Estroli there. She gave perfect clues to the kind of people who were there; angry, disturbed, unclassy, no doubt there is a world of hurt in her background. My guess is her parents either abused or molested her, or neglected her. Well the funny thing was she tried all evening long to convince me that she is an INXS fan. I called bullshit on her. She's not no INXS fan! She took a picture of herself in an INXS t-shirt, which I refused to look closer at because it led to a virus. No doubt the picture was photoshopped. She tried again to convince me that she is a fan by talking about the b-sides of Kick. Again, that is information ANYONE can get. I still called bullshit. Maybe she has a friend who is an INXS fan, but I wholeheartedly doubt she herself is a fan of INXS. If she was a fan, she would not have made fun of Michael hanging himself like she did. Normal fans just don't do that. But then again, maybe she's not a 'normal' fan. Maybe she's one of the delusional mod type fans. Only one of them would have the level of anger and hatred that she had. Which if she was a member of that forum, would not surprise me. I don't think anyone in that forum was over 25 years old back then, judging solely by their attitude. I saw one of Melissa's earlier Facebook profiles, she had pimples and shit all over her face. It must have been created some years ago. She looks 12 in the profile picture. No doubt she is young enough to have been in that group.

Melissa's parents should not have neglected her, she really needs a good spanking! If she were my child, she would have got one for being so disrespectful to adults, even on the internet. This is why my sis Eva will not let her kids on the internet without her supervision. She wants to know every word they are typing and everything. If they type something that even sounds disrespectful and hateful, she will make them delete it and revoke their internet privileges for a week. If it's as bad as what Melissa said yesterday to not only me, but a couple of my friends too, she will spank them. That is what Melissa needs. Unfortunately for her parents (and society at that) you are not allowed to use corporal punishment on children. Eva uses it anyway. She would say if Melissa was her child, she'd bare her behind and take her outside and spank her ass until she was raw and let everyone in the neighborhood watch her. Eva doesn't even like dogs either. Her family still has the old english mastiff, but she doesn't like big dogs like that. She complains about that dog almost every time I ask her how he's doing. She calls him the slobber monster. If she had her way, she would have had a pomeranian by now. LOL! But Eva is one of those that likes cats better than dogs.

Personally, I don't care what animal a person likes. I do question sometimes why a person would prefer a cat over a dog. Because I just don't see how someone can prefer an animal that only likes the person who feeds it when it is hungry, as opposed to an animal that will give it's life for it's owner. I don't understand that at all. I would never deliberately harm someone else's pet cat, though strays are fair game. But if I see a cat in someone's yard, I'm not going to take it and put a gun to it's head and kill it. I don't want to do that. Sometimes I tend to tease the cat people, but I would never really do anything like that. Melissa said she would never tie a dog to her car and run the motor, which I think is good. At least she says she does not promote violence against the animals.

This morning one of my Facebook buddies asked me why I got so pissed off about cats because I posted a pic that said if you like dogs, share. And like if you like cats. Well, then I could not just "like" because that would mean I was a cat-lover and I am not. That would be lying. I shared it and said I am a dog-lover all the way. But in reference to what this friend said, I have been angry with dog-haters since Groucho died. I've never been able to forgive people who hate dogs since then. This Facebook buddy who asked me this, ironically, was the same one that said she would run over a dog with her car to save a cat. I was angry when she said that. Though not terribly angry, because I have done the same to a cat to save a bird or a squirrel. So has Katrina. But she does it more for amusement than to save another animal from a cat. She just hates cats. She doesn't care if they are strays or they belong to someone, they're all the same in her eyes. They ruin her car's paint and shit in her driveway, and they chase birds and squirrels, which she loves, from her yard. Unfortunately those are things you cannot blame on the cat's owner. Cats do that stuff on their own. So that is why Katrina hates cats more than anything else. But she is my best friend. I've known her since she was a little girl, and yes she did like cats back then, and her family even had a cat. She hates them now though. When a stray cat took a big shit on her car's roof that was when she said "enough's enough!" That was when she started shooting them with a pistol and rocksalt.

****************EDIT TO ADD********************
Ya know I got to thinking about this post last night and this morning. GOD is supposed to be the all-loving, all-perfect being. If dogs are depicted in the Bible (meaning there was no mistake in translation) as being bad, evil animals, and they love us. And lions being glorified in the Bible, and they hate us. This kinda makes me wonder, is the Westboro Baptist Church maybe RIGHT??? That GOD really does hate us?? I read the Bible, and I've always been taught that GOD loves us. He loves us so much that he gave us Jesus, to die for our sins. But if dogs are bad according to the Bible, and dogs love us, and lions are good according to the Bible, and lions hate us, I wonder if this is how GOD also sees us, and that would mean the WBC is correct.

Monday, February 18, 2013

I Hate Dogs

No, I haven't "switched over"! That will never happen. I'll always be a dog lover. But there is a Facebook page devoted to hating dogs. You know a page like this would never have existed 20 years ago. It's a shame such a page exists now. This is unfortunately what society today has become. How can anyone hate a little dog?? That is totally beyond my realm of knowledge. Bigger dogs, that do more damage, I can see people hating sometimes. They tear up homes, and are butt-sniffers, and are known for hurting people sometimes. But they do have some compensating qualities. They guard our homes, they are the best bodyguards too. They aid the blind, and they herd cattle and sheep, and we all know if it wasn't for cattle and sheep, we would not be able to eat or have clothing on our backs. Dogs help our military soldiers, they are wonderful companions for children. Dogs are even known to bring good fortune to people of royalty. Thats why most of them own dogs. Those that didn't got assassinated. Bigger dogs may be more destructive than little dogs, but they do have compensating qualities. We can actually learn a lot from dogs. Dogs can teach us how to love one another unconditionally, how to be faithful to each other, and how to be more social. It worked for a friend of mine. She was totally anti-social until she got a dog.

Well, this Facebook page, I haven't seen it at all, but it seems to promote abuse towards dogs, and that is wrong. I'd be willing to bet the owners of that page are a bunch of feline fanatics, definitely Hellbound. I wonder how they would feel if someone were to create a page promoting violence against cats. No, I am not going to do it. I just wonder how those people would feel if such a page existed. But it is sad that this is what has become of the world, hating dogs and favoring cats. What can cats teach us? How to be anti-social, how to demand what you want until you get it, how to kill and torture people, how to do nothing but lay around the house all day long and do nothing, how to manipulate other people into thinking you are the best thing that ever happened to them, when you really are not. These are things that suprisingly, a lot of cat-people claim they love about cats. But how can you "love" this? Do you also love those qualities in people?? If not, and you love them in cats, isn't that a little bit contradictory? Shouldn't your own species take precidence over a different one? Personally I don't like any of those qualities in people, which is one reason why I hate cats. Besides the fact that cats are far more destructive than dogs of similar size.

I was looking at some places today, and I saw a very nice mobile home! I think it can even fit in this park! It was gorgeous, it looked to be the same length as this trailer, only it was much wider, I would say about 12-14 feet wide. It has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, and 2 of the bedrooms and one of the bathrooms is on one side of the house, and the master bed and bath are on the opposite side of the house. It wasn't much to look at on the outside, but the inside was very roomy! I was thinking of getting that and then I can get myself a couple of roommates to live there with me. I was saying I might allow them to have a small dog, but no big dogs and definitely NO CATS!!! If they do have cats, the cats would have to stay outside 24/7, I won't allow them in the house. For the simple reason that cats are much more destructive than a small dog. I was reading some comments on a Facebook page that I am a member of, and one person talked about a neighbor of his who had a cat, the cat caused his house to burn to the ground and ever since then he's hated cats. Well, I don't blame him! I would hate cats for that reason too! I don't want that to be my house's fate, or anything similar. My own neighbor has a cat that caused a flood in his house. I just don't want that to happen in my home. So if I go through with this idea, I would allow the renters to only have a small dog, but no cats.

Dogs are gifts from GOD. I truly believe that. They would not love us if GOD did not intend them to be with us. Cats are the curses of the Egyptians. It is because of feline worship that the ancient Egyptian civilizations are now gone. Our own civilizations will follow them if we continue to worship felines like they did. I can already see the downfall of American civilization happening right now, with little doubt it is due to feline worship. So pages like this one need to be taken off the internet. Go here and sign the petition: Have this dumbass page removed before we are all bound for a hellish nightmare in this country.


Ever have a song that is so good, the tune gets stuck in your head? Did you know those are called "earworms"? I didn't until I read this article. I have had that happen to me several times, which really is one of the reasons I only play music very sparingly. I don't need to because for days after, sometimes even weeks after, I have some of the songs I've played still stuck in my head. Sometimes those songs remanifest themselves in dreams I have. For example, one time I had a dream and for some reason, Michael Jackson's Bad kept playing over and over again in the dream. I do have that song on my iPod, though it is not one of my all-time favorite songs, it's a catchy song. I love all the songs I keep on my iPod, I would not have them on there if I didn't love them. I just find it strange that I would have a dream about that. I don't think a person can control what song will replay over and over in their head, or how long the earworm will last. On me though, they've been known to last for weeks. I could play music one night and 6 weeks later, one of the songs I played is still going on in my mind. Sometimes it's a whole song, and sometimes it's only a small fragment of a song.

According to this article, earworms last longer in women than they do in men. And to them is often more annoying. It's true. Sometimes they have been known to bring to the person some emotional breakdowns. They sometimes do that with me, but not very often. Sometimes they make me laugh, and laugh hard! Sometimes they make me feel a little down. Depending on the song, really. I remember when I was in my late teen years, there was this cartoon that I loved, I called it Beggin' Benny. I would habitually think of that cartoon, especially in the end when he meets up with a bunch of bad guys. I would think of that and I would burst out laughing. To me, it was so funny! And that carried on for weeks. Sometimes my friends at the voc school would wonder why I was laughing so hard. All I could say to them was I was thinking of something really funny. I couldn't really tell them I was thinking of a portion of a cartoon that I thought was so funny. I couldn't really explain that to them. I will say this though, that laughter made me a lot of buddies at that school! Well, that and the fact that I was cute back then, and still friendly to everyone I met. That could be classified as an earworm, because it did involve sounds that kept going on in my head, even though it was a TV show, and not really music. I just never knew this had a name before. I always simply called it "A song stuck in my head". LOL!

You know I never had fun going to school, but I loved going to the voc school. I had numerous friends there. But like I said, I think a lot of it had to do with me being much cuter back then. Surely much cuter than I am now. No, a DAMNSITE cuter than I am now!! I'm fucking ugly now. My friends and family tell me I am not ugly, but I look in the mirror these days, and I see the bride of Godzilla. That's not me being negative, that's me being honest. I know I am ugly, but hey! That's me. Like I always say, we can't all be supermodels. At least I know I am ugly, and I still laugh about it and I am always cracking jokes about it too. It would be much worse if I knew I was ugly, and felt depressed about it. But really, I don't feel depressed because I don't have to look good for anybody but GOD. I think GOD made me the way I am to put some humor into the world. Not just with me, but other people look and make jokes as well. That used to be hurtful to me, but I have learned remarkably how to laugh at myself over the years. I am still waiting for that one creative comment that someone can come up with about me that is unique, and has never been used before. So far, no one has ever thought of that comment. But I still continue to wait.

Well, one person came up with a cute comment, but I found out he stole it from the movie Borat. It's such a shame, it was funny! He said my chin hangs down like the sleeves on a wizard. I saw that comment, and I laughed. If he had come up with that comment by himself, I would have had to give kudos for the most creative comment ever. Unfortunately there are certain words I look for in YouTube comments, and if I see them, I generally don't completely read the comment and simply reject it. I made up my mind months ago that I was no longer going to accept anymore troll comments on YouTube. But anyone can post a comment on this blog. You just cannot be anonymous anymore. But if you want to blame someone for that, blame the fanatical vegans. That's why I hate teenagers! They're always so hateful and negative. I find that most of the nazi-vegan fanatics are teenagers. And mindless at that. So far the *most* creative name they can come up with to call me is "fatty". LOL! I laugh because it is so simplistic, even for a teenager. It's more like a first-grade-level derogate. It makes that person look more desperate than average. That's what leads me to believe those people are teenagers. Their minds haven't developed enough to come up with a better insult so they use the typical "fatty" moniker. That's another reason I never want to go vegan. Seems their minds have deteriorated under the pressure of not having meat or salt in their diet. Most of the fanatics are not at all creative.

The only time vegans use anything new is when they want to make the public feel guilty about eating meat or drinking milk. I don't feel guilty about either, because animals in the wild do it all the time. It doesn't bother them, why should it bother me? They call getting milk "rape". UGH!! No, that is not rape. We're talking about animals here! Not people! I don't think any person who milks cows gets aroused by it. So I don't believe it qualifies as rape. I do think when a big dog pokes it's nose in a spot it shouldn't be at, it is rape. When Vegas sits on my face and pokes his penis at me, that could be considered rape. I hate it when he does that!!! That's what I wake up to just about every morning. He got it from his mom, Odessa. Anna told me 'Dessa does that to her too.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

What My Blogs Are About

This is normally something I would put in an "All About Us" page. But I thought it was also a good idea to post this here. I have always been accused of being negative or judgmental because of my blogs. Well, I want to clear the air on what my blogs are all about and why I keep them. Really, when you look at the whole picture of me, my blogs make up only about less than 1% of my life. I keep blogs because they are my place to rant. If I have a problem, or if I am feeling uneasy, the best way I can get rid of those feelings is to write about them. Some people talk it out, but I am not good at talking to people. So I write about them in my blog. And let's face it, people LOVE to hear about other peoples' problems. No matter what they say. I would not have so many viewers if that wasn't true.

I remember a long time ago, in the old INXS Fan Forum, a girl named Penny accused me of judging her on my blog. She said I cannot judge her because I do not know her. And yes, about that she was right. I only had her posts to go by to tell me what kind of person she possibly is. She had been reading my blogs back then (when I used to have a blog on MSN) and she absolutely hated me because of what I wrote on there LOL! Which is cool with me. What was ironic though was she said I cannot judge her by what she wrote on the forum, but then she turned around in the same sentence, and judged me for what I wrote on my blog. That was interesting coming from her mouth! And to tell you the truth, what I saw of her on that forum was FAR worse than what I ever wrote on my blog. She used to snap at people for no reason at all. She seemed to always be in a bad mood and was always cranky. The only people she was not cranky with were the popular people. Any newbies, or lower-ranking forum members, she would always treat like shit no matter how nice they were. That was why I didn't like her, and I still don't. I haven't seen her in years, but I doubt she's changed any. She's probably still the same cantankerous old fart she was back then. I did send her a sympathy message when her guinea pig died. But as with Andy, I didn't care about Penny. I cared about the guinea pig. That was all. I just know how it feels to lose a pet.

I don't even go into forums at all anymore. I have my YouTube channel and I also have my Facebook page. I don't need forums. In my experience, forum owners tend to go crazy with the powers of administration. So, I stay away from forums. I tried going back into INXS forums back around 2005 to 2006, but I found INXS fans were not as friendly as they used to be. And it's all DonnaG's fault! Or the fault of that damn Rockstar forum. I always said that is the most useless forum out there. The members cannot even start a topic! I never heard of a forum like that! Only one of the moderators can begin a topic. I am all for free speech, I don't want to have my speech controlled by some messed-up mods! I tried going into that forum once before, but it did not last very long. I got bored with it almost immediately. After I found out I was not able to post a topic, I said that's enough! Screw that place. But at least I gave it a try. I did not completely form an opinion until after I tried it. Now I have one and it stays firm.

I remember I used to write in my blogs a lot more back when I had an MSN blog than I do now. I just don't have that much to say anymore. My posts now are spread out further, and get less and less each year. I noticed that. I used to write in my blogs several times a day. Now, I am having a good day if I just write in this blog once a day. Or a bad day, depending on how you look at it. But I only write in these blogs if something big happens, or I have a big thought that I want to share, whether it be a good thought or a bad one. Another thing I typically get accused a lot of is contradicting myself. Well, there is a reason for that also. I am the type of person that looks at both sides of everything. All things have a good side and a bad side. I look at both. I am not like most people, who just see one side of everything. Thus I guess I can seem to be contradicting myself. But that's how I am, take it or leave it. And I am just as happy if you leave it!

I must also say, I've had a few forums put up myself. I had a Metazoic forum once, and I decided to end that when it was taken over more by spammers than by members. I also had an INXS forum for a little while. But because I had to seriously protect it from some of the evil fans (like the delusional mods), it was closed to all but those I invited, and you could not copy and paste from that forum. So it got closed down and replaced instead with my Timmy-Love Space on MySpace. I don't have a MySpace anymore. I rarely went in there after creating my Facebook account, so I got rid of my account on MySpace. I don't go into forums anymore, hardly ever. I do occasionally look into the Craigslist pet forums. But I haven't posted since I moved to Bozeman. Well, I cannot say I haven't posted. I posted maybe once or twice there, but I stopped completely. I only glance in on occasion. If I want to share something, I share it here. I have enough viewers here. I haven't been a regular in that forum since I lived in Ocean Shores.

I also had a lot to say when I lived in Bozeman. I never wanted to move there in the first place. You know, I heard my sister's neighbor, Roger, has gone stark-raving crazy. As if he wasn't already before I left there. But Anna said he's gotten worse. LOL!! I wonder if he saw what I wrote about him in this blog after I left there and it's making him crazier because he cannot respond back. Or he can, he just chooses not to, and I blocked him on YouTube because he's a troll. I cannot allow anonymous posts on this blog anymore, and you can thank the fanatical vegans for that. That is always the case, a few people who abuse privileges ruin it for everyone else. Speaking of which, I notice those same fanatical vegans have been trying to get my attention, both on YouTube and on Facebook. Well, I usually ignore people who are not friends of mine on Facebook. I usually do not read their posts, unless I am in a reading mood, but that is not very common really. And I pay zero attention to trolls on YouTube these days. And yes, I consider fanatical vegans to be trolls.

As for Roger, I hope he gets so angry and frustrated that he has a heart attack. Or kills himself. I told my sister to just basically ignore him, not to let him get her all worked up. I don't want her to be the one to get stressed out. Because if anything happens to her, both my ma and I will be over there to tear that SOB apart! He is so ridiculous! I think it's hilarious that he thought I was ever in love with him! LOL! At least that gave me a good chuckle!

Well, those are things I talk about in my latest book, Adventures in Moving, which is available now! Check it out!

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Friday, February 15, 2013

Crazy Clawed Dreams

LOL! That's funny! But I've been having some weird dreams lately, and I don't know what they have been about. Throughout my life, I've been having some really strange dreams. But lately, my dreams have been stranger than usual. Lately I've been having dreams where I turn into animals. LOL! Particularly to attack or kill someone. A few nights ago I had a dream that Anna invited me to her place in Bozeman for a popcorn night, so I went. I knew there was still some turbulence there between those people and myself, but I didn't care, I went anyway. That alone is strange, considering I don't want to go back to Bozeman! And nothing can make me go back ever again! Anyway, when I walked into the building in my dream, I saw that idiot Andy standing by the elevator, so I decided to take the stairs instead. I didn't say a word to him at all in the dream, I just went through the door where the stairs are. Suddenly I noticed Andy had come into the stairwell after me. I just kept going up like nothing was wrong.

Finally I got to the top of the stairwell and I went through the door into the third floor lobby, and made my way to Anna's apartment. Andy was right behind me. No words were spoken in this dream at all, but he did come up behind me and put his hand on my back. When he did that, I turned around and I had turned into this huge, black, panther-like creature with eyes glowing red and I gave him a bone-chilling hiss, and I had the claws out ready to slash him with. But he backed away. So I let him go and continued on to Anna's place. LOL! It wasn't a real panther, but a panther-like animal. Kinda like Catwoman in the movie, only much more evil-looking. Maybe more like a cross between a panther and a bear, with the eyes of a fire-breathing dragon. It was definitely a weird dream! LORD knows I hate panthers! I would never turn to them for salvation.

Last night I had a dream too, I dreamed my sis and I were at a park with our dogs, and we were walking toward a convenience store there in the park. Anna was holding Odessa in her arms, and Vegas and Minnie were running around in a grass field nearby. Well, Anna decided she was going to stay by the enterance to the convenience store. Also standing there were a couple of nazi vegans who were in a protesting mood. One of them looked so familiar, I'd seen him on YouTube before. I think he calls himself mockmcmuffin, or something like that. I'd never watched any of his videos, but I saw his image on the screen his videos are frozen on his channel on. And this guy who was most prevailant in the dream looked just like him. Anyway, he looked at my sister standing there, and he started making cracks about the way she looks. He said to people going by "Hey, you wanna look like this girl, or you wanna look like me?" and blah-blah-blah.

It was then in the dream I turned to Anna and I said "Don't pay any attention to him, but if you'd like to go to another park we will." Anna said "No, that's OK." Anna looked at this mockmcmuffin character and told him to bugger off, and he continued to crack jokes about her. Meanwhile I went into the store. That mockmcmuffin guy followed me in the store and was watching me with great interest. I got an item that I wanted and I went up to the cashier to pay for it, and he started cracking jokes about me as well. I just ignored him in the dream. Until he opened the door to go outside and I heard what sounded like a loud thud. The main thing that went through my mind was he's hurt Odessa. So I ran out there and I was pissed off!! I saw Anna there, still holding Odessa and that mockmcmuffin guy standing near her. The other vegan guy had disappeared at this time. I asked Anna what happened. I asked "Did he hurt Odessa?!" Anna said no he didn't, but in my mind he did. So I started chasing him, and I chased him for a good ways away, I was scratching him and biting him and I angrily said "Don't you EVER hurt my sister OR her dog you BASTARD! You DUMBASS! You ASSHOLE!!" Then I slashed him on the face and said "I'll scratch your eyes out next time!" I tore off his pants and he ran away! LOL! I didn't turn into an animal that time physically, just in spirit.

The vegan nazis think I cannot move without a motorized chair. But I don't even have one of those things, and I move around very well. I can even move fast if I really want to, and have before too, several times. I can do that by not concentrating on my weight and only thinking about what I have to do. It's called mind-over-matter. I remember one time MsPearlsGirl said to Katrina (who is not fat at all) that she can walk faster than Katrina can run. I think she more meant it to refer to me. Well, that makes me think, a person can think they can outrun a fat, 1-ton grizzly bear, until the bear is barreling down on them. I am like that bear. I can look slow, lumbering and clumsy, even tranquil. Until I do what I know I have to do in defense of my family. Then you will see a side of me you'd never guess was there. When I woke up from that dream, my heart was pounding! Kinda scared me!

I don't like confrontations at all, and try to always avoid them. But I have hurt people in the past. I just don't like to, so I don't make that a first resort. My first reaction when I am being harassed is usually just to freeze, and give evil looks. LOL! If that doesn't work, I may tell the person to go away. If that doesn't work, I just walk away. If that doesn't work, and the attacker puts his hands on me, that's when I get violent. Even then, I prefer to just give the person a warning first. Its when that person does not heed that warning that I might be inclined to get physical. For me, getting physical is a very last resort. What I turn to only if the person does not get the message by the 4th or 5th time. LOL! But usually I prefer to keep my hands to myself. If the person stinks as bad as Andy did, I don't even want to touch them!! I don't want whatever is on their body making them smell so bad to get on me! Hell NO!!

Anyway, dreams like this are not entirely new to me. Usually when I dream them it means I may never see that person again. I had a similar dream to the first one back in 1994, after my 4-year friendship with a woman I went to the vocational school with broke off. Her name was Jennifer Krolovic. I still have a comic strip she and I collaborated on together. We got really close. But for some reason in 1993, she decided to end the friendship. A few months later I had that dream, only this time, she followed me into the school building. She wasn't chasing me, but she was following me and anxious to get my attention. When she got up to me, and put her hands on me I turned and hissed at her, and was about to attack her. Then she backed away. LOL! I never saw her again, and never even dreamed of her again. To this day, I have no clue what made her want to end the friendship between us so abruptly. I think it may have been the new, trashy women she was now hanging around when she returned to the voc school that year. It's very possible. I've seen what people turn into when they get in with the "popular crowd". It's never pretty!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Karen Carpenter's Death

Today is the 30th anniversary of Karen Carpenter's death. I noticed the article on the sideline. Now, it's not that I care anything about Karen Carpenter at all. I never liked the Carpenters! But it's the way she died that interests me. She had a heart attack due to anorexia. I found this very interesting. People did not know much about anorexia and it's dangers until she died and it's funny. People now know more about anorexia than they do about obesity. Very little is really known about obesity, and people tend to want to blame the obese person for being obese. The fact of the matter is both anorexia and obesity are the same thing, just different sides of the same spectrum.

Now, again don't misunderstand me, there are fat people that are fat because they did it to themselves. But anorexic people are just as much to blame for being anorexic. They choose to be anorexic, every bit as much as an obese person chooses to be obese. Anyone who argues otherwise is a fool of society. I think a lot of fat people though blame a thyroid problem for being fat because it's a way of shifting the blame, thus a chance for them to be accepted. Me personally, I never blame a thyroid problem because I would be lying if I did. My thyroid has been tested and it's fine. I am fat because I have an addiction to chocolate. I readily admit it. I endulge in it too much. But chocolate is a real addiction. Just like an anorexic person has an addiction to being thin. Many of them starve themselves to the point of death in order to avoid being fat. Me, I would rather be fat than dead.

The reason I bring this up is because people tend to feel more empathy for anorexic people than they do for obese people. Obese people can be mean and nasty tempered, but I think it's more because they expect society to have a bad attitude towards them. Like why black people and native Americans can be mean and temperamental too. They went through years of oppression and have come to expect trouble from other people. The same with obese people. I was always very nice until I began having problems with people after I gained weight. It brings you to a point where you just don't want to talk to people or sometimes even see them. I've been lucky though, I managed to develop a tough skin, and fat names don't bother me anymore. But I can see where it would make another fat person want to build a wall around themselves.

People blame obese people because their insurance rates go up. Well, you can just as easily blame anorexic people or smokers for that. Obese people are not the only ones to blame. But so little is really known about obesity, most people just say "oh a fat person can just lose weight and all their problems would be solved." But it is not as easy as just saying "I'm going to lose weight." And people who are out to make fun of a fat person do not help their matters. It just makes the problem worse. Fat people are the way they are probably because they find comfort in food. I just simply find chocolate delicious. I don't want to give it up. I would have to probably be hypnotized to hate chocolate. I've even seen people who say they feel more for a person who smokes or drinks because smoking and drinking is an addiction that the person cannot help. Well, so is chocolate. It is a known fact that chocolate has addictive qualities, much like nicotene. It arouses certain taste buds that triggers happy impulses in the brain and that feels good. So yes, chocolate is an addiction.

I even saw one person who commented on one of my YouTube videos that said he would make fun of a fat person every chance he gets. So he is part of the problem. A person who makes fun of a fat person cannot call themselves part of the solution, only part of the problem. Calling a person names from a moving vehicle is not going to help someone lose weight. It really just makes them want to eat more. Especially if they are the kind of person that finds comfort in food. Me, I have other ways of finding comfort. LOL! I go shopping and that makes me feel good. I also have my dogs, even though Vegas is ornery! I really only eat when I am hungry. Though I always try to make room for chocolate. Especially if the chocolate has nuts. I love chocolate and nuts!!

I just had to get this off my chest because it seems more is known about anorexia than about obesity, probably because people learn more about anorexia simply because they think a thin person is more attractive, so that makes them want to open their minds more to a thin person's problems. But since fat people are considered unattractive, the outside world closes their minds, and only hears what they want to hear about obesity, thinking just the little bit of information we have now is all there is to hear about it. But really, so little is known about it that I think the world would be surprised to find out all there is to know about it. It's truly a very complex issue. While there are people who can lose weight, there's really more to it than saying "I think I'll start going out for a walk every morning now." Ask a fat person. At least someone like me. I'll be honest.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

I Don't Know What To Think Anymore

So many things have been happening this past month, and I've been too busy to actually write about them. Believe me, I have been busy. I am currently working on a new look for the UMG Productions website. I hope to get it done soon. But I have been working hard on it almost daily. I've been so busy with that and working on this story, and thinking of other stories, that I lost track of what is going on in the world. But here are some things that I have that I need to either gripe about, or are confusing me...

1. Skittles. Yes, the fruity-flavored candy with a gel-like center I used to absolutely f***ing LOVE is changing. They are now like the rest of the sheep known as candy companies that are taking away my favorite lime-flavored pieces and replacing them with that wretched green apple flavor!! YUK!! As if we don't already have enough fruit-flavored candies that switched over to that crap! That was the one thing I loved about Skittles, they were the last candies I ever liked that still carried lime candies. Now, they won't be anymore! That really SUCKS!! There is still some hope, at least for a little while longer. Some stores still have the small, $1 boxes of Skittles with lime pieces, and I say enjoy them while you can still get them! I used to love Runts for the same reason, but then they took out the lime flavored pieces and replaced them with that stupid green apple flavor! That pisses me off!! What has the world got against lime?? This is ridiculous!! Leave lime alone!! If Runts wants to make a change for the better, take out those horrid banana-flavored pieces and bring back the lime!! If Skittles wants to be unique, LEAVE THE LIME ALONE!!!! Even Life Savers. Back in 2000 they were going to take out the pineapple pieces, but they never did! They did however take away my favorite lime-flavored pieces. They would have been better off, IMO, taking the pineapple away and leaving the lime pieces in there! Soon I won't be able to enjoy any fruit-flavored candies at all, and believe it or not, there are times I crave something sweet, but don't exactly want anything chocolate. I haven't had Life Savers since 2000 and I haven't had Runts since 2002, and this year will be my last year I guess having Skittles.

2. I found out this afternoon that my old landlord Carolyn quit her position here and moved away. Now, we have a couple in her place, a man and a woman. I hope the man is handy with fixing things. I don't know what happened to Carolyn, suddenly she just decided to quit without any warning or announcement. I'm going to miss her!! I don't know what this new manager is like, I just met her today and got word that Carolyn quit the position. I kinda wonder if Elaina got to her. Elaina is kinda pushy. Nice, but pushy. Carolyn got in trouble a few times for giving the phone number to the maintenance guy out to tenants. I also know she was terminally ill, and maybe she thought that managing this park was too much stress on her. I don't know really. But I do feel bad she is no longer here. She was such a nice person. I even still have her phone number on my cellphone's speed-dial. Elaina, I don't know about her. One minute she can seem really nice, but then the next minute she can seem really salty. Not sure what to think here now. With Carolyn I had more freedom to expand, I don't know about this new landlord. But the rules in this park state that if we have a problem, to talk to our resident landlord, or call Elaina. But then when someone tries to do either, the attending manager gets in trouble. Not really fair!

3. Letting go of a friend. The other night, I had a little bit of a collision with a friend on Facebook. Now, don't get me wrong, she's usually a very sweet person. I do like her. But she's kindof fanatical about cats. I hate cats, and one of the big reasons is because of cat-fanatics like her. I like dogs, and lemurs, but I am not fanatical about them. But if a person likes cats and no other animals, in my eyes, that person is not an animal lover at all. It's not just the fact she is fanatical about cats, but she said that she would run a dog over with her car to save a cat. I was like "What?!?!" She would run over and kill a member of someone's family just to save a sick stray cat that kills wild animals and carries diseases harmful to humans?? That doesn't make any sense to me. But frankly, I cannot say much about that, so I held my tongue. I myself have killed cats on the road in the long run to save birds, squirrels and any other animal that would have been that cat's potential prey. So has Katrina, my best friend. She killed 3 cats in one day once; 2 on her way to work and one on the way to a local restaurant where she had her lunch, and she boasts about it because she hates cats more than I do. She even laughs when she sees a dead cat on the side of the road, or a dead cat anywhere. She hates them THAT much! Katrina will stop for dogs, raccoons, even mice. The only animal she won't stop for is cats.

Yes, cat fanciers would argue that owls eat the same species, even if they are endangered. The argument I have for that is the owls were here first. Cats are not native to this country, they are actually invaders. We do have wild cats here, but they don't just kill a bird or a squirrel and don't eat it. Only lions do that. Feral cats however kill just to be killing, and that is not cool. I don't even like most people for that same reason. So yeah, I would never approve of killing a dog to save anything as useless as a cat. Don't get me wrong though, I would never deliberately kill someone's pet. If I know the cat belongs to someone and is their pet, I would not hurt it under any circumstances. I've gotten out of my car to physically move my landlord's cat once. I didn't have to, I could have just crushed it under my van, but I knew that was her kitty, and I know she valued it. In fact, I am actually going to miss that cat. It was a sweet kitty. I don't think kitty cats are ugly. In fact, they look like lemurs to me. If my feelings about cats were based solely on the way they look, cats would actually be my favorite animals simply because they look like lemurs. I don't hate cats for the way they look, I hate them for the way they are. They are destructive. Many times more destructive than a dog of similar size. Cats carry diseases like typhoid, myotoxicosis, necrotizing fasciitis (flesh-eating bacteria), staphococcus and ringworm. I also read an article recently that cats actually make their owners go crazy. Something about a pheromone released by the animals that gets to a person's brain and over time, extended exposure to it causes a chemical imbalance in the brain. I'm trying to word it like the article did. LOL! If I could find that article I would link to it now, I think it was on the Discovery Channel's website. The reason I believe this article is because I've seen many cat fanatics and they were indeed the craziest people I've ever met!! All of them alike. Yet dog fanciers are not like that at all. So there is a difference there. Even when I was a kid I noticed the difference, and I loved cats when I was a kid. I noticed dog fanicers were more calm, friendly, laid-back people, while other cat-fanciers were crazy. That's kinda what made me change my mind about cats. I stopped loving them so much when I was about 7 years old. Even though I had a cat since then, and he was the greatest cat I've ever known, I still would never feel the way about them that I did when I was a kid.

Well, those things are basically what is on my mind now, just wanted to post an update here. Going to make some doughnuts out of canned biscuit dough tonight. My ma used to do them that way and they were awesome! I'd been craving some recently so I decided to try this myself.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Forever Stalkers

I knew it!! Bill Waggoner is still stalking me!! HAHA!!! I won $10 from Katrina. :) A couple of times I got comments from people whose avatar showed them in Anonymous masks, and they were right after I wrote about Anonymous in this blog. There is a world of difference between Bill Waggoner and Anonymous! If you're good at spotting the difference like I am, you can tell the difference. Bill Waggoner just says they're going to do something, and really do nothing. Anonymous does without warning. Bill Waggoner is just a bunch of buffoons, Anonymous is serious stuff. Bill Waggoner is trying to be like Anonymous, but they will never be Anonymous.

I found out this morning that Bill Waggoner is still stalking me because some idiot posted a comment about Bill Waggoner. I didn't really read the comment, I saw the words Bill Waggoner and figured that was all I needed to see, and I ignored the comment and blocked the idiot. I don't even know what he said about Bill Waggoner. I just figured if he is with this dumbass, then he needs to be blocked and ignored. I am still hellbent on ignoring these kind of people. There are some comments I just don't read, and don't need to read. It may even have been these guys that told the people of that apartment in Bozeman about this blog. Too bad for them, I was already on the way out. But if that is the case, then I owe the dirty dozen an apology. LOL! But once I was on the way out I didn't have to look back.

They look in at this blog all the time, too bad Bill Waggoner cannot read! If he could read, he would have known I do not accept negative comments at all anymore. I don't even need to read his comments to know they are going to be negative. He thinks he's being funny, but really, he's showing he is nothing but an illiterate dumbass. He's just pissed off because I told the people on the Craigslist pet forum that he is calling people who leave missing pet ads on Craigslist and telling them that he killed their pet or will only give their pet back if they have sex with him. So now he has nothing to do. But at least I pissed him off! LOL! That's good anyway. :) And I would do it all again, if I ever catch him calling missing pet ads telling the owners things like that. Yes, I will do it all again! Bill Waggoner can piss and moan all he wants, I will continue to tell on him. :)

Too bad for him, I have nothing bad to say about the people here. So far everyone here has been so nice and helpful. My neighbors are great! And I am home again. That is the important thing. I so missed being home. No body needs to worry about me saying bad things about them, as long as they don't cross me. So far, no one here has done that. They did it all the time in Bozeman, but then again there, I was living next door to a bunch of wierdos, drunkards and drug-addicts. Not all of them were like that, there were a handful of people there that I liked and respected. Some people I liked when I first met them, but later turned out to be assholes, even long before they read this blog. Matter of fact, I thought they already knew about this blog. The only person I said anything bad about that I wish I hadn't was Deb. But not her husband. I don't give a shit that I offended him, because he was being an asshole. He still was even after I left there. Honestly I don't know how Deb can stand being married to that jerk. I would not want to be married to someone like that. And that is why I refuse to be married to this day. Besides the fact that I just would not like sharing my house with a man.

I remember when I was looking for a roommate, a couple of people called me that said they had men who lived in the house. My ad clearly stated I do not want to live in the same house with a man. One of the people who called even said they only have one bathroom. That was an immediate no. I especially do not want to share a bathroom with a man. And Patti wondered why I did not want to get married (I'm not sure, but I think she had some kind of plan to marry me off to someone!) But I don't want to get married. I don't care if 100 suiters propose to me, and are the best-looking and richest bachelors in town, I still would not want to marry. Though I won't say that I wouldn't admire. LOL! Marriage means being tied down, and I don't want that. At least dogs can travel. Men, unless it is their occupation to travel, cannot. Right now, work is looking good, so Katrina and I are planning a possible trip to Victoria Is. Gonna catch the ferry up there and stay for a couple days and have fun this summer. As beach-combing pals.

As for Bill Waggoner, well, it's nice to know I am so important to some stranger's life. But too bad for him anything he says on my videos will be rejected, and may not even be read. I suspected the anonymous posts had to be him, because I don't think Anonymous has any interest in me. Only Bill Waggoner, and he's not the same thing.

Official "Felon"

 Well, the judge has declared Trump an "official felon". Well, he's a corrupt judge, we'll probably hear some deep shit on...