Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Strangest Party

I love that song!! LOL!! I still need the smiles, INXS gave them to me tonight. I was watching that Great Video Experience with INXS interviews, concert clips and some videos. There are some songs I am not fond of that INXS created, but they are actually quite few. I'm not that fond of Baby Don't Cry. I like most of the animals (except the panther), but the song leaves a lot to be desired. I'm not crazy about Never Tear Us Apart. I'm probably the only INXS fan on the planet that doesn't like that song!!!! It's just too hard to boogie to, and when I am in the car, the song always reminds me of how I get motion sickness. So I always skip it. That's what slow songs do to me. I love the faster songs that are easiest to boogie to. Like Kick, Devil Inside, New Sensation, I even love By My Side, for a different reason than the others, but I still love it!!!

I even saw the video for Time. That was the video that in 2005 made me fall in such a deep love with Kirk. I saw it again tonight and still got a bit weak in the knees. Too bad Kirk is such a jerk!!!! Well, if there is one thing I learned with that incident of someone supposedly being him commenting on here, it's that I know I am not as willing to "write him off" forever as I thought I was. I don't believe the person who came in and said Kirk's grammar was better than that person's, as I think most of the time, someone does the writing for the guys. (My guess was that individual was judging the grammar by those writings on his journal at But a small part of me says don't write him off, but the other part of me says forget about him. Well, all that has to happen is a 300-pound woman step up and say she has met Kirk and he was a perfect gentleman to her, and I will forgive him and forget about him snubbing me everytime I've met him. I will even apologize to him on this blog for all the horrible shit I've said about him. There is a catch. I must be able to trust the woman who speaks up, and she MUST be overweight, like me. A pic would help a lot too. There are some people whose words I wouldn't trust more than throwing horseshoes!! I know for example DonnaG is fat, but she also forces herself on people, and she is blind to these guys' faults. I know she had a photo-op with Kirk before, but if he was disgusted by her, she'd never see it. Not like I would have! (In the breeding game, that kind of disorder is known as "kennel-blindness". I don't know what one would call it when meeting your favorite band is your game). I can say I have met Kirk 3 times. Once snubbing I can forgive, even twice I can overlook. But after the third time there has got to be something personal there!! I wouldn't know what other conclusion I could come up with. Third time is supposed to be the charm, but not in this case. I once heard how Michael was always flirting with women, no matter what their size was. The one and only time I saw Michael was in 1991, and I was definately skinnier then!! I kissed him, but I never formally 'met' him. But I tell you, after meeting Tim, and him being such a charmer, it does not even bother me that I never formally met Michael anymore!! I used to envy those who have. But those are ancient feelings now, never to be felt by me again!!

Anyway, anyone besides me notice there are a lot of dogs in INXS videos?? INXS are obviously dog-lovers. There was even a dog on the cover of Shabooh Shoobah. Gives me a little encouragement for an idea I have. I could bring my babies to INXS concerts. I once saw a woman whose hobby was to take her french bulldog to concerts of different rock groups and allow them to play with the dog and pet it. True most rock stars have dogs at their homes and I am sure they miss them when they are on tour. It'd be great to brighten their tour with a surprise visit by someone with dogs they can pet and make friends with. Vegas is a good candidate, because he's the friendliest. Especially if one of them were to take their shoes off!! Vegas LOVES feet!!!!! Odessa, well she's the more nippy one, Kirk can have her!! LOL! Vegas needs to get used to men though. He's always nervous at first, but he never has bitten anyone before. Not like Odessa who is indeed an ankle-biter. She's also an ankle-scratcher. At least she is off-leash! Better leave her home!! Vegas the worst he does is bark and growl. That's all I've seen him do anyway. His bark is much worse than his bite though.

It'd be kinda cute to get a pic of Tim with Vegas! hehe! I've been getting him to give Timmy's pics kisses since he was born. However, I would have to leave the pics OUT!! If I do happen to start doing this, it would have to be professionally. I couldn't try all that fan stuff if I am to start doing these rounds. But it is a great way to socialize the dogs, and at the same time, bring some much-needed and well-deserved smiles to the faces of musicians. Maybe if Odessa is kept on a leash she won't do anything. But I would hate to chance it!! She does good at Petco, but I don't know how she would react with the music and stuff in the background at a concert.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Modern Animation Industry

I've been at it a little bit with someone on the SE forum about modern animated characters. One person was comparing modern anime and manga to old fashioned cartoon styles. I don't personally think there is anything better about anime and manga. I mean, check out this site: Those characters are UGLY!! And they have absolutely no expression or individuality at all!!! The cartoonists all they seem to do is change the eye color and the hair color of each individual, but other than that, they all look the same!! People in the real world don't all look the same. Not even in the old fashioned cartoons does everyone look the same. Manga I might admit does look a little bit better than anime style. I mean, I used to collect Batman comic books and I admit manga-style is a lot like that. I loved those comic books!! I had some real rarities too!!!! Recently, I even found Batman vol. 1! Now there's a rarity!! But people these days aren't paying jack for comic books!

Well, that's not the worst of modern animation. How about ugly characters like these:

Those are absolutely hiddeous!! I don't know what the creator of these was drinking when they made these characters up, but I want to find out so I don't ever touch the stuff!! I never seen anything as stupid-looking in my life as this ugly thing with those big, bulging eyes, banana-shaped nose and goofy teeth...

Why that doesn't scare today's kids I'll never know!! It sure would have scared me when I was a kid!! Sea sponges are not even supposed to have teeth or eyes. And they sure aren't shaped like a dish-washing sponge!!!! Ever seen one of those natural bath sponges? That is how a sea sponge is supposed to look. So in essence, this is what Spongebob should look like:

Oh and check out these bits of work:

Talk about freak city!! Ugly, bulging eyes, no hairline, not even a chin on any of those characters!! They have a little bit of individuality, some expression, but they are still UGLY!!!! And Bart is nothing more than disrespectful!! And his father Homer is in serious need of anger management therapy!! My pa was never that bad!! It's no wonder kids today are such losers! They see this stuff on tv, and they think it's funny so they try to emulate it in real life! My ma would have killed me if she caught me doing any of the things Bart does on the Simpsons!!! Even their animals are ugly...

The only reason I know that is a cat and a mouse is because they say so. However, I never did really figure out what these are:

Someone once told me the red, fat, dumpy one is a cat and the skinny one is a chihuahua. Well, I've been around chihuahuas for most of my life and I've never seen one that looks like that!! I think it's a goat!! Not a chihuahua!! My chis would be insulted by that thing!!! And that so-called "cat"? Nah!! That ain't no cat!!! I've seen cats before and they don't look like that either!! I think that's a bear!! It looks more like a bear than like a cat anyway!!
What happened to the days when animals in cartoons looked like what they are supposed to look like? At least a little bit! Some of these aren't even close!! I mean, look at Bugs Bunny. He looks at least a little bit like a rabbit. You can always tell that's what he is even without saying. He has big feet like a rabbit and a short nose like a rabbit, and long ears like a rabbit, even a cotton tail like a rabbit.

I think I know what Bugs would think of the shameful drawings of today's cartoons...

I may not keep up to date with the latest style of modern animation, as I really enjoy the old fashioned way better. But at least my drawings are cute, have expression, and individuality. A lot like the old Bugs Bunny/Warner Bros. cartoons.

Friday, October 17, 2008

World's Dumbest Fans

Did anyone see this program last night? It was on TruTV. I saw it and I thought Good GOD!! And the delusional dumbasses thought me giving Timmy sheeps-eyes was bad!! LOL! There was this one girl who went to what I think was the grammys, and she got up in Hugh Grant's face (I think that was the guy) and asked him for a photo op. He graciously complied and she got her pic with him. But then she surprised him by handcuffing him to her. The actor was quite patient with her (more so than I would have been!) and asked her if she had the key. She said she didn't. Well, Grant told her that he is usually patient but that she was starting to piss him off and he wanted her to find the key. Finally the police got them free and took the girl away in handcuffs of their own. I say HA-HA!! That woman made a total ass of herself in front of her favorite celeb!!!

That has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard of any fan doing to anyone! But then again, I am not one of those types that actively goes around to fan sites, waiting for other fans to do something stupid. Most of the "stupid" stuff are things I might have done myself in the past. But I have never had the desire to handcuff my favorite celeb to me!! Not even on a dare!! There are some places a person just has to draw the line. But giving Timmy sheeps-eyes is basically nothing! I was not hurting him, I wasn't breaking the "unspoken code" about invading their space! I mean, I never even kissed Tim, or any of the guys of INXS!! Nor do I have any desire to do that! If they kiss me first that's one thing, but I would never reach out and grab them and kiss them in the mouth!!! I wouldn't want any of my fans (if I had any) to do that with me!!

Well, I did need a smile on my face today, so I just finished watching my INXS videos. I did a little checking out of Tim's ass!! hehe!! (Just checked it out!! I would never do anything more!!) When I cannot see him, I still find myself looking for him on the screen. Often I mentally push the others away (especially if Michael or Kirk is on the screen) just to see Timmy! But I wanted to get a good eyeful of his ass!! I especially love the videos where Tim is most prevalent. I also love watching him during the documentation. I needed the smile today and I got it!! Not just in seeing Tim, but also hearing their music. Once again, I feel better thanks to INXS!! I love these guys!!

Halloween Stories

I have decided since it is that time of year to share creepy stories and all, I thought I would share some of the most unusual experiences of my own life. I've had some past encounters with the unusual. We once lived in a house that was actually built on an Indian burial ground, and everyone knows how those areas can be some of the most haunted areas in the country. While we lived there, some very unusual things used to happen. I was about 6 years old then and we were there for a good couple of years. Every night ma used to say she would hear footsteps going up and down the stairs late at night when no one would be up. Sometimes she would hear what sounded like the rattling of chains. I never heard them at all myself because I was always asleep at the time she claimed to hear these things.

One of my first encounters with these ghosts came one morning when I woke up. Well, I wasn't fully awake, I was in that gray area between being fully asleep and waking up. I was sort of awake, but my eyes were not yet opened. Suddenly I felt something shoot out from under my pillow. It felt like a couple of fingers rubbing me on the back of my neck! At the very first instant I thought it was my pa. He used to have to get up early to go to work and sometimes he would come into my bedroom to say goodbye. He never did it that way though!! And I thought maybe he was playing a trick on me. I opened my eyes and looked and he was not in there. Meanwhile this thing kept rubbing the back of my neck. I looked around my bed and no one was in there with me! I lifted my back up off the bed thinking it was maybe a mouse or something, and it would scurry out and off the bed and get lost in the room somewhere, but nothing happened, and I could still feel those fingers rubbing me! So I sat up and screamed at the top of my lungs and my pa came rushing in. I was still screaming! After I had calmed a bit, pa asked me what was wrong and I told him I felt something touching me on the back of my neck. He looked, lifted my pillow up and saw nothing at all. I never did encounter that "thing" again!

While we were living there, I would never make my usual midnight "trips" without my ma or pa being beside me. One night though, deep in the middle of the night, I decided to try and brave it myself. That was unusual for me at that age in that house. I got to the one and only restroom in that house, turned on the light and closed the door. While I was in there I heard what sounded like footsteps with chains rattling right outside the door. They were very loud and clear, as if hearing someone in men's dress shoes walking on a bare floor, with chains strapped to their legs. I knew it wasn't pa or ma!! But whatever it was, sounded like it was pacing right outside the door. I thought it was going to come in and get me so I started screaming again at the top of my lungs!!! I know, I was a silly kid, but what else is a 6-year old going to think? Back then, kids that age were nothing like they are today. Anyway, my pa rushed down the stairs to "rescue" me and escort me back up to my room.

My most recent encounter with the unusual was when I was much older and better able to handle it. But it wasn't like hearing people who were not there walking around outside your bedroom. This encounter started with something as innocent as a balloon. My ma lived in this little old mobile home at that time. A friend of her's from her workplace gave her a balloon for Valentine's Day. It was just a regular, heart-shaped mylar balloon filled with helium. The funny thing about this balloon, I'd swear it had a mind of it's own!! Under it's own power, it would move from one end of the house to another. No vents were open, no windows, nothing. And that crazy balloon would start off in the kitchen, at one end of the house, it would crawl along the ceiling. And you'd swear I was lying, but when it came to the archway between the kitchen and the living room, it would duck down just enough to go under the archway, and head into the living room, crawl along the ceiling, go down the hall toward where their office was, then it would come to the doorway to the office, it would duck down just enough to get into the office, stay in there for a while, and make it's own way out the same way it got in!! Then it would go back down the hall way and make it's own way back to the kitchen only to repeat the same actions again! I swear I wouldn't have believed it either if I hadn't seen it do all this with my own eyes!! But there it was, doing it while I was there!! I joked to ma it looked like she had a new pet!!

Well anyway, those are my own personal ghost stories, believe them or not.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Too Soft To Live!!!

This morning I got into it with one of the damn PETA supporting jerks! I did something I never did before. I called him a moron!! I usually try never to call anyone names. That's not my style. I don't know, I think I'm too soft!! I have way too much heart for my own good. But heck! He was a moron!!!! He said cows were not meant to be eaten and I said yes they are. That is why their reproduction rates are so high. He brought up the argument that some cultures believe in eating dogs and cats. But those same cultures also believe in keeping cattle as pets the same way we keep dogs and cats as pets. Those cultures are also the cause of the bird flu going around now, as well as the pandemic that killed one out of 2 patients early in the 20th century. That's what happens when you allow these animals to breed out of control and don't allow their population to be kept in check the way Nature intended. It isn't hard at all for an animal with such a high reproduction rate to breed out of control. Not hard at all!! Everyone but the PETA jerks know that too!!! They make me so MAD!!!

Well, I usually don't like calling anyone names, I do however have to speak the truth. Sometimes that does require calling someone names. I don't like it, but if it's true it must be said!! Shoot! I'm even completely honest about myself!! So it's not like I only target other people!! I call myself a fat-ass, a dumbass, a bitch, a stick-in-the-mud, etc, etc, etc. Because it's all TRUE!!! Well, sometimes "bitch" is going a bit far because I am not always bitchy. I'm just honest. I only correct people who call me names that have absolutely nothing to do with my true nature, and are based solely on some personal vendetta that person has against me. Sometimes I don't even waste my time with that. But if someone reads how many boyfriends I have had, and calls me a slut, well, I have to correct them because it's not true. True I have had many boyfriends. Not as many since I've been fat but in the past have had many boyfriends. But I never went to bed or had sex with ANY of them!! IMO, and only my opinion, THAT is the only thing that would constitute a person being a slut. But I have been called a "slut" (mostly by DonnaG and her supporters) many times, probably because I had a lot of boyfriends in my past. Again I say, I think it's just typical foolish stereotyping people naturally do. Especially when those people have some kind of personal vendetta against me. Well, "slut" is a pretty serious allegation, and before calling someone that, a person should have ALL the facts. Not just previous personal observations and assumptions. I've never called anyone a 'slut' because unless I know for sure that person has had sex with and went to bed with more than 100 men (or so), I don't know for sure if they are!

Funny thing, I get along better with men than with women now. That's kinda funny. When I was younger I always got along better with women, or girls. WELL!! Internet men don't count!! They haven't seen me or met me. Anyway, I just don't like being hateful!! I do have some women friends, but I seem to make friends better with men. I don't know why. It's not a conscious choice I make, it's not something I can control. It just happens!

Anyway back to the original subject. Calling someone names just isn't in my nature. I think I am too soft!! I always feel though that being cruel doesn't help anything or anyone! However, that attitude has caused a lot of people to take advantage of my decency. Sometimes I think maybe I should start calling people names. I hate to do it, but it seems if I don't, those people are going to walk all over me!! Sometimes I don't even like being completely honest about others. I didn't like calling this one woman, Racquel, an air-head!! Well, I didn't like writing it at the time I did write it, but since it seems to have made her laugh, maybe I shouldn't worry about it! At least it's what I saw in her anyway. But that's my problem, I'm too soft for my own good!! That's apparently not good on the internet these days. I've been run-over too many times. It was different when I used to get into the chatrooms back in '98, if you were a decent person who treated everyone with respect, you were well-liked for it. I always felt there was no greater respect to a person than being honest. And nothing gets solved unless you are even sometimes brutally honest. But even though I can be brutally honest sometimes, I still treat everyone like an equal. That's not an easy task sometimes for someone like me who doesn't really like people in general. And especially not in a world where people always look down on me because I guess they think they're better than me. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. I won't say I am superior to anyone because I haven't done anything world-shattering. I'm nothing more than a simple-minded, easy-going beachcomber who gives her opinions about life and people. I don't mind if people choose to think they are better than me, I don't care if you laugh AT me or WITH me. Just always remember, I am who I am. I cannot change that.

About laughing AT me, I get that a lot! I've learned to make people who laugh AT me, laugh WITH me. Most of the time, they don't even know they are doing it, because they take everything said in my blogs WAY too seriously!! hehe!! The only posts I have made in my blog that were not meant to be laughed at are those gripes involving animal cruelty. And I would HOPE those people who laugh at me would not find things like that funny!! Those are people I don't care to know in the first place! And GOD forbid if they have pets of any kind, I would have to feel sorry for those pets and hope someone with some sense comes by and takes their pets away from them in hopes of finding those animals a better life in a better home.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Favorite Musicians

I was doing another story for my memoirs, it's something I do typically to remember events that happened in the past. I have a whole collection of stories about me, past present and future. Yep, I've even looked into my future. I have a knack for that. Anyway, right now I am on a story about my memories as a fan of rock n roll music. As a young teenager, I was never really a fan of rock music. In those days I listened more to classical and disco music than modern rock n roll music. With the exception of the song Rock Me Amadeus by Falco. But the only reason I even listened to that song was because it was about my favorite classical composer at that time. But that was the only modern rock song I heard as a youngster. I was always pretty much set in my ways. Anna thought I was an odd duck! I told her she was right. But at the same time, I thought she was too trendy! She's always been one for following what was popular. In fact, she still is! She likes Justin Timberlake and I don't.

It wasn't until the late 80s that I started really listening to rock n roll music. It started when I heard Need U Tonight by INXS for the first time. It sounded fairly close to disco, or at least soul music. So that was why it caught my attention, but for a while, it was really the only modern song I was sure I liked. But it made me listen more to other rock n roll songs as well. By 1990, my interest in modern rock n roll music hit it's peak. That was also the year that I actually saw an INXS video for the first time ever. It was Need U Tonight/Mediate. The first thing that hit me was that INXS was a bunch of white guys!! It was shocking because Need U Tonight sounded like soul music!!! So I was thinking INXS was going to be somewhat like the Temptations!! LOL!! The next thing that hit me was how adorable the lead singer was! In those days, I was attracted to his hair and the way he tossed it around in the videos. Nothing compares to hair! (to quote a song I once heard as a skit mocking the Sinead O'connor song Nothing Compares 2 U). The last thing that hit me was the man standing at the end of the Mediate song holding the cards had a terrific set of buns!!!! When he turned to walk away I saw them and they were gorgeous!!!! Made me melt! I knew that wasn't the lead singer, I didn't know who it was back then. But I liked him!!! I've always had a weakness for men's buns!! This is what I remember most about seeing that video for the first time:

It wasn't until after Michael died that I learned his name is Tim. I learned Michael's name from my sis Anna, but she did not know the names of the other men. Michael became my first favorite in the band, and Tim was my second favorite for quite a long while.

Anyway, INXS was not the only band I liked back then. I was one of those kids with raging hormones! I saw some videos of MC Hammer and I thought he was cute!! I had a boyfriend at that time (since moved away) that looked just like him. The spitting image! I was pretty serious about that boyfriend too, but he was in the army, and I didn't want to marry an army man. And he wound up moving to North Carolina last time I heard. I went to Hammer's concert too. I was just amazed how much he resembled my former boyfriend! That was when he looked like this:

This is what he looks like now:

Still not bad-looking!! I don't know if he is still doing old school though. That's the only kind of rap I'll listen to. Not just from MC Hammer, I also like Biz Markie too, and a few others.

I also had quite a big crush on Richard Marx. The funny thing was, at that time, I'd heard Too Late to Say Goodbye by Rich Marx and then heard No Myth by Michael Penn. I hadn't seen either video or singers yet. But I have a habit of making pictures in my mind of what the singers look like. The funny thing about that was I pictured Michael Penn to look like what Richard Marx really looks like and I pictured Richard Marx to look like what Michael Penn really looks like! IF that makes any sense!!! I had no idea that Michael Penn was really related to Sean Penn, otherwise the ideas I had before seeing them might have been reversed.

Richard Marx in 1989

Michael Penn

Here is Rich Marx today, a pathetic shell of his former self:

Roxette was probably my utmost favorite band at that time. I had a huge crush on Per Gessle!! He is the band's leading guitarist and co-singer. He had something of a sexy voice. I remember when their album for Joyride came out, and I was at the record store the following day to purchase that album. I also asked the clerk if I could take home one of the promo-posters that was hanging in their store. CD stores don't do that anymore! But back then, they did. So the young lady goes into their back storage room and comes out with one of the posters, and I take it home and hang it up immediately. I kept that poster at a level where I could kiss Per Gessle any time I wanted to. hehe! He was such a handsome man! And talented too!! But that was my taste back then...

Roxette in 1989.

This is what they look like today:

To me, Per Gessle in this picture reminds me of:

Not that that's a bad thing, mind you!! He still looks great!! But my interest in Roxette was doomed to extinction as INXS became the masters of my affections! To quote Roxette on one of their own songs describing how I feel about them now, "It must have been love, but it's over now."

Oh yes, one more thing, the last group I was into was----brace yourselves---- New Kids on the Block!! Yes, I fell into the abyss of fanhood for this destined-to-go-nowhere group. Like I said, I was a kooky kid! But one person stood out in that group, as you can see in this pic:

NKOTB in 1990.

It was Jordan Knight. I had a major crush on him. This group is now making a comeback and to tell you the truth, Jordan still looks quite good!!

Jordan today
I wouldn't mind falling in love with him again. But just HIM!! None of the other band members ever appealed to me!!! But who knows how popular this band will become now? Most of their fans are grown like me. Who knows if kiddie-pop still appeals to them. It does nothing for me anymore.
Out of all these bands, INXS is now my overall favorite. I like these bands, but I don't like any band to the extent that I love INXS. And no one else in musical history is as handsome as the fabulous Tim Farriss!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008


Well, one of my MySpace buds has posted me a link to a clip from Australian Idol. I took a peak, and I noticed Tim is not on there much. In fact, it seemed the whole episode centered around Kirk. Bummer!! My leastest favorite band member. In fact, he's not a favorite in any ways, shape or form!! I don't even like to mix the words "Kirk Pengilly" and "favorite" in the same sentence!! I wanted to see TIM!!!!!!!! He was on the show for only a few short minutes. What's up with that??? But there is a bright side to all this. The few minutes that Tim was on the show, he was incredibly HANDSOME!!!!! IMO, he stole the show!! I guess it is true that the fairest flowers are only in this world (or in Tim's case, the limelight) for such a painfully short time, and the ugliest gets all the attention.

Well at least I can feel happy for the Kirk fans, of which I do have several buds who love him. One of them, who called herself "Kirk's Pick" on the Switchboard, has always been one of my most favorite internet buds! I kinda wonder if she saw the show. If so, I hope she liked it. I love INXS, but I don't like Kirk!!! I don't believe that just because he is a member of the band that I have to like him. Shoot! I don't even believe they are obligated to like all their fans. I have a gut-feeling that Tim doesn't like me. I don't know why I have that feeling, I just do. But even if he doesn't, I still love him and I still love the band. But as for Kirk, well, I have my standards, and I won't compromise just for him. I don't know him well enough to do that!!

Well, Tim has got so handsome, I just could not take my eyes off him!! I found some captures someone else did. Tim is looking so young and so beautiful!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tim to Mentor on Australian Idol!!!!!!

YAY TIMMY!!! I'm so happy for him, and he is a fan of the show!!! He gets to mentor the last contestants of the show, I sure do wish I could see it!! I've been missing seeing his face on my TV screen. Just this morning, I was doing a slideshow with his pics because I miss him so much! But I am so happy for him he gets to help mold these contestants into the future great musicians of tomorrow! Oh yeah, Kirk will also be there too.

To Timmy: You go get 'um, gorgeous!!! Show them everything you know!!

To Kirk: Go suck a stonefish!!!

Why does Kirk have to be the one on there?? Why can't Timmy be accompanied by Andrew? Andrew has just as much talent, if not MORE, than Kirk. Plus he's nicer and much better-looking!! Or how about Jon? Jon is gorgeous and talented, and a sweet man all-over. Or JD? Who else to epitomize the Rockstar/Idol scene than JD? He was the one who got to join INXS in much the same manner.

Anyway, here's the link to the story:
Hope that works!

I also read about INXS's logo turning up on the Simpsons. I just thank GOD they didn't have the band members of INXS in that episode (or any other Simpson's episode!) I just cannot see my favorite, beautiful guys drawn in that typically ugly Simpsons-style animation!!! I saw once they had U2, that is close enough for them!!! Bono is homely anyway (a nice guy, but homely!!) He fits right in with the Simpsons look. But try to make Timmy look like one of them, well, it just would NOT work!!!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Oh no, what happened??

JD what happened? You look like either you are ill or have been working too hard. Or maybe you overdid it with the make-up? Either way, dude you need the rest!! You don't look so well.

I know he may see this and tell me to mind my own business, I'm just concerned about these purple circles around his eyes. I hope it's nothing more than just bad lighting or make up tricks, or maybe he just needs some sleep. I don't want to mention what circles like that can also mean, I want to keep this in a positive direction. And I wouldn't want to scare him or his fans. Either way, I hope he takes care of himself. And after I just named an animal on my checklist after him!! hehe! I did that this past week, I created some more critters for my list. I named 3 animals after the Farriss brothers (one for each), and one for JD, and one for Garry. I even named one for Michael!!!! Told ya I might!! I actually was not sure if I wanted to or not, but I did it anyway regardless of what I first thought. I even named some after my buds on Facebook. Consider it the highest form of flattery I can give!! Well, some of my Facebook friends anyway. There are a couple I don't know well enough to name anything after them, I'm not even sure we're really friends at all. I just keep a safe distance from them, see what happens. Though I do recall sending birthday greetings to them this year, but as I have learned over the years, that means nothing!! All I know about them is they are Switchboard fanatics. So, basically I just stay away and get to know them at a distance until I am positive they mean no harm. But I will not name anything after someone I hardly know and have never spoken to under friendly terms. IAGH!!

I even created a whole new genus of a rhinoceros-like hog. Creating new species for the future is FUN!!!! I get to use my mammology skills, as well as my imagination. Many of these mammals would look strange to us today, but they are tops in evolutionary standards. I put the checklist up on my website, I've been saying I was going to do that, and I finally got it mostly prepared this past week, and did it. I did notice a few little errors!!! I need to go in and fix them, and put the list back up again. But for the most part they are just minor errors. Nothing grossly inadequate. Later, I've been telling people, I am going to do a page for reptiles and invertebrates of the future. But those don't come until later on. I did a page on flightless birds, and it seems to be a hit. During this time period, flightless birds are going to be more common I figure, because bats will be taking over the skies. Especially pteropods as they are the most intelligent and could be the most adaptable.

As for reptiles I have a sea crocodile that has flippers instead of feet, and an arrow-shaped tail. It is basically the shark of the warm Metazoic oceans. Yes, I figure the world of tomorrow will be much warmer than it is today. For instance, the average year-round temp of Washington state in the Metazoic will most likely be 80 degrees. By then, this whole area will also be part of one big island. All of Washington, Oregon, California and Baja, California will separate from the rest of the USA. I call the island San Diego Is. Others call it Baja Island. I call it as I see it though. But that's not all the changes that will take place. The USA and South America will separate, making South America a huge island. Antarctica will become more temperate, Africa will slide into Europe, Australia will collide with Asia, the Hawaiian Islands will get bigger. Maybe instead of creating separate islands, they will mass together and create one big island. Half of Africa will also cut off, down the Nile River (known in the Metazoic as the Nile Channel). Anyway, there is a pic of the world tomorrow on my site. It shows everything. My site really is turning into a sort of online book of evolution, and I am currently at work on another group to put up. The checklist took all my time away these past couple of weeks so I haven't worked on any new families for my site since the armadillos. The only reason I worked on them is because of the episode of Jurassic Fight Club I saw that week. They were displaying an armored dinosaur called Gastonia, who has a chainsaw-like feature of the armor on it's tail. I saw that and thought "I have an armadillo listed in my book with that very same feature!" I called it Grammoclavia. It has both the chainsaw-like armor as well as the club at the end of the tail, so it has 2 offensive mechanisms to defend it's self against a predator. Funny, I thought up that animal back in 1995, LONG before I even heard of Gastonia. In fact, I hadn't even heard of Gastonia until I saw that episode of Jurassic Fight Club! Some people accuse me of my ideas not being scientific enough. Now, I have nothing against those people, but this proves exactly the contrary to what they say!!

Well as for JD, I heard he will be touring the World again on his own this time. I certainly want to wish him well. I don't know if he will be coming to this town but I don't know if I would want to travel all the way to Seattle to see him without INXS. Just ain't much fun without seeing Jon, Andrew, Garry and especially not any fun without Tim!!! Katrina might go see him, she thinks he's cute. If she does, hey! Have fun, hon!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

PETA Has Gone Mad!!

These PETA jerks have finally completely lost their minds! They are now urging Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream makers to use human breast milk instead of cow's milk. Would you seriously eat ice cream made from human breast milk? Before you answer, human's milk is not as rich and creamy as cow's milk. Human babies don't need to gain 400+ pounds in a year! Dairy is good in moderation (PETA never does any research!!). PETA states that cow's milk has been linked to diabetes and ovarian cancer, along with a lot of other maladies. NOT true!!!! Milk is actually quite healthful. Our babies are not meant to drink it, but we can as adults just fine with few side-effects. Well, maybe nothing except a case of lactose intolerance. But that can easily be fixed by eating acidophilus yogurt every day for a week. It worked for me!! Now I just simply enjoy regular dairy products. Especially ice cream. Unfortunately living here in Ocean Shores, it never really gets warm enough to enjoy it.

What I picture ice cream made with human breast milk to be like is think of very, very skim milk, and dilute it with water. There you will have the future of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, or ANY other ice cream that plans to follow PETA's rules. They've apparently got one restaurant to follow their code. Remind me never to eat there!!!! If you want to know the mentality of PETA supporters, one of the last posts I remember reading on the anti-PETA forum was one of the PETA jerks going into the PETA forum asking what she should do with her pubic hairs! She asked "Should I shave them off or not?" She thought her new boyfriend would be disgusted by them. That's not something someone should bring up on a public forum!! If a girl wants to know that, that is what parents, doctors and Planned Parenthood is for. Not a stupid PETA-supporting forum!!!!! I wouldn't trust their word anyway! PETA has always been wrong about meat being bad for us, why would anyone think they would be any more correct about shaving pubic hairs? Naturally, the anti-PETA people were poking fun at that individual. I was just stunned someone would discuss that on a public forum. The Anti-PETA people had a field day with that post!!

Well, I hope no ice cream company complies with PETA's requests! PETA thinks animals have more rights than people do. Not equal rights, but more rights. Cows were made to feed meat-eating animals. That is why their natural reproductive rate is so high. If these were wild cattle, they would be picked off naturally by wild dogs, hyenas and even wild felines. And yes, there are such things as wild cattle!! The people of the anti-PETA forum (who Pollock said most have college degrees in some form of zoological studies--which I actually find very hard to believe) said there is no such thing as wild cattle. But there is. Banteng, gaur, and yaks are ALL wild cattle. People of Asia have been taming yaks for centuries, but they still run wild as well. And they are cattle. They are within the genus "Bos", which is a genus of cattle. Many of these wild cattle are often eaten by predators. If nature intended this course of action in the wild, there is no reason why humans cannot benefit from it as well.

Anyway, anyone interested in reading this ridiculous article, plus the letter sent to Ben and Jerry's by one of the PETA jerks, here is the link:

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Mozart of Funk??

Well, I was looking through a story based on my old MSN blog, I titled it "How A Dog-Girl Turned Rocker". I was glancing back through some of my old posts on that blog. Boy! It is simply amazing how much I have changed since then. Most of the posts were made in the summer of 2005, when Rockstar: INXS was going on. My love for INXS was quite freshened. Like putting a new refill into one of those old and working Glade air fresheners. The fresh scent of spring was all over the air around me, and I was heavily in love with Timmy. I still love Timmy! But the fresh, spring feeling is now in late summer. Well, at least it's not in winter. That would be the time I would drop Timmy completely and that is not likely to happen in the foreseeable future. But one never knows. I'm not saying I hope it happens though!! I'm just saying things change. But as far as I am concerned, INXS is still the best band and Tim is still the most handsome guitarist in the World.

But I am not here to talk about Timmy. I was reading that blog from way back when and I noticed the things I said about Andrew!! Nothing horrible mind you, but I did say he was my 6th most favorite band member (counting Michael, and not counting JD who was not yet officially a member of the band). That was dated from June of 2005. Things have really changed since then!!!! That year, Andrew went for a different look. One more different than anything he had done previously. In fact, he was the one band member whose style always remained pretty consistent. I really actually loved his new "mountain man" appearance. But he was still Andrew, the "silent" member. Well, that's all he was to me back then. Cute, but not the one in the limelight, I guess. And then I met him. Suddenly everything changed dramatically!! He was probably what I came to know as one of the nicest band members of INXS. Over the months, this caused a great boost in his position on my favorites list. He went from being my 6th most favorite band member, to being my 3rd. 3rd is not bad at all!! Especially considering I love the 1st favorite more than anything!! Except maybe my family and my dogs. Sorry, the Farriss brothers have to count first and foremost. Then there is Garry, who is a brother to the band, but not one of the Farriss's. JD comes before Michael because he is still here, and I have formally met him. Whereas I haven't formally met Michael (just kissed him), so he makes up the 6th fave.

Andrew's fans have often referred to him as a "big, cuddly teddy bear". I knew he looked like one, but his gruff exterior made me more think of the bully on the playground. When I met him and realized what a sweet, wonderful person he is, (I can really tell that by shaking his hands) I really learned to like him a lot! The whole physical outlook changed. He's been nice to me every time I've met him too. But the last time I met him, in Portland, I'm afraid I was not my usual loving self and I basically shoved my book in his face for him to sign. I DIDN'T MEAN TO!!!!!! I am still kicking my own ass for doing him like that!!!!!!! The problem was it was HOT in that darned basement, and my sis's hairspray, which she must have put a ton of it on me, was making me sick!! My belly was hurting. I didn't mean to push Andrew away, I just wanted to get out of that basement!!!! I'm still kicking myself for that!! And probably will forever until I meet Andrew again. He probably doesn't remember (which is what I am hoping), but I remember, and I am forever ashamed!!!! I mean, it's not like I was standing there smiling at Andrew and he snubbed me. I smiled at him, and he smiled and said hello to me, and I said hi back. But then I shoved my damn book at him!!!!! When all was said and done I slapped myself saying "Ohhh, why the HELL did I do that???!!!" and have been asking myself that same thing since!!!! I know he may not remember that incident (I know that would be stretching it a bit, as he probably has met thousands of other fans since then) but all I want to know is that he didn't take it the way it seemed. That's it! If I could just know that, I can sleep better at night!! LOL! (and despite the "lol", I mean this!!)

Well, I love Andrew a LOT!!!! He is forever one of my top favorite band members now! Recently he answered a question I left on Ask INXS Asks on the site. Too bad that answer came along after I had already left there!!! But a friend forwarded it to me. I asked INXS in general how does it really make the band feel when someone says their music and videos makes them feel good. I asked this because I remember "incognito/DonnaG" said on the delusional fans forum that INXS's intent was NOT to help the fans feel good. Well, as is always the case, DonnaG/incognito has yet again been proven WRONG!!!! This was Andrew's own response, I managed to save it:
Firstly I have always been lucky to have been able to work with such a talented group of musicians as INXS , but also that , through music and song writing , I may have been able to bring a little joy and happiness into peoples life in some way ......thank God.....

Thank you Andrew for those well-spoken words!! Maybe it wasn't their original intention, but it doesn't look like Andrew is bothered at all by this pleasant little side-effect of his work. So much for those morons thinking they can effectively speak for the band!! I always said they made themselves look like a bunch of fools trying to determine what the guys in the band are thinking! Some of my most favorite songs written by Andrew himself are Beautiful Girl, By My Side and This Time. Especially By My Side. One of many songs I always dedicate to my Groucho. But because of that, now every time I hear that song, it brings tears to my eyes. Still love the song though. This Time I used to not like, until I saw the video in another "down" moment, and it was good!! It wasn't just that the song it's self, and the video made me feel good, it had a darn good rhythm too!!!! And I might add, Timmy looks particularly HOTTTTTT!!!!!!!! in that video.

**********EDIT TO ADD**************
To clarify, the "morons" I was talking about are those on the delusional fans forum, NOT!!!!!! Having looked back at this post, it almost sounded like it needed clarification.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Interesting Evolution Vid!

I had to post something positive now, this was an interesting vid someone posted somewhere else about evolution. It looks at 5 billion years of evolution in about 5 or 6 minutes. It is interesting to look at. I know I said I was going to keep the posts about evolution on my Metazoica blog, but this is a fun video that brings to life how all life forms on Earth got started and how we got here. Someone once told me that tails cannot re-evolve. Well, looking at this video, I say they can. At one point in this video, primates lost their tail and then re-evolved them, even for grasping tools. So, it can be done. Now I don't feel bad putting tails on my pteropods, who use them for balance when perching on branches. Pteropod relatives today have no tails at all, except for one or two species. The one species that has a long tail today lives in Indonesia and is not very numerous. IF it still exists at all. It is Notopteris, found mostly in the Fiji Islands. It is however threatened with habitat loss.

Of course my evolution project is speculative, as any future evolution project is, but I just know the animals of tomorrow will be far more advanced than they are today. That's just common sense thinking though. The problem is trying to figure out what paths in evolution modern animals will evolve to. I think I have some pretty good ideas going. I even have tiny lemurs that take the evolutionary path of flight. Well, not real flight, but pretty darn close to it! They evolved wing-like structures from their rib bones, and use them for flight. They can even fold them back like birds can with their wings. It's a strange adaptation, but certainly not implausible. There is a species of lizard in Borneo that has almost this same adaptation.

Well anyway, enjoy the vid!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

In All That Exists, None Has Your Beauty!!

This is all eowyn's doing!! hehee! She got me started and now I am on a frenzy of posting these images of beauty!! The most handsome guitarist in the World!! I think I will reward myself a little for maintaining my calm in the anti-PETA forum. These pics really makes it worth all I went through. ;) Salute!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Beverly Hills Chihuahuas

You know, nobody is going to believe this, but I was actually e-mailed a couple of years ago by a man named Michael who said he was training the dogs for this movie. Vegas was just a teeny little sprig at the time. Anyway, he sent me this picture of a very light cream, almost white, Taco Bell-looking chihuahua and asked me if I have any chihuahuas that looked like that. I looked at this dog in the pic, it was a female. I answered no. I don't breed chihuahuas that look like that. I bred chihuahuas that only fit the AKC standard, and that dog most certainly did not. But I did know someone who did breed chihuahuas like that, a woman who lived in Seabeck. Not to be mean, I was actually trying to help. He wrote back and thanked me saying he would contact that person I referred him to. I kinda wonder if she did help him. I haven't really been in touch with any breeders since just after Groucho died so I really have no idea.

I wish people would start using conformationally correct chihuahuas in movies and commercials! I mean, this is misleading!! People are going to start thinking chihuahuas are supposed to look like the Taco Bell dog, and that is not so! No chihuahua in any respectable breeder's program is going to look like anything you see in that movie. Yet people are going to see that and say "Oh I want a chihuahua just like that one in the movie!" and seek to find one. The only ones those people are likely to find that resembles those dogs are from irresponsible breeders and puppymills. Personally, if all chihuahuas did resemble the Taco Bell dog, or the dogs in this movie, I would never have got involved in them at all! One thing I always loved about chihuahuas was the baby-doll face, the saucy expression in the eyes and the teeny feet. All these characteristics are lacking in the Taco Bell specimen and the animals seen in this movie. Only to the untrained eyes do these dogs appear to have good conformation. But when you have been to as many shows as I have, and got to know as many breeders as I did, you can definitely see a difference!! And yes, before I learned what today's show breeders are like behind the scenes, I did have a lot of show breeder buds! Even though now I say I hate show breeders!! But that's because I've met too many who were like 'Truths Here' on the Pluba forum. Or like Rita Belle! But at least one good thing I could say about Rita, she sucks as a person! But she does have some lovely dogs!

I was surprised to see this movie in the theaters now! I thought it would only be out on video or DVD. Personally, I wouldn't see this movie. Not saying others shouldn't, but I would rather see a movie where the chihuahuas look a lot better than these! I'd have preferred an animated movie (with old fashioned animation, not Pixar-style) as opposed to this one!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I don't know which is worse or better. I've been hearing for years HSUS has the animals' best interests in mind, whereas PETA thinks more of themselves than the animals. I always used to think the HSUS was better, they still allow people to keep pets. I don't know about things like dog and cat shows, as it is really of no concern to me. Lately, I have been hearing some pretty bad things about the HSUS. I usually like watching shows like Animal Cops on Animal Planet when I get the chance to. I must correct one minor slip-up they made in last night's episode. Someone said they couldn't take their pet to the vet because they could not afford to. The HSUS rep said that having a dog is just like having a child, when it gets sick you have to take it to a vet. While I agree, my pets when they are ill, I sooner take them to a vet quicker than I would take myself to the hospital!! But having a dog is really NOT like having a child in that respect. If a child gets ill, there are all kinds of charitable hospitals that will take care of the child, regardless of whether or not the parents can pay them. There is no such vet as this. Those that do exist, are very few and VERY far between, and will usually not see your pet when you need them to. Most of the ones I've known of only open at certain times of the day. And, your dog or cat must be spayed or neutered. Which mine are. But it is still not comparable! So, if you are having those end-of-the-month money hassles, and say your dog is suddenly choking, or your cat suddenly fell off a ledge and is not moving yet is conscious, if that charity vet is not yet open, or if you haven't yet got your dog or cat spayed or neutered, you're screwed! With those kind of vets, even though they may be good, it's always you have to have a spayed/neutered pet, or you cannot come before 12 PM, or you have to live in a certain area of a county!

Most vets do not take payments, or even promisory notes. I've been lucky though. My vet got to know me so they always accept payment plans from me. Most charity vet hospitals are governed by the HSUS, so that is why your pet has to be spayed or neutered. I know the HSUS supports PETA, which is a sad thing. PETA is not out for the animals's best interests. They are only out for their own best interests! That's why I hate PETA!!! I can't think of a time I ever supported PETA!! All this BS they spew about how we should not be eating meat got sickening!! I've never been the type that appreciated someone else trying to foist their views on me, and that is exactly what PETA is trying to do to everyone!! I don't care how many of the rich and famous PETA gets to support them, I will never be among their supporters!! I know JD supports them and I can only hope some day he opens his eyes and sees that PETA is only using people like him to gain power. If PETA had their way, JD's dog Presley would be taken away from the comfort of his master's lap and released into the cold, cruel wild to fend for himself. Or taken to a dingy room, put into a cage and heartlessly destoryed by some murderous PETA jerk out to kill all pets to "save them" from their owners.

I heard in Canada, PETA is already stealing peoples' pets right out of their yards. Try and take my babies. See how far those dumb PETA jerks get!!!! I'll blast their butts with rock salt!! Maybe it's about time PETA became extinct. That's why I won't support any of their causes. I think their causes SUCK!! I'm going to continue eating meat, and if PETA doesn't like it, that's their own tough luck!! Their latest ploy is quite a hum-dinger! Now they want to stop Mexican immigrants from coming into the US. Their scheme is that if the Mexicans leave their native homeland, they will be leaving behind a healthy diet of beans and rice. I'm like "DUH!! Mexicans also eat meat!!" Just as people in this country do!! That's like a slap in the face to Mexican people from PETA! Like calling Mexicans "beaners"! Yes it bothers me because it is from PETA!! To think native Mexican people eat nothing but beans and rice is sheer stupidity!! My pa is native Mexican and he even taught me how to make chili!! GOOD chili! Like his ma (my grandma) made when he was a boy. With lots of meat. Good chili actually contains no beans, but sauce, seasoning and meat. It was actually the people of Texas that added beans. And no, beans don't always give you gas!! I never got gas from eating beans. hehe!!

Gosh-darn It!!

My favorite program did not come on tonight. I usually watch Evolve on the History Channel and tonight it didn't come on. Although it was still listed in the on screen TV guide! Makes me so mad!!! I love that series!! It has taught me a little more about evolution, and even changed some of my views. You know why humans are the only animals that have buns? hehe! Not just for women to admire and drool over in men (or vice-versa, whichever your point of view) It helps us to walk upright. Makes sense cuz no other animal in the world has them like we do. I don't know about the dinosaurs. But our closest wild kin, orangs and chimps, don't have them at all. Gorillas sort of have them. Why I don't know, they don't really have the need to walk upright.

Few modern primates have to walk upright like we do. Apes can for short periods, but they typically walk on their feet and knuckles. Gibbons (or lesser apes) can also walk upright, holding their disproportionately long arms above their head, but since they spend almost no time on the ground in the wild, they almost never need to. Baboons too can walk and even run on their hind feet for short periods. Mostly to see over the tall grasses or to cross a river or stream. Aside from humans and gibbons, the only primates that regularly walk on their hind feet are a group of lemurs I called the Propithecines on my Metazoic website. It was actually their method of movement that led early Europeans to believe some of these lemurs were small, wild men of the jungle, as depicted in this pic from the 1600s:

That's called the cynocephalus, or dog-headed man. It's actually a depiction of a rather good-sized lemur known as the indri or babakoot. At first it was thought to be a depiction of a baboon, but baboons have tails, and do not walk on their hind feet for very long periods. The most likely subject for this pic is that of the babakoot, as they don't have tails, and do walk upright for long periods, giving the impression that it could be a person (to early Europeans), and the head does resemble that of a dog. Babakoots rarely come to ground levels, when they do, they stand upright and actually bounce from place to place, as their sister species, the sifakas, do.

Tonight's episode of Evolve was supposed to be about communication. Funny just last week, or so, I was talking about animal calls. I thought it was cool how I've heard some songs that seemed to use the sounds of animals as inspirations. Whether they really do or not it's still an interesting concept. Whales and primates are the only mammals that can truly sing in different pitches. Take the babakoot it's self. It gives off a series of hoots that can sound different from one call to the next. Their calling sessions are like those of tree-climbing wolves, and for the same reason--to lay claim to territory without the need for physical battles. I think humans picked up the ability to sing from our early primate ancestors because just about any primate can sing.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Name A Species

There is a site that offers species names for sale. I like this idea for some reason, people get to have living, unnamed species named after themselves for a price. The price ranges from $600 up and the money goes to scientific research. I do this too with my checklist of mammals of the future, only I name species after people I like and know. It's free, and my friends are immortalized forever in the names of my animals. I even have species named after people I have not spoken to in years (no one since 2002 though). It's about time I made some more. It'd be awesome to have species named after my favorite men of INXS!! hehe! I have a species named after Dian Fossey. I didn't know her, but she was the biggest inspiration of my life. I also have species named after David Johnston and Harry Truman (both well-known figures if you know about Mount St. Helens), but I did know those people, and liked them. David Johnston, if he had survived the eruption of St. Helens, would no doubt by now be a world-renouned scientist! He was damn good at what he did! And he was a genuinely nice man. I gladly named one of my species (listed as Orochoreutes johnstoni) in his honor. I have one named after Harry Truman, but I cannot remember at the moment which one it was.

Though I know INXS are rock icons, it'd still be awesome to have some species on my checklist of mammals of the future named after them. Though I don't know about Beers! LOL! I kinda wonder if that really is his last name? If I named one after JD, I would have to use his real last name, Bennison. I can't use Fortune. Kirk, forget about him!!! I would never name anything for him!!! But I can definitely use Farriss! And I might even use Hutchence. hehe! Then there are also my Facebook buddies. IF they don't mind of course. Think of it as the highest honor a person can have to have a mammal of tomorrow named for them. hehe! Of course most of them like felines, of which there will be none in the Metazoic. The dominant predators of the metazoic are the deinognathids. But hey! When you compare modern large felines to tomorrow's large deinognathids, the deinognathids are more impressive! But really I have enough predators for tomorrow. I need more non-predators. Or smaller predators. It's an idea anyway. Of course those who want modern species named for them, they can pay the $600+ fee and have something of today named for them. Last time I looked, there were only mosquitoes. I think I'll pass, myself. I can't stand mosquitoes!! I don't want my name associated with an evil creature like that! But that's me.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What I Forgot Yesterday!

Thanks to The Star Celeb for posting this message for JD Fortune. DUH!! Why didn't I see this yesterday?? Well, there are 2 reasons actually. 1) I was still downloading songs onto my little mp3 player, and 2) I was stopped dead by that article about MJ that I quoted yesterday. It was a shock to see him as a good-looking, young, whole man again. That's the MJ I miss. Anyway, my apologies and thanks to the admins of the Star Celeb!

Gotta love JD!!!!

Jacko Feels Wise. So What?? The Damage is Already Done!!

So Michael Jackson is learning to be wise huh? Big deal!! It's too late to do his face any good. He went and ruined himself. Of course his reasons for feeling "wise" in this article have nothing to do with what he did to himself, he says he is getting more into seeing his children having fun. Well, who doesn't? But if you ask me the wisdom is coming on a little bit too late. If he was wise, he would still have his own face, instead of trying to look like Madonna!!

What happened to him? Must be an illness. You know, the people of the delusional fans forum are such "experts" on mental illness (rolls eyes) maybe they know what this disease Michael Jackson has is called. NOT!! LOL! How many years of studying psychology have they had? None, I'll wager you! GOD willing they're too stupid!! Well, I cannot say I hate MJ, I even have downloaded a few of his songs. I just think he's a weirdo!!! Too weird for me! I just wonder what the heck happened to him! He used to be at least somewhat cute. But why would anyone want to change themselves so radically?! MJ went from this nice-looking guy:

To this:

Oops! Sorry! Wrong picture! I meant this:

He used to look nice. He's a clown now! A freak!! And a phony!! What kind of message is that sending to his children? I cannot understand why MJ would want to look like this, and why he'd want to be white? I've seen how people of different races have been scorned before, including my own. But no matter what, I've never once wished I was white. That's pretty dang low! Pretty low when you let society get to you so bad that it makes you feel inferior about the color of your outsides. Especially when it brings you to the point it brought Michael Jackson!

I found this video I thought was funny enough to post here. It's one person's view of what MJ should look like now. It's set to MJ's own song "Black or White". I downloaded that song onto my little MP3 player simply because it makes me think of this little cartoon.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Birthday JD Fortune!!

I just wanted to take some time to say happy birthday to JD Fortune. May all your wishes for the year come true!! I cannot wait to see you all again. JD has been a great "alternative" for Michael. I don't want to use the word "replacement" as it sounds a bit crude--makes me sound like those dim-witted fans who resents INXS because they now have JD as their lead singer. I don't want to use the word "substitute", it makes me feel like Michael is on vacation and will be back soon. I'd hate to see JD replaced in any way. So he's INXS's delegate lead singer. I love him anyway! He's a great guy! He was sweet to me when we met anyway. Looks like the guys taught him well. :) And I love his new do! I think he looks great!

I cannot wait till INXS goes touring again! I miss them so much! But I think even if they did go touring, I'd still be missing them. I don't think they will be coming back to this state. They didn't during the last leg of the tour. Why I don't know. But I have the feeling it'll happen that way again. I partially blame Kirk. Someone said he got into a fight at a bar in Portland. That may have been exaggerated a bit, as I think Kirk looks more like the type that would have his ass handed to him by Urkel if they fought! But still, it could be why he doesn't want to come back here. Well, there is a way to solve even that problem. Leave Kirk at home!! hehe! I don't miss him anyway!! Well, this time I'll have to do without meeting the men of INXS. I love these guys (most of them anyway). I'll be in the front row when I can, and I will cheer my favorite men on, but I will not approach them apart from that. That was cute for a while, but I want to hold on to and keep the happy memories I have of the men, and let nothing take them away. I don't want the incident with Kirk to repeat it's self with one of the other guys. I'm a fan of the band now, I want to stay that way.

You know it's funny. On the Pluba forums, Mcgillicutty, Rhonda and Sheltieluvr all have called me names in reference to my weight. But coming from them, it's like being scratched by a declawed cat! They make repeated swipes, and you know they are trying to inflict pain, but they just cannot even leave a scratch on the surface. I even found myself laughing at them quite a bit for their failed attempts and child-like repeated stabs. The reason they could not bother me is because I never loved them. I never even liked them! Someone I never even liked, can never hurt me at all, no matter what. But coming from Kirk, who I used to love a lot, it hurt deeply. I don't think he even realized how his attitude looked to me. Well, in reality, Kirk's attitude is stemmed from nothing but ignorance. Like him or not, Kirk Pengilly is ignorant and shallow!! Anyone who judges all fat people without knowing their true situation is nothing more than ignorant. And as for me being fat, I wasn't always this way! I used to weigh no more than 100 pounds. But the surgery I had a few years ago slowed me way down, thus caused me to gain weight.

Official "Felon"

 Well, the judge has declared Trump an "official felon". Well, he's a corrupt judge, we'll probably hear some deep shit on...