Sunday, November 24, 2024

We Are The Violent Fascists?

 If you look up the word "fascist" online, it seems all sources define it as being a strictly "far right wing" characteristic. But if you look up in a dictionary that was printed before 2020, the word fascist means...

1. a populist philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual, that is associated with a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, and that is characterized by severe economic and social regimentation and by forcible suppression of opposition

2. a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control.
Courtesy of Merriam Webster.

At the core of fascism is loyalty to tribe, ethnic identity, religion, tradition, or, in a word, nation. --Jason Stanley

I suppose at the core of fascism is also the assumption of loyalty to tribe. Am I right? Well, if I am, that reminds me of how Biden said on TV that if you cannot decide to vote for either him or Trump, then you ain't black! There is also a story of an elderly Karen who attacked two black female Trump supporters because they did not vote for Kamala Harris. The reason she attacked them? Because she felt they "were voting against their own interest".  Basically saying what all leftists say, that black people are still slaves to the democrats and have no right to vote against them. That's why the only colored people (ANY color) I like are the conservatives.

When Biden got voted into office, I was indeed unhappy. But instead of taking to TikTok and crying about it, being angry, or threatening to actually kill all Biden supporters, I sat back and said "Well, let's see what he does". It's the same thing I said when Trump was elected before in 2016, and Obama in 2008, and so-on and so-on. Obama is charismatic, I'll hand him that one. I've always known that. But he scared me. Because he didn't even stand properly for the Pledge of Allegiance, and I heard from others how he is a muslim who really hates America. Now, I have nothing against muslims. My business partner is muslim. I adore him! But hearing those rumors about Obama that I did, I began to fear he was going to make some very bad changes to this country that would be irreversible. And indeed he did! He divided this country in ways I've never seen in my entire life.

Then Trump came along. At first I hated him. But just like Obama before him, I said "let's see what he does". I thought for sure Trump was going to make what Obama did to this country even worse. But he didn't. He actually impressed me with the promises he made and kept. Or attempted to keep. He would have kept all of them I am sure. But the democrats got in his way. I studied Trump for myself from independent sources. Not what Trump himself said. The more I learned about Trump, the more I liked him, and the more I liked him, the less I liked about the democrats and mainstream media that made him out to be this awful person. That was when I discovered that the media lies. Not Trump! The media are the biggest liars out there!

Then came Biden. Again, I didn't trust him as someone who associated with Obama. But when he was elected, I said again "let's see what he does". Believe me, Biden did not disappoint, and not in a good way! I predicted there was going to be chaos. And there was! His main goal when he got into office was to undo everything that Trump put in place, and I said "that's bad news!" Trump put so many good things in place to keep this country safe. I did not want Biden to undo what Trump did. But he did, out of nothing but sheer spite. It was spite that made him leave the country's borders wide open for every Tom, Dick and Javier to come into this country and do GOD knows what!

I was once a leftist. And now, you'd still never take me for a Trump supporter if you just saw me walking up the road. I don't look like a typical Trump-supporting woman. I'm fat, I'm ugly, I'm unkempt, I don't smile or talk to strangers unless they address me first. But I am who I am. And in all my years, I was never political until Trump won in 2016. So, maybe I am new to all this political stuff, but I don't ever remember liberals acting the way they do today. It used to be both sides could just agree to disagree and still be friends. They left each other alone and lived and let-lived. Good friends stayed good friends, and families still loved each other. At the same time, I used to hear all the Obama supporters talk about how they sooooo badly wanted Obama to stay in for a third term. Then Trump came along and broke their dreams of having that lying lion's ass in the white house for a third term. That was when I started to notice Obama supporters telling people "if you voted for Trump, then delete me from your friends!" I knew that was not just because of Trump. Really had nothing to do with Trump at all! The leftists were just angry because Obama couldn't run for a third term and Clinton (who would have been Obama's puppet in the white house for the following 4 years) did not win.

I think the leftists knew Clinton was supposed to be an extension of Obama's presidency. But they dared not say that! They thought Trump supporters were too dumb to figure out what their nefarious plan was. They thought if they did not say anything on the mainstream news, we would never know. So instead, they started to call anyone who supported Trump "racists" and "misogynists" and "homophobic" and even go so far as to call us "nazis". The problem with their calculations was the Obama supporters already gave their plan away when they kept wishing Obama would stay on for a third term. Then Hillary Clinton had been talking about having a woman president in this country, every time she campaigned. Much like Kamala Harris did in her campaigns. But to be president, you've got to be more than just a woman. I was in favor of having a female president myself when Hillary ran the first time. But having seen what women who are governors have done to their states, I no longer believe any kind of politics is good for women. Unless they are devoted conservatives. Women are far too easily manipulated.

Anyway, when I was a leftist, I never remember the other leftists being as angry and violent as they are today. And they call Trump supporters violent?! Trump actually brought his supporters together. I get along now with conservatives much more than I used to before Trump. The terrible thing about it is, the leftist media will not call what leftists do to Trump supporters (or anyone else) violence. When the BLM riots were going on, more than 30 people and one puppy was killed by the rioters, hundreds were injured, billions of $$ in damages were done all across the country, businesses had to be shut down due to the violence and those that stayed open lost millions due to looting. But did the leftist media call it "rioting" or "looting" or "violence"? No. They called it "peaceful protests" and began referring to those days as "the summer of love". "Summer of love" my (_!_)!!!! That was the summer of moronic muddleheads! Trump tried to get the military in to stop them, but the democrats called him "racist" for even suggesting it. And take a look at these videos about leftists losing it... 

Courtesy of StaySafeTV (Youtube)

Courtesy of Another Stupid Week (YouTube).

Courtesy of ItsSeanDaniel (YouTube).

Courtesy of Daniel D (YouTube).

Courtesy of drewfordmusic (TikTok).

Courtesy of Fox 11 Los Angeles (YouTube).

They want to cut us off, cut off their families, poison us, kill us, etc and Trump supporters are supposed to be the violent ones. The leftist media does not call this violent??? An elderly man was attacked because he had a Trump flag over his garage and wound up in the hospital with a concussion. The media does not call that violence?! They won't call someone wanting to poison Trump supporters with an untraceable toxin violent, but if you say a man is a man and a woman is a woman and that cannot change, that's considered "violence"??? If a conservative is sitting in their car reading the Bible, leftist media calls that violence, but if a man is attacked by his Kamala-supporting neighbor that's not violence??? You misgender a crazy person who wants to force you to call them such-n-such pronouns and that's violent, but a leftist threatens online to go out and kill all Trump supporters and shoot Donald Trump himself, and that's NOT violence???? George Floyd kills himself by taking too much fentanyl and the leftists call it "police brutality". A leftist shoots and kills a random Trump supporter who was just praying and that's not brutality?! A leftist wants to cut off their Trump supporting family and the leftists think that's just dandy. A young woman kills her father because he voted for Trump, and that's not violence. But Kyle Rittenhouse defends himself against a child molester charging at him with a knife and he gets arrested and has to go to trial.

There are leftists who are cutting off their entire family because they voted for Trump. Even their own mother. The one who brought them into this world. The one who diapered their butts. The one who fed them when they were hungry. They want to cut those people off. Excuse me. It looks like there's only one side here that completely lacks moral character, and it ain't the Trump supporters!!! Actions speak louder than words. Leftists can say they have sympathy and compassion. But looking at these videos and remembering things they say they want to do to Trump supporters proves the complete opposite! I've NEVER heard a Trump supporter say they wanted to kill, poison, or maim any Biden or Harris supporter.

So, which one is the group that really lacks any form of compassion?

Monday, November 18, 2024

Whoopi Screwed Up!

 Whoopi Goldturd outdid herself this time. She wanted to celebrate her birthday on The View with some cupcakes known as Charlotte Russe, and there's really only one place you can get these cupcakes, a place on Staten Island called Holtermann's Bakery. It's a family-owned business that has been there for 145 years! They must be good to have been around that long and still in business! I tried to look for their website, but it seems to be down. I did however, find their Facebook page. You can view it at this link. I looked at their stuff and it all looks GOOD!!!!

Well anyway, Whoopi Goldberg went there to pick up these special cupcakes that she likes and is made at this bakery. But at the time she got there, she could not get any because the worker told her their boiler is out of service. In a case like that, you can either put in an order and come back at a later date, or go to another bakery and have them special make some for you. Does Whoopi Goldberg do that? NO!!! She does what she always does and goes on The View and tells the 50-or so million Americans that they refused service to her because of her politics! She refused to say the name of the bakery, just like she refuses to say Donald Trump's name. Well, the bakery owners caught wind of that and had a press conference. They set everything straight and even said they had proof their boiler was not working when Whoopi came into their store.

This is definitely why I stopped watching The View early on. All they do is gossip and talk shit. I'm even trying to get away from all that. But at least when I talk shit on someone, it's the truth. It's because the person I am talking about really was shitty to me. Very rarely have I ever bashed anyone on line that did not deserve it. I may have mistakenly identified someone, but I never bashed people for no reason. And usually when I do target someone by mistake, I apologize for it. I actually have not seen an episode of The View since 2014. The bits and pieces I do see these days is because a lot of people I subscribed to do a lot of their own critiques on that show. I think Whoopi Goldberg was wrong here and she needs to publicly apologize!!!!!

Whoopi seems to have some kind of backwards idea in her mind that people who are real patriots, and support Trump, are the ones who refuse service to people with opposing political views, and that is just plain bullshit! Trump supporters are not like that! It's always the leftists who are like that. There is a video on the internet of a guy who went to a vape shop in Atlanta and was wearing a MAGA hat and a Trump shirt. The cashier, a definite hardcore leftist, was yelling and screaming at him and losing his mind and telling the customer to get out of the store. Thank GOD that cashier was soon fired. HAHA!

I think the reason Whoopi said what she did about that bakery is because they do support Trump, and she wants to blame something on Trump supporters and have their business shut down. I would go to the bakery myself if I didn't live a whole country away! But I think Eva and her family still live on Staten Island. I should tell her to go support that bakery. I cannot. I'd love to support them, but I cannot. But as you can see, Trump supporters do not care who anyone else supports. Whoopi has been hanging around leftists and RINOs for so long, she thinks everybody in the world is just like they are! Especially Trump supporters. But in reality, Trump supporters do not care. We're NOTHING like the leftists. When we work, we just think of the work we have to do. We don't care if you support Trump, or Biden, or Harris, or even Obama! If you need something from a worker who is a Trump supporter, you'll get it! They will help you, without a thought about who you support in politics, or why. They will do what they can to help you.

Not coincidentally, this video is also why I will refuse to have leftists working in my business! I'm not going to have someone in my store who sees a MAGA person coming in and shouts and screams like a little baby throwing a temper tantrum! No way! I won't even allow my employees to do that to anyone who comes into my store wearing a Kamala Harris shirt, or whoever the next democrat nominee is going to be. I won't stand for it. They are there to do a job, a public service to the community. Not to spread any kind of political agenda! The customer has a right to express their own political beliefs. And if they want to wear a MAGA shirt or a Kamala Harris shirt, I'm fine with that! Make the customer feel welcome and get them what they want! That's all I want from my employees.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Soft People

And this, ladies and gentlemen (and other whatevers), is exactly why we have such soft people today! Check out this article that I saw this morning in my news feed.

15 Christmas Specials We Loved But Are Not Allowed Today

"Not allowed today"???? Oh my GOD!!! We really need to go back to the old days where kids feared retribution from adults. That's part of what made us tough. Today, if you so much as say "boo" to someone's face, they'll start crying and bent all out of shape! I saw a perfect example of this last night when I was watching a video where a white girl was telling a black professor (Vince Everette Ellison) she has more privilege than he does. He told her she was crazy for thinking that. He was as polite as possible, but he was firm. And she just started crying like a little wussy when he challenged her ideas. Check out this video:

Video courtesy of Warren Smith - Secret Scholar Society

Well anyway, back to the article. I'm going to go down that list and show you some of the ridiculous reasons given for why these classic Christmas specials are not allowed in today's world.

1. Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964)
This has always been one of my favorite classic Christmas movies. It's one I grew up with. I cannot even imagine Christmas without seeing this movie. But apparently the network moguls want it banned because it displays harsh bullying scenes and sends mixed messages about "acceptance" and "inclusivity". While I do agree with the message behind their reasons, it also should show children that bullying does not always last and that things get better eventually. It also mentions in the movie that misfits have a place in this world too.

2. A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965)
The last time I saw this movie was when I was in first grade. But I have seen it before. The Charlie Brown movies all star a bunch of children in different situations. The networks don't like it because it commercializes Christmas too much. But in the days it was made, and ran, Christmas was a day kids looked forward to to get gifts. There's no harm in believing Santa Claus brings those gifts to the kids' homes.

3. Frosty The Snowman (1969)
This is another one of my personal favorites. Ever since I was a kid, I watch this one every year. But the network fatcats think the scene where Frosty melts in the greenhouse is too harsh for today's kids. But I say kids have to learn that sometimes life is hard, and does not always go the way we want it to. It's like the one episode of Sesame Street where they announce the death of Mr. Hooper. It's a natural fact that people die. Kids should learn that at an early age. They also think about the affect it has on people who are overly-conscientious about climate change to see snow melting.

4. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town (1970)
Another favorite of mine. Narrated by Fred Astaire, the networks are afraid the message of oppression from the Burger-meister Meister-burger, who rules that there will be no more toys allowed in his town, would bother kids today. But I must say, when I was a kid, it taught me to go against the mainstream and just do what I think feels good and correct. I think it's important for kids to have toys, and learn from them. So the fact the mayor of that town wanted toys banned was just plain silly!

5. Little Drummer Boy (1968)
Well, the little boy in this movie is a lot like me in a lot of ways. His experiences with people left him so shattered that he learns to hate people. His only companions are his camel and his donkey. Just like my only companions are my dogs and my birds. But what parent wants a child like me who hates all people onsight? In this movie, the boy's parents are killed by hoodlums. The networks think that's too harsh for children to see. Besides at the end, the Little Drummer Boy meets the baby Jesus, and the baby is happy when the boy plays his drum for him.

6. The Year Without A Santa Claus (1974)
Another personal favorite. Christmas would not be the same without the songs from Snow-miser and Heat-miser. But the networks feel the idea of Santa Claus giving up Christmas is too intense for children today. The thing is, everyone needs some time off. Nothing wrong with taking a little vacation once in a while. Besides, there is a lesson to be learned in this movie. When you have a job to do, and other people are counting on you to do it, it's no time to take a vacation. That's when you need to stop listening to the negativity and haters, and just do it!

Well, those are the ones I watched growing up, and still continue the tradition to this day. Parents are so afraid of their kids having nightmares and being scared that they don't want them watching these movies. I blame the Germans more than anything. They are the ones who don't believe in spanking their children. Keeping that in mind, is it any wonder why Hitler turned out the way he did? Kids today are becoming mini-Hitlers! I don't like it! But it was the Germans first who brought the notion of not spanking your kids to this country. I don't believe in spanking your children for little things they do, like spilling milk. But things that, later in life would get them in trouble, they should learn not to do. Like I said, life is hard. And if kids today are over-sheltered in a way where the networks just don't want to air these movies for such small reasons as the article says, then I feel sorry for this generation.

This is why we have so many people who want jobs but feel they don't have to work. I was watching a few videos yesterday about people who want jobs but only want them on their own terms. I even saw one woman who claims to be "non-binary" and works with a bunch of other women. She said when her boss calls "the ladies" she thinks the boss is not referring to her because she thinks of herself as an it. She calls what she is a "they-dy". That's so STUPID!!!! A woman like that would not be working for me for very long. Which is the reason I won't hire people who put their pronouns in their applications or resume. Those will go straight in the trash can, or the shredder. It's MY store! I'm not going to be told by someone I am paying money to how to address them in my store! I won't tolerate it. And I won't tolerate insolence like that!

Monday, November 11, 2024

Election Deniers

Remember in 2020 when the leftists called us that for denying Joe Biden won the election? Well, now they are denying Trump won fairly so we get to call them "election deniers" now. LOL! I also remember we were not allowed to say that after the election on social media. YouTube would take down your videos, Facebook would put you in jail, Twitter would make you take down your post, etc. Well, now the shoe is on the other foot, so we can now call the leftists that. Funny how it all works out in the end. Well, call me an election denier all you want to, but I still have trouble believing a man who could not even get 50 people to come to his rallies fairly won the 2020 election by 80,000 votes! Whereas Trump rallies had people literally lined up for several city blocks! There is no way on Earth you can make me believe Biden won that election fairly!

The leftists are crazy, man! Tom Hanks has already left the USA because Trump won. I say good riddance to bad rubbish! I like his son better anyway. Tom Hanks can stay gone for all I care. Don't come back! However, there are a few more dramatic episodes going on out there because leftists think Trump is the second coming of Hitler. One man killed his whole family, including an ex-wife, and then killed himself because he didn't want to live through another Trump presidency. Now, there was no need for that! Even if his presidency is as bad as the leftists think it's going to be, it'll be over in 4 years. Of course, I hope JD Vance becomes president in 2028. I'd vote for him! It'd be the first time we've actually had a president in this country who looks GOOD!!!! I mean that too. JD Vance is a very handsome man! Never once has this country had a president whose picture I wouldn't mind taking to bed with me. LOL! He'd be the first one. I don't even think Trump is handsome. He may have been in his younger days, and I love him as our president. But he is not handsome now. Barron Trump is though! And he looks just like his father!

But I am not voting for Mr. Conformation here. I don't care that Trump is not that handsome anymore. I voted for him because I loved how he handled things between 2016 and 2020. And let's face it, I'm an ugly bitch myself. So, looks mean nothing to me. Certainly not over policies. I hope Trump does do the things he said he was going to do. I hope he does deport all illegal immigrants. I hope he does end the war between Russia and Ukraine. I hope he does end the war in the middle east. I hope he does make it illegal for men to enter womens' safe spaces.

I'll tell you what makes me madder than anything here. It's the leftists who think minorities cannot think for themselves. I heard about an 80-something year old woman who walked up to two young black women holding a Trump flag and hitting one of them in the chin. She said she did it because they were "voting against their own interests". Basically, saying black people cannot think for themselves or believe the mainstream media. Well, if you are believing everything the mainstream media is saying to you, how is that thinking for yourself? That is the very meaning of a sheep following the flock, to believe everything you hear in the news. Think about it, how often has the weather man been 100% accurate? You just cannot go your whole life believing everything the mainstream media tells you. You've got to get online and do your own research! That's what helped me convert from a hardcore leftist to a conservative. And don't make people silence the other side just because you don't like what they say. You cannot learn the whole truth unless you listen to both sides. Just like I told the not-so-bright INXS fans back in 2016.

Last night, I saw a video someone did of a podcaster who actually HATES veterans. She was wearing a jihad, so the fact she hates American soldiers is not really surprising. But she said to them "I hope you get PTSD" and "I hope you get blasted in Iran". Something like that! I don't know how she got all those followers she has, but I am willing to bet my life away they are all leftists. Yes, even some republicans can be leftists too. We call them RINOs. That's why I don't really like to consider myself a republican. I consider myself a centralist conservative. Because, as bad as they are, there are some things I do agree with the left about. Just none of that radical bullshit.

They're always talking about womens' rights, and the rights of colored and LGBTQ people. What they mean is, they don't want Trump to take away a woman's right to kill her baby. Trump never said that though. He was going to keep the choice up to the individual states. That's all he said. And when did Trump take away the rights of colored people. He said he wants to deport illegal people. Yes that includes Mexicans. But that is not a bad thing. As a Mexican woman myself, I want that to happen. First of all because they give decent Mexican people a bad name. Second of all, because they are criminals who come here to rape and destroy women. As for women killing their babies, you don't need to have abortions! I say when a woman has unprotected sex with a man, she is consenting to have a child. Just as she would be consenting if she signed a contract. The only exception is if a man forces himself upon her without protection. And what about LGBTQ rights? Trump loves LGBTQ people! He even held a wedding for a gay couple in his own home. How is that not liking LGBTQ people??? Someone please answer me that! He just wants to keep men out of womens' locker rooms and sports. And that isn't a bad thing!

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Ask And You Shall Receive

TRUMP WON!!!!!!!!⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


For 4 years, I've been wishing to have Trump back in the White House. I wanted him back more than anything! I used to hear people say if you want something bad enough, you will get it. Well, I wanted Trump back very much. Sure enough, we got him back! Now for the dumbasses who take things too seriously, I know it was not just my vote that got Trump back in office. But I do like to think it helped. Trump's own handy work also helped a lot too. He's not as bad as the media makes him out to be. That's why the media always bad-mouths him, because he puts America first. To the leftists, that's considered "nationalism" and they think it's caused by racism. They are so dumb!

I was so excited this morning when I heard Trump won, but my sis said it was too early to start counting our chickens. Trump just won the popular vote at that time. But deep inside, I felt like it was a done deal and Trump won. Tim Pool said in a video that the complete results of the election may not be known for days. But I also heard from somewhere that if Trump wins the vote in Pennsylvania, then he's as good as in the White House. But I felt in my gut that Trump was going to win. And sure enough, thanks to a lot of help from GOD, Trump won! I'm so happy now! I was so happy, I even took my sis out to dinner to celebrate. We had fun too.

Of course all the leftists are very UNhappy. But screw them! Trump is their president now. LOL! We had 4 years of Biden, and even that was way too much. I did not want Kamala in office! Knowing full well that she wasn't going to change anything that Biden did. And Biden ruined this country. The man couldn't even hold his own patooties! What? He's going to keep this country together?! No way! I didn't believe he was going to do good for this country for one second! In all the years I've been alive, I've never seen a democrat do anything noteworthy for this country. So, I sat back and smiled when I looked through YouTube videos tonight and saw all these dumb leftists crying like babies because Donald Trump won the election. It was music to my ears! LOL!

Well, Trump said when he got back in office, the wars in the middle east and Russia was going to cease. Well, I heard Hamas called for an immediate stop to the war with Israel. Now they want peace, because they know Trump will step in and kick their asses if they keep up that war! When Biden was in office, they had no qualms about attacking each other. They knew Biden was too weak to do anything. Now that Trump is back, they know they'd better stop with the war! LOL! Thank GOD Trump got back in when he did! Now, I can sleep better at night. Things hopefully will get back to normal in this country. See! I knew there was a good reason Trump did not succumb to these constant assassination attempts. But I have to say. He's not out of the woods yet! There is always going to be that threat from some unhinged leftist who wants to end Trump. That thought has crossed my mind now several times. And I was watching a video with Ann Coulter, and she too brought up this fear. I then had to admit I thought of that same thing myself. She fears now, more than ever, for Trump's safety and so do I. But I just keep praying and concentrate really hard that Trump will remain safe. I know he will. I have complete faith in GOD.

Now that Trump is in office, we can all get back to the important issues. Lower gas prices. Lower the cost of groceries. Make home-buying affordable again. Get rid of the illegal immigrants in this country so no more American citizens get hurt. And get men out of women's sports and safety areas!!! I heard Trump is going to let Richard Latrine go. I say GOOD! He was nothing but a DIE hire anyways! Don't let anyone back in the senate that hates this country! I'm sick of them!

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

I Made History!!

 Well, I wasn't alone in that. A lot of other people did too. I voted yesterday, it was the soonest I could get to the polls. I wanted to be one of those early voters, but I couldn't because my sis's car had been in the shop all month last month. So, I did not go out unless it was for something absolutely necessary! Unfortunately, voting is not something I would normally consider a life-saving emergency. But then again, we're talking about this country. I don't want that stinky-ass cackling hyena Kamala Harris to win! I want the big guy with the funny hair to win!

I went to the courthouse to vote. I was hoping to see some voting polls that I could walk in and discreetly cast my vote for Trump. But they dropped a bomb on me. They told me Oregon only has mail-in voting. I said "WHAT?!?!" I was upset. I did get a ballot mailed to me, but I tossed it away because I wanted to do it in person. I actually told them that I don't want someone taking my vote and using it to give numbers to someone I don't want. I told them I would be FURIOUS if someone took my vote and cheated with it. Yes, I mentioned the cheating I know went on in 2020. The teller gave me some hard stares, but I don't care. I don't want anyone counting my Trump vote as a Harris vote! I'd be so beyond pissed if I ever found out that happened. So I had to relent and fill out another ballot by hand. I made certain they knew this was a Trump-favoring vote. I may have looked like a jerk to them, but at least I am a jerk who is not voting for Harris!

Well, when I did cast my vote I told my sis to take me in front of the democrat place we have stuck in this town. Not because I wanted anything from them. But because I wanted to in a sense "flip off" Kamala Harris, as if to say to her whole campaign "Look at me. This is one person who did NOT vote for you!" As we parked and were going inside the building, I noticed this tall, blond woman going inside. She was looking at us like the angry person she most likely was. You ever notice that about people who prefer Kamala Harris? They ALWAYS look angry! I didn't pay much attention to anyone beyond that. I just made a beeline for the Harris/Walz sign that was propped in front of their building. When we got there, this was the pic my sis took. Keep in mind, she's not the best picture-taker.

I cannot take credit for the idea of this pic. I got it from Reddit. Reddit is a website full of pansies. Someone posted a picture of themselves taking their "I Voted" sticker and flipping off a Trump/Vance sign. I saw that and I said "That's a great idea! I think I'll do the same thing too!" So I did! I had my sis take a picture of me flipping off a Harris/Walz sign with my voting sticker. 😆😆😆

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. At least we know what Trump's plans for this country are. Skamala hasn't even revealed her plans! But I do remember her saying she wouldn't do anything different than what Biden has done for the past 4 years. That was enough for me. If I had been in doubt against voting for her before, I sure didn't have any doubts after she said that! I don't want another 4 years like the last 4 we had! I don't even want another 1 year like the last 4! I hope to buy a house soon. Only Trump can make that happen. He'll lower gas prices too. We can fill up our car and not worry about it cutting into the food budget.

If Kamala wins this next election, then I am going to suspect unscrupulous cheating again! I'm not backing down either. I haven't backed down since 2020, when I knew there was electoral cheating. The media tried to hide it. But I knew what was going on. NO ONE can ever make me believe that old fart, who could barely draw in 50 people to his rallies, won by 80,000 votes!! That's not plausible. Trump rallies brought in people lining up throughout city blocks. The lines were sometimes as long as a mile to see a Trump rally. No way did Biden beat Trump fairly in 2020! Even lines for Kamala Harris rallies were pitiful. And now I heard one person say she was paid to attend a Kamala Harris rally by the DNC. I don't think you'll ever find that video. I have the feeling YouTube took it down. But believe me, it was up once before. It wasn't an interview type video though. It was a podcaster telling the person's story. So, I cannot say for sure if the story is true myself. But I can tell you, the story was revealed on a video. I believe it myself because I wouldn't put it past the democrats to do something like that to make Skamala look better than she really is. I cannot tell anyone else to believe it. I can only tell what I heard about.


Good news! I found the video I was talking about in my last paragraph! Or I found a piece of it in a different video. Watch the whole thing though. It'll explain everything.

Video courtesy of Liberal Hivemind (YouTube).

Tigerlily Bud

Well, Tigerlily is no longer a little bud. She's now a blossom in full bloom. Take a look at this pic... That is Tigerlily herself with ...