I'm not a doctor. Let me get that out in the open first and foremost. This will not be a post about seeking medical attention. If you feel you have a problem, find a good doctor that is reputable and not woke. This is the latest argument I've heard from trans-activists. Because the medical community has been wrong before, about a lot of things. This is indeed true. Medical science has improved over time. Trans activists are using this argument now to say that maybe we were wrong about trans identity being a mental problem. I've heard this argument more than once.
It wasn't too long ago that doctors realized giving lobotomies to patients was wrong. I mean really! What good does drilling a hole in someone's brain by way of their nostrils do for a patient? Doctors basically did that to "drain out" evil spirits. But it did more harm than good. And that is why they stopped doing it. But today I watched a video of a trans-activist student using the medical science has improved over time excuse to affirm trans people.
The key code to that excuse is that medical science has "improved" over time. Main word you want to focus on is "improved". That means it has gotten better. But what good has come out of transgenderism since it's been accepted? What good has it done for those who do not suffer from transgenderism? The discovery of penicillin has saved numerous lives. Operations help people live longer. But what good has accepting transgenders done? I'll tell you what good it's done; NOTHING!! Nothing good I've seen so far has come out of accepting transgenders. The "good" that has come of it has only been self-satisfactory and temporary. I'll tell you what, if there was no such thing as social media, do you think there would really be as many trans people as there are today?? Think about that for a moment.
Most of the people today who claim to be trans are fakers. They're doing it for the attention and praises they get on Facebook and TikTok and other such social media platforms. Look at Dylan Mulveney. Look at Jeffrey Marsh. Look at Lia (William) Thomas. We got men competing in women's sports and taking away their #1 positions. We got trans activist teachers in school who want to mutilate and castrate children before they even have a chance to mature. We got parents who use the transgender lifestyle on their own kids just for TikTok praises. We got the woke mob who harasses and violates non-trans affirming people and call for violence against them and their families. We got trans and non-binary type people who demand that we play along with their little mental game. And in some places in the world, you can even get arrested and thrown in prison for misgendering someone. That's not good!
I'm not saying having compassion for these people is a bad thing. Don't misunderstand me there! But you can have too much of a good thing. And I think a lot of people are mistaking being compassionate with being affirmative. They are both totally different things! I have more compassion for trans people than anyone would think. But I will not affirm them! Because I believe affirming them does a lot more harm than good. It's like lying.
I remember back in the early 2000s, I was helping this young teenager who wanted to start breeding chihuahuas. Her name was Sara, who later became Mcgillicutty on the Pluba forums. Back in those days, I had no idea what a leftist liberal is. Even though I was one of them. But at least in breeding chihuahuas, I did try to do the right thing. Sara, I always admitted, did have potential to be a good breeder. She did health testing on her breeding dogs, and spayed and neutered those that came up defective. But the problem I've always had with her was that she always got her breeders from puppymillers and backyard breeders. I never told her that though. I was wrong. I told her to go to dog shows and learn what is being accepted in confirmation standards. But she always said "I don't want to go to dog shows or learn what confirmation is accepted", which is what led me to believe she had no intention of fully doing right by the breed. But I never blamed her for that. She was just a young teen who asked me for advise in the beginning. I blamed myself because I wasn't completely honest with her from the start. I chose to be nice over being honest. It was a wrong choice on my behalf.
Anyway, Sara was indeed a leftist liberal, because she did not like it when I finally told her the truth. She did not really want to learn how to breed to standard. She rejected all opposing opinions I had of her breeding program. I never even professed to be an expert in breeding chihuahuas to her. I wasn't. I still had a lot to learn as well, and I knew that. Which I guess is what makes me less of a leftist than she was. But oh well! I thought I could share what knowledge I was gaining with her so that both of us could become good breeders of chihuahuas. But she refused it. Ever since then, I've said that I will no longer do anything just to be nice. From now on, it's going to be just 100% honesty.
My honesty, perhaps because of that incident, has lost me a lot of clients and potential friends, but I don't care now. These days, I would rather be honest with people and have them hate me for it than to be nice and lie to them, only to regret it later. I don't like people anyway, so it doesn't matter to me one way or the other. So, if you are looking for someone who is going to be compassionate to the point of lying to transgender people, you're NOT going to find it in me!! The words "transphobe" and "bigot" and all that other jargon the leftists throw around has NO affect on me. I truly do not care!
Yesterday I saw the clip from the series "I Am Jazz", and that poor kid. I feel so bad for him. His parents forced him into that transgender lifestyle. I saw an interview done with his mom yesterday and she said he's been saying he was a girl since he was 2. At 2 years old, if you want to believe this, she said her boy asked "when is the gender fairy going to come and take my male genitals away?" At 2 years old, she wants us to believe he was asking that. I called bullshit! What 2 year old child even knows the word "genitals", let alone, how to use that word?! I didn't believe that story for one second! I believe Jazz's mom pushed him into believing he's a girl, and he went along with it because well, why would a mother lie to her child?! But she did lie to him, just like she's lying to everyone else who watches that show! And now, poor Jazz totally regrets going through that gender-affirming surgery a few years back. He's lost himself now. I also saw his tearful plea to his mom, and you know what she's doing? She's blaming Jazz for feeling the way he does. She said "You are your own worst enemy". She's trying to talk him out of feeling the way he does, when she was the one who brought it upon him. I think it was mostly for money and power. TLC paid them well for that series! And I used to like TLC! I can't believe what they've now become. They were much better when you used to have to pay extra for them! I would definitely not do that now!
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Thursday, March 2, 2023
The Myths of Transgenderism
YES!!! I am happy! Now people are beginning to see the light! Even the NY Times is seeing all it's mistakes in accepting this idea of transgenderism. Hopefully, this is just a fad and it will all end soon. Of course if I had any kids who ever said they are trans, I would make them wait until they are 25 years old to go through transition operations. In the meantime, I would have them see a good therapist and find out what the root of this problem is. THEN, if the child is 25 years old, and still feels like they are the opposite sex, I would pay for their transition myself. But not until the child is 25. Not before.
I found this article tonight. It talks about the myths people have been spreading about transgenderism. It finally speaks the truth that has been hidden for several years now. All because most people were afraid of being called a "bigot". Well, it's good to see people are no longer afraid of being called a bigot. Everyone should be like me. I don't care now if I am called a bigot. I believe in the classic version of science. Not what the leftists call "science". To them, science is a spectrum and gender is fluid, and Fauci is an expert. I never did trust Fauci. His stories kept changing every time he spoke!
Anyway, I thought I would fill up this space with this article. Enjoy!
Busting Five Myths of Gender Ideology (msn.com)
I found this article tonight. It talks about the myths people have been spreading about transgenderism. It finally speaks the truth that has been hidden for several years now. All because most people were afraid of being called a "bigot". Well, it's good to see people are no longer afraid of being called a bigot. Everyone should be like me. I don't care now if I am called a bigot. I believe in the classic version of science. Not what the leftists call "science". To them, science is a spectrum and gender is fluid, and Fauci is an expert. I never did trust Fauci. His stories kept changing every time he spoke!
Anyway, I thought I would fill up this space with this article. Enjoy!
Busting Five Myths of Gender Ideology (msn.com)
Scrutinizing the claims of gender ideology, it soon becomes apparent how incoherent they are. On the one hand, we’re told that men and women are the same — that the differences we observe in professional outcomes and sexual behavior are the result of sexist stereotyping. And yet, they are different; and men can really be women and women can really be men, by appropriating opposite-sex stereotypes.
For years, editors and journalists at the New York Times have been uninterested in skeptical views of transgenderism, dismissing them as bigotry. That’s beginning to change, as I write about in the forthcoming issue of the magazine But whatever took them so long?
In 2018, when the Times was uncritically circulating transgender myths, we at National Review were battling the disinformation. And this is just one of many areas where NR has fought to be a voice of truth and reason. This week, and for this reason, we’re asking for our readers’ support — donations, of any amount — to help us continue this mission. Your contributions to these webathons, and of course your NRPlus subscriptions, help us do what we do.
Here are just some of the myths that we’ve busted so far.
MYTH 1: We All Have a ‘Gender Identity’
Gender-identity theory originated with clinical experiments in psychiatry and surgery in the latter half of the 20th century. Later, in the 1990s, this theory evolved into gender ideology under the influence of academic leftists. It entered the mainstream via the internet in the 2010s and, with the help of political activists and lobbyists, morphed into the modern transgender movement. In its current manifestation, gender-identity ideology holds that everyone has a “gender identity” — an inner sense of being male, female, or something else — which is distinct from sex and capable of overriding it.
In activist lingo, a person who accepts their anatomical sex is “cisgender” while a person who rejects their anatomical sex is “transgender.” Really, though, a person who rejects their anatomical sex (i.e., reality) is mentally disturbed — deserving of compassionate help — while a person who accepts their anatomical sex is not.
This is what Ray Blanchard, a sexologist, explained in 2019, during an interview with National Review. Blanchard considers “gender identity” to be an unhelpful concept for “normal people” since “cross-gender identity is a constant preoccupation with, and unhappiness about, the individual’s gender” and not, as activists claim, “a normal gender identity which has found itself lodged in the wrong body.”
MYTH 2: Puberty Blockers Are Safe and Fully Reversible
The website of Britain’s National Health Service, whose main gender youth clinic was closed earlier this year after an independent investigation confirmed concerns over patient safety, formerly read: “The effects of treatment with GnRH analogues [puberty blockers] are considered to be fully reversible, so treatment can usually be stopped at any time.”
But in 2020, the NHS changed this entry to reflect the reality that “little is known about the long-term side effects of hormone or puberty blockers in children with gender dysphoria.”
What took them so long?
Susan Bradley, a child psychiatrist with 40 years of clinical experience and research, told National Review in 2018 that “we know from multiple studies that around 80 percent of gender dysphoric children will desist from cross-sex identification in childhood to identify with their natal sex. Most of these will grow up to be gay or lesbian; a substantial minority have also been diagnosed with autism.”
For years, we at National Review have recognized the so-called “pause button” in the context of “gender-affirmation” for what it truly is — a nuclear button.
MYTH 3: There’s a Medical Consensus in Favor of ‘Gender-Affirming Care’
Biden’s assistant health secretary, Rachel (formerly Richard) Levine, falsely insists that there is a medical consensus favoring medicalized transitions for minors. He claims, “There is no argument among medical professionals.” That is an unsustainable falsehood in 2023 when even the New York Times concedes there is a “Battle Over Gender Therapy” within the field.
At National Review, we have been closely following the medical profession’s debate for years, noting the recent developments in Sweden, Britain, and various American states as they move toward a more evidence-based approach.
MYTH 4: Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria Can Be Dismissed as ‘Anti-Trans Propaganda’
When the medical doctor and Brown University assistant-professor Lisa Littman posited the idea of social contagion as a factor behind the sudden rise of transgender identification among teenage girls with no prior history of gender dysphoria, many liberal media outlets dismissed her work as “anti-trans propaganda.” At National Review, we responded differently. As soon as the controversy began, we investigated the phenomenon, which we found to be credible. Social contagion is now widely accepted among clinicians who cite it as a reason to support a more cautious approach in treating gender-distressed youth.
MYTH 5: Hormone Suppressants Level the Playing Field between Male and Female Athletes
The activist mantra that “trans women are women,” end of discussion, is perhaps most obviously absurd in the context of sports when males are stripped of their female costumes and starkly showcase their advantages in strength and speed. Activists have tried to get around this by claiming that testosterone suppressants somehow reverse the advantages bestowed by male puberty. Setting aside the sexist idea that an impaired or mediocre male can be made equivalent to a female, there is no evidence to support this assertion. In fact, the single study cited to support it has been thoroughly debunked.
Indeed, just watching Lia Thomas thrash his female competitors — as I did, on a National Review reporting trip — is enough to debunk this myth.
Trans women are women? Sex isn’t binary? Refusing to “affirm” a transgender identity will likely result in suicide?
At National Review, we are committed to exposing gender ideologues’ myths for what they are. But we’re only able to do so thanks to you, our generous readers. Your support helps arm us in the fight against disinformation. Please consider contributing to this webathon.
For years, editors and journalists at the New York Times have been uninterested in skeptical views of transgenderism, dismissing them as bigotry. That’s beginning to change, as I write about in the forthcoming issue of the magazine But whatever took them so long?
In 2018, when the Times was uncritically circulating transgender myths, we at National Review were battling the disinformation. And this is just one of many areas where NR has fought to be a voice of truth and reason. This week, and for this reason, we’re asking for our readers’ support — donations, of any amount — to help us continue this mission. Your contributions to these webathons, and of course your NRPlus subscriptions, help us do what we do.
Here are just some of the myths that we’ve busted so far.
MYTH 1: We All Have a ‘Gender Identity’
Gender-identity theory originated with clinical experiments in psychiatry and surgery in the latter half of the 20th century. Later, in the 1990s, this theory evolved into gender ideology under the influence of academic leftists. It entered the mainstream via the internet in the 2010s and, with the help of political activists and lobbyists, morphed into the modern transgender movement. In its current manifestation, gender-identity ideology holds that everyone has a “gender identity” — an inner sense of being male, female, or something else — which is distinct from sex and capable of overriding it.
In activist lingo, a person who accepts their anatomical sex is “cisgender” while a person who rejects their anatomical sex is “transgender.” Really, though, a person who rejects their anatomical sex (i.e., reality) is mentally disturbed — deserving of compassionate help — while a person who accepts their anatomical sex is not.
This is what Ray Blanchard, a sexologist, explained in 2019, during an interview with National Review. Blanchard considers “gender identity” to be an unhelpful concept for “normal people” since “cross-gender identity is a constant preoccupation with, and unhappiness about, the individual’s gender” and not, as activists claim, “a normal gender identity which has found itself lodged in the wrong body.”
MYTH 2: Puberty Blockers Are Safe and Fully Reversible
The website of Britain’s National Health Service, whose main gender youth clinic was closed earlier this year after an independent investigation confirmed concerns over patient safety, formerly read: “The effects of treatment with GnRH analogues [puberty blockers] are considered to be fully reversible, so treatment can usually be stopped at any time.”
But in 2020, the NHS changed this entry to reflect the reality that “little is known about the long-term side effects of hormone or puberty blockers in children with gender dysphoria.”
What took them so long?
Susan Bradley, a child psychiatrist with 40 years of clinical experience and research, told National Review in 2018 that “we know from multiple studies that around 80 percent of gender dysphoric children will desist from cross-sex identification in childhood to identify with their natal sex. Most of these will grow up to be gay or lesbian; a substantial minority have also been diagnosed with autism.”
For years, we at National Review have recognized the so-called “pause button” in the context of “gender-affirmation” for what it truly is — a nuclear button.
MYTH 3: There’s a Medical Consensus in Favor of ‘Gender-Affirming Care’
Biden’s assistant health secretary, Rachel (formerly Richard) Levine, falsely insists that there is a medical consensus favoring medicalized transitions for minors. He claims, “There is no argument among medical professionals.” That is an unsustainable falsehood in 2023 when even the New York Times concedes there is a “Battle Over Gender Therapy” within the field.
At National Review, we have been closely following the medical profession’s debate for years, noting the recent developments in Sweden, Britain, and various American states as they move toward a more evidence-based approach.
MYTH 4: Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria Can Be Dismissed as ‘Anti-Trans Propaganda’
When the medical doctor and Brown University assistant-professor Lisa Littman posited the idea of social contagion as a factor behind the sudden rise of transgender identification among teenage girls with no prior history of gender dysphoria, many liberal media outlets dismissed her work as “anti-trans propaganda.” At National Review, we responded differently. As soon as the controversy began, we investigated the phenomenon, which we found to be credible. Social contagion is now widely accepted among clinicians who cite it as a reason to support a more cautious approach in treating gender-distressed youth.
MYTH 5: Hormone Suppressants Level the Playing Field between Male and Female Athletes
The activist mantra that “trans women are women,” end of discussion, is perhaps most obviously absurd in the context of sports when males are stripped of their female costumes and starkly showcase their advantages in strength and speed. Activists have tried to get around this by claiming that testosterone suppressants somehow reverse the advantages bestowed by male puberty. Setting aside the sexist idea that an impaired or mediocre male can be made equivalent to a female, there is no evidence to support this assertion. In fact, the single study cited to support it has been thoroughly debunked.
Indeed, just watching Lia Thomas thrash his female competitors — as I did, on a National Review reporting trip — is enough to debunk this myth.
Trans women are women? Sex isn’t binary? Refusing to “affirm” a transgender identity will likely result in suicide?
At National Review, we are committed to exposing gender ideologues’ myths for what they are. But we’re only able to do so thanks to you, our generous readers. Your support helps arm us in the fight against disinformation. Please consider contributing to this webathon.
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