Sunday, December 18, 2022

How Affirmative Choosing Affects All Of Us

I don't like affirmative action. Biden loves it. Kamala Harris loves it. Because it benefits them. It gives them more power, and more votes. Now, you should see the ugly piece of shit Biden hired to look after nuclear waste dumps. Meet Sam Brinton...

Talk about disturbing!! It'd be just like Biden to hire on a man, who thinks he's a woman, and wears a dress. I also hear he has a fetish for having sex with dogs, which is beyond weird! He'd better stay away from my My! I'll bust his teeth out if he tries having sex with her! Not to mention, he supports keeping parents in the dark about giving sex-altering surgeries to minors. I don't like to say "sex-change surgeries" because a person cannot change their sex. That's one thing that is permanent and non-negotiable. Seriously! Who do these people think they're fooling?? Brinton does not look like a woman in any way, shape or form! He just looks like a very ugly man in a dress.

Well, now it seems Brinton's true colors are showing. He went to an airport and snatched a woman's luggage and took it home. I don't know if he really had any business at all being at that airport, but I do know that he stole the luggage of a woman who he didn't know, and claimed it was his bag. Then he later confessed to stealing it. And then a week ago, he did it again. He stole another woman's luggage at a different airport! Now, that can mean only one of 2 things; either this dude is so forgetful, that he can't even remember what his own suitcase looks like, or he is purposefully stealing other women's luggage to feed his own fetish for women's clothing. And I have such a distinct feeling that the second answer is the correct one.

This is why I don't like affirmative choosing. The only reason Biden hired this guy Sam Brinton is because he's a man in a dress who has a fetish for having sex with dogs. Biden is setting a bad example for the rest of the country. Of course I remember the low-class colored people griping because most of Trump's staff was white and not black. But I just accept that as Trump choosing the people he felt was right for the job. Not because of flesh-tone or weird fetishes. That's the way everyone should hire individuals; based solely on merit and experience. I am not white, or I don't consider myself white. I'm literally a melting pot heinz 57. With both white AND colored ancestry. But I don't want someone hiring me to be in charge of a nuclear waste dump because I don't know the first thing about it. That'd be like hiring me to manage building construction when I don't know anything about that either, and the only reason I was hired is because I'm a colored person. To me, that sucks! BLM can gripe about it all they want, but I don't want to be hired just because of my flesh tone and ancestry.

I like dogs, but I don't have a fetish (nor anything else) for having sex with them! I think that's disgusting! But Biden loves people like that all of a sudden. I knew hiring Sam Brinton was wrong in the first place. Who knows how much experience he has with nuclear waste?! And he was not hired based on experience anyway. I'm all for giving disabled people a chance to work and make a living, but to hire someone like Sam Brinton, to look after a nuclear waste dump no less! Well, let's just say there are some things mentally ill people should not be allowed to do. Working with nuclear waste is one of those things. I kept imagining Chernobyl happening here with Sam Brinton in charge. Thank GOD it didn't but I wouldn't have been surprised if it had!

Well, Sam Brinton has been arrested, thank GOD! And the women got their suitcases back. Sadly, I don't think Biden is going to learn anything at all from this. He's just going to go out and hire another colored person with a weird fetish, because he has proven to all of America, that that is how he wants to hire people. Those are his requirements. But that is OK. What is important is that Americans are learning this embarrassing secret about Biden. Of course there are people who still believe Biden is doing a good job, but that's because they are the quint-essential followers. They'll question everything Trump does, but are OK with Biden doing things that are much worse. Solid proof of the hypocrisy of the leftists.

I love watching the leftists try to get Trump arrested. I've got to hand them this; they try harder with that than anything else on Earth. It's like it's their life's goal! So they scrounge around finding things that, at worst, are misdemeanors and say "I got it! I got the right charges on Trump!" thinking it's going to get him put in prison. But so far, nothing has been found that is bad enough to put Trump in prison. But Biden and his son, Hunter, do have evidence piling up against them that eventually will get them put in prison. So one wonders why the leftists keep calling Trump a criminal? Could it be envy? Perhaps. And anyways, I thought the left LOVES criminals! That's why they want to defund the police, so they can get away with the crimes they commit. But when it comes to Trump, or any other right-wingers, leftists don't want to defund the police anymore. They want the people who disagree with them to be arrested. The leftists are so DUMB!!!!

I'm glad Sam Brinton got arrested! The sad thing is, I'm pretty sure neither one of those women whose luggage was stolen by him, got all their apparel back. I'm sure Brinton used those suitcases to snatch some more dresses and women's underwear! He's such a weirdo. I never liked him. And I never liked the idea that Biden hired him just because he has a weird fetish and wears a dress.

Friday, December 16, 2022

Booted For The Second Time

LMAO!!! I'm sorry! I know I shouldn't laugh at this, but I can't help but think it's funny. Now, just to be clear, I am NOT laughing at the situation this person is in. I'm laughing at myself. Someone named Cassandra (I know, same name as me) posted about a man who killed his girlfriend. A very, very sad story. The fact this happened here in Tillamook county makes this especially sad to residents, because it's never happened here before. I looked at the girl who was killed and I thought "she's so young and attractive!" but it also made me think back to when people like Roger Melvin said how ugly and fat I am, and how I'd never get a guy to fall in love with me "even at gunpoint". As if that was supposed to hurt my feelings. Nevermind that I'd had several boyfriends in the past. But ok. Whatever toots his horn!

Anyway, I was not trying to relieve my feelings on this young girl's misfortune, but the only words I could croak out were "I'm so glad I'm fat and ugly!" Well, I don't know if Cassandra thought I was calling the unfortunate young girl fat and ugly, or if I really meant it when I said I'm glad I'm fat and ugly, but she got pissy at the comment I made. She said it was "highly inappropriate". Well, it's not like I was saying the young lady whose boyfriend killed her was fat and ugly. I was saying that about myself. I always do! I'm not saying it to gain sympathy or attention. I say it because it's so true! Though my sis says I'm not ugly. I've got to be honest, yes I am! But it doesn't bother me. So anyway, I asked Cassandra "How is it inappropriate for me to call myself fat and ugly?" She never did answer me. Instead, the admins of the group booted me out. Again!! LMAO!!! I'm sorry. I cannot stop being me! I say what's on my mind, I'm old and cannot help it.

To be up to date on this, this is the Tillamook County Community Page on Facebook. I have been in this group for some time under my alternate account. But I was in there once before under my regular account, and last time I was kicked out because I brought up that I wanted to open up a pet store here. I wasn't sure why I was kicked off the group then, because all I did was ask for peoples' opinions. But I decided to give the group another try, just to see what happens. I wondered if the admins of this group were shitting their pants because I had talked about a pet store, or if the admins are the kind of people who just do not like free speech. Well, today I got my answer. The admins of that group are indeed weak snowflakes who do not like free speech. Maybe they need to take a lesson from Elon Musk!

My response is oh well! It's not the first group I've been kicked out of, and it sure as Hell won't be the last! I've come to expect that nowadays. I truly do not care though. I sincerely mean that. I don't get in groups much anyways. I rarely even get on Facebook anymore. There's another social media network that allows conservative talk and I tend to get more on that site these days. I'm still just getting to know it though. It's not like Facebook.

Speaking of conservative talk, I posted another Katrina Hates You video on YouTube the other day. It's called "Katrina Hates The Young Turks". I did it all myself. I didn't ask Katrina to help me out. I did it because yes, I do hate The Young Turks! They're nothing but a bunch of liars and conspiracy theorists who label true networks and real journalists everything The Young Turks really are. The sad thing is they are truly not aware of the lies and BS that comes out of their mouths. Well anyway, TYT hates free speech. They call it "hate speech". I personally believe there's no such thing as "hate speech". If someone doesn't like you, then they just don't. No need to make a big deal out of it. I've learned to deal with it. I know a lot of people don't like me, and I am really OK with that. It's easy for me because I hate people anyways. I have a few human friends and I like them a lot. But all-in-all, human friends are WAY overrated!!

Anyway, I had a feeling TYT caught wind of my video, and that is cool!!! Not because I like attention from them, but because they need to know what they sound like when they spew their bullshit online. Leftists pretend to be the ones who are GOD-tier perfect! Well, I'm glad to be the one to bring them down a peg or two. Whether they are aware of it or not. We're ALL getting sick of the leftist's game. The guy in the TYT video who did the interview claims that right-wingers are the ones who "say" they are all for free speech, except when it comes back around on them. Well, I don't know what right-wingers they've met like that, but I am not one of them. I absolutely knew when I posted that video that all of TYT's supporters were going to comment on the video. I didn't respond to all their comments, but I accepted every one of them. I am a little disappointed though. I expected them to be much more vicious! I guess the more vicious individuals did not come to see my video. They may have been too busy running with Antifa.

I think TYT sent their little leftist minions to my channel, and I am fine with that. Publicity never hurts. Of course I don't really know about when you're dealing with the left. These are the same people who call for violence against people they don't agree with, wish ill on them, and then cry and scream that it's the right-wingers who are actually doing the stuff the leftists do. I never seen a group of people so unaware of their own actions! They constantly say right-wingers call for violence. Well, if they have, I've never seen it. But to the left, if you just say "marriage is between and man and a woman" or if you say "Only women can get pregnant" or if you say "abortion is murder", the leftists call those sentences "violence". Remember Diane Loud from my last post? She claimed someone putting up a Christmas tree was "causing harm to a lot of people". LOL! So, what violence really is, compared to what the leftists think it is are two totally different things.

I mean really! What harm is a Christmas tree doing just being put up in a library building??? Is the tree going to grow arms, grab a book about knives and stab people with it??? I don't think so. But that's what the left calls "violence". Therefore they don't believe what they do is violent. But only the right-wingers commit "acts of violence". It reminds me of when I was in middle school, and Carlos Stewart used to chew off the ends of his pencils, and throw them at me, not for me to catch. He was trying to harm me. And all his gay little friends saw him do that, and knew what he was up to. I know for sure they saw Carlos doing those things to me, because after I felt whatever it was he was throwing at me make contact, they'd all start laughing. Yet they all said "Carlos never did anything wrong." I never even knew why Carlos targeted me. I never did anything to him. I never even said 2 words to him. Nor did I ever slam him behind his back to anyone else in that school. I remember one day, Jason Ellis even went so far as to say "the whole class never did anything", then mocked me because I said Carlos was throwing the metal ends of pencils and shit like that. Jason believed that I said he "threw glass and metal objects" at me. Well! I call them as I see them! And what Carlos threw was indeed bits of glass (or acrylic), and the metal ends of pencils at me.

I saw another video this morning that is similar to this experience. It was this exchange between Nancy Mace and Alejandra Caraballo. Nancy Mace is apparently a moderate republican, and Alejandra Caraballo is a man who thinks he's a woman, so he's a trans-activist. Watch this video...

Mace asked every one of those leftists if they thought calling for violence against someone just doing their job is a threat to democracy. Every one of them said yes, including Caraballo. OK that's fair enough. Then Mace goes on to talk about Brett Kavanaugh, who earlier this year, was stalked in his own home by a leftist who was there to kill him. But thankfully, gave up before he could start. Why was he going to kill Kavanaugh? Because he overturned Roe vs. Wade.

I did a LOT less than that to Carlos and his friends and I got targeted pretty much the same way. And I didn't have a gun back then, though I'd be lying if I said carrying one to school for this very reason didn't cross my mind. But the thing I want to bring the most attention to is how Caraballo said Nancy Mace's interpretation of what he said in his tweet was "an incorrect characterization" of his tweet. Dude! You said "The SCOTUS needs to be ACCOSTED whenever he's out in public!!" What is more straightforward than that?! How is that NOT a call to violence?? Again, it's just like Carlos's friends saying he did nothing wrong to me, when in fact, they knew damn well he did! I swear, the lack of self-awareness in leftists just never ceases to amaze me! It's like they're living on a dream planet. I cannot believe a person can actually be that dumb!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

The Leftist Grinch Who Stole Christmas

I was watching a video tonight and one of the things talked about was a librarian named Lisa Desmond from Dedham, Massachusetts, who received word that for the first time in the 28 years she's worked at this library, they will not be putting up a Christmas tree. Their reasoning? Because they are afraid it will "offend some people". So, the librarian was a little disappointed. She posted about it on Facebook

Actually, I must say, I am more offended by the mentioning of Juneteenth than I am about the Christmas Tree. This past year, all the black liberals did to celebrate this juneteenth, was shoot each other up and trespass onto other peoples' private properties. I remember I wrote about that when it happened. So, I am more offended by a fake holiday than I am about Christmas. But I am very offended that all it took was one atheist crybaby to complain about a tree and the library suddenly decided not to put it up. That's stupid!!!! One person should not be allowed to ruin everything for the rest of us!!! Especially if that one person is a leftist! We all know how they are! They're gonna gripe about everything no matter what!

Well, someone appropriately named Diane Loud responded to this post. She since got embarrassed and took her post down on Facebook. But I found someone who wrote about the whole conversation on Facebook. This is what she said...

All I can say is "my word! This Diane Loud sure does have some serious issues!" To hate Christians THAT much! There is something wrong with her! And to call GOD a "magical sky daddy". I don't think anyone in history has had this much resentment toward GOD than Satan himself! But did you ever notice people started feeling this way towards GOD ever since Obama was in office? That's because he also hated GOD. And he hated America. He also hated white people. Which surprises me, because his white mama and her white parents took care of him all his life. His black daddy was the one who abandoned him. This is why I hate Obama with such passion! Because he's the one who brought morals like this to this country. We were all fine until Obama became president. Then all of a sudden, racial issues started to appear. Atheism became much more prevalent. Everyone started to hate this country. And all this is perpetrated by the leftists. Those who follow Obama. America was a wonderful place until the leftists went psycho and ran amuck everywhere. And you notice NONE of the Obama supporters will leave. They hate this country, but they won't leave it. Some argue "We have to stay here and fix these problems". Well, I say "Don't let that stop you. We were fine before you went loony. We'll be fine again once you leave!"

Well, Desmond was very upset by this retort from this crazy, disturbed person. So, she posted her response on Facebook again...

After this, Loud made another very angry comment to Desmond again. Also showing her disproval and rage. In an article, I found out Loud actually has daddy-issues. See this is how kids turn out when you take the father out of the home...

Well, needless to say, it was Diane Loud who gave herself away as the one who complained that the Christmas tree was offending her. After that mention about Obama bringing issues to this country, I thought you might want to see what Diane Loud looks like. Well, let me tell you, if you know anything about today's most outspoken leftists, you'll not be disappointed when you see an actual picture of Diane Loud...

Yup! I really expected her to be a colored person. Not to mention fat, ugly, on top of looking very unhappy. Another thing about her, she claims her child is "transgender". That is also not surprising! In fact, before I even found out she had a tranny child, and I heard what she said about Christians, I said to myself "she's got to be either gay, trans, or non-binary, or has forced her child to be such if she has children at all!" Sure enough, I found out, she does have a trans child!!! I'm usually right about these things. My instincts are top-notch! When someone is this hateful towards Christians, and especially if they have a gay or trans family member (which they no doubt forced that lifestyle on), they get angry at Christians because they know forcing a child to be trans or gay is wrong.

One article said this about Loud; "Earlier this year, Loud took part in an LGBT pride event hosted by the town and the Commission, along with her grown child Max, who “discovered his transgender identity at the age of 13,” according to local media."
Ironically, she added this to her statement; ""I think it's really important for everybody to be celebrated and feel affirmed," Loud was quoted as saying." Yeah! Everybody to be celebrated and feel affirmed except Christians. Right, Loud?! What a fucking loser! The only good thing about her forcing her child to be trans is knowing she won't be reproducing. Therefore, there will be no more Louds going into the next generation.

Well, everyone in the area of Dedham was angry with this whole ordeal. Some of the responses to Loud's comments were funny as fuck!

And the prize response, The Magic Sky Daddy has spoken...

Yes, like a typical leftist coward, she resigned! Good! We don't need people like her. And it feels good to see conservatives fighting back! We're fighting hard too! The HRC, where she used to work, has also made a statement...

So they are "disavowing" her statements. Hmm. The sad fact is they needed a vote to do that! Why vote? Why not just say Loud is fucked up in the head?! Because she is. I hope she is unable to get a job anywhere else! She certainly has no business dealing with people! How many people does it take to vote that what Loud said was disturbing, disgusting and deserving of scrutiny? Since she stepped down herself, instead of waiting for the boss to tell her she's fired, she knows what she did was wrong!

Anyway, to conclude, the library finally decided to indeed put up the Christmas tree this year. Here's the story on that...

Ahhhh! I love a happy ending! Merry Christmas everyone!!!!

It's Over!

 Trump is now our president! I'm so grateful. I got through the last 4 years OK. Barely though! But now that Trump is back in office, I ...