Sunday, November 20, 2022

Nothing Wrong With Classical Music

Currently, there is an assault on classical music by today's millennials. I'm sick of them trying to tear down things that are cool, and leaving us with the things that suck! They want "equity and inclusion". But they want classical music to die off, never to be revived again. I say fuck that! Mostly because their reasons for doing so are nothing but insane, narcissistic and stupid!! I saw a video last night of a girl who wants everyone to stop listening to classical music and start listening to world music. Her reason? Because classical musicians are all white, straight men from Europe who lived in the days of colonialism. So, she says anyone who would rather listen to classical music than rap or R&B is a 'racist'. That's the stupidest single reason I've ever heard in my life of why I should not play classical music!!!

Let me tell you something, little girl! NOBODY tells me what I can and cannot listen to. You'd have more success telling a black ghetto rat to listen to classical music than you'd ever have getting me to listen to rap or modern R&B. I'm the most stubborn, set-in-my-ways kind of person you'll ever see. I'm so stubborn, mules cannot cope with ME! Ask anyone who knows me. You want me to stop listening to classical music and start listening to world music, you're gonna have to wait till I am dead. THEN you might have a chance. Wouldn't matter anyways because I won't be able to hear it! LMAO!!! I'll be dead, my sound receptors will be dead, my brain will be dead so. Play on after I die, I wouldn't care. But if I want to put on a classical music disk, I'm gonna put on a classical music disk. Nothing you can say is going to stop me either!

Ya know, I kinda wonder if millennials are reading my blog? I was talking about this kind of thing not too long ago on here when I was discussing working on my video books. I said when it comes to background music in my videos, I prefer orchestral music. Which is like classical music. I use a lot of classical music clips in my videos. I think it sounds better in movies. I also know of a lot of old cartoons that also use orchestral/classical music. That's why I love watching those old cartoons and movies. It's the way that kind of music makes me feel. When I am listening to it, or choosing clips for my videos, I'm not thinking about what color the composer's skin was, or where they are from or what time range they were alive in. I'm not even thinking about what the composer looks like at all. I listen to a piece, and I just think "That'll sound very good at the 3:50 mark on my video!" Or something like that. Or "that's perfect music to use during this scene!" And it usually works out great!

For my last video, back in 2020, I even hired a real percussionist to give me a long bass drum roll for that scene where Davy and this antelope get caught up in a huge snowball and go reeling down this cliff. It was a small part for him, but he did it! Very well too, I must say! I didn't ask him if he was black or white before hiring him. The only thing I required was that he used real instruments. Because electronic sound bytes sound just like that; like electronic, robotic sound bytes!!! Just like they came from a keyboard, instead of a real instrument. Yes, I have some of those in my videos, but I'm going to change that after the holidays.

But as for modern rap-style or R&B style music in my videos, it's a definite, big ass fucking-the-hell NO!!!!! I hate rap. I like a few rap songs, but nothing after 1990. Same with R&B. The last good R&B song I heard was in 1991. Nothing since has sounded good to me. And it's not because they're done by black people. Its because I just don't like rap or R&B music. They don't fit my videos where I like to portray sweetness and innocence. Yes the characters have problems with each other. But I still like the music to fit with the mood. If I feel there is a scene in a movie where a rap or R&B song would fit, then I'll use that style. But I won't use something just because a dumb millennial doesn't like white people and wants us all to promote black music. Not going to happen. That's not what UMG Productions stands for!

There are advantages to listening to classical music. I once heard in a report many years ago that listening to classical music makes you smarter. Maybe that's why today's kids are so dumb and hateful. Because they don't listen to classical music. In that same report, I heard it has been studied that pregnant women who listen to classical music give birth to smarter kids. So, we need more classical music! Whether you are black or white, I don't care. Create more classical music that sounds good!

But what does rap music do? So far I haven't seen rap music do anything good. All it does is teach kids to hate each other, disrespect adults, kill cops, and all that stupid junk. That is why I do not want rap music or R&B music in any of my videos. I want people to feel good listening to my videos, as well as watch them. I think it's a horrible thing that we don't have innocent kids anymore. This is the effect rap music has on today's kids.

Monday, November 7, 2022

STOP Saying "Fatphobia"!!!

Geez! And I thought the leftists were the ones who were supposed to be intellectuals! I guess I am wrong. LMAO! That's bullshit anyways! All they know about is feminism, slave history and gender studies! You can tell how uneducated they are by their use of the word "fatphobia". Apparently, leftists don't understand how language works. Though I guess I should give them props for learning the word xenophobia. That's a person who is afraid of strangers. Like me. They could have called it "strangerphobia" like they call people who fear fat people "fatphobic". It sounds equally as stupid! But there is NO such thing as "fatphobia"!!!! However, knowing the democrats like I do, they'll change the meaning around anyways just to fit their narrative.

A person who fears fat people is not called "fatphobic". They're called Cacomorphobic or Lipophobic. A person who is afraid of getting fat is called Obesophobic or Pocrescophobic. There is no such thing as "fatphobic". You have to understand how language works, and apparently leftists think language is RaCiSt! So let me spell this out. Phobia is a greek word. It means an irrational fear of something. Cacomorphobic literally translates to Caco, meaning ugly or deformed, morpho, meaning form, and phobic meaning irrational fear. Or Lipophobic, which translates to Lipo, meaning fat, and phobic, meaning irrational fear.

I also don't go for the term "transphobia". Again, it's grammatically incorrect. The correct way to say "transphobia" is Neophobia. That translates to Neo, meaning something new or never seen before. And phobic meaning irrational fear. This so-called "transphobia" is actually more of a certain form of Neophobia. Because transgender people is still a new concept, most people have not heard of it before. A lot of people are unwilling to accept it. The first time I heard the word "transphobia", I thought it was an irrational fear of transitioning from something like moving from one place to another. Or transitioning from one job to another. But leftists have made it the meaning of a person who is against transgender people. That still does not make it make any better sense.

I believe the word the leftists are looking for when referring to someone who hates transgender people is Misodiaforetic. That would make better sense. Miso is a greek word which means having hatred for, and diaforetic is a greek word too that means something that is different. AKA transgenders. And a person who hates fat people should be called Mislipic. Mis, from Miso, which is a hatred for something, and Lipic, from Lipos, meaning fat. How do I know all this? Well, when I began my Metazoic project, I studied a lot of greek and latin words. I had to. It was the best way I could come up with scientific names for my creatures. Greek is actually a fun language to study, I highly recommend it. You will also find a lot of our english words come from greek and latin origins. Including all phobias.

That's why I hate the word "fatphobic". One thing you should not do when making up a word, is mix a strictly english word with a greek one! The word "phobic" is greek, but the word "fat" is strictly english. It only makes it easier for the muddle-headed among us to understand! This is also why the word "transphobic" means nothing to me. Because it is nothing! It's not even really a word! I'm not afraid of transgenders. I have no problem with people who genuinely have a case of gender dysphoria. What I hate are the fakers who are just in it for self-gratification. Like Lia Thomas. IMO, those people are not only mocking real men and women, but also mocking genuine transgender people too. The same people who bitch and moan because they think Donald Trump mocked a disabled person, themselves are mocking people who actually have gender dysphoria. Like I said before, you can always tell the fakers from the real things. The fakers are the ones who demand you call them by their preferred pronouns.

There are people who hate fat people too. I understand that. I came to terms with that when I was in my 30s. Not everyone is going to like you. I came to terms with that when I was in 6th grade! The 6th grade class president, Brian Wilson, did not like me, and I never knew why. All my friends said he's always nice to everybody. But I could not figure out for the life of me, why he just didn't like me. I'd never done anything bad to him, never talked to him, never bothered him. Nothing. I used to think he was cool in fact, until he started bitching about me and bullying me. That sure came out of nowhere! Then I figured he's just a dried-up dickwad and went back to my own business. Thankfully, I only had him in one of my classes, that was band class, every weekday for an hour in the mornings. He played the saxophone and I played the flute. But it taught me that no matter what, there's always going to be someone who doesn't like you. I only wish the gays and trannies would learn that. Not everyone is going to like them. Some people will, but not everyone will. They surely won't if you keep on demanding things from us!! I'm not interested in playing your dress-up games. I don't care about your dumb pronouns. You're not going to get respect from me until you've earned it! Simple as that.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

I Do Not Believe Him!

Watch this interview from ESPN...

This is an interview with Lia Thomas. If you've been watching the news lately, Lia Thomas has gained quite a bit of notoriety as a transgender swimmer. Lia was originally named Will Thomas, and he was born in 1999 in Austin, TX. At the age of 5, he knew he wanted to be a pro-swimmer. He first began swimming competitively in 2017 under his original gender and name. He did not do too good competing against men. I think his personal best as a man swimmer was like 445th place. In 2020, he decided to transition into a "woman" and compete against real women in swimming competitions. Once he did that, he finally won first place. Nobody thinks that's fair!

This is why I am against the idea of transgenderism. Especially trans "women" participating in women's sports. He was approximately 445th place as a male swimmer. He's still a male. He just took puberty blockers for a year, and suddenly, he was #1 competing against real women. This is the sad part. Sad, because I do not believe a word coming out of his mouth! He said he did not transition to win. Like Hell he didn't! I call bullshit. He said he was bitter and suicidal as a man. Well yeah! I'd be suicidal if I had dreamed of being a professional swimmer since I was 5, only to find out I wasn't that good! Sure! I'd have been depressed too. He says "Now, I am happy!" Again, if I went from 445th best to first best swimmer, I'd be walking on air too! That's not rocket science! It doesn't take a genius to figure that out!

That is why I don't believe Lia Thomas when he says he transitioned just to feel happy. If he really did not do it to win, he should have either kept competing with the men, where he belongs, or given up competitive swimming altogether! I feel bad for the real women who were competing against Lia Thomas! The #1 top female swimmer lost her place in line to a man... A MAN!!!! Not fair!

Lia Thomas could be on female hormones for the next 50 years. He's still never going to be a real woman. He's never going to be able to fairly go up against women. In this interview, he states he's lost bone mass, lost weight, lost shoe size. The problem is, we still don't know enough about giving men female hormones for extended periods of time though. Lia Thomas is little more than a guinea pig. He's never going to reach the frame of a real woman though. He'll always be stronger, have more muscle mass, more bone density, longer arms and legs than any woman could ever develop. He'll still be able to swim circles around real women. Even young, healthy, strong women (as women goes).

Well, because Lia Thomas got on hormones, and went right back to competitive swimming against women this time, I am never going to be able to be convinced that he did not transition to win! I am always going to believe he did it for selfish reasons! Therefore, I do not respect Lia Thomas' gender identity! This is something he should never have done! But I will indeed say I am glad he did it. Because it made everybody see how it is unfair of man to women transitioners to play sports with real women. The world is seeing these results now, and finally understanding that it is not fair! Like I said, if I were competing in women's sports, I'd boycott! Until they took the trans "women" out of the team! I would not care if I was being called a "transphobe"! If being a transphobe means I don't believe Lia Thomas did not transition to win, then that's what I am! You can't tell me different! And it doesn't bother me.

It's quite a shame Lia Thomas is such an infidel, he's actually quite good-looking. For a man! If I were 20 years younger, and he didn't have this fetish about pretending to be a woman, I might have fallen in love with him. But, I am not gay, nor will I fall in love with a biological man who does not seem to know he is a man. So, shucks! That's the way the cookie crumbles!

Tigerlily Bud

Well, Tigerlily is no longer a little bud. She's now a blossom in full bloom. Take a look at this pic... That is Tigerlily herself with ...