Monday, October 31, 2022

Why Did Trump Do This?

Listen to this little lady...

Now, that is a homeless black woman. Yet, she talks very glowingly about Trump and how he let her live rent-free in his building for 8 years. This was posted some 5 years ago, so obviously, she's been living in Trump Towers since before he became president! So, it's not a publicity stunt nor nothing. But I hear her story, and I think "where is this racist the leftists all talk about? It's sure not Trump. This does not seem very racist to me!" So tell me again, how is Trump a racist?? I seriously would like to know. Because I would have always thought a racist would not allow a homeless black woman to live in his towers rent-free! How is Trump a racist?

I should pose this question to Susan Burklund. Apparently she and I have different ideas about what the word "racist" means. LMAO!!! IMO, a racist is someone who dislikes another person solely based on the hue of a person's flesh. But apparently Susan Burklund does not believe that. Perhaps she only believes the leftists' definition of racist; which frankly, I have no idea what that is, nor do I have any interest in finding out. Democrats will change the meanings of words just to match their narrative. For example, a democrat may say "A racist is someone who disagrees with colored people (or "people of color")". I've heard of weirder things being called racist.

There is a documentary out now called "Deconstructing Karen". It's all about 3 very highly racist colored women who invite white women to dine with them. While they are dining, the colored women start talking about the strange things they got in their heads (that no doubt Obama put in there) that are racist to them. Or that symbols white supremacy. When a white woman began crying at the table, the colored women told her to go away. They say it's "because white women have been using their tears to get what they want for years". Basically these colored dimwits say white people have no right to express any emotions that take away from colored individuals. I always say, I just wish they would invite me to their show. I'd snatch all the food, and not listen to a word they're saying and walk out. Either way, I would not be the one crying at that table! More likely, I'd be laughing. I've heard all those so-called racist talking points before! All of them are very humorous to me. I'd warn them ahead of time that I already converted to the truthful side. There's nothing they can do or say that will change my mind. I'm not 100% white myself, and I've never experienced anything akin to what they push.

Most of the bad experiences that blacks have with the police is caused by their own actions. They just don't want to cooperate with the cops. All they want to do is argue and fight with them. I've been pulled over by police many times! All were my own fault, I acknowledged that. And when I did get pulled over, I cooperated with them. I didn't fight. I didn't put down no race-card! I didn't argue. I didn't resist anything. I'd say it to these womens' faces too! I'd say "I have never heard anyone but black leftists complain about police brutality, and they are usually the ones who always want to fight with the police instead of doing as they say." I also would not fall for their "white tears mean nothing" or "everything around you is racist" bullshit! I'd be saying "White people have just as much right to cry as anyone else! I don't care what happened 160 years ago! If you don't want white women crying that's your problem!" Seriously! 160 years ago, it might as well be 160 million years ago! No black person today has ever been a slave. And no one today owns slaves.

I'd probably be frustrating to those women on "Deconstructing Karen", because I know the truth. I've seen it over and over again. They only know the propaganda that Obama pushed on them. But I know the facts because I shut my mouth one day and actually LISTENED!! If I was on there, more likely they would be the ones leaving the table and crying. Or really fuming. I'm no longer so easily misled by evil leftists. I gave that up several years ago. Leaving the left and hanging around with conservatives has given me that much needed breath of fresh air. If I had stayed with all those leftist buddies, it would have been so confining for me. It would have held me back. Them unfriending me was the best thing that ever happened to me. Next to getting Mya. I didn't know it at the time, but looking back on it now it surely was.

This is why now I don't give a shit if people like me or hate me. Being a conservative, I'm prepared for anything and everything! Leftists are different. They live in their own little world. Everything revolves around them. They blame racism, homophobia, transphobia, white supremacy, xenophobia, and what ever phobia they can think of to blame if someone doesn't like them. They don't think it has anything to do with their bad attitude. Shoot! Even I know my attitude may be to blame. I came to terms with that a long time ago. And yes, I can be an asshole. I am not saying conservatives are not without their flaws. I'm saying there's actually less flaws in conservatives than there are in leftists. The thing is, leftists will say one thing and do another. Or if they did do it, it turns out to be in nobody's best interest. Like Joe-blow shutting down our oil pipeline.

Personally, I think the biggest racists of all always has been and always will be no one but the democrats. All they talk about is color and race. Race and color. Color and race. So tell me again, how is Trump racist?? Does anyone really have an answer? Or did CNN finally run out of things to explain that argument? If you still think Trump is racist, I ask that you watch the video again, and actually listen to this woman's words! Don't be scared. You can go back to watching CNN after. Then tell me what exactly makes Trump a racist?

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Karina, Karina!

No, I don't mean Katrina. Karina is a young woman (20s-ish) who lives close to me. I've communicated with her many times, she's never given me a problem before. In fact, I really enjoy her family. She has a husband named Howard, and 2 beautiful children. I won't give the children's names here, but she has a girl who I think is about 4 years old, and the cutest thing! She has 1000 names though. And she just had a baby boy back in June. She used to have 2 dogs, so I know she's a dog-lover. Now she only has 1 dog. I haven't seen her chihuahua in several months now.

Well, now Karina has been spotted associating with the Karen upstairs. You know, the woman who accused me and my sis of "stealing" Tux. Well, ever since she started associating with her, she's become just like her. Now, Karina is beginning to harass my sis, thinking our dog Mya, is dumping in the play area. This afternoon, my sis had an encounter with a very angry Karina, who was telling her not to let Mya dump in the play area, and threatening to tell the manager if she does. She has done it before to me. But I was fine with it. I had just broken my foot at that time, so I couldn't walk onto the dirt to pick up after Mya. But Karina was "secretly" taking pics of Mya dumping in the play area. I say secretly, because I think she thought I didn't see her taking Mya's pic. I did though, and I knew she was going to go to the manager with it. But there's nothing I could have done about it. I wasn't going to risk another break because Karina was upset! Not my circus, not my monkeys.

Yes I admit, I should always pick up after Mya, and usually I do. It's just at that time I couldn't. I can't pick up her droppings at night either. I used to be able to before the last manager put the beauty bark in that spot, but now I can't tell a dog turd there from a clump of beauty bark at night. My eyes have gotten so bad in my old age!

Well, my sis tried explaining to Karina that Mya does not dump in the play area. We always take her to the fairgrounds for that. Everyone does it! But she said Karina didn't believe her. That's when she threatened to tell the manager. I told my sis not to let Karina get to her. She's just trying to scare her. Whether the Karen upstairs has anything to do with Karina's sudden change of attitude, I really cannot say. But my sis said she's seen Karina and "Karen" talking with each other. And Karen does have a problem with us now that she thinks we tried to steal Tux from her. Plus the butthurt Karen feels because she tried to tell the manager on us and he wouldn't do anything to help her because she already got her cat back. Well, the manager could not do anything to us about Tux, but he can force us to get rid of Mya. Unfortunately! This is why I don't like renting. Besides the fact that there's too many people here, I'm still stuck under someone else's rules!! I'm under the gun here. And if Karina has taken up with Karen, that could make everything worse. Especially since Karina does not seem to know when a dog is tinkling or dumping.

I hate to say things like this about Karina. She's never given me any trouble before. And I always thought she was a nice person. But I also know how 20-somethings are. They're followers. They find someone evil, like the Karen upstairs, and they think they're good role-models. So usually anything an evil Karen says to a 20-something year old individual, the younger person is going to believe it. Even though Karina was there when me and my sis were out and about trying to find Tux's owner. We asked her if she knew who owned Tux and she said no.

I'm also finding out Karen has not only been giving us trouble, she gives our next door neighbor trouble too. And Sherrie is so sweet and likable. Even Karina liked her once before. But Sherrie says Karen is her problem person too. I told Sherrie how Karen accused us of stealing her cat. I said she may even be the person who messed up Sherrie's porch decorations. I would not be surprised!

This is also why I do not give any more emotional credulity to anyone. No more than I have to. Because I've been let down by people too many times. I hate to invest any emotions into anyone anymore. When Karina had her baby boy, he was born with a heart defect. I felt sad for him, but Karina said it was easily fixed with surgery. I told her I was going to continue praying for her little boy. I think he's OK now, but I haven't asked Karina about him in a long time. Now that she is harassing my sis, I probably won't. Because it may not be long before she starts threatening me the same way!! She's already turned me in to the manager once, but she didn't know at the time my foot was broken. That's why I let that one go. But if she keeps on harassing my sis, I am going to have some words for her. I don't want to be aggressive, or name-call her. So, I'm hoping she comes back to her senses soon.

Well, I kinda find it funny, because Karina only harasses my sis from the safety of her closed-up 2nd floor apartment. She doesn't say anything when she's outside with us there. Probably scared because she thinks I'll kick her butt. But really I don't want to kick anyone's butt. I just don't want my sis to be harassed. She's had enough troubles this year, with moving out of one place and being kicked out of another. Twice! She tried to go back to her old client again in Bozeman, MT. But the manager of that apartment complex said she cannot move in with her old client because she's not related to her. Which I think is dumb! But if she moves in with that client, she'll never be able to go where she really wants to be, which is in Spokane. So I told her let's just concentrate on moving to Spokane, and forget about Bozeman. Besides, of the two, I'd rather move to Spokane. I'm more used to Washington's weather.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

The Woke Ranger Rides Again

Get Woke, go broke is the main lesson here. A lesson that Billy Eichner is learning the hard way. Oh wait! He still hasn't learned that lesson. Leftists never learn anything! They simply blame other people. Well, now Billy Eichner is PISSED!!! He made a movie called Bros. that is about gay men. In the trailer, he basically said straight men would never understand it, and that he did not make the movie for them. So, loyally no straight person went to see that movie! LMAO!!! I don't know if Eichner meant that as a rhetorical statement, hoping non-gay men would get curious and go see the movie anyway, or what. All I know is, I don't care to see a movie about gay men. Does that make me a homophobe? According to Billy Eichner, it does. OK then. So I'm a homophobe. I only trust conservative gays anyway.

After basically telling straight men not to come see his movie, he gets angry because no one came and saw it! Those who did see it, apparently didn't like it enough to leave glowing reviews in Rotten Tomatoes' website. But then again, the people of Rotten Tomatoes do not allow comments on Matt Walsh's documentary either. I actually saw What Is A Woman, and I liked it. I can't wait to see Candace Owens' documentary about BLM. I bet it's good too. I just wish the Daily Wire would release these videos onto DVDs and out to regular stores. Nobody who needs to see these videos of their's is going to pay money to their site to watch these movies. That's not a good thing! They need to get it out to the general public somehow! No matter how many times they run the trailers for these movies, if people don't want to buy a subscription, they aren't going to pay to see them.

Personally, I don't trust Rotten Tomatoes. They also say Hannah Gadsby is funny. No one else thinks that, but the leftists. Hannah Gadsby has never made me laugh, and I have quite a sensitive funny bone! I usually laugh at anything. If I were told I have cancer and have only 3 months to live, I know I'd find a joke to make about that. Most people might not think that was funny. But that's how I am. I laugh at a lot of things. You should have heard how much I joked around when I found out I have diabetes! Same thing. My dad's favorite saying was "Laugh and the world laughs with you". I take those words to heart. I'd rather laugh away the last 3 months of my life than spend it crying, worrying about the end. Besides, I don't want people to feel sorry for me! I don't like the victim mentality. That's not how I want to end my life!

I'd rather the people who love me remember me with smiles and laughter. Or if they hate me, remember me with anger and rage. I don't care. Just don't feel sorry for me. I'm OK.

Anyway, I also found out this past week, that Hollywood made Velma (from Scooby Doo) a lesbian! I looked at her looking at this girl every time she touched her, and I saw the goofy look in her eyes and I said "That's not the real Velma!" I know! She's a cartoon character and not real either way. But still! Bear with me a moment here! When I was growing up, watching the original Scooby Doo, Velma was always the more serious character on the show. She was kindof the egghead. If she really was a lesbian, howcome it didn't show up then? Why didn't she fall for Daphne? Daphne is definitely prettier than the girl Velma apparently did fall in love with in these new versions. Not only is the girl in the new cartoons a lesbian, but also a cat-person and a criminal to boot! The real Velma would never have fallen in love with someone like that! She was not only the smartest one in the group, but also she was the most law-abiding! Why are the Hollywood cronies making Velma fall in love with someone who has a criminal background? Someone she has nothing in common with?

See, I knew this was going to happen. LGBT has infiltrated every aspect of our lives today, to the point it's become invasive! I also knew why this is happening. The LGBT community is prepping kids to become drones for pedophiles! The community has been saying for a long time, they had no plans to accept pedophiles in their community. But I don't trust them! Remember, these are the same people who has been harassing the same baker for several years now, because he first refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding. A group that condones that action is not trust-worthy! So I don't trust the LGBT community! I never believed them about not accepting pedophiles. And I will NEVER accept pedophiles. I don't care what kind of phobe they come up with to call me for that!

I once saw a video where a weird-looking gay guy was saying to super-straight people "I don't respect your profile". I said in response "That's OK. I don't have to respect your gay profile either if I don't want to! And you can't make me!" He can call me a "homophobe" until the cows come home! I don't care. If I don't want to respect you, I'm not going to. And NO ONE on this planet can make me respect anyone that I don't feel deserves respect. Respect is not something you just give out. It's earned! And a person who is gay, trans or whatever, that plays the victim, and demands I use their pronouns, that is no way to earn my respect. You want respect from me? Then STOP playing the martyr at every turn! Stop crying over your pronouns not being used! And most of all, if you're going to say you don't respect a straight person's identity, then don't expect straight people to respect your identity. Because that's dumb!

I mean, you can disrespect me all you want to. I truly do not care. But in the same turn, don't expect respect from me to you either. The world just doesn't work out that way.

You know why woke movies, like Bros. are always failing? Because NO ONE CARES!!! You want to be gay, that's fine! I don't even care if you want to mock straight people. It's your backward world, not mine! But don't go online saying "You straight men wouldn't like this movie", and then getting mad, calling everyone who didn't see your movie "homophobic" just because they didn't want to see your movie! I mean really! Who the hell wants to see 2 men making out in the movies?!?! You didn't even say straight couples making out in every movie! Some did have it, but most didn't. This is why things will never change at UMG Productions either. You will never see a UMG Productions movie where the criminal is a hero. Or where gay people have more leverage over straight people. No body wants to see that!! No one cares. And criminals should not be made into heros anyway!

Speaking of UMG Productions, I took a big leap! I have decided to make all my music videos collections public. I'm not selling disks though. I'm just selling digitally viewed copies. They can only be streamed online. I added the original videos for each music video. Some are classics. Some only got aired a few times. Some of these disks I even made like the old fashioned MTV, back when they did music videos. Now, I don't claim any copyrights to these music videos. Those all belong to their respective owners. The only thing I have copyrighted on these disks is the commentary. There is a $1.99 charge to view these movies, but that is only because Kunaki charges me. The videos are password protected. I wanted them that way. That way, they cannot be downloaded to anyone's computer. If you want to view these videos, then stream them from here: Uncle Martin and the Gang Stories: My Favorite Videos (Video Collection) (

Monday, October 3, 2022

Was Trump Bullied?

This was asked on Quora, and I thought I would post my own opinion here. Quora is so full of leftists. Though they're absent in the Quora groups I am in. They do still lurk in the shadows of right-wing groups. Anyway, I thought I would share my own ideas on this subject. As a person who has been bullied for most of her childhood, I think I can give a heads up on this thread.

So, was Trump the bully in school? Or was he the bullied? Now, this is just my opinion, so I may be right or wrong. But I think Trump may have been the bullied kid in school. How can I make an assumption like that? Well, I've noticed most kids who survived bullying are very different than those who don't, or those who were never bullied at all. Take me for example. I was bullied, sometimes mercilessly as a child. As a consequence, today I don't really trust people, to the point of even hating people. I'm kindof a bully myself. I never learned how to not bully people. As a younger child, I always tried to treat people the way I'd like to be treated. But it often seemed no matter how nice I was to others, they still hated and bullied me inexorably. There were actually very few kids in school that I was truly odious towards, and that was usually because I got uncomfortable vibes from them.

The problem was I couldn't ever tell if someone hated me because I maybe said something that offended them, or if they just didn't like me because they thought I was ugly or something. Yes, I got a lot of that too! Funny enough, it never bothered me when people would say I'm ugly. I guess because I believe those people have a right to their opinions. And I knew I was never the most attractive girl in school. But nobody would ever explain to me why they didn't like me. I personally don't feel a person being ugly is a good reason not to like them, or to be mean to them. Even I've stopped being like that. It's not like I hurt anyone in my life. In middle school and high school, I never stepped on anyone's toes nor nothing. I mostly left people alone, except for the friends I had then. But I don't think I ever offended them, because we remained friends even for a long time after I graduated high school.

I personally don't care if a person is ugly. I know I'm not that attractive myself. As long as the person is a good person, what they look like doesn't matter. Take Tess Obrien for example. I still think she's one of the ugliest people I've ever seen in my life, inside and outside. Anyway, when I showed her picture to one of Katrina's youngest kids, she thought Tess was so ugly that it made her cry. For a while though, I was willing to overlook that and be friends with her. That is until I found out she is an evil person. If a person is ugly on the inside, they're going to be ugly on the outside. There's just nowhere else to look for beauty in a person like that.

Me? I may be ugly, and I only fight to defend my family. But all in all, I won't say I'm a perfect person. But I can honestly tell you, I've never hurt anyone. I brag on Quora and YouTube about literally kicking cats out of my yard. But ask my neighbors if I've ever actually done it. I mean physically, kicked a cat. No. Only one time, I shouted "Get out of my porch! Ugly cat!" And well, that was because he was a gray tabby. I still loathe gray tabbies. But one like Tux, I'd never hurt her.

Good LORD I still wish I'd have kept Tux!!! The woman who apparently really owned her does not deserve her! And I also heard I'm not the only one who has had troubles with that same woman. Several other neighbors have said she's the problem person in this complex. Every complex has one like that! That's why I want to get out of rentals and get my own house!

Well, the only good thing I can say about Tess Obrien, she was an example of how to identify a leftist. She was one of the best examples of what a leftist/communist is. Well, her AND Claire Aisha. No wonder they get along so well, they're just like each other. But that is good for me, because they both were like the calling card of all leftists. Because of them, I now know what a leftist is like. And forewarned is forearmed! Well, I guess everyone has to have a purpose in life.

Anyway, was Trump really the school bully? Or was he the bullied? Well, one person answered and said she knew someone who went to school with Trump. That person said Trump would always brag about his family's wealth, and that he wasn't much liked in school. This person brought up other people who have said they know celebrities, and even went to school with them, and most say "so n so was the nicest kid in school!" I'll be honest with you, I think a lot of those people who say that about celebrities they went to school with, are exaggerating!! But this person said she's never heard that kind of thing about Trump from his classmates. The funny thing about that, I have a documentary about Richard Ramirez, and some of the people who were interviewed in this documentary, were childhood friends of his. They all say he was shy, but nice. So, hearing others' opinions of Trump as a school boy, I'd still have to be a little antsy. They could be more basing their opinions on Trump as the POTUS, rather than Trump as a boy.

If you ever meet someone who knew me as a child, and ask them how I was, most likely they'll say I was quiet, very shy, never really talked to anyone. They may even say I was ugly too. But one thing you'll never hear from any one of them was that I ever hurt anyone or any thing. I'm just not that kind of a person. I don't like to be mean or violent. In school, all I wanted was to get through the day, and then get home. That's all. Nothing else. But because I was bullied, I think it made me hate people, but also has made me more not afraid to voice my opinions. Because I hate people so much now, it doesn't bother me at all if I step on another person's toes. Step on them. Shoot! Step on them hard now, smash their toes into the ground! I don't care if I'm hated now by everyone. One thing I've learned over the past few years, I don't want human friends. Yes, I have a few, and yes I will be as nice and sweet as I can, and always have been to them. But I can just as easily let them go with little more than a "Don't let the door hit you where the LORD split you!"

I remember one time in the Australian INXS group on Facebook, one leftist didn't like it that I called all leftists "leftist shits". So she up and left. After she was gone, I posted the video for Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust". It was my way of saying "Another leftist gone!" I was thrilled! Although I did have some feelings of guilt because that's not my group. The admins are buds of mine. But I didn't show too much guilt because I hate leftists, commies, whatever you want to call them! When you hate leftists the way I do, you have to be a little heartless. And why not?! It's what the leftists want! They want us all divided. So, that's what I give them. I trust only conservatives/republicans/old fashioned liberals. I don't trust modern leftists/commies/marxists/democrats.

Tigerlily Bud

Well, Tigerlily is no longer a little bud. She's now a blossom in full bloom. Take a look at this pic... That is Tigerlily herself with ...