Tuesday, October 5, 2021

A Bullying Baboon

UGH! I hate bullies!!! Because of them, I've become something of a bully too over the years. Well, me, my sis and Pullman have crossed paths with another bully on Facebook. This one's name is Laura-Lee Wilson. She is the moderator of some group for people who are depressed, which is especially what makes this so unique. Pullman has been suffering some depression. Pills don't seem to work on him. Although they do very well for me. People like her are the very reason I stay out of groups. Unless it's a dog related group. I think that's where I went wrong with the INXS fans. I joined too many groups. I think it got to a point with them where they thought all my life circled around nothing but INXS. That's why they accused me of talking about someone I barely know when she announced she had cancer. The person I was talking about was not even an INXS fan! And I'd even wager, hates INXS. But because I was in so many INXS related groups, I guess those bozos thought I had nothing else to talk about. Believe me, if I had something to say to that fan, I'd have said it to her face! That is, if she hadn't blocked me on facebook. LOL! But what the hey! People are so dumb! Especially people like her.

Anyway, this isn't about INXS fans. This is about a baboon who was bullying Pullman. Usually I like monkeys, but not the ones like this one. Pullman was so upset being bullied by this person, and gave me his side of the story, and my sis, who was also there, filled in the rest. They were telling me things like how Laura-Lee was getting her daughter to call Pullman a liar. I was thinking the daughter must have been like a 10-year old, and she was coaxing her to call Pullman names. Well, I like to get the whole side of the story, so I wrote to little miss Laura-Lee Wilson and asked her to fill in the blanks.

As you can see, this was typed back in August. I was as congenial as I could be. Trust me, I didn't say to her what I really wanted to say to her! But I felt that wouldn't have done me, her or Pullman any good. I wanted to approach this as an adult. I didn't think she'd ever write back, but just this morning, I heard from her. This was what she said...

When I saw this, I wanted to slap her! But since she did admit she got her daughter involved (even though it didn't concern her) I thought it was fair that I get involved too. I thought it was a bit hysterical of her to bring up someone else having developmental delay issues when she doesn't know the meaning of the word no. Pullman told her from the beginning that he didn't want to do any video calls. But what does she do? She goes right on ahead and traps him into a video call anyway. I call that an invasion of privacy. No means no. It's not only an invasion of privacy, but it's also an invasion into Pullman's inalienable rights! If he doesn't want to do video calls, that should be his choice. Not Laura-Lee's. This was my response to her...

From what I've found out from other people who stood on Pullman's side, nobody really likes Laura-Lee. They all say she oversteps her boundaries. And more than one person has said that about her. My sis kept urging me to block her. I didn't want to. Yet! I couldn't wait to hear her response to this last post I made to her. I kinda figured she would not like me asking her "What part of no don't you understand?" I wasn't even trying to be rude there. But it seems she just doesn't get the message. I also knew she would lie to make herself look more innocent than she really is. Bullies always do! Well, this afternoon I heard from her again...

Then something interesting came with this message. I saw this down below in the text box...

LMAO!!! Oh man! This is so funny! I love it when my questions get too hard for them! So hard they have to block me on Facebook!!! That basically illegitimates everything she said in her last message. If a person cannot answer the hard questions, they have no business being a moderator. Of course she said I should contact Philip Marshall. I said "Maybe I will. Maybe I won't. I think I've already got the answer I wanted!" LOL! Just from her blocking me, that alone says enough about her character.

Well, you all know I always like to see what kind of person I am talking to on the internet. Is this woman as ugly as she sounds? So I looked and got a good answer to my question. This was the face I saw on her profile...

That barely looks like a woman! In fact, it doesn't even look human at all! You know what that face reminds me of? This...

It's kinda funny how some people look like animals. This is especially one of those cases. Laura-Lee looks like the ugliest monkey I can think of; the Proboscis monkey. I swear I'm not even saying that to be mean! I'm saying it because it's so true!!! 😂😂😂😂 Look at them! They are the spitting image of each other!! Oh and this conversation was far from over. I planned to bring this conversation public if she was to pull that "this conversation is over" bullshit on me!! She's not getting away with this one! But I told my sis she's out of all our lives, and I could care less!

I only wish she'd have done a video call with me! I still wish she would! But like a typical coward, she won't. Only a coward would cut off the conversation when she knows she's gonna lose. And she did. I didn't. I don't block people on Facebook. LOL! I get them to block me!

Another Crazy Leftist On Facebook

Well, ever since what happened in 2016 after my father died and people I thought were, at best, my "friends" abandoned me, my atti...