Sunday, December 15, 2019

This Is What You Get!

Why can't people understand that I just don't want any relationship? It's not that I don't love men, it's just that I have a certain standard. I guess I've been blinded by Michael and Timmy for so long, all other men just look boring to me. Unless they happen to look like Michael and Timmy. Such as Chris Cornell, who looks like he could be Michael's twin! Or Kit Harington, ditto! But men on Facebook, I am a lot less likely to be attracted to. I've yet to find one that has attracted me. Remember that Patrick Colliano person I spoke of about a year ago. He wanted me to be attracted to him. I guess so he could try to disappoint me by telling me he's not attracted to me. But unfortunately for him, I did not find him attractive at all! In fact, I found him downright homely! I recently saw him again on Facebook. Now, he has other pics up on his Facebook profile that I guess he's trying to show off that he's a "better-looking" person. But no. He comes off like G.I. Joe with liver spots and nerdy glasses. He's still ugly asf!

Anyways, I recently met this other guy on Facebook, named Atta. He was from Pakistan. He was a very sweet guy. I liked him as a person. He asked to become my friend on Facebook and I said sure. We talked about pets. He liked Mya. He did not have a dog, though. Instead he had a couple of cats. I could not compliment his cats, because they were both tabbies. One was an orange tabby, the other was a disgusting gray tabby. I never compliment tabbies. There's nothing to compliment. You see one, you've seen them all. I was polite though. I just said "Yep. Those are cats." LOL! I don't think he ever caught on to the fact that I don't like cats, and especially hate gray tabbies with a passion. I never mentioned it to him. Especially since he was saying how beautiful Mya is. I couldn't bring myself to say his cat is ugly. Atta was just a nice guy, and I didn't want to hurt him in any way.

One thing I won't do though, I won't show off pictures of myself. LOL! I'm no goddess myself. But I made an exception for Atta. I told him how he can view a picture of me. So that's what he did. He said he likes big girls. OK. That's nice. He is also a writer, who is writing a book about things he wants to ask people of western civilization. He asked me if anyone would be interested in a book about that kind of subject. I told him some people would. There are people who love all kinds of different subjects. I do wish him well in publishing his book. It should be a very interesting read!

However, Atta had his flaws too. Besides being a cat person, he wanted more than a platonic, friendly relationship with me. He kept on asking for pics of my thighs. Now, I will show off my face, but I will NEVER show off my thighs, legs, underwear, or boobs. EVER! I just don't. I wouldn't even do that for Michael or Timmy. I just wouldn't. It'd never happen. Not on my own will. Atta though, had no shame. He showed me pics of his thighs. And even threw in a picture of his nutsack! I never even asked him for those. He just did it on his own decree. I didn't even care to see them. Somehow, he found me attractive. But unfortunately, I did not see him the same way at all. He wasn't as homely as Patrick Colliano. But he was also not as handsome as my Michael or Timmy. I just didn't know how to tell him that. But he would keep on asking me every day for pics of my thighs. But I wasn't even coming close to showing him pics of my thighs! I just don't do shit like that.

About 3 weeks ago, I finally just told him I was not ever going to show him my thighs, and I am getting sick of him asking me. I told him he's a sweet guy, but if he doesn't stop asking me for a pic of my thighs, I was going to unfriend him. Well, he didn't want that, so he agreed to stop. I mean really! It was beginning to get to a point where chatting with him was becoming more of a chore than a friendly exchange of conversation. Constantly, every day, he kept asking for nude pics of my thighs. And every day, the answer was the same. I'd say no. But he'd keep on asking. No is no is no! The answer was not going to change!

I say to any young person reading, don't EVER show a stranger a nude pic of yourself. No matter how nice that stranger may seem. You never know when they may use it against you. And I've seen that happen over and over again. Especially on the internet. They can actually ruin your life.

Well, for a while, Atta did not bother me about pics of my thighs. Thank GOD! LOL! But then, while I was in Las Vegas, I got a PM from him again saying "You never showed me your thighs". This was after I had warned him not to ask me that again. So, this time I didn't say anything to him. I was in Las Vegas to have fun. Not to be cornered and harassed by this guy! I just deleted him from my Facebook friends, and blocked him. I hated to do that to him, but this was beginning to get sickening. And like I said, I was in Las Vegas to have fun. I was in no mood to go into that conversation with him again. I probably should have just told him that I was not attracted to him. He definitely was not my type. It was nice of him to compliment me, and Mya. But I just could not return the compliment. I didn't know any other nice way to say that. So, I blocked him.

Well, at least I can say I was polite, and I didn't just block him for no reason. He was plenty warned. He chose to ignore those warnings.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

I Don't Need This

Poor Timmy! I heard he's going through depression now. He shouldn't be. He should be on top of the world. He had a new grandson this past year. But I understand why he is suffering depression now. I feel terrible for him. It's because of what happened to his finger. It's not the end of the world though. He can regain use for that finger again if he'd keep trying to work at it. There are easy ways of doing that. It's going to be painful at first, but it will get less painful and much easier the more he works at it. I wish I could go to him and tell him all this to his face. Maybe it'll help him. I hate hearing about Timmy being depressed. It breaks my heart! I don't want to lose him. I lost Michael. I don't want to lose Timmy too!!! I couldn't handle that.

Now, I am also hearing about fans saying Timmy deserved what happened to his finger. I hope Timmy doesn't read any of that. In his present state, it may move him to do something dumb. The fans are getting worse than they've ever been before. You wonder why I want nothing to do with the fans anymore? This is why. I'm gonna tell you, if Timmy kills himself over what these dumb ass fans are saying about him now, I will blackball them like they've never been blackballed before! I won't tolerate it! To those dumbasses I say LEAVE MY TIMMY ALONE!!! Leave him OUT of your personal problems! He did nothing to you all so stop blaming him for your pathetic lives!!!

I wish I could go there and be with him, although I'm sure his family gives him lots of support. One outsider would not hurt anything. Unfortunately, I can't be there. I can only pray for him. Ask GOD to give him strength. If Timmy is depressed, he needs a lot of TLC. Isn't it ironic? These bastards seem to always prey on people during their weakest moments. It's no different than how they attacked me after my father died. And now they are targeting my Timmy. It's bullying. Nothing but pure and simple bullying. They never seem to attack people during their strong moments. Only when they are going through serious depression. Do they think they are being funny? Do they think this makes them look powerful? Well, it doesn't. I'll tell you that now. It only makes them look pathetic, mean-spirited and dumb!! You don't become some kind of superhero by beating down a weaker person. You look more powerful if you'd just try to help someone in need.

This is why I am extending nothing but love for Timmy. I don't want him to feel depressed. I want him to feel happy, loved and needed. He is needed. His family loves him. His fans love him. The bandmembers love him. His grandchildren deserve to get to know him and love him. And I love him. I always have, and I always will. I can guarantee if this was Michael, these people would be quick to defend him, and try to make him feel better. So, why not do the same for Timmy? I think he deserves it just as much as Michael would. What happened to Michael is sad. Very sad. Why do these people want to make Timmy go through the same thing? Just leave him alone you goons!!!

And to Timmy, if he just happens to be reading, Don't let this bother you! These so-called "fans" are nothing but a bunch of jerks who have nothing better to do with their time. It makes them feel big and powerful to kick a person who is already down. This is why I just stopped listening to the fans, and want nothing more to do with them. I don't have many INXS fans among my friends on Facebook, and I'd like to keep it that way. I was friends with many back in 2014-2016. But those days are over. I have no desire to befriend anymore INXS fans. Its just not going to happen! I refuse to let it. They can all block me from their Facebook if they want to. I do not care! I promise you, I won't miss them.

Friday, December 13, 2019

No Rest For The Weary!

Well, we finally made it back from Las Vegas. It was my first time there. The last time I tried to make a trip to Vegas, I was sick and so weak. I had somehow caught a flu. I woke that morning feeling achey and sneezing really bad. But I thought I could go on anyways. We were living in Ocean Shores at the time, and had made it all the way to Salem, OR and had to turn around and take me back home. I was so sick, my body wouldn't let me go on anymore, and I was getting increasingly worse. So, my sis drove me back to our place in Ocean Shores and she went on to Las Vegas with herself and Odessa. So, this year, I thought ahead and got a flu shot several months ago so there would be no chance of that happening again. It worked! I didn't get sick this time, and managed to make it all the way to Las Vegas. We even visited mom and stepdad on the way.

We drove in shifts, so we could make it there quicker. I discovered one thing; I discovered you can drive the length from Tillamook to Las Vegas in a single day! And you can do it without speeding too. My sis is a very conscientious driver. Me, on the other hand, well I got stopped once. At least the officer was nice about it all, and we got off with only a warning. He was more like an old buddy than a law enforcement officer. That's good though! I prefer a nicer, more understanding person stopping us. I've been stopped by mean cops before, and they leave me feeling so angry and hateful. But this guy wasn't like that at all. I remember in Lakewood, there was this one cop who simply hated me and my sis, and I never understood why. But I do know he was connected with these girls who once jeered at me and my sis as we were walking by their place back in 1991. Well! At least they said we were tough as rocks! LOL!

Anyways, we had fun in Vegas. We stayed at a first class hotel, with a casino and even a built-in mall. The beds were amazingly comfortable too. I didn't want to leave! I wanted to stay there forever. As promised though, I took my sis and treated her to the buffet at Caesar's Palace. At first, we thought we were there. We waited in line for what was probably nearly an hour, only to find out it was the wrong buffet!! Not that it probably wouldn't have been a good buffet, but it wasn't the one I was hoping for. I promised Caesar's Palace and I wanted to deliver. It's my last buffet ever. I knew I would never have another chance again. After my surgery next year, I'll never be able to eat at another buffet. So, I wanted to make this a good trip.

Caesar's Palace is AMAZING!!! I loved the buffet. They had peppered mashed potatoes, made with green peppers. I honestly didn't think I'd like it because I hate peppers. But when I tried it, I found it really was not that bad at all! It was actually quite good! They had a little bit of a kick to them, but not overwhealmingly spicy. They also had Wagyu beef. Very few places in the USA carries Wagyu beef!! I tried some, next to a slice of regular US prime rib. The difference was like night and day! The Wagyu beef melted in my mouth!! It was so light and delicious! The prime rib was a lot tougher (but not overcooked). It was good prime rib, but the Wagyu beef was much better in texture and flavor! I wish more places carried that!

I'd told the staff that day was my sis's birthday, and so they surprised her with a platter of their desserts. The desserts looked awesome!!! They also sang to her too! It was fun!! After I was done with dinner, I decided to try some of their desserts. I went hog-wild on them. They had cupcakes frosted with actual frosting!! That's very rare. You go to almost any place in Reno, all their cakes are frosted with fancy-colored cool whip that, by the time you get it, has a texture similar to rubber!! But not at Caesar's Palace! They use REAL buttercream frosting on their cupcakes and they taste AWESOME!!! I had 2 of them. I also tried their lemon bars, which were also good. I filmed the whole thing. I plan on making it into another movie too, available on UMG Productions.

Afterwords, we went to this candy store and went hog-wild there too. My sis found a box of Japanese candies she wanted so bad! So she got it, and I picked up some goodies too. We also visited Area 51! It was interesting. I got an alien magnet. I always like to pick up magnets everywhere I go. This was no exception.

Anyways, this was a fun week. My sis loved it. I gave her a birthday present, a book on how to speak fluent Japanese in 90 days. She loves that book! She cannot put it down now. She enjoyed her time in Vegas. She said it was the best birthday she's ever had. I was so glad I made it fun for her.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Diversity Is NOT Our Strength!

"Diversity is our strength" was quoted by Kamala Harris. But she is way wrong!! Don't listen to her! Kamala Harris does not want diversity. She just wants to wipe out white people. Funny how she lives in one of the whitest neighborhoods in California, and then tells us "diversity is our strength". LMAO!! I'd love to see Kamala Harris move to a predominantly black neighborhood in Detroit or Sacramento and then see if she still says "diversity is our strength". But she won't. She's too safe inside her rich, gated, predominantly white community. Then she says she wants to "de-white" America. I say fuck her!

I hear this all the time. People always saying we need more diversity. But I think they're wrong! Look at what is happening in Sweden. Back when Roxette was popular, they were mostly white. Now, they've allowed mass immigration into their country and finding out it was a huge mistake! They are currently experiencing problems with immigrants using hand-grenades. Women are also complaining because they are afraid to go out at night. One of the rules of immigration is you have to assimilate to the prevalent culture in the country you're migrating to. But most countries, even today's democratic America, don't enforce that rule. So, people from Pakistan, Turkey and Arabia are migrating to gentle places like Sweden and bringing their own violent culture with them and practicing it there. And nobody does anything about it. Those that try, get called a "racist" and a "bigot". Well, I say we need to STOP being afraid of words and start enforcing proper rules of immigration!

I look at it this way; when mongooses were imported to Hawaii from India, they didn't stop being mongooses. They didn't stop doing what they were programmed to do. They continued to hunt birds and bird eggs. Mongooses have always loved eggs. Now, look what they did to Hawaii. Over half of the native bird species are extinct now. So, is it a "speciesist" or "racist" act to try and get rid of the mongooses in Hawaii? I've never heard anyone say so. If it had only been done sooner, it could have been to save the native birds. That same game is being played out throughout Europe, the UK, and soon, North America.

Now, we've got Somalis moving into the east and they're wreaking havoc everywhere. They have made a career of mugging people and stealing from them. They specifically target white people. See! I knew this was going to happen when the democrats wanted open borders! Somali people are naturally mean, and they hate white people. They have absolutely no intention of acclimating to American culture! Even Maine is turning into a trash state since they allowed African immigrants to move there. I think the only reason the democrats are doing all this shit to America is just to spite Trump banning certain immigrants from certain countries. I also think the only reason gays are getting more privileged in society is because Mike Pence is a conservative Christian who believes marriage is between a man and a woman. It's all spite, on the part of the democrats! Nothing but sheer spite! They think they're being cute, or funny. But really, they're just looking like retards. Listen to an act by Lilly Singh to find out if I am right or not.

I don't mind immigrants, as long as they are here legally and intend to adhere to our culture. But I am totally against immigrants coming here illegally and bringing their own violent cultures and characteristics with them, with no intention of acclimating. Those people, I totally believe, need to be deported!

Well, thank GOD, Kamala Harris dropped out of the presidential race. I can't stand her! People like her, jail is too lenient for them. They need to be taken to a field and shot! Just put her out of her misery.

Tigerlily Bud

Well, Tigerlily is no longer a little bud. She's now a blossom in full bloom. Take a look at this pic... That is Tigerlily herself with ...