Apparently, there is a man who lives here in Bozeman, and he calls himself "GopherGetter". He frequents the Bozeman Rants and Raves portion of Craigslist. He needs to get a fricken life! It is going to be 90 degrees here in Bozeman and what does he do? He sits at his computer all day long and researches people he does not know, gripes about people on welfare, Mexicans, Native Americans, farmers, calls everybody a "fucking moron" or a "fucking loser", acts like he's perfect, but then hates it when someone else does the same thing, and has even griped about small dogs.
My first encounter with him was when he was talking to someone who was griping about dog parks here. Apparently GopherGetter has a rottweiler, which he does not believe in keeping on a leash. Bozeman has a really REALLY strict leash law. I cannot even walk my dogs from my apartment to the mailbox without them being on a leash! It's illegal. But this man brags about his rottweiler, and how if his dog chooses to attack someone's toy poodle, then that is too bad for the poodle owner. I told him that if I see his dog loose in town and it goes after any of my dogs, he's going to pay for them! I would make him pay for them! He'd pay my dogs' vet bills down to the last penny, and if my dogs were to die because of his dog, I would make him pay to replace them! That is if I didn't shoot his dog first. I don't know about Montana, but I do know in some states, it is OK to shoot someone else's dog in self defense and the owner cannot say a word about it. I would not only be defending myself, but also my own dogs. Then he started going off that if my dogs attack his dog, he's going to shoot them. His dog is a fricken rottweiler! What are 2 chihuahuas and a papillon going to do to hurt a rottweiler!? And my papillon is nice to every dog she meets. She even plays with Sharon's german shepherd dog.
I was offline for a month, because of the move. So if he responded to my last post, I didn't see it. When I did get back, I noticed there was a lot of gripes about Mexicans taking jobs away from white Americans. There was pages of those kind of complaints!! All by the same person who bragged about letting his rottweiler run loose to destroy other peoples' little dogs. I know it was the same guy. He's just evil. When you see his posts you can tell! One person who knows this guy personally, said that he's supposed to be taking anger management classes by order of the court, which are not working on him. Not surprisingly! Well, when I got back, I responded to his post with a rather long post myself. This was how I responded to him (his quotes are in bold):
"Anger management???? Hmmmmmm are you talking from experience?"
Sounds to me that person is spot-on.
"I know how to talk to women, but i only react to someone that starts their shit!!!"
And so do I. I don't believe I called you names. I stated that if you are going to let your dog harm my dogs, you will pay for it. And you will.
"I am sorry that I just dont back down,"
I don't back down either, bro. I've stood up to tougher men before. Believe me!
"I have no problem respecting my fellow neighbor, but when they act like this individual, i would prefer that they not be my neighbor!!!"
"When they act like this individual", By how? Suing your butt off if your dog attacks my dogs? Tell you what, you keep your dog on a leash, I'll keep mine on a leash, and you won't have to worry about that. :)
"We dont need people like this in Montana,"
I thought Montanans were supposed to be tough? Well, that's me.
"People with these sissy dogs that think they can take them anywhere they want to."
Hey, just because you don't really like dogs doesn't mean the rest of us don't. I happen to love dogs, and my dogs have just as much right to go anyplace your dog does.
"I saw a lady argueing with a store clerk because she couldnt take her miniature dog in to the store to go shopping with her!!! and when she walked back to her beemer, she had california plates..... imagine that!!!"
Well, that was obviously not me, because I do not have California anything. I don't even like California. And I know not to take my dogs into a grocery store.
"and then there is the threats of her and her rifle..... oh boy!!!! I am scared now!!!"
Well, it's no worse than you threatening to let your dog kill and eat my dogs. Isn't it. :)
"I spent 11 years in the Marine Corps"
So what? My father spent 25 years in the Marines! And he retired in VERY good standing. And besides, NO Marine training or badges will get you out of a lawsuit if your dog harms my dogs! You WILL pay for their vet care, and if they die because of your dog, you will pay for me to replace them, and my dogs are not puppymill cheapo's! They have champion backgrounds and titles to their names.
"As far as what would do behind someones back....... it is no different then what i would do in front of them. If you cant say it to their face, dont say it to their back!!!! I am a firm believer of that!"
So am I.
"Alll in all.... MAMA BEAR..... you are welcome to go anywhere you would like, and do whatever you would like, just dont infringe upon anyone else!!!!"
And I ask the same of you too.
"And just one more thing, the next time you are on a cattle drive, make sure all them dogs are on leashes too!!!!!"
I haven't been on any cattle drives yet.
"Have a great time in Montana MAMA BEAR!!!!"
Thanks. I have so far.
"and be careful who you are threatening to slap..... "
And be careful whose dogs you are threatening to turn yours on too. :) Have a great day.
Well, when I wrote all that, later on, GopherGetter responded to me. This is what he said:
you're a fucking loser. anyone with as much time as you to cut and paste that crap on a beautiful day like today must be a total potato with no desire to get outside.
get off your ass, drop the tough guy motif and go out and do SOMETHING! We're all tired of your shitty rants.
LOL!! I had to laugh at this post! To him, everyone's name is "you're a fucking loser". What he didn't notice was that the post I made to him that day was made early in the morning. Here's the date and time stamp that was on my post:
Date: 2011-07-06, 9:13AM MDT
So my post was posted at 9:13 that morning, which left plenty of time for me to do other things that day, and I did. I went swimming. I took my dogs to the dog park up by the university. I sat here and home and chatted with friends. My life does not revolve around GopherGetter! But see, that is this guy's M.O. He shits his pants over things he knows NOTHING about! And about people he doesn't even know who will not bow down and kiss his butt. And who wants to kiss his shitty ass anyway!? Another thing, he said at the end, "We're all tired of your shitty rants." I don't think so. Everyone is tired of his rants though! They have been since I got there. That's because when he rants, he becomes totally obsessed!! If you were to go to Bozeman's Craigslist, you would see his rants cover several pages, and they are all about the same thing. Seriously, this dude is almost as annoying as the fanatical vegans!! Whatever posts are not about the same subject he's griping about, he will turn it around and make it about him and his gripes. Like this person who came in wanting to kill himself. I could not believe how he said to this guy that if he wants to kill himself, it's OK. That guy was obviously looking for help, and GopherGetter ruined it! I haven't heard from that suicidal person since, and if he killed himself, it's all GopherGetter's fault!!
GopherGetter will also come in several times, and pretend like he is several other people. Yesterday was a hot, beautiful day, and he posted several different times. About 17 times to be exact. In between those posts, he was looking up the history of one family of someone he does not know either, whose ancestors owned a ranch here in Montana. He must really have a lot of time on his hands. TOO much time!!! He was calling this person's ancestors cowards, thieves, and accused them of "stealing money from American taxpayers" in the form of farm subsidies. GopherGetter assumes that just because a family owns a farm or a ranch, that they are living off of taxpayer money via farm subsidies. Again, he is making assumptions of things he knows nothing about!! People like him make me so mad! He NEEDS a good smack!! Another example of his assumptions came with this guy who was angry because someone dented his wife's car and didn't leave a note. So GopherGetter gripes because the man's wife wanted to park closer to the store enterance, and then calls this guy's wife a "fat, ugly troll" for no reason except that she wanted to park closer to the store enterance. Then GopherGetter gripes because the man is ranting over not getting a note from the person who dented his wife's car.
If you ask me, GopherGetter needs to get over himself. He's mad because people are proud owners of farms and ranches. He calls them arrogant. But when you see the majority of his posts, you will see that no one who gets on Craigslist is as arrogant as he is! He thinks he's the only person in America that has to pay taxes! He thinks he's the only one who has any right to taxpayer money. He brags about being an 18th generation white Montanan (which I found there is no such thing in real life). He thinks he's the only one who can sit on a computer all day, and no one can assume he's a fat-assed little bitch. This was my last post to someone who is a business owner, and was attacked by GopherGetter. She commented that she hoped not everyone in Bozeman is a bigot:
Trust me, it's only ONE bigot, who is probably pretending to be several different people. But he's pretty easy to spot. Though I must say he has cleaned up his grammar a bit. But any time you see someone (who is a loser himself) calling other people a "fucking loser" or a "fucking tard" or motherfucking everyone and every thing, or you see him posting shit about "welfare moms" and "beaners", and "loser white trash" and blah-blah-blah. you now know it's the same person. So now he's started to attack another man's wife without knowing that woman's situation. Maybe she's in a wheelchair? Who knows? The attacker doesn't, so he calls the man's wife an "ugly, fat troll" as if her looks have anything to do with anything. No, this attacker just wants to turn every rant posted on here, into something about himself, or turn it into something that satisfies his warped, and insane sense of reasoning. He's probably nothing himself but a fat-assed, video-game-playing monkey who sits around watching anime cartoons all day long, and gets on CL for no other reason except to cause trouble and spread shit.
What I also cannot believe is there are some people on here who have e-mailed this person. You could not pay me to e-mail this person! Who's to say he won't hack into your e-mail account. I just never e-mail people I don't trust! And I don't trust this character.
Now I fully expect this little boy to write me back here with the "you're a fucking loser" epitaph again, and more of his senseless droning, and yadda-yadda-yadda. Just so you all will know. it just goes in one ear and out the other.
I don't know how this man has managed to stay alive. Seems everyone who has lived for any length of time in this town knows him, and hates him. Why is he still alive?? GOD really does move in mysterious ways. But I guess that's the sad fact for any town. There's always one or two assholes. Though MOST everyone I've met here in Montana have been really nice. Just not GopherGetter.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
Do No Real Humans Watch My Videos?
I can see the vegans are still trying to get my attention. They keep trying to comment on my videos. But I always know it's them. I've got to a point where I look at a commenter's profile before I read the comment. If they are vegan fanatics, I block them, and don't even read their comment. Over the past week, I've seen nothing but vegan fanatics trying to post on my videos. It makes me wonder, are there any REAL humans viewing my videos? Or are they all nothing but insane hippies? No, I don't think vegan fanatics are real humans. They belong in the jungle, not in society.
There is no point in really reading their comments because it's always the same thing. But out of curiosity, I read this one's comment. This one decided to get at least a little more creative. This one thinks I am "incompetent" and "dyslexic". LOLOL!!!! XD It's actually kinda funny what these people will say just because someone doesn't want to live their lives the way the vegan fanatics want them to! And as usual, they think they are the most educated people on the planet! When they aren't! They're nothing but robots who are programmed to believe what other vegan fanatics want them to believe. They ignore that there is so much more proof that meat is actually good for you. But they want us to ignore the meat industries' advertisements, calling them "biased". Again, LOL!! I say no. The vegan community is biased. That is why in my research, I looked for articles by former vegans. They've been there and back, and know the dark side of going vegan. I'd rather listen to them than to the fanatics that are only going to tell you what they want you to know.
Funny thing about the fanatics, they think they are soooo educated, and they think they are healthier than someone who eats meat, and they use a lot of big words to make themselves seem more educated and knowledgeable. Well, using big words does NOT make you look educated. One thing I learned early on in my internet career, is that it just makes you look like an idiot who uses big words, like the thing that said I am 'dyslexic' and 'incompetent'. LOL!! I'll be laughing at that one for a long time! It's almost too bad that I had to reject that comment. But the fanatics don't stop at that, they gripe because I am fat too. LOL!! Well, I'd rather be fat than be a bony wimp. Even if I were to lose weight, I'd still not want to be as thin as a lot of the vegans I've seen. They're too thin!! A lot of the women have no boobs, so they look like men. And the men have girlish figures, so they look like girls. I have NEVER seen a vegan man I thought was handsome. Sorry to my vegan friends, but it's true. I think a man should have some meat on his bones, instead of having his ribs sticking out and showing.
The words they also use to intimidate people away from eating meat and drinking milk. They call meat "corpses", and milk "pus", or "secretions". Well, I'll tell you now, NONE of those words scare, or bother, me. And that drives the vegan fanatics CRA-ZY! As for calling meat a corpse; it doesn't faze me. If eating dead animals is good enough for other animals, it's good enough for me! Cows are cute, but let's face it, they taste GOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!! As for calling milk "pus", doesn't bother me now! Now that I've read it's just a bunch of bullshit. And that is why the vegans are attempting to say I am "uneducated", and calling me every name in the book, because I refuse to believe what they want me to believe, so they feel they have to make other people think I don't know what I am talking about. But deep down, they KNOW I know what I am talking about. Otherwise, they would have all gone away by now. That's how I see it.
Well, if they all think their harassment is going to get me to change my ways, they have a serious disappointment coming. I've said it before and I will say it again and forever, I can NEVER become a vegan. It just won't happen. I won't buy factory farm meat, but eating "corpses" does not bother me. But it was MY choice not to eat factory farm beef, NOT their's. After I read about the hormones they put in cattle to bulk them up, I didn't want anything to do with factory farm beef anymore. So I made a complete switch to bison meat. No hormones needed there! Bison are naturally bulky. And frankly, they taste better. What the vegans say doesn't bother me either, because I know I am more educated and knowledgeable than any of them will ever be. I've been studying animals for a lot longer than most of them have been alive, so I know what I am talking about. The thing that bothers me is that I keep getting comments from these mock-humans, and having to filter them out and blocking all of them. I'd like to receive some more comments from REAL humans again! Not these whatever they are that eats nothing but sissy rabbit food and belong in the forests instead of in society or on the internet. And here's a secret, NO ONE in Montana is a vegan. If there are, they are very well hidden. But most people here prefer to be tough and rugged. Well, one thing I will give the vegans credit for in the end, bringing my videos to other peoples' attention. Maybe one day I will make partner at YouTube. Then I can put up full-length movies. :)
There is no point in really reading their comments because it's always the same thing. But out of curiosity, I read this one's comment. This one decided to get at least a little more creative. This one thinks I am "incompetent" and "dyslexic". LOLOL!!!! XD It's actually kinda funny what these people will say just because someone doesn't want to live their lives the way the vegan fanatics want them to! And as usual, they think they are the most educated people on the planet! When they aren't! They're nothing but robots who are programmed to believe what other vegan fanatics want them to believe. They ignore that there is so much more proof that meat is actually good for you. But they want us to ignore the meat industries' advertisements, calling them "biased". Again, LOL!! I say no. The vegan community is biased. That is why in my research, I looked for articles by former vegans. They've been there and back, and know the dark side of going vegan. I'd rather listen to them than to the fanatics that are only going to tell you what they want you to know.
Funny thing about the fanatics, they think they are soooo educated, and they think they are healthier than someone who eats meat, and they use a lot of big words to make themselves seem more educated and knowledgeable. Well, using big words does NOT make you look educated. One thing I learned early on in my internet career, is that it just makes you look like an idiot who uses big words, like the thing that said I am 'dyslexic' and 'incompetent'. LOL!! I'll be laughing at that one for a long time! It's almost too bad that I had to reject that comment. But the fanatics don't stop at that, they gripe because I am fat too. LOL!! Well, I'd rather be fat than be a bony wimp. Even if I were to lose weight, I'd still not want to be as thin as a lot of the vegans I've seen. They're too thin!! A lot of the women have no boobs, so they look like men. And the men have girlish figures, so they look like girls. I have NEVER seen a vegan man I thought was handsome. Sorry to my vegan friends, but it's true. I think a man should have some meat on his bones, instead of having his ribs sticking out and showing.
The words they also use to intimidate people away from eating meat and drinking milk. They call meat "corpses", and milk "pus", or "secretions". Well, I'll tell you now, NONE of those words scare, or bother, me. And that drives the vegan fanatics CRA-ZY! As for calling meat a corpse; it doesn't faze me. If eating dead animals is good enough for other animals, it's good enough for me! Cows are cute, but let's face it, they taste GOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!! As for calling milk "pus", doesn't bother me now! Now that I've read it's just a bunch of bullshit. And that is why the vegans are attempting to say I am "uneducated", and calling me every name in the book, because I refuse to believe what they want me to believe, so they feel they have to make other people think I don't know what I am talking about. But deep down, they KNOW I know what I am talking about. Otherwise, they would have all gone away by now. That's how I see it.
Well, if they all think their harassment is going to get me to change my ways, they have a serious disappointment coming. I've said it before and I will say it again and forever, I can NEVER become a vegan. It just won't happen. I won't buy factory farm meat, but eating "corpses" does not bother me. But it was MY choice not to eat factory farm beef, NOT their's. After I read about the hormones they put in cattle to bulk them up, I didn't want anything to do with factory farm beef anymore. So I made a complete switch to bison meat. No hormones needed there! Bison are naturally bulky. And frankly, they taste better. What the vegans say doesn't bother me either, because I know I am more educated and knowledgeable than any of them will ever be. I've been studying animals for a lot longer than most of them have been alive, so I know what I am talking about. The thing that bothers me is that I keep getting comments from these mock-humans, and having to filter them out and blocking all of them. I'd like to receive some more comments from REAL humans again! Not these whatever they are that eats nothing but sissy rabbit food and belong in the forests instead of in society or on the internet. And here's a secret, NO ONE in Montana is a vegan. If there are, they are very well hidden. But most people here prefer to be tough and rugged. Well, one thing I will give the vegans credit for in the end, bringing my videos to other peoples' attention. Maybe one day I will make partner at YouTube. Then I can put up full-length movies. :)
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Vegas the Infamous Barker
Well yesterday I got the rest of my things out of storage, thank goodness! I am now all moved into my new apartment. I am just getting the things I have out of the boxes they have been stored in for months. All my books are on my book shelf, but I am still working on the rest of my things. Anna comes by to help me now and then, and we've been splitting the things up now that she is living on her own. I am still getting used to all of this. Never in my life have I ever lived in an apartment complex with many other residents living on all sides of me. It's taking me a while to get used to this. The most I've ever lived in like this was a duplex, and for quite a while, ma lived on the other side of the duplex. She's not going to gripe about anything. It's a totally different story here.
Sharon is this landlord's helper. She had been saying for a month that she was going to rent a u-haul to get her own things out of storage and was going to let me use her truck if I paid half the total. I agreed and awaited a date. At first she said it would be 2 weeks from that date, though there was always a 'maybe'. But 2 weeks went by and she never rented the truck. So I asked her again, and then she said she didn't know when she would be able to do anything like that. Which, I really accepted, because I understand her being busy and all. But I am not the kind of person who likes to hear uncertainty. I like to know when I am going to get something, and then when the time comes to get it, get it right away. Sharon, GOD love her, is one of the most unreliable people I've ever met! Whenever she says she is going to do something, it's a roll of the dice whether she does it or not. I noticed that, not just with the truck, but with a lot of other issues too.
There is one person in this complex that I absolutely do not like! I didn't like her from the first second I saw her, right after we moved in here. I do not know her name, and I don't even know if she is a resident of this complex, or just simply someone's caretaker. She is a very tall, lean woman with long, white hair, and Anna said she has a Swedish accent. She's also crazy. LOL! I first saw her the day after we moved in here, and there was just something about her that I instantly didn't like. I don't usually have such a strong dislike of someone I just see walking down the hallway, but when I saw that woman for the first time, my instincts hollared "Stay away from her!" There have been several times I let it be known that I don't like her either. Every time I have ever had that strong of a gut-feeling about someone, and I ignored it because I don't want to be unkind, I always regretted it later on. So I listened.
Well, today I asked Anna to take the dogs out alone because I wanted to stay here and finish the rest of my unpacking, and she was going to take Odessa out anyway, so why not just let her take all the dogs. I mostly spent that time putting my books all on my bookshelf, and cleaning up some places where I wanted to put more stuff. Anna was gone for quite a while. When she came back, she informed me that that same woman was in the parking lot, cleaning her car, and she called out to Anna and started fussing to her about Vegas. Vegas isn't even Anna's dog! Anna told that woman that if she has a complaint about Vegas to discuss it with her sister (me), and that woman said to her "No, I'm not going to discuss it with your sister!" I told Anna I am not surprised she doesn't want to discuss it with me, because she knows I don't like her. I want nothing at all to do with her! But the way Anna described how that woman talked at her, now I understand why my instincts about her were so demanding in telling me to stay away from her. She's no young woman either! She's an old fart! Probably as old as my father, and she's too scared to discuss her problem about Vegas with me.
By the time Anna came back to the apartment, I had a good piling of empty boxes to take down to the dumpster. There were so many, I thought it would be a good idea if I went down there with her to help toss them away. So, we loaded the flattened boxes in this cart and carted them down to the dumpster. While I was there, I was also kindof expecting to see that nutty woman who yelled at Anna about Vegas. But no. She had taken her car and gone away. I said to Anna that woman probably figured Anna was coming up to get me, and so she jumped in her car and ran away like a little pussy. Anna commented that she probably didn't want to talk to me because she doesn't like me. I just said "I really couldn't care less if she doesn't like me!" Believe me, the feeling is mutual, and just as strong, if not stronger! I don't want her to like me! I just want her to stay as far away from me as she possibly can, and leave Vegas alone too. My time will come to yell at her, and believe me I will take that opportunity when I can! But she won't confront me, because she knows that I know she's crazy. In fact, everybody in this complex knows she's crazy. She's also one of Sharon's friends. I've seen her walking Sharon's dog every now and then. Sharon is the only one who is blind to that woman's lunacy. To her, she can do no wrong.
Anna said that she noticed a lot of Sharon's friends were nutty people. I told her that's because Sharon, herself, is a little bit nutty. I noticed that. Especially in the last few days. It could be that it's "that" time of the month for Sharon, I don't know. But she's been acting crazy for the past few days. She's nice most of the time, but I think perhaps she's been spending far too much time with that nutty tall woman, whose name I don't know, and I don't want to know either. Everytime I pass her in the walkway or hallway, I just moan "Ohhh it's that nutty woman!" I think from now on, I'm going to refer to her as "that nutty bitch", because of the way she ran away like a little wimpering bitch when she thought Anna was coming to get me. Hey! I can be a bitch too. Without the wimpering!
Sharon is this landlord's helper. She had been saying for a month that she was going to rent a u-haul to get her own things out of storage and was going to let me use her truck if I paid half the total. I agreed and awaited a date. At first she said it would be 2 weeks from that date, though there was always a 'maybe'. But 2 weeks went by and she never rented the truck. So I asked her again, and then she said she didn't know when she would be able to do anything like that. Which, I really accepted, because I understand her being busy and all. But I am not the kind of person who likes to hear uncertainty. I like to know when I am going to get something, and then when the time comes to get it, get it right away. Sharon, GOD love her, is one of the most unreliable people I've ever met! Whenever she says she is going to do something, it's a roll of the dice whether she does it or not. I noticed that, not just with the truck, but with a lot of other issues too.
There is one person in this complex that I absolutely do not like! I didn't like her from the first second I saw her, right after we moved in here. I do not know her name, and I don't even know if she is a resident of this complex, or just simply someone's caretaker. She is a very tall, lean woman with long, white hair, and Anna said she has a Swedish accent. She's also crazy. LOL! I first saw her the day after we moved in here, and there was just something about her that I instantly didn't like. I don't usually have such a strong dislike of someone I just see walking down the hallway, but when I saw that woman for the first time, my instincts hollared "Stay away from her!" There have been several times I let it be known that I don't like her either. Every time I have ever had that strong of a gut-feeling about someone, and I ignored it because I don't want to be unkind, I always regretted it later on. So I listened.
Well, today I asked Anna to take the dogs out alone because I wanted to stay here and finish the rest of my unpacking, and she was going to take Odessa out anyway, so why not just let her take all the dogs. I mostly spent that time putting my books all on my bookshelf, and cleaning up some places where I wanted to put more stuff. Anna was gone for quite a while. When she came back, she informed me that that same woman was in the parking lot, cleaning her car, and she called out to Anna and started fussing to her about Vegas. Vegas isn't even Anna's dog! Anna told that woman that if she has a complaint about Vegas to discuss it with her sister (me), and that woman said to her "No, I'm not going to discuss it with your sister!" I told Anna I am not surprised she doesn't want to discuss it with me, because she knows I don't like her. I want nothing at all to do with her! But the way Anna described how that woman talked at her, now I understand why my instincts about her were so demanding in telling me to stay away from her. She's no young woman either! She's an old fart! Probably as old as my father, and she's too scared to discuss her problem about Vegas with me.
By the time Anna came back to the apartment, I had a good piling of empty boxes to take down to the dumpster. There were so many, I thought it would be a good idea if I went down there with her to help toss them away. So, we loaded the flattened boxes in this cart and carted them down to the dumpster. While I was there, I was also kindof expecting to see that nutty woman who yelled at Anna about Vegas. But no. She had taken her car and gone away. I said to Anna that woman probably figured Anna was coming up to get me, and so she jumped in her car and ran away like a little pussy. Anna commented that she probably didn't want to talk to me because she doesn't like me. I just said "I really couldn't care less if she doesn't like me!" Believe me, the feeling is mutual, and just as strong, if not stronger! I don't want her to like me! I just want her to stay as far away from me as she possibly can, and leave Vegas alone too. My time will come to yell at her, and believe me I will take that opportunity when I can! But she won't confront me, because she knows that I know she's crazy. In fact, everybody in this complex knows she's crazy. She's also one of Sharon's friends. I've seen her walking Sharon's dog every now and then. Sharon is the only one who is blind to that woman's lunacy. To her, she can do no wrong.
Anna said that she noticed a lot of Sharon's friends were nutty people. I told her that's because Sharon, herself, is a little bit nutty. I noticed that. Especially in the last few days. It could be that it's "that" time of the month for Sharon, I don't know. But she's been acting crazy for the past few days. She's nice most of the time, but I think perhaps she's been spending far too much time with that nutty tall woman, whose name I don't know, and I don't want to know either. Everytime I pass her in the walkway or hallway, I just moan "Ohhh it's that nutty woman!" I think from now on, I'm going to refer to her as "that nutty bitch", because of the way she ran away like a little wimpering bitch when she thought Anna was coming to get me. Hey! I can be a bitch too. Without the wimpering!
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Hello and welcome! That's the name of this new blog. Well, that's the name of this temporary blog. My last blog,, was ...
No, I haven't "switched over"! That will never happen. I'll always be a dog lover. But there is a Facebook page devoted to...
A while ago, I wrote a post about the stupidest reasons people think cats are better than dogs. Well, let's face it, anyone who thinks c...
Tigerlily Bud
Well, Tigerlily is no longer a little bud. She's now a blossom in full bloom. Take a look at this pic... That is Tigerlily herself with ...
