I was browsing through Facebook yesterday, and I know I have put this subject aside, but I want to address something that a friend of mine posted on her status. This friend is a vegan, and probably one of the nicest people I've ever met on Facebook. She quoted a friend of her's who said she found it troubling that people get angry at vegans for pointing out the suffering when they should get mad at themselves for causing it. Well, let me boil down how I see vegans "pointing out the suffering". I, as an individual, have a right to enjoy eating what I like. I love eating chicken, bison, turkey, and occasionally pork and beef. If I find it tasty, that's my business. If it doesn't taste good, it isn't going in my mouth! That's how I see broccoli and mushrooms. I have been threatened and called childish names because of my beliefs and my lifestyle. I can honestly say I have NEVER threatened a vegan (or anyone else for that matter) for their beliefs, and since I have made more vegan friends, I've learned to understand where they come from, so I don't even call them names anymore. So, it isn't that they point it out, it's how they do it. Many vegans get threatening with their beliefs, as you have seen in my past blogs. And I am not a person who takes any threat lightly. That's why I had to close down the comments on my vegan/vegetarian videos. I didn't want to do it, I wanted to let the vegans have their little bit of fun, and have their say. But I don't appreciate having people threaten me for my choice of lifestyle. Threatening another person is a crime. Eating say, a chicken, is not. Unless you are a farmer, and I ate one of your chickens without your permission. But I've seen vegans break the law many times, and that is nothing to be proud of! Yet, they act like they are proud of it, and that is scary. That makes them seem like psychotics.
Name me one person that enjoys having strangers tell them how to live their lives. You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone like that, especially if they did not ask for that person's opinions. And no one I know likes receiving threats from anyone for maintaining their own beliefs. That's why I get pissed off at vegans. I don't buy factory farm meats anyway, so I know no cruelty is involved in the killing of my meat. Most Montanans hunt for their own meat out in these mountains. Of course I haven't been here long enough to learn that practice myself, so I still go to the store (or the local farmer's market) to buy meat. But I always make sure it was raised humanely. I've even visited some farms here and met their animals to see that they were raised in a loving, caring environment. I refuse to purchase meat that was from cattle or chickens raised in unhealthy conditions. If I see them crammed in tiny pens that they cannot turn around in, I walk away without another word. And yes, I have done that before.
Now, killing an animal just for skins, that I don't see the point in. Especially animals that aren't eaten like foxes and mink. I can understand the anger and frustration they feel in that. I even get pissed off when I watch I Love Lucy and she talks about how she wants a mink coat, or any kind of fur piece. I always say "Leave it alone! The fur looks much better on the mink than it would on you!" My sis can attest to that! LOL! However, as bad as I feel for minks and foxes that are killed just for their fur, I also think it was wrong of that Yourofsky to break into a mink farm and release all the minks. Not only would doing something like that hurt the area's natural ecology, as the minks try to establish their own territory and cannot because they are competing with other predators that lived there before them, but also, those minks were not his to release in the first place! That's called stealing! To vegan fanatics, he's a hero. To me, he's nothing but a psychotic forcing his idiotic beliefs on others. I don't like him at all. I don't care if he is healthy and in great shape. Those factors do not mean he is a good person. Doesn't even mean he's attractive, which I don't think he is.
Killing an animal just for it's fur is one thing, that's wasteful. But killing animals like cattle, that can be eaten as well as used for leather, I don't find anything wrong with that. I saw an article the other day about animals being sentient beings. There was a line in that article that referred to cattle as being "very intelligent animals". That line made me laugh out loud! Cattle may be cute, but intelligent? They are a far cry from that! They are not as sentient as humans are. Nowhere near that. They evolved as prey animals. As such, their emotions are limited. They do not grieve for the loss of others in their herd, they do not feel prolonged bouts of depression like people do. Their focus is on only 2 things: self-preservation and reproduction. The only animals that are known to grieve for their comrades, besides humans, are elephants. Think about it, if cattle did suffer from depression like people do, they would not be interested in saving themselves from predators, and thus would go extinct. I know when I am depressed, I don't feel like doing anything. When I think about what happened to my Groucho, I always wish whatever it was that took her, had taken me instead. While Bos taurus is strictly a domestic animal, they do have some wild relatives, like the gaur (B. gaurus) and the banteng (B. javanicus), which are very close relations. Neither one of those species has time to feel depression. Their lives are focused entirely on finding food, reproducing, and staying away from predators. But when one is caught by a predator, the rest of the herd does not waste time grieving for that individual. They have more important things to do. So, animals like cattle do not feel emotions like we do. So no need to worry if we kill them for meat.
Of course I am not saying that any animal wants to be killed. I'm just saying that cattle do not waste their lives worrying about it, like a person would. That's the trouble with some vegans, they worry too much about things that shouldn't matter to us. They apply human emotions where it doesn't belong, like in cattle, because cattle do NOT feel emotions the same way we do. I wouldn't be fooled by people saying cattle have intelligence! I've seen cattle repeatedly get shocked by electrical fences. If cattle were indeed as intelligent as the vegan who wrote this article makes them out to seem, those cattle would have learned after the first shock that touching an electric fence is painful!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Road To Perfection
It's a long way to the end of the road to perfection, and everybody takes their own tour. What is beautiful to one person, may be ugly to another. I say this because I've heard yet another video crashing down on the site called "beautifulpeople.com". LOL! IMO, the site should be banished. I found out the name of the guy who owns the site. Apparently it's a dating site for so-called "beautiful people". I would surely get kicked off that site! LOL! But even when I was thin and gorgeous, I still would not need that site to verify me as being beautiful. I had strangers on the street telling me that every day! Well, the site's owner's name is Robert Hintze, and he is a long way from being beautiful. This is what he looks like:
The point I am trying to make here is if you are going to judge other people based solely on appearance, you yourself had better look like a God! Not like George Michael with malnutrition, like Hintze does! I get people saying I am ugly all the time. I never tell them they are wrong, LOL! But most of the people who say it either don't have pictures or videos up of themselves (which leads me to believe they must have a face that looks like a lion's butthole), or they themselves are not very attractive looking. On my video where I get my snakes shipped in, I got one comment from a guy who called himself SusScalesandTails (who I think is also a snake breeder from Philadelphia). He simply said "EWWW". Mind you, the video is not to promote hatred. I just did that video so other people, who love reptiles, could share in my excitement of getting these new snakes. I'm not saying this poster had no right to his opinion, as long as he's not threatening, and he wasn't. But I went to his channel and looked at his videos, and he looks like a child-molester! He's ugly as shit! Even Katrina thought so too! She agreed with me. All I am saying is if you expect perfection from other people, you'd better darn well be perfect yourself in every aspect. That means you'd better look like a God (not just in your own opinion! Remember I used to get told all the time I was beautiful when I was younger, and even had boyfriends coming out of my ears!) or a goddess, and then be able to prove it. You'd better not have a single hair out of place, and you'd better have a perfect voice, like one of those radio announcers, and most importantly, you'd better not drink or smoke! Just saying you look better than someone like me means nothing if you are too scared to put up your own pic on the internet. I may be ugly, but you have to give me credit for putting up my images here and on Youtube. And if you look like Robert Hintze does, you lose credibility creating a website like beautifulpeople.com.
There is an article about this guy here, and he sounds like a total jerk! He calls fat people "fatties" as if he's a person between the ages of 6 and 25 who cannot think of a more appropriate word to use. He said other dating sites are "jungles of hippos and warthogs" whereas his site is full of "leopards and gazelles". I'll tell you, if I was thin and beautiful again, I would NOT appreciate being called a "leopard"! If he said that in front of me, I'd slap his face! That remark alone would be enough to get me to delete my membership to that site! In reality, Hintze should be paying his members to join that site, not have his members pay him! And here's another pip, Hintze is from the UK. Didn't I not say they are the biggest bellyachers in the world? The most judgmental people I've ever seen in my life were from the UK. Especially on Youtube! Now, I have friends in the UK. So, I am by no means referring to them. I'm referring to the nearly 90% who are white trash douchebags like Hintze is. And he has no right to call anyone "ugly" until he gets the message that he is no God himself.
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A baboon on the road to ugly. |
There is an article about this guy here, and he sounds like a total jerk! He calls fat people "fatties" as if he's a person between the ages of 6 and 25 who cannot think of a more appropriate word to use. He said other dating sites are "jungles of hippos and warthogs" whereas his site is full of "leopards and gazelles". I'll tell you, if I was thin and beautiful again, I would NOT appreciate being called a "leopard"! If he said that in front of me, I'd slap his face! That remark alone would be enough to get me to delete my membership to that site! In reality, Hintze should be paying his members to join that site, not have his members pay him! And here's another pip, Hintze is from the UK. Didn't I not say they are the biggest bellyachers in the world? The most judgmental people I've ever seen in my life were from the UK. Especially on Youtube! Now, I have friends in the UK. So, I am by no means referring to them. I'm referring to the nearly 90% who are white trash douchebags like Hintze is. And he has no right to call anyone "ugly" until he gets the message that he is no God himself.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
My First Christmas in Montana
It was great!! Anna and I got together and celebrated together. First thing I always do when I get up is put the dogs out to go potty. hehe! Well, then I had to wait for Anna to get up so we could go to her place and open gifts.My Christmas cornucopia consisted of the new iPod Touch (64 GB), an Acer Icona Tablet PC from Katrina which runs on Android, a 500-watt power stand mixer, which I have always wanted! I still have attachments coming for it too. Anna said unfortunately all she could get was the display model and it only came with the wisk attachment. I haven't tried it yet, but it is awesome! I got a sugar cookie mix that I'd like to try on it, as soon as the other attachments arrive. Well, I also got gift cards, one from ma and one from Eva, and a new set of snow tires from my father. I used the gift cards to get myself some micro SD cards for my tablet PC. I also got Anna some gifts as well. Katrina and her hubby gave her the Genie Bra. Anna said she's always wanted that! She also got a karaoke machine, the aluma-wallet, and I gave her a new laptop. When I gave her the laptop, I expected her to be able to plug it in and crank it up right away and get going on the internet. But that was not the case. When she turned it on, she discovered she had another store display model! Not only that, but the store forgot to f-disk it! So she still had the store account and customer account on it. Of which only the store account was useful and it was password protected! It made me so mad! I felt so bad because I know how Anna was looking forward to using her new laptop, and she couldn't. I could not wait for the store to open again the next day, I was going to go there and give them a piece of my mind! I don't mind paying for a display model, but at least have the decency to f-disk the damn thing before selling it to me! I was angry! Well, we did take it back and they gave us our money back to buy a new laptop. It was a different variety of laptop, a Samsung (the first laptop was a Dell), but the clerk said it was good. I once had a Samsung VCR, and I don't remember what happened to it, but I do know their TVs are good.
Well, that was the first part of our celebration. I came home then and started dinner. We had prime rib roast with mashed taters, and homemade dinner rolls, made with monkey-bread dough that Anna loves. That is our typical Christmas dinner. Thanksgiving we always have turkey, Christmas is for prime rib. The prime rib came out great! And it's dinner for the next 3 days! I always get the smallest roast they have in the store, and it always lasts us a few days. It's just the 2 of us this year. Anna and I also sat up for a while that night, watching some Christmas movies we have on DVD. We talked about what we got for Christmas and all the fun we were going to have with the things. But I felt so bad about what happened with Anna's laptop, I let her borrow my tablet PC until we could get her new laptop. But I missed it like crazy that night! I'd just gotten it, and I was dying to put my data on it! It is awesome! It can be used like a Kindle, or an MP3 player. In fact, now that I got that and an iPod, I retired my old MP3 player. I still love it, but it's lost some of it's luster, and it's sound. I cannot hear the songs the way they were meant to be heard anymore. I'm not sure what happened, I do believe I know why some of the sound is lost. I remember one day, I accidentally dropped my MP3 player on the ground, and it hit the ground with a loud thud. I was worried, but it still played. Just some of the sound was lost. Well, for the money I paid for it, it had a great run! I still remember buying that thing back in 2008 and taking weeks to fill it with songs. In fact, I was still filling it with songs this year! I bought it with a Walmart gift card that I won from one of those automobile dealers that was throwing a contest. Everyone was a winner and that's what I won, a gift card. But I was happy, I got a new MP3 player out of it, and it was the best MP3 player I ever had. I had others, fancier ones with screens, and apps, but none of them compared with this one. It doesn't have a screen, nor does it do apps, or anything fancy. Just a set of mono speakers and rubber casing, but I love it because it plays the music the way I like to hear it, in alphabetical order. It kept us entertained on those long road trips and even on short bus trips. It's had a great run! So now, I retire it graciously. I still have it, but I'm just not going to play it anymore. But with an iPod, there's still dangers. People have been known to literally kill for those! I think I remember hearing of a man in Chicago, who was walking home at night, playing his iPod, and some thug came up to him, shot and killed him, and took the iPod right out of his hands! That was all he wanted! It's scary! The guy who was killed, the thug didn't even just hold him up. He just out of the blue, shot and killed the guy for his iPod. I was in the south side of Chicago (on my trip to Michigan back in 2007), and it scared me! I hated it there! I didn't dare leave the car at night! I just hate big cities. And the thugs are the reason why.
Well, that was my Christmas. I had fun, LOTS of fun. Hope all my faithful readers did as well! Also remember the reason for the season. Not just the gift-giving, but also remember Jesus who gave his life for our sins as well (for those who believe in Him).
Well, that was the first part of our celebration. I came home then and started dinner. We had prime rib roast with mashed taters, and homemade dinner rolls, made with monkey-bread dough that Anna loves. That is our typical Christmas dinner. Thanksgiving we always have turkey, Christmas is for prime rib. The prime rib came out great! And it's dinner for the next 3 days! I always get the smallest roast they have in the store, and it always lasts us a few days. It's just the 2 of us this year. Anna and I also sat up for a while that night, watching some Christmas movies we have on DVD. We talked about what we got for Christmas and all the fun we were going to have with the things. But I felt so bad about what happened with Anna's laptop, I let her borrow my tablet PC until we could get her new laptop. But I missed it like crazy that night! I'd just gotten it, and I was dying to put my data on it! It is awesome! It can be used like a Kindle, or an MP3 player. In fact, now that I got that and an iPod, I retired my old MP3 player. I still love it, but it's lost some of it's luster, and it's sound. I cannot hear the songs the way they were meant to be heard anymore. I'm not sure what happened, I do believe I know why some of the sound is lost. I remember one day, I accidentally dropped my MP3 player on the ground, and it hit the ground with a loud thud. I was worried, but it still played. Just some of the sound was lost. Well, for the money I paid for it, it had a great run! I still remember buying that thing back in 2008 and taking weeks to fill it with songs. In fact, I was still filling it with songs this year! I bought it with a Walmart gift card that I won from one of those automobile dealers that was throwing a contest. Everyone was a winner and that's what I won, a gift card. But I was happy, I got a new MP3 player out of it, and it was the best MP3 player I ever had. I had others, fancier ones with screens, and apps, but none of them compared with this one. It doesn't have a screen, nor does it do apps, or anything fancy. Just a set of mono speakers and rubber casing, but I love it because it plays the music the way I like to hear it, in alphabetical order. It kept us entertained on those long road trips and even on short bus trips. It's had a great run! So now, I retire it graciously. I still have it, but I'm just not going to play it anymore. But with an iPod, there's still dangers. People have been known to literally kill for those! I think I remember hearing of a man in Chicago, who was walking home at night, playing his iPod, and some thug came up to him, shot and killed him, and took the iPod right out of his hands! That was all he wanted! It's scary! The guy who was killed, the thug didn't even just hold him up. He just out of the blue, shot and killed the guy for his iPod. I was in the south side of Chicago (on my trip to Michigan back in 2007), and it scared me! I hated it there! I didn't dare leave the car at night! I just hate big cities. And the thugs are the reason why.
Well, that was my Christmas. I had fun, LOTS of fun. Hope all my faithful readers did as well! Also remember the reason for the season. Not just the gift-giving, but also remember Jesus who gave his life for our sins as well (for those who believe in Him).
Friday, December 23, 2011
No White Christmas in Montana
Well, I had hopes of a white Christmas here in Montana, but my sis says there won't be one. I also checked Google Weather, and it says Sunday (which is Christmas Day) will get up to 40 degrees! That SUCKS! I said to Anna "I told you Montana would not have a white Christmas once I move there!" Anna thought I must be jinxed or something. I told her no, the sun just likes me! It won't leave me alone! Ocean Shores never had as many sunny days as it did once I moved there. And apparently Montana has always had a white Christmas until I moved here. Usually I am let off the hook for the first year I am in a new place. But not this time! This time the sun isn't going to give me any breaks! And I hate these cold, sunny days! They're even colder when it's clear out. And when I say it's cold out, I mean it's COLD out! Bitterly cold! I'm not used to getting chills like this! Of course our friends tell us we haven't seen anything yet. It gets MUCH colder than that here! I believe it! I feel sorry for those people who are still doing that bell-ringing job! Yesterday the sun was out, but it was so cold, my lips froze! Even in the afternoon.
Well, when I moved here, I fully expected to see a lot of snowy days. I've been hearing for years about Montana winters. Anna told me when she moved here back in January, it snowed almost daily. But since I've been here, it has snowed (or rained) only a few days. I can actually count the days we've had no sun on the fingers of one hand! This place SUCKS!! I hate it here! I want to go back to Washington!! Or at least to Oregon. I'd even settle for that right now! But Anna had to go back to school here. Bummer! And I don't even know if she's going to be getting a reliable job in the field she wants to study. But I am here for moral support anyway! Shoot! Both of us know Anna will drop out anyway. Why not quit now and cut out the middleman?
Well, when I moved here, I fully expected to see a lot of snowy days. I've been hearing for years about Montana winters. Anna told me when she moved here back in January, it snowed almost daily. But since I've been here, it has snowed (or rained) only a few days. I can actually count the days we've had no sun on the fingers of one hand! This place SUCKS!! I hate it here! I want to go back to Washington!! Or at least to Oregon. I'd even settle for that right now! But Anna had to go back to school here. Bummer! And I don't even know if she's going to be getting a reliable job in the field she wants to study. But I am here for moral support anyway! Shoot! Both of us know Anna will drop out anyway. Why not quit now and cut out the middleman?
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Atheists Celebrating Christmas
I always wondered, how and why do atheists celebrate Christmas? Pretty good question, all it needs is a reliable answer. Christmas is supposed to be about celebrating the birth of Jesus, who is our savior. I've seen some atheists who do celebrate Christmas, but what does the holiday really mean to them? I admit there are some things in the Bible I do not understand, but I do believe the story of Jesus. So I am not an atheist. But I don't go around pushing my beliefs on others. If a person does not believe in GOD or Jesus, I'm not going to tell that person that they are going to Hell. That's not my business! I remember when I was a teenager, my ma tried the Jehovah Witness faith for a while. And as you may know, they do not celebrate Christmas. Ma said that first year that there will be no celebrating Christmas in our house. To someone who grew up celebrating Christmas every year, that was rather strange! But Anna and I beat ma's system that year and had a little celebration of our own, and bought each other gifts and exchanged them anyway. We just didn't give them to each other on the 25th. Instead, I believe we celebrated on the 22nd. LOL! Ma never knew about that little party we had that day. I just couldn't not do the traditional Christmas things. The only thing Anna and I could not do was have a special Christmas dinner. Ma would have had a fit!
But anyway, Jehovah Witness faith is one thing, but how do atheists celebrate Christmas? And why? I have a few theories. Maybe they celebrate their own holiday. Perhaps they call it "athemas"? hehehe. Or since almost all vegans are atheists (who also try to push that on others) they probably celebrate "veggiemas". Or PETA supporters probably celebrate "newkirkmas", since that donkey-faced bitch is their god. That's my theory for how atheists celebrate Christmas. Or maybe they just like the holiday because of the gift-giving. Or maybe they just celebrate it because their peers do. But I have seen some atheists aggressively shout out against GOD. They don't believe in HIM, so they don't want others to either. Well, I have news for them, no atheist anywhere has ever been able to convert me into a non-believer, and none of them ever will. Because I know what I felt the day I really "discovered" GOD. HE helped me where nothing and no one else could. And I have not felt that bad since then. That was now 10 years ago.
Well, in other news, it snowed last night. We are apparently expecting more snow too. I hope we have a bunch of fresh snow for Christmas. I'd love to experience a white Christmas for a change! I never got that back home. Anna said the chances of getting one here are very good. I remember back home though, it never snowed on Christmas. We've had it snow the day after Christmas, and we've also had it snow the day before Christmas, and then be all melted away by Christmas morning. But we've never had it snow on Christmas! That sucks too! And in other news yet, I finally finished that St. Helens story! Thank GOD!!! And if I do say so myself, I think it came out pretty darn good!
But anyway, Jehovah Witness faith is one thing, but how do atheists celebrate Christmas? And why? I have a few theories. Maybe they celebrate their own holiday. Perhaps they call it "athemas"? hehehe. Or since almost all vegans are atheists (who also try to push that on others) they probably celebrate "veggiemas". Or PETA supporters probably celebrate "newkirkmas", since that donkey-faced bitch is their god. That's my theory for how atheists celebrate Christmas. Or maybe they just like the holiday because of the gift-giving. Or maybe they just celebrate it because their peers do. But I have seen some atheists aggressively shout out against GOD. They don't believe in HIM, so they don't want others to either. Well, I have news for them, no atheist anywhere has ever been able to convert me into a non-believer, and none of them ever will. Because I know what I felt the day I really "discovered" GOD. HE helped me where nothing and no one else could. And I have not felt that bad since then. That was now 10 years ago.
Well, in other news, it snowed last night. We are apparently expecting more snow too. I hope we have a bunch of fresh snow for Christmas. I'd love to experience a white Christmas for a change! I never got that back home. Anna said the chances of getting one here are very good. I remember back home though, it never snowed on Christmas. We've had it snow the day after Christmas, and we've also had it snow the day before Christmas, and then be all melted away by Christmas morning. But we've never had it snow on Christmas! That sucks too! And in other news yet, I finally finished that St. Helens story! Thank GOD!!! And if I do say so myself, I think it came out pretty darn good!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Timmyfan Is An Idiot
hehehe! My online "spy" again. hehe! Anyway, is Timmyfan really an idiot? Well, everybody says it, but no one has been able to prove it. That's because they are going by an online persona. I am far too complex of a person for anyone to judge that way. And most of the people who say that are just angry because I will not bend my ways of thinking to satisfy them. I have a lot of live personal experience. And most people who have sat and talked with me for any length of time would disagree that I am a true idiot. I am like any person, or culture. I have my beliefs, and I won't back off them. Only if my beliefs would physically hurt another person (or a dog) would I reconsider my position. But that's my choice. I know enough to know that my beliefs are my business.
I will not say that I have never done anything stupid. But show me a person anywhere who has not at any time in their lives. The important thing is that the stupidity not be repeated. Most of my, what I like to call "blond moments", come when I am either not paying too much attention to what I am doing, or when I get too curious. I am a very curious person, and I tend to question EVERYTHING! That's how one finds out about something, they ask. I ask a lot of questions if there is something that sparks my interest. Yes sometimes I may throw in a little sarcasm, not to be taken personally. It's just how I am. I find even at my advanced age, I'm still learning new things. I like that too. It's fun to learn something new. I like asking questions and getting answers, but I don't like people who force their beliefs on me. That is when I start head-butting with others. You can give me facts, and you can say "I think this" or "I believe this", and I will accept it. But you cannot tell me "If you don't think my way, you have no taste" and/or "you are insane" or "If you don't believe what I believe, I'll kill you" and/or "your whole family." It's when I get remarks like those that I push thier beliefs away, and even form a block against them. That's one of the biggest reasons why I do not like panthers nor panther-fanatics. Besides the fact that I find panthers physically repulsive. I mean really. Take away their spots, stripes, and features like the mane on a male lion, and what have you got? A big, fleshy, flapping, disgusting NOTHING. To me, a panther is about as attractive as I would be seen naked by a fanatical vegan. LOL!
Well, if being an idiot means I will not mold myself to fit the populace, then I guess I am an idiot. I like myself the way I am now. I love being different. I love being myself. People have tried to dampen my self-worth by saying "You love being a fat, ignorant [insert another insulting adjective here]?" I emphasize "they tried" because they do try and try hard. But it never works. I like who I am. That's because I see myself for the things I have accomplished in this life. Not by what I look like, or by what I can tell people that they would want to hear. Actually, my looks are the very last thing that is (not so) important to me. You cannot judge a book by it's cover! If my appearance was more important to me, believe me, I would make myself look a LOT more attractive! That's why a person can say I am ugly and it doesn't bother me. But for me, my entire emphasis is on how I am and what I have accomplished, not what I look like. I hope to improve on the things that have made me what I love about myself. For one thing, I would love to be funnier. I've been watching some stand-up comics on YouTube, and trying to have it rub off on me a little. It's a start. When people tell me I am funny, or I make them laugh, it makes me feel good, and it encourages me to make myself better. I like to go beyond the normal, run of the mill jokes. I like things that are very outlandish and would make me laugh for days on end. That is the center of my existance, laughing. I do it all the time. I've even made some people mad because I laugh so much it frustrates them. Even my sis Eva thinks I laugh too much. I laugh where she gets pissed.
I remember when I was a kid, and I went to this private school. The kids all HATED it that I laughed so much! They would get angry at me. I laughed when I got in trouble, I laughed at what was for dinner, I laughed at the sunrise. I would always laugh at everything, and they all got angry because I did. These days I am a lot less giggly, but I still laugh at a lot of things I probably shouldn't. I remember back in 1989, I laughed for a whole week without stopping, all because of a TV show I saw that I thought was funny. The only reason I stopped laughing was because something happened that made me miserable. I lost something I loved in a storm. I was sad then. Sort of ironic. I went from being as happy as a person could be, to being as sad as a person could get, almost in a quick flash.
I will not say that I have never done anything stupid. But show me a person anywhere who has not at any time in their lives. The important thing is that the stupidity not be repeated. Most of my, what I like to call "blond moments", come when I am either not paying too much attention to what I am doing, or when I get too curious. I am a very curious person, and I tend to question EVERYTHING! That's how one finds out about something, they ask. I ask a lot of questions if there is something that sparks my interest. Yes sometimes I may throw in a little sarcasm, not to be taken personally. It's just how I am. I find even at my advanced age, I'm still learning new things. I like that too. It's fun to learn something new. I like asking questions and getting answers, but I don't like people who force their beliefs on me. That is when I start head-butting with others. You can give me facts, and you can say "I think this" or "I believe this", and I will accept it. But you cannot tell me "If you don't think my way, you have no taste" and/or "you are insane" or "If you don't believe what I believe, I'll kill you" and/or "your whole family." It's when I get remarks like those that I push thier beliefs away, and even form a block against them. That's one of the biggest reasons why I do not like panthers nor panther-fanatics. Besides the fact that I find panthers physically repulsive. I mean really. Take away their spots, stripes, and features like the mane on a male lion, and what have you got? A big, fleshy, flapping, disgusting NOTHING. To me, a panther is about as attractive as I would be seen naked by a fanatical vegan. LOL!
Well, if being an idiot means I will not mold myself to fit the populace, then I guess I am an idiot. I like myself the way I am now. I love being different. I love being myself. People have tried to dampen my self-worth by saying "You love being a fat, ignorant [insert another insulting adjective here]?" I emphasize "they tried" because they do try and try hard. But it never works. I like who I am. That's because I see myself for the things I have accomplished in this life. Not by what I look like, or by what I can tell people that they would want to hear. Actually, my looks are the very last thing that is (not so) important to me. You cannot judge a book by it's cover! If my appearance was more important to me, believe me, I would make myself look a LOT more attractive! That's why a person can say I am ugly and it doesn't bother me. But for me, my entire emphasis is on how I am and what I have accomplished, not what I look like. I hope to improve on the things that have made me what I love about myself. For one thing, I would love to be funnier. I've been watching some stand-up comics on YouTube, and trying to have it rub off on me a little. It's a start. When people tell me I am funny, or I make them laugh, it makes me feel good, and it encourages me to make myself better. I like to go beyond the normal, run of the mill jokes. I like things that are very outlandish and would make me laugh for days on end. That is the center of my existance, laughing. I do it all the time. I've even made some people mad because I laugh so much it frustrates them. Even my sis Eva thinks I laugh too much. I laugh where she gets pissed.
I remember when I was a kid, and I went to this private school. The kids all HATED it that I laughed so much! They would get angry at me. I laughed when I got in trouble, I laughed at what was for dinner, I laughed at the sunrise. I would always laugh at everything, and they all got angry because I did. These days I am a lot less giggly, but I still laugh at a lot of things I probably shouldn't. I remember back in 1989, I laughed for a whole week without stopping, all because of a TV show I saw that I thought was funny. The only reason I stopped laughing was because something happened that made me miserable. I lost something I loved in a storm. I was sad then. Sort of ironic. I went from being as happy as a person could be, to being as sad as a person could get, almost in a quick flash.
Friday, December 16, 2011
No More War!
YIPPEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! The war is now officially over. It's a shame that so many young soldiers lost their lives in this senseless war! But it's now over! I wonder if now that means that our gas prices will start to go down again? I miss the days when gas used to be 99 cents a gallon! I could fill my gas tank with only $10, and it'd carry me around all month! This $3/gallon gas really SUCKS!! And gas has not even changed it's chemical composition! You know why the war started? I'm not sure anyone really does. I've heard conflicting stories about why. One of the biggest stories was that Saddam Hussein had threatened to bomb George W. Bush's house and kill his children. That was what I heard from one individual (I don't remember who said it). I wish I had the power to begin a war with the people who have threatened me! LOL! But I don't. All I can do is act in self-defense if any of them decide to carry out their threats. And I will. I may be fat, but I can move pretty darn fast! Like a grizzly bear! They may be fat, and a person may believe they can outrun, or outkick them, but you can't! They are bigger and much more powerful and they can move pretty quickly when they want to. Well anyway, I'm glad this war is over. So far, WW3 and the world has not ended yet! Quite a bummer! LOL! That's a joke, BTW. Although it would be cool to start over. Now, begins a huge baby-boom!
I believe in reincarnation, and I believe all those young soldiers will be coming back to finish unfinished business. Perhaps in a different body, and with someone else. As reincarnation goes, I believe this must be my first time around (as a human). I believe I must have been reincarnated from an animal's spirit. And people say animals have no spirit. That's what I've heard, but I also hear of people who sometimes see their pets after they have died. Not sure if it is wishful thinking, or greater forces at work, but there is surely something there! I remember when I was a teenager, I grew up in a family that did not like animals. I was the only one who really did. My ma joked with me one time thinking that if she believed in reincarnation, she would swear I was an animal in my former life. I wonder if she is correct? LOL! I don't know, you discuss subjects like this and tell people what you really think and they'll think you're nuts. Not that they would be wrong about me! LOL! I'm as nutty as they come, and proud of it!
Well, I just wanted to write this quick note. We have to finish our Christmas shopping today. We're going to try and take the car, hope it all works out. I am also almost finished with this story about Mount St. Helens. I've been trying to work on it, but it's not easy. I have to be in a certain mood to work on a story. But this one is turning out much better than the original version. We'll see though.
I believe in reincarnation, and I believe all those young soldiers will be coming back to finish unfinished business. Perhaps in a different body, and with someone else. As reincarnation goes, I believe this must be my first time around (as a human). I believe I must have been reincarnated from an animal's spirit. And people say animals have no spirit. That's what I've heard, but I also hear of people who sometimes see their pets after they have died. Not sure if it is wishful thinking, or greater forces at work, but there is surely something there! I remember when I was a teenager, I grew up in a family that did not like animals. I was the only one who really did. My ma joked with me one time thinking that if she believed in reincarnation, she would swear I was an animal in my former life. I wonder if she is correct? LOL! I don't know, you discuss subjects like this and tell people what you really think and they'll think you're nuts. Not that they would be wrong about me! LOL! I'm as nutty as they come, and proud of it!
Well, I just wanted to write this quick note. We have to finish our Christmas shopping today. We're going to try and take the car, hope it all works out. I am also almost finished with this story about Mount St. Helens. I've been trying to work on it, but it's not easy. I have to be in a certain mood to work on a story. But this one is turning out much better than the original version. We'll see though.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
That Darn Car!
LOL! I don't have a cat, but I do have a car (reference to the movie "That Darn Cat") It's just not used to this weather, and neither am I. I had to quit my job. I wasn't going to until this last week was finished, I was supposed to work on Saturday as well, but I couldn't. I was also hoping the car would be fixed by Friday night so I could work on Saturday! But no, Friday night I had to walk home because I still could not get the car started. My boss was PISSED! Because I told him I was going to finish last week. He demanded an answer Friday morning. I was going to wait until that night to tell him, but he said he needed to make out the next week's schedules. I assumed the car was going to be fixed that night and it would run again. But no. So I had to tell the boss there was no way I was going to be able to make it to work Saturday either. He was disappointed, and I apologized. I couldn't help it! It was the damn car's fault! Well, since that tow truck driver got it started again, it's been working alright. Though I had to go to the library yesterday, and once again it would not start. However, I did manage to get it started again, by using my battery charger. I finally convinced Anna to get roadside assistance added to her insurance. It's going to cost $5 a month extra, but out here in Montana, it'll be quite useful! I'm sure this will not be the last time that car decides not to start.
I guess now that I am not working anymore I can reveal what my job was. I was bell-ringing for the Salvatian Army. The guy I worked for called himself "the captain". He seemed like a fun guy, a lot better than the one I had in Lakewood! But there were some things I didn't like about this guy, as opposed to the guy I worked for in Lakewood. The supervisor of Lakewood's Salvatian Army bell-ringers was rude, but he never griped about me sitting down to ring the bell, or stand inside the store. The captain did bitch about that stuff. And this is Montana! It gets colder than a son of a bitch out there! MUCH colder than Lakewood got! You'd think this supervisor would have been a little more understanding about us standing inside to do our job! But no, he'd bitch about it. He fired Anna for that reason! Of course he gave her a second chance, which was cool. But still, he said if he ever caught us sitting down, or inside the store again we would never work for him again, EVER! Which was fine with me! I never intended to apply for this job again. I worked 40 hours a week ago, and I only got $190. So, this job does not pay like I would want it to. Definitely not worth standing outside just to ring a bell. Of course no matter what he would say, I had every intention of standing inside the building if it was going to be -30 degrees outside. I'm not used to that kind of cold. And if he would have fired me for that, then I would not have cared. As for sitting down, who cares?? The most action you're doing is ringing a bell! As long as I am ringing that bell, thanking and telling people to have a merry Christmas, what does it matter if I am sitting down, standing, or lying on my back for that matter? I never saw the point in standing up to do that job. If it required a lot of moving around, that would have been different. I'd say "OK, I have to stand up to do that". But the most action you're doing on that job is tinkering a tiny bell back and forth. And I was so upset last Friday because of that darned car, I kept dropping the bell! LOL! I was such a butterfingers that day! LOL!
Well, in other news, INXS were apparently great in Paris. I'm just glad they made it out of there without getting mugged! One of my Facebook buds became one of the first fans to meet Ciaran Gribbin. Ya know, I like that guy! He has a Facebook page, and he interacts with the fans. He talks to them, he "likes" their posts and comments. He's different. He's definitely not one of those uppity celebs that doesn't even seem to acknowledge his fans. I like him. I haven't even met him, but I like him already. I hope INXS KEEPS HIM!!!! I love INXS still, and I always will, but I am getting a little bit sick of them changing lead singers. A band isn't supposed to do that! They go through singers like most people go through underwear! Timmy once said that INXS has become it's own tribute band. OK fine with me! But even tribute bands stick with one lead singer. INXS needs to settle on someONE, or figure it's not meant to be, and retire. I feel like the summer of 2005 is now wasted because JD is no longer with them. It's upsetting! That was the best summer of my life! I still watch Rockstar: INXS and get all giddy. But sometimes I find myself crying during the episode where JD is elected the new lead singer. I figure "What's the point now?" Makes me so mad! I love Timmy, and once the words "JD, you are right for our band, INXS" made me laugh out loud! But now, I watch that episode and I cannot help but think that whole series was such a waste! Who'd have thought, ey?
I guess now that I am not working anymore I can reveal what my job was. I was bell-ringing for the Salvatian Army. The guy I worked for called himself "the captain". He seemed like a fun guy, a lot better than the one I had in Lakewood! But there were some things I didn't like about this guy, as opposed to the guy I worked for in Lakewood. The supervisor of Lakewood's Salvatian Army bell-ringers was rude, but he never griped about me sitting down to ring the bell, or stand inside the store. The captain did bitch about that stuff. And this is Montana! It gets colder than a son of a bitch out there! MUCH colder than Lakewood got! You'd think this supervisor would have been a little more understanding about us standing inside to do our job! But no, he'd bitch about it. He fired Anna for that reason! Of course he gave her a second chance, which was cool. But still, he said if he ever caught us sitting down, or inside the store again we would never work for him again, EVER! Which was fine with me! I never intended to apply for this job again. I worked 40 hours a week ago, and I only got $190. So, this job does not pay like I would want it to. Definitely not worth standing outside just to ring a bell. Of course no matter what he would say, I had every intention of standing inside the building if it was going to be -30 degrees outside. I'm not used to that kind of cold. And if he would have fired me for that, then I would not have cared. As for sitting down, who cares?? The most action you're doing is ringing a bell! As long as I am ringing that bell, thanking and telling people to have a merry Christmas, what does it matter if I am sitting down, standing, or lying on my back for that matter? I never saw the point in standing up to do that job. If it required a lot of moving around, that would have been different. I'd say "OK, I have to stand up to do that". But the most action you're doing on that job is tinkering a tiny bell back and forth. And I was so upset last Friday because of that darned car, I kept dropping the bell! LOL! I was such a butterfingers that day! LOL!
Well, in other news, INXS were apparently great in Paris. I'm just glad they made it out of there without getting mugged! One of my Facebook buds became one of the first fans to meet Ciaran Gribbin. Ya know, I like that guy! He has a Facebook page, and he interacts with the fans. He talks to them, he "likes" their posts and comments. He's different. He's definitely not one of those uppity celebs that doesn't even seem to acknowledge his fans. I like him. I haven't even met him, but I like him already. I hope INXS KEEPS HIM!!!! I love INXS still, and I always will, but I am getting a little bit sick of them changing lead singers. A band isn't supposed to do that! They go through singers like most people go through underwear! Timmy once said that INXS has become it's own tribute band. OK fine with me! But even tribute bands stick with one lead singer. INXS needs to settle on someONE, or figure it's not meant to be, and retire. I feel like the summer of 2005 is now wasted because JD is no longer with them. It's upsetting! That was the best summer of my life! I still watch Rockstar: INXS and get all giddy. But sometimes I find myself crying during the episode where JD is elected the new lead singer. I figure "What's the point now?" Makes me so mad! I love Timmy, and once the words "JD, you are right for our band, INXS" made me laugh out loud! But now, I watch that episode and I cannot help but think that whole series was such a waste! Who'd have thought, ey?
Sunday, December 11, 2011
INXS in Paris
Well, I heard from Ciaran this morning and he said INXS are going to Paris. EESH!! I hate Paris!! I heard Paris has the highest crime-rate in the world. That's enough to keep me out of there! So all my friends attending that concert (and INXS themselves) I hope they don't get mugged there! I just hope they have fun, and be careful! Not surprising the crime-rate is so high. I've never met anyone who had as bad a temper as the French do! Must be the heat. I know heat makes me go crazy. That's why I want to go back to the coast. I mellowed out considerably after living there a couple of years. Besides, I've had it with this complex. Too many freaks and wierdos here. All except our friends. But then I don't make friends with freaks either. Actually the only person in this building I truly despise is Andy. He growled at Anna once. Yes! He growled. When I told Karen that, she looked at me funny and said "He growled??" I know it sounds wierd, but I didn't do it! I'm pretty sure she relayed the message to Andy and he denied it (like he denies he's an evil person). Apparently his attitude has changed, and people here are starting to like him again. Well, evil has a lot of appeal. Satan was a very charismatic angel before he got kicked out of Heaven. Everyone liked him and he was apparently the most beautiful angel that ever lived. But he was evil! Andy is not at all beautiful, but he is evil, and I don't trust him! Other people here may allow themselves to be fooled by his "new-found attitude". But I've always prided myself in not allowing myself to give in to evil. So when he's around, I don't even talk to him. I barely look at him. And once I get my kindle, it'll be much easier to go to the dog park and ignore him! I'd be too engrossed in reading to listen to him. hehehe!
That's another thing I want so badly, a kindle! Ma asked me why I want a kindle and I said because I want to be able to carry my stories around, show them off, and when I am at the dog park and that Andy comes in, I can turn him off by turning my books on! hehe! I want the new kindle fire. With that, apparently you can read books as well as watch movies. That's awesome!! So the kindle fire is one of the things I have on my wishlist. That and an ipad. But one thing at a time! Get the kindle first, then I'll get the ipad. I cannot wait! I want all this good shit now! LOL!
Well, in other, older news, I got the car running again. I was going to have it towed home yesterday. The tow truck was there and everything, and the car was all hooked up and ready to go. But the guy who was going to tow it managed to get it started! I asked him "How'd you do that?" He showed me the trick to getting it started, if there's something wrong with the starter. He said to put the car in neutral, then push it, and throw it into park. He said that kindof starts the motor. I'm still going to get that starter fixed. I know it's the starter. It has to be! Our friend Mike, who is a certified mechanic, he thought it was the battery, but I didn't think so. If it was the battery, the lights would not work, and we would hear no noise at all. The car still bleeped when we turned the keys, but no sound would come from the engine. Also, the headlights still worked. So, it wasn't the battery. I'm just about positive it's the starter. The car is running now. I managed to start it several times yesterday with no problems.
Well, I found out why the person who was supposed to pick us up the other night never showed up. Apparently he was ill. Well, I hope he gets better. I'm not angry at all. Actually, I rather enjoyed walking home. I would have enjoyed it a lot more if it hadn't been dark out at the time though. But nothing happened, and I had a nice walk, so I'm not angry. If something bad had happened, like if either I, or Anna, had been mugged, I would have been angry. VERY angry! But nothing did happen. I just cursed the car, not our friend. Well, I'm trying not to run that car so much now. Not until we can replace the starter. I remember this same thing happened with our last car, the Topaz. The starter gave out. I wish I had known about that little trick back then, I probably could have got the car started. We had just had a new starter put in too! Spent $200 to have that new one installed, and it gave out. In the wrong place and at the wrong time too! We were parked on the beach at the time, and a high tide was coming in. I didn't know what else to do but leave the car there. And it wound up underwater. Ma joked with me about that for a long time. But I felt bad! Especially with a new starter, it should have worked again! I hope that does not happen again.
That's another thing I want so badly, a kindle! Ma asked me why I want a kindle and I said because I want to be able to carry my stories around, show them off, and when I am at the dog park and that Andy comes in, I can turn him off by turning my books on! hehe! I want the new kindle fire. With that, apparently you can read books as well as watch movies. That's awesome!! So the kindle fire is one of the things I have on my wishlist. That and an ipad. But one thing at a time! Get the kindle first, then I'll get the ipad. I cannot wait! I want all this good shit now! LOL!
Well, in other, older news, I got the car running again. I was going to have it towed home yesterday. The tow truck was there and everything, and the car was all hooked up and ready to go. But the guy who was going to tow it managed to get it started! I asked him "How'd you do that?" He showed me the trick to getting it started, if there's something wrong with the starter. He said to put the car in neutral, then push it, and throw it into park. He said that kindof starts the motor. I'm still going to get that starter fixed. I know it's the starter. It has to be! Our friend Mike, who is a certified mechanic, he thought it was the battery, but I didn't think so. If it was the battery, the lights would not work, and we would hear no noise at all. The car still bleeped when we turned the keys, but no sound would come from the engine. Also, the headlights still worked. So, it wasn't the battery. I'm just about positive it's the starter. The car is running now. I managed to start it several times yesterday with no problems.
Well, I found out why the person who was supposed to pick us up the other night never showed up. Apparently he was ill. Well, I hope he gets better. I'm not angry at all. Actually, I rather enjoyed walking home. I would have enjoyed it a lot more if it hadn't been dark out at the time though. But nothing happened, and I had a nice walk, so I'm not angry. If something bad had happened, like if either I, or Anna, had been mugged, I would have been angry. VERY angry! But nothing did happen. I just cursed the car, not our friend. Well, I'm trying not to run that car so much now. Not until we can replace the starter. I remember this same thing happened with our last car, the Topaz. The starter gave out. I wish I had known about that little trick back then, I probably could have got the car started. We had just had a new starter put in too! Spent $200 to have that new one installed, and it gave out. In the wrong place and at the wrong time too! We were parked on the beach at the time, and a high tide was coming in. I didn't know what else to do but leave the car there. And it wound up underwater. Ma joked with me about that for a long time. But I felt bad! Especially with a new starter, it should have worked again! I hope that does not happen again.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Vegan Video Comments Are Now Permanently Closed
It's true! I have now closed all the comments sections to all my vegan videos. Any video I have relating to veganism. I've been saying ever since I reopened the comments sections, that the first person who posts any threats to me and I will close out the comments sections of those videos and I will NOT reopen them again! I don't mind their name-calling, but I don't tolerate threats! Today's threat came from someone who calls himself "evertyhingtruelygood". It was probably a teenager, some irresponsible kid who did not take my warnings seriously. I also mentioned that anyone who posts veganism crap on any of my other videos will be blocked and reported. They had their chance. Like I said, irresponsible people ruin everything for everybody, and now because of this one, I had to close out the comments section of all my vegan videos. Not sure how the vegans will react to that, some may praise this kid, some may curse him. But no matter what, now that I have given them a second chance, and they blew it, the comments section will remain closed for good. I told them not to even ask me to open the comments back up again! I won't do it!
Oddly enough, I'm surprised it took this long for a nazi vegan fanatic to post any threats! Usually that's normal for them. And just so everyone knows, no I did not close the comments because I am "afraid". Some vegans said that before. No, this time I even gave the name of the person who posted the threat, telling all the vegans that wish to comment that they can thank him for the comments section being closed now. I wasn't ever going to close it again, until this would happen.
Well, in other news, I quit this job. I was going to go until the end of the week, and my supervisor was a little angry. But our car broke down. I can't move it, and now I have to concentrate on getting it fixed. I was in such a rotten mood today, it hurt my lips to smile at everyone. I probably gave some people a half-assed smirk, instead of a full smile. That's how bad my mood was! The whole business with the car just had me so upset! Then the guy who dropped us off at work (both me and Anna) was supposed to come and pick us up, and he didn't. He never showed up! He completely forgot about us, so Anna and I had to walk home from the stores we were working at. Luckily it really is not that far either way. The walk actually did me some good. Got my mind off the car trouble for a little while. But all the way home, I was cursing that damn car!! Now, we have to figure out how we are going to get it fixed!
It just came to me, LOL! I think I should post the threat this kid made! DUH! This is what he said:
"TimmyGal, you're the most ugly thing I've ever seen. You were cursed by a God. I hope God sends one of his archangel's down from heaven to murder you. TimmyGal, I hope someone cuts your head off, and then we can all take turns kicking it around, whilst we spit, and piss on it."
Heck, I don't care if he thinks I'm ugly. He is most likely a dumb fanatic that thinks anyone who is not a vegan is ugly. Doesn't bother me. But then threatening to murder me, cutting my head off to kick it around, and piss and spit on it, that's going way too far! That is why I closed the comments. Of course if I saw him coming at me with a knife to cut my head off, I'd kick him in the nads. Then while he is on the floor, moaning in pain, I would take him and tie his hands behind his back, and his feet tied to his hands, turn him over and sit on his chest, take a PVC pipe, and a bottle of Listerine, jam the pipe in his mouth to hold it open, then I would gargle with all the Listerine and spit it into his mouth! Then I would make sure he'd swallow it! I'd make sure it's the kind that stings too! No killing involved! I'd want him to be alive while I'm spitting Listerine into his mouth! Make him suffer. And make a movie of it too. hehehe!
Oddly enough, I'm surprised it took this long for a nazi vegan fanatic to post any threats! Usually that's normal for them. And just so everyone knows, no I did not close the comments because I am "afraid". Some vegans said that before. No, this time I even gave the name of the person who posted the threat, telling all the vegans that wish to comment that they can thank him for the comments section being closed now. I wasn't ever going to close it again, until this would happen.
Well, in other news, I quit this job. I was going to go until the end of the week, and my supervisor was a little angry. But our car broke down. I can't move it, and now I have to concentrate on getting it fixed. I was in such a rotten mood today, it hurt my lips to smile at everyone. I probably gave some people a half-assed smirk, instead of a full smile. That's how bad my mood was! The whole business with the car just had me so upset! Then the guy who dropped us off at work (both me and Anna) was supposed to come and pick us up, and he didn't. He never showed up! He completely forgot about us, so Anna and I had to walk home from the stores we were working at. Luckily it really is not that far either way. The walk actually did me some good. Got my mind off the car trouble for a little while. But all the way home, I was cursing that damn car!! Now, we have to figure out how we are going to get it fixed!
It just came to me, LOL! I think I should post the threat this kid made! DUH! This is what he said:
"TimmyGal, you're the most ugly thing I've ever seen. You were cursed by a God. I hope God sends one of his archangel's down from heaven to murder you. TimmyGal, I hope someone cuts your head off, and then we can all take turns kicking it around, whilst we spit, and piss on it."
Heck, I don't care if he thinks I'm ugly. He is most likely a dumb fanatic that thinks anyone who is not a vegan is ugly. Doesn't bother me. But then threatening to murder me, cutting my head off to kick it around, and piss and spit on it, that's going way too far! That is why I closed the comments. Of course if I saw him coming at me with a knife to cut my head off, I'd kick him in the nads. Then while he is on the floor, moaning in pain, I would take him and tie his hands behind his back, and his feet tied to his hands, turn him over and sit on his chest, take a PVC pipe, and a bottle of Listerine, jam the pipe in his mouth to hold it open, then I would gargle with all the Listerine and spit it into his mouth! Then I would make sure he'd swallow it! I'd make sure it's the kind that stings too! No killing involved! I'd want him to be alive while I'm spitting Listerine into his mouth! Make him suffer. And make a movie of it too. hehehe!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
You know I have a friend whose family lives in Nairobi, and every year she goes there and stays with them for the holiday season. I was watching some videos on YouTube, and they showed packs of African wild dogs with their prey. Those are some brave dogs, let me tell you! I've seen them stand up to lions before! Well, lions have some advantage over all other animals, because they say it's the lions you don't see you should worry about. But these dogs are brave. I've seen a video of them standing up to lions and driving them away! I'd love to see packs of wild dogs doing their thing in the wild. I wish we had animals like that here. We have wolves, but wolves are nowhere near as spectacular as African wild dogs!
I'd love to someday go on a safari! Preferably a safari in Australia's outback. LOL! I would say an African safari, but with my shitty luck, I'd never see any wild dogs! Probably I'd go there and all I would see are some dumb lions, or a stupid leopard! No wild dogs. That would SUCK!! Then I'd be pissed because I wasted all that money and all I would be forced to watch are some dumb panthers! And if I wanted to see them, I'd stay at home and watch them for free on TV. And I don't even do that. African safaris run around $20,000. If I am going to spend that kind of money, I would want to see something rare, something I don't see (or hear of) every day to a point it gets sickening. These people who have videos of wild dogs, they should play the lottery! I'd bet you they'd win! If they're lucky enough to see a pack of wild dogs, they'd be lucky enough to win the lottery! I wish that would be me though!
I think they're kinda cute! Take away those odd markings, and I'd say that's one of the cutest faces I've ever seen! And they are brave! Much more so than hyenas! Unfortunately they are becoming extinct. I don't know why. Here, wolves are thriving! More wolves have been spotted here than cougars.
Well, in other news, Anna is quitting this job today. The winters here in Montana are just too brutal to stand outside. And the boss fusses when we stand inside. And I totally refuse to stand outside when it is going to be -30 degrees out there! I'm going to quit too, but not yet. I'll quit maybe after next week. If not this weekend. I hope he will let Anna quit. If not, then Anna can screw up and make him terminate her. That's what I'd do! The boss said if he ever caught us sitting down, or inside the store again, then we would never work for him again. LOL! So that would be one way Anna could be released from this job. Well, unfortunately I'm the one who has today off, and it's Anna's birthday. She should have got today off, not me. Well, as promised, I will make her a cake. Hope she likes it. She also wants a trip to Idaho Falls, and I cannot give that to her now. For that one, she will have to wait.
I'd love to someday go on a safari! Preferably a safari in Australia's outback. LOL! I would say an African safari, but with my shitty luck, I'd never see any wild dogs! Probably I'd go there and all I would see are some dumb lions, or a stupid leopard! No wild dogs. That would SUCK!! Then I'd be pissed because I wasted all that money and all I would be forced to watch are some dumb panthers! And if I wanted to see them, I'd stay at home and watch them for free on TV. And I don't even do that. African safaris run around $20,000. If I am going to spend that kind of money, I would want to see something rare, something I don't see (or hear of) every day to a point it gets sickening. These people who have videos of wild dogs, they should play the lottery! I'd bet you they'd win! If they're lucky enough to see a pack of wild dogs, they'd be lucky enough to win the lottery! I wish that would be me though!
I think they're kinda cute! Take away those odd markings, and I'd say that's one of the cutest faces I've ever seen! And they are brave! Much more so than hyenas! Unfortunately they are becoming extinct. I don't know why. Here, wolves are thriving! More wolves have been spotted here than cougars.
Well, in other news, Anna is quitting this job today. The winters here in Montana are just too brutal to stand outside. And the boss fusses when we stand inside. And I totally refuse to stand outside when it is going to be -30 degrees out there! I'm going to quit too, but not yet. I'll quit maybe after next week. If not this weekend. I hope he will let Anna quit. If not, then Anna can screw up and make him terminate her. That's what I'd do! The boss said if he ever caught us sitting down, or inside the store again, then we would never work for him again. LOL! So that would be one way Anna could be released from this job. Well, unfortunately I'm the one who has today off, and it's Anna's birthday. She should have got today off, not me. Well, as promised, I will make her a cake. Hope she likes it. She also wants a trip to Idaho Falls, and I cannot give that to her now. For that one, she will have to wait.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Dee The Snowgirl
Ohh man! I never have any time for myself anymore. I have this job hanging over my head! I am trying to work on this one story so I can put it up on the UMG Productions site. It's a story devoted to Mount St. Helens, and I have appearances being made by Harry Truman, David Johnston and later on, Reid Blackburn. I also have Bandit and some of her friends and Candi (me) in the story. hehehe! Though in this story, Candi is a 17-year old with hormones raging, and she follows David Johnston around like a rockstar groupie! LOL! Actually the original story depicted these characters in a totally different manner. When I first wrote this story, and I described it in one of the first chatrooms I've ever been in, everyone said that it sounded a lot like the St. Helens movie (from 1981). Probably because I just had Harry Truman and David Johnston in the story. But I am tweaking it a little bit. I've made Candi this teenage girl, who sees David Johnston the way modern teenagers see Justin Bieber. She becomes the first ever volcanologist groupie! hehee! Well, let's face it! Johnston was a very handsome man! If groupies ever existed for scientists, he would have had a swarm of them shadowing his every move! I got the idea for this remembering how I was when I saw Tim Farriss at the taping of Rockstar: INXS. I thought this would make an interesting first! I am trying to make it as far unlike the movie St. Helens as I can possibly get it to be, and still keep the characters. I am rather proud of the job I am doing too. The drawings are coming out spectacular! The people look exactly how they should. I notice I do MUCH better likenesses when I am not even trying to draw the people I am supposed to draw. Instead, I trick my mind into believing that I'm only drawing a guy who looks like David Johnston! LOL! Then the drawings come out looking exactly like him.
I remember when I first wrote this story, back in 1997. I had to stare at pictures of David Johnston, Harry Truman and Reid Blackburn for hours and hours on end, so I can capture every little detail. It was then I discovered how very beautiful David Johnston was, and I thought that would be a good angle for the story, have Candi fall in love with him! But no, after hearing a couple times from people I described the story to, saying that the angle was too much like that of the movie, I decided I needed to fix that. I remember I started this story in April of 1997, and I had to have it finished by May 18th. Incidentally, the new Johnston Ridge Observatory was also to be completed that very same day. So I finished that story at the same time the observatory was completed. I didn't even know they were working on an observatory then! Until I heard on the news that it was finished, and now you can look down the throat of the volcano! You can stand in the same place Johnston did when he was taken by the mountain.
Well, I have limited time to work on this story now. I have to go to work and it's not that easy sitting there, drawing (during my breaks) when you have a dozen thick shirts on! I can barely move my arms! Well, Anna and I are doing this job. I feel a little bad that she has to work on her b-day! But I will have a very nice surprise waiting for her when she gets home. She'll love it! This job is beginning to get to me! Even though I am fully aware it is my own fault! I signed on as a full-time worker! But now, my boss is telling me he does not like me to sit down! Why the Hell not??? It's not like I am doing much! I'm not reaching over anything. I'm just standing there, thanking people and telling them to have a Merry Christmas! I can do that just as good sitting down as I can standing up! I usually sit down anyway, I don't care if he sees me or not. Last weekend, he caught Anna standing inside the store and he about went into a conniption! But it was very cold out and the wind was blowing. He doesn't want her or anyone standing inside the store. Easy for him to gripe! I bet he sits at a desk inside a warm building all day long. If the wind wasn't blowing, I would have agreed with him. But the wind was pretty fierce, so I was glad Anna got to stand inside! It's a lot better than fighting that darned wind! I told Anna, that if I ever have to work on a day when it's -30 degrees out there, I'm standing inside the store! I don't care what the boss says! If he fires me, then he's just gonna have to fire me.
Well, the cold can be beat! I'm doing pretty good with putting on a dozen thick shirts and pants, and I have hand and foot warmers that I also use. But let me tell you, walking around in all that, or doing anything at all! It's difficult! I feel like I am going deep-sea diving! All those clothes on, must add at least another 100 pounds to my already over-extended weight! Now I know how it feels to weigh 400 pounds! I have a new respect for those big guys on Operation Repo! It hurts my back! It also hurts my legs! And I stand out there and I feel, and probably look, like a snowman! The kids all look at me like they want to put a carrot on my nose and 2 pieces of coal for my eyes! So I leave the house every day singing this song (to the tune of Frosty the Snowman):
Dee Dee the snow-girl
has to go to work today
It says it'll snow, but Dee Dee goes
and stands outside like a ho----
Oh, Dee Dee the snow-girl
has to wear a dozen shirts
Tugs a backpack 'round, and smiles like a clown
and her boots make her feet hurt!
Well, one thing is keeping me going. That is the fact that this job, if I can keep it, will only last until Christmas Eve. If he fires me before then, that's fine too! I actually have another job waiting for me! And it is an inside job too. I told the supervisor of that job that I cannot do anything until this job is finished. Frankly, I will be glad when it is finished! I'm just not quite ready for it to end yet. After this week though, I will be.
I remember when I first wrote this story, back in 1997. I had to stare at pictures of David Johnston, Harry Truman and Reid Blackburn for hours and hours on end, so I can capture every little detail. It was then I discovered how very beautiful David Johnston was, and I thought that would be a good angle for the story, have Candi fall in love with him! But no, after hearing a couple times from people I described the story to, saying that the angle was too much like that of the movie, I decided I needed to fix that. I remember I started this story in April of 1997, and I had to have it finished by May 18th. Incidentally, the new Johnston Ridge Observatory was also to be completed that very same day. So I finished that story at the same time the observatory was completed. I didn't even know they were working on an observatory then! Until I heard on the news that it was finished, and now you can look down the throat of the volcano! You can stand in the same place Johnston did when he was taken by the mountain.
Well, I have limited time to work on this story now. I have to go to work and it's not that easy sitting there, drawing (during my breaks) when you have a dozen thick shirts on! I can barely move my arms! Well, Anna and I are doing this job. I feel a little bad that she has to work on her b-day! But I will have a very nice surprise waiting for her when she gets home. She'll love it! This job is beginning to get to me! Even though I am fully aware it is my own fault! I signed on as a full-time worker! But now, my boss is telling me he does not like me to sit down! Why the Hell not??? It's not like I am doing much! I'm not reaching over anything. I'm just standing there, thanking people and telling them to have a Merry Christmas! I can do that just as good sitting down as I can standing up! I usually sit down anyway, I don't care if he sees me or not. Last weekend, he caught Anna standing inside the store and he about went into a conniption! But it was very cold out and the wind was blowing. He doesn't want her or anyone standing inside the store. Easy for him to gripe! I bet he sits at a desk inside a warm building all day long. If the wind wasn't blowing, I would have agreed with him. But the wind was pretty fierce, so I was glad Anna got to stand inside! It's a lot better than fighting that darned wind! I told Anna, that if I ever have to work on a day when it's -30 degrees out there, I'm standing inside the store! I don't care what the boss says! If he fires me, then he's just gonna have to fire me.
Well, the cold can be beat! I'm doing pretty good with putting on a dozen thick shirts and pants, and I have hand and foot warmers that I also use. But let me tell you, walking around in all that, or doing anything at all! It's difficult! I feel like I am going deep-sea diving! All those clothes on, must add at least another 100 pounds to my already over-extended weight! Now I know how it feels to weigh 400 pounds! I have a new respect for those big guys on Operation Repo! It hurts my back! It also hurts my legs! And I stand out there and I feel, and probably look, like a snowman! The kids all look at me like they want to put a carrot on my nose and 2 pieces of coal for my eyes! So I leave the house every day singing this song (to the tune of Frosty the Snowman):
Dee Dee the snow-girl
has to go to work today
It says it'll snow, but Dee Dee goes
and stands outside like a ho----
Oh, Dee Dee the snow-girl
has to wear a dozen shirts
Tugs a backpack 'round, and smiles like a clown
and her boots make her feet hurt!
Well, one thing is keeping me going. That is the fact that this job, if I can keep it, will only last until Christmas Eve. If he fires me before then, that's fine too! I actually have another job waiting for me! And it is an inside job too. I told the supervisor of that job that I cannot do anything until this job is finished. Frankly, I will be glad when it is finished! I'm just not quite ready for it to end yet. After this week though, I will be.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Kindness Still Exists
I recently got a new job, it's just a temporary job, and it really does not pay much. However, it requires me to stand (or sit) out in the cold for 8 hours a day. It's my own fault! I'm the one who wanted to put in for full time instead of part time! But it's worth it. This is our first Christmas in Montana, and I want to make it special. It may be our last one too. Don't know for sure. Winter is much better here than summer. But I do still want to get away from this complex. I imagine Anna and I just living alone in a little mobile home or something like that. Perhaps in a park. It's not too bad here, I mean I love our friends, but there's also a lot of freaks and wierdos here that I am just getting fed up with! I can tell you all, I finally snapped the other day, wishing that more responsible people lived here. I was cussing everyone out, and running around the apartment just raging about the dumb, stupid, irresponsible people that inhabit this complex. Not all of them are like that, but even going to the dog park has become something of an insurmountable chore because this one resident that commonly goes there has allowed his dog to turn viciously on the others, and I am scared it'll one day lose it's head and attack my babies. Then that guy will be blaming Vegas and Minnie, and possibly hurting them like the way he tossed Brandie, the landlord's dog. He blamed Brandie for that attack, and it was his dog that started it! Not Brandie. My buddy, Karen got bit in trying to rescue Brandie. I saw the bites on her hand, and thought she'd been laid into by a lion! Seriously! I thought her hand had been partially eaten off! And this guy Rory, whose dog attacked Brandie, he stands there like butter won't melt and said his dog didn't start it. Bullshit! But he's an example of the kind of irresponsible people that live in this complex! They make me so MAD!!! Karen said he came into the park, and his dog's hair was already bristled up, like she was looking for a fight. If Rory could not tell that, then he doesn't deserve to have a dog! And yes, I agree there are instances where I will say someone does not deserve to have a dog. But they are only because I feel the person who owns the dog is not responsible. Not for some silly reasons like I have been accused of, like because I love INXS, or because I don't believe in purposefully breeding mixed breeds for the sake of making money or giving in to popular demand. It wasn't until the landlord nearly chewed Rory's head off that he finally realized he needs to control his dog, and not go into the park with his dog's hair bristled up in anger. Anyway, I digress (after a 10 minute lecture).
Anyway, I was at work this past week and just before my lunch break came around, a random stranger came to me, and handed me a cup of hot cocoa. I was so thrilled! I could not thank her enough! And I thought kindness was dead! That is until I saw her and she gave me that life-saving hot cocoa! It was COLD that day! She wasn't a woman my age, either. She looked like she was no older than 25. If kindness in any form still existed in this world, the last place I would ever expect to find it would have been in a 25-year old! But there it was! This sure would not have happened in Washington state! I guess the people here in Montana are friendlier than in Washington state! Well! In all fairness, Washington state used to be nicer before the Californians began moving in in such heavy numbers. When I used to do this kind of job back in Tacoma, people actually used to give me dirty looks! Now here, I have seen some people who look at me with indifference, or even don't pay any attention to me at all, but I can honestly tell you that I have not yet had anyone give me dirty looks. Looks don't bother me, I just match their's and give it right back to them. But back in Tacoma in Washington, some people would look at me like they wanted to kill me! And knowing the people in that town the way I did, there was no doubt in my mind they were capable of that!
What makes this job most enjoyable are the parents who teach their kids all about the spirit of giving. That's what makes this job worthwhile. I saw a parent who's child wanted so bad to give, and begged her mom and begged. But her mom did not listen, and just walked away. I sat there and said "I like the parents who teach their kids the value of giving a lot better". No, I am not begging for money on the corner! This is a different kind of job. A real job, and even though the pay is small (minimum wage) it's still pay.
Anyway, I was at work this past week and just before my lunch break came around, a random stranger came to me, and handed me a cup of hot cocoa. I was so thrilled! I could not thank her enough! And I thought kindness was dead! That is until I saw her and she gave me that life-saving hot cocoa! It was COLD that day! She wasn't a woman my age, either. She looked like she was no older than 25. If kindness in any form still existed in this world, the last place I would ever expect to find it would have been in a 25-year old! But there it was! This sure would not have happened in Washington state! I guess the people here in Montana are friendlier than in Washington state! Well! In all fairness, Washington state used to be nicer before the Californians began moving in in such heavy numbers. When I used to do this kind of job back in Tacoma, people actually used to give me dirty looks! Now here, I have seen some people who look at me with indifference, or even don't pay any attention to me at all, but I can honestly tell you that I have not yet had anyone give me dirty looks. Looks don't bother me, I just match their's and give it right back to them. But back in Tacoma in Washington, some people would look at me like they wanted to kill me! And knowing the people in that town the way I did, there was no doubt in my mind they were capable of that!
What makes this job most enjoyable are the parents who teach their kids all about the spirit of giving. That's what makes this job worthwhile. I saw a parent who's child wanted so bad to give, and begged her mom and begged. But her mom did not listen, and just walked away. I sat there and said "I like the parents who teach their kids the value of giving a lot better". No, I am not begging for money on the corner! This is a different kind of job. A real job, and even though the pay is small (minimum wage) it's still pay.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Fat Vs. Smoking Vs. Alcoholics
Which would you rather be? Fat? A smoker? Or an alcoholic? The reason I ask this is yesterday, I came across someone on one of my videos, and I was very nice to this person. I accepted his comment because it was the most creative comment I've gotten in a long time! Then he told me that he got it from BORAT. LOL! I guess I should have given Borat the credit. Serves me right for not going to see the movie. But he told me my chin hangs down like the sleeves on a wizard! LOL! I thought that was kinda cute, so I kept it. I was probably a lot nicer to him than I should have been, but I liked his comment so much. When I didn't know he got it from Borat, I thought "this dude's fairly clever!" I shoulda known! Today's kids are not that creative! Well, I tried to be nice to him, I figured someone that smart and creative would be able to learn to do a little more research into the subject of obesity. But like all fat-haters (and all haters, for that matter), his mind is not open to new ideas. I was nice to him on this other video, as well as my own, but he just kept slamming on me. In the end, I told him that at least he can't say in this case that the fat person was nasty to him, which blows the common stereotype that all fat people are hostile, as this other guy in the video mentioned. Fact is, it's people like this kid that make fat people so jaded that they are so hostile to every new person they see. Really! Why be nice to someone who is just going to turn around and treat you with hostility for no reason other than you are fat?
Well, the reason this interests me is purely psychological. I always wondered if people like this kid feel the same way about smokers and alcoholics as they do about fat people. I always hear the same gripes from fat-haters. They always say "fat people stink" or "fat people are unhealthy" or "fat people are killing themselves" or "fat people are disgusting" or "fat people are fat because they choose to be" and my most favorite one of all: "fat people are causing our healthcare costs to go up". Blah-blah-blah! Last I heard, it was smokers who are the ones causing healthcare costs to go up. Not fat people. But back to basics. I always wondered how people like this kid feel about smokers and alcoholics. Those people hurt others much more, through their own doings, than all the fat people in the world. You can actually kill other people with second-hand smoke. Even if the other person does not smoke. Alcoholics are much worse. Alcoholics, when they become drunk, are probably the most hostile people on the planet. MUCH worse than any fat person, or smoker, I've ever seen. In fact, I think they might be right up there with drug users. But everybody feels the same way about drug-users!
Anyway, all the things that fat-haters bitch about fat people, can also be applied to smokers and alcoholics. I've never been around a smoker or an alcoholic that smelled like a bed of roses to me! They too are not the healthiest of people, and I would say from the studies that they are also killing themselves too. I don't know about disgusting. I guess that depends on how you look at it. And surely, smokers and alcoholics CHOSE their lifestyle. Most smokers begin when they are teenagers, and a lot of the time they do it over peer pressure (which is an indicator of weak willpower--another thing fat-haters gripe about). They could have done like me and just ignored the peer pressure. But that's me! I can take people or leave them, I don't care. Sometimes, it's fun being a loner. I remember in high school, there was this little prissy young lady named Danielle. I didn't like her at all. She thought too highly of herself and it was definitely undeserved. Well, she asked me one day if I smoked and I said NO! She asked me why and I said because I think cigarette smoke is disgusting. She then proceeded to tell her friend, who was sitting in front of me at the time, and they both started making fun of me for not smoking. That's peer pressure. But I didn't care. I was stronger than that even as a teenager! I didn't like Danielle nor her friend either to begin with, so it didn't matter to me that they were mocking and making fun of me. A weaker person though, who probably would have cared what those two thought, would have begun smoking right away, and that would have been bad for that person's future. But not me. In fact, it wasn't until 3 years later that I even tried smoking, and it was under my ma's supervision. I only took one puff and that was all I could stand.
So anyway, with the analysis of smokers and alcoholics vs. what people think of fat people, I often wonder how fat haters feel about smokers and alcoholics. Of course people often believe that fat people are all going to die early. Well, I've about reached middle age, and I ain't dead yet! I don't even feel unhealthy. There is no guarantee I'm going to die early. I may live to be in my 90s. Maybe even in my 100s. The only one who can decide that though is GOD. Not the fat haters. And I'll tell you something else. I'd be willing to bet my life on the fact that most of these people who have bitched about me being fat are smokers and/or alcoholics themselves, and even have been pushed into their bad habits through peer pressure. I get vegan fanatics making fun of me all the time. It does not mean I am ever going to go vegan. A weaker person, maybe. But if I can battle off peer pressure as a teenager, I can surely fight peer pressure from fanatical vegans! But then again, I'm not like most people. I know the only people who matter in this world are the ones who accept me the way I am. I don't need to succumb to peer pressure to feel accepted. Just a headsup on how things like that can (or cannot) affect a person's life. If I die, at least I die happy and not with the taste of mushrooms and broccoli in my mouth! YUK!!!! The very thought of that makes me sick!
But anyway, there's the comparison. I'd be interested to know how these people, who complain so much about fat people, feel about other kinds of people who are slowly killing themselves. Because one of the biggest gripes I hear is that fat people are unhealthy. And honestly, is that really even a good reason to hate someone you don't even know? Do you pick all your friends based on how healthy they are? I've seen a lot of thin people who have fallen victim to heart attacks and strokes. Yet thin people think those are strictly fat peoples' diseases. But for the fat-haters, what if you have a thin friend who has a heart attack and dies? Say that person was your very best friend, and you did everything together. Do you grieve for that friend, or do you all of a sudden hate that person because they died of a heart attack? I can understand regret, but I doubt that a person should hate another person just because that person was not as healthy. But what if the friend survives the heart attack? Does the other person suddenly stop being friends with that friend because that friend was not as healthy? I don't know about them, but if it was me, I'd just try to be there for my friend. I may not have many friends, but those I have I value sincerely. And I will always be there for them, through thick and thin.
Really though for me, the only reason I don't have many friends is because I am always trying to find common grounds with other people, and I can't because I am NOT a common person! People have said I am crazy and screwy and all that good stuff, and I always say "Thank you!" LOL! I've seen other peoples' idea of what is "normal" and that's just not me. I can be like other people in some ways, but mostly, I enjoy just being an individual. :)
Well, the reason this interests me is purely psychological. I always wondered if people like this kid feel the same way about smokers and alcoholics as they do about fat people. I always hear the same gripes from fat-haters. They always say "fat people stink" or "fat people are unhealthy" or "fat people are killing themselves" or "fat people are disgusting" or "fat people are fat because they choose to be" and my most favorite one of all: "fat people are causing our healthcare costs to go up". Blah-blah-blah! Last I heard, it was smokers who are the ones causing healthcare costs to go up. Not fat people. But back to basics. I always wondered how people like this kid feel about smokers and alcoholics. Those people hurt others much more, through their own doings, than all the fat people in the world. You can actually kill other people with second-hand smoke. Even if the other person does not smoke. Alcoholics are much worse. Alcoholics, when they become drunk, are probably the most hostile people on the planet. MUCH worse than any fat person, or smoker, I've ever seen. In fact, I think they might be right up there with drug users. But everybody feels the same way about drug-users!
Anyway, all the things that fat-haters bitch about fat people, can also be applied to smokers and alcoholics. I've never been around a smoker or an alcoholic that smelled like a bed of roses to me! They too are not the healthiest of people, and I would say from the studies that they are also killing themselves too. I don't know about disgusting. I guess that depends on how you look at it. And surely, smokers and alcoholics CHOSE their lifestyle. Most smokers begin when they are teenagers, and a lot of the time they do it over peer pressure (which is an indicator of weak willpower--another thing fat-haters gripe about). They could have done like me and just ignored the peer pressure. But that's me! I can take people or leave them, I don't care. Sometimes, it's fun being a loner. I remember in high school, there was this little prissy young lady named Danielle. I didn't like her at all. She thought too highly of herself and it was definitely undeserved. Well, she asked me one day if I smoked and I said NO! She asked me why and I said because I think cigarette smoke is disgusting. She then proceeded to tell her friend, who was sitting in front of me at the time, and they both started making fun of me for not smoking. That's peer pressure. But I didn't care. I was stronger than that even as a teenager! I didn't like Danielle nor her friend either to begin with, so it didn't matter to me that they were mocking and making fun of me. A weaker person though, who probably would have cared what those two thought, would have begun smoking right away, and that would have been bad for that person's future. But not me. In fact, it wasn't until 3 years later that I even tried smoking, and it was under my ma's supervision. I only took one puff and that was all I could stand.
So anyway, with the analysis of smokers and alcoholics vs. what people think of fat people, I often wonder how fat haters feel about smokers and alcoholics. Of course people often believe that fat people are all going to die early. Well, I've about reached middle age, and I ain't dead yet! I don't even feel unhealthy. There is no guarantee I'm going to die early. I may live to be in my 90s. Maybe even in my 100s. The only one who can decide that though is GOD. Not the fat haters. And I'll tell you something else. I'd be willing to bet my life on the fact that most of these people who have bitched about me being fat are smokers and/or alcoholics themselves, and even have been pushed into their bad habits through peer pressure. I get vegan fanatics making fun of me all the time. It does not mean I am ever going to go vegan. A weaker person, maybe. But if I can battle off peer pressure as a teenager, I can surely fight peer pressure from fanatical vegans! But then again, I'm not like most people. I know the only people who matter in this world are the ones who accept me the way I am. I don't need to succumb to peer pressure to feel accepted. Just a headsup on how things like that can (or cannot) affect a person's life. If I die, at least I die happy and not with the taste of mushrooms and broccoli in my mouth! YUK!!!! The very thought of that makes me sick!
But anyway, there's the comparison. I'd be interested to know how these people, who complain so much about fat people, feel about other kinds of people who are slowly killing themselves. Because one of the biggest gripes I hear is that fat people are unhealthy. And honestly, is that really even a good reason to hate someone you don't even know? Do you pick all your friends based on how healthy they are? I've seen a lot of thin people who have fallen victim to heart attacks and strokes. Yet thin people think those are strictly fat peoples' diseases. But for the fat-haters, what if you have a thin friend who has a heart attack and dies? Say that person was your very best friend, and you did everything together. Do you grieve for that friend, or do you all of a sudden hate that person because they died of a heart attack? I can understand regret, but I doubt that a person should hate another person just because that person was not as healthy. But what if the friend survives the heart attack? Does the other person suddenly stop being friends with that friend because that friend was not as healthy? I don't know about them, but if it was me, I'd just try to be there for my friend. I may not have many friends, but those I have I value sincerely. And I will always be there for them, through thick and thin.
Really though for me, the only reason I don't have many friends is because I am always trying to find common grounds with other people, and I can't because I am NOT a common person! People have said I am crazy and screwy and all that good stuff, and I always say "Thank you!" LOL! I've seen other peoples' idea of what is "normal" and that's just not me. I can be like other people in some ways, but mostly, I enjoy just being an individual. :)
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Chat With Timmy
One of my Facebook buddies posted this on her page, it's the chat with Tim Farriss that took place on the inxs.com website back in 2008. I used to have this published on my MySpace blog, but when I deleted that site, I forgot I had it on there and I accidentally deleted it, along with the transcript for the chat with Jon and Andrew. Unfortunately, I cannot recover those. Though if anyone else has those transcripts, please let me know! As you can see, I was among the first ones that Timmy answered. It was the one thing I wanted to know from him. Although I can tell you that to date, Timmy has not released Fish In Space. I am still waiting!! *hint....hint....hint* I actually submitted several questions, but I'm glad he answered this one, as it's the one I really wanted to know. My name shows up as tkgschihuahuas. I bolded Timmy's words. You can see why I love this guy so much looking at his words! He's so fricken funny!!!
INXS.com Transcript: Chat with Tim Farriss
Friday January 25th, 2008 06:00:08 PM EST
INXS.com Tim Farriss Transcript: Chat with January 25 (US/UK, January 26 Australia), 2008
What is a Moderated Chat?: A moderated chat is a question and answer session. You will submit a question to the moderator, and the moderator will review the questions as they are submitted. When you submit your question you will NOT see it appear in the chat window unless it has been selected by the moderator/artist to be answered. Then the moderator and Tim will select questions they wish to answer. Tim will try to answer as many questions as possible. Please try and keep your question(s) short and to the point, this will make it easier for the artist(s) to answer.
hpyvlyrox: Where is your favorite fishing spot?
TIM FARRISS ooh, I have many--the Great Barrier Reef, Far Northwestern Australia, Port Stephens...and Sydney Harbor, cause it's a great place. I'm looking at it right now.
cancon: Is there any truth to the rumour about a INXS concert in Peru in march 2008.
TIM FARRISS In Peru? In March? Highly unlikely. Everyone is busy writing music and relaxing, so no immediate touring plans. We do love playing Peru, though.
tkgschihuahuas: Do you ever plan to release Fish In Space?
TIM FARRISS Yes! I do, in fact, I was just watching that and nearly died laughing. I look so young, I don't dare release it. Just kidding. In fact, I may release it through the INXS.com website, stay tuned...
ali_: Did the Band members see Split Enz live in the Seventies ? Did they influence you guys in any way?
TIM FARRISS We did see them live, they inspired us in some ways, andwe even discussed wearing costumes! But we opted for not wearing costumes.... An incredible band that came from the South Pacific. They're kiwis! We love them, good mates.
magenta: Hi Tim What bands do you listen to nowdays?
TIM FARRISS I listen to all kinds, right now I'm going through all of my written stuff from the last 20 years and getting through the weight of it. I like Kelly Clarkson, PinkÖmainstream music is good, though there arenÃt as many long-term rock bands with longevity. Hotel Costez I like, I don't like mindless dance crap.
stacybeavigdis: What is your absolutely favorite band to see live? And how many times have you seen them?
TIM FARRISS ooh, I couldn't choose one, but I did see the Beatles play one song live back in the day and I loved it. The most enjoyable band was Pink Floyd. They invited us to a show--it was the most incredible production, out of this world. Me, Michael Hutchence, Doug Morris and Chris Murphy got to see Prince on the 1999 tour at Radio City Music Hall. He was amazing. I've seen him 4 or 5 times. Then there's the Clash, who I've seen 7 times...
wonderment: have you ever seen Flight of the condors on hbo?
TIM FARRISS Absolutely--number#1 fan! ìYou me in the mood, if that's what you're into.î Once again, bloody kiwis. They inspire me. Kirk and I used to have it off doing musical comedy, still do.
fairlight: Do you keep all the gifts that fans give you?
TIM FARRISS Yes. Well, depending. If it's a foam-filled orange donkey that's poorly stitched together, generally those will be charity bound. Small things, yes. But we're impossible to buy for. No one has ever given me the same key ring twice! I get the most use out of those and switchblade knives. Very handy for cutting hay.
partytyme: have you ever had a wordrobe misshap that you would care to share
TIM FARRISS using crutches onstage has been difficult at times. I've had two pair of Harley Davidson boots, and one time I put two Right foot boots on, and fell down on stage! I wonder if anyone noticed...
cary: How is fatherhood these days now that your boys are all grown up?
TIM FARRISS It's a lot easier! But, I have to say, I miss the days when they were really really little, because I was on the road a lot with the band, and it's hard to get that time back. After the teenage years, they start coming back to you, and now they're my best mates.
sassykathy: So if I am visiting Sydney for the first time, what are the "must-sees", in your opinion?
TIM FARRISS Oh, um, how long have you got? I think the Opera House is a must. Cocktails and canapes at the Intercontinental, the Harbor Cruise, Palm Beach, Whale Beach, Manly Beach, catch the Sydney Harbor Ferry from Quay, have a swim at the Sth. Styme. An iconic Sydney Beach. Sydney Harbor Bridge Climb is great. Also a must: visit the beach on the Southside, Bondi.
tazmatic: What is your fav INXS song that you love to play?
TIM FARRISS Ummm, it changes all the time. Some of them we haven't played for a while. I have different reasons for playing different songs, musicianship versus emotional songs vs fan favorites. My partial list...Devil Inside, I'm Just A Man, Suicide Blonde, The Stairs, Original Sin.
irmmbrmh97: How did you enjoy working with Godley & Creme on the "This Time" video?
TIM FARRISS Good guys! Nice guys...I remember having many humorous conversations with them. I think the video is groundbreaking. We've been so lucky in our career to work with a variety of talented people
inxsobsession: How many guitars to you have and which is your favorite??
TIM FARRISS Ahhh, my favorite is my 1956 Fender Strat in totally original condition. I love my 72 Fender telecaster, and I love so many of my guitars, they ones that were made for me, and my Tokoi Telecaster. I have about 55 guitars. Many are rotting away and should be played by someone who deserves it and can't afford a guitar.
inxs02: Did you have guitar lessons growing up?
TIM FARRISS yes, classical only, from the time that I was 8 (Which I loved). I had a classical guitar teacher in Perth, he was Italian, Mr. Federicci.
smorgan: Can't wait for a new album. What plans does INXS have to record again?
TIM FARRISS We haven't had real time to write it as a group. Once you do an album you have to tour, and we're not sure when we want to do that. We do want to make music again in the not-too-distant future. Soon as we can.
stacybeavigdis: I'm a red ale girl... What's your favorite beer?
TIM FARRISS Gee, that's a hard one. Kangaroo Belly Beers (has extra hops!).
njy_1976: Do You ever accidentally catch yourself singing Soup and Salad Bar onstage?
TIM FARRISS Sometimes...either way, it's better than 'oasis' (guess the song, win a case of Kangaroo Belly!).
bustindustin82: Being a rock star it must be hard to get good home cooking. What are you favorite foods to eat?
TIM FARRISS I love fish, seafood...I almost live on it. Especially Barramundi, oysters, watermelon, seedless grapes, and I'm fond of NZ Lamb, oh, AND natural sorbets, particularly with berries.
pumpkin: Who's a better guitar player in your opinion, Robert Johnson or Freddie King?
TIM FARRISS One thing is, it's not who's better, it's who you like more. Technically, Steve Vai is great, but does nothing for me, but Dave Gilmore brings me to tears. I'd probably say I'm a bigger fan of Robert Johnson.
TIM FARRISS Hi all, I've got to go now. Thank you to all the fans that have stuck with us over the years, and for coming along to see our shows. You really all mean a lot to us... We need a few months to catch up on family, since we've worked for a few years relatively non-stop. We'll still be around--It's the little breaks that help develop our passion for the road again. God Bless and Happy Australia Day! Tim
INXS.com Transcript: Chat with Tim Farriss
Friday January 25th, 2008 06:00:08 PM EST
INXS.com Tim Farriss Transcript: Chat with January 25 (US/UK, January 26 Australia), 2008
What is a Moderated Chat?: A moderated chat is a question and answer session. You will submit a question to the moderator, and the moderator will review the questions as they are submitted. When you submit your question you will NOT see it appear in the chat window unless it has been selected by the moderator/artist to be answered. Then the moderator and Tim will select questions they wish to answer. Tim will try to answer as many questions as possible. Please try and keep your question(s) short and to the point, this will make it easier for the artist(s) to answer.
hpyvlyrox: Where is your favorite fishing spot?
TIM FARRISS ooh, I have many--the Great Barrier Reef, Far Northwestern Australia, Port Stephens...and Sydney Harbor, cause it's a great place. I'm looking at it right now.
cancon: Is there any truth to the rumour about a INXS concert in Peru in march 2008.
TIM FARRISS In Peru? In March? Highly unlikely. Everyone is busy writing music and relaxing, so no immediate touring plans. We do love playing Peru, though.
tkgschihuahuas: Do you ever plan to release Fish In Space?
TIM FARRISS Yes! I do, in fact, I was just watching that and nearly died laughing. I look so young, I don't dare release it. Just kidding. In fact, I may release it through the INXS.com website, stay tuned...
ali_: Did the Band members see Split Enz live in the Seventies ? Did they influence you guys in any way?
TIM FARRISS We did see them live, they inspired us in some ways, andwe even discussed wearing costumes! But we opted for not wearing costumes.... An incredible band that came from the South Pacific. They're kiwis! We love them, good mates.
magenta: Hi Tim What bands do you listen to nowdays?
TIM FARRISS I listen to all kinds, right now I'm going through all of my written stuff from the last 20 years and getting through the weight of it. I like Kelly Clarkson, PinkÖmainstream music is good, though there arenÃt as many long-term rock bands with longevity. Hotel Costez I like, I don't like mindless dance crap.
stacybeavigdis: What is your absolutely favorite band to see live? And how many times have you seen them?
TIM FARRISS ooh, I couldn't choose one, but I did see the Beatles play one song live back in the day and I loved it. The most enjoyable band was Pink Floyd. They invited us to a show--it was the most incredible production, out of this world. Me, Michael Hutchence, Doug Morris and Chris Murphy got to see Prince on the 1999 tour at Radio City Music Hall. He was amazing. I've seen him 4 or 5 times. Then there's the Clash, who I've seen 7 times...
wonderment: have you ever seen Flight of the condors on hbo?
TIM FARRISS Absolutely--number#1 fan! ìYou me in the mood, if that's what you're into.î Once again, bloody kiwis. They inspire me. Kirk and I used to have it off doing musical comedy, still do.
fairlight: Do you keep all the gifts that fans give you?
TIM FARRISS Yes. Well, depending. If it's a foam-filled orange donkey that's poorly stitched together, generally those will be charity bound. Small things, yes. But we're impossible to buy for. No one has ever given me the same key ring twice! I get the most use out of those and switchblade knives. Very handy for cutting hay.
partytyme: have you ever had a wordrobe misshap that you would care to share
TIM FARRISS using crutches onstage has been difficult at times. I've had two pair of Harley Davidson boots, and one time I put two Right foot boots on, and fell down on stage! I wonder if anyone noticed...
cary: How is fatherhood these days now that your boys are all grown up?
TIM FARRISS It's a lot easier! But, I have to say, I miss the days when they were really really little, because I was on the road a lot with the band, and it's hard to get that time back. After the teenage years, they start coming back to you, and now they're my best mates.
sassykathy: So if I am visiting Sydney for the first time, what are the "must-sees", in your opinion?
TIM FARRISS Oh, um, how long have you got? I think the Opera House is a must. Cocktails and canapes at the Intercontinental, the Harbor Cruise, Palm Beach, Whale Beach, Manly Beach, catch the Sydney Harbor Ferry from Quay, have a swim at the Sth. Styme. An iconic Sydney Beach. Sydney Harbor Bridge Climb is great. Also a must: visit the beach on the Southside, Bondi.
tazmatic: What is your fav INXS song that you love to play?
TIM FARRISS Ummm, it changes all the time. Some of them we haven't played for a while. I have different reasons for playing different songs, musicianship versus emotional songs vs fan favorites. My partial list...Devil Inside, I'm Just A Man, Suicide Blonde, The Stairs, Original Sin.
irmmbrmh97: How did you enjoy working with Godley & Creme on the "This Time" video?
TIM FARRISS Good guys! Nice guys...I remember having many humorous conversations with them. I think the video is groundbreaking. We've been so lucky in our career to work with a variety of talented people
inxsobsession: How many guitars to you have and which is your favorite??
TIM FARRISS Ahhh, my favorite is my 1956 Fender Strat in totally original condition. I love my 72 Fender telecaster, and I love so many of my guitars, they ones that were made for me, and my Tokoi Telecaster. I have about 55 guitars. Many are rotting away and should be played by someone who deserves it and can't afford a guitar.
inxs02: Did you have guitar lessons growing up?
TIM FARRISS yes, classical only, from the time that I was 8 (Which I loved). I had a classical guitar teacher in Perth, he was Italian, Mr. Federicci.
smorgan: Can't wait for a new album. What plans does INXS have to record again?
TIM FARRISS We haven't had real time to write it as a group. Once you do an album you have to tour, and we're not sure when we want to do that. We do want to make music again in the not-too-distant future. Soon as we can.
stacybeavigdis: I'm a red ale girl... What's your favorite beer?
TIM FARRISS Gee, that's a hard one. Kangaroo Belly Beers (has extra hops!).
njy_1976: Do You ever accidentally catch yourself singing Soup and Salad Bar onstage?
TIM FARRISS Sometimes...either way, it's better than 'oasis' (guess the song, win a case of Kangaroo Belly!).
bustindustin82: Being a rock star it must be hard to get good home cooking. What are you favorite foods to eat?
TIM FARRISS I love fish, seafood...I almost live on it. Especially Barramundi, oysters, watermelon, seedless grapes, and I'm fond of NZ Lamb, oh, AND natural sorbets, particularly with berries.
pumpkin: Who's a better guitar player in your opinion, Robert Johnson or Freddie King?
TIM FARRISS One thing is, it's not who's better, it's who you like more. Technically, Steve Vai is great, but does nothing for me, but Dave Gilmore brings me to tears. I'd probably say I'm a bigger fan of Robert Johnson.
TIM FARRISS Hi all, I've got to go now. Thank you to all the fans that have stuck with us over the years, and for coming along to see our shows. You really all mean a lot to us... We need a few months to catch up on family, since we've worked for a few years relatively non-stop. We'll still be around--It's the little breaks that help develop our passion for the road again. God Bless and Happy Australia Day! Tim
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Hitler the Vegetarian
I saw a video this morning and it was comparing Hitler to Einstein. It was another video about vegetarianism. It is a known fact that both Hitler and Einstein were vegetarians. The vegetarian community accepts the idea that Einstein was a vegetarian, but they reject the fact that Hitler was also a vegetarian. This is a common argument among vegetarians, vegans and non-vegetarians. So let's look. Einstein was indeed a vegetarian, but only for the last year of his life. Though he promoted the idea that a vegetarian diet is healthier than a diet that includes more meat, he himself did not follow that diet until the last year of his life, and that's hardly long enough to have any impact on who he was.
Now, Hitler was another story. He began his life favoring liver dumplings and ham sandwiches. But as he grew older, it is confirmed that he was a devoted vegetarian. The only people who say Hitler was not a vegetarian, are vegetarians. Yet they don't mind admitting that Einstein was indeed a vegetarian. They will just not tell you that he only turned vegetarian on the last year of his life.
So why is that? Why do they deny Hitler was a vegetarian and not Einstein? It's simple. Hitler was evil, and Einstein wasn't. Vegetarians want to deny Hitler was a vegetarian because he was an evil person who killed people and lacked compassion. So, it's bad publicity for their cause to tell people "Hey! Did you know Adolph Hitler was a vegetarian?" People looking at them from the other side would think "Wait a minute! If Hitler was a vegetarian, then that's not a good thing. He killed people!" But vegetarians do not tell people that. Instead, they tell people that he was a failed vegetarian. Or that he was not a vegetarian for long. And I am sorry, but I've seen enough vegans (all fanatics) who acted just like Hitler. Denying something does not make it "go away", nor does it dissipate facts. The facts are there, they happened, and there is no denying them.
If you want a long list of vegetarians/vegans who have committed crimes that have hurt people, look at ARA groups. There is one guy who is a member of some Animal Liberation Front who has killed several people. People who support those groups, like PETA, condone such acts. Just like Hitler condoned the killing of thousands of Jewish people during WW2. Also, look at some of the fanatical vegans who have commented on my videos. You can never get me to believe those people are vegans because they feel compassion, I don't care how often they say it. Actions speak louder than words. I always say that, and I always mean it because it's true. A person is NOT compassionate if they are poking fun at other people and calling them names just because said person does not follow their lifestyle. I can honestly say I have never done anything like that. Well, at least not since I was in my 20s. But that's a totally different story. 20-year olds are always going to be 20-year olds. I don't think I've ever met anyone in their 20s that did not get pissed because someone else didn't agree with them! LOL!
I think the first course of action is to remind these fanatics what the word "compassion" really means! This is what Dictionary.com says about it: "a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering." Nowhere in this meaning does it say "unless the person is fat" or "unless the person disagrees with your lifestyle". And I've never heard any true vegans affix those into the meaning. So these fanatics, like MsPearlsGirl and mockmcmuffin, may be vegans, but don't try to get me to believe they are in it for "compassion". Because they're NOT. I say, don't even try to go there with me! Well, mockmcmuffin is in it because he likes to have sex with animals. LOL! MsPearlsGirl is in it for ALL the wrong reasons! She was the epitome of what a fanatical vegan is. If you look up "fanatic" in a dictionary, there would be a picture of MsPearlsGirl, probably holding a knife in her hand and the decapitated body of a non-fanatical vegan by her side and she'd be thinking "I wish I was more like you, but I'm not. I'm a retarded, obsessed wacko!" LOL! She'd be right, too! She could never get me to believe she has any degree of compassion. Not even a little bit! I'll tell you this, I practice much more compassion than MsPearlsGirl, mockmcmuffin, and all those other fanatics all put together. Because when I comment on a video, I try to make friends. I don't start off picking on other people or harassing them. Now, I'm definitely not saying I want to make friends with fanatical vegans! I'd sooner make friends with Adolph Hitler than them! But I'm just saying that my example is how a truly compassionate person works. Everyone has their own journey in life that they need to follow. I let them go their way, and I go mine. I don't interfere, and as long as they are not hurting me or my friends or family, I do not harass.
Geez, if I was really to get a dollar for every time I "used the word fanatic in some form in my posts", I would have cleaned-up with that last paragraph! LOL! But like I said, I will always call them out. But yes, judging by the actions of these uncompassionate dumbasses, I would much sooner believe Hitler was a vegetarian, than not. Because these people I mentioned act just like he did.
Now, Hitler was another story. He began his life favoring liver dumplings and ham sandwiches. But as he grew older, it is confirmed that he was a devoted vegetarian. The only people who say Hitler was not a vegetarian, are vegetarians. Yet they don't mind admitting that Einstein was indeed a vegetarian. They will just not tell you that he only turned vegetarian on the last year of his life.
So why is that? Why do they deny Hitler was a vegetarian and not Einstein? It's simple. Hitler was evil, and Einstein wasn't. Vegetarians want to deny Hitler was a vegetarian because he was an evil person who killed people and lacked compassion. So, it's bad publicity for their cause to tell people "Hey! Did you know Adolph Hitler was a vegetarian?" People looking at them from the other side would think "Wait a minute! If Hitler was a vegetarian, then that's not a good thing. He killed people!" But vegetarians do not tell people that. Instead, they tell people that he was a failed vegetarian. Or that he was not a vegetarian for long. And I am sorry, but I've seen enough vegans (all fanatics) who acted just like Hitler. Denying something does not make it "go away", nor does it dissipate facts. The facts are there, they happened, and there is no denying them.
If you want a long list of vegetarians/vegans who have committed crimes that have hurt people, look at ARA groups. There is one guy who is a member of some Animal Liberation Front who has killed several people. People who support those groups, like PETA, condone such acts. Just like Hitler condoned the killing of thousands of Jewish people during WW2. Also, look at some of the fanatical vegans who have commented on my videos. You can never get me to believe those people are vegans because they feel compassion, I don't care how often they say it. Actions speak louder than words. I always say that, and I always mean it because it's true. A person is NOT compassionate if they are poking fun at other people and calling them names just because said person does not follow their lifestyle. I can honestly say I have never done anything like that. Well, at least not since I was in my 20s. But that's a totally different story. 20-year olds are always going to be 20-year olds. I don't think I've ever met anyone in their 20s that did not get pissed because someone else didn't agree with them! LOL!
I think the first course of action is to remind these fanatics what the word "compassion" really means! This is what Dictionary.com says about it: "a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering." Nowhere in this meaning does it say "unless the person is fat" or "unless the person disagrees with your lifestyle". And I've never heard any true vegans affix those into the meaning. So these fanatics, like MsPearlsGirl and mockmcmuffin, may be vegans, but don't try to get me to believe they are in it for "compassion". Because they're NOT. I say, don't even try to go there with me! Well, mockmcmuffin is in it because he likes to have sex with animals. LOL! MsPearlsGirl is in it for ALL the wrong reasons! She was the epitome of what a fanatical vegan is. If you look up "fanatic" in a dictionary, there would be a picture of MsPearlsGirl, probably holding a knife in her hand and the decapitated body of a non-fanatical vegan by her side and she'd be thinking "I wish I was more like you, but I'm not. I'm a retarded, obsessed wacko!" LOL! She'd be right, too! She could never get me to believe she has any degree of compassion. Not even a little bit! I'll tell you this, I practice much more compassion than MsPearlsGirl, mockmcmuffin, and all those other fanatics all put together. Because when I comment on a video, I try to make friends. I don't start off picking on other people or harassing them. Now, I'm definitely not saying I want to make friends with fanatical vegans! I'd sooner make friends with Adolph Hitler than them! But I'm just saying that my example is how a truly compassionate person works. Everyone has their own journey in life that they need to follow. I let them go their way, and I go mine. I don't interfere, and as long as they are not hurting me or my friends or family, I do not harass.
Geez, if I was really to get a dollar for every time I "used the word fanatic in some form in my posts", I would have cleaned-up with that last paragraph! LOL! But like I said, I will always call them out. But yes, judging by the actions of these uncompassionate dumbasses, I would much sooner believe Hitler was a vegetarian, than not. Because these people I mentioned act just like he did.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
UMG Productions Site Temporarily Down
I had to take the UMG Productions site down for a little while as changes are being made to the site. You can no longer download any of our e-books and I am trying to fix that now. It was not hacked into or anything, I just have to set up for the site to accept digital payments and give digital downloads from another site other than PayLoadz. I have no idea how long this will take, hopefully no longer than a week or so. But I will make an announcement once the site will be up and running again.
On another note, I managed to finish 2 stories this week! That has been unheardof since I started this project! I finished the story about the twister, and I also finished a story that is a twist on a classic. The story is called The Lemur and the Mouse. It's a twist of the story of the Lion and the Mouse. But instead, I made the main character a lemur, because lions are ugly. And I also made another twist to the story. It has a totally different ending than the story about the lion. You all might be surprised! It's not a sad ending, in fact, it's a very happy ending. I was thrilled when I wrote it how good it came out, if I do say so myself! LOL! I'm not saying that to toot my own horn either. I'm saying it because one, I have to. LOL! And two, because it is true. I don't rate my stories based on what I believe. I rate stories based on what other people have told me in the past. Remember, I used to share these stories with the general public. And I am still looking to get more opinions. I'm still looking for volunteers to read each story and rate. I mean, true ratings! Not false ratings like what Hobofart gives! What I need are random strangers to look at each story and give their absolute, most honest opinions. I was hoping to find that here. Maybe I still can.
My partner and I are working on a whole new site for the UMG Productions project, and this will allow only people who are members to download each story, and only people who have bought that story to rate each one. It's more secure than what there is now. My supervisor asked me to take off the rating system because Hobofart and his stupid cronies kept going in there and giving each story negative feedback, and he's never even read any of the stories. So, the new site will only allow members who have bought each story to rate. Thusly no more false-flagging. If Hobofart wants to downrate each story, he'll have to pay for the privilege. But he needen't worry. He's a rich little mama's boy. Or so he admitted! LOL! BTW, Hobofart, when did you move to Newark? Or did you lose your job in the other place? Well, membership is totally free. He'll just have to pay for each book before he can rate. As soon as he buys the book, he can downrate all he wants to! No one pays any attention to him anyway. I even told my supervisor all about him and his little dream-world. hehehe!
On another note, I managed to finish 2 stories this week! That has been unheardof since I started this project! I finished the story about the twister, and I also finished a story that is a twist on a classic. The story is called The Lemur and the Mouse. It's a twist of the story of the Lion and the Mouse. But instead, I made the main character a lemur, because lions are ugly. And I also made another twist to the story. It has a totally different ending than the story about the lion. You all might be surprised! It's not a sad ending, in fact, it's a very happy ending. I was thrilled when I wrote it how good it came out, if I do say so myself! LOL! I'm not saying that to toot my own horn either. I'm saying it because one, I have to. LOL! And two, because it is true. I don't rate my stories based on what I believe. I rate stories based on what other people have told me in the past. Remember, I used to share these stories with the general public. And I am still looking to get more opinions. I'm still looking for volunteers to read each story and rate. I mean, true ratings! Not false ratings like what Hobofart gives! What I need are random strangers to look at each story and give their absolute, most honest opinions. I was hoping to find that here. Maybe I still can.
My partner and I are working on a whole new site for the UMG Productions project, and this will allow only people who are members to download each story, and only people who have bought that story to rate each one. It's more secure than what there is now. My supervisor asked me to take off the rating system because Hobofart and his stupid cronies kept going in there and giving each story negative feedback, and he's never even read any of the stories. So, the new site will only allow members who have bought each story to rate. Thusly no more false-flagging. If Hobofart wants to downrate each story, he'll have to pay for the privilege. But he needen't worry. He's a rich little mama's boy. Or so he admitted! LOL! BTW, Hobofart, when did you move to Newark? Or did you lose your job in the other place? Well, membership is totally free. He'll just have to pay for each book before he can rate. As soon as he buys the book, he can downrate all he wants to! No one pays any attention to him anyway. I even told my supervisor all about him and his little dream-world. hehehe!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Do Sane People Keep Blogs?
LOL! I remember a long time ago, when the delusional mods forum was up, a person who called herself "incognito" (it was really Vicki, ya know, the girl who had the big tattoo of the men of INXS on her arm) asked if sane people actually keep blogs. hehehe! I was probably the first person she ever "met" that kept a daily blog back then. The funny thing is, I wonder what she is saying now? Everyone keeps a blog! Big businesses keep blogs, so do a lot of news sites, television stations online, etc. etc. etc. I knew this blogging was going to become a BIG thing! That's why I started keeping them. Even Google it's self keeps a blog. Everyone uses Google. Even if "incognito" doesn't, I don't think Google would miss her! Google has many other followers! It's the biggest search engine there is. I personally think if you don't keep a blog, you're insane. Either that, or you're still in the dark ages. My sis even has a blog. She doesn't write in it much, but she still has it. I still see it there.
I don't write everything in this blog, but I do write a lot about some of the more interesting thoughts, happenings and ideas I have. Not every interesting idea though. Story ideas I tend to keep to myself for example. Or I only share them with my comrades. Only stories that are already completed and put up on the site will I share every idea with. Then there are some things I don't care to discuss anywhere. Like my medical conditions. Though I had one fanatical vegan troll ask me yesterday if I was on medications because I talk slow. I told her I never thought YouTube was some kind of verbal race or anything. My boyfriends always found my slower speech sexy. I just told her yes I am on meds, and they may have had a hand in making me talk slower. I did not tell her what kind of meds, or what they are for though, because I feel that is none of her business! Especially since she's nothing but a troll. I think she was in some way connected with this guy who calls himself "mockmcmuffin". I blocked him because he's weird! He finds Gary Yourofsky sexually attractive. And he has sex with his cat too. So he's a vegan because he finds animals sexually attractive, as well as a psycho, skinny wimp like Gary Yourofsky. Well, he can have him! He can have his cat's dick too, I don't want it! I love animals, but not that much!!! LOL! And I don't want to see him doing it either. So, I blocked him. And I blocked his little friend too, because I believe they are in some way associated. She also said she wished she had a dollar for every time I use the word "fanatic" in any form to describe the nutty vegans that get on my videos. I told her "Shoot! I wish I had a dollar for every fanatical vegan who has come to this channel to gripe!" Even if I just got a nickel for every fanatical vegan I've encountered, just on YouTube, I'd still be a rich woman!
I really do not like blocking people. Although people who practice beastiality, it gives me pleasure to block them! I don't want to see or hear about that! LOL! I can tolerate gays, but I don't tolerate any form of beastiality! As for my slow speech, I don't know how I got that, if it's just something I picked up, or if it really came from taking those meds. I can talk faster, I just choose not to, and I think it stuck in my mind from practicing it all these years. Truly, the meds may have had a hand in making me talk slower. But I think it was more learned than induced. I used to watch a lot of Lorne Greene, and he was also a slow talker too. I used to find his voice really sexy. MUCH sexier than his looks!
OK, I am not trying to convince anyone that I am more sane than anyone else, because as an artist and a writer, I am not supposed to be sane!!! And in fact, I like being a little bit crazy. Makes me feel good! But at least I don't do anything like try to kill people, or have sex with animals, or repeatedly stick my fingers in a light socket while submersed in water. LOL! I believe in living my life the way I want, but those are the places I draw the line.
I don't write everything in this blog, but I do write a lot about some of the more interesting thoughts, happenings and ideas I have. Not every interesting idea though. Story ideas I tend to keep to myself for example. Or I only share them with my comrades. Only stories that are already completed and put up on the site will I share every idea with. Then there are some things I don't care to discuss anywhere. Like my medical conditions. Though I had one fanatical vegan troll ask me yesterday if I was on medications because I talk slow. I told her I never thought YouTube was some kind of verbal race or anything. My boyfriends always found my slower speech sexy. I just told her yes I am on meds, and they may have had a hand in making me talk slower. I did not tell her what kind of meds, or what they are for though, because I feel that is none of her business! Especially since she's nothing but a troll. I think she was in some way connected with this guy who calls himself "mockmcmuffin". I blocked him because he's weird! He finds Gary Yourofsky sexually attractive. And he has sex with his cat too. So he's a vegan because he finds animals sexually attractive, as well as a psycho, skinny wimp like Gary Yourofsky. Well, he can have him! He can have his cat's dick too, I don't want it! I love animals, but not that much!!! LOL! And I don't want to see him doing it either. So, I blocked him. And I blocked his little friend too, because I believe they are in some way associated. She also said she wished she had a dollar for every time I use the word "fanatic" in any form to describe the nutty vegans that get on my videos. I told her "Shoot! I wish I had a dollar for every fanatical vegan who has come to this channel to gripe!" Even if I just got a nickel for every fanatical vegan I've encountered, just on YouTube, I'd still be a rich woman!
I really do not like blocking people. Although people who practice beastiality, it gives me pleasure to block them! I don't want to see or hear about that! LOL! I can tolerate gays, but I don't tolerate any form of beastiality! As for my slow speech, I don't know how I got that, if it's just something I picked up, or if it really came from taking those meds. I can talk faster, I just choose not to, and I think it stuck in my mind from practicing it all these years. Truly, the meds may have had a hand in making me talk slower. But I think it was more learned than induced. I used to watch a lot of Lorne Greene, and he was also a slow talker too. I used to find his voice really sexy. MUCH sexier than his looks!
OK, I am not trying to convince anyone that I am more sane than anyone else, because as an artist and a writer, I am not supposed to be sane!!! And in fact, I like being a little bit crazy. Makes me feel good! But at least I don't do anything like try to kill people, or have sex with animals, or repeatedly stick my fingers in a light socket while submersed in water. LOL! I believe in living my life the way I want, but those are the places I draw the line.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Songs on my MP3 Player
I thought this would be a cool subject. One of my friends on Facebook asked what the most surprising song is on our players. Like if we were to show off our music, which songs would you be embarrassed to have one of your friends hear on your player (assuming your friends know what songs/singers you like or don't like). I actually have several songs that people I know would be shocked to know I have. Among those, Michael Jackson. I was never a big fan of Michael Jackson's. Though he used to be kinda cute when he was younger, and I don't deny he was a good singer. He has a few good songs out there. The songs of his that I have is Bad and Black or White. But I always told my friends that I don't like Michael Jackson as a person or a performer. He looked nice when he was a kid, but then he went and had all them surgeries, and then he was ugly. He danced a lot, but I guess I'm just not into his kind of dancing. But looking back now, I must say he danced a lot better than these modern kids do now.
Well, really that's just one singer that I have on my player. There are really many more than that. My MP3 player is basically a collection of songs that I loved throughout my life. Some I admittedly have not heard since I was a little kid. I have a LOT of INXS. But that should be no surprise! Each and every song on there is there because it brings back some kind of memories, whether it is a fleeting memory of the 3-story duplex we used to live in, or the memory of Anna and I having our musical playroom where we always listened to music, or the memory of that old family room we used to have and I would go back there and play music every day, even on sunny days, which is rare for me now. Sunny days I'd much rather go walking, and I don't have my MP3 player with me when I go walking. Some other highly surprising songs I have on my player are Sugar, Sugar by the Archies, I Can Feel Your Heartbeat by the Partridge Family, and some other songs from the 60s that were childish in nature. But again, each one brings back some memories. I used to love the Archies when I was growing up, and I had another friend as a child that also loved them a lot. There was a character named Veronica in the series, and this kid's name was also Veronica, so she was a big fan of the Archies, and used to collect the comic books every week as well. So the song does bring back some good memories.
I can't explain why I have a song by the Partridge Family though! LOL! I had a crush on Keith as a 5 year old child. LOL! I used to have the album, and played it constantly, and that song stuck out as one of my favorites, so I downloaded it. Some of the more surprising singers I have songs from on this MP3 player are Kenny Rogers, Faith Hill and Johnny Cash (considering I don't really care for country music). I have a couple songs by Faith Hill, only one each by Kenny Rogers and Johnny Cash though. The songs are good, even though I don't really care for those people as singers. It's not them, it's just their style. I normally don't like country music. That's for old folks! LOL! Though moving here to Montana, I noticed even the teenagers listen more to country music than to rock n roll. That's one reason why I feel I don't fit in here! I only like a few songs in the country music genre. I'm mostly a rocker girl. Though I prefer old fashioned rock as opposed to the mess you hear today.
Well, before the snow hit, we went into Billings and had some last-minute fun!! I went to this pet shop in Billings that I always go to because they are the ones that carry the most unique freshwater fish. I was hoping to find more pencilfish, but no such luck! There were like 2 pencilfish in a tank mixed with neons, and they were the only 2 left. One looked healthy, and was swimming around, the other looked sicker, and stayed by the filter. The guy said they just got a load of bad pencilfish with that shipment, and they had all mostly died off. Those two were the last ones, and 7 others that were in the tank that morning had already died before we got there. He said if I wanted the last 2 pencilfish, he'd just give them to me, so I said OK. So he bagged them up and I pointed out some other fish I wanted. They had marbled hatchetfish, and I haven't seen those since I lived in Olympia!! Of course when I lived in Ocean Shores it doesn't count because I didn't have a fishtank then. So I got some of those. I started off just wanting about 5 of them (a decent-sized school), but after he gathered that many, there was only one marbled hatchetfish left. Since they are schooling fish, just one individual would not sell. So, he just gave me the 6th one. I also saw a farlowella in the same tank with the hatchetfish. I have not seen those ever before! And usually when I do, the stores want $15 or more for them! This one was selling for only $10, so I got him! I wanted some other kind of algae eater in there, besides these boring-looking chinese algae-eaters! Farlowellas are very long, thin relatives of plecostomus, they are super strange-looking, but that's what I like.
Well today I still have the farlowella, all the marbled hatchetfish, and one of the pencilfish. And yes, the one remaining pencilfish is the one that I noticed looked healthier than the other. Well, at least he will keep my other well-established pencilfish company. All his other comrades died as well, soon after I got them. But he survived, just like this new little guy. And the new one is even eating good. It's a shame I lost the other one, then I could have had 3 of them, instead of just 2. 3 individuals would have made a much better school of pencilfish.
Well, really that's just one singer that I have on my player. There are really many more than that. My MP3 player is basically a collection of songs that I loved throughout my life. Some I admittedly have not heard since I was a little kid. I have a LOT of INXS. But that should be no surprise! Each and every song on there is there because it brings back some kind of memories, whether it is a fleeting memory of the 3-story duplex we used to live in, or the memory of Anna and I having our musical playroom where we always listened to music, or the memory of that old family room we used to have and I would go back there and play music every day, even on sunny days, which is rare for me now. Sunny days I'd much rather go walking, and I don't have my MP3 player with me when I go walking. Some other highly surprising songs I have on my player are Sugar, Sugar by the Archies, I Can Feel Your Heartbeat by the Partridge Family, and some other songs from the 60s that were childish in nature. But again, each one brings back some memories. I used to love the Archies when I was growing up, and I had another friend as a child that also loved them a lot. There was a character named Veronica in the series, and this kid's name was also Veronica, so she was a big fan of the Archies, and used to collect the comic books every week as well. So the song does bring back some good memories.
I can't explain why I have a song by the Partridge Family though! LOL! I had a crush on Keith as a 5 year old child. LOL! I used to have the album, and played it constantly, and that song stuck out as one of my favorites, so I downloaded it. Some of the more surprising singers I have songs from on this MP3 player are Kenny Rogers, Faith Hill and Johnny Cash (considering I don't really care for country music). I have a couple songs by Faith Hill, only one each by Kenny Rogers and Johnny Cash though. The songs are good, even though I don't really care for those people as singers. It's not them, it's just their style. I normally don't like country music. That's for old folks! LOL! Though moving here to Montana, I noticed even the teenagers listen more to country music than to rock n roll. That's one reason why I feel I don't fit in here! I only like a few songs in the country music genre. I'm mostly a rocker girl. Though I prefer old fashioned rock as opposed to the mess you hear today.
Well, before the snow hit, we went into Billings and had some last-minute fun!! I went to this pet shop in Billings that I always go to because they are the ones that carry the most unique freshwater fish. I was hoping to find more pencilfish, but no such luck! There were like 2 pencilfish in a tank mixed with neons, and they were the only 2 left. One looked healthy, and was swimming around, the other looked sicker, and stayed by the filter. The guy said they just got a load of bad pencilfish with that shipment, and they had all mostly died off. Those two were the last ones, and 7 others that were in the tank that morning had already died before we got there. He said if I wanted the last 2 pencilfish, he'd just give them to me, so I said OK. So he bagged them up and I pointed out some other fish I wanted. They had marbled hatchetfish, and I haven't seen those since I lived in Olympia!! Of course when I lived in Ocean Shores it doesn't count because I didn't have a fishtank then. So I got some of those. I started off just wanting about 5 of them (a decent-sized school), but after he gathered that many, there was only one marbled hatchetfish left. Since they are schooling fish, just one individual would not sell. So, he just gave me the 6th one. I also saw a farlowella in the same tank with the hatchetfish. I have not seen those ever before! And usually when I do, the stores want $15 or more for them! This one was selling for only $10, so I got him! I wanted some other kind of algae eater in there, besides these boring-looking chinese algae-eaters! Farlowellas are very long, thin relatives of plecostomus, they are super strange-looking, but that's what I like.
Well today I still have the farlowella, all the marbled hatchetfish, and one of the pencilfish. And yes, the one remaining pencilfish is the one that I noticed looked healthier than the other. Well, at least he will keep my other well-established pencilfish company. All his other comrades died as well, soon after I got them. But he survived, just like this new little guy. And the new one is even eating good. It's a shame I lost the other one, then I could have had 3 of them, instead of just 2. 3 individuals would have made a much better school of pencilfish.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
The Monster of Montana
Well, I've been hearing for a while about this monster, exclusive to Montana. It comes creeping out of nowhere, masked by the midnight sky, ready to strike without any hint of a warning. It can be dangerous, deadly and ferocious, and will smite you without any mercy if you are caught in it's path. You think you are safe from it, but you're not. No one is! And guess what? It came to my area today. Just yesterday, everything was fine and dandy, though I had gotten the warning of it's approach. I just brushed it off as "Ah! It can't happen here! Not now!" But it came. I woke up this morning and looked out my window, and there it was! OH NO!! And I never suspected for a second it would come today!! The monster made it's way here just today! You want to run away, but there is no place to run! No place to hide! Grab your children and get inside as fast as you can! The monster is here!! Yup. That's right. It snowed last night! I'm getting my first glimpse of Montana snow. Everyone says it's snow like you won't find anywhere else. I believe them! It's cold like I've never felt before. And the locals say today is nothing! It gets much colder as winter approaches closer. So far, we've got about 3 inches of snow. Some has already turned to slush, but it is still very cold out there!
Yesterday when I was at the dog park, everyone was saying it was going to snow tonight. I could not believe it because it was so warm outside at that time. I told them there wasn't a cloud in the sky, it could not possibly snow. Besides, where ever I move to, it never gets that cold. Ocean Shores never experienced 90 degree days until I got there! That's what I miss about Ocean Shores. 90 degree days were almost unheard of. But last year we had about 3 days of 90+ degree weather. One day it got up to 93 degrees. But always, after a day like that, the following day would be cool and cloudy. And I miss that! Well, this morning I knew I was going to get a razzing from my buddies at the dog park, and boy! They never let me hear the end of it! LOL! They kept mocking my saying "It's not cold enough to snow!" Well! It wasn't yesterday! I did get pissed though when that guy Andy started teasing me. I don't care if my buddies do it, but I don't appreciate Andy putting in his two cents, which I never did, and never would, ask him for! He's not my friend and I'm not his. He blew that himself! I almost smacked him with the dog crap scooper. Karen may be able to forgive him, but I sure as Hell won't! Not for something he started himself. If I was rude to him first, I would be different, but I never did anything to him, I was always nice to him, and he was rude to me for no reason. Not only that, but he sets my sis up and I hate that! Then he turns and growls at her. Dissing my family will get anyone on my bad side quicker than anything! And once they are there, they stay there! Takes an act of GOD to get me to feel otherwise.
Well, 3 inches of snow out there now and it's still snowing. I'm going to have to try and go shopping today because I need some things that I am almost out of. I haven't driven in the snow in a long time either! This is going to be quite an experience.
Yesterday when I was at the dog park, everyone was saying it was going to snow tonight. I could not believe it because it was so warm outside at that time. I told them there wasn't a cloud in the sky, it could not possibly snow. Besides, where ever I move to, it never gets that cold. Ocean Shores never experienced 90 degree days until I got there! That's what I miss about Ocean Shores. 90 degree days were almost unheard of. But last year we had about 3 days of 90+ degree weather. One day it got up to 93 degrees. But always, after a day like that, the following day would be cool and cloudy. And I miss that! Well, this morning I knew I was going to get a razzing from my buddies at the dog park, and boy! They never let me hear the end of it! LOL! They kept mocking my saying "It's not cold enough to snow!" Well! It wasn't yesterday! I did get pissed though when that guy Andy started teasing me. I don't care if my buddies do it, but I don't appreciate Andy putting in his two cents, which I never did, and never would, ask him for! He's not my friend and I'm not his. He blew that himself! I almost smacked him with the dog crap scooper. Karen may be able to forgive him, but I sure as Hell won't! Not for something he started himself. If I was rude to him first, I would be different, but I never did anything to him, I was always nice to him, and he was rude to me for no reason. Not only that, but he sets my sis up and I hate that! Then he turns and growls at her. Dissing my family will get anyone on my bad side quicker than anything! And once they are there, they stay there! Takes an act of GOD to get me to feel otherwise.
Well, 3 inches of snow out there now and it's still snowing. I'm going to have to try and go shopping today because I need some things that I am almost out of. I haven't driven in the snow in a long time either! This is going to be quite an experience.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Too Much Negativity?
I have touched up on this subject many times! I have tried to make things more positive. The thing is, my blog, and most of my videos, are designed for me to come in and rant. It is due to my ranting on my blogs that I can be a positive person in life. Over the past couple of days, I've had some people tell me that in one of my videos I say I am a positive person, and it's true. I am! I take most negatives and am able to turn them into positives. But they say my attitude on some of my videos is very negative. I just want to once again clarify that that is what my blog and videos are there for. I do all my ranting on here, because for the most part, I don't want to take it out on my friends and family. Well, some of my friends are good for ranting at. Katrina especially is a darn good listener, like me. And she always gets me laughing again if I happen to be feeling down. As you know, I like happy people. I have no trouble making friends with happy people and keeping them as friends. That's because I value those friends more than any other. You hang around positive people, you feel positive. So that's what I do. That's how I can be struck by some of the worst trolls on the internet, and still keep a smile on my face! That, combined with several other factors.
Well, I've been getting comments like that all over the place, especially from vegans who view my Vegan Myths videos. To them, I was being negative. I was not trying to be negative, I was trying to give them both sides of a debate they believe to have only one outcome. I got another one yesterday saying I am "closed-minded". The sad fact is, I've never seen anyone more closed-minded than fanatical vegans! And believe me, I've seen a lot of kinds of people! I've dealt with every kind of person imaginable, and even through all that, I've still never met anyone as closed-minded as the fanatical vegans! In another video, I actually stood up for the real vegans. One guy was dissing vegans, comparing them to nazis. I agree with all he was saying, but only in speaking about fanatical vegans. I told him there is a big difference. True vegans are in it for compassion. Fanatics are in it for egotistical reasons and nothing more. I could not believe I was actually sticking up for vegans! But ONLY for the true vegans. NOT for the fanatics. Well, anyway that's progress. After all, the true vegans are people too. Well, I have friends who are vegans. But I don't have (and don't want) friends who are fanatical vegans. If that makes me seem negative to them, then so be it!
I was looking at an old post on this blog the other day, and it had a comment by someone who came in for a while and called herself Freckle Face. I promised back then I was going to make a complete turn-around, and not act so freaky anymore. I think she's disappointed in me because I haven't seen her in years. Of course now, I only hassle trolls on YouTube here. I don't even mention show breeders by their real names when I am talking about them. I try not to fly off the handle, though sometimes it is difficult not to. Because my blogs are my venting portal. Sometimes I can see, that because I do a lot of venting here and on my videos, that I might seem negative. But believe me, I am not. These blogs make up less than 0.1% of my daily life. I don't even post enough blogs for these to make up a major part of my life. I don't normally post daily. Although for the past couple of weeks, I've posted quite a bit. More than usual, because it's actually been quite exciting around here. And yesterday I had my fun poking at TheAwokenMind. LOL! Really though, I don't make posts like that often. As for my videos, I make even less of those. It takes a lot of work to make videos. Though now that my videos are able to be monetized, I might do it more often. As soon as I can think up another subject. That's the real challenge, thinking up subjects. I've been thinking pretty heavily about what I mentioned the other night, about filming myself actually losing weight, if it's at all possible.
If I did that, it'd mostly be to show off to those dumb fanatical vegans that a person can have a mixed diet and be beautiful too. I used to get compliments all the time when I was thinner, people saying I looked beautiful. And I used to have boyfriends coming out of my ears! The fanatical vegans however believe that you cannot be beautiful unless you are a vegan, and I think that's stupid. That's what makes them stupid! That's what makes them all seem like nazis in the minds of non-vegans, or even true vegans. Of course I've got to remember I am also a lot older now. I could not possibly look as good as I did when I was 25 years old and 100-108 pounds. And even if I don't lose the weight, I'd like to show the fat-haters that a person can be fat and healthy too. As I will prove that running up and down the stairs every time I go out.
Well, I've been getting comments like that all over the place, especially from vegans who view my Vegan Myths videos. To them, I was being negative. I was not trying to be negative, I was trying to give them both sides of a debate they believe to have only one outcome. I got another one yesterday saying I am "closed-minded". The sad fact is, I've never seen anyone more closed-minded than fanatical vegans! And believe me, I've seen a lot of kinds of people! I've dealt with every kind of person imaginable, and even through all that, I've still never met anyone as closed-minded as the fanatical vegans! In another video, I actually stood up for the real vegans. One guy was dissing vegans, comparing them to nazis. I agree with all he was saying, but only in speaking about fanatical vegans. I told him there is a big difference. True vegans are in it for compassion. Fanatics are in it for egotistical reasons and nothing more. I could not believe I was actually sticking up for vegans! But ONLY for the true vegans. NOT for the fanatics. Well, anyway that's progress. After all, the true vegans are people too. Well, I have friends who are vegans. But I don't have (and don't want) friends who are fanatical vegans. If that makes me seem negative to them, then so be it!
I was looking at an old post on this blog the other day, and it had a comment by someone who came in for a while and called herself Freckle Face. I promised back then I was going to make a complete turn-around, and not act so freaky anymore. I think she's disappointed in me because I haven't seen her in years. Of course now, I only hassle trolls on YouTube here. I don't even mention show breeders by their real names when I am talking about them. I try not to fly off the handle, though sometimes it is difficult not to. Because my blogs are my venting portal. Sometimes I can see, that because I do a lot of venting here and on my videos, that I might seem negative. But believe me, I am not. These blogs make up less than 0.1% of my daily life. I don't even post enough blogs for these to make up a major part of my life. I don't normally post daily. Although for the past couple of weeks, I've posted quite a bit. More than usual, because it's actually been quite exciting around here. And yesterday I had my fun poking at TheAwokenMind. LOL! Really though, I don't make posts like that often. As for my videos, I make even less of those. It takes a lot of work to make videos. Though now that my videos are able to be monetized, I might do it more often. As soon as I can think up another subject. That's the real challenge, thinking up subjects. I've been thinking pretty heavily about what I mentioned the other night, about filming myself actually losing weight, if it's at all possible.
If I did that, it'd mostly be to show off to those dumb fanatical vegans that a person can have a mixed diet and be beautiful too. I used to get compliments all the time when I was thinner, people saying I looked beautiful. And I used to have boyfriends coming out of my ears! The fanatical vegans however believe that you cannot be beautiful unless you are a vegan, and I think that's stupid. That's what makes them stupid! That's what makes them all seem like nazis in the minds of non-vegans, or even true vegans. Of course I've got to remember I am also a lot older now. I could not possibly look as good as I did when I was 25 years old and 100-108 pounds. And even if I don't lose the weight, I'd like to show the fat-haters that a person can be fat and healthy too. As I will prove that running up and down the stairs every time I go out.
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Hello and welcome! That's the name of this new blog. Well, that's the name of this temporary blog. My last blog, timmyfan.com, was ...
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A while ago, I wrote a post about the stupidest reasons people think cats are better than dogs. Well, let's face it, anyone who thinks c...
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